Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SL5000e del fabbricante Printronix
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RFID Labeling Refer ence Manual SL5000 e and T5000 e SR Smart Label RFID T hermal Printers ™ ™.
This Quick Setup Guide cont ains a CD-ROM with the followin g materials: • The User ’s Manual • Programme r ’s Refere nce Manu als • Useful utility programs The CD-ROM is l ocated in a pl astic pocket in t he back cover . Do not discard this guide.
SL5000 e and T5000 e SR Smart Label RFID Thermal Printers RFID Labeling Reference Manual.
Printronix makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
5 1 RFID Smart Label Application And Referen ce Notes7 Overview ......... ............. .................... ............ .................... ..... 7 What To Ex pect Whe n Running Your RFID A pplication .. ..... 9 Factors Aff ecting Smart L abel Perf ormance .
T a ble of Content s 6 RFID PPI1 Com mands .......... ............. ............. ................... . 39 Get Tag Unique ID ................ .................... ............. ....... 39 Set Tag Typ e .................. ............. ................
7 1 RFID Smart Label Application And Refer ence Notes Over vi ew NOTE: For the lates t version of this reference manual, vis it the the Services & S upport page a t www.
Chapter 1 Overview 8 The Prin tronix SL5 000e DK Smart La bel Devel oper’s Ki t contain s: • SL5000e M P multip rotocol RFID printer • Integrate d RFID UHF enc oder supp orting Cl ass 0/0+ , Class 1 , and Clas s 1.
Factors Affecting Smart La bel Performance 9 What T o Expect When Running Y our RFID Application Factors Aff ecting Smart Label Performance Smart l abels are b ased o n an EEP ROM techn ology tha t requ ires some tim e to be p rogram med. You m ay notic e this mi nor paus e between labels.
Chapter 1 What To Expect When Running Your RFID Application 10 Smart Labe l Charact eristics IMPORT ANT Purchase additional smart labels directly from Printronix to assure the highest level of performance and reliability. See “How To Order More Smart Labe ls” on page 12.
How Print ronix Mak es It Easy 11 T ran sitioning From UCC/G T IN Ap plications Using Printronix Sof tware Migration T o ols (SMT) It is likel y that y our software is alread y set up to create bar codes . You m ay have a lso spe nt a lot of time cr eating compli ance lab el templa tes & in tegrating them into your system.
Chapter 1 How To Order More Smart La bels 12 • EPC: This tool allo ws EPC data to be direct ly encoded i nto the smart l abel’s R FID tag . Simp ly have your ex isting s oftware applica tion writ e the de sired E PC number to a Code 3 of 9 barcode.
Contact Info rmation 13 Hardwa re/Infra structure Co nsiderati ons Once your smart labels h ave been a pplied to their tar get conta iner or pall et you wil l need exter nal rea ders to tra ck them th rough your supply chain.
Chapter 1 Useful Industry Web Links 14 Useful Industry W eb Lin ks Refere nce Mate rial Printronix, Inc. www.printronix.c om Alien Technology Corporation www.aliente chnology.c om Applied Wireless Identifications Group, Inc. Auto-ID Labs www.
15 2 Smart Label Development Over vi ew This chapter describes how to use the RFID encoder . The RFID encoder is desi gned to be transpare nt to the printer op eration. I t provid es the ca pability of progr amming s mart lab els (wi th embedded RFID tags) wh ile pri nting the l abel for mat.
Chapter 2 RFID CONTROL Menu 16 RFID CONTROL Menu RFID CONTROL RFID Reader Stop Error Handling Tag Write Cnt 1 Clear Tag Stat Failed Tag Cnt 1 Overstrike* None Enable* Disable Label Retry Notes: * = Default. Ital icize d items appear only when Admin User is set to Enable (in the PRINTER CONTROL menu).
17 Custom Ta g Len 8 * 8 to 32 RFID CONTROL (cont. from previous page) Notes: * = Default. Italic ized items appear only when Admin U ser is se t to Enable (in the PRINTER CONTROL menu).
Chapter 2 RFID CONTROL Menu 18 RFID CONTROL Menu I tems RFID Reader This menu item ena bles or dis ables the RF ID encoder. T he defaul t is Enab le. Error Handling This menu item s elects the error handling mode for R FID failu res. The defa ult is Overstr ike.
RFID CONTROL Menu Items 19 Ta g W r i t e C n t This m enu item d isplays on the control pa nel’s LC D the num ber of tags wri tten since t he last Cl ear Tag Stat oper ation has been initiate d.
Chapter 2 RFID CONTROL Menu 20 NOTE: The x in the error mess ages repr esents a numbe r code that identifi es the ar ea in the p rinter sof tware or RFID enco der wher e the f ailu re occur red.
Admin User Menu Items 21 Admin User Menu Items To see these menu items, s et Admin User to E nable in the PRINTER CONTROL me nu. (Refer to the User ’s Manu al .) IMPORT ANT Admin User menu items should only be used by authorized personnel. Ta g Ty p e Thi s menu ite m selects the tag t ype in us e.
Chapter 2 RFID CONTROL Menu 22 RFID T est (This T est Reads A T ag) This menu ite m reads the tag in range of the int ernal RFID antenna and repo rts the ta g data to the debug port and m omentari ly display s it on t he contro l panel’ s LCD. I t is pri marily in tended for develop ment ver ificatio n by chec king tha t the system is wo rking.
Admin User Menu Items 23 When it i s set to En able, the RF ID encode r uses the s ettings i n the cust om tag menu s, whi ch must b e set to ma tch the charac teristics of the cus tom tag. When it i s set to D uplic ate, the s ettings of the se lected T ag Type menu item are cop ied into th e custom tag menus .
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 24 RFID PGL Comma nds IMPORT ANT For all examples make sure La bel Length in the QUICK SETUP menu matches the physical length of the installed media. RFWT AG Purp ose T he RFWTA G comma nd is used t o prog ram an RFID tag (emb edded in a smart l abel) us ing str uctured data format.
RFW TAG 25 3. For dynamic increm ental data length ;ID F n ; format ; length A decimal num ber speci fying the bit length of a field within a t ag. The maximum length for eac h DFn field i s 64 bits. DF n Optiona l parame ter to ind icate thi s field has dyn amic data .
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 26 datafield The static data of thi s static field. It is a man datory paramete r of bit fiel d with sta tic data. I Identifie s this fi eld is a n incre mental bit field. STEP Spec ifies t hat th e incr ementa l data f ield w ill us e the step m ethod.
RFW TAG 27 NOTE: 1. There shou ld be n o more th an one R FWTAG com mand per form. 2. The RFW TAG comm and cann ot be mi xed with RFWRITE in th e same fo rm. 3. Each fi eld stru cture mu st be s pecified in a sing le lin e and in the or der it ap pears in th e RFID tag f rom MSB bits to LSB bits (left to right).
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 28 Example 2 Same as Ex ample 1 , except the EP C number is br oken into its compo nent parts . Assu me that the S GTIN–6 4 valu e has the H eader = 2d, Fi lter Value = 5d, EP C Manage r Index = 15383d, Object C lass = 703710d or 0xABCDE , and the S erial Numbe r = 01234 56d.
RFW TAG 29 ~AF1;<DF 5> /Print ser ial num ber on label ~NOR MAL ~EXEC UTE;SGTI N–64 ~DF 1;*10 * /Head er ~DF2;*5 * /Filter V alue ~DF3;*1 5383* /EPC Mana ger Index ~DF4;*A BCDE* /Objec t Class.
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 30 ~CREATE ;SGTIN– 96;432 RFWTAG;96 8;B;*0011 0000* /He ader 3;D;*5* /Filter Val ue 3;D;*6* /Par tition 20;D;*1 23456* /Company Pr efix 24;D;*7777 777* /Item Refer ence 3.
RFRTAG 31 512 to identify the fie ld number o f this par ticula r field. format A let ter specif ying t he represen tation for mat of the field data. B – bi nary, D – decimal, H – hexad ecimal NOTE: 1. Multiple RFRT AG command s are allowed in the same form but t he same DF n field cannot be defined multipl e times.
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 32 END ~EXECUTE ;SGTIN–64; ICNT1500 ~IDF 1;STEP +1;*0 * ~IAF1; <DF2 > ~NOR MAL NOTE: 1. The <IDF1> usage do es not increm ent the DF 1 field. It merges the DF1 cont ent into the AF1 field, ke eping the same re presenta tion p reviously d efined for IDF1.
VERIFY 33 The maximum len gth for the outgoing data is 5 12 bytes. If the format r equest will resul t in a data stream exceedin g the maximum length , an err or would be reporte d. ASCIIhead er A mandato ry par ameter to specify an ASCII str ing of c haracters , which is followed by the RFID data, t o be sent b y the prin ter to the host.
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 34 Example 1 This exampl e reques ts the prin ter to se nd to the hos t the conte nt of the RFID ta g, in hexa decimal for mat, both befor e and after the RFW TAG com mand writ es data to the tag. Al so, the la bel is n ot moved.
VERIFY 35 ~EXE CUTE;REA DONLY;15 00 ~NOR MAL A5A50000 5D055E 04 <== Whate ver data .... another 1498 line s of RFID data.......... ....... A5A50000 000550 D4 <== Whate ver data Example 3 This exa mple req uests the pr inter to program a roll of 2000 sma rt label s using the R FWTAG comma nd with increm ental fiel d.
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 36 Wr i t e T a g IMPORT ANT This command is still supported but no longer in deve lopment. We recommend you develop your application using the RFWTAG command as defined on page 24. Purp ose To progr am non -increm ental d ata i nto an R FID tag (embedd ed in a smart labe l).
Writ e Tag 37 data str ing. If this option i s used, the datafield is igno red, and d ynamic data must be entered via the R F comma nd in the EXEC UTE mode . The len gth of th e dynamic data mus t be equ al to L . LOCK; Opti onal par ameter to write-prot ect the data.
Chapter 2 RFID PGL Commands 38 Read T ag IMPORT ANT This command is still supported but no longer in deve lopment. We recommend you develop your application using the RFRTAG command as defined on p age 30. Read Tag is not a c ommand, b ut an elem ent of th e ALPH A and BARCODE command s.
Get Tag Unique ID 39 RFID PPI1 Commands IMPORT ANT For all examples make sure La bel Length in the QUICK SETUP menu matches the physical length of the installed media. Get T ag Un ique ID Purp ose Rea d the un ique iden tificatio n number of t he RFID tag (embedde d in the s mart lab el).
Chapter 2 RFID PPI1 Commands 40 Read T ag Purp ose T his comman d allows data from the RFID tag (embedd ed in the s mart lab el) to me rge into any previo usly de fined dyn amic dat a field. It is e quivalen t to the Field N umber command (^FN) e xcept that the data come from t he RFID tag .
Writ e Tag 41 motion Set this flag to 1 to read dat a from t he tag withou t moving the labe l. The pri nter may adjust th e label p ositi on while i t reads data fro m the tag, but th is ad justment will reverse before an y subse quent no rmal label mo vement.
Chapter 2 RFID PPI1 Commands 42 subsequ ent norma l label m ovement. Even if this flag is set t o 1, other command s (i.e., a lpha or barcode) m ay move the label . protect This flag indic ates whet her the da ta should b e protec ted from b eing overwritt en later.
PPI1 EPC Programming Ex amples 43 PPI1 EPC Programming Examples IMPORT ANT For all examples make sure La bel Length in the QUICK SETUP menu matches the physical length of the installed media. Example 1 This pro grammin g exampl e programs data into an RFID tag a nd prints th e enco dation onto a smart label.
Chapter 2 Software Migration To ols (SMT) 44 Sof tware Migration T ools (SMT) There ar e SMTs for six sepa rate end- use appl ications s upportin g both PGL and PPI1 datastre ams for a tot al of 12 tools.
Tools List 45 • EAN8: Copies d ata from an EAN8 bar c ode to an RFID tag. EAN 8+2 and EAN 8+ 5 vari ants are bot h suppor ted. Data written to the RFID ta g is right justifie d and zero p added. Checks um data ca lcula ted by the printer is not en coded onto the RFID tag.
Chapter 2 Software Migration To ols (SMT) 46 Selecting The T ools 1. Press until Q UICK SET UP displ ays. 2. I f necess ary, pres s ↓ and ↵ at the same time to unlock the ↵ key. 3. Press ↓ until S MT: Sel Toolse t displa ys. 4. Press ↓ until Too lset [1] (P GL emula tion) or Tool set [2] (PP I1 emula tion) di splays .
Selecting T he Tools 47 Error Mess ages The RFI D encoder can dete ct a nu mber of er rors. Wh en one of these erro rs occurs, the RFID encode r alerts th e printer to perform the curr ently se lected error act ion (se e “Error Han dling” on page 18) and disp lay th e appropri ate erro r message on the con trol panel’s LCD (see T able 2).
Chapter 2 Troubleshooting 48 T roubleshooting If you ar e having t rouble with t he RFID encoder, co nsult T able 3 for a list o f symptom s and pos sible s olutions . T able 3. T r oubleshooting the RFID Encoder Symptom Solution No communic ation between the printer an d the r eader 1.
Selecting T he Tools 49 Troubleshooting.
Chapter 2 Troubleshooting 50.
For technical as sist ance, cont act your Distributor/V AR/Reseller for service. For further assist ance, contact the Printronix Customer Support Center . Printronix Customer Support Center Ameri cas (714) 368-2686 Europ e, Middle East, and Afri ca (31) 24 64 89 410 Asia Pacific (65) 654 8 41 14 W eb site: http:// www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Printronix SL5000e è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Printronix SL5000e - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Printronix SL5000e imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Printronix SL5000e ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Printronix SL5000e, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Printronix SL5000e.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Printronix SL5000e. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Printronix SL5000e insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.