Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto P7000 del fabbricante Printronix
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P7000 User ’ s Manual.
User ’ s Manual The Printr on ix P7000 Series PSA3 ™ Printers.
This doc ument cont ains pr oprietary informat ion prote cted by cop yright. No part of this docume nt may be reprodu ced, copied , translated , or inco rporated in any other materi al in any form or by any mean s, whet her manual, g raphic, electro nic, mec hanical, or otherwi se, withou t the prio r written c onsent of Printronix .
5 QMS is a r egistered trademar k, and Cod e V is a tr ademark of Quality Micro System s, In c. TUV is a re gistered certifica tion mark of TUV Rheinl and of North Am erica, Inc. UL is a regi stered c ertificati on mark of Underwri ters Labor atories, Inc .
Trademark Acknowledgements 6.
7 Table of Contents 1 I ntroduction ..... ....... . .... . .... . ..... ...... ........... 13 Printer O verview ....................... ............. ................... ...........13 The P700 0 Series PSA 3 Printer ...... ............. ..............
T able of Contents 8 Integrate d Print Mana gement Sy stem ............. ............. ....... 48 Lighter Or Da rker Print .......... .................... ............. ....... 48 Changing R ibbons ... .................... ................... ........
T able of Contents 9 WLAN KER BEROS ............ ................... ............. .........121 WLAN LEA P.... ................... ............. ................... .........123 ACTIVE (IGP) EMUL ....................... ............ ..................
T able of Contents 10 Proprinte r XL Emulatio n .. ................... ............. ............ 23 6 Epson FX Emulatio n ............. .................... ............. ..... 241 ANSI Emu lation .. ................... ............. ................
T able of Contents 11 7 Trou bleshooting ............... ......... .......... .. 311 Cleaning R equireme nts ...... ............. ................... ............... 311 Exterior Cleaning .......... ................... ............. ............... 311 Interior Cl eaning .
T able of Contents 12.
13 1 Intr oduction Prin ter Over view This chap ter prov ides a g eneral o verview of your pr inter an d the conventi ons used within thi s manual . The P7000 Series PSA3 Printer The P rintron ix ® P700 0 PSA3 ™ Pr inter c onsists of 500, 1000, 1500, line s per minu te (lpm) cabinet and pedestal models a nd a 2000 lpm ca binet model.
Chapter 1 Printe r Overv iew 14 The printe r model numbers indicat e printin g speed a nd physi cal configur ation. Model n umbers begin ning w ith P70 indicate pedestal models.
Integrated P rint Management System 15 Integrated Print Managemen t System The P700 0 has a ne w feature t hat auto matically monitors an d commu nicates ribbon life . Using a s pecially barcod ed spool, the printer can autom aticall y detect w hen a ne w or used ribbon is loaded, an d all ri bbon prop erties.
Chapter 1 Printe r Overv iew 16 If a light er settin g is sel ected, the system wi ll extend the amo unt of printin g it takes to reach z ero. Ribbon Flipp i ng In some c ases, th e applicati on’s pr int patter n is narrow enough where on ly hal f of th e ribbon is used when pr inting.
Graphics Enhancements 17 Consu mable M onitoring W ith PrintNet E nterprise The Integra ted Prin t Manage ment System works with PrintNet Enterpr ise (PNE). P NE allows a sys tem admini strator to remotely view the c urrent consumab le st atus of al l printe rs.
Chapter 1 Conventions In This Manual 18 Conven tions In Th is Manual All upperc ase print indicates con trol pan el keys. Example: Press the CLE AR key, t hen press t he ON LINE key. Quotatio n marks ( “ ”) indic ate messages on the Li quid Cryst al Display (LCD).
Taking Car e Of Your Prin ter 19 Related Document s • Maintenanc e Manual — Explains how to mai ntain and repair the line m atrix pri nter at the field serv ice level of mainte nance. • Coax/Twinax Programm er's Referen ce Manua l — Covers the host con trol codes and char acter set s for the Coax and Twinax emulation s.
Chapter 1 Printronix Customer Supp ort Center 20 Print ronix Customer Su pport Cent er The Prin tronix C ustome r Support C enter offer s techn ical suppo rt with: • Installa tion • Config uration.
21 2 Setting Up The Printer Before Y ou Be gin Read this chapter c arefull y before in stallin g and o perating the printer . The prin ter is eas y to in stall. Ho wever, f or your s afety and to protect val uable equ ipment , perform al l the p rocedures i n this chapter i n the ord er presen ted.
Chapter 2 Select A Site 22 Select A Site Select a printer site tha t meets al l of the fol lowing r equirem ents: • Permits comple te open ing of the p rinter cover a nd doors . • For cabinet mod els, allows at least three feet of clear ance behin d the prin ter.
23 Prin ter Dime nsi ons Figure 1. Printer Dimensions - Cabinet Model 27.0 i n (68.84 c m) 83.0 in (210.8 cm ) 29.0 in (73.7 cm) 27.0 in (68.6 cm) 27.0 in (68.
Chapter 2 Printer Dimensions 24 Figure 2. Printer Dimensions - Cabinet Model with Paper Stacker 27.0 in (68.6 cm) 83.0 i n (210.8 c m ) 32.5 in (82.6 cm) 27.
25 Figure 3. Printer Dimensions - Pedes tal Model 25 in. (63.5 cm) 10.5 in. (26.67 c m.) 48.0 in . (122 cm) 30 in. (76.2 cm.) 24.6 in . (62.48 c m) Printer Dimensions.
Chapter 2 Printer Component Loc ations 26 Printer Componen t Locatio ns Figure 4. Printer Component Lo cations Ribbo n Spool Ribb on Hu b Blue Tracto r Lock ( 2) Paper Support Tractor (2) Vertical Pos.
27 3 Operating The Printer Powering On The Printer When you power on t he printe r, it execu tes a self -test. Th e default power-up state is on line. W hen the s elf-tes t complete s and the software h as initi alized succes sfully, the st atus indica tor ligh t turns on, indic ating the p rinter is on line.
Chapter 3 The Control Panel 28 beeps ( if config ured to soun d), and a descri ptive fau lt message displ ays. The cu rrent o perating mode ca n be selected via c ontrol pane l key s or can res ult from routine operatio ns such as powerin g on the printer .
Control Panel Keys 29 Control Panel Keys ON LINE / CLEAR Toggles the printer between on line and offline mo des. If a fa ult conditio n exists , pressin g this key will clear the fault message and return the p rinter f rom fault mod e to offlin e mode.
Chapter 3 The Control Panel 30 microste p feature. Pressi ng VIEW /EJECT a s econd ti me moves th e paper b ack to the adjusted print po sition. Eject Function — for pedest al models , when the V IEW/EJECT key is press ed, the bott om of the last printed f orm will mo ve to t he tear bar positi on.
Control Panel Keys 31 JOB SE LECT In offline mode, th is key all ows you to c hange the active config uration if m ultiple c onfig urations ha ve bee n saved or the typeface of the printer. ENTER When n avigating th e configu ration me nus, EN TER se lects the curren tly disp layed op tion v alue as t he activ e value.
Chapter 3 The Control Panel 32 PREV or NEXT ( ; or < ) Moves b etween th e options on the cu rrent le vel o f configura tion menu. In th e configu ration me nu, pres s ; to scroll ba ckward or press < to scrol l forward t hrough the menu s elections on the sam e leve l.
Control Panel Keys 33 = + VIEW (IPDS Emulation only) In offline mode, p ress = + VIEW . If there is data i n the IPDS printer buffer, the printer wi ll be pla ced in on line mode , print on e line, an d return to off line m ode. Thi s action ca n be repe ated until the end of the job.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 34 Operationa l Procedur es This secti on contai ns routine p rinter ope rating proc edures on how to: • reload p aper • unload pa per • cancel a print job. Reload Paper Do this pr ocedure wh en “LOAD P APER” dis plays.
Reload Paper 35 1. Raise the printer cover. Raise the platen lever a s far as it will go. (See Figure 4 o n page 26 fo r the locati on of the l ever.) 2. Press ON LINE/CLEA R to turn of f the alar m. Do not op en the tractor doo rs or remov e the existi ng paper.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 36 Figure 7. Loading New Paper into the Pr inter 6. Pull the new pap er above and behin d the rib bon mask , but in front of th e existing paper. See F igure 4 on page 26 for the ribbon m ask locat ion. If nec essary, g ently pres s the exi sting paper ba ck.
Reload Paper 37 Figure 8. Setting the Platen Lever 9. Turn the v ertical pos ition k nob to feed the pape r up into the paper gui de assem bly, remov ing the l ast printed sheet. 10. Turn the platen st op knob c lockwise or count erclockw ise to match the p aper thi ckness.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 38 13. Press P APER AD VANCE several times to make sure the paper feeds prope rly beyon d the trac tors and ov er the lower paper guide. F eed suffi cient pap er to ensur e the paper stacks cor rectl y. 14. Close the printer top cover.
Reload Paper 39 Figure 10. Loading Paper on the Left Trac tor 19. Pull the pa per above an d behin d the ribbon m ask. See Figure 4 on page 26 for the r ibbon mas k location .
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 40 Figure 11. Positioning the Left Tr actor to Avoid Damage CAUTI ON To avoid damage to the printer caused by printing on th e platen, al ways positio n the left tr actor unit direc tly to the lef t of the “1” mark on th e paper scale.
Reload Paper 41 Figure 12. Loading P aper onto the Sprock ets 23. Unlock th e right tra ctor. 24. Load the pap er onto th e sprocke ts and cl ose the trac tor door. I f necessa ry, slide the righ t tractor to remove pap er slac k or to adjust for v arious pa per widths.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 42 Figure 13. Using the Paper Guide to Or ient the Paper 25. Pedestal mo dels : Using the vertic al position knob to m ove th e paper up, gu ide the paper over the up per paper guide an d through the slot t o the rear of the top c over.
Reload Paper 43 Figure 14. Aligning the Perforat ion wit h the TOF Indicator 28. Align the top of the fi rst print line with the TOF ind icator on th e tractor by rotating the ve rtical pos ition kn ob. For best print quality, it is re commende d that the to p-of-form be set at l east one print line or more below t he perfor ation.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 44 Figure 15. Adjustin g the Pla ten Lever 29. Turn th e Auto Platen Stop K nob cloc kwise or c ountercloc kwise to match t he pape r thicknes s. (The A -B-C sc ale corre sponds approxi mately to 1-, 3-, an d 6-part pap er thicknes s.
Unload Paper 45 Unload Paper 1. Press ON LINE/CL EAR to pl ace the p rinter in offline m ode and open the pr inter c over. 2. For cabin et mode ls, open t he cabine t rear d oor. For m odels wit h the po wer stacke r insta lled, press t he ST ACKER UP key on the rea r contr ol panel.
Chapter 3 Operational Procedures 46 Figure 17. Removing Stacked Paper from the Printer 6. For cabi net models , remove th e stack ed paper f rom the rear cabinet floor. F or cabinet models wi th the power stacker install ed, remove the pape r from the wi re paper te nt and pre ss the STA CKER DOWN key to lowe r the sta cker mec hanism.
Unload Paper 47 Figure 18. Completely Removing the Paper 8. To comp letely rem ove the pa per from the prin ter: a. Raise the platen lev er as far as it wil l go and o pen both tractor doo rs. CAUTION Be careful when pulling any paper backwa rd through the paper pa th, especiall y when u sing a label stock.
Chapter 3 Integrated Print Management S y stem 48 Integrated Prin t Management System The P70 00’s Inte grated Pri nt Managem ent Syste m featu re automa tically monitors and c ommunic ates the status of t he ribb on’s life to he lp the operator k now when to c hange ribbo ns.
Changing Ribbons 49 Changing Ribbons Before c hanging th e ribbon , determine w hether yo u want to make the print lighte r (extend the ribbon life) or darker (shorte n the ribbon life). If you want to make the p rint lig hter, go t o “Ribbon End P oint” on page 277 and fol low the proc edures for adjust ing the ima ge density.
Chapter 3 Integrated Print Management S y stem 50 Figure 20. Loading the Barcoded Ribbon 5. Place th e full spoo l on the right hand si de ribbon hub and pres s it into place. IMPORT ANT The full spool has a barcode label on the bottom side and a date code label on the top.
Changing Ribbons 51 Figure 21. Threading the Ribbon Around the Ribbon Guide 6. Thread the ribbon around th e ribbon gui de and al ong the r ibbon path. Be s ure to threa d the ribbon between the hammer ba nk cover a nd the ri bbon ma sk. 7. Place the empty spool on the left hub.
Chapter 3 Integrated Print Management S y stem 52 9. Turn the l eft spool by hand to make su re the ribb on track s correctl y in the ribbon pa th and around the ribb on guides .
53 4 The Configuration Menus Configuration Overview To print da ta, the p rinter mus t respond c orrectly to sign als and commands received from the host comp uter.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 54 Changing Pa rameter Set tings You m ay chang e a printe r param eter setting , such as line s pacing or form s length, either by pr essing k eys on th e contro l panel o r by sending emulat ion control codes i n the data stream fr om a hos t attach ed to the pr inter.
Default And Custom Configurations 55 Default And Custom Configurations A conf igurat ion co nsists of a gr oup of par amete r set ting s, su ch as line spac ing, forms length, etc. Your pr inter prov ides a fi xed defaul t config uration and allows y ou to defin e sever al cust om configur ations fo r use with p articular print j obs.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 56 Navigating The Menus To mani pulate co nfiguration s review th e followin g instr uctions about nav igating th rough the menus. You m ust be offl ine to mov e within t he menu s. To expe riment with navigati ng the menu s, use the example on the next page as a tutor ial.
Cha ngi ng P ar amet er s Exa mpl e 57 Changing Paramete rs Example A conf igurati on consis ts of se vera l par amet ers. The de fault fa ctory configur ation has a starting set of parameters . In the co nfigurati on menu above , and in all th e confi guration menus in this chapter, th e factory defa ult valu es are i ndicated by an as terisk (*).
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 58 Step Press LCD Notes 1. Make sure the printe r is on. 2. O FFLINE QUIC K S ETUP 3. ENTER SWITC H UNLOCKED Allows you to make configuration changes. OFFLI NE QUIC K S ETUP 4. OFFLI N E PRINTER CONTROL 5. PRINTER CONTROL Ribbon End Point 6.
Cha ngi ng P ar amet er s Exa mpl e 59 8. Barcode Quality Draft Cycle through the choices. 9. Barcode Quality Draft* The * indicates this choice is a ctiv e. 10. PRINTER CONTROL Barcode Quality 1 1. PRINTER CONTROL Display Language 12. Display Language English* 13.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 60 Auto Sa ve Configu ration After an y change s are ma de to the Factory Default co nfigurati on menu item s, yo u will be pr ompted to s ave the c hanges to “Config #”, wher e # equals the next availab le unassign ed config uration number.
Saving Your New Configura tion 61 Saving Y our New Configuration The Save Co nfig. optio n allows you to save up to eight cus tom configur ations to meet diffe rent print j ob requir ements.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 62 Exam ple 1 This exa mple sho ws how t o save a con figurati on as a nu mbered configurat ion, the n later pri nt it. Step Press LCD Notes 1. Make sure the printe r is on. 2. O FFLINE CONFIG . CONTROL 3. ENTER SWITC H UNLOCKED Allows you to make configuration changes.
Saving Your New Configura tion 63 8. Save Config. 2 Cycle through the choices. 9. Save Config. 2* The * indicates this choice is a ctiv e. NOTE: We recommend that you print the configuration. To print the configuration go to St ep 9. To skip this pro cedure and resum e printer operation, go to Step 14.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 64 15. ENTER SWIT CH LOCKED Locks the ENTER key . 16. ONLINE Ribbon Life = 100% 17. If you printed out t he configuration, store it in a safe place.
Saving Your New Configura tion 65 Example 2 This exam ple s hows how to save a c onfigura tion a s a named config uration. Step Press LCD No tes 1. Make sure the print er is on. 2. OFFLINE CONFIG . CONTROL 3. ENTER SWITCH UNLOC KED Allows you to make configuration changes.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 66 8. Name Configs 2 Y ou will rename config 2. 9. 2 2* 10. 2 T Cycle through the choices until “T” displays. 11 . 2 T_ Saves the first character . 12. 2 TE Cycle through the choices until “E” displays. 13. 2 TE_ Saves the second character .
Saving Your New Configura tion 67 16. 2 TEST Cycle through the c hoices until “T” displays. 17. 2 TEST_ Saves the fourt h character . 18. Name Configs TEST The configuration is renamed TES T . 19. CONFIG . CONTROL Name Configs 20. CONFIG . CONTROL Save Config.
Chapter 4 Configurat ion Overvie w 68 Opti mizing P rint Qua l ity LP+, IGP/PGL, and IGP/ VGL Emulatio ns You can o ptimize p rint qual ity for dar ker and sha rper barc odes and charac ters.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 69 Opti mizi ng Print S peed LP+, IGP/PGL, a nd IGP/VGL Emulations The print er has been confi gured at t he facto ry for optim al pr int speed. To optimi ze print qu ality ins tead, you can ch ange valu es for specif ic conf iguration p arame ters su ch as Ba rcode Qu ality and Print Q uality.
Chapter 4 Main Menu 70 Main Menu Figure 22. Main Menu Configuration OFFLINE CONFIG. CONTROL page 82 HOST INTERFACE page 85 Load Config. Save Config. Print Config.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 71 EMULATION page 166 ADVANCED USER page 281 CTHI 1 LinePrinter+ 44/48XX-AN SI 1 IGP/PGL 1 IGP/VGL 1 IPDS 1 LG 1 PCL- II 1 Ptx Setup Option 3 Hex Dump Mode Power-up State Down.
Chapter 4 Main Menu 72 Brief d escriptio ns follo w for the fi rst-leve l config uration m enu option s: • QUICK SETUP — Thes e options allow quic k access to t he most fre quently cha nged or i nputted par ameters du ring the install ation of th e printer.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 73 QUICK SETUP QUICK SETUP (from page 70) Host Inte rface Devi ce ID Adapter Address 1 WLAN Address Active IGP EMUL 4 PGL SFCC 10 Auto Switching* Centronics Dataproducts Seria.
Chapter 4 QUICK SETUP 74 Horiz Forms 8 Left Mrg 0.00* (0-198) Top Mrg 0/6* (0-198) Page Length Rep 9 Inches/Page* Lines/Page Max Line Width 9 13.2 Inches* 13.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 75 Host Interface The Host Interface me nu enab les you to s elect an d configure interfac es between the prin ter and y our host computer . Device ID This paramete r defines th e printe r emulation as IPDS, 4 234-2 or 5225. After the emulatio n has been chan ged, a PO R status is sent to the host .
Chapter 4 QUICK SETUP 76 Ethernet A ddress • IP Address . A numeri c address such as 123.45.61. 23 whic h identifi es a printer or serv er in a LAN or WAN. • Subnet Mask . A binary value us ed to div ide IP netw orks into smaller subnetw orks or s ubnets.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 77 Active IGP Emulation The Active Emula tion menu ena bles you to activate either the PGL or VGL emulation . PGL SFCC You can s pecify whi ch hex code (1-FF) will be used as the Spe cial Function Co ntrol Chara cter (SFCC). T he SFCC den otes that th e following data is a n IGP co mmand.
Chapter 4 QUICK SETUP 78 Select CPI This parame ter lets yo u speci fy the ch aracter s per inc h (cpi) v alues. Select LPI This parame ter lets you specify th e lines per inc h (lpi) va lues. P-Ser ies SFCC This parameter allows you to sele ct whic h ASCII cod es will fu nction as the S p ecial F unction Cont rol Code (SFCC) comm and delim iter .
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 79 For m Leng th Form lengt h is the n umber of lin es that c an be printed on a page. Y ou can set the form length in inc hes, millime ters (mm), or as a function o f the curre nt lpi (lin es per inc h).
Chapter 4 QUICK SETUP 80 Horiz Fo rms • Left Mgr 0.00 (default). Th is sets the left m argin for the form s. You m ust specif y the left marg in in 1/10 inch i ncremen ts, from 0 to 13.1 inc hes. The d efault va lue is 0. Press the right arrow to increa se the value , left a rrow to dec rease th e value, a nd ENTER to chang e units.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 81 Save Config This op tion allo ws you to save up to eigh t configur ation s to meet different print j ob requ irements. T his e liminates the nee d to cha nge the param eter setting s for eac h new job. The con figurations are stored in memory a nd will not b e lost if y ou turn off th e printer.
Chapter 4 CONFIG. CONTROL 82 CONFIG . CONTROL The CONFIG. CONTRO L menu allows you to control your print er’s conf igur atio ns ac cordin g to t he spec ificatio ns nece ssary for your print jo bs. Load Config. The printe r can s tore nume rous c onfiguration s in m emory.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 83 Save Config. This op tion allo ws you to save up to eigh t configur ation s to meet different print j ob requ irements. T his e liminates the nee d to cha nge the param eter setting s for eac h new job. The con figurations are stored in memory a nd will not b e lost if y ou turn off th e printer.
Chapter 4 CONFIG. CONTROL 84 Name Confi gs You may sp ecify a 15-c haracter nam e which can be used to refer to a config uration. Th e name you enter for a confi guration will be u sed in the Load Co nfig., Sav e Config., Pr int Config ., Delete Confi g.
Optim izing Pri nt Speed 85 HOST INT ERF ACE The Host Interface Me nu enab les you to s elect an d configure one of many ty pes of in terfaces be tween the pr inter an d your hos t compu ter . The c urrently selected interfac e is in dicated wi th an asterisk on the con trol pane l messag e displa y .
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 86 Auto Switching Subme n u Aut o Sw itch ing (from page 85) Parallel Hotport Seri al Hotport C/T Hotport 1 Port Type Centronics* (see page 91 for options) Dataproducts (see p.
Auto Switching Submenu 87 Auto Switching Gives the print er the abi lity to h andle mul tiple data streams sequen tially . With Auto Switchin g, the p rinter can servi ce hosts attached to the serial , parallel, Etherne t, coax a nd twina x ports as if they were the only interface c onnected.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 88 Tim e o ut This is the va lue used by the printer to time out fr om the current port and chec k the othe r select ed port typ es for da ta to print. W hen the printer has not r eceived d ata from th e host after a certain peri od of time, it n eeds to ti meout in ord er to serv ice the o ther ports.
IEEE 1 284 Paral lel (Bidir ectional) S ubmenu 89 Pri me Si gnal • Disable (def ault). The parallel port will not perf orm a warm start (reboot) i f the host asserts th e prime si gnal. • Enable . T he parallel po rt will per form a wa rm start (reboot ) if the host as serts the p rime si gnal.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 90 For exam ple, if the prin ter is pri nting a jo b from the serial po rt, and then rec eives a seco nd prin t job from the parall el por t, the data fr om the parallel p ort.
Centronics (Parallel) Submenu 91 Ce ntron ics (Par allel) Sub menu Dat a Bit 8 • Enable ( default). Allows a ccess to t he extende d ASCII character set. • Disable . The printer in terprets bit 8 of each i ncoming data charac ter as a zero, regardl ess of its ac tual setting.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 92 PI Ignored The PI (P aper In struct ion) signa l is us ed to contr ol vertic al paper motion. • Enabl e (defaul t). Ignor es the PI signal a nd treats the data as charac ters or c ontrol code s. • Disable . C auses the pr inter to int erpret th e eight da ta lines as VFU co mmands whe n the PI s ignal is tr ue.
Centronics (Parallel) Submenu 93 Pri me Si gnal • Enable ( default). The parallel port will pe rform a warm start (reboot) i f the host asserts th e prime si gnal. • Disable . The para llel por t will not perfor m a warm star t (reboot) if the h ost asse rts the pri me signa l.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 94 For exam ple, if the prin ter is pri nting a jo b from the serial po rt, and then rec eives a seco nd prin t job from the parall el por t, the data fr om the parallel p ort.
Dataproducts (Sta ndard) Submenu 95 Dat a Bit 8 • Enable ( default). Allows a ccess to t he extende d ASCII charac ter set. • Disable . The printer in terprets bit 8 of each i ncoming data charac ter as a zero, regardl ess of its ac tual setting. PI I gno red The PI (Pa per Instr uction) signal i s used to control vertical paper motion.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 96 Pri me Si gnal • Disable (defau lt). The parallel por t will not perform a war m start (reboo t) if the h ost asse rts the prime signal. • Enabl e . The paralle l port will perform a wa rm start (reboo t) if the host a sserts the pr ime signal .
Dataproducts (Sta ndard) Submenu 97 For examp le, if the p rinter is printin g a job from the serial por t, and then recei ves a second pr int job from the p arall el port, the data from the parallel .
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 98 Serial Submenu Serial (from page 85) Interf ace Type Data Protocol Baud Rate Word Length 8 Stop Bits 1 Parity Data Term Ready Request to Send Buffer Size in K Poll Characte.
Serial S ubmenu 99 Interface T ype This paramete r allows you to selec t either the RS -232 or RS -422 serial port interf ace. Dat a Protocol Y ou can select o ne of the fol lowin g serial inte rface pr otocols to meet the host interf ace requ irements.
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 100 SERIES1 1 CH AR . The prin ter controls the flow of comm unicatio n from the host by t urning th e transm ission on and off using res ponse char acters s ent to the h ost.
Serial S ubmenu 101 The respo nse char acters ar e descri bed in T able 3. • SERIES1 2 CHAR . T his p rotocol b ehaves exactly the same as the Series 1 Char ex cept there i s a two-cha racter re sponse to the host. T he respon se ch aracters are descr ibed in T able 4 .
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 102 Baud Ra te Sets the baud rate of th e seria l interface in the pr inter . Bau d rate is the speed at whic h serial data is transfe rred bet ween the hos t comput er and the pr inter . T he choic es for t he RS-232 and RS-422 interfac es are 600, 1200, 2 400, 4800, 9 600, 19200 , 38400, 57600, and 1 15200 Ba ud.
Serial S ubmenu 103 Dat a T erm Ready This confi guratio n is part of har dware flo w control an d determi nes when the Data T e rminal R eady (DTR) signal is generat ed. This signal i ndicates i f the prin ter is rea dy to recei ve data. • Tr u e (defau lt).
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 104 Bu ffe r S ize in K This opti on config ures the amount of m emory al located for the serial port buffer . Y ou may spec ify betwe en 1 and 16 Kbyte s, in 1-Kbyt e incr ements.
Serial S ubmenu 105 One Char Enqu i ry The One Cha r Enquiry mode use s the Pol l Character to detec t a request f rom the ho st and sends a respons e back t o the host. This option als o allows y ou to turn on and off this feature. The Poll Ch aracter is rem oved fro m the data stream .
Chapter 4 HOST INTERFACE 106 E-Ne t Adapter Submen u The E-Net Adapter inte rface al lows you to locate the printer on a LAN rath er than at tach the host directl y into the printer . The detaile d configur ation of t his o ption is given in the PrintNet Use r's Manual .
Ethernet Submenu 107 Ethernet Submenu The Ethe rnet interfa ce allow s you to loc ate the pr inter on a LA N rather th an attach the h ost direct ly into th e printer. The detailed config uration of th is optio n is g iven in the Network Int erface Ca rd User's Manua l .
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 108 NETWORK S ETUP MENU NETWORK SETUP (from page 70) ADAPTER ADDRESS 1 See page 109. WLAN ADDR ESS 3 See page 117. ETHERNET PARAM S 2 See page 115. ETHERNET ADDRESS 2 See page 113. ADAPT ER PARAM S 1 See page 110. WLAN PARAM S 3 See page 119.
ADAPTER ADDRESS 109 ADAPTER ADDRESS IP Addres s A nume ric addre ss such as 123.4 5.61.23 whi ch identi fies a pr inter or server i n a LAN or WAN. Subnet M ask A binary v alue used to divide IP network s into s maller sub networks or subne ts. This mask is used to he lp determ ine whethe r IP packets need to be forwarde d to other subnets.
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 110 DHCP You can enable/disa ble the DHCP proto col using t his option, b ut consul t your ad ministrato r for the appropria te setting .
ADAPTER PARAMS 111 Novell Protoc ol This op tion determi nes whethe r the Nov ell protoc ol will b e availabl e. The sel ections are as indic ated below: • Enable ( default). Makes th e Novell pr otocol avai lable wit h the ethernet i nstalle d. • Disable .
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 112 ASCII Data Port This option sets the port number for ASCII print jobs . The data port number n eeds t o match y our host system settin g. • 9100 (de fault) • 1023 - 65 535 IPDS Data Port This option a llows you to set the po rt number fo r IPDS p rint jobs only if the IPDS op tion is ins talled.
ETHERNET ADDRESS 113 • 100 Half Duplex . Tell s the 10/100Ba se-T NIC to communi cate at 100 M egabits p er seco nd using half dupl ex. • 100 Full Duplex . T ells the 10/ 100Base- T NIC to com municate at 100 M egabits p er seco nd using full dupl ex.
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 114 Subnet Mask A bi nary value used to di vide IP ne twor ks i nto sm aller subn e two rks or subn ets. This mas k is used to help determine wh ether IP packets ne ed to be forwarded to other subne ts.
ETHERNET PARAMS 115 ETHERNE T P A RAMS The ETHERN ET P ARAMS me nu hel ps your print er comm unicate on a networ k. For inf ormation on assigni ng the IP A ddress, G ateway A ddress, Subnet Mas k, and MA C Address , refer to th e Network Interface Card User's Man ual .
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 116 ASCII Data Port This option sets the port number for ASCII print jobs . The data port number n eeds t o match y our host system settin g. • 9100 (de fault) • 1023 - 65 535 IPDS Data Port This option a llows you to set the po rt number fo r IPDS p rint jobs only if the IPDS op tion is ins talled.
WLAN ADDRESS 117 • 100 Half Duplex . Tell s the 10/100Ba se-T NIC to communi cate at 100 M egabits p er seco nd using half dupl ex. • 100 Full Duplex . T ells the 10/ 100Base- T NIC to com municate at 100 M egabits p er seco nd using full dupl ex.
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 118 Subnet Mask A bi nary value used to di vide IP ne twor ks i nto sm aller subn e two rks or subn ets. This mas k is used to help determine wh ether IP packets ne ed to be forwarded to other subne ts.
WLAN PARAMS 119 WLAN P A RAMS For inf ormation on assigni ng the IP A ddress, G ateway A ddress, Subnet Mas k, and MA C Address , refer to th e Network Interface Card User's Man ual . NetBIOS Pr otocol This optio n determi nes whethe r the NetB IOS protoc ol will be availabl e.
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 120 ASCII Data Port This option sets the port number for ASCII print jobs . The data port number n eeds t o match y our host system settin g. • 9100 (de fault) • 1023 - 65 535 IPDS Data Port This option a llows you to set the po rt number fo r IPDS p rint jobs only if the IPDS op tion is ins talled.
WLAN KERBEROS 121 WLAN KERBEROS Kerberos Enable • Disable (the default ). Disables Kerberos a uthentica tion in th e wire less netw ork in terf ace. • Enable .
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 122 Kerberos Password • Kerberos Pass word (01-15) . The first 15 char acters of t he Kerber os passwor d (maximu m numb er of chara cters is 40). • Kerberos Pass word (16-30) . Characters 16 to 30 of the Kerber os passwor d (maximu m numb er of chara cters is 40).
WLAN LEAP 123 Renew Lifetime Sets the m aximum a llowable amount of ti me in Se conds, Mi nutes, Hours, or Da ys befor e warnin g that a new Kerberos password i s needed. • Seconds . The range is 0-60480 0, and the d efault is 0. • Minutes . T he range is 0-100 80, and the default is 0.
Chapter 4 NETWORK SETUP MENU 124 LEAP Username • LEAP Usern ame (01-15 ) . The f irst 15 charact ers of th e LEAP user na me (maximu m number of characte rs is 32). • LEAP Usern ame (16-30 ) . Char acter s 16 t o 30 of th e LEAP user na me (maximu m number of characte rs is 32).
WLAN LEAP 125 ACTIVE (IGP) EMUL This ACTIVE (IGP) E MUL function allows you to activa te the desired emulati on. There are two methods f or sele cting th e desired emulation . The fir st is b y selectin g the emul ation direc tly from the printer menu.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 126 IGP/PGL Emulation The PGL e mulation is the so ftware bas ed Intell igent Gr aphics Process or (IGP) for the lin e matrix fam ily of pri nters. It is based upon, and is com patible with, th e IGP-100 /200/400 bo ard usi ng the PGL.
Feature s 127 Rotated Alphanumerics permi t new concep ts in f orm design . Normal, e xpanded, a nd compres sed chara cter strings can be rotated 90 degrees clockwis e or cou nterclo ckwise, or they ca n be printed u pside dow n. Reversed Print permits hi ghlight ing and c ontrast ing by pr inting white char acters on a dark bac kground.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 128 Configuring The Emulation W i th The Con trol Panel You can select P GL defau lt parameter s directl y from th e control panel or by control codes as expla ined in th e IGP/PG L Programm er's Refer ence Man ual. The PGL parameter s are describe d on the fol lowing pa ges.
IGP/PG L Submenu 129 IGP/PGL Submenu EMULATI ON (from page 70) Define CR Code Define LF Code CR = CR* CR = CR + LF LF = LF* LF = CR + LF Disable* Enable 126* (1-255) 16* 15 Disable* Enable (see page 145) Disable* Enable 6.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 130 * = Factory Default True Form Slew Printer PI Line Enable* Disable Enable* Disable Data Processing* High Best Power -on S-Mode 0* (0 - 5) On* Debug Mode Fault Off IGP/.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h PCL-II) 131 IGP/PGL Submenu (with PCL-II) EMULATI ON (from page 70) Define CR Code Define LF Code CR = CR* CR = CR + LF LF = LF* LF = CR + LF Disable* Enable 7E* 16* 15 Disable* Enable 0* 1-33 6.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 132 IGP/PGL Submen u (with LG) EMULATI ON (from page 70) Define CR Code Define LF Code CR = CR* CR = CR + LF LF = LF* LF = CR + LF Disable* Enable 7E* 16* 15 Disable* Enable 0* 1-34 6.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 133 Define CR (Carr iage Return) Code This pa rameter for ces the pr inter to ins ert an au tomatic L ine Feed code into the data s tream when ever a Carri age Return code occurs. T his is to be use d only if the host c omputer does not s end line feeds to the pr inter.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 134 PI Sl ew Ra nge You can specify how many lines th e paper wi ll feed. • 15 . A paper s lew of 1-15 will move 1- 15 lines . A pape r slew of 0 will mov e 1 line. • 16 . A paper slew of 0-15 will mov e 1-16 l ines. CR Edi t This parameter det ermines if a carriage retur n will be followe d by a line feed.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 135 Select LPI Thi s is th e numb er of line s to be pr inted per inch. For example, a t 6 lpi ther e is 1/6 inc h from the top of one p rint li ne to the top of the next print l ine. The opt ions are: • 6.0 (defau lt) • 8.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 136 Power On IGP/ PGL Y ou can set the IGP feature so th at it is enabled or disabled when the p rinter is po wered o n. • Enabl e (defaul t). The PG L is ena bled when t he printe r is powered o n. (The PGL featu re is ini tialized in the Normal mode.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 137 Barcode Options The foll owing sub -options he lp define specifi c options r egardin g barcode print ing. UPC Descenders This paramete r allows y ou to print b arcode des cenders wh en human rea dable data is not pres ent in the UPC/EA N barcodes .
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 138 I-2/5 Selectio n This opti on is add ed to be co mpatible w ith a speci al IGP- X00 cust omization. Us ually , if I-2/ 5 barcod es have an odd numb er of digits, a le ading zer o is in serted i n front of the data.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 139 User-D ef Ratio • Enable ( default ). User-d efined ra tios are accepte d for barcodes. T his is th e defau lt. • Disable .
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 140 V ar Form T ype This menu option applies onl y to the h ost comm and, CREATE;NAME or CREATE;NAME; DISK. The optio n also applies to the hos t command CREATE;NAM E followed by ;0, ;X or a form length num ber that a lways ov errides the menu o ption.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 141 Comp atbl. Mode This op tion ins tructs the P GL to beha ve s imilarly to older versio ns of the IGP with respec t to cer tain commands . All new us ers with n ew applic ations shou ld se lect the “N one” option. Se lecting t his m ode insur es the p rinter w ill behave as described in thi s manual .
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 142 Sca labl e S ize • Normal (defau lt). Contro ls the size of scalabl e character s to be either normal si ze (as s et by the user) o r adjusted to mat ch the size of block fo nts. This is the def ault. • Block . Adjus ts the size of sc alable c haracters to exactly mat ch its bl ock font a ltern ative.
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 143 Print Quality • Data Proces sing (def ault). The em ulatio n prints at 60 x 72 dpi and let s you choos e between normal a lphanumer ics and barcodes a nd dark mode alpha numeric s and barc odes. This mode shou ld be set if you wan t the highe st speed.
Chapter 4 IGP/PGL Emulat ion 144 Erro r Report Sets the erro r reporting capabi lity for IGP/PGL for ms. • On (default) . Form bo undary e rror che cking r eported. Any element wh ich fall s off the c urrent pag e is rep orted as an error. • Debug Mode .
IGP/PGL Submenu (wit h LG) 145 IGP/PG L Font Set Men u Select Font (see page 129) Standard Sets* Arabic Sets Cyrillic Sets European Sets Greek Sets Hebrew Sets Turkish Sets Misc.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 146 IGP/VGL Emulation Code V Graphics languag e (VG L) is an Intelligen t Grap hics Pr inting (IGP) so ftware emulati on desig ned for yo ur Line M atrix pri nter . The IGP Code V emulati on of the Q MS Code V V er sion II programmi ng lan guage produc es onli ne forms, barcodes , and alphanum eric text- generation.
Configuring The Emulation With The Control Panel 147 Logos are ea sily cr eated usi ng alphanu meric com mands and a variety of print and shadi ng featur es, which provid es a “cust omized” appearanc e for form s, repor ts, and label s.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 148 IGP/VGL Submenu EMULATION (from page 70) SFCC & Pwru p LPI Graphics Options Error Handling Ignore/DB8 Setup Font Set PI Control Prt to Emulate VGL SFCC 5E* Power u.
IGP/VG L Submenu 149 Graphics Options (from page 148) Slash 0 Ignore Dots Append Rot ated Truncate Alpha True Vert 1/1 0 Absorb A fter ^PY UPC Descenders Rot.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 150 IGP/VGL Submenu ( w ith PCL-II) EMULATION (from page 70) SFCC & Pwru p LPI Graphics Options Error Handling Ignore/DB8 Setup ISO Char Set PI Control Control Char 5E.
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h PCL-II) 151 Graphics Options (from page 150) Slashes in Zero s Ignore Dots Append Rot ated Truncate Alpha True Vert 1/10 UPC Descenders Rot.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 152 IGP/VGL Submen u (with LG) EMULATION (from page 70) SFCC & Pwru p LPI Graphics Options Error Handling Ignore/DB8 Setup Font Set PCI Control Control Char 5E* Ignore.
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 153 Graphics Options (from page 152) Slash 0 Ignore Dots Append Rot ated Truncate Alpha True Vert 1/10 UPC Descenders Rot. Char Size Ignore Spaces Midline PY Enable* Disable.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 154 SFCC & Pwru p This opti on has se veral s ub-opti ons which de fine th e SFCC and power-u p configu ration us ed with V GL. VGL SFCC This opti on selects the Special Functi on Control Cod e. The de fault value 5E. Run a confi guration print out to determine the cur rently sele cted V GL SFC C.
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 155 Graphics Options Following a re sev eral opti ons which c onfig ure printing o utput. Slash 0 This paramete r allows y ou to print th e nume ral “0” with o r without the slash. T his option applies to all ch aracter s ets except OCR- A and OCR-B.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 156 Tr u e Ve r t 1 / 1 0 • Enabl e (defau lt). A ve rtical 1 /10 inch param eter is used as 1/10 inch . Rounding o ccurs to the nearest 1 /72 inc h. This ca n cause vertical moves th at have th e same va lue to differ b y ± 1 /72 inch .
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 157 Ignore Spaces • Disable (defa ult). Trailing spaces ar e not dele ted from alphan umeric ele ments in a gr aphics pass. • Enable . Trailing spaces are deleted from alp hanume ric elemen ts in a graphic s pass. Midline PY (includes ^PN) • Disable (defa ult).
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 158 MSI Check Dig it • Print (d efault). The check digit is ap pended at the end o f the printable d ata field for MS I barcode s. • Don't Prin t . The chec k digit for MSI b arcodes do es not prin t. I25 Select ion • I25 Odd Data (de fault).
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 159 Wid th Limit • Disable (defa ult). • Enable . T he system wi ll limit the length an d width for expanded charac ters to a li mit sh own in T able 6, which d isplays t he maximum width allowed for a spe cific heig ht in the r ange of 00 through 40 (0.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 160 Absorb Af ter ^P N • Disable (de fault). All li ne termi nators that fo llow the ^P N command are sent to the p rinter and processed . • Enabl e . The firs t motion lin e termin ator that foll ows the ^PN comm and is ignored.
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 161 Error Han dling Following are sev eral optio ns which define ho w errors are re ported. Error M sgs • Enable ( default ). Command syntax is c hecked a nd error messages p rinted whe n comman d parameters a re inco rrect.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 162 Ignore / DB8 S etup Following are sever al option s which define ch aracter fi ltering and Data Bit 8. Ignore Chars • Disable (de fault). Char acter filter ing is not enabled. • Char 1 . Char acter 1 wil l be filte red.
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 163 Dat a Bit 8 • Enable ( default) . The P I line is not passed direct ly from host to printer ; all 8 bits are used for da ta bits, and charac ters in the hex 80-FF range c an be ac cessed. • Disable . Wh en the host P I line is enabl ed, Data Bit 8 inter nally indicate s PI lin e status.
Chapter 4 IGP/VGL Emulat ion 164 Host PI • Disable (de fault). The host does not send PI signa ls. • Enabl e . The ho st sends PI signals. The Data Bit 8 configur ation opt ion mu st be dis abled to tran smit the PI lin e to the prin ter . Max PI 16 • Enabl e (defaul t).
IGP/VGL Submenu (wit h LG) 165 IGP/VG L Font Set Men u Font S et (see page 148) Standard Sets * Arabic Sets Cyrillic Sets European Sets Greek Sets Hebrew Sets Turkish Sets Misc.
Chapter 4 EMULATION 166 EMULA TION The EMU LA TIO N menu allow s you to s elect the em ulation to be used with your pri nter . The P roprinter XL, Epson FX, P -Series , P-Serie s XQ, an d Serial M atrix em ulations are all part o f LinePrinte r +. Y o u can c onfigu re options for th e active emulation via the E MULA TION me nu.
Standa rd 167 Coax/T winax (CTHI) Emulation Stan d a r d With a standa rd coax interfac e, the pr inter emu lates the following IBM co ax printer models : • 3287 Model s 1 an d 2 • 4234 Model 1 Wi.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 168 Simple Prot Conv The Simple Protoco l Converter (SPC) optio n allows tho se who use third party ad d-on Coax or T win ax protocol c onverte rs to produ ce t.
Coax E mulation 169 Coax Emul atio n CTHI (from page 167) Char Set Select Translation Tbl Acti ve Char Set Prt Part ial Line PA1 PA2 Buffer Reprint Earl y Pri nt Cmpl SCS Buffer Cntrl Cancel IGP/DCU P.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 170 Char Set Select (from page 169) Primary Sets Secondary Sets 0037 English US* 0037 Eng Nether 0285 English UK 0273 Austr /Germ 0274 Belg. Old 0275 Brazilian 0260 Canad F ren 0277 Danish 0287 Danish Alt 0278 Finnish 0288 Finn.
Coax E mulation 171 Char Set Select S pecifi es the pri nt languag e used by the printer . Character sets are shown in d etail in the Character Sets Referenc e Manual . T ranslat ion Tbl Prints out SCS and DSC/DSE tables of the Coax interfa ce's curre nt character set.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 172 PA 2 P A 2 is only val id when th e printer is in the Offline s tate and the coax SCS d ata stream is a ctive. Thi s function d isplay s the “P A2 ENAB LED” mess age when the E NTER key is pressed and sends a specia l operato r request t o the ho st when the prin ter is put ba ck in online m ode.
Coax E mulation 173 SCS Buffer Cntrl This op tion is use d in Coax LU1/SCS mo de only. • Don’t Wait (default). The printer does not wait for the job to be printed b efore se nding the p rint co mpletion t o the ho st. • Wa it U nt il D one . The printer wa its for t he job to p rint before sending t he print c ompleti on to the ho st.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 174 Usr Defi ned HTRN This opti on is used i n Twinax S PC emulat ion. The range is ASCII charac ter. This option al lows use rs to define ther ow n lead-in charac ters for th e Printron ix Specifi c comma nds.
Coax E mulation 175 Image Buf Size Allows y ou to sel ect 2K or 4 K as the i mage buffer siz e. This opt ion is vali d only wh en the pri nter emu lates the 3287. For th e 4234 emulation , the buffer size is fixed at 4K. A PO R status is sent to the host when t he printe r is placed o nline.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 176 Position Af t FF (4234 only) Allows you to select t he locati on of the pr int posi tion after a f orm feed comm and is s ent. • On (default). Sets the pri nter to prin t at prin t positio n 1 of th e first pri nt line on the next for m.
Coax E mulation 177 Auto Skip At End S pecifi es whether or not to perform an automat ic form feed at the end of a pr int buffer . If form feed is the la st char acter in the prin t order , the form feed function i s suppl ied by th e Auto Sk ip At End option.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 178 T r anslate T able Defines wh ich tra nslate table to use for pr inting. • Default (defaul t). T ransla tes data by usi ng the defau lt table of the curre nt characte r set. • Downloaded . T r anslates da ta from EBCDIC to inte rnal code by usin g the downl oaded tra nslate table.
Coax E mulation 179 Max. Print Wid t h Set the maximum print wid th at eithe r 13.2 in ches or the maxi mum width of the prin ter. Buffer Print • Disable (defa ult). T he printer will print normall y . • Enable . T he print er prints the E BCDIC data and c ontrol codes receiv ed from th e host as hex values .
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 180 Tw i n a x P a r a m s LAC Option CTHI (from page 167) Char Set Select Acti ve Char Set Prt Parti al Line Device ID Device Address 5225 World Trad e (see ne.
Twinax Params 181 Char Set Select S pecifi es the pri nt languag e used by the printer . Character sets are shown in d etail in the Character Sets Referenc e Manual . Active Char Set This op tion sel ects which gro up of char acter sets (Pr imary or Secondary ) will be ac tive.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 182 Prt Partial Line • Enabl e (defaul t). Forc es the print er to pri nt a partial li ne (i.e., line not ending with a LF) befo re movi ng to the top of form o n the next page. • Disable . Th e last partial line of da ta will not be printed.
Twinax Params 183 PTX T ransp arent Lead-in Char s Y ou can enable add itiona l feature s that are no t availa ble in standard T w inax emula tions . T o access thes e featu res, send te xt comma nds in the data stream. The comm ands mu st have a start and end co de.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 184 Graphic Chek Err Allows overridi ng of th e host set ting fo r the SGEA (Set G raphic Error A ction) comman d. For m ore inform ation abou t the SGEA command, refer to the Coax/T winax Progr ammer's Reference Manual .
Twinax Params 185 LAC Approx. A process that reor ganizes columns of dots so that clean , readabl e printing is poss ible . • On (d efault). C onverts the emulated charac ter cells to standard cells fo r the P72 24 mod el. • Off . Co nverts chara cter cell s byte by byte and not by LA C approximat ion.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 186 Format Con t rol Enables the prin ter to refle ct the sa me spacing a s CTPC m odel printer s after absolu te and rel ative mo ve comm ands are executed .
3270 Para ms 187 3270 P ara ms 3270 Params (1) (from page 167) Char Set Selec t See the following page. Translation Tbl Prt Parti al Line Enable* Disable PTX Transparent Lead-in Chars Set 1 <%>* Set 2 ¬¬ $ Set 3 _%_ User Defined Usr Defined H TRN Start Code 1* Start Code 2 Stop Code Alt.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 188 * = Factory Default 3270 Params Primary Sets 0037 English US* 0037 Eng Nether 0285 English UK 0273 Austr/Germ 0274 Belg Old 0275 Brazilian 0260 Canad Fren 0277 Danish 0287 Danish Alt 0278 Finnish 0288 Finn Alt 0297 French 0500 Internat 5 0280 Italian 0281 Japan.
3270 Para ms 189 T ranslation Tbl Prints out a tabl e of the Coax interfac e’s current char acter set. This operation is val id only when the TN 3270 interfa ce is the curren t interfac e. Active Char Set Specifi es which charac ter langu age set wi ll be the active s et.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 190 PTX T ransp arent Lead-in Cha rs Y ou can en able additi onal pri nter features which are no t access ible through s tandard TN3270 emula tions. T o acces s these featu res, send t ext comma nds in the data strea m.
3270 Para ms 191 Change Case S pecif ies the font as Mon o or Dual case. T his opti on is avai lable only in non-SCS mode. T he host w ill be n otified of the chan ge when the printe r is plac ed online . Mono Case prints the same as Dual Case if the character set is one of the fo llowing “r ight to l eft” sets: Katak.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 192 Comp atibility Op The Compat ibility O ptions a llow you to selec t specia l printe r function s in the n on-SCS m ode based on the capabi lities o f the printer emulated . CR At MPP+1 MPP is Max imum Print P osition, whi ch is also kno wn as line len gth.
3270 Para ms 193 Last Char = FF Determine s the prin t line posi tion when a for m feed comm and is the last cod e encounte red in th e print buffer . • On (defa ult). Move s to the first pr int position on the seco nd line of the next form. • Off .
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 194 Auto Skip At End S pecifi es whether or not t o perform an automatic form fee d at the end of a pr int buffer . If form feed is the last charac ter in the pr int order , the form feed function is supp lied by the A uto Ski p At End option .
3270 Para ms 195 Host Override Determine s whether the prin ter accepts c ertain command s sent by the host, o r contin ues to use th e current o perator panel setting s.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 196 5250 Pa rams 5250 Params (1) (from page 167) Char Set Sel ect See the following page. Translation Tbl Active Cha r Set Secondary S et* Prim ary Se t Prt Par.
5250 Para ms 197 T ranslation Tbl Prints out a table of the T N5250 inte rface’s cu rrent char acter set. This op eration is valid on ly when th e TN5250 interfac e is the curren t interfac e. 0037 English US* 0037 Eng Nether 0500 Swiss Bil 0500 Belg.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 198 Active Char Set Selects whi ch group of char acter sets (Pr imary or Secondar y) will be active. • Secondary Set (default) • Primary S et Prt Partial Line • Enabl e (defaul t). When this option i s enable d, it forces th e printer to print if a p artia l line is i n the prin ter (i.
5250 Para ms 199 Usr Defi ned HTRN This op tion is u sed to se t user defin ed lea d-in char acters. T he range is ASCII ch aracter. Thi s option allows users to define ther own lead- in charac ters for the Printroni x Spec ific comman ds.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 200 Graphic Chek Cod S pec ifies the r eplacement c haracte r to print in p lace of an y unprintable character that is received f rom the ho st. Cho ose a hex charac ter from 40 through F E. The ch aracter be comes th e printer default whe n: • The print er is po wered off and the n powered on.
5250 Para ms 201 Host Override Determine s whether the prin ter accepts c ertain command s sent by the host, o r contin ues to use th e current o perator panel setting s.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 202 SPC Coax Params Logical Buf Size Refers to the size of the print er buffer , whic h should be set the same as the host sc reen (buffer) size . If the hos t screen siz e is unknown, u se 1920. Do n ot change th is parameter i n the middle of a pr int jo b.
SPC Coax Para ms 203 Intervention Req • Send to Host (default) . The pr inter send s a sign al to th e host comput er when the CANCEL key is pressed or a pr inter fau lt or hold mode time- out occurs. • Do Not Send . No signal will be sen t to the hos t compute r .
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 204 PA 1 P A 1 is only val id when the pr inter is in the offline state and the Coax System s Network A rchite cture Char acter S tring (S CS) data stre am is active .
SPC Coax Para ms 205 SPC Sp ace Supp This op tion is only avail able in Co ax SPC em ulation a nd is used i n LU3/DSC/D SE mode o nly . • Disable (defa ult). Treats nu lls and s paces normall y. • Enable . If t he enti re line consists of spaces and null s, the li ne will be discar ded.
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 206 SPC T w x Params NOTE: To access the SPC T winax Pa rams menu, be sure t o select the Tw inax option i n the Ho st Interf ace menu.
SPC Twx Par a ms 207 Device Address Allows y ou to set the device a ddress from 0 thro ugh 6. The host directs data an d command s on th e twinax lin e to a spec ific de vice based on i ts unique dev ice add ress. After th e address has been changed, a POR status is sent to the host .
Chapter 4 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) E mulation 208 EVFU • Enabl e . The EVFU para meter allows vertica l format con trol by the host i n all four p rinter typ e modes. • Disable . V e rtical forma t control is only allow ed in IMP ACT/P-SERIES m ode. SPC Char Set Allows you to select t he print l anguag e chara cter set.
SPC Twx Par a ms 209 Line Pri nter Pl us Emulation NOTE: When the p rinter is se t to SPC Twx Params or S PC Coax Params , no LP+ m enu items will take e ffect on the same offline.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulat ion 210 Prin ter Protoco l (from page 209) P-Series* P-Serie s XQ Seri al Matrix Proprinter XL Epson FX (see page 219) (see page 228) (see page 232) (see page 236) (see page 241) * = Factory De fault Font At tribut es (from page 209) Typeface Prop.
SPC Twx Par a ms 211 Page For mat (from page 209) Form Length Form Width Marg ins Perforation Skip 1 Abs. Length IN 1 11.0* inches (0.1-24) Abs. Length MM 1 279.4* mm (0.1-609.6) Funct. of Lines 66* lines (1-192) Abs. Width IN 1 13.6* inches (0.1-13.6) Abs.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 212 LinePrinter Plus Emul ation (with PCL-II) NOTE: When the p rinter is set to SPC Twx Params or SPC Coa x Params , no LP+ menu items will take e ffect o n the same offline. T he LP+ Emulati on resets w hen the printer is take n offline.
SPC Twx Par a ms 213 Printer Protocol Select th e LinePrin ter+ protoc ol you w ish to use. R efer to the LinePri nter Plus Programme r's Refer ence Manu al for more informati on. CP I/LPI S elec t This paramete r lets you specify the charac ters per i nch (cpi) a nd lines pe r inch (l pi) values .
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 214 • Ignore LPI . All LPI comman ds sent b y the hos t are ign ored by the prin ter . • Ignore Unidir . All Uni directiona l comman ds sent b y the h ost are igno red by the p rinter . Font Attributes T ypeface • Dat a Processing .
SPC Twx Par a ms 215 • High Speed 64 . This font pr ints at 120 dpi h orizontally and 64 verticall y . Wh en chose n from the front panel, it defaults to 10 cpi. The cpi c an then be varied , but the width wi ll not change . • BARCODE 145 . T his Data Proc essing f ont prints at 145 dpi horizon tally and 72 verticall y .
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 216 Bold Print • Disable . T ext is printed n ormally . • Enabl e . T ext is printe d with a he avy line th icknes s. It alic Pri nt • Disable . T ext is printed n ormally . • Forward S lant .
SPC Twx Par a ms 217 Page Form at Form Length Forms len gth is the numbe r of line s that ca n be prin ted on a pag e. Y ou can set the form length in inc hes, millime ters (mm), or as a function o f the curre nt lpi (lin es per inc h).
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 218 Reset Cmd CFG Ld When the p rinter receiv es a hos t data stream reset co mmand (ESC @ or ESC[K) in additi on to res etting prin ter var iables, t he sele cted conf igurat ion is lo aded. • Disable (de fault).
P-Seri es Emulat ion 219 P-Series Emulation Printer Protocol (from page 209) Control Code 06 Control Code 08 Define CR Code Auto L F Overst rike Define LF Code P-Se ries SFCC VFU Sel ect Alt. Set 80-9F Char acte r Set SFCC d Command PSeries Dbl Hig h 8.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 220 P-Series Emulation (with PCL -II) Printer Protocol (from page 209) Control Code 06 Control Code 08 Define CR Code Auto L F Overst rike Define LF Code P-Se ries SFCC EVFU Select Al t. Set 80-9F Char acte r Set 8.
P-Series Emulation (wit h LG) 221 P-Series Emulat ion (with LG) Con trol Co de 06 Control Co de 06 defin es the fun ction of ASCI I code hex 06 (ACK). Y ou can select a n alternat e line spacin g of 6, 8, or 10.3 LPI. Con trol Co de 08 Control Co de 08 defin es the fun ction of ASCI I code hex 08 (BS).
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 222 Define CR Code This opti on controls the action o f the pri nter when i t receives a Carriage Re turn cod e (hex 0D) from the h ost computer .
P-Series Emulation (wit h LG) 223 P-Series SFCC This parame ter allo ws you to selec t which ASCII c odes wil l functi on as the S pe cial Func tion Contr ol Code (S FCC) comma nd delimi ter .
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 224 Character Set S peci fies a charact er set a s shown in t he “P -Ser ies Charac ter Set Menu” on page 225. T o use one of these s ets, choose the desire d group he ading (suc h as Europ ean Sets) an d press E NTER.
P-Series Emulation (wit h LG) 225 P-Series Ch aracter Set M enu Latin 2 8859 -2* Latin 2 852 Mazovia Kamenicky Roman 8 PC-437 Slavic Slavic 125 0 Code Page 865 Code Page 860 Latin 1 8859 -1 Latin 5 8859 -9 Latin 9 8859 -15 Polish POL1 Win. C P 1250 Win.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 226 P-Series Ch aracter Set Menu (with PCL-II) Character Set (from page 220) IBM PC* Primary Subse t ASCII (USA)* French German English Danish Swedi.
P-Series Emulation (wit h LG) 227 P-Series Ch aracter Set M enu (with LG) Character Set (from page 220) IBM PC* Primary Subse t ASCII (USA)* French German English Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japane.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 228 P-Series XQ Emulation Control Code 06 Control C ode 06 d efines the fu nction of ASCII code hex 0 6 (ACK). Y ou can select an alternate line spacing o f 6, 8, o r 10.3 LP I. Prin ter Protoco l (from page 209) Control Code 06 Define CR Code Auto LF Define LF Code Compressed Elong/Alt.
P-Seri es XQ Emul ation 229 Defi ne CR Co de This op tion cont rols the action of the prin ter when it receives a Carriage Ret urn code (hex 0D) f rom the host compu ter . If this feature is enabled , each time the pr inter rec eives a Car riage Return, it inserts an add itional L ine Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 230 Compressed Print Controls which ho st co mmand sets c ompres sed printin g. • Char 01 SOH (defaul t) • Char 03 ETX • Char 09 HT Elong/Alt. Font Controls which ho st co mmand sets e longated ( double hi gh) fonts and exten ded char acter set.
P-Seri es XQ Emul ation 231 Upr . Case Select Controls how the pr inter han dles low ercase ch aracters it recei ves fr om the host com puter . When en abled, all char acte rs wi ll be printed i n uppercas e.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 232 Serial Matrix Em ulation Control Code 06 Control C ode 06 d efines the fu nction of ASCII code hex 0 6 (ACK).
Serial Ma trix Emulation 233 Defi ne CR Co de This op tion cont rols the action of the prin ter when it receives a Carriage Ret urn code (hex 0D) f rom the host compu ter . If this feature is enabled , each time the pr inter rec eives a Car riage Return, it inserts an add itional L ine Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 234 Pri nte r Sel ect • Disable (de fault). Ignor es the AS CII DC1 and D C3 contro l codes. • Enabl e . Disabl es the prin ter when a DC1 contro l code is received , and en ables the pr inter whe n a DC3 con trol code i s receive d.
Serial Ma trix Emulation 235 Serial Ma trix Character S et Menu DEC 256 G reek* ELOT 9 28 Greek Greek 3 ABY Gree k ABG Greek ELOT 9 27 Greek Greek 851 Greek 437 Greek 8859- 7 Win. CP 1253 Greek 813 EURO Greek 869 EURO Character Set (from page 232) Arabic Sets Cyrillic Sets European Sets Greek Sets Hebrew Sets Turk ish Sets Misc.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 236 Proprinter XL Emulat ion Define CR Code This opti on controls the action o f the pri nter when i t receives a Carriage Re turn cod e (hex 0D) from the h ost computer .
Proprinter XL Emulation 237 Auto LF This op tion defin es the pr inter acti on when pr int data is r eceived past the forms wi dth setting. • Enable (defa ult). Perfo rms an automati c carriage re turn and line feed when data is r eceived past t he forms width.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 238 Alt. Char Set This option d etermine s if data in the r ange of he x 80 through hex 9F shou ld be inte rpreted as a contro l code o r as a printable charac ter . • Set 1 ( default). Inte rprets data in the range of h ex 80 thr ough hex 9F as a contro l code.
Proprinter XL Emulation 239 Proprinter XL Char acter Set Menu DEC 256 Greek* ELOT 928 Gree k Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Gree k Greek 85 1 Greek 43 7 Greek 88 59-7 Win.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 240 Proprinter X L Character Set Menu (with PCL - II) Proprinter X L Character Set Men u (with LG) Character Set (from page 236) Code Page 437* Code.
Epson FX Emulation 241 Ep son FX Emulation Defi ne CR Co de The Defin e CR Cod e option control s the ac tion of th e printer when it receiv es a Carriage Return c ode (hex 0D) from the hos t compute r .
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 242 Auto LF This opti on defines the printer actions wh en print data is received past the forms width setting. • Enabl e (defaul t). Perf orms an auto matic c arriage retur n and line feed when da ta is received past the forms wi dth.
Epson FX Emulation 243 Character Set This paramete r selec ts a chara cter set for the Epson e mulation, as shown in t he “Epson FX Character Set Menu” on page 244.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 244 Ep son FX Character Set Menu DEC 25 6 Greek* ELOT 928 Greek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Greek Greek 85 1 Greek 43 7 Greek 88 59-7 Win.
Epson FX Emulation 245 Character Set (from page 244) Standard Sets* * = Fact ory Defau lt Eps on S et* ASCII (USA)* French German English Danish I Swe dish Italian Spanis h I Japanese Norwegian Danish.
Chapter 4 LinePrinter Plus Emulatio n (with PCL-II) 246 Ep son FX Ch aracter Set Menu (with PC L-II) Character Set (from page 241) * = Fact ory Defau lt Epson Set* ASCI I (US A)* Fren ch German Englis.
Epson FX Emulation 247 Ep son FX Character Set Men u (with LG) Character Set (from page 241) * = Fact ory Defau lt Epson Set* ASCI I (US A)* Fren ch German English Danish I Swedish Italian Spanis h I .
Chapter 4 ANSI Emulation 248 ANSI Emulation EMULATION (from page 166) CPI/LPI Sel ect Font Attributes Page Format Define CR Code Auto LF Define LF Code Character Set Private Mode Select C PI 10.0* CPI 12.0 CPI 13.3. CPI 15.0 CPI 16.7 CPI 17.1 CPI Select L PI 6.
Epson FX Emulation 249 Font Att ribute s (from page 248) Typeface Prop. Spacing Bold Pr int Slashed Zero Data Processing* Gothic NLQ Char. Graphics High Speed Italics NLQ Courier NLQ OCR-A OCR-B Disab.
Chapter 4 ANSI Emulation 250 CPI/LPI Selec t Defines th e defau lt values fo r the hor izontal and vertical charac ter spacing. T he number of charac ters per i nch can range from 1 0.0 through 1 7.1. The n umber of lines per inch can r ange from 3.0 through 8 .
Epson FX Emulation 251 Slashed Zero This paramete r allows y ou to print th e nume ral “0” with o r without the slash. T his option applies to all ch aracter s ets except OCR- A and OCR-B. • Disable . Zero is printed without a slash. • Enable .
Chapter 4 ANSI Emulation 252 IMPORT ANT If the form le ngth is set in lines and you change the LPI, the effective page length changes to t he form len gth in charact ers divided by the new LPI. NOTE: Receipt of a d ata stream c ontrol cod e which c hanges th e form len gth over rides the fo rm lengt h previo usly spec ified via the o perator panel.
Epson FX Emulation 253 Defi ne CR Co de The Defin e CR Cod e option control s the ac tion of th e printer when it receiv es a Carriage Return c ode (hex 0D) from the hos t compute r . If this fea ture is enab led, ea ch time t he printe r receiv es a carr iage return, it inse rts an addit ional Line Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream.
Chapter 4 ANSI Emulation 254 Character Set This parame ter sele cts a cha racter se t for t he ANSI em ulatio n. Note that whe n 0876 OCR-A or 0877 OCR-B is selected as the print la nguage, the Font Att ributes T ypeface parameter is changed to OCR-A or OCR-B, r espectivel y .
Epson FX Emulation 255 Received CR • Obse rve (def ault). A CR code rece ived fr om the hos t is handle d as a ca rriage retur n. • Ignore . A CR co de receive d from the host is ig nored. Received DEL • Obse rve (def ault). A DEL code r eceiv ed from th e host is handled as a Delete comma nd.
Chapter 4 ANSI Emulation 256 Barcode Darkmode • Enabl e (defaul t). The bar codes a re prin ted at a hig her resolut ion. • Disable . Th e barcodes are printe d at lo wer resolu tion but at a higher spe ed. PUM Def aul t This is the Unit of M easure (UOM) as it is used w ithin t he ANSI emula tion.
Epson FX Emulation 257 IPDS Emulation Font Size Graphics Quality Barcode Quality Barcode Speed Early P rint Comp Graphics Scaling Graphic Charsize I 2/5 Checksum Select By H ost* Standard Compressed c.
Chapter 4 IPDS Emulation 258 Y our IPDS printer em ulates the IBM 4 234 twinax models 0 08 and 012. IPDS T w inax printers can only print IPDS data str eams and no thing else. Ev en a sim ple job, such as a s creen p rint, is IP DS data in a twinax attach ment.
Epson FX Emulation 259 Font Size This paramete r choos es the fon t size whic h will be used by IPDS . • Select By Host (defaul t). The f ont ID is o nly affected by host comma nds. • St andard . The font ID is conv erted to a decompres sed font ID.
Chapter 4 IPDS Emulation 260 Barcode S peed This parame ter chooses the ver tical pri nt quality of barcode labels. • High (defaul t). Barcod es are pri nted with les s vertic al dots, increa sing pr inting sp eed, bu t decrea sing pr int quali ty .
Epson FX Emulation 261 Graphics Scaling This paramete r choos es the sc aling fa ctor for gr aphics when the Mappin. Con trol opti on of the IP DS Write Gra phics Contr ol comm and is SCALE T O FIT : • Rounded (defau lt). Calcul ations are r ounded u p in the desired output resol ution.
Chapter 4 IPDS Emulation 262 Code Page Subset When the Thai co de page is s elected a s the defa ult, ei ther fro m the front panel o r by a ho st comma nd, yo u may ch oose from three dif feren t vers ions. Default Font Choose a f ont qual ity and size fr om the a vailable s electio ns.
Epson FX Emulation 263 PCL - II Emulation Primary Char. Set Page Length Rep. Max Line Width Face CP I Delay Graphics Density Perforation Skip Display Functns Line Terminator ID 0* - 109, xx Symbol Set See next page Pitch 10*, 12, 13.3 Density Data Processing* NLQ OCR-A OCR-B High Speed Inch es/P age* Lines/Page 13.
Chapter 4 PCL - II Em ul atio n 264 PCL- II (Continued) Symb ol Set Print Reset Cmd CFG Ld Current Config* Factory Config Disable Power Up Config Config. Print Primary Char. set (from previous page) Symbol Set Roman-8[8U]* Turkish-8[8T] Arab-8[8V] Cyrillic[8R] PC858 MtLi[13U] MC T ext[12 J] Roman-9[4U] Latin-9[9N] Win3.
Epson FX Emulation 265 Primary Char . Set You can sele ct one of 92 pre-de fined charac ter sets b y ID (altho ugh charac ter sets r ange from 0 - 109, n ot all se ts are avai lable on the LJ500 pr inter), or you can select p itch, sy mbol se t, and type face individ ually.
Chapter 4 PCL - II Em ul atio n 266 Face CPI Delay Allows the com bination of different f ont dens ities o n the same line. • Enabl e (defaul t). Differen t font de nsities ca n be used on the same line. • Disable . Onl y the sam e font densi ties ar e allowed on the sam e line.
Epson FX Emulation 267 PTX Linefeed • Disable (di sable). The default. Linefe ed is to be pe rformed as calcula ted from t he botto m of the gr aphics or barcode , thereby disrupt ing the ve rtical text alig nment.
Chapter 4 PCL - II Em ul atio n 268 Page L./Inches This par ameter al lows yo u to set phy sical pag e length fr om 2 to 16 inch es, in in crements o f half a n inch. The defaul t is 11 i nches. Config Print This opti on prints th e emulation's paramete rs and the c urrently sele cted v alues.
Epson FX Emulation 269 LG Em ulat ion Font Horiz Forms Auto wrap CR FF Unsolicited Rpt Print Mode Opt Plot Mode Opt See next page. Left Mrg 66.0 Right Mrg 13.
Chapter 4 LG Emulation 270 Font (from previous page) Style DP 10 6* DP 10 8 DP 12 6 DP 12 8 DP 15 6 DP 15 8 DP 15 10 HS 10 6 Corespon 5 6 Corespon 5 8 Corespon 6 6 Corespon 6 8 Corespon 10 6 Corespon .
Epson FX Emulation 271 Font Select a default fon t style a nd chara cter se t for the L G emulation , as follow s: • Sty le . This option al lows you to sp ecify a p rint qua lity that includes a char acters per i nch (cp i) and lin es per i nch (lpi) setting , in the form at T ype cpi lpi .
Chapter 4 LG Emulation 272 • Top Mrg 6/0 .This opti on sets the top margin for the forms. You must spe cify the top margin i n lines (a t 6 lines pe r inch), ranging from 0 to 198 lines (33 i nches). The default s etting is 0. Press the right arr ow to increa se the va lue, left a rrow to decrease the value , and E NTER to chan ge unit s.
Epson FX Emulation 273 CR This op tion cont rols the action of the prin ter when it receives a Carriage Ret urn code (hex 0D) f rom the host compu ter . If this feature is enabled , each time the pr inter rec eives a Car riage Return, it inserts an add itional L ine Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream.
Chapter 4 LG Emulation 274 FF This parame ter forces the prin ter to inser t an autom atic Carriag e Return code into th e data stream whenever a Form Fee d code occurs. T his c an be used in most i nstalla tions , but it is required if the host c omputer doe s not sen d carriag e returns t o the printer .
Epson FX Emulation 275 Plot Mode Op t When enab led, this option wil l plot with gr eater ef ficiency, particu larly with respec t to the Pos tnet barcod e. Postne t is pri nted in the sam e density as the c urrent pr int mode fo nt so that reverse motion wil l be inhibi ted when pos sible.
Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL 276 PRINTER CONTROL PRINT ER CONTROL (from page 70) Unidirectional Acce nted Char 1 Open Platen @BOF Tear Bar Dist. Display Language Disable* Enable Standard* Tall Disable* Enabl e 7.
Epson FX Emulation 277 Ribbon End Po int This pa rameter adj usts the poi nt at wh ich the sys tem will declare the ribbo n as bein g expende d. The life c ount w ill always be from 100% to 0 %, but if a darker sett ing is s elected 0% will be reached more qui ckly.
Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL 278 • Form Saver . A llows n ear dema nd printin g for for ms that do no t have pr e-printed h eaders or spec ial appli cation d esigns. At least on e blank page i s required t o load the paper so that it does no t slip out of th e tracto rs.
Epson FX Emulation 279 Bar Code Quality Determine s the bar code resol ution fo r all emula tions, ex cept IPDS . (See “I PDS Em ulation” on page 25 7 to set th e bar cod e qual ity for IPDS.) • Dark (defa ult). Bar code r esoluti on is se t at 120 x 7 2.
Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL 280 Display Language This par ameter choo ses t he languag e that will appear o n the LCD: Englis h, Germa n, French , Italian, S panish, or Port uguese. The fac tory defa ult is English. Accented Char Selects whe ther the a ccented cha racter s are standar d or tall.
Epson FX Emulation 281 ADV ANCED USER ADVANCED USER (from page 70) Power Stack er 2 Auto Elevator 2 Auto Locking Shuttl e Timeout PTX Set u p Option 3 Enable* Disable Enable* Disable Disable* Enable Setup Parse Disable* Enable Ignore Setup SFCC 21h* (1-FF hex) * = Fact ory Defau lt 1 If you have t he CT option, Enable is the default value.
Chapter 4 ADVANCED USER 282 PTX Setup Option Selects the S pec ial Functi on Contro l Code for the PTX_SE TUP command and functions. • Setup Pars e . Disables or enab les the PTX_SE TUP co mmand. • Setup SFCC . Allows you t o choose the hex v alue of the ASCII charac ter you wis h to use a s the SFCC fo r the PTX_SETUP comm and.
Epson FX Emulation 283 Power- Up St at e • Onli ne ( default). The printe r powers u p in the onl ine state. • Offline . The p rinter powe rs up in the offline state.
Chapter 4 ADVANCED USER 284 Power S t acker This parame ter allow s you to e nable or disable the power paper stacker (pr ovided this option i s installe d). Auto Elevator This parame ter exists onl y on print ers with the powe r paper stacker installed.
Epson FX Emulation 285 File System • Overwrite Files . Allows you to prev ent files from being overwritte n by disabl ing the ov erwrite fun ction. • View File List . Disp lays the li st of fil es in the file syste m. Pressi ng the DO WN key d isplays th e file size.
Chapter 4 ADVANCED USER 286 In a non- CT system , changin g character s sets in LP + cause s the active IGP to chang e to the sa me charact er set if the selecte d set exists in IGP . If the active IGP has no access to the selected set, no chang es are made .
Epson FX Emulation 287 Power Saver Time The time interval y ou spec ify for t his paramet er sets the a mount of idle time before th e printer g oes into P ower Saver mode. W hen Instant is chose n, the prin ter goes i nto Power Saver m ode as soon as it is a ble to stop the shuttl e properly .
Chapter 4 ADVANCED USER 288 Set Lock Key Normally , to loc k or unloc k the printe r menu, th e UP and DOW N keys are pressed at the same time. The Se t Lock K ey parameter lets you ch oose differen t keys to l ock or unlock the p rinter menu. Y ou may choose almost an y group of keys as the new lock and unlock keys.
Epson FX Emulation 289 Ink Saver Mode The overa ll image density settin g will be maintaine d at a lowe r level, eq uivalen t to appro ximately 0. 2 PCS bel ow the defaul t settin g. The factor y defaul t setting is Disa ble. Sele ct En able and press t he ENTER key t o activa te the Ink S aver M ode.
Chapter 4 DIAGNOSTICS 290 Printer T est s These tests are used to chec k the pr int qua lity and op eration o f the printer . NOTE: Y our autho rized ser vice re presentativ e will typi cally run the tests. They ar e describe d in more d etail in the Mainten ance Manual .
Epson FX Emulation 291 • Paperout Adj. . V erifies the curr ent Paper Out Dots setti ng, which dete rmines wher e the las t line of text will pr int when there is a paper out cond ition. Se tting th is paramete r correctl y prevents printin g on the platen.
Chapter 4 DIAGNOSTICS 292 Print St atis tics Y ou can view various printe r statistics and refer to the m for prevent ive main tenance p urposes . Printer statistics accumul ate continuo usly; th ey do not r eset when you tur n off the printer . All of the prin ter statistics a re set to ze ro at the f actory after bur n-in testing.
293 5 Interfaces Overview This chap ter desc ribes the host inte rfaces provided w ith the printer. T he printer interface is the p oint wh ere the d ata line from the host comput er plugs in to the pri nter. Th e interfa ce proces ses all communi catio ns signals and data to and from the host c omputer.
Chapter 5 Dataproducts Parallel Interface 294 Dat aproducts Parallel Interface The leng th of the data ca ble from the host comp uter to the prin ter must not exce ed 40 fe et (12 meter s).
Datapro ducts Pa rallel Inter face Sign als 295 Dat aproduct s Parallel Interface Signals Data Lines 1 through 8. Provides ei ght sta ndard or i nverted lev els fr om the hos t that spec ify ch aracter dat a, plot da ta, or a co ntrol co de. Data Line 8 allows a ccess to th e extended ASCII ch aracter s et.
Chapter 5 Centronics Para llel Interface 296 Centron ics Parallel Inte rface The leng th of the data ca ble from the host comp uter to the prin ter must not exce ed 15 fe et (5 meters ).
Centronics Paral lel Interf ace Signal s 297 Centronics Paralle l Interface Signals Data Lines 1 through 8. Provides ei ght sta ndard or i nverted lev els fr om the hos t that spec ify ch aracter dat a, plot da ta, or a co ntrol co de. Data Line 8 allows a ccess to th e extended ASCII ch aracter s et.
Chapter 5 IEEE 128 4 Parallel Interfac e 298 IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface The 1284 support s three o perating modes, wh ich are dete rmined b y negotiati on between t he printer and the hos t. Comp at ibility Mode This mode provid es compa tibil ity with Centr onics-l ike host I/O (see Table 1 0).
Signals 299 Signals Table 10 lists e ach of the signals assoc iated with the correspon ding pins on th e 1284 interfac e. Descrip tions of the signal s follow.
Chapter 5 IEEE 128 4 Parallel Interfac e 300 NOTE: The length of the data c able from th e host compu ter to the printer s hould not excee d 32 feet ( 10 meters) .
Signals 301 Host Clock / nWrite. Driven by host . Data transfe rred from host to printer . When pr inter se nds data, two types are availa ble. If Nibble mode, sig nal is set h igh. If By te mode, s ignal is s et low. Data 1 through Data 8. These pins are host- driven in Compati bility mode an d bidirect ional in Byte m ode.
Chapter 5 IEEE 128 4 Parallel Interfac e 302 Host Logic High —Dr iven by the host. Whe n set to high, the host indicat es all of its sig nals ar e in a val id state. When set to low, the host indicat es its power is o ff or its signals are in an invalid state.
Terminating Resistor Configurations 303 The shippi ng kit for this pri nter inc ludes 220 oh m pull -up and 330 o hm pull-do wn alternate terminatin g resis tors. If you insta ll the 220 oh m pull- up resisto r, you must a lso ins tall the 330 ohm pull-d own resi stor.
Chapter 5 RS-232 And RS-422 Se rial Int erfaces 304 RS-232 And RS-422 Serial In terfaces NOTE: The RS-23 2 and RS- 422 serial interfac e circui t characteri stics are com patible wi th the Ele ctronic In dustry Associ ation Specifi cations EIA-232 -E and E IA-422- B.
RS-232 305 RS-232 Receive Data (RXD). Serial data s tream to t he printer. Transmit D ata (TXD). Ser ial data stream f rom the pr inter for transmittin g statu s and co ntrol infor mation to t he host. S ubject to protocol select ion. Request To Send (RTS ).
Chapter 5 RS-232 And RS-422 Se rial Int erfaces 306 Clear To Send (CTS). Status si gnal t o the prin ter indica ting th e host is ready to receive data/st atus signal s from th e printer. Data Set Ready (D SR). Stat us sign al to the p rinter indicati ng the hos t is in a rea dy co ndition.
307 6 Repr ogrammi ng The Security Key Reprogr amming The Secur ity Key The secur ity key on the PSA3 control ler board can be r eprogramme d with a Softw are Pro gram Ex change ( SPX) modu le. The SPX is an intellig ent mod ule that pl ugs into the debug po rt on the back of p rinters equipped w ith the PSA3 “H urricane” controll er boar d.
Chapter 6 Reprogramming The Security Key 308 Figure 25. Inserting The SPX into the Debug Port 4. Power on the prin ter. The printer wi ll begin its boot- up seque nce.
How To Program The Se curity Key 309 9. Press the ENT ER key . The pr inter will reboot its elf and you may resume n ormal pri nting. 10. You may n eed to d ownload a new program file to us e the new feature. 11. You may n eed to se t additi onal menu paramete rs for any new features that have b een added or enable d.
Chapter 6 Reprogramming The Security Key 310.
311 7 T r oubleshooting Cleaning Req uirement s Clean the p rinter eve ry six month s or afte r every 1000 hours of operation , whic hever occ urs firs t. If the pr inter is lo cated in a dust y area or is used for heavy d uty prin ting, clean it more o ften.
Chapter 7 Cleaning Requirements 312 Interior Cleanin g Over time, par ticles of paper and ink acc umulate ins ide the prin ters. This is normal. P aper dust a nd ink bu ild-up must be pe riodicall y remove d to avoid degraded print qu ality. Mo st pap er dust accumul ates ar ound the end s of th e platen an d ribbon path.
Interior Cleaning 313 To clean th e interior of the pri nter perform the foll owing ste ps. 1. Power off the printe r and unp lug the pr inter po wer cord. 2. Open the p rinter cover. 3. Fully raise th e platen l ever. 4. Unload the paper. 5. Unlatch th e ribbon and ribbon s pool and care fully lift th em off the hubs.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 314 11. Brush and vacu um the a ccumula ted dust o r residue inside t he lower c abinet. 12. Wipe the lower ca binet inte rior with a clean, lin t-free clo th dampened (not wet) with water and mild dete rgent or window cleanin g soluti on.
Printing A Hex Dump 315 Printing A Hex Dump A hex co de printo ut (or h ex dump) is a trans latio n of all ho st interfac e data t o its hex adecimal equival ent, lis ting all ASCII charac ter data rec eived from the host com puter with their correspo nding tw o-digit hex adecima l codes .
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 316 Fault Messag es If a fault c ondition occu rs in the pr inter, the s tatus in dicat or on the control panel flas hes on and off, an d the messa ge display indicate s the sp ecific faul t. Fault message s are summ arized in Tabl e 15.
Fault Messages 317 T abl e 15. LCD Message T roubleshooting T able Displaye d Message Can User Correct? Explanation S olution 06 HOST RE QUEST Y es Host atte ntion messa ge.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 318 32 P A PER JAM TIMEOUT Y es A t imeout me ssage is sent to the host i f no paper moti on has occur red for 10 mi nutes afte r CLEAR was presse d to clear the jam fault. Clear paper j am and reload paper . 33 PLA TEN OPEN TIMEOUT Y es Pl aten le ver has been open f or at least one minute.
Fault Messages 319 ACTIV A TE LO ST No Pr inter detec t s twina x protocol commun ication errors. The print er reports the error . B10 ERROR: NO DRAM DETECTED* No SDRAM DIMM may not be proper ly installed . Cycle power to see if th e message clears, i f not, contact your authorized service representativ e.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 320 B19 ERROR: DC RETURNED* No The boot code calls t he DC (t he printer software that runs on the PowerPC) a nd then the DC c ode should r un and never retu rn back to the boot c ode. If the DC code returns bac k to the boot cod e then thi s message will be display ed.
Fault Messages 321 B23 ER ROR: DECOMPRESS CKSUM* No FLASH SIMM may not b e properly inst alle d. Cycle power to see if th e message clears, i f not, contact your authorized service representativ e.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 322 B43 ERROR: SD RAM T OO MAN Y BANK S* No SDRAM DIMM is not compatible with the comput er . SDRAM DIMM may not be properl y installed. Cycle powe r to see if the messag e clear s, if not, contact yo ur author ized servic e represen tative.
Fault Messages 323 B49 ER ROR: SDRAM # LOGICAL BANKS * No SDRAM DIMM is not c ompat ibl e with the com puter . SDRAM DI MM may not be proper ly installed . Cycle power to see if th e message clears, i f not, contact your authorized service representativ e.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 324 BARCODE DAMAGED Reverse Spools Y es Barc ode detec ted, but not fully decoded. If barcode appears damaged, reve rse ribbon spools . If barcode la bel is presen t and undam aged, clean sensor le ns us ing damp cl oth or s wab.
Fault Messages 325 CLEARING PROGRAM FROM FLAS H No St atu s message: emulati on software success fully loaded into printer RAM and the checksu m matched . The old prog ram is no w bein g deleted fr om flash m emory . No action is requ ired. CLOS E PLA TEN Y es The p laten lev er is open.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 326 E NET TEST UNA V AILABLE Y es The E thernet PCBA did not init ializ e corr ectly . Cycle powe r . Wait for “E Net Ready ” to displa y , then retry operatio n. If the fault mes sage app ears again, c ontact your auth oriz ed ser vice repr esent ative.
Fault Messages 327 ERROR: FLASH DID NOT PROG RAM Y es The pri nter encoun tered an error try ing to prog ram flash memor y . Download th e progr am again. If t he mes sage display s again , contact your au thorized ser vice represen tative. 1 ERROR: FLASH NOT DETECTED No Th e printer c ould not find flash memor y .
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 328 ER ROR OCCURRED FLUSHING QUEUES* No An i nteri m message that displays whi le the printer discards host data it cann ot use beca use a fault cond ition exists. Contact your a uthorized servic e represen tative. 1 ER ROR: PROGRA M NEED S MORE DRAM No The printe r requires more DRAM to ru n the downloaded program.
Fault Messages 329 ERROR: WRITING TO FL A SH No Ha rdware or software fa ult in flash m emory . Contact your au thorized service representativ e. 1 ERROR: WRONG CHECKSUM No Th e printer receive d the compl ete prog ram but the c hecksum did not match.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 330 EXHAUST F AN FL T (Cabinet model onl y) Y es Sen sors can not detect curren t in fan circuit. Power off the printer and remove the paper path (see Main tenance Manua l). Check that the fan cabl e connector is connec ted.
Fault Messages 331 FREEF ORM O FF Y es A control p anel ke y is stuc k in the down posit ion. Press the ke y again. FREEFORM ON: OFF HO LD KE Y @ PWRUP No Th is me ssage appe ars if the freeform feat ure is enabled . This feature is for manufac turing u se only a nd is nev er used by t he custom er or field mainten ance pers onnel.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 332 HMR BANK F AN FL T Y es Sen sors can not detect curren t in fan circuit. Check t hat fan cab le is connec ted. Check for obst ruction of vents and fan air way; remo ve any obst ructi ons. C heck f or items b eneath the p rinter block ing cabi net vents.
Fault Messages 333 INTERRUPT UNUSED VECTOR 00 No Th e controlle r board r eceives an interrup t it does not unders tand. Cycle power . If this message occur red once and never again, you can ignore i t. If the me ssage reappears or appea rs consis tently , contact yo ur authoriz ed servi ce represen tative.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 334 LOADING PROGRAM I NTO FLASH No The pr inter has deleted the previou s program from flash m emory and is lo ading the new program into fl ash m emor y . No act ion is re quir ed. NEW SP X DETECTED PRESS ENTER No The printer detects an SPX ins talled at the debug por t and the SPX is val id for the printer .
Fault Messages 335 ONLI NE CU TIMED OUT Y es Ena ble poll timeout. The printer was not enabled for one minute. (Coax inter face) Check cabl e connec tion and ho st syst em. P AP BAD T ABLE* No Fa tal firmware error o n cont roller board. Contact your au thorized service representativ e.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 336 P AP N OT SCHED* No Fatal firmware error on contr oller board. Contact your a uthorized servic e represen tative. 1 P AP N T A T S PEED* No Fatal firmware error on contr oller board. Contact your a uthorized servic e represen tative.
Fault Messages 337 PLEAS E W AIT ... RESET IN PROGRESS N/A The pri nter fini shed loadin g the prog ram into fla sh memory and is autom atically resett ing itsel f.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 338 PROTE CTED INSTR* No Fatal firmware error on contr oller board. Contact your a uthorized servic e represen tative. 1 PWR SUP P VOL T * No Power supply failed. Repla ce power supply board. QUEUE OVERRUN No In CT t winax emulation , the print buffer has overflo wed.
Fault Messages 339 RIB INVLD ST A TE* No Ribb on Invalid St a t e . Contact your au thorized service representativ e. 1 RIBBON DRIVE No Th e controller board d oes not detect a ribbon drive moto r . Contact your au thorized service representativ e. 1 RIBBON UNDER 2% Change RBN S oon Y es Mes sage is display ed when ribbon life reac hes 2% le vel.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 340 SECURITY KEY NOT DETECTED No The securit y key is not pres ent or has failed. Contact your a uthorized servic e represen tative. 1 SENDING PROGRAM TO EC PROCESSOR No S tatus mess age: the printer is loading th e engine control ler progr am into the engine control ler .
Fault Messages 341 SHUTTLE S T ALL Y es T he shutt le is not movin g. Set the pl aten leve r to match the thickness of paper , but n ot too tight ly . Check an d adjust the platen ga p. Insp ect the ribbon m ask for deformat ion that s nags and inter feres with shuttle move ment.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 342 ST A CKER F AUL T Y es S tacker is not functioning correc tly . Check f or obstr uctions in the stacke r area. If fau lt persists, c ontact your auth oriz ed ser vice repr esent ative. 1 ST ACKER FUL L Y es Power stacker is full of paper .
Fault Messages 343 UNDEF INTERRUPT* No Fatal firmware error o n cont roller board. Contact your au thorized service representativ e. 1 UNDFNED OPCODE* No Fatal firmware error o n cont roller board. Contact your au thorized service representativ e. 1 UNKNOWN RBN1 Install New RBN Y es Ribb on was not a Print ronix c oded barc ode.
Chapter 7 Diagnosing Problems 344.
345 A Printer Specifications Ribbon S pecification s St andard Ribbons Part Number P7000 Ul tra Capacity (recomme nded for most text and barcode OCR) 179499- 001 P7000 Hi gh Label (reco mmended fo r c.
Appendix A Paper Specificat ions 346 Paper S pecifications T ype: Edge-per forated, f an-fold, 3 to 17 inches ( 7.62 to 43.18 c m) wide , 2 to 12 in ches (5 .08 to 30.48 c m) l ong. SureSt ak Pow er S tacker opti on works wit h forms 5 to 12 inc hes (12.
347 Labels On Backi ng: One-part con tinuous p erforate d fanfold b ack form. Labe ls must be place d at lea st 1/6 inc h (0.42 c m) from th e fan-fold p erforat ion. Bac king adhesiv e must not be squeez ed out during printing . Sheet Si ze: 3 to 17 inche s (7.
Appendix A Printer Weight And Dimensions 348 Printe r Weight A nd Di mension s * With a power stacker, t he weight increases b y 21 lbs. and the depth incre ases by 4.75 inches for a deeper rear door. ** With the ZTP option, t he weight increases by 12 l bs.
349 Acoustic Noise Level Energy S tar The printe rs desc ribed in th is User’s M anual comply wi th the requiremen ts of the E NERGY S TAR ® Of fice Equipment Pr ogram of the U.S. E nvironmen tal Prote ction Ag ency. When in th e reduce d-pow er idle state, the p rinter displays “Power Saver M ode.
Appendix A Electri cal Chara cteristics 350 Electric al Characteris tics The abov e value s are calc ulated whi le prin ting 136 c olumn, al l upper c ase high speed “E ’s”. The stand-b y (Energy Saver mode) wattage is 28W (96 BTU/Hr) f or all m odels.
351 Interfaces Printing Rates The printi ng speed o f text is meas ured in l ines per m inute (lpm) and is a func tion of the select ed font an d the ver tical do t density. Printin g speed i s indepen dent of the number of charac ters config ured in the chara cter se t repertoir e.
Appendix A Printing Rate s 352.
353 B ASCII Character Set KEY ASCII Character Name ESC 33 27 1B OCTAL equivalent DECIMAL equivalent HEX equivalent B 7 0 0 00 11 1 1 B6 0 B5 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 COLUMN 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 BITS RO.
Appendix B 354.
355 C Communication Notices Noti ces This infor mation wa s develo ped for p roducts and service s offered in the U.S.A. Printr onix may no t offer the products , servic es, or fe atures discusse d in this document in other countries.
Appendix C Notices 356 The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local la w: PRINTRONIX PR OVIDES THIS PUBLICATIO N .
357 Printr onix enc ourages own ers of i nformatio n tech nology (IT ) equipment to respo nsibly recycle their equ ipment when it is no longer n eeded. Pr intronix offers a v ariety of program s and s ervices to assist e quipment o wners in recycling their IT pr oducts.
Appendix C Ener gy Star 358 Energy S t ar The Envir onmental Protectio n Agen cy E NERGY S TAR C omputers program i s a partn ership effo rt with ma nufacture rs of data processi ng equipm ent to p ro.
359 Product Recy cling and Disposal This un it may ha ve lead- containi ng mater ials – s uch as circ uit boards a nd connector s – that r equire sp ecia l handlin g. Before this unit is d isposed of, these mate rials m ust be r emoved an d recycl ed or disc arded acc ording to applica ble r egulation s.
Appendix C Communicati on Statements 360 Commu nicatio n S t atement s Federa l Communicatio ns Commission ( FCC) S tatement This equp ment has be en tested a nd foun d to comply w ith the lim its for a Cla ss A digit al device, p ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
361 Europ ean Union (E U) Conformity St atement Printr onix can not acce pt respon sibility for any f ailure t o satisfy the protection r equire ments re sulting from a non -recommen ded modifica tion of the product, incl uding the f itting of n on-Printron ix option card s.
Appendix C Communicati on Statements 362 S tatement of CISPR 22 Edition 2 Compliance Attention: This is a C lass A Pr oduct. In a domes tic envir onment this produ ct may cause radio int erference in whi ch case the user may b e required to take adequate m easures.
363 EN 55024 Hi nweis: Wird dies es Gerät i n einer ind ustriel len Umgebu ng betri eben (wie in EN 5502 4 festg elegt), d ann ka nn es dabe i eventue ll gestö rt werden. In solch ei nem Fall i st der Abs tand bzw. die Ab schirmun g zu der i ndustri ellen Stö rquelle zu öe rgrvßern.
Appendix C Communicati on Statements 364 Ta i w a n Warning: This is a Class A pr oduct. In a domesti c enviro nment this produc t may cau se radi o interfere nce in whi ch cas e the user wi ll be required t o take adequate m easures.
365 Korea CAUTION: This prod uct is e quipped wi th a 3-wire power co rd and plug f or the user’s sa fety. Use this power cor d in conju nction wi th a prope rly grounded electrica l outlet to avoid el ectrical shock. Lithium Battery W arning The cont roller boa rd conta ins a lithi um batt ery sealed inside the real-time clock chip.
Appendix C Software License Agr eement 366 Software Li cen se A gree men t Your pr inter cont ains, amo ng other s oftware, P rintronix operati ng softwa re includi ng, but not limit ed to the Em bedded Config urable Operating System (the “eCo s Softwar e”) as em bedded so ftware.
369 7. Miscellan eous This Agr eement re presents th e comple te agreem ent conce rning subject matter her eof. If any provision of this Ag reement i s held to be unenfor ceable, s uch prov ision s hall be refo rmed onl y to the extent nec essary to make it enforcea ble.
Appendix C Software License Agr eement 370.
371 Index Nume rics 06 HOST RE QUEST mess age, 317 08 HOLD PR INT TIME OUT mess age, 317 15 COMM CHE CK message , 317 15V PWR FA IL * me ssage, 31 7 20 CPI Conde nsed Epso n FX Emula t io n, 243 Proprinter XL Emu lation, 23 8 22 INVALID A DDR mess age, 317 23.
Index 372 Adap ter Addr ess, 75 ADAPTER ADDRESS me nu, 109 DHCP, 110 Gateway a ddress, 10 9 IP addres s, 109 MAC add ress, 109 Subnet mask, 109 ADAP TER PARAM S menu ASCII data port, 112 Ethernet sp e.
Index 373 ASCII data p ort, Adap ter Params menu, 112 ASCII data p ort, Ethe rnet Param eters menu, 116 ASCII data p ort, WLAN Parameter s menu, 120 Auth Method , WLAN LEAP me nu, 123 Auto Elev ator, .
Index 374 B44 ERROR SDRAM NOT 64 BITS WIDE* message, 322 B45 ER ROR SDR AM IS WRONG VOLTAGE * message, 322 B46 ERROR SDRAM HAS MIX ED SIZES* message, 322 B47 ER ROR SDR AM LA RGER THA N 256M* mes sage.
Index 375 Cancel Key, ADVANCED USER menu, 287 Centronics (Paralle l) subm enu, 91 Auto Tr ickle, 93 Buffer Si ze in K , 93 Busy On S trobe, 92 Data Bit 8, 91 Data Polarity, 92 Latch Data O n, 92 PI Ignore d, 92 Prime S ignal, 93 Resp.
Index 376 PA2, 172 Prt Par tial Line , 171 PTX Tra nsparent, 17 3 SCS Buffer Cn trl, 1 73 Set T ext O rient n, 174 Translate Table, 178 Translati on Tbl, 171 Coax/Twinax (CTHI) Emul ation menu , 167 Simple P rot Conv, 168 Standard , 167 Code Page S ubset, IP DS Em ulation, 26 2 COIL HOT message, 3 25 Column 132 Wrap, 20 3 Compatbl.
Index 377 UP + DOWN, 31 UP or DOWN, 31 VIEW / EJE CT ke y, 29 Conventio ns, man ual, 18 CPI/LPI Select, 213 ANSI Emul ation men u, 250 CR at MPP+ 1, 175, 192 CR Edit, 134 CR, EM, and N L (3287 on ly),.
Index 378 Default Code Page, IPDS Emulati on, 261 Default config urations , 55 Default Font, IPDS Emulati on, 262 Define CR Cod e, 133, 222 ANSI Emul ation men u, 253 Epso n FX Emula t io n, 241 Propr.
Index 379 Epson FX C haracter S et menu, 24 4, 245 LG, 247 PCL-II, 24 6 Epso n FX Emula t io n, 241 20 CPI Conde nsed, 243 Alt. Set 8 0-9F, 243 Auto LF, 242 Character S et, 243 Define CR Cod e, 241 De.
Index 380 ETHERNET ADDR ESS menu, 11 3 DHCP, 114 Gateway a ddress, 11 4 IP addres s, 113 MAC add ress, 114 Subnet mask, 114 ETHERNET DETE CTED message, 329 ETHERNET PARAMETERS menu ASCII data port, 11.
Index 384 FF Va lid at TOF, Proprinter XL Em ulati on, 237 FF Validity, 1 76, 1 93 FF, LG Emulation, 274 File System, AD VANCED USER menu, 285 FIRMWARE ERROR me ssage, 330 Flash Av ail.
Index 385 GRF CHECK ERROR PRESS STOP message, 331 H HAM. COIL O PEN * m essage, 331 HAMMER CO IL BAD, ## # Messag e, 331 HB NOT I NSTALLD * messag e, 331 Hex Dump Mo de, MAINT/MIS C menu , 282 Hex Dum.
Index 386 Compressed CPI, 140 CR Edit, 134 Define CR ( Carriage Re turn) Code, 133 Define LF (Line Fee d) Code, 13 3 Error Report, 144 Expanded Font, 141 Ext Execu te Copy, 136 Forms Hand ling, 135 Ho.
Index 387 INVALID ACTIVATE m essag e, 333 INVALID CO MMAND messa ge, 333 IP addres s Adap ter Addr ess m enu, 1 09 Ethernet Address m enu, 113 WLAN Addr ess menu, 117 IPDS Data P ort, Adapter Params m.
Index 388 LG Emul ation Autowrap, 272 CR, 273 FF, 274 Font, 271 Horiz Form s, 272 I-2/5 Guar d Bars, 275 LP, 273 Plot Mode Opt, 275 Print Mo de Opt, 27 4 Unsol i cited Rpt, 274 Vert Fo rms, 271 Lighte.
Index 389 Menu ACTI VE IGP EM UL, 125 ADVANC ED USE R, 281 CONFIG. CONTROL, 82 DIAGNOSTICS, 289 EMULATI ON, 166 HOST INTERFACE, 85 IGP/PGL Fon t Set, 145 Main, 70 navigati ng, 56 NETWORK SE TUP, 108 P.
Index 390 Operationa l proce dures cance l a prin t job, 5 2 reload pa per, 3 4 unload pap er, 45 Optimized Rati o, 137 Optimizin g print q uality, 6 8 Optimizin g print spe ed, 6 9 Output Dar kness, .
Index 391 Line Termi nator, 26 6 LPI Ad just, 2 67 Max Line Width, 265 Page L./Inc hes, 2 68 Page L./Li nes, 267 Page Lengt h Rep, 26 5 Per for ation Skip, 266 Primar y Char.
Index 392 Prime, Cent ronics Pa rallel Inte rface Signals , 297 Print Cha r. Set, 21 7 Print Con fig., 83 Print IP DS Fonts, IP DS Em ulation, 2 62 Pri nt job, ca ncel , 52 Print Mo de Opt, LG Emulati.
Index 393 Define LF Cod e, 237 FF Vali d at TOF, 237 Protect Configs ., 83 PROTEC TED IN STR * messag e, 338 PRT CONFIG key, 30 Prt Part ial Line , 171, 18 2 3270 Par ams menu, 189 5250 Par ams menu, 198 Prt to Em ulate, 164 P-Series Charact er Set me nu, 225 LG, 227 PCL-II, 22 6 PSeries Db l High , 224 P-Series Emulation, 219, 220 , 221 Alt.
Index 394 Horiz Form s, 80 Host Interfac e, 75 Margins, 78 Max Line Width, 80 Page Lengt h Rep, 80 PGL SFCC, 77 Power-Up Config, 81 Printer Protocol , 77 P-Seri es SFC C, 78 Ribbon End Poin t, 80 Save.
Index 395 RIBBON S TALL mess age, 339 RIBBON UNDER 2% mes sage, 33 9 Ribbons, c hanging, 49 Rot. Char S ize, 156 RS- 232 , 305 Clear to Sen d (CTS), 306 Data Carrier Detect (DCD), 3 06 Data Set Ready .
Index 396 Set Lock Key, ADVAN CED USE R menu, 288 Set Sharing, ADVANCED US ER menu, 285 Set Tex t Orientn, 1 74, 185 3270 Par ams menu, 191 5250 Par ams menu, 200 SET TOF key, 30 SFCC & Pwrup, 154.
Index 397 Specific ation s interfac es, 351 label, 347 paper, 346 Speed pr int, 351 SPX FOUND, ERROR KEY NOT DETECTED mes sage, 341 SPX NO T NEE DED OPTIO NS ENA BLED message, 341 STACK FA ULT mes sag.
Index 398 True Vert 1/1 0, 156 Trunc Dyn Data , 143 Trunca te Alpha, 155 Truncate P I Slew , ANSI Em ulatio n menu, 256 Twi nax Para ms me nu, 18 0 5225 World Trade, 1 82 Active Char Set, 1 81 Buffer .
Index 399 MAC add ress, 1 18 Subnet mask , 118 WLAN Kerber os menu Clock Skew , 122 KDC Port N umber, 12 2 Ke rber os Enab le, 121 Kerbero s Password, 122 Renew Lifeti me, 123 Reset Kerber os Passwor .
Index 400.
For technical as sist ance, cont act your Distributor/V AR/Reseller for service. For further assistance, cont act the Printronix Cu stomer Support Center . Printronix Customer Support Center Amer icas (71 4) 368- 2686 Europe, Middl e East, an d Africa (31) 24 6489 410 Asia Pacific (6 5) 6548 41 14 Web site : http://www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Printronix P7000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Printronix P7000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Printronix P7000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Printronix P7000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Printronix P7000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Printronix P7000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Printronix P7000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Printronix P7000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.