Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Sportsman 700 EFI del fabbricante Polaris
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W ARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm. A card containing important A TV safety information should be attached to the owner ’ s manual on the next page. If you cannot locate this card, or if it has been removed, please call 1-800-342-3764 for assistance.
1 We’ve cr eat ed a web si t e j ust f or YOU! S T echnical ti ps S New product introductions S Event schedules S Parts and Se rvice M anual information S Exciting details about The W ay Out Ch ec k it out.
2 Copyr ight 2003 Pol ar is Sa l es I nc . Al l inf or ma ti on c onta i ned wi t hin t his publ i ca t ion i s ba se d on t he la te s t produc t i nfor ma t ion at t he ti me of publ ic a ti on.
3 WELC O ME Thank you f or purc hasing a Polar is vehicle , and welc ome to our wor ld-wide fa mily of P olar is owner s. W e proudly produc e an exciting line of utility an d rec re ational pr oducts.
4 VE HICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS The fra me vehic le identifica tion number (VIN) a nd engine seria l number ar e importa nt for model identif ica tion when r egister ing your vehi cl e, wh en ob tai n in g in su rance, an d when o rderi ng rep l acemen t par ts.
5 TABLE OF CONTE NTS WELCO ME 3 ........................................ VEHICL E IDENT IF ICA TION NUMBERS 4 ............... SAF ETY 6 .......................................... FEA T URES AND CONT ROLS 32 ...................... OPE RA TION 47 ......
6 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations W arnin g decals h ave been placed on th e A TV for your protect ion. R ead and fol l ow t he i ns t ruct i ons of th e decal s o n t h e A T V careful l y .
7 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations IMPR OPER T IRE PRESSUR E OR O VERLO ADIN G can cause loss of contr ol r esulting in SEVER E INJUR Y OR D EA TH. TI RE PRESSUR E IN PSI ( KPa) : F RONT 5 ( 34,5) REAR 5 (34,5) M AXIMUM WEIGHT CAP ACITY (G ross Vehicl e Weight) INCLUDIN G MACHINE, DRIVE R AND CA RG O IS 1200 LBS .
8 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations Mov ing parts haz ar d under belt- c lutc h guard. T o prev ent s er ious injury, do not operate v ehic le wit h guard remov ed. Do not modif y engine or c lutc h. Doing s o c an c aus e part failur e, pos s ible imbalanc e, and ex c es s iv e engine RP M whic h c an res ult in s erious injur y or deat h.
9 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations ALL WHE EL DRIVE SWITCH Do not push s witch t o engage A WD if the rear wheels are spinning. This m ay c ause sev ere drive s haft and c lutc h damage. See your Owner ’s Manual. 7079780 7079604 7170509 TRAILER MAX WEIGHT : 1500 LBS.
10 SA FETY Safe Riding G ear Always we ar c lothing suited to the t ype of riding. A TV riding requir es spec ial protec tive clothing for comf ort and to reduc e the chanc e of injury . 1. Helm et Y our he lmet is the most impor tant pie ce of prote ctive ge ar for sa fe riding.
11 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Failur e t o follow t he war nings cont ained in t his m anual can res ult in sever e injury or deat h. A Polar is A TV is not a t oy and c an be hazar dous t o operat e. T his vehicle handles differ ent ly t han ot her vehic les, suc h as motorcycles and cars.
12 SA FETY Operator S afety The f ollowing signal words a nd symbols appea r throughout this manua l and on your vehic le. Y our safe ty is involved whe n these wor ds and symbols ar e used. Become f amilia r with their mea nings befor e re ading the manua l.
13 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Serious injury or deat h can r esult if you do not f ollow t hese inst ruc tions and proc edures , whic h are out lined in f urt her det ail within y our owner ’ s m anual. S Rea d this manual a nd all labe ls car efully , and follow the oper ating proc edures de scribe d.
14 SA FETY Operator S afety S Alway s hav e the A T V in sp ected b y an aut ho rized P o lari s d ealer i f it ’ s been i nvolved i n an accident. S Ne ver oper ate on hills too steep for the A TV or for your abilitie s. Pra ctic e on smalle r hills bef ore a ttempting lar ger hills.
15 SA FETY Operator S afety S W et bra kes may ha ve re duce d stopping ability . T est the br akes a fter lea ving wa ter . If n ece ssar y , apply them lightly seve ra l times to allow frict i on t o dry ou t t he pads . S Always che ck for obstac les or people behind the A TV befor e opera t- in g in rev erse.
16 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper at ing this A T V wit hout proper inst r uct ion. WHA T CAN H APPEN The r isk of an ac cident is great ly inc reased if t he operat or does not k now how t o operat e t he A T V pr operly in diff erent sit uat ions and on different t y pes of t errain.
17 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Carry ing a pass enger on an A T V . WHA T CAN H APPEN Carry ing a pass enger great ly reduc es the operat or ’s ability t o balance and cont rol t he A T V , whic h could caus e an acc ident and injury t o t he operat or and/or pas senger .
18 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper at ing this A T V on public st reet s, r oads or highways. WHA T CAN H APPEN The A T V could c ollide with another v ehicle. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Never oper at e the A T V on any public st r eet, r oad or highway , including dirt and gr avel r oads.
19 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper at ing the A T V af ter cons uming alc ohol or drugs . WHA T CAN H APPEN Consumpt ion of alcohol and/ or drugs could ser iously affec t operat or judgm ent. Reac t ion tim e may be slower and oper at or balance and perc ept ion could be affec t ed.
20 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Failur e t o inspect t he A T V befor e operat ing. Failur e t o properly maint ain t he A T V . WHA T CAN H APPEN Poor m aint enance incr eases t he possibilit y of an ac cident or equipment damage.
21 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Failur e t o use ext r a caut ion when operat ing t he A T V on unfam iliar t errain. WHA T CAN H APPEN Unfam iliar t err ain may contain hidden rocks, bumps, or holes t hat could c ause los s of c ont rol or ov ert urn.
22 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD T urning impr operly . WHA T CAN H APPEN Im proper t urns c ould caus e loss of c ontr ol and lead t o a collision or overt ur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedur es f or t ur ning as desc ribed in t he owner ’s manual.
23 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Climbing hills im proper ly . WHA T CAN H APPEN Im proper hill clim bing could cause los s of c ontr ol or overt ur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedur es f or c limbing hills as desc ribed in t he owner ’s manual.
24 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD T raveling downhill im proper ly . WHA T CAN H APPEN Im proper ly desc ending a hill could caus e loss of c ont rol or overt ur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedur es f or t r aveling down hills as des cr ibed in the owner ’s manual.
25 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im proper ly cros sing hills and tur ning on hills. WHA T CAN H APPEN Im proper ly cr oss ing or t urning as hills could c ause los s of cont rol or overt ur n.
26 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD St alling, rolling back wards or improper ly dism ounting while climbing a hill. WHA T CAN H APPEN The v ehicle c ould overt ur n. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Maint ain st eady s peed when climbing a hill.
27 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im proper ly operat ing ov er obst ac les. WHA T CAN H APPEN Oper at ing over obs t acles c ould caus e loss of c ont rol or ov ert urn. HOW T O A VOID THE HAZ ARD Bef ore oper ating in a new ar ea, chec k f or obs tac les.
28 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper at ing the A T V t hrough deep or fas t -f lowing wat er . WHA T CAN H APPEN T ires may f loat , c ausing loss of t rac tion and loss of c ontr ol, whic h could lead t o an acc ident or over t urn.
29 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper at ing this A T V wit h im proper t ir es, or wit h impr oper or uneven t ire pr essur e. WHA T CAN H APPEN Use of impr oper t ires , or operat ion of t he A T V wit h im proper or uneven t ire pr essur e, could c ause loss of cont rol or acc ident .
30 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Ov erloading t he A T V or car ry ing/t owing car go impr operly . WHA T CAN H APPEN Ov erloading and t owing can c ause c hanges in vehic le handling, which could lead t o los s of cont rol or an acc ident .
31 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Oper at ing a damaged A T V can res ult in an acc ident wit h ser ious injury or deat h. A f ter any ov ert urn or acc ident, hav e a qualified serv ice dealer inspec t t he ent ire m achine f or pos sible damage, including (but not lim ited t o) brakes , thr ot tle and s teer ing systems.
32 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Engine E lectr ical S witches W ARNING Act iv ating t he ov erride s witc h while t he thr ot tle is open can c ause loss of c ontr ol, res ulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Do not ac t ivat e the ov err ide swit ch while t he t hrot t le is open.
33 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS W ARNING Oper at ing an A T V wit h st ick ing or im proper ly operat ing t hrot t le cont rols could c ause an acc ident and lead t o s evere injur y or death. Never s t art or oper ate an A T V wit h a st ick ing or im properly operat ing thr ott le.
34 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Light S witches The light switch is loc ated on the left ha ndlebar . It’ s used to turn the lights on and of f and to switc h the lights fro m HI to LO. NOTE: The lights won’ t work unless the ke y is i n the ON position and the a uxiliary shut-of f switch is in the RUN position.
35 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Master Cylinder The bra ke fluid in the master cylinde r (1) , which is loca ted on the lef t handleba r , should be che cked before each ri de. T he fl ui d l evel ca n be see n through an indic ator window (2) on the top of the master cylinde r .
36 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Park in g Bra ke W ARNING Oper at ing the A T V while t he park ing brake is engaged could result in an accident and ser ious injury or deat h. Alway s check t o be sure t he par king brak e is dis engaged befor e operat ing.
37 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Auxiliary Brake W ARNING Aggres siv ely applying t he aux iliary br ake when bac king down a hill may c ause r ear t ipover , which c ould result in s erious injur y or death. Use caut ion when apply ing the aux iliary brake.
38 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Fuel T ank The f uel tank fille r cap ( 1) is locate d dire ctly below the handle bar . Use either lead ed or un l eaded g aso li n e wit h a minimum pump octane numbe r of 87 =(R + M / 2) oct an e.
39 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS Autom atic T r ansmi ssion Gear S elector The tra nsmission gear se lec tor (1) is l oca ted on the right side of the vehic le. H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Rev er se P: Pa rk T o shift into HIGH o r P ARK, you must first apply the a uxiliar y brake to ac tivate the high/par k lock-out me cha nism.
40 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS All W heel Dr ive (A W D) S ystem Po lari s 4-wh eel dri ve A TVs are equippe d with a unique , P ol aris -excl us i ve, On -Dem and Al l Wh eel Dr ive system, which is acti v ated b y th e A WD s wi tch (1 ) on the right handleba r .
41 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Y our A TV is e quipped with a n instrume nt cluster tha t sense s vehicle spee d from the right fr ont wheel.
42 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Ri der Infor ma tion Center The ride r infor mation c ente r is loca ted in the instr ument cluste r .
43 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Ri der Infor ma tion Center The r ider infor mation ce nter has 4 sta ndard mode s: Mode 1 - Odometer Mode 2 - T ripmete r Mode 3 - T otal S er vice Hours Mode 4 - T achome ter The re verse ove rride button on the left handleb ar is also the mode button .
44 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Ri der Infor ma tion Center Dia gnosti c Mode The diagnostic mode is for infor mationa l purposes only . P lease r eturn your A TV to your deale r for all major r epair s. As long as the gauge is in the diagnostic mode, the wrenc h icon will re main lit.
45 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Ri der Infor ma tion Center Dia gnosti c Mode S cr een 5: Progra mmable se rvice inte rva l The purpose of the progr amma ble servic e interva l is to provide the consume r and dea ler with a conve nient reminde r for routine mainte nance .
46 FEATURE S AND CO NTROLS In stru men t Clu st er Ri der Infor ma tion Center Spe c ia l EFI Dia gnos tic Mode The EFI diagnostic mode is for informa tional purposes only . Pl ea se see your Pola ris deale r for all major r epa irs. T o download blink codes (fa ilure code s) from the EFI m odule: 1.
47 OPERATION Fuel Safety W ARNING Gas oline is highly flam ma ble and ex plosiv e under ce rta in condit ions. Always exer cis e ext rem e caut ion whenever handling gasoline. Always ref uel wit h t he engine st opped, and outdoor s or in a well vent ilat ed area.
48 OPERATION Br eak - In P er iod The br eak -in per iod for your ne w Polaris A TV is define d as the f irst ten hours of oper ation, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gasoline . No single a ction on your pa rt is as importa nt as following the proc edure s for a prope r brea k-in.
49 OPERATION Pr e -Ride Inspection W ARNING If a pr oper ins pect ion is not done bef ore eac h use, sev ere injury or deat h could r esult . Alway s inspec t the v ehicle bef ore eac h use to ens ure it ’s in proper oper ating c ondit ion.
50 OPERATION Star ti ng the E ngine W ARNING Engine exhaus t cont ains pois onous car bon monox ide and can cause los s of c onscious ness result ing in s evere injur y or deat h. Never r un an engine in an enclos ed area. 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surfac e with the tra nsmission in P ARK .
51 OPERATION Hauling Cargo Y our A TV ha s been de signed to ca rry or tow a c erta in amount of loa d. Always r ead a nd understa nd the load distr ibution war ning labels on the veh icl e, an d nev er exceed th e weig ht cap ac itie s outlined in the sp ecifi cat io ns s ect io n of t he own er ’ s m anu al and o n th e safet y decal s.
52 OPERATION Hauling Cargo W ARNING Hauling cargo im proper ly can alt er vehicl e handling and may cause los s of cont r ol or brak e inst abilit y and r esult in ser ious injury or deat h. Alway s follow t hese prec autions when hauling cargo: REDUCE SPEED AND ALLO W G REA T ER DIST ANCES F OR BRAKING WHEN HAULING C ARGO .
53 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Pr ocedu res 1. Sit upright with both fee t on the footre sts and both hands on the handle bars. 2. Start the engine a nd allow it to war m up, then shift the tra nsmission into gea r . 3. Check your surr oundings and dete rmine your pa th of tra vel.
54 OPERATION Driving Safely Making T urns Y our A TV is equippe d with a so li d rear axl e, w hi ch dri v es bo th rear wheel s eq ual ly at al l times. This me ans tha t the whee l on the outside of the tu rn mu st t ravel a great er di st an ce th an t he i n si de w heel whe n turning and the inside tire must slip tra ction slightly .
55 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving o n Slippery S urfaces Whe neve r riding on slipper y su rfaces su ch as wet trai l s or loose gra vel, or during freezin g weat her , fo ll ow t hes e precau ti o ns : 1. Sl ow down when ent erin g sl i ppery areas .
56 OPERATION Driving Safely T raveling Uphill Whe neve r tra veling uphill, follow these pr ecauti on s: 1. Alwa ys tra vel stra ight uphill. 2. A void steep hills ( 25 _ maximum) . 3. Kee p both fee t on the footre sts. 4. T ransf er your weight forw ard.
57 OPERATION Driving Safely Sidehilling W ARNING Im proper ly cr oss ing hills or t ur ning on hills can r esult in loss of cont rol or vehic le overt ur n, r esult ing in sev ere injur y or deat h. Avoid cross ing t he side of a hill when poss ible. F ollow proper procedur es as out lined in the owner ’ s m anual.
58 OPERATION Driving Safely T raveling Downh ill W ARNING Exc ess ive speed when t r aveling downhill can c ause los s of cont rol and serious injur y or death. Whe n tra veling downhill, follow these pr ecaut i on s: 1. T ra nsfer your we ight to the rea r .
59 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning A r ound on a Hi ll W ARNING Im proper hill clim bing procedur es c ould cause los s of cont r ol or overt ur n and result in s erious injury or deat h.
60 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Thr ough W ater Y our A TV c an oper ate thr ough water with a maximum re comme nded depth e qual to the bottom of the footr ests (1). Follow th ese p rocedu res wh en oper ating through wate r: 1. Dete rmine wate r depths and curren t befo re cr ossing.
61 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Over Obstacles Be al ert! Loo k ahead an d learn t o read t he t errain y ou ’re travel i ng o n. Be con st an tl y al ert fo r hazards s uch as l og s, rock s and l ow h angi n g bran ches . W ARNING Sever e injury or deat h can r esult if your vehicle c omes in cont act with a hidden obs t acle.
62 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving in Reverse F ol lo w th ese precau ti on s when o perat in g i n revers e: 1. Always avoid bac king downhill. 2. Back slowly . 3. When i n revers e, apply the brake s lightly for stopping. 4. A void t urning a t sh arp ang les i n revers e.
63 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void parking on a n incline if possible. If it’ s unavoidable , follow th ese p recaut i on s: 1. T urn the engine of f. 2. Place the tr ansmission in park. 3. Set t he par king brake . 4.
64 EMISSION C O NT RO L SYST EMS Noise E m ission Contr ol S ystem Do not modify the engine, i ntake o r e xhaust components, as doing so may af fe ct complia nce with state a nd local noise leve l requir eme nts.
65 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pe ri odic Maintenance S chedule Care ful periodic ma intenan ce will help keep your vehic le in the safe st, most relia ble c ondition. Inspe ction, adjustme nt and lubric ation of importa nt components ar e explai ne d i n the periodic mainten ance sche dule.
66 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pe ri odic Maintenance S chedule Hours of ope ration a re ba sed on a 10 mph ave rage . If se rvice is due a t 20 hours, the e quivalent odome ter re ading w ould be 200 miles. P erform al l servi ces at whi chev er readin g is reached fi rst .
67 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pe ri odic Maintenance S chedule Item Hours/ Mile s Frequency Remar ks " Air box sediment tube Pre- Ride Pre- Ride Drai n deposits whenever visi ble Headlam p Pre- .
68 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pe ri odic Maintenance S chedule W ARNING Im proper ly perf or ming t he proc edures m ark ed with a J could result in c omponent f ailure and lead t o ser ious injury or deat h. Have an aut horiz ed Polaris dealer per f orm t hes e serv ices .
69 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pe ri odic Maintenance S chedule Item Hours/ Mile s Frequency Remar ks Coolant st r ength 100 hr s. 12 mont hs Inspect st rengt h seasonall y ; pr essure test system annual ly L Spark pl ugs 100 hr s. 12 mont hs Inspect ; repl ace as needed J L Igni t ion T im ing 100 hr s.
70 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance R ecor d Use t he fo ll owi ng chart t o reco rd peri od i c mai nt enan ce. Maintenance In t erval Perfo rmed Se rv icing Date Ser vicing Dealer or Pe rs on Remarks 10 hrs. 20 hrs. 50 hrs. 100 hrs.
71 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubr ication Gui de NOTE: Hour s in t he f reque ncy column a re ba sed on 10 mph aver age. If se rvice is due at 20 hours, the equivale nt odometer re ading would be 200 mile s. Per form a ll ser vices at wh icheve r r ead ing is r eached firs t.
72 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Pr em ium 4 S ynthetic Lubr icant Polaris Pre mium 4 All S ea son synthetic e ngine oil has be en spe cially for mulated for u se in Polaris 4-c ycle engine s. It’ s a fully synthetic, high per forma nce , multi-viscosity oil de signed to provide the ultima te in l ubri cat io n perfo rman ce an d pro tect i on .
73 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil Check The oil dipstick and fill tube (1) ar e loca ted on the l ef t side of the vehic le. 1. Position the A TV on a level surf ace. 2. Start the engine an d let it idle for 20-30 se conds, then stop the engine . 3. Li ft t he l ever l ock (2) t o r emo ve the dipstick.
74 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Oil and Filter Change The r ecomme nded oil c hange inte rval is 100 hour s, 1000 miles, or eve ry six months, whic heve r come s first. Suggeste d brea k-in oil cha nge is at 20 hours, 200 mile s, or one month, whic hever come s fir st.
75 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION T r ansm ission Oil The tra nsmission oil level should b e che cked e ver y six months or 1000 miles ( 1600 km), whiche ver c omes fir st. T ra nsmission oil should be cha nged annua lly . W e rec ommend the use of Polaris AGL S ynthetic Gea rca se Lubrica nt.
76 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Front Gear case Oil The f ront gear case lubric ant level should be che cked e ver y six months or 1000 mile s (1600 km), whiche ver c omes f irst. Front gea rca se oil should be change d annually . W e re commend the use of Polar is Premium Hub Drive Fluid.
77 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Rear Gearcase Oil The r ear gea rca se lubric ant leve l should be chec ked e very six months or 1000 miles (1600 km), whiche ver come s first. Rea r gear ca se oil should be change d annually . Use Polaris AGL S ynthetic Ge arc ase Lube (or GL5 80-90 weight gea r lube).
78 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Cool ing S ystem Coolant Level The r ec overy bottle (1) is loc ated on the left s id e of t h e mach in e. T o access t he re cover y bottle, remove the lef t side pane l as outline d on page 83.
79 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Cool ing S ystem W ARNING Esc aping st eam c an caus e sever e burns . Never remov e t he press ure c ap while the engine is warm or hot . Alway s allow t he engine to c ool bef ore rem oving t he pres sur e cap.
80 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes The front and re ar bra kes are hydr aulic disc bra kes, activa ted by moving the single brake le ver toward the handle bar . These brake s are self -adjusting. The fo l lo win g ch ecks are recom men ded to keep t he brak e sy st em in good oper ating condition.
81 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes 2. Ch eck t he b rake s ys t em fo r fl ui d l eaks . 3. Ch eck t h e brakes fo r exces si v e trav el or spongy fe el. 4. Ch eck th e frict io n pad s for wear , dama ge and looseness. 5. Ch eck t he secu rit y and s urface condition of the disc.
82 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION T oe A lignm ent W ARNING Sever e injury or deat h can r esult f rom improper t oe alignment and adjust ment . Do not at tem pt to adjus t tie r od alignment . All t ie r od adjust ment s s hould be perf orm ed by an aut horiz ed Polar is dealer .
83 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Si de Panel Rem oval NOTE: Side panel r emoval ma y be dif ficult until the locking tabs an d receiv ers hav e been sn apped an d un sn app ed a few times. 1. Remove the sea t. 2. Grasp the rea r of the side pan el n ear th e rear cab.
84 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION W ARNING Oper at ing your A T V wit h worn t ires , im proper ly inf lat ed tir es, non-st andar d tires or im proper ly inst alled tir es will affect v ehicle handling and could caus e an acc ident r esult ing in ser ious injur y or death.
85 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Wheel Installation 1. Place the tr ansmission in park and lock the park ing brake . 2. P lace t h e wheel on t he wheel hu b wi th t he val ve s t em towar d the outside and rota tion ar rows on the tire pointing toward f orward rota tion.
86 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter System s Air Filter Service 1. Rem o ve t he s eat , rel ease t he air box cove r clips, and re move the air box cover . 2. Loosen the cla mp and re move the filte r . 3. Remove the fa bric type pre -filte r (1) f rom the main filte r (2).
87 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Whe n serv icing a ha logen lamp, don’ t touch the la mp with bare finger s. Oil fr om your skin le ave s a r esidue, ca using a hot spot that will shorten the life of the la mp. W ARNING Poor light ing while dr iving can r esult in sev ere injur y or deat h.
88 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights High Beam Ad jus tment The h eadlight be am ca n be a djusted to an y position desire d by turning the adjusting knob on the bottom right side of the hea dlight pod. 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surfac e with the hea dlight appr oximate ly 25 ft.
89 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Headlight Hou sing Replacement 1. Remove the two screws on the lower front corne rs of t he hea dlight pod. 2. Usi ng a sm al l flat -b lad e screwdri ver , p us h i n on t he lo ck tab through the two small ope nings at the f ront of the hea dlight pod.
90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Lower Headlam p Rem oval / In stallation 1. T urn the bac k of the he adlight har ness (1) in a counte rcloc kwise direc tion. 2. Pull the ha rness a ssembly out f rom the he adlight asse mbly . 3. Remove the h ead lamp and re plac e with a new he adla mp.
91 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k P lugs S Use R C7YC spark plugs . S Proper ele ctrode ga p is . 035 ″ (.90 mm). S Spark plug torque is 18 ft. lbs. (24 Nm). CAUTION Using non-r ecom mended spar k plugs can r esult in ser ious engine damage. Alway s us e Polaris -r ecomm ended spar k plugs .
92 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION V eh ic le Imme rs io n CAUTION If y our vehic le becom es im mers ed, major engine dam age can result if t he mac hine is not t horoughly inspect ed.
93 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k A rr estor W ARNING Failur e t o heed the f ollowing war nings while ser vic ing the s park arres t or could r esult in s erious injur y or deat h. Do no t perform service o n the spark arre st or wh ile the system is hot.
94 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T S ystem The basic ope ration of the Polaris PVT system is dependent on engine sp eed an d veh i cle t orq ue req ui remen t s. As eng in e sp eed i ncreas es, th e forc e exe rted on the m ovable dr ive sheave by the flyweights also incr ease s.
95 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T S ystem W ARNING Failur e t o comply wit h the ins tr uct ions in t his war ning can r esult in sever e injury or deat h. Do not modify any component of th e PVT syst em. Doing so may reduce it s st rengt h so t hat a f ailure m ay oc cur at a high s peed.
96 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y W ARNING Im proper ly connec t ing or disc onnect ing bat t ery c ables c an result in an explosion and c ause s erious injur y or deat h. W hen remov ing t he batt er y , always disc onnect t he negativ e (blac k) cable f irs t.
97 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Batter y Stor age Whe neve r the vehic le is not used for a period of thre e months or more, remo ve t he b att ery from t he veh icl e, en su re th at i t ’ s f ul ly charged, an d st ore i t ou t of t he su n in a coo l, dry pl ace.
98 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Bat tery Ch argin g NOTE: A lways ver ify batte ry condition be fore and 1- 2 hours afte r the end of cha r ging. Stat e of Char ge Vo l t a g e Acti on Charge T ime* (Us ing cons tant c urr ent char ger @ standar d amps spec ified on top of battery ) 100% 12.
99 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Accessor ies Auxilia ry power outle ts provide 12V powe r for oper ating access ori es such a s hand held spot lights. Acc essory outle ts are ava ilable f or all mo del s. Po l aris als o h as a wi d e range o f add it i on al acces so ries ava ilable f or your A TV .
100 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra g e Tip s CAUTION St art ing t he engine during t he st or age period will dist ur b the prot ect ive f ilm cr eated by f ogging and damage c ould occur . Never st art t he engine during t he s tor age period.
101 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra g e Tip s Fog the E ngine 1. T re at the f uel system with Pola ris Car bon Clea n, following the instruc tions on the can. Run the engine for se ver al minutes so the Carb on C lean reaches t he i nj ecto rs .
102 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra g e Tip s Batte ry Ma i nte nanc e Remove the ba tter y and re char ge it as outlined on page 97. Store the bat tery i n a cool , d ry pl ace. Engi ne Anti - Fre ez e T est engine coola nt strength a nd cha nge if nec essar y .
103 ADJUSTME NTS Cam ber and Caster The ca mber and ca ster ar e non-adjusta ble. Rear S pr ing The re ar shock absor ber spring is adjuste d by rota ting the adjuste r (1 ) eit h er clo ckw is e or counte rclockwise to incre ase or decreas e sp rin g t en si on .
104 ADJUSTME NTS Thr ottle Body/ Idle R P M Idle RPM is preset by the manufa cture r . If the engine idle spe ed is not satisf ac tory , please se e your Polaris dea ler for a djustment. Thr ottle Cabl e Fr eeplay Thr ottle ca ble fre epla y is adjusted at the handle bar .
105 TROUB LES HOOTIN G Dr ive Belt and Cover Pr o blems Po ssi bl e Cau se Solu tio n Dr ivi ng t he A TV onto a p ick u p o r tall trailer i n hi gh ra nge Shi ft t ra ns mis si on to l ow ra nge duri ng l oadi ng of the A TV t o pre vent be lt bur ning.
106 TROUB LES HOOTIN G Contac t your P olar is deale r for ser vice if you’r e unable to identify solutions using the follow ing char ts. Engine Doesn’t T urn Over Po ssi ble Ca use Sol uti on Trip p ed circu it b reak er Reset th e b reak er Lo w b attery vo ltag e Re cha r ge bat t er y t o 12.
107 TROUB LES HOOTIN G Engine Backfir es Po ssi ble Ca use Sol uti on W ea k spa rk f rom s par k plugs In sp ect, clean an d /o r replace spark p lu g s In co rrect sp ark p lu g g ap o r heat rang e.
108 TROUB LES HOOTIN G E ngine St ops or Lose s Powe r Po ssi ble Ca use Sol uti on Out of fuel Refu el, cycle key to O N po sitio n th ree t ime s for 5 s ec onds each , th en start Ki nked or plugge.
109 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descript ion Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging O il (12 oz. Aer osol) 2871281 Prem ium 4 Synt heti c 0W -40 ( 4-Cycl e) Engi ne Oil ( qt. ) 2871844 Prem ium 4 Synt heti c 0W -40 ( 4-Cycl e) Engi ne Oil ( gal. ) 2871567 Prem ium 4 Synt heti c 0W -40 ( 4-Cycl e) Engi ne Oil ( 16 gal.
11 0 SPECIFIC AT ION S SPORT SM AN 70 0 EF I Gro ss V eh icle W eig h t 1240 l bs. ( 563 kg) F uel C ap acity 4. 25 ga l. ( 16 l) Engi ne Oil Ca pac it y 2q t s .( 1 . 9l ) Co o l an t Cap acity 3 . 2q t s . ( 3l ) T o w in g Ratin g 1500 l bs. ( 681 kg) Un b rak ed Trailer T o w in g C ap acity * 1914 lbs .
111 SPECIFIC AT ION S SPORT SM AN 70 0 EF I Shi ft T ype Side Le ver ( H/L/ N/ R/P) Gear R ed u ctio n - L o w 7.5: 1 Ge ar Re duct ion - Reve rs e 5.1 1:1 Ge ar Re duct ion - High 2.
11 2 WARRANTY LI MIT ED W ARRANT Y Polaris Sale s Inc . , 2100 Highwa y 55, Medina , MN 55340, give s a S IX MONTH LIMITED W ARRANTY on all components of the Polaris All T errai n V ehi cle (A TV) ag ai ns t d efects i n m ateri al or wo rkm ans hi p.
11 3 WARRANTY W ARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LI MIT A TIONS O F W ARRANT IES AND REM EDIES The Pola ris limited w arr anty exc ludes a ny failur es that a re not c aused by a de fec t in mater ial or workma nship. This warr anty does not c over accid ent al dam age, nor mal wear an d t ear , ab us e or i mp rop er han dl i ng .
11 6 WARRANTY Exported V ehicles How to G et S e rv ic e If Purchased From A Private Party: If you purch ase a Polaris produc t from a private c itizen outside of the countr y in which the ve hicle wa s originally pur cha sed, all war ranty cove rage will be denie d.
11 7 INDEX A Accesso ries 9 9 ................... ADJ USTMENTS 103- 104 .......... Ag e R estrictio n s 11 ............... Air F ilter S erv ice 8 6 ............... All W heel Dr ive 40 ............... Au to m atic Transm issio n 3 9 ......... Au x iliary B rak e 8 1 .
11 8 INDEX O Odome te r 43 .................... Oi l Cha nge 74 ................... Oi l Ch eck 7 3 .................... Oil F ilter C h an g e 7 4 .............. OPERA TIO N 47-63 ............... Op erato r S afety 11 -3 1 .............. Ov errid e S w itch 3 2 .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.