Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Sportsman 450 del fabbricante Polaris
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A car d cont aining import ant A TV saf ety infor mat ion should be at tac hed to t he owner ’s manual on t he next page. If you c annot loc ate t his c ard, or if it has been rem oved, pleas e call 1-800- 342-3764 f or ass ist ance.
1 WELC OM E Thank you f or purc hasing a Polaris veh icle , and welc ome to our wor ld-wide fa mily of Polaris owne rs. W e proudly produc e an exc iting line of utility and r ec r ea tional pr oducts.
2 Copyr ight 2005 Pola r i s Sa l es I nc . All inf or ma t i on c ont a i ne d wi thi n t hi s publi c a t i on is ba s e d on t he la t e s t pr oduc t i nfor m a ti on at t he t i me of publ ic a t i on.
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS VEHICLE IDENT IFI CA TION NUMBERS 5 ....... SA FE TY 6 ................................... CONTROL S 31 ............................... FEA TURES 3 9 ............................... OPE RA TION 45 .............................. EMI SSION CONT ROL SYST EM S 63 .
5 VE HICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Recor d your A TV’ s identific ation numbe rs a nd key numbe r in the sp aces pro vi ded. Rem ove t he s pare key an d st ore i t i n a s afe place.
6 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations W arning d ecals have been pl aced on the A TV for your protecti on. R ead and f oll ow t he i ns truct io ns o f th e decal s on t he A TV carefu ll y .
7 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations IMPR OPER T IRE PRESSUR E OR O VERLOAD ING can cause loss of contr ol result ing in SEVERE IN J UR Y OR DEA TH. TI RE PRESSU RE IN PSI ( KPa) : FRO NT 5 (34,5) REAR 5 (34,5) M AXIMUM WE IGHT CAP ACITY (G ross Vehicle W eight) INCLUDIN G MACHINE, DRIVER AND CARGO IS 1200 LBS.
8 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations S DO NOT T OW FROM RA CK OR BUM PER. V ehic le damage or tipov er may res ult c aus ing s ev ere injury or death. T ow only f rom tow hook s or hitc h. S Max Rac k Loads : Front 100 lbs . ( 45 k g) Rear 200 lbs .
9 SA FETY Safety D ecals and Locations ALL WHE EL DRIVE SWITCH Do not push s witch t o engage A WD if t he rear wheels are spinning. This m ay c ause sev ere drive s haft and clut ch damage. See your Owner ’s Manual. 7079780 7172564 7170509 TRAILER MAX WEIGHT : 1500 LBS.
10 SA FETY Safe Ridi ng Gear Always we ar c l othing suited to the t ype of riding. A TV riding re quires spec i al prote ctive clothing for comf ort and to reduc e the chanc e of injury . 1. Helm et Y our he lmet is the most important pie ce of prote ctive ge ar for sa fe riding.
11 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Failur e to f ollow t he warnings c ontained in t his m anual can res ult in serious injury or deat h. A Polaris A TV is not a toy and can be hazardous to oper ate. T his vehicle handles diff erent ly t han other v ehicles, such as motorcycles and cars.
12 SA FETY Operator S afety The following two p age s identify signa l words and symbols that a ppear in this manua l. Y our safe ty is involved whe n these wor ds and symbols ar e used. Beco me fa miliar w ith their mea nings befor e rea ding the manua l.
13 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Serious injur y or deat h can r esult if you do not f ollow t hese inst ruct ions and pr ocedures , whic h are outlined in f urt her det ail within your owner ’ s m anual. S Rea d this manual a nd all labe ls car ef ully , and follow the opera ting proce dures desc ribed.
14 SA FETY Operator S afety S Alway s have t he A TV i ns pected b y an aut hori zed P olari s deal er if it ’ s been i nvolved i n an accident. S Ne ver ope ra te on hills too steep f or the A TV or for your a bilities. Pra ctice on sma ller hills befor e attempting la r ger hills.
15 SA FETY Operator S afety S W et bra kes may ha ve re duced stopping a bility . T est the bra kes af ter lea ving wate r . If ne cessa ry , apply them lightly seve ral time s to allow frict io n to dry o ut t he pads . S Always che ck for obsta cles or people be hind the A TV bef ore opera t- in g in rev erse.
16 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t his A TV wit hout pr oper inst ruct ion. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The r isk of an accident is great ly incr eased if t he operat or does not k now how to oper ate t he A T V proper ly in differ ent s ituat ions and on different ty pes of t err ain.
17 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Carry ing a passenger on an AT V. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Carry ing a passenger great ly reduces t he operat or ’s ability to balance and cont rol t he A TV , which could caus e an accident and injury t o t he operat or and/or pas senger .
18 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t his A TV on public st reet s, r oads or highways. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The A T V c ould collide with anot her v ehicle. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Never oper ate t he A T V on any public st reet , road or highway , including dirt and gravel r oads.
19 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V af ter c onsuming alcohol or dr ugs. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Consumpt ion of alc ohol and/or dr ugs could ser iously aff ect oper ator judgment . Reac tion t ime m ay be slower and operat or balance and per cept ion could be affec ted.
20 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD At tem pting wheelies , jum ps and other s tunt s. WHA T CA N HAPPEN At tem pting s tunt s inc reases the c hance of an ac cident , including an over tur n. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Never at tem pt wheelies, jumps, or other s tunt s.
21 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Removing hands f rom t he handlebars or feet fr om the f ootres ts during operat ion. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Removing ev en one hand or f oot c an reduce abilit y t o cont rol t he vehicle or c ould cause los s of balanc e and eject ion fr om the A TV .
22 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Failu re t o use e xtra caut ion when operat ing on exces sively r ough, slippery or loos e terr ain. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Opera ting on e xcessively rough, s lippery or loose ter rain could c ause loss of tr act ion or loss of cont rol, which could r esult in an accident or overt urn.
23 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating on ex cess ively s teep hills. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The v ehicle may ov ert urn. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Never operat e on hills too st eep for the A T V or for y our abilities . Never oper ate t he A T V on hills s teeper t han 25 _ .
24 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD T rav eling downhill improper ly . WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im properly des cending a hill could caus e loss of contr ol or overt urn. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Always f ollow proper procedur es for t rav eling down hills as des cribed in the owner ’ s manual.
25 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im properly c ross ing hills and tur ning on hills. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im properly c ross ing or tur ning on hills could c ause loss of c ontr ol or overt urn.
26 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD St alling, r olling backwar ds or improper ly dismount ing while climbing a hill. WHA T CA N HAPPEN The v ehicle could ov ert urn. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Maint ain st eady speed when climbing a hill.
27 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Im properly oper ating over obs tac les. WHA T CA N HAPPEN Oper ating ov er obst acles c ould cause los s of c ontr ol or overt urn. HOW T O A VOID TH E HAZ ARD Bef ore operat ing in a new area, check f or obs tacl es.
28 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V t hrough deep or f ast -f lowing water . WHA T CA N HAPPEN T ir es may float , c ausing loss of t rac tion and loss of cont rol, which could lead t o an accident or over tur n.
29 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING POTENTI AL HAZ ARD Oper ating t he A T V wit h improper m odific ations . WHA T CA N HAPPEN Im proper ins tallat ion of ac cess ories or m odific ation of the A T V may c ause changes in handling whic h could lead t o an accident .
30 SA FETY Operator S afety W ARNING Leaving t he keys in t he ignit ion can lead t o unauthor ized use of the v ehicle res ulting in s erious injur y or deat h.
31 CONTROLS Engine E lectr ical Switches W ARNING Act ivat ing t he overr ide switc h while the t hrot t le is open can c ause loss of cont rol, r esult ing in sever e injury or deat h. Do not ac tiv ate the ov erride s witc h while the t hrot tle is open.
32 CONTROLS W ARNING Oper ating an A T V wit h st ick ing or impr operly oper ating t hrot tle cont rols c ould cause an ac cident and lead t o sev ere injury or death. Never s tar t or oper ate an A T V wit h a st ick ing or impr operly operat ing throt t le.
33 CONTROLS Light S witches The light switch is loc ated on the l ef t handleba r . It’ s used to turn the lights on and of f a nd to switch the lights from H I to LO. NOT E: T he lights won’t work unless t he key is in the ON posit ion and the s hut- off swit ch is in t he RUN posit ion.
34 CONTROLS Master Cylinder The bra ke fluid in the master cylinde r (1), whic h is loca ted on the lef t handleba r , should be che cked before each ri de. T he fl uid l evel ca n be se en through a n indicator window (2) on the top of the master cylinde r .
35 CONTROLS Park in g Bra ke W ARNING Oper ating t he A T V while t he parking br ake is engaged c ould result in an ac cident and ser ious injury or deat h. A lways chec k to be sure t he park ing brake is dis engaged befor e operat ing. Setting the P arking Br ake 1.
36 CONTROLS Auxiliary Brake W ARNING Aggres sively apply ing the aux iliary br ake when back ing down a hill may c ause rear t ipover , which could r esult in s erious injur y or death. Use caut ion when applying t he auxiliar y brak e. Do not aggress ively apply t he auxiliar y brak e when going for ward.
37 CONTROLS Choke The choke a ssists in starting a c old engine. Ref er to the engine sta rting proc edure on pa ge 48 for corr ect choke and throttle settings during star ting. Fuel V alve The fue l valve (1) is locate d on the bottom of t he fuel tank .
38 CONTROLS Autom atic T r ansmi ssion Gear S elector The tra nsmission gear se lector (1) is loca ted on the right side of the vehic l e. Shift pa tter ns var y , depending on your mode l.
39 FEATURE S All W heel Dr ive (A W D) S ystem The All Wh ee l Drive s ystem is acti vat ed by t he A WD swi tch (1 ) on the right handleba r . When the s w i t c hi so n2 X 4 ,t h eA T Vi si n two- whe el dr ive at a ll times.
40 FEATURE S In st rume n t Clu st er Y our A TV is equippe d with an instru ment cluste r that sense s vehicle spee d fr om the r ight front whe el. The instr ument c l uster measur es distanc e in miles o r kilome ters as w ell as hour s of ope ration.
41 FEATURE S In st rume n t Clu st er Ri der Infor mati on Ce nter The r ider inf orma tion cente r is locate d in the instrume nt cluster . All segme nts will light up for 2.
42 FEATURE S In st rume n t Clu st er Ri der Infor mati on Ce nter The r ider infor mation ce nter ha s 4 standa rd mode s: Mode 1 - Odometer Mode 2 - T ripme ter Mode 3 - T otal Service Hour s Mode 4 - T ac hometer The re ver se over ride button on the left handleba r is also the mode button .
43 FEATURE S In st rume n t Clu st er Ri der Infor mati on Ce nter Dia gnosti c Mode The diagnostic mode is for infor mational purposes only . P lea se return your A TV to your dealer f or all major re pair s. As long as the gauge is in the diagnostic mode, the wrenc h icon will re main lit.
44 FEATURE S In st rume n t Clu st er Ri der Infor mati on Ce nter Dia gnosti c Mode S cr een 5 : Progr amma ble servic e inter val The purpose of the progr ammable se rvic e inter val is to provide the consume r and deale r with a convenie nt reminde r for routine mainte nance .
45 OPERATION Fuel Safety W ARNING Gas oline is highly f lamm able and explosiv e under cer tain condit ions. S Always ex ercis e ext reme c aution whenev er handling gasoline. S Always r efuel wit h t he engine st opped, and out doors or in a well vent ilated ar ea.
46 OPERATION Br eak - In P er iod The br ea k-in per iod for your new Polaris A TV is the first ten hour s of oper ation, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gasoline. No single a ction on your part is a s important a s following the proc edure s for a prope r break- i n.
47 OPERATION Pr e -Ride Inspection W ARNING If a proper ins pect ion is not done bef ore eac h use, s evere injur y or deat h could res ult. Alway s inspec t t he vehic le befor e each use to ens ure it ’ s i n proper oper ating condit ion.
48 OPERATION Star ting the Engi ne S tar ting a Col d Engi ne W ARNING Engine exhaus t c ontains pois onous car bon monoxide and c an cause los s of c onscious ness r esult ing in severe injur y or deat h. Never r un an engine in an enclosed ar ea. 1.
49 OPERATION Star ting the Engi ne S tar ting a W arm E ngine W ar m engines do not normally re quire the use of the choke. Using the choke c an ca use the spar k plug to become we t fouled. 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surfa ce with the transmission in PA R K .
50 OPERATION Driving Safely Hauling Cargo Y our A TV has be en designed to c arry or tow a c erta in amount of load. Always re ad and unde rstand the loa d distribution war ning labe ls on the veh icl e, an d never exceed t he wei gh t capac ities outline d in the sp ecifi cati on s sect io n of th e owner ’ s m anual and on t he safet y decal s.
51 OPERATION Driving Safely Hauling Cargo W ARNING Hauling cargo im properly can alter v ehicle handling and may cause los s of c ontr ol or brak e inst ability and r esult in s erious injury or deat h. A lways f ollow these precaut ions when hauling cargo: S REDUCE SPEED AND ALLO W G REA T ER DIST ANCES FO R BRAKING WHEN HAULING C ARGO.
52 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Pr o cedures 1. Sit upright with both feet on the footre sts and both hands on the handle bar s. 2. Start the e ngine and allow it to wa rm up, then shift the tra nsmission into gear . 3. Check your surr oundings and deter mine your path of tra vel.
53 OPERATION Driving Safely Making T urns Y our A TV is equippe d with a solid rear axle, whi ch dr ives bot h rear whe els equa lly at a ll times. This mea ns that the wheel on the outside of the turn must travel a gre ater di st ance t han t he i nsi de wh eel wh en turning and the inside tire must slip tra ction slightly .
54 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving on Slipp er y Sur f aces Whe never r iding on slippery su rfaces such as wet t rail s or loose gra vel, or during freezin g weath er , fol lo w th ese precau ti on s: 1. Sl ow down when ent erin g sli pp ery areas.
55 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Uphill Whe neve r tra veling uphill, follow these pr ecauti on s: 1. Alwa ys trave l stra ight uphill. 2. A void stee p hills (25 _ ma ximum). 3. Kee p both fee t on the footre sts. 4. T ransfer your we ight forwar d.
56 OPERATION Driving Safely Sidehilling W ARNING Im properly c ross ing hills or t urning on hills c an result in loss of cont rol or v ehicle over tur n, r esulting in s evere injur y or deat h. Avoid cross ing the s ide of a hill when pos sible. Follow pr oper procedur es as out lined in t he owner ’ s m anual.
57 OPERATION Driving Safely Driving Downh ill Whe never de scending a hill, follow these pr ecauti ons : 1. P roceed di rect ly d ownh ill. 2. T ransfe r your weight to the rea r of the vehic le. 3. Sl ow down. 4. Apply the brakes slightly t oa i di ns l o w i n g .
8’ (2. 4 m) 58 OPERATION Driving Safely T urning A round on a H ill If the ve hicle stalls while c limbing a hill, neve r bac k it down the hill! Use the K- turn to turn around. 1. Stop and lock the pa rking brake while keep ing body weight uphill. 2.
59 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Thr ough W ater Y our A TV can opera te through wa ter with a maximum re comme nded depth e qual to the bottom of the footrests (1) . Follow these proce dures when oper ating through wa ter: 1. Dete rmine wa t er de pths and curren t befo re cr ossing.
60 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving Over Obstacles Be al ert! Lo ok ahead an d learn t o read th e terrai n you ’re travel in g on. Be con st ant ly al ert fo r hazards s uch as l og s, ro cks an d lo w hang in g bran ches. W ARNING Sever e injury or deat h can r esult if your v ehicle com es in cont act with a hidden obs tac le.
61 OPERATION Driving Safely Dr iving in Reverse Fo ll ow t hese precau ti ons when operat i ng in rev erse: 1. Always avoid bac king downhill. 2. Back slowly . 3. When i n reverse, apply the brake s lightly for stopping. 4. A void turning at sh arp angl es i n reverse.
62 OPERATION Driving Safely P a r k i n go na nI n c l i n e A void parking on a n incline if possible . If it’ s unavoidable , follow th ese p recaut io ns: 1. T urn the engine of f. 2. Place the tr ansmission in P ARK. 3. Set t he par king brake .
63 EMISSION C ON TR OL SYST EMS Noise E mi ssion Contr ol System Do not modify the engine, intake o r exhaust compone nts, a s doing so may af fect complia nce with U.S .A. EP A noise control requir eme nts (40 CFR 205) and loc al noise le vel requir ements.
64 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance C hart Care ful periodic mainte nance will help kee p your vehicle in the safe st, most relia ble condition. Inspe ction, adjustment a nd lubric ation of importa nt components ar e expla ined in the periodic mainte nanc e char t.
65 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance C hart Maintena nce Char t Key " Perfo rm t hes e proced ures m ore frequ ent ly fo r vehi cles sub ject ed t o seve re use . E Emission-r ela ted servic e (Failur e to conduc t t his mainten anc e will not void the emissions warra nt y but may af fec t emissions.
66 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance C hart Perfo rm all s ervi ces at which ever mai nten ance int erval i s reached firs t. Item Maint enance Int erval (w hichev er c omes f irs t) R.
67 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance C hart Item Maint enance Int erval (w hichev er c omes f irs t) Remarks Hours C alendar Miles (Km) " Gener al lubric ation 50 H 3M 500 ( 800) Lubric ate all fit tings, piv ots, c ables, et c.
68 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Per iodic Maintenance C hart Item Maint enance Int erval (w hichev er c omes f irs t) Remarks Hours C alendar Miles (Km) J E Spark plug 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Ins pec t;.
69 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubr ication Gui de Chec k and lubric ate all compone nts at the inter vals outlined in the Periodic Ma intena nce Char t beginning on page 64. Items not listed in the cha rt should be lubrica ted at the Gene ral Lubrica tion interva l.
2 1 70 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Alwa ys chec k and cha nge the engine oil at the interva ls outlined in the P eriod ic M ain ten ance C hart b egi nning on page 64.
SAFE AD D 8 O Z 3 4 AD D 8 OZ. NOR MA L FUL L 4 5 71 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Check 2. Sportsman 450/500 only: Start the engine and let it idle for 20-30 sec onds. S top the engine. 3. Remove the dipstick a nd wipe it dry with a c lean c l oth.
72 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Change (450/500) 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surf ace. C l ean t he are a around the dra in plug at the bottom of the oil tank and the bottom of the engine . 2. Run the engine for two to thre e minutes, then turn it of f.
73 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Change (450/500) 9. Plac e shop towels be neath the oil f ilter . Using an o il filter wre nch, turn the filte r (1) counte rclockw ise and remove . 10. Lubrica t e the gaske t on the new filte r with a film of new engine oil.
74 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Change (450/500) Oil Pump Priming This priming proc edur e must be perform ed wh enever t he o il h os e conne ction betw ee n the oil tank and pump inle t has bee n disconne cted .
75 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Oil Oil Change (700) 1. P lace t he veh icl e on a level surface. 2. Run the engine for two to thre e minutes until warm. Stop the engine . 3. Clean the ar ea around the dra in plug. 4. Place a dr ain pan ben ea th engine cr ankc ase a nd remove the dr ain plug.
76 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION T r ansmission Oil (450/500) Alwa ys chec k and cha nge the t ra nsmission oil at the interva ls outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e C ha rt beginning on page 64. W e re commend the use of Polar is Premium AGL Synthetic G ear ca se Lubric ant.
77 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Front Gear case Oil Alway s check and chan ge t he fron t g earcase oi l at th e int erval s outlined in the Periodic Mainte nance Cha rt beginning on page 66. Mainta in the oil level eve n with the bottom of the fill hole thread s (1).
78 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION T r ansmission Oil (700) Always che ck and cha nge the tra nsmission oil at the inte rva l s outlined in th e Peri od ic M ain ten ance C hart beginning on pa ge 64. Maintain the tra nsmission oil leve l at the bottom of the fill plug hole (1).
1 2 79 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Rear Gear case Oil (700) The r ear gearcas e fil l p lu g (1) i s l ocat ed on t he rear o f th e gearcas e. T he d rain plug (2) is on t he bottom of the gearcas e. Al ways check an d chang e th e rear gearcas e oi l at the i nt erval s outlined in the Periodic Mainte nanc e Chart beginning on page 64.
80 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Cooli ng System Radiator Coolant Level T o ensure tha t the coolant mainta ins its ability to protec t the engine, we recom men d that the sy st em be com pl etel y drai ned every t wo years an d a fresh m ix tu re of ant ifreeze an d wat er add ed.
81 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Engi ne Cooli ng System Coolant Level The re cover y bottle (1) is l oca ted on the left side of the mac hine. T o access t he reco very b o ttle, re move the left side pan el as outlined on page 85. Mainta in the c oolant le vel betw ee n the minimum a nd maximum mar ks on the bottle (whe n the fluid is cool ).
82 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes The front and re ar brake s are hydra ulic disc brake s, activa t ed by moving the single brake le ver towar d the handleba r . These brak es are self -a djusting. The fo ll owi ng ch ecks are reco mm ended t o k eep t he brak e sys tem in good oper ating c ondition.
83 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Br akes 2. Ch eck t he brak e sy st em fo r flu id l eaks . 3. Ch eck t he b rakes fo r exces si ve t ravel or spongy fee l. 4. Ch eck th e fricti on p ads for wear , dama ge and looseness. 5. Ch eck th e securi ty an d su rface condition of the disc.
84 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Steer ing Assem bly The ste er ing asse mbly of the A TV should be c hecke d per iodically f or loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris dea ler for se rvic e befor e operating the vehic l e.
85 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Si de Panel R emoval 1. Remove the sea t . 2. Grasp t he rear o f th e si de p anel n ear th e rear cab. W i th a fi rm motion, pull t he pane l outward to disengage the side pa nel from the gromme t. 3. Pull the panel downwa rd and re ar ward to r emove it from the A TV .
86 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION W ARNING Oper ating y our A T V wit h worn t ires, improper ly inf lated t ires, non-st andard t ires or impr operly inst alled tir es will af fec t vehic le handling and could caus e an accident result ing in serious injury or death.
87 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Wheel Installation 1. Place the tr ansmission in P ARK and loc k t he pa rking brak e. W ARNING Im properly ins talled wheels can adver sely aff ect t ire wear and vehicle handling, which can res ult in s erious injur y or death.
88 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Filter System s Air Filter Service 1. Rem ov e th e seat , r eleas e th e air box cove r clips, and re move the air box cove r . 2. Loosen the cla mp and r emove the filte r . 3. Remove the fa bric type pre -filter ( 1) from the main filte r (2) .
89 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Whe n servic ing a ha logen la mp, don’t touch the lamp with ba re finger s. Oil fro m your skin le aves a residue , causing a hot spot that will shorten the life o f the lamp. W ARNING Poor light ing while driv ing can res ult in s evere injur y or deat h.
90 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights High Beam Ad justmen t The h eadl ig ht b eam can be adj us ted slightly upward or downwa rd. Use the following proce dure to make the adjustme nt. 1. Position the vehicle on a leve l surfa ce with the he adlight appr oximately 25 ft.
91 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Headlight Hou sing Replacement 1. Remove the two screws on the lower front corne rs of the headlight pod. 2. Lift the pod slightly while depre ssing the tabs at the rea r of the pod. 3. Lift the pod cover and disconne ct the speedome ter harne sses from th e sp eedom et er .
1 1 2 2 1 92 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lights Lower Headlam p Removal / Installation 1. T urn the back of the hea dlight harn ess (1) counte rclockwise and pull the harne ss assembly away from th e headl ig ht asse mbly . 2. Remove the he adla mp and install the new hea dlamp.
93 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k P lugs Always use the spar k plugs rec ommended for your A TV . Refer to the spec i fic ations section be ginning on page 1 16 for the rec ommended spa rk plug type a nd gap. CAUTION Using non-r ecomm ended spark plugs can result in serious engine damage.
94 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION V eh icl e Immers io n CAUTION If your v ehicle becom es imm ersed, major engine damage c an result if t he mac hine is not t horoughly ins pect ed.
95 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Spar k Ar r estor W ARNING Failur e to heed t he f ollowing warnings while s ervic ing the spar k arres tor c ould result in ser ious injury or deat h. Do no t perform service o n the spark arre st or wh ile the system is hot.
96 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T System The basic ope ra tion of the P olar is PVT system is dependent on engine sp eed and v ehi cle t orqu e requi remen ts . As en gi ne sp eed i ncreases , t he forc e exer ted on the m ovable dr i ve shea ve by the flyweights also incr ea ses.
97 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION PV T System W ARNING Failur e to c omply wit h t he instr uct ions in t his warning c an result in sever e injury or death. Do not modify any component of th e PVT system. Doing so may reduce it s s tr ength s o that a failure m ay occ ur at a high s peed.
98 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Y our A TV may ha ve eithe r a sea led batte ry , whic h requir es little mainte nance , or a conve ntional batter y . A seale d battery c an be identif ied by its flat c over s on the top of the batte ry . A conventiona l batte ry has six f iller c aps on the top of the ba tter y .
99 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Batt ery Remov al 1. Disconne ct the hold-down stra p holding the batte ry in position, and re move batte ry cover . 2. On conventiona l batterie s , remove the batte ry vent tube. 3. Dis conn ect t he bl ack (n egat ive) b att ery cabl e firs t.
100 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Batter y Stor age When t he v ehi cle i s p laced i n s to rage fo r th ree mo nt hs o r mo re, t he batte ry should be re m oved, store d out of the sun in a c ool, dry place and te sted monthly . Befor e re using, take the b atte ry to your de aler f or testing a nd rech ar ging.
101 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Batter y Batter y Charging (S ealed Batter y) For a re fr esh ch ar ge, follow all instruc tions car efully . 1. Chec k the batte ry voltage with a voltmete r or multimete r . A fully cha r ged ba ttery will re gister 12.
102 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Accessor ies Auxiliar y power outle ts provide 12V powe r for ope ra ting acces so ries such a s hand held spot lights. Acc essory outlets a re ava ilable for all mo del s. P ol aris al so h as a wi de rang e of add it io nal acces so ries ava ilable for your A TV .
103 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps CAUTION St art ing the engine dur ing the s tor age period will dist urb t he prot ect ive f ilm cr eated by f ogging and damage could oc cur . Never st art t he engine during t he st orage period.
104 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps Fog the E ngine 1 . Remove the spa rk plug and a dd 2-3 tablespoons of Premium 4 S ynt het ic 0 W40 en gin e oi l. T o acces s t he p lu g ho le, use a s ecti on o f clear 1 /4 ” ho se and a s mal l pl as ti c sq ueeze bo ttle filled w ith the pre -mea sured amount of oil.
105 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Cleaning a nd Stor age Sto ra ge Ti ps Inspe ct a nd Lubrica te Inspe ct all ca bles and lubric ate. Follow lubric ation guideline s in the Mainte nance Sec tion of the servic e or owner ’ s manual to completely gre ase and lubric ate the entir e vehic le with Polaris Premium All S eason Greas e.
106 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION T r anspor ting the A TV Follow these proce dures when tra nsporting the vehic le. 1. T urn of f the engine and remo ve t he key to p reven t loss during tra nsporting. 2. Place the tr ansmission in P A R Ka n dl o c kt h e par king bra ke.
107 ADJUSTME NTS Cam ber and C aster The ca m ber a nd ca ster ar e non-adjusta ble. Rear S pri ng The re ar shock a bsorber spring is adjuste d by rotating the adjuste r (1) eit her cl ock wi se or counte rc lockwise to increa se or decreas e spr in g ten si on .
108 ADJUSTME NTS Car bur etor /Idle R PM Y our Polar is A TV is ca librate d at the fac tory for optimal per forma nce at altitude s ranging fr om zer o to 6,000 fee t (1800 m) a nd tempe ra tures of +40 degr ees F .
109 ADJUSTME NTS Thr ottle Cable Fr eeplay Thr ottle ca ble fre eplay is adjusted at the handle bar . 1. Slide the boots (1) of f the inline cable a djuster slee ve (2) . Loosen the adjuste r locknut (3). 2. T urn the adjuster until 1/16 ″ to 1/8 ″ freeplay i s achi eved at t he th um b lev er .
11 0 NOTES.
111 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descr ipti on Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging O il ( 12 oz. Aer osol) 2871281 Prem ium 4 Synthet ic 0W -40 ( 4-Cycl e) Engi ne Oil ( qt. ) 2871844 Prem ium 4 Synthet ic 0W -40 ( 4-Cycl e) Engi ne Oil ( gal. ) Gear case / T ransmi ssion Lubr icant s 2873602 Prem ium AGL Synt hetic G earcase Lube ( qt.
11 2 TROUB LESH OOTING Contact your Polar is deale r for se rvice if you’r e unable to identify solutions using the follow i ng ch ar ts. Dr ive Belt and Cover Problems Possibl e Cause Solut ion Dr .
11 3 TROUB LESH OOTING Engine Doesn’t T u rn Over Po ssibl e Cause Sol uti on Trip ped circu it b reak er Reset th e b reaker Lo w b attery v o ltag e Re c har ge ba tt er y to 12.
11 4 TROUB LESH OOTING Engine Backfir es Po ssibl e Cause Sol uti on W ea k s pa rk f rom spa rk pl ugs In spect, clean an d/o r replace spark p lu g s In correct sp ark plu g g ap o r h eat rang e Se.
11 5 TROUB LESH OOTING E ngine S tops or Loses P ower Po ssibl e Cause Sol uti on Out of fuel Ref uel Ki nked or plugge d fue l vent l ine In spect an d rep lace W ater p resent in fu el Re pla ce w i.
11 6 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 4 50 Gro ss V eh icle W eig h t 1200 lbs ./ 544 kg T owing Ca pac ity 1225 lbs ./ 556 kg Hi tc h T ongue Capa ci ty 120 lbs ./ 54 kg (Re ar r a c k we ight and t ongue weig h t no t to exceed 1 8 0 lb s./8 1.6 k g ) Fr on t R ack /Sto rag e B ox C ap acity 90 lbs .
11 7 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 4 50 Shif t T ype Side Le ver ( H/L/ N/R/ P) Gear R ed uctio n - L o w 23. 91/1 Ge ar Re ducti on - Reve rs e 16.30/ 1 Gear R ed uctio n - F o rward 10.
11 8 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 5 00 Gro ss V eh icle W eig h t 1200 lbs ./ 544 kg Hitch T o w in g Ratin g 1 225 l bs ./ 556 k g Un b rak ed Trailer T o w in g Cap acity * 1786 lbs . ( 810 kg) Hi tc h T ongue Capa ci ty 120 lbs ./ 54 kg (Re ar r a c k we ight and t ongue weig h t no t to exceed 1 8 0 lb s.
11 9 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 5 00 Shif t T ype Side Le ver ( H/L/ N/R/ P) Gear R ed uctio n - L o w 23. 91/1 Ge ar Re ducti on - Reve rs e 16.30/ 1 Gear R ed uctio n - F o rward 10.
120 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 7 00 Gro ss V eh icle W eig h t 1240 lbs ./ 563 kg F uel C ap acity 4.25 ga l ./ 16 l T o win g R ating 1500 l bs ./ 681 kg Un b rak ed Trailer T o win g Cap acity * 1914 l bs ./ 868 kg F ron t R ack C ap acity 100 l bs .
121 SPECIFIC ATIO NS SPORT SMAN 7 00 Shif t T ype Side Le ver ( H/L/ N/R/ P) Gear R ed uctio n - L o w 7. 49/1 Ge ar Re ducti on - Reve rs e 5.1 1/1 Ge ar Re duct ion - Hi gh 2.
122 WARRANTY LIM IT ED W ARRANTY Polaris Sa les I nc., 2100 Highwa y 55, Medina, MN 55340, gives a SIX MONTH LIMITED W ARRANTY on all components of the Polar is All T errain V ehi cle (A TV) ag ain st d efects i n m ateri al o r work mans hi p.
123 WARRANTY W ARRANT Y COVERAGE AND EXCL USIONS: LIM IT A TIONS OF W ARRANTIES AND REMEDIES The Pola ris limited wa rranty exc ludes a ny fa ilures that a re not ca used by a de fe ct in mate rial or workma nship. This warra nty does not cover accid ent al d amag e, n orm al wear an d t ear , ab us e or im pro per h andl i ng.
126 WARRANTY Exported V ehicles How to G et S erv ic e If Purchased From A Private Party : If you purch ase a Polar is product from a private c itizen outside of the countr y in which the ve hicle wa s originally purc hased, all wa rra nty cove ra ge will be denied.
127 WARRANTY U. S.A. EP A E mis si on s L imi t ed W a rran t y Th is A ll T errain V eh icle (A T V) o r O f f Ro ad U tility V ehicle (O R UV ) emissio n s limited warran ty is in add ition to th e Po laris stand ard limited w arran ty fo r this veh icle.
128 MAINTENANCE LOG Use t he fol l owin g chart to reco rd peri od ic m aint enan ce. DA TE MIL ES ( KM) TECHNICI AN SER VICE PERFO RMED / COMMENTS.
130 INDEX A Accesso ries 1 0 2 .................. Ag e R estrictio ns 11 ............... Air F ilter S erv ice 8 8 ............... All W hee l Drive 39 ............... Au to m atic Transm ission 3 8 ......... Au x iliary B rake 8 3 ............... AW D 3 9 .
131 INDEX K K-T urn 58 ...................... L Light Sw itc he s 33 ................ Li ghts 89- 92 ..................... Low Be am Adj ust ment 90 .......... Low Ra nge 96 ................... Lubr ic a ti on Gui de 69 .............. M Main S witch 31 .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Polaris Sportsman 450 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Polaris Sportsman 450 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Polaris Sportsman 450 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Polaris Sportsman 450 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Polaris Sportsman 450, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Polaris Sportsman 450.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Polaris Sportsman 450. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Polaris Sportsman 450 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.