Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 800 Pro X del fabbricante Polaris
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2004 PRO X Snowmobiles 2004 PRO X Snowmobiles Owner's Manual for V ehicle Maintenance and Safety Owner's Manual for V ehicle Maintenance and Safety.
Read, understand, and follow all of the instructions and safety precautions in this manual and on all product labels. Failure to follow the safety precautions could result in serious injury or death. W ARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm.
1 What’ s the hottest thing on snow? A Polaris owner ’ s W eb site, designed jus t f or YOU! S T echnical ti ps S New product introductions S Event schedules S Parts a nd Service M anual information S Exciting details a bout T he W ay Out Check it out.
2 Copyri ght 2003 Pola r is Sa l es I nc . A ll i nfor ma t ion c ont a ine d wi t hin t hi s publ i c at i on is bas e d on the l a te s t pr oduct i nf orm at i on at the t i me of publ ic a t ion.
3 WELC OME Thank you for purcha sing a Polar is vehicle , and welc ome to our world-w ide family of Polar is owners. W e proudly produc e an exc iting line of utility a nd re cr ea tional produc ts.
5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducti on 7 ............................... This section contains helpf ul informa tion for owne rs a nd driver s and illustrate s the loc ation of impor tant ide ntifica tion number s that should be rec ord ed in the owner’ s manual.
7 INTRODUCTION Impor tant Notes for O wners and Dr ivers n After r ead ing this manual, store it in t he snowmobile fo r convenie nt re fer enc e. It should rema in with the snowmobile when sold. n The illustra tions and photos use d in this manual a re ge ner al repr ese ntations.
8 INTRODUCTION Pr eservation of the E nvironment Polaris is committe d to supporting a n envir onmenta l educa tion campa ign. W e encour age sta te and provinc ial governme nts acr oss the snowbelt to adopt rigor ous safe ty training progr ams that enc oura ge protec tion of our e nvironme nt, including wildlife a nd vege tation.
9 INTRODUCTION V ehicl e Identification Num bers The tunnel vehicle ide ntifica tion number (VI N) and engine ser ial number a re impor tant for model identific ation w hen re gister ing your snowmobile, when obta ining insuranc e, and whe n orde ring replacement part s.
10 SAFE TY Operator S afety The following signa l words and symbols a ppea r throughout this manual a nd on your vehic le. Y our safe ty is involved whe n these wor ds and symbols are use d. Become f amilia r with their mea nings befor e rea ding the manual.
11 SAFE TY Operator S afety W ARNING Driving a s nowmobile requires your f ull attent ion. DO NO T drink alcohol or use drugs or m edications befor e or while driving.
12 SAFE TY Operator S afety Stay A way Fr om Moving Parts Be alert wh en ridi ng, an d remain pro perly s eated to st ay clear of th e trac k. Y our snowmobile is propelle d by a r evolving tra ck tha t must be partia lly expose d for p roper opera tion.
13 SAFE TY Operator S afety Ridi ng Pos ition Opera ting a snowmobile requir es skill and balance f or prope r control. Ri der posi tio ns may vary fro m person t o person as each b ecomes mo re skill.
14 SAFE TY Operator S afety Excessive S peed Observe a ll state and local laws gover ning snowmobile operation. They’ve bee n establishe d for your protec tion. Always be aler t and pay a ttention to the tr ail ahe ad. Multiplying spee d (MPH) by 1.
15 SAFE TY Operator S afety Driver A wareness Slow down when trave ling nea r poles, pos ts, o r other o bst acles. Be es peciall y aler t if you’re snowmobiling afte r dark . Always be on the alert for wir e fenc es. Single strands are e spec ially danger ous, si nce there m ay be a great di stance betwe en posts.
16 SAFE TY Operator S afety Driving in Hilly T errain Ope rating in h illy ter rain r equir es e xtre me c aution to ma intain ba lanc e and a void roll-ove r .
17 SAFE TY Operator S afety Driving Downhill Whe n riding downhill, shift your weight to the rear of the mac hine and reduc e your speed to a minimum. Apply just enough throttle to ke ep the clutc h enga ged, allowing the engine’ s compre ssion to help slow the mac hine and ke ep it f rom rolling f ree ly downhill.
18 SAFE TY Operator S afety Powder Snow Operation Moveab le hood closures ar e included on some Polaris snowmobiles. They ar e norma lly lef t open and a re loc ated on the front upper and lower hood ope nings. If opera ting in dee p snow or in ex treme c old conditions (be low -20 _ F), Polaris re comme nds closing the uppe r hood closure.
19 SAFE TY Operator S afety Driving on Slippery S urfaces Excessive shifting of ope rator body weight when turning on hard- pac ked snow or ice ma y lea d to loss of vehic le contr ol and re sult in serious injury or death. Slow down to maintain control unde r these conditions.
20 SAFE TY Operator S afety Maneuverability Control and ma neuve rability c omes not only through the steer ing and skis, maximum control is ac hieve d by shifting of body we ight. Maneuve ra bility will change f or lighter ope rator s or machine s designed to car ry a loa d or a pa ssenge r .
21 SAFE TY Operator S afety Dr ivi ng Res ponsibl y Every snowmobile handles dif fere ntly , and eve n the most docile conditions may become danger ous if ope rator s drive impr oper ly . If you’re ne w to snowmobiling, acquaint yourse lf with the machine and with wha t it will a nd won’ t do under var ious conditions.
22 SAFE TY Operator S afety Windchill/T emper ature Charts The following inf ormation is provide d to help you de termine when temper ature s bec ome da ngerous f or r iding.
23 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations W arning decal s have been placed on the snowmobi le for your prot ectio n. R ead and foll ow the in stru ction s of the decal s on the sno wmob ile careful ly .
24 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations T rack W arning The track warning d ecal is lo cated on the rear of the tunnel : Passenger W arning Polaris PRO X snowmobiles are designe d for one ope rator only .
25 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Reverse W arning Some Pola ris snowmobile s ar e equipped w ith reve rse . These models will have a re ver se warnin g decal on t he lower dash .
26 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Operation W arning Operati on warni ng decal s are presen t on t he cons ole of al l Po laris snowmobiles, in both French a nd English.
27 SAFE TY Safety D ecals and Locations Operation W arning A VERT ISSEMENT.
28 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Some Polaris snowmobiles are e quipped with spec ial fea tures. Controls for these f ea tures ar e illustrate d on the following pages. Not all models come with these fe atur es. Refer to your Owner ’ s Manual Supplem ent for a li st of speci fic f eatures on your m ach ine.
29 FEATURES AND CONTROLS 10 6 7 8 9 1 2 4 3 5 16 14 12 11 13 15 1.
30 FEATURES AND CONTROLS 1. Hood 2. Headlight 3. Winds hield 4. Handlebar 5. Seat 6. St orage Compart ment/ T runk 7. T aillights 8. Rear Bum per 9. Snow F lap 10.
31 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Detonation E limi nation T echnology (D.E .T .) Some Polaris snowmobiles are e quipped with a detonation sen sor that monitors the engine and responds to de tonation by a utomatic ally re ducing the engine timing.
32 THE PE RFECT FIT Front S uspension Adjustm ents Brea k in the suspe nsion for a pproxima tely 150 mile s (240 km) a nd re- grea se a ll suspension par ts befor e making a ny fine- tuning adjustme nts. Settings will vary f rom rider to rider , depending on ride r we ight, vehicle spe ed, riding style, and trail conditions.
33 THE PE RFECT FIT Front S uspension Adjustm ents The tension a t which the shoc k coil spring is set is c alled spr ing preload. For the best ride, the spring preload should be set as low as pos sibl e to us e the ful l trav el of t he ski sh ock, wit h occas ional li ght bottoming.
34 THE PE RFECT FIT Front S uspension Adjustm ents Adjus ting Fr ont S hock S pr ing P re load Increasi ng spri ng prelo ad will i ncrease ski-to-gr ound pressur e. Dec re asing spri ng prel oad will d ecrease ski-to-gr ound pressur e. When adjusting, be sure springs on both the left and right sides of the mac hine ar e at the same adjustme nt.
35 THE PE RFECT FIT Front S uspension Adjustm ents Shoc k V alving R ydeFX a nd W alker /Evans shocks c an be r evalve d if spring pre load alone isn’ t suf ficien t and fur ther a djustment is desire d to contr ol suspension stif fness.
36 THE PE RFECT FIT Rear Suspension Adjustm ents Rider we ight, riding style, trail conditions, and ve hicle speed a ll af f ect suspension a ction. Each rear sus pensi on can be adju sted t o suit ri der preference and deliver e xce llent perf orman ce for a given set of conditions.
37 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments Initia l S pri ng Pr eload S etti ng (Sag Me thod) T o set up the PRO X rear suspe nsion torsion spring pr eload, mea sure the distance betwe en the gr ound and re ar bumper . This is measureme nt X.
38 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments Rear T o r sion Spring T ension T o adjust re ar torsion spring te nsion, rotate the thre e-position c am using the engine spark plug tool. Dif f ere nt rate torsion springs a re ava ilable if a fir mer ride is desir ed.
39 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments Clicker Shock The position sensitive c licke r shock is ava ilable as an option on some models. Adjustments to the compre ssion damping are ma de by turning the c licker knob (A) o n the shock re servoir .
40 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments Optional C oil S pr ings Dif fe ren t rate coil springs are a vaila ble for some shocks if a fir mer ride is desired.
41 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments Rear Rear S cissor Stop (RRSS) The rea r rea r scissor stop (RRSS) couples the movement of the rea r torque ar m with the front torque arm and limits the amount of independe nt movement betwee n the rear tor que and the front torque arm.
42 THE PE RFECT FIT PR O X Rear Suspension A djustments W eight T ransfer During Acceleration PRO X Rear R ear Scissor St op (RRSS) The pr efe rre d method for controlling w eight tran sfer duri ng accelerat ion of t he PR O X rear suspension is by adjusting the RRSS .
43 THE PE RFECT FIT Handlebar Adjustm ents Handlebar with Riser Block 1. Remove the handleba r cover to expose the h andleb ar mou ntin g hardware. 2. Using a 1/2” wrench, loosen the two bolts on the bottom of the riser or the two bolts on the top of the rise r , depending on the type of adjustment requir ed.
44 THE PE RFECT FIT Accessor ies Pol aris offers a wide range of accesso ries for your snowmobi le to help make each ri de more enjoyable. See your dealer for a compl ete list of accesso ries. NOTE: The accesso ry tet her swi tch is avai labl e for all m odels .
45 THE PE RFECT FIT Accessor ies T ra ction P r oducts Another w ay to ta ilor your ma chine is to insta ll trac tion produc ts. See your deale r about installing studs and/or ca rbide s. Many trac ks with deep lug designs cannot be studded, but your dealer will be able to offer advice an d assi stan ce.
46 THE PE RFECT FIT Accessor ies Use only Polaris tr ac tion products on your snowmobile. T rack warranti es are voi d if t rack damage o r failure res ults from i mprop er or exc essive stud installa tion or the use of non-Polaris trac tion products.
47 THE PE RFECT FIT Accessor ies W ear Str ips Polaris PRO X models a re manufac tured with tunnel wea r str ips or wear strip coole rs installe d. T o avoid exc essive tunne l wea r , tunnel wear stri ps must be installed whe neve r tra ck studding is used .
48 PRE -RIDE INSPECT IONS Befor e Star ting the Engine Read a nd Under sta nd Y our Owner’ s Manual Read t he Owner ’ s Manu al compl etely an d refer t o it oft en. W e’v e atte mpted to provide as muc h informa tion as possible to aler t you to the safe ty require ments of snowmobiling.
49 PRE -RIDE INSPECT IONS Befor e Star ting the Engine Hydraulic Br akes Properly func tioning bra kes are c ritic al to your safe ty . Always check th e following items to assure prope r opera tion bef ore sta rting the engine. Brake L ever T ravel Whe n the brake leve r is squeezed, i t s hould move no closer to the handgr ip than 1/2 ″ (1.
50 PRE -RIDE INSPECT IONS Befor e Star ting the Engine Par k Brake Lever Lock Y our snowmobile may have a park bra ke leve r lock located ove r the brake le ver . Use the br ake leve r lock only when you want the machine to rem ain stat ion ary; for examp le, when p arked on an in cline for a perio d of fiv e min utes o r less.
51 PRE -RIDE INSPECT IONS Befor e Star ting the Engine Check for Proper Operation of Steering System Manually tur n the skis c ompletely to the r ight and to the lef t. If any dif fic ulty is enc ountere d, chec k for ic e a nd snow build-up tha t may be obstructing the stee ring linkage .
52 PRE -RIDE INSPECT IONS Star t the Engine and Check n Engine St op Switc h: Check the a uxiliar y shut-of f switch f or proper opera tion. P ush down to stop the e ngine.
53 OPERATION Star ting the Engi ne Sta rti ng a Col d Engi ne Do not depress the throttle until the engine star ts. 1. T urn ke y to ON . 2. Pull kill switch (shut- of f switc h) up to RUN . 3. Flip choke toggle to FULL ON . 4. Grasp sta rter handle a nd pull slowly until re coil e ngage s; then pull abruptly to sta rt the e ngine.
54 OPERATION Star ting the Engi ne Sta rti ng a W arm E ngine 1. T urn ke y to ON . 2. Pull kill switch (shut- of f switc h) up to RUN . 3. Grasp star ter ha ndle and pull slowly until re coil e ngages; the n pull to star t.
55 OPERATION Engine B reak - In Oil Injection System Always fill the oil reservoir when r ef ueling. Fuel-to-oil mix ratios a re controlle d by the oil pump and c orr espond to the e ngine’ s RPM and throttle valve ope ning.
56 OPERATION T rack Warm - Up Follow these steps to ensure prope r war m-up of the engine, drive tra in and track . 1. Use an appropria te stand to secure ly support the rear of the snowmobile at the rea r bumper . The trac k should be approxima tely 4 ″ (10 cm) off the ground.
57 OPERATION Fuel Gasoline is highly f lammable and explos ive under cert ain conditi ons. S Always exer cise extr eme caution whenev er handling gasoline.
58 OPERATION Fuel The fuel used in your Polaris engine is as important to engine life a nd perf ormanc e as the lubrica nt used. Most P ola ris snowmobile engines are designed to run on 87 oc tane non-oxygena ted or 89 oc tane oxygenate d pump ga soline, but a highe r oc tane fuel (pr emium 91 octa ne) is pref err ed for the PRO X models.
59 OPERATION Fuel Fuel Reserve Capacity Ther e a re a pproxima tely two ga llons of f uel lef t in the tank w hen the fuel gauge indic ates re serve ( RES). Fuel System Deicer s If you use non-oxygena ted fuel, Polaris rec ommends the re gular use of isopropyl-ba sed fu el system deic er .
60 OPERATION Oil Low Oil I ndicator Light The low oil i ndic ator light will indicate when to add oil. S e e page 55 for oil re comme ndations. When the l ow oil indica tor light is on, oil should be added be for e furthe r oper ation of the snowmobile .
61 OPERATION Car buretion Pro per carbureto r adjus tment i s crit ical. A l ean mix ture (too m uch air , too little fue l) may r esult in piston bur ning, bearing f ailur e, or comple te engine f ailure . A rich mixture (too much fu el, too little air) may foul plugs an d cause gener ally poor engine pe rfor mance .
62 OPERATION Engine S top Swi tch Push down on the engine stop switch ( A) to stop the engine in a n emer gency . This will ground out the ignition and bring the engine to a quick stop. T o restart the engine , the switc h must be pulled u p to the ON position.
63 OPERATION Throttle Lever If the engine stops abr uptly when the throttle le ver is rele ased : 1. T ur n the ignition switc h to OFF . 2. V isually inspec t the throttle cable and carbur etor( s) to deter mine what caused t he safety s witch t o activ ate.
64 OPERATION Em ergency S topping The following cha rt lists methods for stopping the snowmobile in the eve nt of an e mer ge ncy . Ref er to pa ge 62 for more infor mation a bout the engine stop switch and throttle saf ety switc h.
65 OPERATION Em ergency Star ting Y our machine is equipped w ith a tool kit containing e ssentia l tools for emergency us e. If th e recoil st arter sys tem fail s, an em er gency st art strap is pr ovided in the kit. T o use the emer ge ncy start stra p: 1.
66 OPERATION Rever se Operation Electr onic Reverse (P ER C t ) Electr onic rev erse will ac tivate only if the engine is below 4000 RP M. If your mac hine is running at an altitude of over 6000 fe et, adjust the ignition setting as de scr ibed unde r the he ading Altitude Se ttings .
67 OPERATION Rever se Operation Electr onic Reverse (P ER C t ) Disen gag ing R everse Push the yellow reve rse button on the handlebar f or one second an d rele ase. The e ngine will slow and a nd begin to rota te for ward. The light on the instrument pane l will shut off .
68 OPERATION T owing For your saf ety , do not attempt to using the tow hitc h until you’ve r ea d the following wa rnings and unde rsta nd the prope r hitc h functions.
69 MAINTENANCE Daily Storage At th e end o f each ride, park t he snowm obil e on a le vel surfa ce and support it at the rear wit h an approp riate track s tand. T he track should be suspende d appr oximate ly 4 ″ (10 cm) of f the ground. Rem ove th e key and cov er the m achine.
70 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Char t The following char t is a guide based on ave rage r iding conditions. Y ou may ne ed to incr ea se fr equenc y base d on riding conditions. Whe n ins pecti on reveal s th e need for rep lacement p arts, al ways u se genui ne Polaris pa rts, ava ilable from your Polaris de ale r .
71 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Char t Item Weekly or before long t rip 150 miles (240 km 500 miles (800 km) 1000 miles (1600 km) See Page T i ghten i dler adjusti ng bolt jam nuts X 101 Che ck spa rk plug.
72 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Log Present thi s secti on of your manual t o your dealer each time your snowmobile is service d. This will provide you and future owner s with an accurate l og of mai ntenance and s ervices p erformed on t he snowmobile.
73 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Log Additional Services Per form ed Auth orized P olaris S ervici ng Dealer Serv icing T echnici an Date M ileage T ype of Servic e Additional Services Per form ed Auth oriz.
74 MAINTENANCE Lubri cation Lubrica te the suspe nsion and ste er ing components w ith Polaris Premium gre ase a t 500 miles (800 km) and annua lly or a bout ever y 1000 miles (1600 km) there afte r . See page 1 12 for t he part numbers of Polaris produc ts.
75 MAINTENANCE Lubri cation The suspension pivot sha fts should be lubr ica ted with Polaris Pre mium All Season G rea se a t 500 miles (800 km) initially , every 1000 mile s (1600 km) after that , and before of f-season storage each year . Lack of lubrica tion will adverse ly af fe ct your ride and the life of the suspension.
76 MAINTENANCE Lubri cation Jackshaft Bearing Greasing Loosen the dr iven clutc h re taining bolt and pull the clutc h outwar d to expose the bear ing and grea se fitting. Inje ct grea se into the grease f itting in the flangette until gre ase pur ges from inside or outside the bear ing seal (may take only two pumps).
77 MAINTENANCE Lubri cation Chaincase Oil Level It’ s the opera tor ’ s responsibility to che ck a nd maintain the pr oper chai ncase oi l lev el. T o ch eck the o il l evel, pl ace the m achine o n a level s urface. The oi l level should be betwee n the “safe ” marks on the dipstick (A).
78 MAINTENANCE Spar k Plugs It’ s very important to use the cor rec t spark plug f or your ma chine . A spark plug w ith a he at ra nge too high will c ause engine da mage . A spark plug w ith a he at ra nge too low will c ause exce ssive f ouling and engine malf unctioning.
79 MAINTENANCE Spar k Plugs Spark plug c ondition is indicative of engine opera tion. The spar k plug firing end c ondition should be r ead a fte r the e ngine has be en wa rmed up and t he vehi cle has been dri ven at hi gher speed s. Immed iatel y check th e spark plu g for correct col or .
80 MAINTENANCE Intake Filter The intake f oam filte r limits snow ingestion into the intake system. When ope rating in loose powde r snow , check the top of the foam filte r per iodica lly to re move a ny accum ulati on of s now . NOTE: The se illustra tions are gener al r epre senta tions.
81 MAINTENANCE V ari ab le Ex ha us t Sy st em (VES) Maintena nce of the V ES is limite d to a periodic inspection and clea ning of syste m components. Every 1000 to 2000 miles (800- 1600 km), bring the ma chine to a n authoriz ed Pola ris dea ler to ha ve the V ES di sassem bled, i nsp ected, and clean ed.
82 MAINTENANCE W ate r/Se di men t T rap Se rvi ce Most Polaris snowmobiles conta in paten ted ca rbure tor bowl water/ sedim ent trap s located at t he bott om of each carbureto r . The trap, consisting of a hose with a plug, should be dra ined at lea st every 1000 miles (1600 km) and inspec ted fo r conta mination.
83 MAINTENANCE Fuel Filter /Fuel Lines Inspec t the in-tank fue l filter ( 1) and fue l lines re gular ly . Give spe cia l attention to the system’ s fuel line c ondition af ter pe riods of sto rage. No rmal deteri orati on from weather and fue l compounds may oc cur .
84 MAINTENANCE Car buretor The n umber s tamp ed in t he end o f the m ain j et in dicates t he jet si ze. The jet installe d at the time of manufac ture is not n eces saril y correct for your ele vation. It’ s your dealer’ s responsibility to make sure the cor re ct ma in jet is insta lled.
85 MAINTENANCE Exhaust S ystem Check the exhaust system for wear or dama ge a t appr oximately 1000 miles (1600 km) . T o inspect, allow the e ngine a nd exha ust system to cool comple tely . Ope n the hood and inspe ct the muf fler and pipe s for cracks or dam age.
86 MAINTENANCE Engine Cooling - Liquid Cool ed Models Coola nt Mixtur e The coolan t supplied in the system is a 50/50 mixture of ethylene -glyc ol and distille d wate r . This mixture provide s protec tion again st freezin g at temp eratures t o -34 ° F (-37 ° C ).
87 MAINTENANCE Engine Cooling - Liquid Cool ed Models Flushing the Cooli ng Sy stem T o ensure tha t the coolant maintains its ability to protec t the engine, the system should be complete ly draine d ever y two yea rs and a fresh 50/ 50 or 60/ 40 mi xture of ant ifreeze and di s tilled w ate r should be added.
88 MAINTENANCE Engine Cooling - Liquid Cool ed Models Bleeding the Cooling System If c oolant be come s low in the tank, blee d the syste m of tra pped air using the following proc edur e: 1. Allow the syste m to cool comple tely , then loosen the ble ed sc re w and fi ll th e res ervoir t o the FU LL COLD mark.
89 MAINTENANCE Drive Chain T ension T o ob tain correct ch ain ten sion : 1. Rotate the drive n clutch counter clockwise to move all chain sl ack to the t ensio ner sid e. Lo ck the brake le ver lock, or have an assi stan t hol d th e brake l ever firm ly .
90 MAINTENANCE Hydr aulic Brake Inspection Freque ntly inspect the bra ke lever r ese rve . Firmly depress the brake le ver a nd measure the cl earance bet ween th e lever and han dlebar gri p (A). Th is dis tance, cal led b rake lever rese rve , should be no less than 1/2 ″ (1.
91 MAINTENANCE Br akes Br ake C om ponents 1. Brake C alip er 2. C haincas e 3. Brake Disc 4. Backing Pla te 5. Brake Pad M aterial (R eplace when t hickn ess is l ess than 1 /16 ″ ).
92 MAINTENANCE Br akes Br ake Fl uid Mainta in the bra ke f luid leve l betwe en the M IN a nd MAX ma rks on the maste r cylinde r re servoir . Use only Polaris DOT 3 high tempe ratur e brake f luid. See page 1 12 for the par t numbers of Polaris products.
93 MAINTENANCE Br akes Bleeding the Hydraulic Brake System Air in the hydraulic brak e system will cause spongy brak e lever a ction. Bleed the system befor e oper ating the snowmobile. Durin g the b leedi ng proced ure, k eep the brak e handl e as level as possible.
94 MAINTENANCE Headlights Headlight Adjustment The hea dlight may be adjusted for vertic al a im using the f ollowing proce dure: 1. Place the snowmobile on a level surfa ce w ith the headlight approxima tely 25 f ee t (7.6m) from a wal l. 2. Measure the dista nce fr om the floor to the ce nter of the headl igh t and m ake a mark o n the wall.
95 MAINTENANCE Headlights NOTE: Do not touch a halogen bulb w ith bare finger s. Oil from skin leav es a residue , causing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the lamp. Rem ovi ng Hal ogen Bul bs - High/Low B eam 1. Pinch t he e nds of the spring (1) togethe r a nd lift until it r ele ase s from t he spri ng retai ner .
96 MAINTENANCE Clutch S ystem Peri odical ly i nspect t he clut ch sheav es for dam age, wear , or b elt residue . T o maintain optimum per for mance , clea n with non-oil ba sed clea ners suc h as isopropyl alc ohol. Clutc h Ali gnme nt and Offset Cl utch cen ter dis tance and al ignm ent (A) are cruc ial to mainta ining optimum perf orman ce.
97 MAINTENANCE Clutch S ystem Periodic ally c hec k the c ondition and te nsion of the dr ive be lt, and always c arr y a spar e belt. For improve d drive- away dur ing extre mely cold t emperat ures, rem ove the belt an d warm it to room t emperat ure.
98 MAINTENANCE Clutch S ystem Drive B elt Deflection Measu re belt defl ectio n with b oth clut ches at rest an d in th eir full neutra l position. Place a straight edge on the belt (A) and apply downwa rd pre ssure while measur ing at point B. This measur ement should be 1 1/4”.
99 MAINTENANCE Chain T ension Maintain the proper cha in tension a s outlined on page 89. Oil Level Mainta in the oil level betwee n the safe ma rks as indica ted on the oil bottle (see pa ge 59). T ool Ki t A too l kit i s incl uded wi th each machine f or emer gency and rout ine m aint enance.
100 MAINTENANCE For Y our P rotection For adde d protec tion, car ry the f ollowing items on your snowmobile at all time s: S Spa re D rive Be lt S Extra Set of Spark Plugs S T ow Rope S Extr a Oil S .
101 MAINTENANCE T rack Maintenance T rack T ension T rack ad justment is critic al for pr oper ha ndling. Always mainta in correct t ensio n and ali gnmen t. T ension a djustments should be ma de only a fter the trac k is war med up and limbe r . 1. T ur n the machine of f .
102 MAINTENANCE T rack Maintenance I f t he tr ac k nee ds adj ust me nt ( co nti nued) : 8. Repeat mea sureme nt on t he othe r side of the trac k. NOTE: Ch eck more fr eque ntly when mac hine is new . 9. Start mach ine and slowly rota te the trac k at least five r evolutions.
103 MAINTENANCE T rack Maintenance T rack Inspection Using a hoist, safe ly lift and support the rea r of the snowmobile of f the ground. Rotate the trac k by hand to c hec k for pos sib le damag e. Care fu lly exa mine the tr ac k along the enti re lengt h of each rod, b endin g the track an d insp ectin g for breakage.
104 MAINTENANCE Steer ing System Steering Inspection and Adjustment Each week, o r before a long ri de, check al l fasteners an d tigh ten if necess ary .
105 MAINTENANCE Steer ing System Sk i Ali gnme nt W ith the handle bars in a straight a hea d position, and with ve hicle weight compre ssing the suspension, measur e from the straight edge of the skis at the center of the ski mounting bolt. The mea sureme nt betwee n the skis at point X should be 1/8 ″ to 1/4 ″ great er than at p oint Y.
106 MAINTENANCE Steer ing System Ski S kags Chec k skags we ek ly to mainta in positive s te er ing cha ra cte ristic s. Skags mus t be replaced when wo rn to half t heir orig inal di ameter . NOTE: Carbid e skags m ust b e replaced i f any abnor mal wea r or chipping is found.
107 MAINTENANCE Suspension Maintenance Hi - F ax W ear Ch eck Hi-fax wear by measur ing the thickness at sever al points along the rail (A). R eplace Hi-fax wh en a thickness of 7/16 ″ (1.1 cm ) is reached . T ak e the m achine to your deale r for Hi- fax replacem ent.
108 MAINTENANCE Suspension Maintenance Loose nuts and bolts c an re duce your snowmobile ’ s reliability a nd cau se nee dless r epa irs and dow n time. Before beginning a ny snowmobile tr ip, a visua l inspection will uncove r pote ntial pr oblems.
109 MAINTENANCE Extended S torage Bearings Grea se the jacksha ft and drive shaf t clutch side bear ings with P ola ris Premium A ll-Se ason Gr ea se or a similar high quality gr ea se to pr eve nt corr osion. See page 1 12 for par t numbers. Clutch and Drive System Remove the drive belt and store in a cool dry loca tion.
11 0 MAINTENANCE Extended S torage Engi ne and Car bur etor P r otecti on Using a f uel stab ilizer and topping of f the fuel tank e liminate s the ne ed to drain the f uel system. If you pr efe r to dra in the fue l tank, use the following proc edure : 1.
111 MAINTENANCE Extended S torage T ra ck and S uspensi on Modera te tr ac k tension should be ma intained during summer stora ge. The mac hine should be supported of f the ground to allow the trac k to hang fr ee ly . See illustration. T ra nspor ting the Snow mobi le Whe neve r the snowmobile is transpor ted: 1.
11 2 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part No. Descri pti on Engine Lubr icant s 2870791 Fogging Oi l ( 12 oz. Aerosol) 2874438 VES II Synthet ic 2-Cycl e Oil ( qt. ) 2874439 VES II Synthet ic 2-Cycl e Oil ( gal. ) Chaincase Lubr icant s 2873105 Synthet ic Chaincase Lubri cant (qt .
11 3 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Engine T r oubleshooting CAUTIO N: Unless you ha ve e xperie nce a nd training in two-c ycle engine re pair , see your dealer if te chnic al problems arise .
11 4 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Engine T r oubleshooting Proble m Proba ble C aus e Soluti on Noise i n drive system Broke n dri ve cl ut ch com ponent s Bearin g failure/ chain case, jacksh aft, or fr ont dr ive s ha f t Driv e belt su rface flat spot s Driv e chain lo ose o r worn, s pr oc ke t te e t h broke n -SEE YOUR DEALER.
11 5 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Engine T r oubleshooting Proble m Proba ble C aus e Soluti on Engine t ur ns bu t fails to start Fau lty ign ition No fue l to e ngi ne Floode d engi ne (nor - mal situ ation cau sed by too m uch c hok- ing) Poor engi ne c ompr e s- sion -Rem ov e spark p lug (s) and r eplace with new p lug (s).
11 6 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Suspension T r oubleshooting Proble m Solution (per for m only one c hange a t a time ) Rear su spen sion bo ttom s too easily -I nc r ea s e tor s i on spr i ng pre l oa d -I .
11 7 TROUBLE S HOOTIN G Belt T r oubleshooting Belt W ear/Burn Be lt W ea r/B ur n Dia gnosis Causes Solut ions Driv ing at lo w RP M Dri ve a t highe r RPM s. Ge a r t he ma chi ne down. Che c k belt def l e ct i on. Insu f ficient w arm-up W a rm the e ngi ne a t le a s t fi ve mi nut es .
11 8 WARRANTY Ser vice And Warr anty Inform ation Obtaining Service and W arranty Assistance Read and unde rstand the ser vice da ta and the Polaris war ra nty informa tion conta ined in this manual. Contact your Polaris dea ler f or replacem ent p arts, serv ice or warrant y .
11 9 WARRANTY Li mite d W arran ty Pola r is Sa l e s Inc . , 2100 Highwa y 55, Medi na , MN 55340, pr ovide s a O NE YEAR LIM- ITED W ARRANTY on all c ompone nt s of the Pol a ri s s nowmobi le a ga i nst de f e ct s i n ma te r i al or wor kma ns hi p.
121 WARRANTY Conditi ons and Ex clusi ons In or de r to qua l if y f or war r a nty , t he produc t mus t ha ve be e n prope r l y se t up a nd te s t ed by a Po laris Dealer (if ap plicab le).
122 WARRANTY Pol ar is S econd Y ear E ngine S er vi ce Contr ac t Sec ond Y ear Engi ne Ser vi ce Cont r a ct i s s t a ndar d on a l l e l igi bl e new and unus e d snow mobil e s tha t we re Snow Che c ke d thr ough a n a uthor i z ed Pol a r is de a le r duri ng t he Ma rc h/ Apr il Snow Che ck promot i on.
124 INDEX A Accessories 44-47 ................... Air B ox 23 ........................ B Bearings 109 ....................... Before S tarti ng the Engi ne 48-51 ....... Bel t T roubleshoot ing 117 ............. Bleedi ng the C ooling S ystem 67-88 ..
125 INDEX J Jackshaft Bearing G reasing 76 ......... Jetting Guidelines 61 ................. L Li ghting C heck 52 ................... Low O il Indicator 60 ................. Low Oi l Le ve l 59 ................... Lubricat ion 74-77 .................
126 INDEX T T rack M aintenance 101-103 ........... T rack T ension 101 ................... T rack T ension Data 101 .............. T rack W arm-U p 56 .................. T racti on Product s 45 ................. T ransport ing the S nowm obile 11 1 .
For your nearest P olaris dealer , call 1-800-POL ARIS or visit www Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy . 55, Medina, MN 55340 Phone (763) 417 - 865 0 F ax (763) 542-0599 Part No.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Polaris 800 Pro X è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Polaris 800 Pro X - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Polaris 800 Pro X imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Polaris 800 Pro X ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Polaris 800 Pro X, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Polaris 800 Pro X.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Polaris 800 Pro X. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Polaris 800 Pro X insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.