Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A02-RB-W54 del fabbricante Atlantis Land
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Where solutions begin Company certified ISO 9001:2000 Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 USER GUIDE A02-RB-W54(V1.1) _ME01.
Where solutions begin Company certified ISO 9001:2000.
Wireless Broadband Router INDEX CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 An Overv iew of th e del Wireles s Broadba nd Router 1 1.2 Package Contents 2 1.3 Technical Features 2 1.4 System Requirement s 3 1.5 Set up 3 CHAPTER 2: US ING WI RELESS BROADBAN D ROUTE R 4 2.
Wireless Broadband Router 3.6.1 B asi c 40 3.6.2 D HCP 41 3.7 A ccess Contr ol 42 3.7.1 Filt er 42 3.7.1. 2 MAC Fil ter 43 3.7.1. 3 IP Filter 45 3.7.1. 4 URL B locki ng 46 3.7.1. 5 Do main B locking 47 3.7.1. 6 Pro tocol Filter 48 3.7.2 Virtual S erver 49 3.
Wireless Broadband Router APPENDICE C: TECHNICAL F EATURES 78 APPENDICE D: SUPPORT 79 A02-RB- W54(V1 .1)_ME01 (V 1.0 Januar y 2007).
Wireless Broadband Router Copyright Statement No part of th is publication may be repr oduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted i n any form or by any me ans, whether electr oni c, mech anical, photoco pying, record ing or otherw ise witho ut the pr ior writ ing of the publ isher.
Wireless Broadband Router Germany, UK, It aly, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Port ugal, Greece, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Au stria, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. France: except the channel 10 thro ugh 13, law prohibit s the use of other channels.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 1 CHAPTER 1: Introducti on Congrat ulat ions on your purcha se of Atla ntis L and Wire less Broadb and Route r. This inte grated acce ss device comb ines Interne t gateway func tions with wi reless LAN and Fast Ethe rnet switch.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 2 1.2 Package Contents Unpack the package a nd check all the it ems carefully. If an y item contained is damaged or missing, please contac t your local deal er as soo n as possible. Also, keep the box and packing materi als in cas e you need to sh ip the unit in the future.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 3 1.4 System Requirements Before installing the device, your P C should meet t he follow ing: • Inte l® Penti um®III 60 0Mhz or compat ible proc essor with TCP/IP stack • Iint ernet E xplorer V 6.0 on Netsca pe V6.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 4 CHAPTER 2: Using Wireless Broadband Router 2.1 Ca utions for u sing the Wire less B roadband R outer • Do not place this devic e under high humi dity and high temper ature. • Do not use t he same power s ource for Wi reless Broad band Router with other equipm ent.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 5 The indicator s blink green whil e the WAN port wa s transm itting or receiving data on the xD SL/Cable modem. WLAN This indicato r lights gree n when ther e are wirele ss devices conne cted a nd tran smitt ing dat a to the W ire less Rout er.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 6 shape it em to push t o reset th is device to fact ory default sett ings. It wi ll be usef ul too when th e manager forgot the password to login, but the settin g will be back to def ault setting.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 7.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 8 CHAPTER 3: Configuration The Wireless Broadband Rout er has a We b GUI inte rfac e for the configuration. The device can be configured th rough the Web Br ows er. A network manage r can manage, co ntrol and monitor the R outer fr om the local LA N.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 9 3.1.1 Wind ows 95/98/ME 1. Go to Start / Sett ings / Control Panel . In the Con trol Panel, double-click on Network and choose the Conf igu rati on tab. 2. Select TCP / IP -> NE200 0 Compatible , or the name of any Network Interfac e Card (N IC) in your PC.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 10 3.1.2 Windows NT4. 0 1. Go to Start / Setting s / Control Pan el . In t he C ontrol P ane l, do uble- click on Network and choose th e Pro toco ls tab. 2. Selec t TCP/IP P rotoc ol and click Properties . 3.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 11 3.1.3 Windows 20 00 1. Go to Start / Settings / Co ntrol Panel. In the Control Panel, double-click on Network and Dial-up Connections. 2. Double-clic k LAN Area Connection . 3. In the LAN Area Connectio n Status window , click P roperti es .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 12 3.1.4 Windows XP 1. Go to Start / Control Panel (in Classic Vi ew). I n the Control Panel, double- click on Network Connections. 2. Double-clic k Local Area Connection 3. In the LAN Ar ea Connec tion St atus w indow, click Pr operties.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 13 3.2 Factory Default Settings Before confi guring t he Wi reless Broadban d Rout er thr ough W LAN, make su re that the SSID, Chan nel and t he WEP was set pr oper ly.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 14 3.3 Ac cessing the Wire less Broa dban d Router Web Configurator Before you c onfigur e this dev ice, note th at when the Wi rele ss Broa dband Ro uter is con figur ed thr ough an Eth ernet co nn ection, make sure the ma nager PC must be set on same the IP network.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 15 3.3.1 Setup Wizard Setup w izard i s prov ided as t he part of the web co nfiguration u tility. User can simply follow the step-by-s tep process to get th e wireless rou ter configu ration ready to ru n in 6 easy ste ps by clicking on the “Wiz ard” but ton on the function menu.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 16 Step 1: Setup New Pas sword User ca n change th e passw ord and t hen click Nex t to continue ..
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 17 Step2: Cho ose time zone Select the t ime zone from the d rop down list . Plea se click Nex t to conti nue.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 18 Step 3: Se t LAN an d DHCP Server Set user’s IP address and mask . The default IP is . If user likes to enable DHCP, please click Enabled. DHCP enabled is able to automatically assign IP addresses.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 19 Step 4: Set Internet connection The Wir eless Bro adband R outer will a ttempt to au to de tect your Int ernet Connec tion .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 20 If the Wireless B roadband Rout er is unable to au to detect your Intern et connection , you will need t o manually sele ct the Int ernet c onnec tion type : Obt ain IP automatically, Fixed IP, PPP oE, PPTP, L2TP or BigPond .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 21 Obtain IP automati cally (DHCP client): If user has enabl ed DHCP server, choose Obtain IP automaticall y (DHCP client) to have the router assign IP addresses automatically. If your ISP requ ires you to en ter a specific host name or MAC add ress, pleas e enter i t in.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 22 Fixed IP: If the Inte rnet Servic e Prov iders assign a fixe d IP addr ess, ch oose t his optio n and enter t he as signe d IP ad dress, subnet mask, gateway IP and DNS IP addresses for your B roadb and R outer.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 23 PPPoE: • Obtain I P Auto mati call y: If connected to the In terne t usin g a PP PoE (Dia l-up xD SL) Mo dem, t he IS P will provide a Password and User Name, and then the ISP uses PPPoE. Choose this option and ent er the required information.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 24 • Specify IP: If conne cted to the Inte rnet using a PPP oE (Dia l-up xD SL) Modem, the ISP will prov ide a Passw ord, User Na me and a Fixed IP Addr ess, choo se t his opt ion an d enter the re quired i nformat ion.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 25 PPTP/L2TP : If connec ted to the Internet using a (PPTP/L2TP) xDSL Modem, enter the your IP Addr ess, S ubnet Ma sk, Gat eway, Server IP, PPTP /L2TP Ac count and PPTP/L2TP Password, Your Subnet Mask requ ired by your ISP in the ap propriate fields.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 26 Step 5: Se t Wireless LAN conn ection Click Ena ble to en able w ireless LA N. If u ser enab les th e wirele ss LAN, t ype the SSID in the te xt box an d select a communications channel. The SSID a nd channel must be the same as wireless devices atte mpting commun ication to the rout er.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 27 Step 6: Restart The Setup wizard is now completed. T he new settings will be effect ive af ter the Wirele ss router restar ted. P lease click Restart to reboot th e ro uter. If user does not want to make any change s, plea se click Exit to quit w ithout any changes.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 28 3.3.2 Navigatin g the Broadband Router Web Configurator The screen w ill show the status of the Wi reless Br oadban d Route r when y ou login to the device.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 29 3.4 WAN This function enables users to set up the Wireless B road band Rout er WAN connection , specify th e IP address for th e WAN, add DNS nu mbers, a nd enter the MAC address.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 30 • DHCP client or Fixed IP If user h as enabled DH CP server, choose Ob tain IP automatically (DHCP clien t) to have the r outer assign IP addresses au tomat icall y.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 31 Clone MAC Address: If your ISP requires yo u to enter a specific MAC address, pleas e enter it in. Th e Cl one MA C Add ress but ton is used to copy the MA C address of your Ethern et adapter to the Rou ter.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 32 Click Apply to save..
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 33 • PPTP/L2TP Choose Obtain IP Auto matically if connected to t h e Internet using a PPTP/L2TP (Dial-up xDS L) connect i on, en ter the your Serv er IP, PPTP/L2TP Account and PPTP/L2T P Password, if your ISP ha s provided you with a DNS I P address, enter it in the DNS fiel d, otherwise, leave it zero.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 34 3.4.2 Dynamic DNS This synch ronize s the DDNS server with your cu rrent P ublic IP addre ss when you are online.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 35 3.5 Wireless This sect ion enable s user to set wirele ss communications pa rameters for th e rout er's w ireles s LAN fe ature. 3.5.1 Basic This page allow user to enable and disa ble the wireless LAN function, cr eate a SSID, and select th e channel f or wirele ss communications.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 36 Click Apply to sa ve. The range of radio frequencies us ed by IEEE 802.11g wireless devices is c alled a “channel”.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 37 • WEP: WEP: O pen Sy stem and Sh ared K ey requ ires t he user to set a WE P key to exchange data with other wirele ss clients that ha ve the same WEP key. WEP Key Form at: Select the key format from the drop-dow n list HEX or ASCII.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 38 • WPA/WPA2: If WPA or WPA 2 PSK is selected, the above scr een is shown. Encryption Type : Selec t the enc rypti on typ e fo r TKIP or AES encryption. Pass phrase: The length should be 8 characters at le ast.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 39 3.5.3 Advanced This fu nction e nab les user to co nfig ure adva nced w irele ss funct ions Beacon Inte rval: Type the beacon inte rval in the text box . User c an specify a value fr om 20 t o 1000. T he def ault beacon interval is 100.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 40 3.6 LAN The function enables user to co nfig ure the L AN port IP addre ss & DHCP Server. 3.6.1 Basic This page leads to s et LAN po rt proper ti es, such as the host nam e, IP add ress, and su bnet mas k.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 41 3.6.2 DHCP DHCP Server: Enables the DH CP serv er to allo w the r outer to aut omat ically assign IP addresses to devi ces conn ecting to th e LA N.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 42 Static DHCP List: The static DH CP mapping w ill li st in the table, provi ding the Host Name, MAC Addres s and IP A ddress. Dynamic DHCP List: All dynamic D HCP client com puters are listed in the table and providing the Host name, IP address, and MAC address and Expired Time of the clie nt.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 43 MAC Filter MAC Filt er: Enables you to allow or deny Intern et access to users within the LAN based upon th e MAC address of th eir netw ork interface. Click the radio button next to Disabled t o disable the MAC filter.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 44 MAC Table: Use this section to crea te a user profil e which Internet access is denied or allowed. The us er prof iles ar e listed in th e table at the bottom of the page. (Note: Click anywhere in the item.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 45 IP Filter The IP filte r func tion en ables you to define a mini mum and maximum IP add ress range fil ter; all IP ad dresses falling w ithin the ra nge are no t allowed Inte rnet access. The I P fi lter pr ofiles are list ed in the table at the bot tom of the page.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 46 URL Blockin g You could en able URL blo cking to deny the use rs from acc essing the spec ified URL. Add those specified URL in th e tex t box. Enable / Di sable: Enable or Disable the URL bl ocking function of the WLAN Rout er.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 47 Domain Blocking You could specify the domains that allow user s to acce ss or deny by clicking one of the two it ems. Also, add the spe cifi ed domains in th e text bo x. Disable: Disable the Domain Blocking function .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 48 Protocol Filter This protocol filter e nables you to allow and de ny access based upon a communications protoc ol list y ou create . The p rotocol fi lter prof iles a re list ed in the tabl e at the bot tom of th e page.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 49 Port: Type the port rang e of the protoc ol. Add: Click to ad d the protoc ol fi lter to the table at the bottom of the screen. Update: Cl ick to updat e infor mati on for t he prot ocol f ilter if user have selected a list item and hav e made c hanges.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 50 Name: Type a descr ipti ve name for t he virt ual serve r. Protoc ol: Select a protocol (TCP or UDP) to use for the virtual server. Private Port: Type the por t num ber of th e co mputer on t he LA N that is be ing used to act as a virtual ser ver.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 51 Telnet 23/tcp Simple Mail T ransfer Proto col (SMTP) Email 25/tcp Domain Name Server (DNS) 53/tcp and 53/udp Trivial File Transfe r Protocol (TFT P) 69/udp.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 52 3.7.3 Special AP The special AP function en able s users to spe cify sp ecial a pplica tio ns, such as games whi ch requ ire m ultiple connections that are bloc ked by NAT. The special applicatio ns prof iles are listed in the table at the bott om of the pag e .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 53 • Pro toco l: Select the prot ocol TCP or UDP that can be used to access the application, the “*” is meaning to both of TCP an d UDP protocols. • Port Ra nge: Type the port range that can be used to access the application in t he text boxes.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 54 Any cl ien ts ad ded to the DM Z ex poses the c lien ts to secu ri ty ri sks such as viruses and unauthorized access .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 55 Enable: Click to enable o r disa ble the firew all rule pr ofile. Name: Type a descri ptive name for the f irew all rule prof ile. Action : Select wh ether t o allow or den y packet s that c onf orm to t he ru le.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 56 3.8 System This system se tting enables user s to chan ge passwo rd, set the device tim e, view the device informatio n, restart the system, sav e and load di fferent settings as profiles, restore factory default sett ings, upgrade th e firm ware, and ping remote IP addresses….
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 57 3.8.2 Time This function enables user s to set the ti me and date fo r the Wirel ess Broa dband Router’s real -time clock, select prope rly time zone, and enable or d isable daylight saving . Local Time: Displays t he loca l time and date .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 58 Synchron ize the cloc k with NTP Server: Enable or disable the Wireles s Broadband Router automatically adjust the system time from NTP Server.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 59 • Wireless: This sectio n displays t he wirele ss conf igurati on i nformation, including the MAC addre ss, t he Co nnect ion stat us, SSID, Channel and Authentica tion type .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 60 3.8.4 Log This function enable s users t o view a run ning l og of Router syste m stat istics , events, and activities .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 61 3.8.5 Log Settings This function enables users to set Router Log parameters. SMTP Serve r: Type your SMTP se rver address here. Send to: Type an email address for the log to be sent to. Clic k “Email Log Now” to immediately send the curre nt log.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 62 SMTP Authentication: Selected the Enabl ed if the SMTP server need for authentica tion, fill in account name a nd password in SMT P Account field and SMTP Pass word field. SMTP Account: If the SMTP Au thentication enab led, fill in t h e SM TP accou nt name here .
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 63 Click Reset to erase all stat ist ics and begin lo gging st atistics again ..
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 64 3.8.7 Restart Click Restart to res tart the system in the ev ent the system is not performing correctly. 3.8.8 Firmware This fu nction e nable s users t o keep t he Wir eless Broa dband Router f irmwa re up to date.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 65 3.8.9 Conf iguration This function enable s users to sa ve sett ings as a prof ile and load profiles for different circumstance s. User c an also load the factory default se ttings, and run a setup w izard t o conf igure the Wi reless Broa dband Ro uter and R outer interf ace.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 66 3.8.10 UPnP This funct ion ena bles u sers to enable or disable t he UPnP functi on on the Wireless Broadband Router. UPnP: Select to enable or disable the UPnP functi on on the Wirele ss Broad band Rout er.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 67 3.8.12 Remote Man agement This function enables us ers to set up remote manageme nt. Using remote manageme nt, the Wireles s Broadband Ro uter can be confi gured t hro ugh the WAN via a Web browser. A user name and password are required to perform remote manageme nt.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 68 Gaming mode: If user is e xperiencing difficulti es when playing onli ne games or even certain applica tions th at use voice data, user m a y need to en able Gaming Mode for these applica tions to work co rr ectly.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 69 APPENDIX A: Troubleshooting This chapte r covers pote ntial problems on Wireless Broad band Router Poin t and the c orre spondin g remed ies. A.1 LEDs The LEDs are useful aide s for find ing possible pr oblem causes.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 70 A.1.3 LED WLAN The WLAN LE D on the front panel does not light up. Steps CORRECT IVE ACTION 1 Press the “Res et” button on the rear panel of the Wireless Broadband Router , to set back to factory default setting.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 71 A.3 Login If yo u forget the pa ssword t o log in. Steps CORRECT IVE ACTION 1 The Reset function is to rese t the setting back to factory default setting, once you press the “RESET” button within 15 seconds, the LED of the WLAN will turn off.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 72 A.5 FAQ Question Can I run an applica tion from a rem ote computer over the wir eless networ k? Answer This will depend on whether o r not the a pplication is de signed to be used over a network. Consult the application’s user guide t o determine if it suppo rts operati on over a netwo rk.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 73 bits in the chip are d amaged during transmission, statistical techniques em bedded in the radio can recover the original data without the need for retr ansmissi on. To an uninten ded receiver, D SSS appears as low p ower wideba nd noise and is rejected (i gnored) by mos t narrowband receivers.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 74 part of 802. 11i spec ifics. WPA2 introduc e all IEEE802.11 i specifics, like support for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), encryp tion protocol use also in VPN IpSEC. WPA2 devi ces will be compatib le with WP A device, but they will be upda ted through new driver and firmware.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 75 local area networks ( WLAN s ), 802.11g offers wireless transmission over relatively short distances at up to 54 megabit s per s econd (Mbps) compare d with the 11 megabits per second of the 802.11b ( Wi-F i ) standa rd.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 76 We suggest to up grade WLAN to IEEE802.11g. Question How I can e limin ate interf eren ces in WLA N? Answer We suggest to turn of f (or place fa r) any device that operate in the sam e freque ncies and use di r ectional antenn as to reduce noise.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 77 APPENDIX B: Regulations Some c ountri es use differe nt laws about ISM band frequency use. Plea se to make r efere nce to f ollow table: Channel Coun try 1.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 78 APPENDICE C: Technical Features Standards IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.11g; IEEE 802.11b Protocol CSM A/CD Radio Technology IEEE 802.11g Or t hogonal Frequency Division Modulation Data Transfer Rate 802.
Wireless Broadband Router A02-RB-W54 Pag. 79 APPENDICE D: Support If you have any problems wi th the Wireless Broadband R outer, plea se consult this manual. If you continue to have problem s you should contact the dealer where you bought this device.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Atlantis Land A02-RB-W54 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.