Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SC-HT640W del fabbricante Panasonic
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RQT8611-1P P PC Operating Instructions D VD Home Theater Soun d Syst em Model No . SC-HT640W Region number The pl ay e r plays D VD- Video marked w ith labe ls co ntaining the re gion number “ 1 ” or “ ALL ”. Examp le: Befo re connecting , operat ing or adjusti ng this pro duct, please read the instructions completely .
RQT 86 11 2 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Dear c ustome r Thank you for pur chasing this p roduct. For op timum pe rformanc e and safety , please r ead these instru ctions ca refully . THE FOLL O WING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S.A. Read these opera ting i nstructio ns care fully before usin g the u nit.
RQT 86 11 3 T ABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . 2 Simpl e Setup STE P 1 Positioning the speakers . . . . . . . . . 4 Speaker installatio n options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 STE P 2 Speaker connections . . . . . . . . . . .
RQT8611 4 Simple Setup How you set up your speakers can a ffect the bass and the so und field . Note th e following poin ts: ≥ Place sp eakers on flat se cure b ases. ≥ Placi ng speakers too clos e to floors, walls, and cor ner s can result in excessive bass.
RQT 86 11 5 Simple Setup ∫ Atta ching to a wall Y ou can attach the front and cent er speakers t o a wall. ≥ The wall or pillar on which the speakers are to be attached shou ld be capable o f suppo rti ng 10 k g (2 2 lbs) p er sc rew . Consu lt a qua lified buildi ng cont ractor when a ttaching the spea kers to a wall.
RQT8611 6 Simple Setup ≥ Do not connec t throug h the vi deo c asset te reco rder . Due t o copy guard pro tection, the pict ure may not b e displayed prope rly . ≥ T ur n the television of f before conn ecting, and re fer to th e tele visi on’ s oper ating in struction s.
RQT 86 11 7 Simple Setup Conser vin g power The mai n un it an d the w irele ss surro und speak er cons ume a small amoun t of power whe n they are in standby mod e [main unit: ap prox. 0.4 W , surroun d spea ker: 0 .5 W (in transmit m ode), 1.2 W ( in receive mode) ].
RQT8611 8 Simple Setup Do not: ≥ mix old and new ba tteries. ≥ use di fferent types at t he same time. ≥ heat or expose to flame. ≥ take apar t or shor t circuit . ≥ attempt to rech arge alkal ine or m angane se batter ies. ≥ use batte ries if the coveri ng has be en pe eled off.
RQT 86 11 9 Simple Setup OPEN/CLOSE EXCHANGE SKIP POWER MUSIC SURROUND MUSIC PORT 5 DISC SELECTOR SELECTOR TUNING TUNING 12345 MEMORY MEMORY TUNE MODE TUNE MODE FM MODE FM MODE VOLUME DISC DISC (26) (26) (13, 26) (26) (14, 29) (27) (15, 14) (29) ON MUSIC PORT OFF AC IN WIRELESS T ur n the u nit on/o ff (8) Select disc’s title numbers etc.
RQT 86 11 10 Discs that can be p layed / Disc c aution / Maintenance Discs tha t can be play ed Operati ons in these instr uctions are descri bed main ly with form ats. Icons such a s [DVD-V] show the formats. § A pro cess that al lows play on comp atible eq uipment.
RQT861 1 11 Pro duct Service / Glossary Pr oduct Serv ice 1. Damage requir ing ser vice — The un it sh ould be servi ced b y quali fie d servi ce per sonne l if: (a) The AC power supply co rd or AC .
RQT 86 11 12 Basic pla y Basic play [Note[ ≥ Discs continue to rotate while menus are display ed. T o preser ve the unit’s motor and your tel evision screen, pr ess [ ∫ ] (Stop) when you ar e finished wi th the menus. ≥ T otal title num ber m a y no t be disp lay ed p roperly on i R/ i RW.
RQT861 1 13 Basic pla y If y ou are experiencing pr oblems, refer to tro ubleshooting ( ➜ page 30 to 31). Using the remote contr ol Stop The position is memori zed while “RESUME ” is o n the di splay . ≥ Press [ 1 PLA Y] to re sume. ≥ Press [ ∫ STOP] again to clea r the position .
RQT 86 11 14 Con venient functions Con venien t func tion s Y ou can select the d isc after che cking the discs loaded with t he Disc informati on scree n. ≥ Y ou ca n also select the disc d irectly with the 5 DISC SE LECTO R buttons on the main unit.
RQT861 1 15 Con venient functions ≥ Selecting “Play as Data Disc” in Other Menu ( ➜ page 20) w ill be effective if the following fu nctions a re not available to play WMA, M P3 or JPEG files. ≥ [DVD-V] Some ite ms cann ot be pl a yed even if you have programmed them.
RQT 86 11 16 Playin g data discs using na vigation men us Pla y ing data discs using navigation m enus Selecting “Play as Data Disc” in Other Menu ( ➜ p age 20) will be effe ctive if the following function s are not av ailable to play WMA, MP 3 or JPE G files.
RQT861 1 17 Playin g data discs using na vigation men us ≥ Titles appe ar only if the title s are reco rded on th e disc. ≥ Y ou cann ot edit p rograms, play lists and disc titles.
RQT 86 11 18 Usi ng o n-sc re en menu s Using on-screen menus FUNCTIONS CANCEL PLAY ENTER Numb ered but t on s 1 Press o nce . 2 Select the menu. e.g. [DVD-V] 3 Make the settin gs.
RQT861 1 19 Usi ng o n-sc re en menu s ∫ Play Menu This works only when the elapsed play time can b e displayed. It also works with all JPEG content. ∫ Picture Menu (Continued on next page) Other Settings Items s hown diff er depe nding on the typ e of disc.
RQT 86 11 20 Usi ng o n-sc re en menu s Using on-screen menus ∫ Audi o Menu ∫ Displa y Menu ∫ Other Menu Other Settings It ems sho wn dif fer dependin g on the type of di sc.
RQT861 1 21 Changing the play er settings Changing the player settings ≥ The setti ngs rema in intact ev en if you switch t he unit to stand by . ≥ Unde rlin ed ite ms a re the fa ctory sett ings in th e f ollowi ng d iag ram. ∫ “ Disc ” tab § 1 The or iginal lang uage designat ed on the disc is selec ted.
RQT 86 11 22 Changing the play er settings Changing the pla yer settings ∫ “ Video ” tab § Refer to “F rame still and field still” ( ➜ page 11, Glossa r y). ∫ “ Audio ” tab ∫ “ Dis pla y ” tab ∫ “ Oth ers ” tab QUI CK SET UP ena bles su ccess ive set tings o f the ite ms in t he sh aded area .
RQT861 1 23 Changing the play er settings (Effe ctive when pl ayi ng m ulti -cha nnel au dio) (Cen ter and su rroun d speakers only ) For optimum listen ing with 5. 1-channel sou nd, all the speakers, e xcept for the sub woofer , s hould b e the sa me dist ance from the sea ting pos ition.
RQT 86 11 24 Using the radi o Using the radio Up to 15 statio ns can be s et in ea ch band , FM and AM. When a stereo F M broadc ast is being rece ived, “ST” lights in t he displ ay . ∫ If no ise i s excess ive When “F M” is s elected Press and h old [—FM MODE] on the main unit to displ ay “MO NO”.
RQT861 1 25 Using the radi o ∫ FM frequency ste p The step is factor y-set t o 0.2-MH z, but you can c hange i t to recei ve broadca sts allocat ed in 0. 1-MHz st eps. 1 Press [SEL ECTOR] to se lect “FM”. 2 Press and hol d [SELECT OR]. After a fe w seconds the disp lay changes to show the curre nt minimum freque ncy .
RQT 86 11 26 Using so und effect s Using soun d effects [Note] ≥ When connected with h eadph ones or the Rea r Musi c P or t ( ➜ pag e 29), Surro und Mu sic and the following sou nd effects may not be available or have no effect.
RQT861 1 27 Using so und effect s This is one of the ways to get appr opri ate surro und ef f ects. Prepar ation Press [D VD]. ∫ T o adjust speaker lev el during pla y [Effective when p laying multi-cha nnel au dio or when Dolby Pro Logic II or So und Fi eld Cont rol (MOVIE, SPORT or M USIC) is on, and Surr ound Music is off.
RQT 86 11 28 Operating o ther equip ment Operating other equ ipment Y ou can use the r emote control to operat e a Panasonic television . Conne ct your equi pment referr ing to “Cable TV box or video casse tte recorder co nnection” ( ➜ pa ge 6).
RQT861 1 29 Using other us eful funct ions Usin g othe r usefu l function s T o c ancel th e tim er While th e time is shown, press [— SLEEP] to select “O FF”. T o confi rm the remai ning tim e Press and hol d [—SLEEP] again. T o ch ange t he se tting Repe at the pro cedure from the be ginning.
RQT 86 11 30 T r oubleshooting guide T roubleshooting guide Before requ esting ser vice, ma ke the following checks. If you are in doubt ab out som e of the check points, or if t he soluti ons i ndicat ed in the char t do n ot solve the pr oblem, refer to “Custom er Ser vic es Dire ctor y” on page 33 if you reside in the U.
RQT 86 11 31 T r oubleshooting guide Picture abnormal or u n viewable Pa g e Progressive video Listeni ng to the radi o Unit displays T elevision displays The pictur e on th e tele vision is not displ ayed correc tly or disapp ears.
RQT 86 11 32 Specificati ons Specification s RMS Outp ut P ower: Dolby Digita l Mode F ront C h 110 W pe r chann el (3 ≠ ), 1 kHz, 10 % THD Surrou nd Ch § 7 90 W per ch annel (4 ≠ ), 1 kHz, 10 % .
RQT 86 11 33 Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A.) Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U .S.A.) Panasoni c Cons umer E lect ronics Com pany , Divis ion of Panaso nic C orpo ratio n of Nor th Am eric a One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Puer t o Rico, In c.
RQT 86 11 34 Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR CANADA) Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR C ANAD A) P anaso nic Ca nada I nc. P ANASONIC/TECHNICS PRODUCT – LIMITED W ARRANTY Panasonic Cana da Inc.
RQT 86 11 35 Use r me mo : DA TE OF PURCHASE DEALER NAME DEALER ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER The m odel numb er and se rial number o f this pr oduct c an be found on ei ther the b ack or the bottom of the unit . Please note th em in t he spac e provided below and keep for future reference.
[ForU.S.A.] P anasonic Consumer Electronics Company , Di vision of P an asonic Corporat ion of North Americ a One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 http://w com P anasonic Pue rto Rico, Inc. A ve. 65 de Infanter ía, Km. 9.5 San Gabriel Indus trial Park, Carolina, Puer to Rico 0098 5 [ForCanada] Pan a sonic Canada Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic SC-HT640W è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic SC-HT640W - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic SC-HT640W imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic SC-HT640W ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic SC-HT640W, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic SC-HT640W.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic SC-HT640W. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic SC-HT640W insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.