Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HM-TA1EG-V del fabbricante Panasonic
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Operating Instruct ions High Definition Mobile Camera Model N o. HM-T A1 Before us e, please read these inst ructions c ompletely . VQT3A10 1AG6P1P 6087--(S) until 2010/08/03 Model number s uffix “EB ” denote s UK model. HM-TA1EP_EB_GC-VQT3A10_ mst.
2 VQT 3A1 0 Information for Y our Safety (EB/EP only) ∫ EMC Electric a nd magnetic comp ati bility This symbol (CE) is loc ated on the rati ng plate. Use only the r ecommend ed acces sories. ≥ Do not use any ot her A V cables and USB extens ion cords excep t the supplied on e.
VQT3A1 0 3 -If you see this symbol- ∫ Information f or Users on Collection and Disposal of Old Equipm ent and use d Batteries These symbols on the products, p ackaging, and/or accompanying documents mean that used electrical and electronic products and bat teries should not be mixed with general household waste.
4 VQT 3A1 0 ∫ Indemnity a bout record ed content Panason ic does not a ccept an y resp onsibil ity fo r damag es direct ly or indirect ly due to any type of problems tha t result in lo ss of recording or edited co ntent, an d does not gua rantee any content if recording or editing does not wo rk properl y .
VQT3A1 0 5 Infor mation for Y our Safe ty. ....... 2 Accessori es ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... .....7 Opti onal acce ssories ......... ..... ... 7 Preparation Part s id entificati on and handli ng ....... ......... ..... ......... ........ 8 Batter y supp ly .
6 VQT 3A1 0 For the United Kingdom a nd Republi c of Ireland customer s ∫ Sales and Su pport Information Customer Care Centre ≥ For custo mers within th e UK: 0844 844 3852 ≥ For customers within th e Republic of lre land: 01 289 833 3 ≥ Vi sit our websi te for product info rmation www .
VQT3A1 0 7 Accessories Check the ac cessories before usin g this unit. Keep the ac cessories out of reach of children to pre vent swallowing. Product numbe rs cor rect as of J uly 20 10. Th ese may be su bject t o change. ≥ The unit comes w ith built-in HD Writer PE 1.
8 VQT 3A1 0 Prep arati on Part s identification and handling 1 Motion picture button ( l 21) 2 Playba ck button [ ] ( l 25) 3 Light button [LIGHT] ( l 23) 4 Cursor button [T, W, 2 , 1 ] 5 USB terminal.
VQT3A1 0 9 13 Audio-video output terminal [A/V] ( l 36) ≥ Use the A V cable (only the supp lied cabl e). 14 Spea ker 15 USB terminal [ ] ( l 1 1, 44 , 46, 52) 16 USB terminal co ver ( l 11 ) 17 LED .
10 VQT3A10 Prep arati on Battery supply ∫ About batteries that you can use with th is unit The battery that can be used with this unit is VW-VBJ 10. 1 Open the card/b attery doo r and insert the battery in the direction shown in the figure. ≥ Push t he cent re of the batte ry in t he d irect ion of the # unt il it “clicks” and locks.
VQT3A10 11 Important: ≥ The b attery will no t be charged if the unit is turn ed on. 1 Slide the USB term inal sli de lever wh ile holding it down. ≥ This pushes t he USB terminal co ver open deplo ying the USB terminal. 2 Connect USB terminal of this unit to a PC with a USB extension c ord.
12 VQT3A10 ≥ Do not use any oth er USB extensio n cords exce pt the supp lied one. (Opera tion is not gu arante ed with any oth er USB extensio n cords.) ≥ Inse rt the US B exte nsion cord se curel y all the way . (The insertion of the plug to the USB terminal of this unit le aves the gap B .
VQT3A10 13 ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T emperat ure: 25 o C/humidit y: 60%RH * Maximum continuous ly recordable time for one scene : j If [RE C MODE ] is se t to //: 2 9m i n5 9s e c j If [RE C MODE ] is se t to : Approx. 20 min (up to 4 GB recording capac ity) ≥ These times are approxima tions.
14 VQT3A10 Recording condi tions by CIP A standard ≥ CIP A is an abbreviati on of Camera & I maging Produc ts Ass ociation. ≥ Using the supp lied battery ≥ Using a Panason ic SD Memory Card (2 GB) Approximate operatin g time and number of recordable still pic tures Numbe r of recordable pictures Approx.
VQT3A10 15 Prep arati on Prep ar ing the card Use SD cards conforming to Class 4 or higher of the S D Speed Class Rating * for motion pi cture recording.
16 VQT3A10 ≥ 4 GB or more Memor y Cards that do not ha ve the SDHC logo or 48 GB or more Memory Cards that do not have t he SDXC logo ar e not ba sed on SD Memo ry Card S pecifications. ≥ When the writ e-prot ect s witc h A on SD card is locked, no recordin g, deletion or editing will be possible on th e card.
VQT3A10 17 ≥ When the st atus indic ator is lit, do no t: j Remove the SD card j Turn the uni t off j Insert and remo ve the USB ter minal j Expose the un it t o vibrat ions o r shock Performing the above while t he lamp is on may resul t in damage to data/SD card o r this un it.
18 VQT3A10 Reco rdin g/Pla ybac k T urning the unit on/off Press the powe r button to tu rn on the u nit. ≥ The LCD monitor light s. T o turn off the unit Continue pre ssing the power button un til the LCD moni tor goes of f. ∫ About the screen d isplay Please ref er to page 53 for deta ils of the ic ons displaye d on the screen.
VQT3A10 19 When the unit is turned on for the fi rst time, a m essage a sking you to set the date an d time will appear . Press the MENU/ SET butt on and perform s teps 2 to 3 below to set the date and time . 1 Select the m enu. ( l 32) 2 Select the it ems to b e set using 1 and 2 on the cursor b utton, an d set the des ired value usin g T and W .
20 VQT3A10 ≥ The clock is not se t when the unit is shipped. ≥ The da te and time f unction is dri ven by a bu ilt-in lit hium b attery . ≥ If the buil t-in lithi um battery need s to be charged, the messa ge “Set date and time ” appears.
VQT3A10 21 Reco rdin g/Pla ybac k Recording ≥ This unit will perfor m automati c recording. Auto focusing, auto white balancing, an d electr oni c stabilizer* will funct ion during the recor ding. * The electronic stabili zer will not functio n when recording still pictures or using digit al zoom.
22 VQT3A10 1 Press the pho toshot but ton halfway . ≥ (white) app ears on the scr een. ≥ Aspect rat io is switched in accordance wit h the sett ing in [P ICTUR E SIZE ], and the f ocus i s set. ≥ is displayed wher e the focus is set. 2 Press the pho toshot but ton fully .
VQT3A10 23 The maximum digit al zoom rat io is 4 k . ≥ Independ ent of zoom mag nificati on, this un it can focus on a subject approx. 30 cm away from the lens . ≥ The larger t he zoom magnifica tion, the more the image qualit y is degraded. The LED light enabl es brighteni ng of the image s taken in a diml y-lit place .
24 VQT3A10 Y ou can record wit h effe cts such as changing t he colour to ne or making the sk in to ne sm ooth. 1 Press 1 or 2 on the c ursor button wh ile the record ing is p ause d. ≥ The eff ect icon appea rs. 2 Select the e ffect icon by press ing 1 or 2 .
VQT3A10 25 Reco rdin g/Pla ybac k Playback 1 Press the playback button. ≥ The last recorde d scene or stil l picture will be played back. ≥ When 1 is pressed during playbac k of a scene, t he unit g oes to the ne xt scene or still p icture. When 2 is pr essed, the unit stop s at the begi nning of t he scene that is currently being played back.
26 VQT3A10 ∫ Playback o peration Playbac k operation Icon Operatin g step s Playbac k dat a Thumbnail display Press T du ring pause or stop. ( l 27 ) Scenes / stil l pi ctures Paus e Press MENU/SET button or playback bu tton during playback. Scenes Vo l u m e adjustme nt / Press T or W duri ng playbac k.
VQT3A10 27 ∫ T o select a s cene or still pict ure to play back 1 (When playing back a scene) Press T during p ause or stop. (When playing back still pictures) Press T. ≥ The thumbnails are display ed. 2 Select the s cene or s till picture to pla yback using the curs or button, and p ress the MENU/SET button or play back bu tton.
28 VQT3A10 A single fra me from the recorded moti on picture c an be saved as a still picture. 1 Pause at the scene you want to sav e as a still picture during playba ck. ≥ It is conve nient to use fra me-by-fra me playback. 2 Press the pho toshot but ton fully .
VQT3A10 29 Recorded mot ion pictures and still pic tures can be played bac k as a slide show . Press and ho ld the pla yback butto n for approx. 2 seconds wh ile playing bac k/stoppi ng/p ausing a scene or playing ba ck still pictures. ≥ appears. ≥ Slide show will start from the scene/st ill picture that is currently being played back.
30 VQT3A10 Press th e button, then s elect [DEL ETE] while playin g back the m otion pic ture/still p icture. ≥ The scene/st ill picture on pla yback will be deleted .
VQT3A10 31 3 (When [DELETE SELECTED] is selected in step 2) Select the s cene/st ill picture to be deleted, the n press t he MENU /SET button. ≥ The scene/ still pic ture is selec ted and the ind ication app ears on the thumbn ail. Select th e scene/ still pi cture again to cancel the operation .
32 VQT3A10 Reco rdin g/Pla ybac k Using the menu screen 1 Press the M ENU/SET button. 2 Select the to p menu A usin g the cu rsor button, and press 1 or the MENU/SET button. ≥ It will return to the recor ding screen when 2 is pressed. 3 Select the subme nu by pressing T or W and press 1 or the MENU/SET bu tton.
VQT3A10 33 Switch th e picture qua lity of the moti on pict ures to be record ed. A Image quality prioritised B Recording time prio ritised C Use this to playba ck and edit using a Mac. ≥ Recordabl e time using the batt ery ( l 13 ) ≥ This func tion’ s defaul t setting is .
34 VQT3A10 Outp ut setti ngs can be chan ged to match the aspec t ratio of th e TV screen when play ing bac k con nected to a TV . Output settings can be changed t o match the en vironment in use when playing back connected to a TV . Y ou can check t he star t and stop of rec ording, or tu rning the unit on/of f with an audio to ne.
VQT3A10 35 Please ref er to page 19. Please b e aware that if a mediu m is format ted, t hen all the data re corded on the medi um will be era sed and canno t be rest ored. Back up import ant data on a PC etc. ( l 38) ≥ When the c onfirmation message ap pears, s elect [YES] , the n press the MENU/SET butt on.
36 VQT3A10 Reco rdin g/Pla ybac k W atching Motion/Still pictures on your TV ≥ Use the supplie d A V cable. 1 Connect t his unit to a T V . ≥ The LCD monitor on this unit will tu rn of f and th e status indicat or will flas h. ≥ When this uni t is connect ed to a TV durin g motion pict ure recording, the recor ding will stop.
VQT3A10 37 ∫ T o watch image s on a regula r TV (4:3) or whe n both sides of the images do not appe ar on the s creen Change the menu setting t o display the imag es correc tly .
38 VQT3A10 With a PC What you can do with a PC HD Writer PE 1.0 Y ou can copy the motion/still pict ure data t o the HDD of PCs or write to SD car ds usi ng the H D Writer P E 1.0 so ftware. Refer t o the o perati ng inst ructions of HD W riter PE 1.0 (PDF file) for detai ls on how to use it.
VQT3A10 39 ≥ Motion pictures that have been reco rded on another dev ice cannot be wr itten to HD Writ er PE 1.0. (EB/EP only) ≥ We cann ot guarant ee operat ion if you use so ftware ot her than HD Writer PE 1.0 to read motion pictu re. (GC only) ≥ We cann ot guarant ee operat ion if you use so ftware ot her than HD Writer PE 1.
40 VQT3A10 With a PC Operating environment ≥ Even if th e system requ irements mentioned in t hese operat ing instructions are fulfille d, some P Cs cannot be used.
VQT3A10 41 CPU Intel Pent ium 4 2.8 GHz or higher (inc luding compatible CPU) ≥ Intel Core 2 Duo 2. 16 GHz or higher or AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual- Core 5200+ or higher is recommend ed when a pl ayback functio n is used. ≥ Intel Co re 2 Quad 2.6 GH z or h igher i s recommended when using the ed iting fu nction.
42 VQT3A10 ≥ Input is not supported in la nguages other t han Englis h, Ge rman, French and Simp lified Chine se. ≥ Operatio n is not gua ranteed on Mic rosof t Windows V ista Enterpr ise, Windows XP Media Ce nte r Edit ion, T ablet PC Editi on and Windows 7 Enterprise.
VQT3A10 43 ∫ Operating e nvironme nt for the c ard reader functi on (mass stora ge) ≥ The USB equipm ent operates wit h the driver installed as stand ard in the OS.
44 VQT3A10 With a PC Installati on When insta lling the softwa re, log on to your computer as th e Administrat or or with a user name with equivalent au thorizat ion. (If you do not have authori zation to do this, cons ult you r manager .) ≥ Before st artin g the inst allat ion, clos e all applicati ons th at are runn ing.
VQT3A10 45 5 Select where the applicati on is to be inst al led, then click [Next]. 6 Select [Y es] or [No] to create shortcut. 7 When installation is complete, some notes will appear . Check th e content s, t hen clos e the windo w . 8 Select [Y es, I want to res t art my computer now .
46 VQT3A10 With a PC Connecting to a PC A USB exten sion co rd (supp lied ) ≥ T urn on the unit. 1 Select the menu. 2 Connec t USB termina l of this unit to a PC with a USB extens ion cord. ≥ Connect the USB extensi on co rd by ins erting it secu rely all the way without f orcing.
VQT3A10 47 When the unit is connected t o a PC, it is recogn ised as an ext ernal drive. ≥ Removable disk (Example: ) is displayed in [Computer ]. Example fo lder struct ure of an SD car d: 1 Up to a tot al of 99 99 files of motion pictures and still picture s can be save d in a single fol der .
48 VQT3A10 With a PC St arting HD W riter PE 1 .0 ≥ When using HD W riter PE 1.0 on Windows XP, log on t o your computer as Admini strator (o r with a login name equall y author ized). If you log on with a login name oth er than Admi nistrat or , y ou cannot use the applicat ions.
VQT3A10 49 With a PC If using Mac ≥ HD Writer PE 1.0 is not ava ilable fo r Mac. ≥ iMovie ’09 sup ported. For det ails ab out iMov ie’0 9, please cont act App le Inc. ∫ Operat ing enviro nment ≥ Even if th e system requ irements mentioned in t hese operat ing instructions are fulfille d, some P Cs cannot be used.
50 VQT3A10 With a PC T o use as a camera for Skype It is possi ble to perf orm video co nferenc ing using Sky pe when thi s unit is connec ted to a PC that is connec ted to the Interne t. ∫ Operating e nvironme nt for Skype Skype is a sof tware th at allows you to perform v ideo conf erencing using an Int ernet c onnect ion.
VQT3A10 51 ≥ Even if th e system requ irements mentioned in t hese operat ing instructions are fulfille d, some P Cs cannot be used. ≥ This soft ware is not comp atible with Micros oft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Window s 98SE, Windows Me, Windows NT and Wi ndows 200 0.
52 VQT3A10 ≥ T urn on the unit. 1 Select the m enu. 2 Connect USB terminal of this unit to a PC with a USB extension c ord. ≥ Connect t he USB extensio n cord by inserting it secu rely all the way without fo rcing. A USB extension co rd (supplied) ≥ Do not use any ot her USB extensio n cords except the supplied one.
VQT3A10 53 Othe rs Indica tions ∫ Recording indi cations /// Recording mod e ( l 33) ¥ Recording moti on pictu re ; Recording pause 01h30m Remaining time f or motion picture recording ( l 21) 00m00s Elaps ed re cord ing time ( l 21) ≥ “h” is an abbreviat ion for hour , “m” for minute and “s” for sec ond.
54 VQT3A10 ∫ Playback i ndication s Motion pi cture icon ( l 27) S till pict ure icon ( l 27) (White) Create still pictures from motion pict ure ( l 28) (Red) Creating still picture s from motion pi.
VQT3A10 55 Othe rs Messages/T roubleshooting ∫ Message s Major conf irmation/er ror message s to be indic ated on the s creen in text. ∫ T rou bleshooti ng INCOMP A TIBLE CARD. PLEASE CHECK CARD. This card is not c ompatib le or it cannot be rec ognised by th e unit.
56 VQT3A10 This unit cannot be operated though it is tur ned on. This unit does no t operate normally . ≥ Remove the bat tery , wait about 1 mi nute and then insert the ba tter y . Then abo ut 1 minute later , turn on the unit again . (Conduct ing the abov e operati on while the SD c ard is being accessed may damage the data on the SD c ard .
VQT3A10 57 Scenes cann ot be deleted. ≥ Any scenes/still pictures where the thumbna ils are displaye d as cannot be del eted. If t he scene s/sti ll pictu res are unnec essary , format th e SD car d to erase th e dat a.
58 VQT3A10 “ERROR OCCURRED. PLEASE TURN UNIT OFF , THEN TURN ON AGAIN.” is displ ayed. ≥ The unit has automat ically detec ted an err or . Resta rt the u nit by turn ing off and on. ≥ After re-ins erting the batt ery , turn on the uni t agai n.
VQT3A10 59 Othe rs Cautions for use The unit an d the SD card bec ome warm during use. This is not a malfunction . Do not drop or bump the unit. Do not subject to strong pr essure. ≥ A strong imp act can bre ak the lens , LCD monitor or the un it’ s casing, causing i t t o malfunc tion.
60 VQT3A10 ≥ Do not leave ru bber or plast ic product s in con tact wi th the unit f or a long time. When you us e the unit in a sandy or dusty place such a s a beach, do not let sand o r fine dust get into the body and terminals o f the unit. Also, keep t he uni t awa y from s ea wa ter .
VQT3A10 61 ≥ Use of benzine , paint t hinner , alcohol, or dishwashing liqui d may alte r the unit bod y or peel t he surface fin ish. Do not us e these solv ents . ≥ When using a chemic al dust clot h, follow the instru ctions that came with the clo th.
62 VQT3A10 Be sure to det ach the batter y af ter use. ≥ Extreme ly high tempera tures or low te mperatures will shorten t he life of t he ba ttery . Prep are sp ar e batteries w hen going o ut for recor ding. ≥ Be aware th at the operati ng time of the ba ttery become s shorter in low temperat ure conditi ons such as at a ski resort.
VQT3A10 63 When disposing of or giving away the SD card, note that: Formatting and deletion of this unit or computer only change s the file manageme nt information and does no t completely delete the data in the SD card.
64 VQT3A10 Othe rs About copyright ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Recording of p re-recorded tapes or dis cs or other publish ed or broadcast materi al for purpo ses othe r than your ow n private use may infring e copyright laws. Ev en for the purpo se of private us e, record ing of cer tai n material may be restri cted.
VQT3A10 65 Othe rs Recording modes/approximate recordable t ime ≥ SD cards are o nly mentione d with their ma in memory size. The st ated times are t he approximat e recordabl e times for cont inuous rec ording. A Image quality prioritised B Recording time prio ritised C Use this to playba ck and edit using a Mac.
66 VQT3A10 Othe rs Approximate number of recordable pictures ≥ SD cards are o nly mentione d with their ma in memory size. The st ated number is the approximat e number of recordab le pictures . ≥ Maximum number of recordable pictures tha t can be display ed is 999999.
VQT3A10 67 Othe rs Speci fications High Definition Mobile Camera Inform ation for your safety Signal system: 1080/30p , 720/3 0p, 540/30 p, 480/ 30p Recordin g format: MPEG-4 A VC file f ormat complia.
68 VQT3A10 Microphone: 1 ch monaural microp hone Spe aker: 1 round spea ker , dynamic type White bala nce adj ustment : Auto tracking white balan ce system Standard il lumin ation : 1,400 l x Minimum r equired illuminati on: Approx. 12 lx A V te rminal video outpu t level: Vi deo OUT ; 1.
VQT3A10 69 Mass in o per ation : Approx. 1 1 5 g [wit h battery (supp lied) and an SD c ard (optional )] Mass: Approx. 93 g [wit hout b atter y (supplied ) and an S D card ( option al)] Opera ting tem.
70 VQT3A10 Pictur e size: ; 1920 k 108 0/30p ; 1280 k 720 /30p ; 640 k 480/ 30p ; 960 k 540/ 30p Audio compre ssion: AAC (1 ch) ∫ St ill pict ures Recording m edia: SD Memory Card (F A T12 an d F A .
VQT3A10 71 Index ∫ A A/V ter mina l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Alert sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ∫ B Batt ery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0, 61 Batter y cap acity in dicatio n . . . 14 ∫ C Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VQT3A10 F0710MA0 Panasonic Corporation Web site: © Panasonic Corporation 2010 Pursuant to at the directive 2004/108/EC, article 9(2) Panasonic Testing Centre Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germany EU 1AG6P1P6087--(S) EU HM-TA1EP_EB_GC-VQT3A10_ mst.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic HM-TA1EG-V insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.