Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HC-V210M del fabbricante Panasonic
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Owner ’s Manual High Definit ion V ide o Camera Mode l No. HC-V210 HC-V201 HC-V210M HC-V1 10 Please r ead these instructio ns carefully b efore using this pr oduct, and save th is manual for futur e use. until 2013/1/17 VQT4T63 Register online at w ww .
- 2 - ∫ About the reco rding forma t for recording motion pictures Y ou c an select from A VCHD *1 , iF rame or MP4 recording formats to reco rd motion p ictures using this unit. ( l 49 ) *1 / / It is compatible with the A VCHD Progre ssive (1080/60 p).
- 3 - ∫ About Condensa tion (Whe n the lens or th e LCD monitor is fogged up) Condensat ion occurs w hen there is a chan ge in temp erat ure or h umidi ty , s uch as wh en the uni t is taken from outside or a c old roo m to a warm room. P lease b e careful, a s it m ay cause th e lens or LCD monitor to becom e soiled, mold y , or dama ged.
- 4 - Read this first ............. ..... .......... ...... ..... .......... 2 Prep arati on Names a nd Functi ons of Main Pa rts ............ 6 Power su pply... ................ .......... ........... .......... 9 Inserting/ removin g the batt ery ..
- 5 - With a PC What you can do with a P C . ........... .......... ... 90 End User Lice nse Agr eemen t.... .......... .. 92 Operat ing environ ment ....... ........... .......... ... 94 Installation .. .......... ........... .......... .............
- 6 - // 1 Speaker 2 USB terminal [ ] ( l 83 , 98 ) 3 Intellig ent aut o/Manu al butto n [iA/MANUAL] ( l 26 , 53 ) 4 // Optical imag e stabilizer/De lete but ton [ O.
- 7 - 13 Menu b utto n [MENU ] ( l 31 ) 14 Mode swit ch ( l 19 ) 15 Status i nd ic a to r ( l 18 ) 16 Reco rding st art/sto p butt on ( l 23 ) 17 Cursor button ( l 28 , 31 , 43 ) ≥ Use the cur sor bu tton to sele ct the reco rding functio ns and playb ack ope rations , and to operate the me nu screen.
- 8 - // 25 Photos hot bu tton [ ] ( l 25 ) 26 Zoom le ver [ W/T] ( I n Reco rding Mode ) ( l 41 ) Thum bnail di spl ay switch [ / ]/ V olu me leve r [ s VOL r ] (In Playbac k Mode) ( l 29 ) 27 // DC input terminal [DC IN] ( l 11 ) ≥ Do not us e any other A C adapto rs except the supplie d one.
- 9 - ∫ About batteries that you can use with this unit / The ba ttery th at can be used with thi s unit is VW-VBT190 /VW-VBT380 . ≥ The un it ha s a fu nctio n fo r dis tingu ishin g ba tteri es wh ich ca n be used sa fely. The dedica ted b attery ( VW-VBT1 90/VW-VBT3 80) su pports this f unct ion.
- 10 - Inserting/removing the battery ≥ Press the po wer but ton to turn off th e unit. ( l 18 ) Install the battery by inserting it in the direction shown in the figure. Removing th e battery Be sure to h old dow n the power button until t he status indica tor goes o ff.
- 1 1 - Charging the battery ∫ Charging w ith an AC adaptor . The uni t is in th e st andb y co ndit io n when the AC adap tor i s co nnect ed. The pr imar y cir cui t is alway s “live” as lon g as the A C adap tor is conne cted to an electrica l outlet.
- 12 - A USB terminal B T o the AC ou tlet ≥ Insert the plu gs as far as th ey will go. 1 Open the LCD monitor . 2 Connect the USB cable to the AC adaptor . ≥ Check th at the plug portio n of th e AC adap tor is n ot loose or misa ligned. 3 Plug the A C adaptor i nto the AC outlet.
- 13 - ∫ Connecting to a PC and c harging. Charge th e unit i f you do not ha ve the AC adapto r hand y . // A USB ca ble (sup plied) ≥ Insert the plu gs as far as th ey will go. ≥ Press th e power bu tton an d turn the unit o ff. ( l 18 ) 1 T urn the power of the PC on.
- 14 - Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recordin g time ≥ T em per atu re: 25 o C (77 o F)/humidity: 60%RH // ≥ Char gin g tim es i n pa rent hes es ar e wh en c har ging from the USB ter minal .
- 15 - ≥ T ime in the parenth esis is charging t ime when this uni t is co nnected to a PC, Panasonic Blu-ray disc re corder, or DVD re corder. ≥ These ti mes are appro ximations . ≥ The in dicate d char ging tim e is f or whe n the ba ttery h as be en di scharg ed com pletely .
- 16 - ≥ The actu al recor dable t ime ref ers to t he rec ordable time wh en repeat edly starting/stoppi ng recording , turn in g the unit on/ off, movi ng the zoom lever etc. ≥ The batteri e s heat up after use or char gin g. This is not a malfunct ion.
- 17 - Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caut ion: Check that th e acc ess lamp has gone of f. 1 Open the S D card cover a nd insert (remove) the S D card into (from) the card slot B . ≥ Face the label si de C in the directi on shown in the illustration and press it straight in as far as it will go.
- 18 - Y ou c an turn th e unit o n and off using the power button or by ope ning an d closi ng the LC D mon itor . Open the LCD monitor and press the power button to turn on the unit. A The status indica tor lights on. Unit is turned o n when the LCD m onitor is open ed, and unit is t urned off when it is closed .
- 19 - Operate the mode switch to change the mode to or . Preparation Selecting a mod e Recording Mod e ( l 23 , 25 ) Playb ack Mode ( l 28 , 57 ).
- 20 - The clock i s not set at the time of purcha se. Make su re to set th e clock. ¬ Change the m ode t o . 1 Select the m enu. ( l 31 ) 2 Select the date or time using 2 / 1 and set the desired val ue using 3 / 4 . A Displayin g the Wor ld time set ting ( l 32 ): [HOME]/ [DEST INA TION] ≥ The yea r can be set between 2000 and 2039.
- 21 - ∫ Basi c ca mera pos iti oni ng 1 Hold th e unit with both hands. 2 Put you r hand thr ough the grip belt. ≥ When recording, m ake sure your f ooting is stable and there is no danger of colliding with another pers on or obj e ct. ≥ When yo u are outdoor s, record pictures with the sun light behin d you.
- 22 - The card and built- in memo ry can be select ed separa t ely to record motion pictures or still picture s. 1 Change the mode to . 2 Select the m enu. ( l 31 ) 3 Select the m edia for reco rding the moti on pictures a nd the media for recording the still pictures using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , and pr ess the ENTER button.
- 23 - ≥ Open th e lens c over b efore t urning on the un it. ( l 6 ) 1 Change the mode to and open the LCD m onitor . 2 Press the recording start/stop button to start recording. A When you begin rec ord ing, ; change s to ¥ . 3 Press the recording start/stop button again to pause recording.
- 24 - ≥ T o chang e the re cordin g form at, chan ge the [REC F ORMA T] or [R EC MOD E]. ( l 48 , 49 ) ≥ The imag es reco rded betw een pr essing th e recordi ng start/sto p butto n to start rec ordi ng and pressin g it agai n to pause re cording becom e one scen e.
- 25 - ≥ Open th e lens c over b efore t urning on the un it. ( l 6 ) 1 Change the mode to and open the LCD m onitor . 2 Press the button. ≥ The still picture operating display ( ) will turn red while recording still pictures.
- 26 - The fol lowing m odes (appr opriate for the conditio n) are set just by pointing the unit to what yo u want to rec ord. ≥ Dependi ng on the recor ding con ditions, t he unit may no t enter th e desire d mode. ≥ In the Portrait, Spotlight and Low light mode, the face will be surrounded by white frame when detected.
- 27 - ∫ Intelligent Aut o Mode When swit ching to Intelli gent Aut o Mode, th e Auto W hite Ba lance an d Auto F ocus o perate an d automatica lly ad just the color ba lance a nd focusi ng. Dependi ng on the bright ness of the sub ject, etc., the ap erture an d shutt er spee d are au tomatica lly adjuste d for optim um br ightness .
- 28 - 1 Change the mode to . 2 Select the play mode select icon A using 3 / 4 / 2 and press the ENTER but ton. ≥ This can a lso be set fr om the menu. [VIDEO SETU P] or [PICT . SETUP] # [M EDIA, VIDEO/PICT URE] 3 / / Select still picture B or motion picture C to playback using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 and press the ENT ER butto n.
- 29 - 4 Select the scen e or the still p icture to be played back using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , then press the EN TER button . ≥ When you s elect / and pre ss the ENTER button , the next ( previou s) page is displayed. 5 Selec t the operat ion icon using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 .
- 30 - ≥ Sound will be heard only during normal playback. ≥ If pause pl ay is con tinued for 5 minu tes, the screen returns to the th umbnai ls. ≥ The elapsed time fo r playba ck indicat ion w ill be rese t to 0h 00m00s fo r each scene.
- 31 - 1 Press the MENU bu tton. 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to select the top menu A , then press the ENTER button. 3 Select the submenu B using 3 / 4 and press 1 or press the ENTER button. 4 Select the desired item using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , an d press the ENTE R button to set.
- 32 - Set the display m ethod for the scr een info rmation di splay . Please r efer to page 72 . Please r efer to page 20 . It is po ssible to d isplay an d recor d the time at t he travel destin ation by selecting your hom e regio n and t he travel destina tion.
- 33 - 4 (Only when setting the region of y our travel destination) Selec t [DES TINA TION] u sing 2 / 1 and press the ENTER button. ≥ When t he home r egion is set for the first time, th e scree n for s electing hom e/travel de stination appears after settin g the h ome regi on succes sively .
- 34 - When abou t 5 minute s have pass ed withou t any o peratio n, this u nit auto matically t urns off to save battery life . ≥ This unit will not a utomatically turn off eve n if [ECONOMY (BAT T)] is set to [ON] in following cases: j Using the A C adaptor * j Using th e USB ca ble for PC etc .
- 35 - This u nit is put into rec ording pause app rox. 0. 6 se conds a fter the LC D monito r is reo pened . ≥ When in Quick St art Standby Mo de ab out 60% of the pow er used in reco rding pause mod e is bein g consum ed, so t he reco rding ti me will b e reduce d.
- 36 - S tarting and stopping of rec ording and un it on/off can be confirm ed with this so und. When [O FF] is selec ted, the sou nd is no t output a t the start /end of re cording, et c. 2 Beeps for 4 tim es When an e rror occur s. Check the senten ce displaye d on the s creen.
- 37 - Please r efer to page 73 . Please r efer to page 74 . Please r efer to page 72 . Set to [ YES] for changing th e menu se ttings ba ck to the d efault co ndition. (Only wh en the mode i s at the po sition) ≥ Settings for [MEDI A SELECT] * , [CLOCK SET] and [LANGUAGE] will not ch ange.
- 38 - Please be aware that if a medium is forma tted, then all th e data record ed on t he medi um will era se and cann ot be resto red. Ba ck up impor tant data on a P C, disc, e tc. ( l 90 ) *1 only *2 / / Displayed when connectin g a USB HDD. ( l 78 ) ≥ / Media selection screen is no t displayed when the USB HDD is n ot connected.
- 39 - The used space and re maining r ecorda ble time of the SD card a nd built-in memor y can be ch ecked. ≥ Pressing the ENTE R butt on switche s betwee n SD c ard an d built- in memo ry displa y . ≥ When the mode switch is set to , remaining recordable time for the selected recording format or recor ding mo de is disp layed.
- 40 - This ite m is use d to start the unit dem onstra tion. (Only wh en the mode i s at the po sition) ≥ If [DEMO MODE] is switch ed to [ON] a nd you pr ess the MENU butto n when the re is no S D card inserte d and whi le this u nit is con nected to the AC ada ptor , the dem onstra tion aut omatical ly starts.
- 41 - ¬ Change the m ode t o . A Zoom b ar ≥ The zoom speed varies dependi ng on the range over wh ich the zoom lev er is moved. ≥ Maximu m zoom m agnific ation c an be s et with [Z OOM M ODE]. ( l 48 ) ∫ About Zoom ba r Zoom ba r is di splayed during the zo om opera tion.
- 42 - ∫ Optical im age st abili zer f unction // Optical image stabilizer can s tabilize the image without de creasing the image qua lity as much. ¬ Change the m ode t o . ≥ S tabilization may not be possible under strong camera shaking co nditions.
- 43 - Select th e operati on ico ns to add d ifferent effects to the ima ges to b e recorde d. ¬ Change the m ode t o . 1 Press the EN TER button to display the operation icons on the screen. ≥ The indi cation changes ea ch time you pr ess 4 of the cursor button.
- 44 - When you start rec ordi ng, the image/a udio gr adu ally appear s. (Fad e in) When you pause r ecord ing, the image/a udio gradu ally disa ppears.
- 45 - Y ou can che ck if t he image is leve l while recordin g. The functio n can al so be u sed to estimat e the b alance o f the co mposition . It will switch every time the icon is selected . # # # Setting cance led ≥ The guidel ine s do not appe ar on the i mag es actu ally recorde d.
- 46 - This fu nction allows yo u to r ecord col or imag es in ve ry low lig ht situ ations. (Mini mum required illumin ation: approx . 1 lx) ≥ Record ed sc ene is se en as if fram es were misse d. ≥ If set in a brig ht place, the scree n may beco me wash ed out for a wh ile.
- 47 - ≥ Chan ge the m ode to . When yo u record images in different situati ons, this mode automati cally sets op timum sh utter speeds an d aper tures. ≥ (Suns et/Lo w li ght) j The shu tter spe ed is 1/ 30 or mor e. ≥ (Suns et/Scen ery/Fir ewor ks/Nig ht scen ery) j Image m ay get bl urry wh en close object is record ed.
- 48 - ≥ (Firew orks ) j The shu tter spe ed is 1/ 30. j Image m ay get w ashed out when re corded in brigh t surroun ding. ≥ (Nig ht sc ener y) j Using a tripod is re commende d. Set the maximu m zoom ratio. ≥ The l arger the digital zo om ma gnific ation, t he more t he imag e qual ity is degrade d.
- 49 - Switch the quality a nd recording for mat of the motion picture to reco rd in A VCHD. ≥ Set [REC FORMA T] to [A VCHD]. / / *1 This option allows you t o record in 10 80/60p (192 0 k 1080/60 pro gressive ), which is the highest picture quality for this unit.
- 50 - ≥ S till pictures are rec orded to the SD card after Relay Recording . ≥ is display ed on t he thu mbnail d isplay dur ing the playbac k of the scene t hat was r elay- recor ded on th e buil t-in me mory . Dete ct ed fac es appe ar w ith f ram es.
- 51 - Y ou c an record bright pictures even in dar k places by slow ing the shu tter sp eed. ≥ Switch to Man ual Mod e. ( l 53 ) ≥ The shut ter spe ed is set to 1/30 or more depen ding on the surro unding bright ness. ≥ When t he shut ter speed become s 1/30, the scr een may be seen a s if fram es are missed and afterima ges ma y appea r.
- 52 - The high er the numbe r of pix els, the h igher the clarit y of the picture when p rinting. // ≥ // This funct ion’s default settin gs is . This funct ion’s default settin gs is . ≥ The reco rding will beco me lon ger depen ding on the r ecordin g pixels.
- 53 - ¬ Change the m ode t o . Press the Int elligent auto/Ma nual button to swit c h t o Manual Mode. ≥ appea rs on th e scree n. ≥ Press the E NTER butto n to disp lay/not displa y the manu al icon. ≥ The page c hange s with each press of 4 .
- 54 - White Bala nce Automa tic Whit e Balance function may n ot reprod uce nat ural colo rs depend ing on the scen es or lighting conditions. If so, you can adjust t he White Balance manually . ≥ Press the Int ellige nt auto /Manual button to s witch to Manual Mode .
- 55 - Manual shutter spee d/Iris adjust ment Shutte r Sp eed: Adjust it w hen rec ording fast-mo ving sub jects. Iris: Adjust it when the scre en is too b right or to o dark. ≥ Press the Int elligent auto /Manual button to switc h to Ma nual Mode. ( l 53 ) 1 Selec t [SHTR] or [I RIS] usi ng the cur s or butt on.
- 56 - Recording with Manual Focus If auto fo cusing is difficult du e to the conditio ns, then u se Manu al Focus. ≥ Press the Int elligent auto /Manual button to switc h to Ma nual Mode. ( l 53 ) 1 (When MF assist function is used) Select the menu.
- 57 - Motion picture playback using operation icon For detail s on the b asic pl ayback ope rations, refer to page 28 . Advanced (Play back) Playback Operations Play ba ck op erat ion Curso r button /Playb ack displa y Operat ing s tep s Slow- mot ion play back During Pause With th e playb ack pause d, pres s and ho ld 1 of the curso r bu tt on .
- 58 - Creating still picture from motion picture A single frame from th e recorded motio n picture can be saved as a still picture. (1920 k 1080) still pictures will be recorded f or the A VCHD s cenes and iFrame scenes, and (640 k 3 60) still pictures will be r ecorded for the MP4 scenes.
- 59 - Zooming in on a sti ll picture during playback (Playback zoom ) Y ou can zoom in on still pictures du ring playback. 1 Move the zoom lever to side. ≥ Y ou c an zoom to a maxim um of 4 a . (1 k # 2 k # 4 k ) 2 Shif t the posi tion of th e zoome d porti on us i ng the cur sor butt on.
- 60 - Playing bac k motion pict ures/still pictures by date The scen es or the st ill pictu res rec orded on the sam e day can be playe d back in successio n. 1 Select the date select icon using the cursor button, then press the ENTER but ton. is displayed only for / / 2 Select the p layback date, th en press the ENTER b utton.
- 61 - Highlight Playback [HC-V210]/[HC-V201]/ [HC-V210M] Part th at was r ecogniz ed as clear ly recor ded is extracted f rom mult iple scene s, and it can b e played back in a sh ort tim e with effects an d music a dded. ≥ Highl ight Playbac k canno t be perfor med fo r scene s in iFr ame or MP4.
- 62 - 3 (When [SELECT DA TE] is selected) Select the date to be played back and press the ENTER button. ≥ A maximum of 7 days ca n be selecte d. ≥ Selected date will be surr ounded in red. Press the ENT ER button again to c ancel. (When [SELE CT SCENE S] is select ed) Select the scenes to be played back and press the ENTER button.
- 63 - Changing the playback settings and play ing back the slide show 1 Select using the cursor button, then press the EN TER button . 2 (Only when you would like to change the setti ngs) Select the i tem to chan ge and press t he ENTE R button. 3 (When [DA TE SE TUP] is selected) Select the p layback date, th en press the ENTER b utton.
- 64 - ¬ Change the m ode t o . ∫ T o delete the scene o r stil l picture b eing played back Press the Optical image stabilizer/Delete button or Delete button while scenes or still pictures to be deleted are being pl ayed back.
- 65 - 3 (When [MUL TI] is selected in Ste p 2) Select the sce ne/still pict ure to be deleted, then press the ENT ER butto n. ≥ The scene/still pictur e is selected and th e indication appears on the thumbn ail. Press the ENTER button again t o cancel the opera tion.
- 66 - Dividing a scene (A VCHD) It is possible to divide an A VCHD scene. Any unwante d parts in the scene can be deleted after dividing. ≥ Set the mode sw itch to , select th e play mode selection ico n, and select the A VCHD scene. ( l 28 ) 1 Select the menu.
- 67 - Dividing a sce ne to p artially delete (iFrame, MP4) Divide th e iFram e or MP 4 scene , and del ete unne cessary parts. This div ides the recorded scenes in two an d delete s the fron t half or back h alf. The sce nes t hat wer e dele ted after d ivisio n canno t be re covered .
- 68 - Protecting scenes/s till pictures Scenes/s till pictu res can be prote cted so t hat the y are n ot delet ed by mistak e. (Even if you p rotect so me scen es/st ill pictu res, form atting t he med ia will delete th em.) ≥ Chan ge the m ode to .
- 69 - Y ou can combine th e relaye d scene ( l 49 ) i n the buil t-i n memo ry a nd t he con tinue d sce ne i n the SD card to be one into the SD c ard. A Buil t-in memo ry B SD card C Range of Relay Recording ≥ Set the mode sw itch to , select th e play mode selection ico n, and select the A VCHD scene.
- 70 - T o cancel relay information ≥ When the relay inform ation is canceled, combining of the relay ed scenes will not be possib le anym ore. : [EDIT SCEN E] # [RE LA Y INFO CANCEL] Combinin g of .
- 71 - ≥ HDMI is th e inter face fo r digital devi ces. I f you conne ct this un it to an HDMI com patible hi gh- definitio n TV and then pla y back the recorded h igh-de finition images , you can enj oy them i n high resolu tion with h igh qua lity sound .
- 72 - 2 Selec t the vide o input on t h e TV . ≥ Exampl e: Select the [HD MI] chan nel with a HDM I mini cabl e. Select th e [Video 2] ch annel w ith a n A V cable. (The na me of the cha nnel ma y differ dep ending on the connec ted TV .) ≥ Check th e input setting (input s witch) an d the a udio inp ut settin g on the T V .
- 73 - Connecting with a HDMI mini ca ble Select th e desire d method of HDMI output. * // o n l y ≥ [AUTO] dete rmines the output resolut ion auto matical ly base d on in formati on from th e conn ected TV .
- 74 - ¬ Change the m ode t o . 1 Select the menu. ≥ If you are not using VIERA Link, set to [OFF]. 2 Connect this unit to a Panaso nic TV compatible with V IERA Link with a HDMI mini ca ble. ( l 71 ) ≥ It is reco mmended to conn ect this unit to an HDMI t erminal other th an the HDMI1 if there ar e 2 or more HDM I input term inals on the TV .
- 75 - 3 Operate with the remote co ntrol for th e TV . ≥ Y ou can se lect the sc ene or picture yo u want to play bac k by press ing the b utton up, d own, left or right, and then the but ton in th e c enter . ≥ The following operations are ava ilable by pressing the color buttons on the remote co ntrol.
- 76 - Motion pictures or still pictu res recorded with this un it can be copied between an SD card inserted in this un it and a built-in m emor y . ∫ Check th e used sp ace of the cop y destin ation It is po ssible to ch eck the use d space of the SD ca rd or b uilt-in m emory by [ MEDIA ST A TUS] ( l 39 ).
- 77 - 3 Following the screen display , select the desired item using the cursor button, and press t he ENTER b utton. ≥ Select and pr ess the ENTER b utton t o return t o the pre vious screen. ≥ (When [SELECT SCENES] i s select ed) When you press the ENTER bu tton, the scene/still picture is selected and indication appears on the th umbna il.
- 78 - ≥ In this Owner ’s manual, “USB hard disk drive” is indicated as “USB HDD”. If you connect a USB HDD (co mmercially-available) to this unit b y using a USB Connection Cable (supplied with USB HDD), yo u can copy motion p ictures and still pic tures recorded o n this unit to a USB HDD.
- 79 - 4 Select the i tem using the cursor button and press the ENTER b utton ≥ Following can be performed by connecting the USB HDD with the scenes and still pictu res copied from this unit to o ther device s.
- 80 - ∫ Formatting This is for initializing the USB HDD. ≥ Please be aw are tha t if a media is forma tted then all the d ata record ed on t he med ia is erased and can not be reco vered. Back u p impo rtant data on a PC et c. ≥ Connect this u nit with the USB HDD, select [Playback HDD], and press the ENTER button.
- 81 - Copy select ed fi les 1 Connect this un it to the USB HDD to prepare for copying. ( l 78 ) ≥ Y ou cannot supp ly power to the USB HDD from this unit. 2 Select [Cop y selected files] usi ng the curso r button, then p ress the E NTER button. ≥ It can also be set by selecting [COP Y] from the menu.
- 82 - Playing bac k the USB HDD ≥ Only mo rtion pic ture/st ill pictu re that have be en copi ed by co nnectin g this unit t o the USB HDD or created with HD Writer LE 2.
- 83 - ∫ Check before dubbing Chec k the equi pm ent us ed f or d ubbin g. * Some equipment m ay not be compatible with hi gh-definition (A VCHD) picture quality . In such a case, c onnect wi th the A V cable a nd dub w ith standa rd pictu re quali ty .
- 84 - ∫ T o dub using equipmen t with an SD c ard slot Y ou c an dub by directl y insert ing an S D card . ≥ T o cop y scenes or still pictu res from the built-in memory to an SD card, see page 76 . ∫ T o dub using equipmen t with a USB term inal Y ou c an dub by connectin g a USB cable.
- 85 - 2 Select [RECORDER] using the cursor button on the unit and press the ENTER but ton. ≥ When yo u select an opti on other t han [RE CORD ER], recon nect the USB cab le. ≥ // When usin g the batter y , the LCD monito r turns off after about 5 second s.
- 86 - ∫ Dubbing using equipment withou t an SD card slot o r a USB terminal, or using a v ideo dev ice Y ou can dub by connect ing a n A V cab le. ≥ Images are du bbed in standard qualit y . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to f ree you fr om wor rying ab out the battery r unning down.
- 87 - Using an Eye-Fi card (co mmercially-available), you ca n record motion pictur es and still pictures o n the card, and sa ve them on a PC or uplo ad the m on a fil e-shari ng webs ite via a wireless ne twork. ≥ Insert ing an Ey e-Fi c ard (com mercial ly avai lable) to the un it.
- 88 - ∫ Using Eye-Fi d irect mod e The fil es can be tr ansfer red dir ectly fro m the Eye -Fi card t o a sma rtphone o r tablet w ithout go ing through the acce ss point when necess ary sett ing is performe d in a PC in advan ce.
- 89 - ≥ The Ey e-Fi m enu onl y appears w hen an Eye- Fi card is used. ≥ The Ey e-Fi tr ansfer fea ture ca nnot b e guarant eed to continue to opera te in th e futur e due to changes t o the ca rd speci fication e tc.
- 90 - HD W riter LE 2.0 Y o u can copy the motion/still picture data to the HDD of PCs or write to media like Blu-ray discs, DVD discs or SD cards using HD Writer LE 2.0, t he software installed in the supplied CD-ROM. Refer to the ope rating instructions o f HD Writer LE 2.
- 91 - ≥ It is po ssible to p lay back on a PC u sing an image vi ewer standa rd to Windows or comme rcially availab le image browsing software, and co py pictur es to a PC using Wi ndows Explorer. ≥ Please r efer to page 102 fo r details about usin g a Ma c.
- 92 - End User Licens e Agreemen t Before openin g the CD- ROM package, please r ead th e followi ng. Y ou (“L icens ee”) are grante d a licen se for t he Software d efined in this End User Licens e Agreem ent (“A greemen t”) on condit ion that yo u agree to the te rms an d condit ions of th is Agreem ent.
- 93 - Article 9 With regard to MICRO SOFT SQL SERVER CO MP ACT 3.5 produc ed by Micro soft Corporation (1) Licen see shall use the MICR OSOF T SQ L SERVER COMP ACT 3.5 only when included in the Softwar e, and shall no t use the MICROSOFT SQL SER VER COMP ACT 3.
- 94 - ≥ Even if the sys tem requirem ents mention ed in this owne r’s ma nual are fulf illed, some PCs cannot be used. ≥ A CD-ROM drive is necessary to install the supplied software applications. (A comp atible Blu -ray disc/DV D writer d rive an d media are nece ssary for writing t o a Blu-r ay disc/DV D.
- 95 - ≥ Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows o nly . ≥ Input i s not su pported in langua ges oth er than Englis h, German , French, Simplif ied Ch inese an d Russian.
- 96 - ∫ T o use the HD W riter LE 2.0 Y ou will need a high performanc e PC depending on th e functions to b e used. It may not prop erly play ba ck or prope rly oper ate de pending on the env ironme nt of the PC use d. Refer to the ope rating enviro nme nt and notes.
- 97 - When in stalling t he software , log o n to your c ompute r as th e Admini strat or or w ith a us er nam e with equiva lent aut horizatio n. (If y ou do not have au thoriza tion to d o this, co nsult yo ur manag er .) ≥ Before starting the i nstallation , close al l app lications th at are runnin g.
- 98 - ≥ Connect th is unit to the PC after the software applications a re installed. ≥ Remove the supplied CD- ROM from your PC. // A USB ca ble (sup plied) ≥ Insert the plu gs as far as th ey will go. ≥ // Use the AC adap tor to f ree you fr om wor rying ab out the battery r unning down.
- 99 - ≥ Do not us e any othe r USB cab les except the sup plied one . (Oper ation is n ot guar anteed with any other U SB cabl es.) ≥ When t his unit is connecte d to a PC usin g a USB cable wh ile the un it is t urned on, pow er is also supplied fr om the P C to this unit.
- 100 - About the PC display When th e unit is connec ted to a PC, it i s recogn ized as an exte rnal dr ive. ≥ Removabl e disk (E xample: ) is disp layed in [Compu ter]. Exampl e folde r stru cture o f an SD card : Exam pl e fo ld er stru ct ur e of built -i n mem or y : The following data will be recorded.
- 101 - ≥ T o use the softw are, l og on as a n Admi nistrator o r as use r name fo r standar d user accoun t (only for Windows 8/W ind ows 7/W ind ow s Vista). The softw are canno t be us ed wit h the user name for a gue st accoun t. (On the PC) Select [Start] # [All Programs] # [Pan asonic] # [HD Writer LE 2.
- 102 - ≥ HD Wr iter LE 2 .0 is not availa ble for Ma c. ≥ iMov ie’ 1 1 supp ort e d. Fo r det a i ls ab out iMov ie’1 1, ple ase c ont act Appl e Inc. ≥ / / iMovie’11 is not co mpatible with 1 080/6 0p. 1080/ 60p s cenes ca nnot be importe d to a M ac.
- 103 - *1 only * 2 // only *3 only ∫ Recording indi cations Others Indications A //// Intelligent Auto Mode ( l 26 ) Manual Mode ( l 53 ) / / / ////// / Scene Mo de ( l 47 ) // Power LCD ( l 36 ) .
- 104 - ∫ Playback i ndication s ∫ Display when USB HDD is connect ed ∫ Indication o f connec tion to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indica tions C *1 Built-in memor y recor ding possible stat.
- 105 - Major con firmation/erro r message s to be indicated on the screen in text. *1 only * 2 // o n l y Others Messages PERIODICALL Y MAKE BACK UP OF DA T A IN BUIL T-IN MEMOR Y . *1 We recom mend backin g up imp ortant recor ded moti on pict ures and st ill pictur es per iodically to a PC , di s c, et c .
- 106 - About recovery If fault y mana gement inf ormatio n is foun d, the messag es may app ear an d a repair i s perfor med. (Repairing may take time de pending on th e erro r .) ≥ is displaye d when abnor mal man agement informa tion is de tected when th e scene s are displayed in thumb nail.
- 107 - ∫ It is not a malfunction in the following cases Others T roublesh ooting A clickin g sound is heard when the unit is sha ken . ≥ Th is is th e soun d of the len s movin g and is not a d efect. This sound will no lon ger be heard when t he unit is turned on and chang e the mode t o .
- 108 - Indication Proble m Check p oints The re mai ning t ime indi cat ion o r the e lap sed time indic atio n is not show n. ≥ [DISPLA Y] of the [SETUP] is [OFF]. ( l 32 ) Rec ord in g Proble m Check p oints The uni t ar bitr ari ly st op s reco rdin g.
- 109 - Playback Proble m Check p oints Scenes /still pict ures cannot be pl ayed back. ≥ Any scenes/still pictures wh ere the thum bnails are displayed as cannot b e played back. ≥ Motion p ictures recorded with o ther device s may no t be possible t o play ba ck on this un it.
- 1 10 - Cann ot co py scen es on the SD car d by co nnectin g to othe r eq uipm ent w ith the USB cable. ≥ Oth er eq ui pm ent mig ht hav e no t re cog nized t he SD card .
- 1 1 1 - ∫ If A VCHD scenes do not chan ge smoothly when playe d back on another d evice The images may be still for several second s at the joins betwee n the scenes if the f ollowing operati ons are pe rform ed when multiple sce nes hav e been c ontinuo usly pla yed bac k using an other unit.
- 1 12 - Keep this uni t as far away a s possi ble fr om elect romagne tic eq uipmen t (su ch as micro wave o vens, TVs, vi deo g ames et c.). ≥ If you use thi s unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/or s ound o n this un it may b e disrup ted by electr omag netic wave radiatio n.
- 1 13 - Do not use the unit for surve illa nc e purp os es or o ther busi ne ss us es. ≥ This u nit was de signed for consum er interm ittent us e. It wa s not int ended for cont in uo us u se, or for any indu str ial or comme rc ial appl i cati on r esu lti ng i n pr olo nge d use.
- 1 14 - Do no t thro w old batt ery into fire . ≥ Heating a battery or th rowing it into a fire may result in an ex plosion. If the o peratin g time is ver y shor t even a fter the batte ry has bee n re ch ar ge d, th e batt er y has worn out. Plea se pu rc ha se a new batte ry .
- 1 15 - When dispo sing of or giving away the S D card, n ote tha t: ≥ Formatt ing and deleti on of this unit or computer only cha nges t he file m anage ment inform ation and does no t comp letely de lete the data i n the SD card.
- 1 16 - ∫ Carefully obser ve copy right laws Whate ver you have r ecorde d and cr eate d can b e us ed f or y our person al ente rt ainme nt only . Under copy right l aws, othe r ma teri als cannot be u sed w ithou t ob taining permi ssion from the holder s of the copyr ights.
- 1 17 - // This prod uct incor porates th e foll owing so ftware: (1)the so ftware de veloped indepe ndently b y or fo r Panaso nic Co rporati on, (2)the so ftware own ed by th ird party and licen sed to Pa nasoni c Corp oration, (3)the o pen so urce softwar e.
- 1 18 - ≥ SD cards are only mentio ned wit h their main memory size. Th e stated times ar e the appr oximate recordab le times for con tinuous record ing. A Favors im age qu ality B Favors reco rding time * // o n l y ≥ If recording for long pe riods, prep are ba tteries for 3 or 4 times the p er iod yo u wi sh to rec ord for .
- 1 19 - ≥ SD card s are only mentio ned wit h thei r main mem ory size . The s tated number is the appr oximate number of reco rdable pictures . * 1 // o n l y *2 only ≥ The nu mber of reco rdable pictu res dep ends o n the su bjec t being record ed.
Panasonic Corporation Web site:
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic HC-V210M è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic HC-V210M - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic HC-V210M imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic HC-V210M ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic HC-V210M, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic HC-V210M.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic HC-V210M. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic HC-V210M insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.