Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ESLV95 del fabbricante Panasonic
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Operating Instructions (Household) Rechargeable Sha v er Model No . ES‑L V95 English ������������������������������������.
2 ES-LV95_US.indb 2 2013/07/19 9:45:05.
3 English Operating Instructions (Household) Rechargeable Sha v er Model No . ES‑L V95 Thank you f or purchasing this Panasonic product. Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them f or future use . Safety precautions.
4 English Safety precautions T o reduce the risk of injur y , loss of life, electric shock, fire , malfunction, and damage to equipment or proper ty , always observe the follo wing safety precautions.
5 English 2. Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manuf acturer . 3. Nev er operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly , if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water .
6 English W ARNING If detergent contacts skin, wash immediately and thoroughl y with soap. If you e xperience skin irritation anywhere on the body , stop using immediatel y and contact a physician. - Failure to f ollow these instructions may result in ph ysical injury or injur y to the skin.
7 English W ARNING Never use the appliance if the A C adaptor is damaged or if the power plug fits loosely in a household outlet. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not damage, modify , or forcibl y bend, pull, or twist the cord.
8 English ► Disposing of the rechargeable battery D ANGER The rechargeable battery is exc lusively for use with this shaver . Do not use the battery with other products. Do not charge the battery after it has been removed from the pr oduct. • Do not thro w into fire or apply heat.
9 English W ARNING If the battery fluid leaks out, take the f ollowing procedures. Do not touch the battery with your bare hands. - The batter y fluid may cause b lindness if it comes in contact with your e yes. Do not rub your ey es. W ash immediately with clean water and consult a physician.
10 English P ar ts identification a c d b b e f F ront Back .
11 English Using the lock ring Use the lock ring to lock or unloc k the power s witch. Rotate the lock ring until it clicks . Rotate the lock ring to “ ” to unlock the power switch: Used when shaving, w ashing the shaver , lubricating the shav er.
12 English • When charging the shav er for the first time or when it has not been in use for more than 6 months , the charge status lamp ( ) may not glo w . It will eventually glo w if kept connected. 4 4 Disconnect the adaptor after charging is completed.
13 English • The shaving sensor ma y not respond depending on the thickness of the beard or the type of the sha ving gel and shaving f oam, but this is normal. • The shaving sensor ma y not respond when the remaining battery capacity is low . If this happens, recharge the shav er.
14 English ► Notes • If you press the po wer switch f or more than 2 seconds, the sonic vibration cleaning mode is activ ated. (See page 16.) Y ou cannot shave in this mode . • Do not place your fingers on the po wer switch while using the shav er.
15 English 4 4 P our tap water and detergent into the cleaning liquid unit. • Do not let the water rise abov e the maximum water line. This may cause the cleaning liquid to spill. 2 1 5 5 Attach the c leaning liquid unit. • Immediately wipe up any cleaning liquid that has been spilt.
16 English Mode Time required (guide) 1 Charge Charge 0 to 60 min 2 Clean/Dry/ Charge Clean 10 min Dry 80 min (170 min*) Charge 0 to 60 min • It is not possible to change the mode after the “Clean/Dry/Charge” mode has started.
17 English Replacing the system outer foil and the inner b lades appears on the lamp display once a y ear . (This will diff er depending on usage.) We recommend chec king the system outer foil and the inner b lades when it appears. Press the power s witch for more than 30 seconds to turn off .
18 English Cleaning the self-cleaning rec harger Beard trimmings may become attached to the cleaning tra y of the self‑cleaning recharger . Follow the steps belo w to remove them. We recommend doing this each time y ou change the cleaning liquid. 1.
19 English Problem Action The mode does not star t. Check that the A C adaptor is connected to the self‑cleaning recharger , and that the recharger is plugged in to a household outlet. (See page 11.) Confirm that the shaver is properly attached to the self‑ cleaning recharger .
20 English Problem Action The cleaning liquid has foamed. If you mix soap y water or hand soap with the detergent or use another detergent, the cleaning liquid will foam. Use the self‑ cleaning recharger after thoroughly washing and drying the shav er.
21 English Problem Action The shaving sensor does not respond. The shaving sensor ma y not respond when the remaining battery capacity is low . If this happens, recharge the sha ver . Depending on the beard thickness , the shaving sensor ma y not react and the driving sound may not change.
22 English ► When all self-cleaning rec harger’ s lamps blink Problem Action Device f ailure Contact an authorized service center . If the problems still cannot be solv ed, contact the store where you purchased the unit or a service center author ised by P anasonic for repair .
23 English Feder al Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
24 ES-LV95_US.indb 24 2013/07/19 9:45:18.
25 Français Moded’emploi (Domestique) Rasoirrechargeable Modèle ES-L V95 Mercid’avoirchoisiceproduitPanasonic. A vantdefairefonctionnercetappareil,veuillezliretouteslesinstructionsetlesconserverpouruneutilisationultérieure� Consignes de sécurité .
26 Français Consignesdesécurité Anderéduirelerisquedeblessure,dedécès,dechocélectrique, d’incendie,dedysfonctionnementoudedommagesàl’équipementouà lapropriété,respecteztoujourslesconsignesdesécuritésuivantes.
27 Français 2.Utilisezcetappareiluniquementpoursonusage prévu,commeledécritleprésentmanuel.N’utilisez pasd’accessoiresquinesontpasrecommandéspar lefabricant.
28 Français A VERTISSEMENT Sidudétergententreencontactaveclapeau,lavez immédiatementavecdusavon� Sivousressentezdesdouleurssurlapea.
29 Français A VERTISSEMENT Nejamaisutiliserl’appareilsil’adaptateursecteurest endommagéousilached’alimentationn’estpas correctement.
30 Français ► Miseaurebutdelapilerechargeable DANGER Cettepilerechargeables’utiliseuniquementavecce rasoir �Nepasutiliserlapileav.
31 Français A VERTISSEMENT Siduliquideenprovenancedelapilefuit,prendreles mesuressuivantes�Nepastoucherlapileàmainsnues� - Leliquideenprovenancedelapilepeutrendreaveugleencas decontactaveclesyeux.
32 Français Identicationdespièces a c d b b e f Avant Arrière .
33 Français Utilisationdelabaguedeverrouillage Utilisezlabaguedeverrouillagepourverrouilleroudéverrouillerle boutondemiseenmarche. Faitestournerlabaguedeverrouillagejusqu’àcequevousentendiez unclic.
34 Français • Latempératureambianterecommandéepourlachargeestcompriseentre 10et35°C(50–95°F).Lachargepeutprendrepluslongtempsoulapile peutnepassechargercorrectementàdestempératuresextrêmement élevéesoubasses.
35 Français • Lecapteurderasagepeutnepasrépondreselonl’épaisseurdela barbeouletypedegelderasageetdemoussederasage,mais ceciestnormal.
36 Français ► Remarques • Sivousappuyezsurleboutondemiseenmarchependantplusde2secondes, lemodedenettoyageàvibrationssoniquess’active.(V oirpage38.) V ousnepouvezpasvousraserlorsquecemodeestactif.
37 Français 5 5 Fixezlebacpourliquidede nettoyage� • Essuyezimmédiatementleliquidede nettoyageencasderenversement. V eillezànepasverserdeliquidede nettoyagesurdesproduitsencuiroudes solsenbois.
38 Français Mode Duréerequise(guide) 1 Chargement Chargement 0à60min 2 Nettoyage/ Séchage/ Chargement Nettoyage 10min Séchage 80min (170min*) Chargement 0.
39 Français ► Séchagedurasoiraveclechargeurauto-nettoyant 1. Positionnezlasectiondelagrilledeprotectionaurasoir . 2. Séchezlerasoiraveclechargeurauto-nettoyantenutilisantlemode “Séchage/Chargement”.
40 Français Nettoyageduchargeurauto-nettoyant Despoilspeuventsexersurleplateaudenettoyageduchargeur auto-nettoyant.
41 Français Dépannage ► Chargeurauto-nettoyant Problème Action Lalamen’apasété complètementnettoyée. Silerasoirn’estpasnettoyépendant plusde2semaines,nettoyez-le d’abordpourenleverlespoilsdebarbe.
42 Français Problème Action Produitunbruitimportant. Pendantlenettoyage: lechargeurauto-nettoyantémetun bruitimportantàcausedu nettoyagedeslames.
43 Français ► Rasoir Problème Action Lespoilsrasésvolent partout. Cecipeutêtreaméliorégrâceàun nettoyagesystématiqueaprès chaquerasage. Nettoyezleslamesinternes. Lagrilledeprotectiondu systèmechauffe.
44 Français Problème Action Lecapteurderasagerépond bienquelerasoirnesoitpas encontactaveclapeau. Nettoyezlespoilsdebarbesurle rasoir .
45 Français Duréedeviedelapile Laduréedeviedelapileestde3anssielleestchargéeenvironunefois touteslesdeuxsemaines.V ousnedevezpasremplacerlapiledansce rasoirvous-même.
46 Français DéclarationsurlebrouillageradioélectriquedelaCommissionfédérale descommunications Leprésentéquipementafaitl’objetd’essaiset.
47 Español Instruccionesdefuncionamiento (Electrodoméstico) Afeitadorarecargable Modelon.º ES-L V95 GraciasporcompraresteproductoPanasonic.
48 Español Precaucionesdeseguridad Parareducirelriesgodesufrirlesiones,descargaseléctricas,oinclusoel fallecimiento,ydeprovocarunincendio.
49 Español 2.Utiliceestedispositivosolamenteparaelusoparael quesehadiseñadocomosedescribeeneste manual.Noutiliceningúnaccesorioquenohasido recomendadoporelfabricante.
50 Español ADVERTENCIA Sieldetergenteentraencontactoconlapiel,lávelaa fondodeformainmediataconjabón� Sisientedolorenlapiel.
51 Español ADVERTENCIA Guárdelofueradelalcancedelosniñosobebés�Noles permitautilizarlo� - Ponerlascuchillasinternasenlabocaoingerireldetergente puedeprovocaraccidentesylesiones.
52 Español ► Eliminacióndelabateríarecargable PELIGRO Labateríarecargabledebeutilizarseexclusivamentecon estaafeitadora�Noutilicelaba.
53 Español ADVERTENCIA Siellíquidodelabateríaseltrahaciafuera,sigalos procedimientosqueseindicanacontinuación�Notoque labate.
54 Español Identicacióndelaspartes a c d b b e f Frontal Posterior .
55 Español Usodelanillodebloqueo Utiliceelanillodebloqueoparabloquearodesbloquearelinterruptor deencendido.
56 Español • Latemperaturaambienterecomendadaparalacargaesdeentre10y 35°C(50y95°F).Elrendimientodelasbateríaspodría.
57 Español • Esposiblequeelsensordeafeitadonorespondadependiendo delgrosordelabarbaodeltipodegeloespumadeafeitar ,pero estoesnormal. • Elsensordeafeitadopuedenorespondercuandolacapacidadde labateríaesbaja.
58 Español ► Notas • Sipulsaelinterruptordeencendidodurantemásde2segundos,se activaelmododelimpiezaporvibraciónsonora. (consultelapágina60.) Nosepuedeafeitarenestemodo.
59 Español 5 5 Acoplelaunidaddellíquidode limpieza� • Limpieinmediatamentecualquierrestode líquidodelimpiezaquehayapodido derramarse.
60 Español Modo Tiemporequerido(guía) 1 Cargar Cargar De0a60 minutos 2 Limpiar/ Secar/ Cargar Limpiar 10minutos Secar 80minutos (170minutos*) Cargar De.
61 Español ► Secadodelaafeitadoraconelrecargadorde limpiezaautomática 1. Montelaseccióndelaláminaexteriorenlaafeitadora. 2. Sequelaafeitadoraconelrecargadordelimpiezaautomática, utilizandoelmodo“Secar/Cargar”.
62 Español Limpiezadelrecargadordelimpiezaautomática Losrecortesdelabarbapuedenquedarseadheridosalabandejade limpiezadelrecargadordelimpiezaautomática.Sigalospasosdescritos acontinuaciónparaeliminarlos.
63 Español Solucióndeproblemas ► Recargadordelimpiezaautomática Problema Acción Lacuchillanosehalavado correctamente. Silaafeitadoranoselimpiadurante másde2semanas,primerodeberá limpiarlaparaeliminarlosrecortesde barba.
64 Español Problema Acción Launidaddellíquidode limpiezanopuedeextraerse. Coloqueelrecargadordelimpieza automáticasobreunasuperciedura yplana.
65 Español ► Afeitadora Problema Acción Lospelosrecortadosvuelan entodaslasdirecciones. Estopuedemejorarselimpiandola afeitadoradespuésdecadaafeitado. Limpielascuchillasinternas. Laláminaexteriorse calienta.
66 Español Problema Acción Elsensordeafeitado respondeinclusocuandola afeitadoranoestáen contactoconlapiel.
67 Español Vidadelabatería Lavidaútildelabateríaesde3añossiselacargaaproximadamente unavezcadadossemana.Labateríadeestaafeitadoranoestá diseñadaparaquelosconsumidoreslasustituyan.
68 Español DeclaracióndeInterferenciadelaComisiónFederaldeComunicaciones Esteequipohasidoprobadoyseencuentraenconformidadconlos lími.
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Printed in Japan Imprimé au Japon Impreso en Japón ES9700L V951A Y0713‑0 IN USA CONT A CT: Panasonic Corporation of North America T wo Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102‑5490 IN CANADA CONT ACT : A U CANADA, COMMUNIQUEZ A VEC: Panasonic Canada Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic ESLV95 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic ESLV95 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic ESLV95 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic ESLV95 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic ESLV95, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic ESLV95.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic ESLV95. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic ESLV95 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.