Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PHANTOM 20 del fabbricante Newcon Optik
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Operation Manual LRB 20 000 LONG RANGE LASER RANGE FINDER BINOCULAR In USA: 3310 Prospect A ve. Cleveland, OH 44115 In Canada: 1183 Fi nch A ve. W ., Sui te 302, Toronto, ON M3J 2G2 Canada IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read prior to activation You have just purchased a com plicated electronic device.
Features of the LRB 20 000 Laser Range Finder B inoculars • Digital D ata Output • First or Last Target I ndication • Built- in Com pass • Li ght We igh t • Rugge d • Meet all Military Specifications CONTENTS 1. Brief description 2. Purpose 3.
- Inspect the ran ge finder ex terior for phy sical damage (n o cracks, dents, deep rust are adm itted); - Check th e dehydrator for work ing condition. If the silica gel is pink in color, replace it w ith the new one taken from indivi dual SPTA set (item 11.
2. PURPOSE 2.1. Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001 is a device of industrial- technical purpose and designed for ground surv eillance, observation of indiv idual targets and measurem ent.
EM ITTER : Ambient temperature Parameter –40 ˚ C Normal Conditions 50 ˚ C 1. Minimum operating pumping voltage U oper. min . , V, max 2. Maxim um operating pu mpin g voltage U o per.max. , V, m ax 3. P umping vol tage t empera ture coefficien t ТКН n , V/ ˚ C 4.
Table 4.1, continued Description Designa tion Qnty Serial No. Remarks 19. Cable 20. Eraser 21. Cloth 22. Chargi ng devic e 23. Protection dev ice Materials 24. Silica gel, indicating GOST 8984-75 Package 25. Package 26. Package 27. Package 28. Casin g 29.
Connector X1 coupl es the contr ols and the Recha rgeable battery to control circuit boa rd (A1). C1 and C2 are energy storage capacitors placed in the pumpin g circ uit. The y a re char ged up to 700-1000 V through a spec ial conta ct designa ted A on control c ircuit boar d A1.
6. SAFETY P RECAUTIONS 6 .1. Range finder is an opto-electronic device em itting h igh- densit y puls es of dark li ght at w avel ength of 1.06 µm, ch aracterized by the follow ing dangerous f actors according to GOST 12.1. 040-83: - direct laser radiation; - m irror-reflected las er radiation; - diff use-reflected las er radiation.
7. PREPARI NG FOR USE 7.1. Choos e an observat ion post. 7.2. Rotate the objective frame to bring the reticu le in sharp focus. 7.3. Check range fi nder for proper operation: - Battery v oltage; - The range finde r for pr ope r functi oning.
7.5.2 . T o o rient the ra nge find er b y using the refe renc e dir ect ional angle, proceed as follows : - Binocular the ran ge finder on the reference poin t wh ose dir ectio nal angl e has be en known; - rotate the azimu th dial to set the reference directional ang le; - turn the clam ping han dle to lo ck the azim uth dial in position.
To make sure th at the needle is free f rom defects, ch eck that: - The needle oscillates in a smooth and un iform m anner to regain balance; - The position of the needle end is the sam e relative to the m ark w hen the needle settles; - T he needle ends are lev el with the marked plates with in ± 0.
- As the readiness in dicator comes on , aim the ran ge finder at an off-set poi nt for ward o f the ta rget ; - As the target aligns with h e reticule gap, release the MEASURE 1 (MEASURE L) button; - Read the measu red range.
- Calculate from th e determined mag netic azimuth A m of the reference point and the targ et to find the directional an gles, reckon ing in the com pass correction ∆ A obtained from the f ormul a: .
9. SERVICEABILI TY TEST The principal te sts to be perform ed on th e range fi nder are listed below . T a b l e 9 . 1 What is checked , too ls, inst ruments, equipm ent. Tes t procedure Tec hnical require ment 1. Range finder completeness 2. Range finder exterior 3.
10.2. Maintenance Service Types and I ntervals. 10.2.1. While in use, the range finder is subject to the following ty pes of maintenance serv ices: - C heck inspection; - D aily (routine) service; - I n- service maintenance. 10.2.2. The same serv icing intervals are established for the component parts and the entire rang e finder.
Table 10.2 Operatio ns Pro cedure as per M aterials, too ls and accesso ries 1. Servicing w ithin check ins pection scope 2. Cle aning ra nge finder to rem ove Dust, dirt an d Moisture 3. T o uching up p ain- ted exterior of range finder (when so required) 4.
10. 6. M aintena nce Ser vicing P roc edur e. 10.6.1. T o clean the contacts in the battery s ection, do the following : - Win d some cott on w ool around one en d of a w ooden stic k; - Moisten the cotton w ool with alcohol; - Wipe the contacts several tim es by means of cotton w ool moistened w ith alcohol.
11.2. The problems lik ely to occur in the range f inder are listed with their causes and remedies below in Table 1 1.1 Table 11.1 Possible proble ms Probable ca use Rem edy 1. Picture bl urred in right -hand eyepiece 2. Readiness indica- tor remain s dark after depress ure of MEASUR E 1 (MEASURE L ) button 3.
- Protection device 12 , used to sup ply the r ange fi nder with (27±2.7) V DC or 22- 29 V from a vehicle electrical s ystem , or wi th 22- 29 V or 12-14.
Arranging the packing case so that the arrow marked on top points North provides this. Charged batteries m ay be stored tog ether with the rang e finder unit for up to three months. 13.3. The range finder placed in short- term storag e (up to 3 months) is subject to inspection as directed in Section 11.
- Discharged by setting the toggle switch es to the DISCHARGE and MAIN positions u ntil the DISCHARGED light emittin g diode flashes on and off to indicate the discharged condition. Charge up the o per ating vo ltage for 1 5 ho urs as d irec ted under 16.
16. DATA OUTPUT TO EXTERNAL EQUIPM ENT The data on measured range is output to a rem ote display or compu ter across conn ector X2. T o output the data, it is necessary to apply th e supply voltage of 3 to 8 V from the equipm ent to be conn ected to the range finder to pin 9 of connector X2 .
18. LONG TERM STORAGE CERTIFICATE Binocu lars rang e fin der LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001, Serial No. ___________________________, h as been pres erved. Date of L ong Term Storage ____________________ Nam.
20. WARRANTY NEWC ON OPTIK warrants this product against defects in material and work manship for one y ear from the date of the original date of consum er's purchase, but no m ore than 18 months from the date of manufacturing .
Laser range finder binoculars LRB 20 000 1 - range finder; 2 - Ang ular Mount; 3 - tripod Fig. 1 Range finder (v iewed on the side of eyepiece) 1 - housing; 2 - MEASUR E 1 and MEASURE L buttons; 3 - b.
Angular Mount 1 - adjustm ent knob; 2 - leve r; 3 - bracket; 4 - retainer; 5 - scale; 6 - framed lens; 7- a djustment k nob; 8 - compass; 9 - nut M8; 10 - framed lens; 11 - knob; 12 - support; 13 - le vel УК -10; 14 – azim uth circle; 15 – body Fig.
Indiv idual SPTA set 1 - Rechargeable batt ery 10D-0, 55 С -1 ; 2 - f use link VP1-1 1,0 А 250 V; 3 - pencil; 4 - se aling ring; 5 - ey e shield; 6 - f ramed lens; 7 - cloth; 8 - eraser; 9 - wrench;.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Newcon Optik PHANTOM 20 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.