Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 703-A0368-001 del fabbricante NEC
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S UPER S CRIPT COLOR LASER NETWORK GUIDE October , 1 999 703-A0368-0 0 1.
ii SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Pr opr ietary Notice and Liability Disclaimer The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable pr opert.
iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Overview 1 Network Setup Tasks 1 Typical Network Setups 2 Types of Network Topologies 2 Chapter 2 NIC Installation 5 Overview 5 Installing the Network In.
iv SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Adding the Peer-to-Peer Printer 36 Chapter 8 UNIX Setup 37 Setting Up on a Unix System 37 Configuring the IP Address on the Printer 37 Setting Up Your Printing.
1 CHAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION O VERVIEW The main purpose of this book is to help the network administrator integrate SuperScript Color Laser printers into an Ethernet network. The first eight chapters describe setting up the printer on traditional networks using such systems as NetW are or W indows NT .
2 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Fr om Windows NT 4.0 • If you have a NetW are network, see Chapter 6 for Netware 5.x, 4.x, and 3.x configuration information. • In a W indows NT network you can use LPR printing. See Chapter 5. Fr om Windows f or Wor k groups • If you have a NetW are network, see Chapter 6 for Netware 5.
Typical Network Setups 3 I NTRODUCTION The printer and each print client use their own network cable to connect to the network. Print jobs sent by clients must not pass through a r outer to get to the printer . Pr inter Serv er T opolog y The printer server topology involves a computer , called a printer server .
4 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Microsof t Pr inter Shar ing T opology Microsoft Printer Sharing topology involves a LAN that interconnects the print clients. The printer is dir ectly connected to one print client using a parallel cable. The client then is configured to shar e its printer .
5 CHAPTER 2 NIC I NSTALLATION O VERVIEW If you have an NEC SuperScript™ printer already equipped with a Network Interface Card (NIC) ther e is an N in the model number . For example, the SuperScript 4600N. If you have a printer without a NIC, such as the SuperScript 4400, you can upgrade it by installing a NIC.
6 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Pr epar ing the Pr inter 1. T urn off the printer , remove the power cor d fr om the rear of the printer , and disconnect the printer cable from the port (A) . Position the printer so you are facing the side and back corner where the cable port is located.
Installing the Network Interface Card (NIC) 7 NIC I NSTALLATION F G H D Installing the NIC Brac ket E.
8 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide T ESTING THE NIC Follow these steps to verify that the NIC is installed and operating properly . 1. Connect the network’s twisted pair cable with RJ-45 connectors to the new network port on your printer (A) . Reattach the power cord to the printer (B) , plug in the printer .
Network Settings Page 9 NIC I NSTALLATION N ETWORK S ETTINGS P AGE Each time you turn on the networked printer , it prints a Network Settings page. The Network Settings page provides information about the network printer settings and network connections.
10 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide NIC F EATURES NIC Status Lights When the NIC is installed, its two status lights, amber and green, ar e located on the Interface Panel on the back of the printer . Light patterns for normal operation are: Gr een light is on solid: This shows normal operation while the printer is awaiting print jobs.
11 CHAPTER 3 IP A DDRESS O VERVIEW T o take advantage of the many SuperScript network features, you must assign an IP addr ess to the printer network interface card or NIC.
12 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Using the Operat or P anel Y ou can use the Operator Panel to enable and set up the TCP/IP networking parameters for the printer . This is particularly useful for setting the network IP addr ess so you can use it as the printer ’s URL in W eb-based printing (see Chapter 9).
Assigning the IP Address 13 IP A DDRESS Using MAP The Management Access Program (MAP), runs only under W indows 95/98 and W indows NT 4.0. Y ou use MAP to list SuperScript network printers connected to your network. Then you select one to go to its Network Administration page for network administration options.
14 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Using BOO TPL32 First follow these directions to set up TCP/IP in W indows 95/98 and W indows NT 4.0: Installing the TCP/IP Pr otocol 1. In W indows, open the Network control panel. 2. If TCP/IP Pr otocol is not installed, install it in the following step (in W indows 95).
Assigning the IP Address 15 IP A DDRESS 3. Select Configure from the Admin menu. a. Enter the IP addr ess to assign to the printer . b. Enter the subnet mask. c. Enter the default gateway addr ess (if applicable) or leave blank. d. Enter the har dware address of your printer .
16 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Using DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows automatic assignment of IP addr ess and other IP parameters for attached devices. The SuperScript color laser printer works with DHCP in the following way .
17 CHAPTER 4 N ETWORK A DMINISTRATION P AGE U SING THE N ETWORK A DMINISTRATION PAGE Each SuperScript laser printer has a built-in web page that allows you to perform network administration tasks. Accessing the Netw or k Administr ation P age Y ou must assign an IP addr ess to your printer ’s NIC.
18 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Unit Status: Click here to view the curr ent state for each protocol and NIC port available on your NIC. For each supported protocol (Novell NetW are, TCP/IP , or AppleT alk), the top line displays the protocols supported and if the protocol is enabled or disabled.
Using the Network Administration page 19 N ETWORK A DMINISTRATION P AGE Prot ocol Functions The Protocols area is used for setting up network options and parameters. It provides extensive access to NIC parameters, and allows you to setup IP parameters (IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway).
20 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Other Functions T est Pr int er: Click here, and then click on the Start T est button in the dialog box that appears, to send a test document to the printer . Configur e Status P age: Click here to configur e Network Settings page options.
21 CHAPTER 5 W INDOWS S ETUP W INDOWS P EER - TO -P EER Peer-to-peer printing allows W indows 95/98 computers to print directly to a networked printer without an intervening file server . Below are the main features of peer -to-peer printing. • Runs on W indows 95/98 and workstations or servers “out of the box.
22 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Adding the P eer -t o-P eer Pr inter 1. In W indow 95/98, press the Start button, select Settings , then select Printers . 2. In the Printers window , double-click Add Printer . Then Add Printer wizard will launch and click Next .
Windows Peer-to-Peer 23 W INDOWS S ETUP serial number . For example, NEC_991234. Select your new peer-to-peer printer , and click Next . 9. Continue responding to the Add Printer W izar d until the process is complete. 10. From the W indows Start button, select Settings then Printers .
24 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Moving a P eer -t o-P eer Pr inter If you move your printer to a new network, you must restor e the NIC to its factory defaults (see page 10). If you have changed your printer ’s name, it will revert to its original factory name.
Setting Up Windows NT 25 W INDOWS S ETUP Shar ed Pr inting in Windo ws 95/98 Use these steps to set up shared printing in W indows 95/98. 1. Install the printer as a “local” printer using LPT1 port. 2. Press the W indows Start button, select Settings , then select Control Panel .
26 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide 13. Select the name of the shared printer and click OK . 14. Proceed with normal installation as dir ected..
27 CHAPTER 6 N ET W ARE S ETUP N ET W ARE 5. X AND 4. X Follow these instructions if your network operating system is NetW are 5.x or 4.x. Begin by: At taching the Pr int er 1. Log in to NetW are 5.x or 4.x with administrator rights and open the NetW are Administrator window .
28 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Print Server Name field and click the Create button. note: The P rint Server name you enter should matc h the name shown on the Network Set tings page under Novell Network Information. 4. Create Print Queue Object.
NetWare 5.x and 4.x 29 N ET W ARE S ETUP 5. Assign Printer Object a. In the Dir ectory T ree, double click on the printer object just created to open its Printer window . Click on the Assignments button on the right-side of the window and click on the Add button.
30 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide b. In the Print Server window that appears, click on the Assignments button and Add button to bring up the Select Object window . Select the printer object just created fr om the Objects box and click on the OK button.
NetWare 5.x and 4.x 31 N ET W ARE S ETUP Installing the Pr inter Dr iver In W indows, use the Add Printer featur e to install and configure a SuperScript printer driver in each workstation that will access the network printer . note: SuperS cript printer driver s are on the SuperScript CD that came with the printer .
32 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide N ET W ARE 3. X Complete these basic tasks to configure NetW are 3.x bindery- based services for your printer . Begin by: Starting PCONSOLE Log in to NetW are 3.x with Administrator rights and start PCONSOLE. Defining the Pr int Queue 1.
33 CHAPTER 7 M ACINTOSH S ETUP O VERVIEW The following chapter contains information on how to configure your PowerMac to work with a SuperScript color laser printer .
34 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide S ETTING U P THE P RINTER Installing the PPD Follow these steps for installing the SuperScript Color Laser PPD: 1. Insert the SuperScript Color Laser CD that came with the printer into your Macintosh. 2. Double-click on the SuperScript Color Laser Mac CD icon.
Setting Up the Printer 35 M ACINTOSH S ETUP 5. Click the Setup button in the Chooser . 6. In the Setup dialog box, click Auto Setup. The driver will attempt to determine the correct PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file to associate with the printer .
36 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide P age Set up T o view and change Page Setup settings 1. Select Page Setup from the File menu. 2. A dialog box appears that allows you to select the settings you want. Change the center “Panel” of settings by selecting Page Attributes or PostScript Options from the drop-down menu.
37 CHAPTER 8 UNIX S ETUP S ETTING U P ON A U NIX S YSTEM Here we pr ovide basic instructions for installing the printer on your UNIX system in Solaris 2.
38 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Adding a SuperScr ipt Color Laser Pr inter t o SCO OpenServer 5.x Log into your system as root. Add the printer ’s IP addr ess you already assigned into the /etc/hosts file. Using lpsystem follow these steps to open a terminal and enter the printer ’s IP addr ess from the command line.
39 CHAPTER 9 W EB P RINTING S ETUP O VERVIEW NEC PrintAgent is innovative software that allows you to print over the Internet in two ways, Remote Printing and Pull Printing. PrintAgent is powered by r edipS® Core software, and available just by browsing to your printer ’s home page.
40 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide R EMOTE P RINTING NEC PrintAgent’s Remote Printing lets you deliver today’s complex, graphic-rich documents in vivid color around the world using the Internet. Syst em Requir ements Y ou must have the following on your computer: • A W indows 95/98 or W indows NT operating system.
Remote Printing 41 W EB P RINTING S ETUP R EMOTE P RINTING 5. During installation, you will be prompted with the Add RedipS Enabled Printer ... dialog box to enter the URL (IP Address or fully qualified DNS name) of your printer . Click Install so it can be added to your system as the default printer (D) .
42 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Get ting Pr inter Status When you send a print job, the PrintAgent Status window opens automatically with status information. The animated printer image reflects printer status. Eyebr ows Mo ving: The Status Monitor and the printer are successfully communicating.
Remote Printing 43 W EB P RINTING S ETUP R EMOTE P RINTING Pr intAg ent But tons In addition to providing printer status and Help, PrintAgent buttons provide access to the featur es described below . Details Butt on Click this to view more information about the printer .
44 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Pr intAg ent Pr ogram Menus PrintAgent program menus ar e available two ways. • In W indows 95/98 or W indows NT , press the Start button, select Programs , and NEC PrintAgent System to display PrintAgent commands.
Remote Printing 45 W EB P RINTING S ETUP R EMOTE P RINTING Add Pr int er Once the PrintAgent software is installed, you can add any SuperScript color laser printer to your system as long as has an accessible IP addr ess. Select Add Printer , enter the URL of the printer and click Install (A) .
46 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide P ULL P RINTING NEC PrintAgent’s Pull Printing capability allows you to pull documents from internet sites or servers. Y ou can also print without running your applications or using a printer driver , thus reducing the CPU cycles r equired for printing.
Pull Printing 47 W EB P RINTING S ETUP P ULL P RINTING 4. The Pull Printing page appears as shown below . 5. Enter a file location in the Browser text field. T o print a local file, type the drive, path and name of the file in the text entry field, or use the Browse button to select a file.
48 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide 6. Click the Set Printer Properties button. 7. The printer driver properties tabs appear . Make any changes in settings here. 8. Click the Print Local File or Print a URL button. The job will be render ed by the Pull Printing server and sent to the printer .
Pull Printing 49 W EB P RINTING S ETUP P ULL P RINTING Server Stat us The Server Status button on the Server Status page allows you to see the server status queue: print jobs waiting to be processed by the printer . As the mouse pointer passes over the icon of a particular job an information window pops up.
50 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Logon as... The Logon as... button allows another user to log in and print with their user ID so their print jobs can be tracked. r edipS Icon The small redipS icon located on the Pull Printing web page (below the Print Local File button) can change colors.
Pull Printing 51 W EB P RINTING S ETUP P ULL P RINTING Set ting Up a Pull Pr inting Server Server S ystem Requir ements The Pull Printing server must be installed prior to server installation. • A W indows 95/98 or W indows NT operating system. • Microsoft W ord, Excel, and PowerPoint.
52 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide 5. Select Sub-components In the Sub-components list, make sure that PrintAgent , Pull Printing Server , and optionally , Secondary File Server are selected and click Continue . Then click Next in the Select Components dialog box.
Pull Printing 53 W EB P RINTING S ETUP P ULL P RINTING b. When the Install PostScript Printer from PPD dialog box is displayed, choose for example NEC SuperScript 4400 PS and click Next . c. When the Local Port Selection list is displayed, choose A vailable port and click Next .
54 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Admin Setup dialog box is displayed, enter the admin login name and password for the web server and click Next . 12. Secondary Server Setup The Secondary Server Setup program starts after the Pull Printing Setup program is finished.
Pull Printing 55 W EB P RINTING S ETUP P ULL P RINTING Configur ing Server URLs Once the IP addr ess is assigned to the printer , you can go to the printer URL Configuration Page to set URLs for the server(s). 1. Launch your web browser and enter this URL http://<Printer IP Address>/configure.
56 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Y ou can find out what file types are curr ently supported by the Pull Printing server by reviewing the kickIE.ini file located in the cgi-bin directory on the Pull Printing Server . If you find other plug-ins for Internet Explore 4.
57 APPENDIX A T ROUBLESHOOTING Networ k Printing Pr oblems Use the checklists in this section to identify the cause of network printing problems. If a pr oblem persists, contact NEC Printer T echnical Support at NecT ech’s web site (www or phone 1-800-632-4650.
58 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide T r oubleshooting for NT Serv er If you have a problem printing lar ge files from the Pull Printing server the problem may be that the server “timed out.” If this is the case help can be found by accessing the following URL: http://support.
Network Printing Problems 59 T ROUBLESHOOTING NIC/File Server/Pr int er Checklist Check the following to see if the NIC and file server are sending data to the printer . If the NIC cannot log onto the file server , or cannot service jobs from a file server • The network printer is not created on that file server .
60 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide.
61 APPENDIX B W EB J ET A DMIN U SING W EB J ET A DMIN If you are using W eb JetAdmin, you must copy certain NEC SuperScript files from the CD that came with your printer to W eb JetAdmin folders so that the NEC SuperScript 4600 (or 4200/4400) will appear properly .
62 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Reset ting W eb JetA dmin Discov ery 1. Launch W eb JetAdmin 4.0. 2. In the W eb JetAdmin main page, click on W eb JetAdmin Settings . 3. Click on Modify Discovery Settings on the right side under HP W eb JetAdmin Global Settings .
Using Web JetAdmin 63 W EB J ET A DMIN 6. Scroll down to the Start New Discovery section and click on the Start! button.Check to see if the Discovery is still in progr ess by clicking on the Discovery Settings button. 7. If it is done, click on the Find Device button, then click on Search Now .
64 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide.
65 APPENDIX C S AFETY I NFORMATION This chapter provides safety information and pr oduct specifications for SuperScript color laser printers. As you operate your printer , please be aware of the following safety considerations.
66 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide FCC Statement (For Unit ed States Use Only) Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement. W ARNING! Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the par ty responsible for compliance could void the user ’ s authority to operate the equipment.
67 INDEX A Acrobat Reader 55 Apple Printer Utility 9 , 35 AppleTalk 19 , 36 AppleTalk printer name 9 ARP 15 B BOOTPL32 14 C CDRH regulations 65 controller board 6 cookies 50 D defaults restoring 10 , .
68 SuperScript Color Laser Network Guide Kit 5 network printing problems 57 – 59 network settings page 8 , 9 , 20 , 57 , 58 network setup 1 network topologies 2 networking protocols 12 NIC connectio.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NEC 703-A0368-001 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NEC 703-A0368-001 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NEC 703-A0368-001 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NEC 703-A0368-001 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NEC 703-A0368-001, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NEC 703-A0368-001.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NEC 703-A0368-001. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NEC 703-A0368-001 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.