Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto C6 del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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CNC C6/C64 PLC PROGRAMMING MANUAL (Ladder Section with MELSEC Tool) BNP-B2309D(ENG).
MELSEC and MELDAS are the registered trademar ks of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Microsoft, Windows and Microsoft Windows NT are the r egistered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names herein may be t he trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
i Introduction These specifications are the programmi ng manual used when creating the sequence program with the PLC development software, or Mitsubishi Electric Co.
ii Precautions for Safety Always read the specifications issued by the machine manufacturer, this manual, related manuals and attached documents before inst allation, operation, programming, maintenance or inspection to ensure correct use. Understand this numerical controller, safety items and cautions before using the unit.
iii CAUTION 3. Items related to program development Always observe the cautions before development to develop a program. If the data transferred does not follow the file name rule, the CNC will mistake it for another data, resulting in unexpected operation, e.
iv Contents 1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer .......................................................... 1 1.1 Function ...................................................................................................................
v 3.3 High-Speed Input/output Designation Method .................................................................. 57 4. Parameters ......................................................................................................................
vi 10.1.12 Examples of Tool Registration Screen ............................................................... 351 10.1.13 Display of Spindle Tool and Standby Tool.......................................................... 353 10.2 S.ROT Commands ....
vii Alarm No. .................................................................................................. 414 Control Signals (PLC axis control information data) ................................415 Axis Designation ..
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 1 - 1. PLC Development Envir onment Using GX Developer In the C64 Series, the user PLC development enviro n ment is supported using MELSEC PLC development tool, which is Mitsubishi int egrat ed FA software MELSOFT series (GX Develop er).
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 2 - (1) GX Developer (PLC development soft ware package for Windows) GX Developer is a programming software p acka ge (model name: SW7D5C-GPPW) de sig ned for Mitsubishi Electric's MELSEC se ries pr ogrammable logic controllers.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 3 - 1.1.3 GX Developer Functions Supported by C64 Series The GX Developer functions explained h ere are th ose supported by the C64 Ser.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 4 - List of general section functions (2) : Possible, : Limitedly possible, U : Not possible Function Menu Sub menu Support Remarks (Pr.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 5 - List of general section functions (3) : Possible, : Limitedly possible, U : Not possible Function Menu Sub menu Support Remarks Find/Replace Find device Find instruction Find step no.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 6 - List of general section functions (4) : Possible, : Limitedly possible, U : Not possible Function Menu Sub menu Support Remarks Too.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 7 - Function Support Conditions (on-line section) The following shows a list of GX Develo per o n-line functions supported by the C64 Series. A mark indicates functions that can cu rrently be u sed by the C64 Series.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 8 - List of on-line section functions (2) : Possible, : Limitedly possible, U : Not possible Menu Sub menu Detailed function Support Re.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.1 Function - 9 - List of on-line section functions (3) : Possible, : Limitedly possible, U : Not possible Menu Sub menu Detailed function Support Re.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.2 Setup - 10 - 1.2 Setup 1.2.1 Installing the Tools In the C64 Series PLC development env ironment, it is assumed that the various t ools are used on an IBM PC/AT compatible machine. Prepare each too l so that it is IBM PC/AT compatible machine.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.2 Setup - 11 - (2) RS-422 connection MELSEC-dedicated cable can be used to conn ect with C64 controlle r.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 12 - (5) Statements and note s GX Developer allows a PLC program to be co mm ented (with inte rlinear statements and notes). They are available in two types: integrated and periphe ral.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 13 - List of PLC-related data Related data classificatio n File name (GX Developer) Remarks 1 2 PLC program (ladder) PLC program comment zzzzzz.WPG zzzzzz.WCD PLC ladder code Comment data for GX Dev elope r 3 Message 1st language M1xxxx.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 14 - 1.3.3 Specifying the Connection Target You must specify the connection target before perfo rming on-line ope rations from GX Developer to the CNC. (1) Operation procedure Perform the following operation from G X Develop er to start the setting screen.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 15 - • Setting the GX Developer Connection De stination These parameters are used to set the GX Develop er connection method. These parameters are included in the GX Deve loper project data.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 16 - 1.3.4 Starting/Stopping the PLC of the CNC Before writing a ladder program, y ou must stop the PLC of the CNC. (1) Operation procedure Perform the following operation from G X Develop er to start the operation screen.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 17 - 1.3.5 Writing the PLC Program to the CNC The following indicates how to write la dders fr om GX Developer to the CNC (especi ally the restrictions and C64 se ries-specific operation s).
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 18 - (2) Operation to be performed at write error As soon as a ladder is written from GX Develope r to the CNC, the CNC conv e rts it into the CNC- specific ladder machine co de.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 19 - (3) How to confirm the error step num ber At a conversion error, error information i s st ored to the special registers a s below. Device- monitoring these registers enables to find the error position.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 20 - 1.3.6 Reading the PLC Program from the CNC The following indicates how to rea d a la dder from the CNC to GX Developer. (1) Operation procedure Perform the following operation from G X Develop er to start the operation screen.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 21 - 1.3.7 Verifying the PLC Programs The following indicates how to verify ladders betwee n the CNC and GX Developer. (1) Operation procedure Perform the following operation from G X Develop er to start the operation screen.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 22 - 1.3.8 Monitoring the PLC Program There are no MELDAS-specific oper atio ns to monito r a PLC program. Refer to the GX Developer operating manual for the operation methods.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 23 - 1.3.9 Diverting the PLC program that was developed using PLC4B (Note) PLC4 B and LIST4 B can not be used with C64.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 24 - (2) Starting GX Converte r and specifying the file to be conv erted Perform the following operation from G X De veloper to start GX Converter (read).
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 25 - (b) Data conversion wizard 2/4 Choose [Delimiters]-[Tab] and cli ck [Next>]. (c) Data conversion wizard 3/4 Choose to highlight the [Instr] column part in the [Data Preview] list and choose [Column Data Format]-[Instruction].
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.3 Developing PLC Programs - 26 - (d) Data conversion wizard 3/4 Further, choose to highligh t the Argume nt colu mn part in the [Data Preview] list and choose [Column Data Format]-[I/O (Device)]. Click [Next>].
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 27 - 1.4 Creating PLC Message Data This chapter explains a procedu re for developing PLC-related dat a su ch as alarm messages, operator messages, and PLC switche s. 1.4.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 28 - (1) Using a general text editor (a) Creation The message data is described using a gene ral text editor. The description method and forma t will be described later.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 29 - 1.4.2 Message Data Description Method The message data can be described as text data by a general text editor and al so by commercially available spreadsheet softwa re in ad dition to the dire ct input with GX Developer.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 30 - (2) Description Metho d The message data is described as text data by the following descrip tion format. ... Sett ing area ... Mess age area (alar m m ess ages) ...
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 31 - (e) End code An end code is described at the end of the description.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 32 - (c) Load meter display 34 charact ers Bar graph start position is fixed to the 11th character of the left side Indicates R942 value (BIN 0 to 32767) Indicates R944 value (BIN 0 to 32767) Specify display length (No.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 33 - (4) Precautions No. of characters, quantity limitations, handli ng of information other than settings, handli ng of information other than format.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 34 - 1.4.3 Converting Data into GX Developer Format Convert the message data, which was described usi ng a text editor or like, into GX Develop er data in the following method.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 35 - (b) Data conversion wizard 2/4 Just click [Next>]. (c) Data conversion wizard 3/4 Choose to highlight the Command column part in the [Data Preview] list and choose [Colum n Data Format]-[Instruction ,Statement ,Note].
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 36 - 1.4.4 Entering/Editing Data Using GX Developer The message data in GX Developer are handled a s t he "integrated type interline ar statem ents" of a PLC program.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 37 - (2) Interlinear Statement Display Using List Displ ay (a) Display of project da ta list Perform the following operation to displ ay the Pr oject data list wind ow and double-click the file name to display the edit screen.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 38 - (3) Editing of integrated type interlinear statements (a) Circuit display On the circuit display screen that shows the integrated type interline ar statements, double- clicking the interlinear statement you want to edit displays the follo wing dialog.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 39 - 1.4.5 Writing to the CNC The following shows the method of transferrin g a message from the GX Developer to the CNC. The transfer method is the same as the ladde r code transfer method.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.4 Creating PLC-related Data - 40 - (2) Message Read Form at The message description format was sh own in "1.4 .2 (1) Description form at", but there are no special rules con ce rni ng provision of descriptions in the setting area or the ord er of message description in the message area.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.5 Creating Devi ce Comments - 41 - 1.5 Creating Device Comments There are no MELDAS-specific oper atio ns for d evice comments. Therefore, refer to the GX Developer operating manu al for the development method.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.5 Creating Devi ce Comments - 42 - 1.5.2 Description Method for Indirect Entry The following explains the description method fo r cre ating device comment s using a spread sheet tool or like. The following example describes device comment s using a spread sheet tool.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.5 Creating Devi ce Comments - 43 - 1.5.3 Converting Comment Data into GX Developer Data Convert the comment data (CSV format), which was created using a spread sheet tool or like, into GX Developer data in the following method.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.5 Creating Devi ce Comments - 44 - (b) Data conversion wizard 2/4 Choose [Delimiters]-[Tab] and cli ck [Next>]. (c) Data conversion w izard 3/4 Make sure that the column parts in the [ Data Preview] list are in order of [Device Number], [Label] and [Comment], and click [Next>].
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.5 Creating Devi ce Comments - 45 - (e) Completion The setting is complete when the following dialog app ears. Cli ck [OK]. (f) Error status If an error occurred during conver sion, its status and the line wh ere it occurred are displayed .
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.6 PLC4B PLC Development Env ironment (M500) and Differences - 46 - 1.6 PLC4B PLC Development Environment (M500) and Differences This section explains difference s bet ween the PLC4B development environme nt and C64 series PLC development environment.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.6 PLC4B PLC Development Env ironment (M500) and Differences - 47 - 1.6.2 PLC Commands Some commands have be en ch anged because the user PLC deve lopme nt environment using the MELSEC PLC development tool has been su ppo rted in C64 series.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.6 PLC4B PLC Development Env ironment (M500) and Differences - 48 - (2) Commands with the Format that Differ s from that of the GX Dev eloper The dev.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.7 Error Status - 49 - 1.7 Error Status If an error has occurred in GX Develo per, the fo llowing dialog appears.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.7 Error Status - 50 - Status Message Cause Remed y 4070 The program before correction differs from the registered program. A ladder command outside the specification is included. Perform verification to identify the command that is the cause of the problem.
1. PLC Development Environment Using GX Developer 1.8 Initializing PLC Data Storage Area - 51 - 1.8 Initializing for PLC Data Storage Area When an error has occu rred during writing to the CN C, or when th e normal sate is not recovered in spite of error handling, perform initializati on for the PLC data storage area, and retry from the first.
2. PLC Processing Program 2.1 PLC Processing Program Level and Operation - 52 - 2. PLC Processing Program 2.1 PLC Processing Program Level and Operation 2.1.1 High-speed processing program and main processing program Table 2.1-1 explains the content s of users PLC processing level and Fig.
2. PLC Processing Program 2.1 PLC Processing Program Level and Operation - 53 - 2.1.2 Cautions on high-speed processing programming The cautions on programming a high-speed processi ng program are explained. Pay careful attention to the following items before programming a high-speed processing program.
2. PLC Processing Program 2.2 Multi-Programming Function - 54 - 2.2 Multi-Programming Function Multiple PLC programs can be registered in C64 and executed in order. Using this function, PLC program can also be developed by each process. 2.2.1 Program Registration Numbers Max.
3. Input/Output Signals 3.1 Input/Output Signal Types and Processing - 55 - 3. Input/Output Signals 3.1 Input/Output Signal Types and Processing The input/output signals handled in user PLC are as fol.
3. Input/Output Signals 3.1 Input/Output Signal Types and Processing - 56 - Table 3.1-1 lists whether or not high-speed input/ output, interrupt input and initial processing can be performed.
3. Input/Output Signals 3.3 High-Speed Input/output Designation Method - 57 - 3.3 High-Speed Input/ output Designation Method High-speed input/output is designated by setting the corresponding bit of the bit selection parameter as shown below.
4. Parameters 4.1 PLC Constants - 58 - 4. Parameters 4.1 PLC Constants The parameters that can be used in user PLC include PLC constants set in the data type. Set up data is stored in a file register and is backed up. In contrast, if data is stored in the file register corresponding to PLC constant by using sequence progr am MOV instruction, etc.
4. Parameters 4.2 Bit Selection Parameters - 59 - 4.2 Bit Selection Parameters The parameters that can be used in user PLC incl ude bit selection parameters set in the bit type.
4. Parameters 4.2 Bit Selection Parameters - 60 - Bit selection screen.
4. Parameters 4.2 Bit Selection Parameters - 61 - Contents of bit selection parameters #6449~#6496 Symbol name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Bit selection #6449 R4624L Control unit thermal alarm invalid Display u.
4. Parameters 4.2 Bit Selection Parameters - 62 - Symbol name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 #6465 R4632L — — — — — — — — 1 #6466 R4632H — — — — — — — — 2 #6467 R4633L — — — .
5. Explanation of Devices 5.1 Devices and Dev i ce Numbers - 63 - 5. Explanation of Devices 5.1 Devices and Device Numbers The devices are address symbols to identify si gnals handled in PLC. The device numbers are serial numbers assigned to the devices.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 64 - 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices The devices used with the PLC are described below. 5.3.1 Input/output X, Y Input/output X and Y are a window for executing co mmunication with the PLC and external device or controller.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 65 - 5.3.2 Internal Relays M and F, Latch Relay L The internal relay and latch relay are auxiliary rela ys in the PLC that cannot directly output to an external source. Internal relay M (a) The relay is cleared when the power is turned OFF.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 66 - 5.3.4 Link Relay B, Link Register W (1) Link relay B is a bit type device used for t he data link in each link function. An unused part can be used as first memory, etc., howev er, the step No.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 67 - 5.3.6 Timer T (1) The 100ms timer, 10ms timer and 100ms integrat ed timer are available for this count-up type timer. 100ms Timer T (a) When the input conditions are set, the count starts.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 68 - 100ms Integrated timer T (a) When the input conditions are set, the count star ts.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 69 - (3) Cautions for when using the same timer at two or more positions. The timer programmed last will be valid even if the timer is set in the subprogram which is not ladder-processed according to the branch as shown in the following circuit.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 70 - M100 CALL P100 M100 CALL P1 10 FEND NOPLF P100 P1 10 M1000 T30 D100 T30 Y10 RET NOPLF MOV K50 D100 M1000 T30 D100 T30 Y10 RET NOPLF MOV K100 D100 The circuit above enables that Y10 device will be ON after 5 seconds if M100 is ON and after 10 seconds if M100 is OFF.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 71 - 5.3.7 Counter C (1) The counter counts up and detects the rising edge of the input conditions. Thus, the count will not take place when the input conditions are ON. Counter C (a) The value is set with a decimal, and can be designated from 1 to 32767.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 72 - (3) Cautions for when using the same counter at two or more positions. The counter programmed last will be valid even if the counter is set in the subprogram which is not ladder-processed according to the branch as shown in the following circuit.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 73 - M100 CALL P100 M100 CALL P1 10 FEND NOPLF P100 P1 10 M1 100 C20 D100 C20 Y10 RET NOPLF MOV K50 D100 M1 100 C20 D100 C20 Y10 RET NOPLF MOV K30 D100 The circuit above enables that Y10 device will be ON after 50 counts if M100 is ON and after 30 counts if M100 is OFF.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 74 - 5.3.8 Data Register D (1) The data register is the memory that stores the data in the PLC. (2) The data register has a 1-point 16-bit confi guration, and can be read and written in 16-bit units.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 75 - 5.3.9 File Register R (1) As with the data registers, t he file registers are memories used to store data. However, there are some that have fixed applications , and those that are released.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 76 - 5.3.10 Special Register SD (1) Special register SD is a data register that t he applications are fixed as 1-second counter, etc. Do not use even a part not used currently in SD0 to SD127 for other purpose such as temporary memory.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 77 - 5.3.12 Nesting N (1) This indicates the mast er control nesting structure. (2) The master control nesting (N) is used in order from smallest number. MC N 0 M 1 5 MC N 1 M 1 6 MC N 2 M 1 7 MCR N 2 MCR N1 MCR N0 A B C M1 5 M1 6 M1 7 N0 N1 N2 Ex ecute whe n A cond it io ns are se t.
5. Explanation of Devices 5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices - 78 - 33 36 P20 501 723 726 X1 3 X1 7 Label Po i nt er CJ P 2 0 P255 CJ Ju m p to label P20 (step 501) w h en X1 3 tu rn s ON. Ju m p to END wh en X17 tu rn s ON. (4) The special usages of the pointers other than P255 are shown below.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 79 - 6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List 6.1.1 Basic Commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 80 - Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of steps Page SET SET D Device set 1/2 126 RST RST D Device reset 1/2 128 MC MC nD Master .
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 81 - 6.1.2 Function Commands (1) Comparison commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 82 - Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of steps Page LD< < S1 S2 3 154 AND< < S1 S2 3 154 OR< < S1 S2 Continuit.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 83 - (2) Arithmetic operation commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of steps Page + + SD 3 162 +P +P SD (D) + (S) (D) (BIN) .
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 84 - Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of steps Page / S1 S2 D / 5/6 174 16-bit /P S1 S2 D /P (S1) = . . (S2) Quotient (D) Remainder (D+1) (BIN) 11/12 174 D/ S1 S2 D D/ 5/6 176 / (BIN) 32-bit D/P S1 S2 D D/P (S1+1, S1) = .
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 85 - Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of steps Page NEG NEG D 2 194 NEGP NEGP D ・ ( D ) ( D ) BIN data 8 194 DNEG DNEG D 2 196.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 86 - (4) Data transmission commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page MOV MOV SD 3 206 16-bit MOVP MOV P SD ⋅ (S) .
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 87 - (5) Program branch commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page CJ CJ P** Jump to Pn after input conditions are m.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 88 - (6) Logical operation commands Class Process unit Comman d sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page WAND WAND SD 3 234 WANDP WANDP SD (D) ^ (S) (.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 89 - Class Process unit Comman d sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page WXOR WX O R S D 3 242 WXORP WX O R P SD ⋅ (D) (S) (D) 9 242 WXOR W XO R S .
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 90 - (7) Rotation commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page ROR ROR Dn 3 250 RORP RORP Dn SM12 Rotate n bits r i g ht. ( D ) b0 b15 9 250 RCR RCR Dn 3 252 16-bit RCRP RCRP Dn SM12 (D) b0 b15 Rota te n bits r i g ht.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 91 - Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page SFR SFR D n 3 266 16-bit SFRP SFRP Dn b0 bn b15 0 ~ 0 b0 SM12 b15 9 266 DSF.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 92 - (8) Data processing commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page SER S E R S 1 S 2 D 5 274 SERP S E R P S 1 S 2 D (S1) (S2) (D) : Match No.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 93 - (9) Other function commands Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page Carry flag set — S.STC S.STC Carry flag contact (SM12) is turned on. 1 292 Carry flag reset — S.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 94 - 6.1.3 Exclusive Commands 1 Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page FROM n1 n2 Dn n3 FROM Reads the data of the buffer memory of MELSEC intelligent function unit out to the C6/C64 PLC.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.1 Command List - 95 - 6.1.4 Exclusive Commands 2 Class Process unit Command sign Symbol Process details No. of step Page K1: Tool number search 342 K2: Tool number AND sea.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 96 - 6.2 Command Formats 6.2.1 How to Read the Command Table The basic command and function command explanations are as follow.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 97 - 6.2.2 No. of Steps The basic No. of steps in the sequence command includes step 1 to step 6. Main examples of each step are shown below.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 98 - 6.2.3 END Command The END command is automatically creat ed in both a circuit mode and a list mode. 6.2.4 Index Qualification (1) Index qualification (a) Index qualification is an indirect setting made by using an index register.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 99 - (2) Devices which can be index-qualified With the exception of the rest rictions noted below, index qualific ation can be used with devices used with contacts, coils, basic commands, and application commands.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 100 - 6.2.5 Digit Designation A digit may need to be designated for the bit device (X, Y, M, L, SM, F) when using the function command. How many points of 4-point unit bit dev ices are to be used with the 16-bit or 32-bit command is selected with this digit designation.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 101 - (1) When a digit is designated on the source (S) si de, the values that can be handled as source data will be as shown below.
6. Explanation of Commands 6.2 Command Formats - 102 - (2) When a digit is designated on the destination (D ) side, the No. of points designated by the digit will be the target of the destination side.
7. Basic Commands - 103 - 7. Basic Commands These commands are the basis for the s equence programs. The sequence program cannot be created without these commands. The circuit can be created (programmed) with the same image as creating a circuit by combining the actual relay A contacts and B contacts as done conventionally.
7. Basic Commands LD, LDI - 104 - { LD, LDI ... Operation start Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps { { { { { { { { { { 1/2 (Note) In the modification of index, 2 steps are used for B or SB device.
7. Basic Commands LD, LDI - 105 - Program example (1) Program used at head of circuit block. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M32 11 OUT Y10 12 LDI M32 13 OUT Y11 M3 2 Y1 1 M3 2 Y1 0 10 12 14 (2) Program used at head of circuit block connected with ANB.
7. Basic Commands AND, ANI - 106 - { AND, ANI ... Serial connection of contact Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps { { { { { { { { { { 1/2 (Note) In the modification of index, 2 steps are used for B or SB device.
7. Basic Commands AND, ANI - 107 - Program example (1) Program used after LD, LDI, AND or ANI, etc. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X3 11 AND M6 12 LDI X4 13 ANI M7 14 ORB 15 ANI M9 16 OUT .
7. Basic Commands OR, ORI - 108 - { OR, ORI ... Parallel c onnection of one contact Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps { { { { { { { { { { 1/2 (Note) In the modification of index, 2 steps are used for B or SB device.
7. Basic Commands OR, ORI - 109 - Program example (1) Program used at head of circuit block. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X3 11 OR X4 12 OR X5 13 OUT Y33 14 LD X5 15 AND M11 16 ORI X6 17 OUT Y34 X4 X3 Y3 3 10 X5 X5 X6 M1 1 Y 3 4 14 18 (2) Program used in circuit.
7. Basic Commands ANB - 110 - { ANB ... Serial connection of circuit block Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps 1 AN B A blo c k B bl ock Function (1) AND operation of the A block and B block is executed, and the operati on results are obtained.
7. Basic Commands ANB - 111 - Program example Program that serially connec ts continuous circuit blocks. X0 M7 10 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 Coding No.
7. Basic Commands ORB - 112 - { ORB ... Parallel connection of blocks Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps 1 OR B OR or ORI i s used for th e on e cont act p ar a lle l c o nne c t ion.
7. Basic Commands ORB - 113 - Program example Program that connects continuous circuit blocks in parallel. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X0 11 AND X1 12 LD X2 13 AND X3 14 ORB 15 LD X4 16.
7. Basic Commands LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF - 114 - { LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF ... Pulse ope ration start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
7. Basic Commands LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF - 115 - Cautions (1) Devices used for LDP have to be limited to the ones already output wi th OUT command, etc.
7. Basic Commands INV - 116 - { INV ... Operation results inversion Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps 4 INV Function Inverts the operation result imm ediately prior to the INV command.
7. Basic Commands MEP, MEF - 117 - { MEP, MEF ... Operation results pulse conversion Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
7. Basic Commands EGP, EGF - 118 - { EGP, EGF ... Pulse conversion of edge relay operation results Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps { { 6 Setting data Vn Edge relay nu mber where operat ion results are stored.
7. Basic Commands EGP, EGF - 119 - Program example (1) Program containing a subroutine program using an EGP command. END処理 X0 ON OFF X1 ON OFF ①② ① ② ①② V0 ON OFF V1 OFF ON D0 1 D1 1 .
7. Basic Commands OUT (Y, M, G, L, F, B, SB, SM) - 120 - { OUT (Y, M, G, L, F, B, SB, SM) ... Output (Y, M, G, L, F, B, SB, SM) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
7. Basic Commands OUT (Y, M, G, L, F, B, SB, SM) - 121 - Program example (1) Program output to output unit. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X5 11 OUT Y33 12 LD X6 13 OUT Y34 14 OUT Y35 X6 Y 3 4 X5 Y3 3 10 12 Y3 5 15 (2) Program that turns internal relay or latch relay ON/OFF.
7. Basic Commands OUT (T) - 122 - { OUT (T)... Timer output Usable device Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B SB T SM V T C D R W SW Z SD K H P Device { Setting valu e { { { { 3 Dev i ce No.
7. Basic Commands OUT (T) - 123 - Execution condition This is executed per scan regardless of the operation results before the OUT command. Program example (1) Program to turn ON Y10 and Y14 ten seconds after X0 turns ON. (2) Program to use X10 to 1F BCD data as timer setting value.
7. Basic Commands OUT (C) - 124 - { OUT (C) ... Counter output Usable device Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B SB T SM V T C D R W SW Z SD K H P Device { Setting valu e { { { { 3 C1 D10 C0 K50 Dev i ce No.
7. Basic Commands OUT (C) - 125 - Program example (1) Program to turn Y30 ON when X0 turns ON ten times, and to turn Y30 OFF when X1 turns ON. Coding No.
7. Basic Commands SET - 126 - { SET ... Device setting (ON) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { 1/2 (Note) In the modification of index, 2 steps are used for B or SB device.
7. Basic Commands SET - 127 - Program example (1) Program to set Y8B (ON) when X8 turn s ON, and reset Y8B (OFF) when X9 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X9 11 RST Y8B 12 LD X8 13 .
7. Basic Commands RST - 128 - { RST ... Device resetting Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { 1/2 (Note) In the modification of index, 2 steps are used for B or SB device.
7. Basic Commands RST - 129 - Program example (1) Program to reset 100ms cumulative timer and counter. C23 X4 10 RST T96 Y5 5 RST C2 3 X5 T96 K18000 C23 K16 T9 6 14 20 22 W hen T 96 is set for the cu mula ti ve timer, T96 will tur n O N whe n t he X4 ON t im e is 30 m in.
7. Basic Commands MC, MCR - 130 - { MC, MCR ... Master control set/reset Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
7. Basic Commands MC, MCR - 131 - MCR (1) This is the master control cancel command, and indicates the end of the master control range. (2) The designated nesting (N) No. and following nests will be canceled. MC R N3 N 3 to N7 m aster control is can celed.
7. Basic Commands PLS, PLF - 132 - { PLS, PLF ... Pulse (1 scan ON) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { 2 PLS comm an d PLS D Setti ng data D Dev i ce No.
7. Basic Commands PLS, PLF - 133 - Program example (1) Program to execute PLS command when X9 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X9 11 PLS M9 X9 10 M9 PLS 13 X9 OF F M9 OF F ON ON 1 sc an (2) Program to execute PLF command when X9 turns OFF.
7. Basic Commands FF - 134 - { FF ... Bit device output inversion Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
7. Basic Commands FF - 135 -.
7. Basic Commands SFT, SFTP - 136 - { SFT, SFTP ... Device shift Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { 3 SFT SFT P Shi ft com m and SFT D SFT P D Settin g data D Dev i ce No.
7. Basic Commands SFT, SFTP - 137 - S F T i n p u t O F F SF T co mma n d ON SF T P c o mma n d Ex ecuted per scan Ex ecuted per scan Program example (1) Program to shift the data of Y57 to Y5B when X8 turns ON. SFT Y5 B SFT Y 5 A SFT Y 5 9 SFT Y 5 8 PLS M 8 X7 M0 (pules coding) SET Y5 7 M8 S hif t in g is e xec u t e d whe n M0 t ur n s O N .
7. Basic Commands MPS, MRD, MPP - 138 - { MPS, MRD, MPP ... Registering, reading and clearing of operation results Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps 1 MP S MR D MPP MPS, MRD an d M PP are n ot di spl ay ed.
7. Basic Commands MPS, MRD, MPP - 139 - Poi n ts (1) T he ci rcu i ts wh en M PS, MRD an d MPP are used an d n ot used are as foll ow . Cir c uit us ing MP S , MRD a nd MP P C irc uit no t us ing MP S.
7. Basic Commands NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n - 140 - { NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n ... No operation Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M VT CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps n { { 1/1/2 "NOP" is not display ed in ladder display .
7. Basic Commands NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n - 141 - Program example NOP (1) Contact closed……….Deletes AND or ANI command No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X8 1 1 AND Y97 12 ANI X 96 13 OUT Y12 14 No.
7. Basic Commands NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n - 142 - NOPLF • Printing the ladder will result in the following: -1- 6X 0 0 1 X001 END 8 0 X000 D30 MO V 1 D40 MO V 2 K K NOPLF 5 回路ブロックの区切りにNOPLF命令があると 改ページを行います。 10 18 19 Page break inserted when NOPLF is inserted between ladder b locks.
7. Basic Commands NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n - 143 - PAGE n Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 PAGE K5 12 LD X0 13 AND X1 14 OUT Y0 15 LD X2 16 NOP 17 OUT Y1 18 NOPLF 19 PAGE K6 21 LD X3 22 OUT Y2 0 2 5 .
- 144 -.
8. Function Commands - 145 - 8. Function Commands Recent sequence programs that require more advanc ed control cannot provide sufficient control only with basic commands and thus need fou r-rule operation and comparison, etc. Many function commands have been prepared for th is.
8. Function Commands LD=, AND=, OR= - 146 - { LD=, AND=, OR= .... Comparison of 16-bit data (=) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD=, AND=, OR= - 147 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to F data and D3 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD= K4X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 = D3 K4 X0 Y3 3 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 100 and D3 data.
8. Function Commands LDD=, ANDD=, ORD= - 148 - { LDD=, ANDD=, ORD= ... Comparison of 32-bit data (=) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LDD=, ANDD=, ORD= - 149 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to 1F data and D3, 4 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LDD= K8X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D= D3 K8 X 0 Y3 3 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 18000 and D3, 4 data.
8. Function Commands LD>, AND>, OR>, LD>=, AND>=, OR>= - 150 - { LD>, AND>, OR>, LD>=, AND>=, OR>= .... Comparison of 16-bit data (>, >=) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD>, AND>, OR>, LD>=, AND>=, OR>= - 151 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to F data and D3 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD> K4X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D3 K4 X 0 Y3 3 > 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 100 and D3 data.
8. Function Commands LDD>, ANDD>, ORD>, LDD>=, ANDD>=, ORD>= - 152 - { LDD>, ANDD>, ORD>, LDD>=, ANDD>=, ORD>= ... Comparison of 32-bit data (>, >=) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LDD>, ANDD>, ORD>, LDD>=, ANDD>=, ORD>= - 153 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to 1F data and D3, 4 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LDD> K8X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D> D3 K8 X 0 Y3 3 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 18000 and D3, 4 data.
8. Function Commands LD<, AND<, OR<, LD<=, AND<=, OR<= - 154 - { LD<, AND<, OR<, LD<=, AND<=, OR<= .... Comparison of 16-bit data (<) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD<, AND<, OR<, LD<=, AND<=, OR<= - 155 - Cautions Each command of LD<=, AND<=, and OR<= cannot use a constant for S2. When S2 is a constant, it operates as LDBIT, ANDBIT, and an ORBIT command, respectively.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 156 - { LDD<, ANDD<, ORD<, LDD<=, ANDD<=, ORD<= ... Comparison of 32-bit data (<, <=) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 157 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to 1F data and D3, 4 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LDD< K8X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D< D3 K8 X 0 Y3 3 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 18000 and D3, 4 data.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 158 - { LD<>, AND<>, OR<> .... Comparison of 16-bit data (<>) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 159 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to F data and D3 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD<> K4X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D3 K4 X 0 Y3 3 <> 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 1800 and D3 data.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 160 - { LDD<>, ANDD<>, ORD<> .... Comparison of 32-bit data (<>) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LD<>, AND<>, OR<> - 161 - Program example (1) Program to compare the X0 to F data and D3, D4 data. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LDD<> K8X0 D3 13 OUT Y33 10 D3 K8 X 0 Y3 3 D<> 14 (2) Program to compare the BCD value 18000 and D3, D4 data.
8. Function Commands +, +P - 162 - { +, +P ... BIN 16-bit addition Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands +, +P - 163 - (2) -32768 to 32767 (BIN 16-bit) can be designated in S1, S2 and S. (3) The positive/negative of the data in S1, S2 , S and D is determined with the highest-order bit (B15). B15 Judgment of positive/negative 0 Positive 1 Negative (4) The carry flag will not turn ON if the 15th bit overflows.
8. Function Commands D+, D+P - 164 - { D+, D+P ... BIN 32-bit addition Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands D+, D+P - 165 - (2) -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be designated in S1, S2 and S. (3) The positive/negative of the data in S1, S2 , S and D is determined with the highest-order bit (B31). B31 Judgment of positive/negative 0 Positive 1 Negative (4) The carry flag will not turn ON if the 31st bit overflows.
8. Function Commands –, –P - 166 - { –, –P ... BIN 16-bit subtraction Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands –, –P - 167 - (3) The positive/negative of the data in S1, S2 , S and D is determined with the highest-order bit (B15). B15 Judgment of positive/negative 0 Positive 1 Negative (4) The carry flag will not turn ON if the 0 bit underflows.
8. Function Commands D–, D–P - 168 - { D–, D–P ... BIN 32-bit subtraction Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands D–, D–P - 169 - (2) -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be designated in S1, S2 and S. (3) The positive/negative of the data in S1, S2 , S and D is determined with the highest-order bit (B31). B31 Judgment of positive/negative 0 Positive 1 Negative (4) The carry flag will not turn ON if the 0th bit underflows.
8. Function Commands *, *P - 170 - { *, *P ... BIN 16-bit multiplication Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands *, *P - 171 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for *, *P are as shown below. Mult ip lica t io n c o m m a nd O F F * ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan *P Program example (1) Program to multiply the D0 data and BIN 5678 when X5 turns ON, and output the results to D3, 4.
8. Function Commands D*, D*P - 172 - { D*, D*P ... BIN 32-bit multiplication Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S1 { { { { { { { { { S2 { { { { { { { { { D {{{{{ { { 5/6 Settin g data S2 S1 M ul tipl i cation data or he ad No.
8. Function Commands D*, D*P - 173 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for D*, D*P are as shown below. Mult ip lica t io n c o m m a nd O F F D* ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan D*P Program example (1) Program to multiply the D7, 8 BIN data and D18, 19 BIN data when X5 turns ON, and output the results to D1 to 4.
8. Function Commands /, /P - 174 - { /, /P ... BIN 16-bit division Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands /, /P - 175 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for /, /P are as shown below. Di vi si on comm and OFF / ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan /P Program example (1) Program to divide the D10 data by 3.14 when X3 turns ON, and output the value (quotient) to D5.
8. Function Commands D/, D/P - 176 - { D/, D/P ... BIN 32-bit division Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S1 { { { { { { { { { S2 { { { { { { { { { D {{{{{ { { 5/6 D/P S2 S1 D D/ D/P D/ S2 S1 D S2 S1 Di v i si on data or head No.
8. Function Commands D/, D/P - 177 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for D/, D/P are as shown below. D/ ON Ex ecuted pe r scan D/P Di vi si on comm and OFF Ex ecuted pe r scan Program example (1) Program to multiply the D10 data by 3.14 w hen X3 turns ON, and output the low-order 16-bit of the results to Y30 to 3F.
8. Function Commands B+, B+P - 178 - { B+, B+P ... BCD 16-bit addition Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands B+, B+P - 179 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for B+, B+P are as shown below. Ad diti on comm and OFF B+ ON B+P Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan Program example (1) Program to add the D0 BCD dat a and D10 BCD data and output to D20.
8. Function Commands B–, B–P - 180 - { B–, B–P ... BCD 16-bit subtraction Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands B–, B–P - 181 - Program example (1) Program to subtract the D10 BCD data from D3 and output to D20. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 B- D3 D10 D20 D1 0 D3 D2 0 M0 (O N) 10 B- 16 (2) Program to output the difference of the timer T3 setting value and current value to D20 BCD data.
8. Function Commands B*, B*P - 182 - { B*, B*P ... BCD 16-bit multiplication Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S1 { { { { { { { { { S2 { { { { { { { { { { D {{{{{ { { 5/6 Settin g data S2 S1 Mult iplic a t io n da t a o r N o.
8. Function Commands B*, B*P - 183 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for B*, B*P are as shown below. Mult ip lica t io n c o m m a nd O F F B* ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan B* P Program example (1) Program to multiple the D0 BCD data and D10 BCD data, and output the results to D20.
8. Function Commands B/, B/P - 184 - { B/, B/P ... BCD 16-bit division Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands B/, B/P - 185 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for B/, B/P are as shown below. Mult ip lica t io n c o m m a nd O F F B/ ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan B/ P Program example (1) Program to divide the D10 BCD data D20 when X3 turns ON, and output the value (quotient) to D5.
8. Function Commands INC, INCP - 186 - { INC, INCP ... (16-bit BIN data) +1 Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 IN C D I ncrement comm and IN C P D IN C I NCP Settin g data D No.
8. Function Commands INC, INCP - 187 - Program example (1) Example of addition counter program IN C P D8 M38 = D8 K100 M38 24 M3 8 t ur n s ON wh en D8 = 100. X8 Ex ecu te D8+1 at X8 OFF ON wh en M 38 is OFF. 14 K0 D 8 X7 10 MOV S e t D 8 t o 0 w h e n X 7 t u r n s O N .
8. Function Commands DINC, DINCP - 188 - { DINC, DINCP ... (32-bit BIN data) +1 Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 DI NC D I n crem en t com m an d DI NC P D DI NC DI NCP Settin g data D Head No.
8. Function Commands DINC, DINCP - 189 - Program example (1) Program to increment the D0, 1 data by one when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 DINC D0 DI NC D0 M0 10 (Pu lse codi n g) 13 (2) Program to increment X10 to X27 data by one when M0 turns ON, and to store the results in D3, 4.
8. Function Commands DEC, DECP - 190 - { DEC, DECP ... (16-bit BIN data) –1 Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 DEC D Decrem en t comm and DECP D DEC DECP Setti n g data D No.
8. Function Commands DEC, DECP - 191 - Program example (1) Example of subtraction counter program DECP D8 M3 8 = D8 K0 M3 8 24 M3 8 t urn s ON w h en D8 = 0. X8 Ex ecute D8-1 at X 8 OFF ON wh en M 38 tu rn s OFF. 14 K100 D8 X7 10 MO V Set D8 to 1 00 wh en X 7 tu rn s ON.
8. Function Commands DDEC, DDECP - 192 - { DDEC, DDECP ... (32-bit BIN data) –1 Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 DDEC D Decrem en t comm and DD ECP D DDEC DDEC P Setti n g data D Head No.
8. Function Commands DDEC, DDECP - 193 - Program example (1) Program to decrement the D0, 1 data by one when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 DDEC D0 DDEC D0 M0 10 (pu lse codi n g) 13 (2) Program to decrement X10 to X27 data by one when M0 turns ON, and to store the results in D3, 4.
8. Function Commands NEG, NEGP - 194 - { NEG, NEGP ... Complement of 2 (BIN 16-bit data) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 C omp l e me n t o f 2 e x ec u ti on co mma n d NE G D Setti ng data D No.
8. Function Commands NEG, NEGP - 195 - Program example (1) Program to subtract D20 from D10 when XA turns ON and obtain an absolute value when the results are negative.
8. Function Commands DNEG, DNEGP - 196 - { DNEG, DNEGP ... Complement of 2 (BIN 32-bit data) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 2 Com pl em en t of 2 ex ecu ti on com m and DNEG D Setti n g data D Head No.
8. Function Commands DNEG, DNEGP - 197 - Program example (1) Program to subtract D20 from D10 when XA turns ON and obtain an absolute value when the results are negative.
8. Function Commands BCD, BCDP - 198 - { BCD, BCDP ... BIN BCD conversion (16-bit) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 3 Settin g data D BIN data or No.
8. Function Commands BCD, BCDP - 199 - Program example (1) Program to output C4 current value from Y20 to Y2F to BCD display. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y2 F Y2 E Y2 D Y2 C Y2 B Y2 A Y2 9 Y2 8 Y2 7 Y2 6 Y2 5 Y2 4 Y2 3 Y2 2 Y2 1 Y2 0 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 Coding No.
8. Function Commands DBCD, DBCDP - 200 - { DBCD, DBCDP ... BIN BCD conversion (32-bit) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { { 4/5 Settin g data D BI N data or h ead No .
8. Function Commands DBCD, DBCDP - 201 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for DBCD, DBCDP are as follow. DBCD ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DB CD P Conv ersion com m and OFF Program example (1) Program to output the current timer value of which the setting value exceeds 9999 to Y1C to 2F.
8. Function Commands BIN, BINP - 202 - { BIN, BINP ... BCD BIN conversion (16-bit) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { 3 Settin g data D BCD da ta or No.
8. Function Commands BIN, BINP - 203 - Program example (1) Program to BIN convert the X10 to X1B BCD data when X8 turns On, and store in D8. Dig it a l s wit c h BC D Ca n be us ed for oth er pur po s.
8. Function Commands DBIN, DBINP - 204 - { DBIN, DBINP ... BCD BIN conversion (32-bit) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { { 4/5 Setti n g data D BCD data or head No.
8. Function Commands DBIN, DBINP - 205 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for DBIN, DBINP are as follow. Conv ersi on comm and OFF DBIN ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DBIN P Program example (1) Program to BIN convert the X10 to X23 BCD data when X0 turns ON, and to store in D14, 15.
8. Function Commands MOV, MOVP - 206 - { MOV, MOVP ... 16-bit data transmission Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands MOV, MOVP - 207 - Program example (1) Program to store input X0 to XB data in D8. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 MOV K3X0 D8 K3 X 0 MO V D8 M0 (O N) 10 14 (2) Program to store " 155 " in D8 as binary value when X8 turns ON.
8. Function Commands DMOV, DMOVP - 208 - { DMOV, DMOVP ... 32-bit data transmission Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DMOV, DMOVP - 209 - Program example (1) Program to store D10, 11 data in D0, D1. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 DMOV D10 D0 D1 0 DMOV D0 M0 10 (ON) 14 (2) Program to store X0 to X1F data in D0, D1.
8. Function Commands CML, CMLP - 210 - { CML, CMLP ... 16-bit data negation transmission Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands CML, CMLP - 211 - Program example (1) Program to invert X0 to X7 data and to transmit the results to D0. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M100 11 CML K2X0 D0 K2 X 0 CM L.
8. Function Commands DCML, DCMLP - 212 - { DCML, DCMLP ... 32-bit data negation transmission Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DCML, DCMLP - 213 - Program example (1) Program to invert X0 to X1F data and to transmit the results to D0, 1. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M200 11 DCML K8X0 D0 K8 X.
8. Function Commands XCH, XCHP - 214 - { XCH, XCHP ... 16-bit data exchange Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D1 { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { D2 { { { { { { { { 4 Ex ch an ge com m and XCH X CHP XCH D1 D2 XC H P D1 D2 Settin g data D2 No.
8. Function Commands XCH, XCHP - 215 - Program example (1) Program to exchange T0 current value with D0 data when M8 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M8 11 XCH T0 D0 T0 XCH D0 M8 10 (pu lse codi n g) 15 (2) Program to exchange D0 data with M16 to M31 data when M10 turns ON.
8. Function Commands DXCH, DXCHP - 216 - { DXCH, DXCHP ... 32-bit data exchange Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DXCH, DXCHP - 217 - Program example (1) Program to exchange T0, T1 current va lues with D0, 1 data when M8 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M8 11 DXCH T0 D0 T0 DXCH D0 M8 10 ( Puls e c o d ing ) 15 (2) Program to exchange D0, 1 data with M16 to M47 data when M10 turns ON.
8. Function Commands BMOV, BMOVP - 218 - { BMOV, BMOVP ... Block transmission of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands BMOV, BMOVP - 219 - Program example (1) Program to transmit the current va lues of T33 to T48 to D908 to D923. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M90 11 BMOV T33 D908 H10 .
8. Function Commands FMOV, FMOVP - 220 - { FMOV, FMOVP ... Batch transmission of same 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands FMOV, FMOVP - 221 - Program example (1) Program to reset (clear) D8 to D23 when XA turns ON. 0 0 0 0 Transmi ssion 0 0 D8 D9 D21 D22 D23 D S 16 data bloc ks Resetting of data registers w ith FMOV command Coding No.
8. Function Commands CJ, JMP - 222 - { CJ, JMP ... Conditional jump Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps P { 2 CJ Jump com m and JM P CJ JM P Setti n g data P** Jump d estin ation poin ter No.
8. Function Commands CJ, JMP - 223 - Points (1) After the timer coil is turned ON, if the time r that is turning the coil ON with the CJ or JMP command is jumped, the timer count will continue. (2) The scan time will be shortened if jumpi ng is done backward using the CJ or JMP command.
8. Function Commands FEND - 224 - { FEND ... Program end Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands FEND - 225 - Program example Program when using CJ command. X1 Y2 2 P23 20 XB 12 X0 Y2 0 10 X1 4 Y3 1 17 CJ P23 FEND 19 W hen XB tu rn s ON, th e program j umps to th e P23 l abel , an d th e step fol l ow i n g P23 is ex ecuted. Ex ecu te w hen X B i s OFF.
8. Function Commands CALL, CALLP, RET - 226 - { CALL, CALLP, RET ... Call/return of sub-routine program Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps P { 2/1 Retu rn of sub- routi n e program RET P** Head poi n ter No.
8. Function Commands CALL, CALLP, RET - 227 - Cautions When returning from CALL or CALLP command (that is, when executing RET command), the operation results obtained immedi ately before will be retained. Thus, make sure not to program a command following to CALL or CALLP as it may cause an illegal operation.
8. Function Commands CALL, CALLP, RET - 228 - RET (1) The end of the sub-routine program is indicated. (2) When the RET command is executed, the sequence program in the step after the CALL or CALLP command will be executed. Execution conditions The execution conditions of the CALL, CALLP are as shown below.
8. Function Commands CALL, CALLP, RET - 229 -.
8. Function Commands FOR, NEXT - 230 - { FOR, NEXT ... Command loop Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps n { { { { { { { { { 5/4 (Note) "n" is used with FOR command.
8. Function Commands FOR, NEXT - 231 - Program example (1) Program to execute FOR to NEXT loop when X8 is OFF, and not to execute it when X8 is ON. Coding No.
8. Function Commands BREAK, BREAKP - 232 - { BREAK, BREAKP ... Forced end of FOR to NEXT loop Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands BREAK, BREAKP - 233 - Program example (1) Program to force FOR to NEXT loop to end w hen D0 data reaches 30, that is, FOR to NEXT loop has been executed 30 times.
8. Function Commands WAND, WANDP - 234 - { WAND, WANDP ... Logical AND of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands WAND, WANDP - 235 - (2) The bits other than designated digit are operated as 0. (Refer to program example (2).) Execution conditions The execution conditions for WAND, WANDP are as follows.
8. Function Commands DAND, DANDP - 236 - { DAND, DANDP ... Logical AND of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DAND, DANDP - 237 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for the DAND, DANDP are as follows. Operation comm and OFF DAND ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DA NDP.
8. Function Commands WOR, WORP - 238 - { WOR, WORP ... Logical OR of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands WOR, WORP - 239 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for WOR, WORP are as follows. O pe r a t io n c o m m a nd O FF WOR ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan WOR P Program example (1) Program to execute logical OR of the D 10 data and D20 data when XA turns ON, and to store the result in D33.
8. Function Commands DOR, DORP - 240 - { DOR, DORP ... Logical OR of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DOR, DORP - 241 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for DOR, DORP are as follows. O pe r a t io n c o m m a nd O FF DOR ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DORP.
8. Function Commands WXOR, WXORP - 242 - { WXOR, WXORP ... Exclusive OR of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands WXOR, WXORP - 243 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for WXOR, WXORP are as follows. O pe r a t io n c o m m a nd OF F WX O R ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan WX O R P Program example (1) Program to execute exclusive OR of the D10 data and D20 data when XA turns ON, and to store the results in D33.
8. Function Commands DXOR, DXORP - 244 - { DXOR, DXORP ... Exclusive OR of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DXOR, DXORP - 245 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for DXOR, DXORP are as follows. Operation comm and OFF DXOR ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DX ORP Program example (1) Program to compare the X20 to 3F 32-bit data and the D9, 10 data when X6 turns ON, and to store the No.
8. Function Commands WXNR, WXNRP - 246 - { WXNR, WXNRP ... Non-exclusive OR of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands WXNR, WXNRP - 247 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for WXNR, WXNRP are as follows. O pe r a t io n c o m m a nd OF F WX N R ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan WX N R P Program example (1) Program to execute non-exclusive OR of the D10 data and D20 data when XA turns ON, and to store the results in D33.
8. Function Commands DXNR, DXNRP - 248 - { DXNR, DXNRP ... Non-exclusive OR of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DXNR, DXNRP - 249 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for DXNR, DXNRP are as follows. Operation comm and OFF DX NR ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan DXNRP Program example (1) Program to compare the X20 to 3F 32-bit data and the D9, 10 data when X6 turns ON, and to store the No.
8. Function Commands ROR, RORP - 250 - { ROR, RORP ... Right rotation of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands ROR, RORP - 251 - Program example (1) Program to rotate the D10 data 3 bits to the right when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 ROR D10 K3 D1 0 ROR K3 .
8. Function Commands RCR, RCRP - 252 - { RCR, RCRP ... Right rotation of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands RCR, RCRP - 253 - Program example (1) Program to rotate the D10 data 3 bits to the right when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 RCR D10 K3 D1 0 RCR K3 .
8. Function Commands DROR, DRORP - 254 - { DROR, DRORP ... Right rotation of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DROR, DRORP - 255 - Program example (1) Program to rotate the D10, 11 data 3 bits to the right when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XA 11 DMOV K1 D10 15 LD.
8. Function Commands DRCR, DRCRP - 256 - { DRCR, DRCRP ... Right rotation of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DRCR, DRCRP - 257 - Program example (1) Program to rotate the D10, 11 data 3 bits to the right when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XA 11 DMOV K1 D10 15 LD.
8. Function Commands ROL, ROLP - 258 - { ROL, ROLP ... Left rotation of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands ROL, ROLP - 259 - Program example Program to rotate the D10 data 3 bits to the left when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 ROL D10 K3 D1 0 RO L K3 M0 1.
8. Function Commands RCL, RCLP - 260 - { RCL, RCLP ... Left rotation of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands RCL, RCLP - 261 - Program example Program to rotate the D10 data 3 bits to the left when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M0 11 RCL D10 K3 D1 0 RCL K3 M0 10.
8. Function Commands DROL, DROLP - 262 - { DROL, DROLP ... Left rotation of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DROL, DROLP - 263 - Program example Program to rotate the D10, 11 data 3 bits to the left when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XA 11 DMOV H80000000 D0 15 L.
8. Function Commands DRCL, DRCLP - 264 - { DRCL, DRCLP ... Left rotation of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DRCL, DRCLP - 265 - Program example Program to rotate the D10, 11 data 3 bits to the left when M0 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XA 11 DMOV H80000000 D10 15 .
8. Function Commands SFR, SFRP - 266 - { SFR, SFRP ... Right shift of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands SFR, SFRP - 267 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for SFR, SFRP are as shown below. Ri ght sh i ft comm and OFF SFR ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex ecuted pe r scan SFRP Program example Program that shifts the D8 data 5 bits to the right when M10 turns ON.
8. Function Commands DSFR, DSFRP - 268 - { DSFR, DSFRP ... Right shift of w ord device in batch Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DSFR, DSFRP - 269 - Program example (1) Program to shift the D668 to 689 data to the right when M10 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M10 11 DSFR D683 K7 D68 3 .
8. Function Commands SFL, SFLP - 270 - { SFL, SFLP ... Left shift of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands SFL, SFLP - 271 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for SF L, SFLP are as shown below. Left sh ift com m and OFF SF L ON Ex ecuted pe r scan Ex e cuted pe r scan SFLP Program example (1) Program that shifts the D8 data 5 bits to the left when M10 turns ON.
8. Function Commands DSFL, DSFLP - 272 - { DSFL, DSFLP ... Left shift of w ord device in batch Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DSFL, DSFLP - 273 - Program example (1) Program to shift the D683 to 689 data to the left when M10 turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD M10 11 DSFL D683 K7 D6 83 D.
8. Function Commands SER, SERP - 274 - { SER, SERP ... Search of 16-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands SER, SERP - 275 - Program example Program to compare the D883 to D887 data with "123" when XB turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XB 11 SER D0 D883 D10 .
8. Function Commands DSER, DSERP - 276 - { DSER, DSERP ... Search of 32-bit data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DSER, DSERP - 277 - Program example Program to compare the D884 to D893 data with "123" when XB turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XB 11 DSER D0 D884 D.
8. Function Commands SUM, SUMP - 278 - { SUM, SUMP ... Count of No . of 16-bit data set to 1 Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { 4 SUM Operati on comm and D S SUM SUMP SUM P D S Settin g data D Head No.
8. Function Commands SUM, SUMP - 279 - Program example Program to obtain the No. of D10 data bits that are set to ON (1) when XB turns ON. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD XB 11 SUM D10 D20 D1 0 SUM D2 0 XB 10 15 D1 0 D2 0 01 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 1 0 B15 …………… … …………… …………… … B0 Th e total No.
8. Function Commands DSUM, DSUMP - 280 - { DSUM, DSUMP ... Count of No. of 32-bit data set to "1" Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DSUM, DSUMP - 281 - Program example Program to obtain the No. of D10, D11 data bi ts that are set to ON (1) when XB turns ON. Coding No.
8. Function Commands DECO, DECOP - 282 - { DECO, DECOP ... 8 256 bit decoding Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands DECO, DECOP - 283 - Program example (1) Program to decode the three bits 0 to 2 of R20, and turn the bits corresponding in D100 ON.
8. Function Commands S.BDECO - 284 - { S.BDECO ... BCD data decoding Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { 4 Decode comm and S.
8. Function Commands S.BDECO - 285 - Program example (1) Program to convert the low-order 8 bits (BCD) of R20 to the BIN data, and to store the results obtained by decoding in D10 to D25 data Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD X0 11 S.BDECO R22 D10 X0 S.
8. Function Commands SEG, SEGP - 286 - { SEG, SEGP ... Decoding to 7-segment display data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands SEG, SEGP - 287 - 7-segment decode table S Co nf ig ur a t io n o f 7-se gme n t Bi t pattern D Di spla y data B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4.
8. Function Commands ENCO, ENCOP - 288 - { ENCO, ENCOP ... 256 8 bit encoding Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands ENCO, ENCOP - 289 - Program example (1) Program to encode the eight bits 0 to 7 of R20, and turn the bits corresponding in D100 ON.
8. Function Commands S.AVE - 290 - { S.AVE ... Calculation of average value Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { D { { { { { { { { n { { 5 S.
8. Function Commands S.AVE - 291 - Program example (1) Program to average the details of D882 to D888 when XB turns ON, and to output the results to D0.
8. Function Commands S.STC, S.CLC - 292 - { S.STC, S.CLC ... Setting/resetting of carry flag Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps 1 S. S T C (Setti ng of carry fl ag) S.
8. Function Commands S.STC, S.CLC - 293 - Program example Program to add the D2 data and D0 data when M0 turn s ON and to turn the carry flag (SM12) ON if the results exceed 32767. If the results are 32767 or less, the carry flag is turned OFF. > D1 D0 24 > D1 D2 M1 S.
8. Function Commands LDBIT, ANDBIT, ORBIT - 294 - { LDBIT, ANDBIT, ORBIT ... Bit test of "A" contact handling Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LDBIT, ANDBIT, ORBIT - 295 - Program example (1) Program to test bit 3 of D10. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD<= D10 K3 12 OUT Y33 10 < = K3 D1 0 Y3 3 13 (2) Program to test bit 15 of D10.
8. Function Commands LDBII, ANDBII, ORBII - 296 - { LDBII, ANDBII, ORBII ... Bit test of "B" contact handling Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
8. Function Commands LDBII, ANDBII, ORBII - 297 - Program example (1) Program to test bit 3 of D10. Coding No. of steps Com- mand Device 10 LD<> D10 K3 12 OUT Y33 10 < > K3 D1 0 Y3 3 13 (2) Program to test bit 15 of D10.
8. Function Commands BSET, BSETP - 298 - { BSET, BSETP ... Bit setting of w ord device Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { n { { 2 BSET Bi t set co m m an d n D BSE T BSET P B SET P n D Setti n g data D No.
8. Function Commands BSET, BSETP - 299 - Program example (1) Program to reset 8th bit (to 0) of D8 when XB turns OFF, and to set 3rd bit (to 1) of D8 when XB turns ON. 10 BR ST D8 K8 X0 B 19 BSET D 8 K3 X 0 B P P Re s e t 8 th bit o f D 8 . S et 3 rd b i t o f D 8 .
8. Function Commands BRST, BRSTP - 300 - { BRST, BRSTP ... Bit resetting of w ord device Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps D { { { { { { { { { n { { 2 BRST Bi t reset comm and n D BRST BRSTP BRSTP n D Setti n g data D No.
8. Function Commands BRST, BRSTP - 301 - Program example (1) Program to reset 8th bit (to 0) of D8 when XB turns OFF, and to set 3rd bit (to 1) of D8 when XB turns ON. 10 BR ST D8 K8 X0 B 19 BSET D 8 K3 X 0 B P P Re s e t 8 th bit o f D 8 . S et 3 rd b i t o f D 8 .
- 302 -.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 - 303 - 9. Exclusive Commands 1 Although the basic and functional commands are not used only for specific purposes, some commands may be efficient if command applicati ons such as data transfer between under PLC and controller and controller display screen are limited.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 FROM, TO - 304 - { FROM, TO ... Reading from buffer memory / Writing to buffer memory Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 FROM, TO - 305 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for FROM, TO are as shown below. ON Command Executed per scan FROM TO Executed per scan OFF Program example (1) To read 32 words of data in Area 2 of the FL-net unit (buffer memory address 2000H) and write them into D0 to D31 of data register.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 FROM, TO - 306 - Restrictions in Using FROM/TO Command Using FROM/TO command by the built-in PL C in C6/C64 has the restrictions below. (1) The number of FROM and TO commands that can be used in one scan (including multiple program) is 50 each.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 FROM, TO - 307 -.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 308 - { READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE ... Transient command Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 309 - Function READ/SREAD Reads the word device data of the desi gnated station out to the local station. SREAD turns the target station device ON at r ead completion, that enables the target station to confirm the data has been read out.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 310 - Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S1)+1 Completion status Store the status at completion of a command. 0 : Normal Other than 0 : Error (error code) — System (S1)+2 Channel used by the local station Designate the channel used by the local station.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 311 - Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S1)+16 Error detection network No. Stores the network number of the station that detected an error. However, it is not stored when the completion status of (S1)+1 is "Channel in use (C085H).
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 312 - Control data Device Item Set data Setting range Set by Execution type b15 ~ b7 ~ b0 0 (2) 0 (1) (1) Execution type (bit 0) 0:No arrival confirmation When the target station is on the same network: Completed when the data is sent from the local station.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 313 - Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S1)+4 Target station network No. Designate the network No. of the target station. 1 to 239:Network No. 254:When 254 is designated in "Un" 1 to 239, 254 User (S1)+5 Target station No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 314 - Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (S1)+13 Date/Hour of error occurrence Higher 8 bits : hour (00H to 23H), lower 8 bits : date (01H t.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 315 - Program example Reading the data stored in D10 to D14 of the st ation 4 into D200 to D204 of the station 1. ( → Refer to (a).) Writing the data stored in D300 to D304 of the st ation 2 into D50 to D53 of the station 3.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 316 - (a) Program of Ch.1 (READ command) To execute the program as below, apply the interlock. MOV H81 D0 MOV K3 D2 MOV K2 0 D4 MOV K4 D5 MOV K5 D7 MOV K2 0 D8 MOV K5 D9 Command t o set contro l dat a Read command G .
9. Exclusive Commands 1 READ, SREAD, WRITE, SWRITE - 317 - (b) Program of Ch.2 (WRITE command) To execute the program as below, apply the interlock. MOV K3 D 5 MOV K5 D 7 MOV K2 0 D8 MOV K4 D 9 Command t o set contro l dat a MOV H81 D0 MOV K6 D 2 MOV K2 0 D4 Write comm and G .
9. Exclusive Commands 1 RIRD, RIWT - 318 - { RIRD, RIWT ... Read/Write the device data Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { D1 { { { { { { { D2 { { { { { { { { 5/11 RIRD/RIW T Command G .
9. Exclusive Commands 1 RIRD, RIWT - 319 - Function RIRD Reads the device data from the designated station CPU. (1) Control data Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (*1) (S) + 0 Completion status Stores the status when the command is complete.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 RIRD, RIWT - 320 - RIWT Writes the device data to the designated station CPU. (1) Control data Device Item Set data Setting range Set by (*1) (S) + 0 Completion status Stores the status when the command is complete.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 RIRD, RIWT - 321 - Execution conditions The execution conditions for RIRD, RIWT are as shown below. Executed per scan Command OFF G .RIRD,G .RIWT Executed per scan GP .RIRD,GP .RIWT ON Program example Program to read out the D100 to D103 data of the local station 2nd channel.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 OPEN - 322 - { OPEN ... Opens a connection Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { D1 { { { { { { D2 { { { { { { { 12 Setting dat a Det ails Dat a type "Un" Hea d input/output No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 OPEN - 323 - Device Item Setting dat a Setting range Setting side (S2) + 3 Blank 0 (S2) + 4 to (S2) + 5 Client device IP address Designate the client device's IP address. (Set 0 × A8C00101 for IP = 1 H to FFFFFFFF H User (S2) + 6 Client device port No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 OPEN - 324 - Execution conditions The execution condition for OPEN is as shown below. Command OFF OPEN ON Program example Program to open a connection to send dat a with port No. :6000 and connection No.:5. ZP .OPEN "U20" K5 D10 0 M150 14 No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 OPEN - 325 -.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 CLOSE - 326 - { CLOSE ... Close the connection Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No. of steps S { { { { { { { { D1 { { { { { { D2 { { { { { { { 12 Setting dat a Det ails Dat a type "Un" Hea d input/output No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 CLOSE - 327 - Program example ZP .CLOSE "U20" K5 D130 M170 10 M340 No. of steps Command Device 10 LD M340 11 ZP.CLOSE "U20" K5 D130 M170 23 Cautions (1) Eve.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFSND - 328 - { BUFSND ... Data transmission (for fixed–buffer communication) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFSND - 329 - Execution conditions The execution condition for BUFSND is as shown below. Command OFF BUFSND ON Program example The program to send a connection to send in R500 and above with the port No. :6000 and the connection No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFSND - 330 - Example of data communication program The following is an example of the program t hat executes sending (BUFSND) and receiving (BUFRCV). UDP/IP, non-procedural type are used for both commands. The send destination IP address is 192.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFSND - 331 - Recept’n OPEN execut ’n st pulse Recept’n OPENcm nd clnt dev port No. Recept’n at conn- ection 1 BUFRCV error complet. status Recept’n OPENcmnd execut’ n type Recept’n OPEN complete status BUFRCV control data BUFRC V normal complet.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFRCV - 332 - { BUFRCV ... Data reception (for fixed–buffer communication) Usable device Bit device Word dev ice Con- stant Pointer X Y M L F B S B T S M V T CDRW S W Z S D K H P Digit desig- nation Index No.
9. Exclusive Commands 1 BUFRCV - 333 - Execution conditions The execution condition for BUFRCV is as shown below. Command OFF BUFRCV ON Program example The program to receive data stored in R600 and above with the port No. :6001 and the connection No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 - 334 - 10. Exclusive Commands 2 Although the basic and functional commands are not used only for specific purposes, some commands may be efficient if command applicati ons such as data transfer between under PLC and controller and controller display screen are limited.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 335 - 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command 10.1.1 Outline of ATC Control The ATC (Automatic Tool Change) can be controlled in the following two ways: (1) Me.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 336 - 10.1.4 Relationship between Tool Registration Screen and Magazines When the floating pointer system or tool table rotation system is selecte.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 337 - 10.1.5 Use of ATC and ROT Commands The use order of the ATC and ROT commands during the T command or tool change command is shown below: The.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 338 - (1) Index tool number 8 in the situation shown above (a) In the tool table rotation system , the tool number search command outputs 3. (b) In the floating pointer system, the tool number search command outputs 7.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 339 - 10.1.7 Command List Command Description S.ATC K1 Rn Rm Mn Tool No. search S.ATC K2 Rn Rm Mn Tool No. logical product search S.ATC K3 Rn Rm Mn Tool change S.ATC K4 Rn Rm Mn Random position tool change S.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 340 - 10.1.9 File Register (R Register) Assignment and Parameters (1) File registers for ATC control The file registers used with the ATC are as shown below. Corresponding file (R) register Magazine No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 341 - (2) Control parameter contents R4700 F E D C B A 9 8 76 5 4 32 1 0 M ax . n u mber of stan dby di spl ay ed: 4 0 : T 4-digi t 1 : T 8-digi t 0 : Magaz i n e starts from "1". 1 : Magaz i n e starts from "0".
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 342 - 10.1.10 Details of Each Command (1) Tool No. search This command is used to search for t ool No. stored in the tool data table. When the command tool No. is found, number of searched data and its location are output.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 343 - (2) Tool No. logical product (AND) search Tool number AND search is the same as the tool number search command (ATC K1) in function: search data and in-magazine tool number and A ND data are ANDed together for a search.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 344 - (3) Tool change When a spindle tool and a magazine index tool are exchanged by the ATC ar m, etc.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 345 - (4) Random position tool change In tool change, a spindle tool is usually exc hanged with a magazine index tool.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 346 - (5) Pointer "FWD" rotation In the ATC control with floating pointer, pointer count is controlled so that it coincides with the actually indexed magazine position when the magaz ine rotates in "FWD" direction for index.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 347 - (7) Tool table "FWD" rotation The tool table rotates in "FWD" directi on in accordance with the magazine rotation.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 348 - (9) Tool data read This command is used to call a s pecific tool No. in the magazine. 2 1000 (0) 1001 (1) 1002 (2) 1003 (3) : ( 8 ) 1009 (9) Regi ster No. to speci fy magaz in e No. to be read M agazi n e No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 349 - (10) Tool data w rite Instead of setting tool No. through the setting and display unit, the tool No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 350 - (11) Automatic tool data w rite All tool Nos. are written (entered) in batch . This command is used for initialization, etc. The data are written one after another for each tool, starting from the default value.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 351 - 10.1.11 Precautions for Using ATC Exclusive Instructions (1) When tool data is rewritten by ATC or other than ATC command, tool registration screen display is not updated. The following processing is required: · Turn on special relay SM64 by using the SET command.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 352 - (1) Comment display part Comment in the comment display part is prepared by the user with the comment display function.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.1 ATC Exclusive Command - 353 - 10.1.13 Display of Spindle Tool and Standby Tool The tool mounted on the spindle or the tool to be mounted next on the spindl e (standby tool) and tool No. in the magazine are set and displayed on the t ool registration screen.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 354 - 10.2 S.ROT Commands ROT commands are prepared as functions such as ro tary body target position, rotation direction and ring counter. The commands can be used to determine the direction of rotation and number of steps with the data resulting from ATC exclus ive command tool No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 355 - (1) Rotary body indexing Direction of rotation and number of steps of ATC magazine (or turret) are determined automatically. Rn Rn+1 Rn+2 Rn+3 R p Param eter settin g R No. Curren t posi ti on R No.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 356 - (a) Example of rotary body index by ROT K1 instruction Conditions: (i) The number of rotary body index cycles is 6.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 357 - AC T Rn S.ROT K1 Mm Rm 0 : CW 1 : CC W R nu mber to specify rotary body in dex cycles (R4011 i n thi s ex am ple) Top of con trol data bu ffer (R4000 in th i s ex ample) PLS M100 S.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 358 - (Note 1) Either M202 or M203 can be used for a stop signal. (Note 2) The devices (X, Y, and R) are used in this example for no special purpose.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.2 S.ROT Commands - 359 - (2) Ring counter (Up/dow n counter) This command is used to control position of rotary body (or turret). Com pl etion ("1" for error) Ring co unte r c o m m a nd Cycl es of index for rotary body are apecifi ed.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 360 - 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command (When BASE SPEC parameter #1037 cmdtype is set to 1 or 2.) The following command is provided only for tool life management. (It is used for the machining centers.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 361 - 10.3.3 Spare Tool Selection System One of the following two can be selected by using a parameter for the spare t ool select.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 362 - 10.3.5 User PLC Processing When the Tool Life Management Function Is Selected A PLC processing example when tool change is .
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 363 - (1) Procedure w hen tool command is executed (a) Tool life management I 1) When tool command (T command) is gi ven, the controller out puts T code data and start signal (TF).
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 364 - <When tool is changed> When tool is changed, the spindle tool num ber is set in R6350, R6351.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 365 - (3) Tool data flow (a) (b) (c) (d) R220 R221 R6500 R6501 R6502 R6503 R6504 R6505 R6506 R6507 R6508 R6509 R6510 R6511 R6350 R6351 R6352 R6353 R6354 R6355 R6356 R6357 R6358 R6359 R6360 R6361 R6362 R6363 R6364 R6365 TSRH R4000 R 6500 R4000 R4001 R6500.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 366 - (4) Tool data The tool data is tool managem ent data such as the group number , tool number, and tool status. The details are given below: Tool data name Explanation Data range Group number Number to manage tools of the same type (form and dimensions) in a group.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 367 - (5) Tool data flag and tool status The tool data flag and tool st atus contents are shown below: (a) Correspondence w ith tool life management data screen (b) Tool data flag .
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 368 - 1) Spare tool compensation system Tool compensation corresponding to the spindle tool can be made in tool life management II.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 369 - (c) Tool status ..... Bits 8~F of file register Rn (such as R6358) bit Explanation bit 8 bit 9 bit A bit B Tool status (num.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.3 Tool Life Management Exclusive Command - 370 - 10.3.6 Examples of Tool Life Management Screen Tool life management screen examples are given below.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.4 DDB (Direct Data Bus) - 371 - 10.4 DDB (Direct Data Bus) ... Asynchronous DDB The DDB function is used for PLC to directly read/wr ite various pieces of data that controller has.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.4 DDB (Direct Data Bus) - 372 - (1) Control signals (Rn), (Dn) F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Warnin g o utput E rr or dur i ng c ho ppi ng ( not us ed) Si z e ov er N o .
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.4 DDB (Direct Data Bus) - 373 - (6) Read/w rite data (Rn+6, Rn+7), (Dn+6, Dn+7) (LOW) (HIGH) (LOW) (HIGH) When data is read, the controlle r outputs data specified by PLC. When data is written, PLC sets the data to be written.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.5 External Search - 374 - 10.5 External Search 10.5.1 Function When PLC specifies the program number, sequenc e number, and block number of a work program for the controller, the external search functi on searches memory for the program number, sequence number, and block number.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.5 External Search - 375 - (2) Status The search state is indicated. The status is set by the controller and is used by PLC for completion check, etc.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.5 External Search - 376 - 10.5.3 Search Start Instruction After interface data between the controller and PLC is prepared, search is started by using the following instruction: AC T S.DDBS R n (Rn i s an y fi le regi ster th at can be used by the user.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.5 External Search - 377 - (3) Search error completion (Data specification error) Search start i n stru ction c o nd it io n Search processi n g Search com pl etion Da t a s p e cif ic a t io n e rr o r <Error cau se> ・ Program n umber and sequ ence nu mber are not specifi ed.
10. Exclusive Commands 2 10.5 External Search - 378 - 10.5.5 Sequence Program Example MO V R n +1 K4 M00 MOV Kon Rn+2 MO V Knn Rn+4 MO V Kbn Rn+6 MO V K1 Rn Sear ch s t ar t m em o Sear ch s tar t m e.
11. PLC Help Function - 379 - 11. PLC Help Function To help the user PLC, an exclusive interface is provided between the user PLC and controller or PLC basic.
11. PLC Help Function 11.1 Alarm Message Display - 380 - 11.1 Alarm Message Display The contents of an alarm that occu rred during sequence (user PLC) proce ssing can be displayed on the setting and display unit. Up to four alarm messages can be displayed at a time on the alarm diagnosis screen.
11. PLC Help Function 11.1 Alarm Message Display - 381 - (3) Alarm classification display Classification No. can be displayed following t he message to be displayed regardless of the F or R type. (Dn1~Dn4 in the figure) For example, one typical alarm message is prepared and classification No.
11. PLC Help Function 11.1 Alarm Message Display - 382 - 11.1.3 F or R Type Selection Parameter Set the parameter on the bit selection scr een of PLC parameter (setup parameter). [Bit selection parameter screen] # (6450 ) D a t a ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 1 ) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0: F type interf ac e 1: R type int erf ace Use num ber 6450.
11. PLC Help Function 11.2 Operator Message Display - 383 - 11.2 Operator Message Display When a condition to inform the operator of a message occurs, an operator message can be displayed independently of an alarm message. A maximum of 60 characters can be display ed for the operator message on the alarm diagnosis screen.
11. PLC Help Function 11.2 Operator Message Display - 384 - 11.2.2 Operator Message Preparation Create messages by using PLC development software (GX Developer). According to the description format, set the num ber of characters for one message and the number of messages to be prepared, then prepare message data.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 385 - 11.3 PLC Switches Similar function to machine operation switches can be provided by using the controller setting and display unit. The number of switch points is 32. The switch names can be given as desired.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 386 - 11.3.2 Explanation of Operation To turn on or off a switch, set the number of the switch to be turned on or off in the parentheses of setting part # ( ) and press the INPU T C A L C key.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 387 - The table below shows the message displayed during operation on the PLC switch screen. No. Message Explanation Remedy E01 SETTING ERROR A number outside the allowable setting range from 1 to 32 is specified in # ( ).
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 388 - The following shows an example of operation of special relay SM from the user PLC. (1) Two-point sw itch (Example) When two opposite switches, chip con.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 389 - (2) Three-point switch (Example) When three opposite switches 17, 18, and 19 are provided; M20 0 M100 M10 1 M10 2 SET M3 SM96 RST M3 SET M4 SM 97 RST M4 SET M5 W hen SM 96 turn s on , R39 bi t0 turn s OFF.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 390 - (3) External sw itch and PLC sw itch (Example 1) When an external optional st op switch (X14) is provided; MOV R38 K4M100 Always O N X1 4 M 1 0 4 SET M.
11. PLC Help Function 11.3 PLC Sw itches - 391 - (Example 2) When an external switch (XC) that i nhibits a PLC switch handle interrupt is provided; M2 04 MO V R 38 K 4M1 00 Alwa ys O N XC M10 4 SM 84 .
11. PLC Help Function 11.4 Key Operation by User PLC - 392 - 11.4 Key Operation by User PLC The same operation as if the operator perform ed key operation can be performed by operating key data by user PLC.
11. PLC Help Function 11.4 Key Operation by User PLC - 393 - 11.4.3 Key Data Processing Timing Key data is processed at the timing shown below. Set data in R112 only when it is necessary. Normal key operation by the operator is made impossible. NU L L (00H) 100m s or lon ger (100 300m s is adequate.
11. PLC Help Function 11.4 Key Operation by User PLC - 394 - 11.4.4 Layout of Keys on Communication Terminal The layouts for the keys on the communication terminal used with this contro ller is as shown below.
11. PLC Help Function 11.4 Key Operation by User PLC - 395 - 11.4.5 List of Key Codes Key sy mbol Code (HEX) Key symbol Code (HEX) Key sy mbol Code (HEX) Key symbol Code (HEX) MONITOR 80 ( ) 0B(F8) .
11. PLC Help Function 11.5 Load Meter Display - 396 - 11.5 Load Meter Display The load meter can be displayed by setting a value in the designated file regist er (R) with the ladder program. The spindle load, Z axis load, etc. char acters and scale are created with comments in the PLC development software (GX Developer) message function.
11. PLC Help Function 11.5 Load Meter Display - 397 - File register (R) for load meter display For $1 For $2 For $3 For $4 For $5 For $6 For $7 Numerical display R942 R1042 R1142 R1242 R1342 R1442 R15.
11. PLC Help Function 11.6 External Machine Coordinate System Compensation - 398 - 11.6 External Machine Coordinate System Compensation External machine coordinate system compens ation is executed by setting compensation data (absolute amount) in the PLC file register (R) for each axis.
11. PLC Help Function 11.7 User PLC Version Display - 399 - 11.7 User PLC Version Display The user PLC version can be displayed together with the controller software version on the DIAGN/IN/OUT menu changeover configuration (menu) screen of the setting and display unit.
11. PLC Help Function 11.7 User PLC Version Display - 400 - (2) To display a 3-digit version code R132 R133 R134 R135 Program example) R132 R133 R134 R135.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.1 Outline - 401 - 12. PLC Axis Control 12.1 Outline This function allows an independent axis to be cont rolled with commands from the PLC, separately from the NC control axis. 12.2 Specifications 12.2.1 Basic Specifications Item Details No.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.2 Specifications - 402 - 12.2.2 Other Restrictions (1) There is no mirror image, external deceleration or machine lock function.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 403 - 12.3 PLC Interface The interface between the PLC and NC is carried out by setting the control information data in the R-register (Note 1) with the PLC, and calling the S.DDBS function. 12.3.1 S.DDBS Function Command AC T S.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 404 - 12.3.2 Control Information Data Set the control information data in the R-regist er before calling the S.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 405 - 12.3.3 Control Information Data Details Commands Commands consist of main commands and sub-commands. F 8 7 0 R n + 0 Sub-commands Main commands Main commands: The types of DBBS main commands are as follows.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 406 - Status The status is set by the NC to indicate the execut ion status of this functi on command and the status of the axis being controlled.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 407 - bit 8: oper Option error This bit turns ON when an attempt is made to execute PLC axis control when there is no PLC axis control option. bit E: ALM2 Axis in control alarm This bit turns ON when an alarm occurs (such as a servo alarm) during execut ion of axis control.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 408 - Timing chart (1) For rapid traverse and cutting feed mode A CT Start busy den move Speed (2) For jog feed mode A CT Start busy den mov e Speed (Note) The axis moves by jog feed only during start ON.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 409 - (3) For reference point return feed mode (3-1) Dog-type reference point return A CT Start busy den move ZP Speed (G1 mode) (Note 1) The axis moves by reference point return feed only during start ON. Turn the start OFF after confirming that the reference point has been reached.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 410 - (4) For handle feed mode A CT Start busy den move Handle Speed (Note) Handle feed is possible only during start ON.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 411 - (5) When the interlock signal is ON (= 1) A CT Start Interl ock busy den mov e Speed (6) When the reset signal is ON (= 1) A CT Start Reset busy den mov.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 412 - (7) When the servo OFF signal is ON (= 1) A CT Start Servo OFF busy den mov e svon Speed (8) When the ACT signal is OFF (= 0) A CT Start busy den mov e .
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 413 - (9) When the start signal ON (=1) is earlie r than the ACT signal ON (=1) (A section) (9-1) When OFF the last ACT signal OFF is earlier than a start sig.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 414 - Alarm No. The alarm Nos. of status ALM1 and ALM2 are set. F 8 7 0 ALM1 Alarm No. ALM2 Alarm No. The details of each alarm No. are shown below. (1) ALM1 (Control information data designation alarm) Alarm No.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 415 - Control Signals (PLC axis control information data) Control signals such as start, interlock, reset, ax is removal and axis removal 2 are designated for the PLC axis.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 416 - bit 5: Axis removal 2 The axis will execute a deceleration stop, and a servo OFF/ready OFF status will result, when the axis removal 2 signal turns ON. A servo ON/ready ON status will result for the stopped PLC axis when the axis removal 2 signal turns OFF (is canceled).
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 417 - Axis Designation The axis No. of the PLC axis is designated. R n + 4 0: 1st axis 1: 2nd axis : : 6: 7th axis Operation Mode The operation mode for the PLC axis is designated. For example, in the handle mode, Rn+5=6 (DATA) is set.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 418 - Feedrate When the operation mode is cutting feed or jog feed (Rn + 5 = 1 to 3), the PLC axis feedrate is designated with a binary code. R n + 6 7 Designation value 1 to 1000000 mm/min. (0.1 inch/min.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 419 - Machine Position The machine position output to the machine system is expressed. The machine position becomes the rfp (reference point) when the reference point is reached.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 420 - 12.3.4 Reference Point Return near Point Detection Set the near point dog signal of the PLC axis refer ence point return for the following devices in the PLC.
12. PLC Axis Control 12.3 PLC Interface - 421 - 12.3.5 Handle Feed Axis Selection The axis is designated for the following devices when handle feed is carried out with a PLC axis.
Appendix 1. Example of Faulty Circuit - 422 - Appendix 1. Example of Faulty Circuit Wrong configurations of circuits are sh own below. Co rrect the circuitry, if any. Faulty circuit producing errors Correct circuit (1) Circuit containing OR (2) Rounding circuit Y11 Y10 X4 X3 X2 X1 Whether or not the Y10 condition includ es X3, X4 and X2 is unknown.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.1 Sequence Commands - 423 - Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists The following command lists are excerpts from the "Q nACPU Programming Manual (Common Commands)" (model name: QNACP U-P (KYOUTU) 13J522 ).
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.1 Sequence Commands - 424 - End com m ands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol FEND FEND Program end END END Other com m ands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol Stop STOP STOP NOP ────── NOPLF NOPLF No opera- tion PAGE PAGE n 2.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.2 Basic Commands - 425 - Compar ison operation com m ands ( continued) Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol LDE ES 1 S 2 ANDE ES 1 S 2 ORE ES 1 S 2 LDE ES.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.2 Basic Commands - 426 - Arithm etic operation c omm ands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol + + SD +P +P SD + + S1 S2 D +P +P S1 S2 D SD P P SD S1 S2 D.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.2 Basic Commands - 427 - Arithm etic operation co mm ands ( continued) Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol E+ E+ SD E+P E+P SD E+ E+ S1 S2 D E+P E+P S1 S.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.2 Basic Commands - 428 - Data transfer commands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol MOV D MOV S 16-bit data transfer MOVP MOVP SD DMOV DMOV SD 32-bit dat.
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.3 Application Commands - 429 - 2.3 Application Commands Logical operation com m ands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol W AND WAND SD W ANDP WANDP SD W .
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.3 Application Commands - 430 - Shift com m ands Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol SFR SFR n D SFRP SFRP n D SFL SFL n D n-bit shift SFLP SFLP n D BSFR .
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.3 Application Commands - 431 - Data process ing com mands (continued) Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol MAX MAX n SD MAXP MAXP n SD MIN MIN n SD MIN P .
Appendix 2. MELSEC QnA Series Command Lists 2.4 Exclusive Commands - 432 - 2.4 Exclusive Commands Exclusive c om mands (com m unication) Classifi- cation Command sign Symbol OPEN S1 ZP.OPEN "Un" S2 D1 CLOSE S1 ZP.CLOSE "Un" S2 D1 BUFSND S1 ZP.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.1 System Configuration at PLC Dev elopment - 433 - Appendix 3. PLC Developmen t Environment using GPPQ The system configuration and resp ective t.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.2 Development Tool Function Outl ine - 434 - 3.2.3 GPPQ (SW2IVD/NX-GPPQ type GPP Function Software Package) The GPPQ is a programming software package (m o d el name: SW2IVD-GPPQ) for the mainstream model "QnA Series" of the Mitsubishi programmable l ogic controller MELSEC Series.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 435 - 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functi ons Supported by the C64 Series T.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 436 - List of general section functions (2) : Possible, r : Support not poss.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 437 - List of general section functions (3) : Possible, r : Support not poss.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 438 - 3.3.2 Function Support Conditions (on-line section) The following shows a list of GPPQ on-l i ne functio ns supported by the C64 Series.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 439 - List of on-line section functions (2) : Possible, r : Support not poss.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 440 - List of on-line section functions (3) : Possible, r : Support not poss.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 441 - List of on-line section functions (4) : Possible, r : Support not poss.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 442 - List of on-line section functions (5) : Possible, r : Support not possible/not determined Mode Function Menu Detaile d function Support Remarks Internal RAM Fixed 10.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.3 GPPQ Function Outline and Functions Supp orted by the C64 Series - 443 - List of on-line section functions (6) : Possible, r : Support not possible/not determined Mode Function Menu Detaile d function Support Remarks 10.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.4 Setup Procedure - 444 - 3.4 Setup Procedure 3.4.1 Tool Setup Procedure In the C64 Series PLC development env ironment, it is assumed that the various t ools are used with an IBM PC-compatible personal computer.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure - 445 - 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure 3.5.1 Precautions before Development Pay careful attention to the following items befo re deve loping la dder programs u si ng the GPPQ .
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure - 446 - 3.5.2 Ladder Transfer to the C64 Controller The method of transferring a ladde r to the C64 cont roller with the GPPQ (especially the re st rictions and C64 characteristic operation s) is explained below.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure - 447 - (3) Operation during a Transfer Error The ladder data is conversed to the ladder ma chine code characteri stic to the C64 controller simultaneously with the ladder transfe r from the GPPQ to the C64 controller.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure - 448 - 3.5.3 Ladder Read from the C64 Controller The method of reading a ladder from th e M600 controller to the GPPQ is explained below. (1) Menu Selection The screen is selected from the menu u sing the follo wing GPPQ b asic operation.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.5 PLC Program Development Procedure - 449 - 3.5.4 Ladder Comparison with the C64 Controller The method of comparing the ladders b etwee n the C64 controller and GPPQ is explaine d below. (1) Menu Selection The screen is selected from the menu u sing the follo wing GPPQ b asic operation.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 450 - 3.6 PLC-Related Data Development Procedure The development procedure is expl ained here for alarm messages, operator message s, PLC switches, etc.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 451 - 3.6.2 Development Procedure The general development procedure for messag e date is explained below. (1) Creation The message data is described using a gene ral text editor.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 452 - 3.6.3 Message Data Description Method The message data can be described as text data by a general text editor. Commercially availa ble spreadsheet software can also be used if it conforms to the following description method.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 453 - (2) Description Metho d The message data is described as text data by the following descrip tion format.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 454 - (3) Details of comment message The message of tool registration screen and the massage for load meter are defined in the comment message. The descri ption format of comm ent message is shown as below.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 455 - (c) Load meter display 34 characters The start pos ition of bar graph i s fixed at the 11th c harac ter from the left side. The value of R152 is displayed.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 456 - (4) Precautions NO. of characters quantity limitations, handling of information other than settings, handli ng of information other than format.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 457 - 3.6.4 Conversion to GPPQ Data "CNVQ (data conversion software pack age)" is used in the conve rsion from text data to GPPQ data. It is also possible to convert to GPPQ data from spreadsheet software instea d of text data.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 458 - (3) Commercially Available Software QnA Conversion Setting The screen is selected from the menu u sing the following CNVQ basi c operation.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 459 - 3.6.5 Operation with the GPPQ Message data in the GPPQ is handled as "Integrate d interlinear statements" in the PLC program.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 460 - (2) Interlinear Statement Editing The screen is selected from the menu u sing the follo wing GPPQ b asic operation. Devic e comment edit screen Step No.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 461 - 3.6.6 Transfer to the Controller The following shows the method of transferrin g a message from the GPPQ to the CNC controll er. The transfer method is the same as that of the ladder code.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 462 - 3.6.7 Reading and Comparing from the Controller The following describes the method of reading and comparing a m essage from the CNC controller to the GPPQ.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.6 PLC-Related Data Dev elopment Procedure - 463 - (3) Message Data Comparison Message data compari son can be executed in the same mann er a s the ladder program, however, note that the target compared is the ladder c ode (NOP LF, END) onl y.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.7 Differences From The M500 PLC Dev elopment Environment - 464 - 3.7 Differences From The M500 PLC Development Environment 3.7.1 PLC Commands The command range that can be used in the MEL SEC-QnA Series PLC program differs from the command range that can be use d by the C64.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.7 Differences From The M500 PLC Dev elopment Environment - 465 - (2) Commands that the F orm at Differs from tha t of the GPPQ "Commands used by inpu tting or outputting an accumulator (A0, A1)" in the conventional M500 Series did not have A0 or A1 designated in the command.
Appendix 3. PLC Development Env i ronment using GPPQ 3.7 Differences From The M500 PLC Dev elopment Environment - 466 - (3) Commands that can be Used with the GPPQ, but cannot be Used by the C64 When commands that can not be used by the M600 are written from the GPPQ to the C64, they are rewritten to "NOP" commands.
Revision History Date of revision Manual No. Revision det ails Feb. 2002 BNP-B2309A First edition cr eated. May 2004 BNP-B2309C • The section "1.
Notice Every effort has been made to keep up with sof tware and hardware revisions in the contents described in this manual. However , please understand that in some unavoidable cases simultaneous revision is n ot possible. Please contact your Mit subishi Electric dealer with any questions or com ment s regarding the use of this product.
BNP-B2309D(ENG) MC6/C64 008-185 (0412) MEE Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan on recycled paper. MITSUBISHI ELEC T R IC CO R PO R A T ION HEAD OFFICE : MITSUBISHI DENKI BLDG., 2-2-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN MODEL Manual No.
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Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics C6. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics C6 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.