Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto E260 del fabbricante Minolta
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Lexmark E 260, E2 60d, an d E260 dn Serie s User's Guide May 200 8 Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are tradem ar ks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in th e U nited States an d/or o th er countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. .7 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ...8 Finding inform ati on a b out the printer.
Chang ing a Custom Typ e <x> name ...... ...... ............... .............. ....... .............. ............. .............. ....... ....... .............. .............. .... 50 Paper a nd specia lt y med ia gui de.... .. .... ..... .... .
Size/Type m enu .... .............. .............. .............. ....... .............. .............. ............. ....... ............ .. ....... .............. .............. .............. ....... .... 7 1 Paper Textur e menu .. .............. .
Shippin g t he prin ter .. .............. ............. ....... .............. .............. .............. ....... .............. ........ ...... ....... ............. .............. ....... .......... 1 0 7 Admini str ative su ppor t... ...... ....
Page t hat jammed does not reprint after t he jam is cleared .......... ...... .............. .............. ............. ....... ..... .. .............. ... 131 Solving pr int quality problems ............... ............... ............... ....... .
S afety information Connec t th e p ower supp ly cord to a properly grounded elect rical outlet th at is near the product an d easily acce ssible. CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: Do no t s et up thi s pro duc t or make any ele ctri cal o r cabli ng conn ecti ons , suc h as t he pow er su pply cor d or telep hone, du ring a li ghtnin g stor m.
Learning abo ut the printer Finding infor mation about the pri nter Setup in form atio n Descri ption Wh ere to f in d Th e Se tup information gives you instr uction s for setting up the printer. Follow the set of instruc tions for local, networ k, or wireless, depending on what you need.
Printer configurations Basic m odel The f ol lowi ng il lus tr atio n sho ws the pri nte r fr ont wi th its bas ic fe atu res or pa rts: 1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b.
1 Rear door 2 Ethe rnet p or t * 3 USB p or t 4 Pa r a llel por t 5 Printe r pow er cord socket 6 Po w er button ( On/Of f switch) 7 Locki ng devi ce * The E thernet port is a feature on networ k models only.
1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te m bo ard do or 6 Sta ndar d 25 0-s he et t ray (T ra y 1) 7 O ptio nal 25 0-s heet d ra wer ( Tra .
1 Front d oor releas e button 2 Paper stop 3 Sta nda rd exi t b in 4 Prin ter contr ol panel 5 Sys te m bo ard do or 6 Sta ndar d 25 0-s he et t ray (T ra y 1) 7 O ptio nal 55 0-s heet d ra wer ( Tra .
Item 1 Erro r lig ht 2 Jam l igh t 3 Lo ad paper li ght 4 Ton e r li gh t 5 Read y l ight 6 Contin ue button 7 Stop button Lear n ing a bout th e p rint er 13.
Additional printer setup Selecting a location for the printer When selec ting a locati on for t he pr inter , leave enough r oom to open tray s, covers , and doors .
Installing int ernal options Acce ssing t he sys tem boar d to inst all in ternal options CA UTION—SHOCK HAZ ARD: When ac cessing th e system bo ard, turn the prin t er of f, and then unplug th e power cord from the w all ou tlet befor e continui ng.
Insta lling a memory card CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: If y ou ar e in stallin g i ntern al op tion s, me mory cards , fla sh m emory, or a fi rmwa re card a ft er s ett in g up the pr inte r, turn th e pr in ter off a n d unp lug i t f rom t he wa ll o utl et b efo re cont inu in g.
4 Push the me mory car d into the co nne ctor until the l atche s sn ap int o pl a ce . 5 Close t he system board door. Installing hardwa re options Installi ng a 25 0- or 550-sh eet dr awer The pr inter su pports on e optiona l drawer; you can i nstall a 250- or 550 -sheet draw er.
3 Re mov e an y pac kin g ma teri al a nd tap e fro m in side the tr ay . 4 Inse r t the tr ay in to the sup po rt uni t. 5 Place the drawer in th e location chosen for the pri nter. 6 Al ign th e pr in ter w ith th e d rawe r, a nd the n lowe r th e pr in ter int o p lac e.
1 Eth ernet port No te : The Ethernet port is a f eature on network models only. 2 USB port 3 Para llel po rt 4 Pri nter power c ord socket Installing pri nter software A p rin te r dr iver is s of tware th at l ets the c omput er com mun ic ate w it h th e p rin ter .
3 F rom the Fin de r des kto p, doub le -cl ick the pr int er CD i co n th at auto m ati call y a ppea rs . 4 Dou b le- cli ck t he Ins ta ll icon . 5 Foll ow the i nstruction s on th e screen. Using t he Worl d Wide Web 1 Go to t he Le xmar k Web site a t www .
Interpreting the printer control panel li g hts Understa nding the printe r control panel light sequences Unde rstan ding the p rimary light seque nces Printe r control panel Li ghts an d butt o ns 1 Erro r 2 Ja m 3 L oad pa per 4 Toner 5 Rea dy 6 Conti nue 7 St op The printer contr ol pane l featur es six lig hts and two buttons .
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Rep lac e PC K it - Blink ing - Blinki ng - On Replace the photocon ductor kit. Read y - On (green) Send a job to pri nt.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Hex Trac e Ready - Slowl y Blinki ng Use Hex Trace to troubles hoot pr int i ng pro b le ms . Bu sy - Blinki ng Wai t or pres s . Flushi ng B uffer - Blink ing - Blinki ng Wait u ntil the printer retur ns to the Ready state.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Waitin g - On - On Wait f or the light seq u ence t o clear. Canceli ng job - On - On - On - On - On - On Wait f or the light seq u ence t o clear. Inv ali d En gine Code or Inva lid Networ k Cod e - On - On Press and release .
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Not rea dy - On Press and release either or l to retu rn to the Read y state. Ca rtridg e regi on mi smatch - On - On Repla ce the to ner cart ridg e with one suitable for your region. Close front d oor - On Close the f ront door.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Lo ad paper i n Tray 1 or Tra y 2 - On - On Lo ad paper i n Tray 1 or Tray 2 . Load paper in man ual feeder - On Load paper i n the manual feeder.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Cartrid ge is l ow - On - On • Press and release to clear the li ght sequence and continue pr ocessing the print job. • With th e printer tu rned off, remov e the toner ca rtridge and shake it to ex tend it s life.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you c an do Paper jam - On - On Press twice q uickly to see the sec o nd ar y pa pe r ja m c od e . Fo r mo re infor mation, see “Under standing the sec ond ar y p ape r ja m l ight se qu enc es” o n pa ge 34 .
Ligh t seq uenc es What yo u can do Complex pa ge, some da ta may not have printed - On - On - On • Simplif y the pag e by redu cing the amount of text, graphics, fonts, or macros. • Set Pa g e Pr ot ec t to On . • Instal l additional printer memory .
Ligh t seq uenc es What yo u can do Insufficien t memory to sup port Resource Save fea ture - On - Blinki ng - On Instal l additional printer memo ry. ENA c onn ec tion l os t - On - Blin king - On Reestablish the co nnection with the netw ork. Host interface disabled - On - Blinki ng - Blin king - On Pres s to clear th e code.
Ligh t seq uenc es What yo u can do Mem or y f ull - On - On - On - On • Pres s to clea r the message and contin ue the pri nt job. • Press an d release to cancel the pr int job. • Pres s and hold to r es et th e prin ter. • To avoid this erro r in the fu ture, simplify th e prin t job.
Ligh t seq uenc es What yo u can do Inv alid n etwo rk co de - On - Blin king - On Download valid network cod e to the intern al pri nt server. Ca rtridg e regi on mi smatch - On - Blin king - On Replace the ton er cartridge with one tha t is suitable f or your region.
Ligh t seq uenc es What yo u can do Replace mis sing or defective cartridge - On - Blin king - On Replace the toner cartr idge. For more information, s ee “Replacing the toner ca rtridge” on page 102.
Unde rstan ding the s eco ndary p aper ja m light s equen ces When t he an d light s are on, a paper jam h as occurred. P ress and release t wice q u ickly t o disp lay th e seco ndary jam li ght sequ ence wh ich can h elp pin point th e site of t he jam.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you can do to acces s the jam 20 1.y y Pap er j am - On - On - On Remove the photoconductor kit and toner ca rtr idg e u ni t. 20 2.y y Pap er j am - On - On - On Open t he front door, and then open the rear door. 23 1.y y Pap er j am - On - Blin king - On Open t he front door, and then open the rear door.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you can do to acces s the jam 23 3.y y Pap er j am - On - Blin king - Blinki ng - On Try one or mor e of the following: • Rem ove T ray 1. • Open the front d oor, and then open the rear door. 23 4.y y Pap er j am - On - Blinki ng - On Try one or mor e of the following: • Rem ove T ray 1.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you can do to acces s the jam 24x. yy Pa pe r jam - On - On - On - On Try one or mor e of the following: • Rem ove T ray 1. • Remove the ph otoconductor kit an d t oner ca rtridge unit. • Rem ove T ray 2. 24x. yy Pa pe r jam - On - On - On - On Try one or mor e of the following: • Rem ove T ray 1.
Ligh t seq uenc e What you can do to acces s the jam 25 1.y y Pap er j am - On - On - On - On Clear the paper jam from the manual feeder. Not e : For m ore i nfor mat ion, s ee “C learin g ja ms” on pa ge 1 13.
Home M enu - On - On - On - On 6 Pre ss un til a ll the lig hts c ycl e. Th e printer settin gs con figur ation sheet p rints . Not e : The sheet prints only when the ho me menu li ght s equence is on.
Loading p aper and s pecialty media This sect ion explains how to load the 250- and 550-sheet tray s, and the m a nual feeder. It a ls o inclu d e s infor mation abo ut se ttin g th e Pape r Siz e and Pa pe r Typ e.
3 Fro m th e Pa per Me nu, c lic k Universal Setu p . 4 Selec t the u nit of meas ure in i nches or m illimete rs. 5 Ente r t he pap er w idt h un der P or trait Wid th.
- On 2 Squeeze the width guide tabs, an d then s lide them to the sides of the t ray. The width guid es move in unison. 3 Squeeze the len g th guide ta bs together, a nd then sl ide the leng t h g uide to t he correct po si tio n for the pape r size being loaded.
4 Flex th e sheets back and forth to loosen t hem , and then fa n t hem. Do n ot fold or creas e the paper. St raighten the edg es on a lev el surf ace. 5 Load th e pap er s tack to war d the b ack of the tr ay as sho wn wit h the r eco mmended print sid e facedo wn .
6 Squeeze t h e width guide tabs on the r ig ht guide, and s lide the width guides to lightly touc h the side of the stack. 7 Inse r t the tr ay. 8 If a di ffer ent ty pe o f pap er wa s lo aded th an t he typ e pre vio usl y l oaded in the tra y, cha ng e the Pa pe r Typ e sett in g.
Loadi ng the optional 250- or 550-she e t tray Only one option al drawer, which includes eith er a 250- or 550-sh eet tray, may be attached to the printer at a time. Regardl ess of t he number of sheet s in t he optio nal tra y, it i s referr ed to as Tray 2.
Usi ng t he m an ual f eed er The manu al feeder is located in side the manual feeder door of th e printer and can feed only one she et of paper at a time. You can us e the ma nu a l feeder to quick ly prin t o n paper types or sizes tha t are not c urrently loaded i n the tray .
3 Feed pa per into the manua l feeder on ly to the po in t w here its leading edge can contac t the paper guides . 4 Adjust t he p aper guides to the pape r width. Warning—P o te ntial Damage: Do n ot for c e the paper into t he feeder. Forcing the paper causes jams.
Loa d up to Notes Tray 2 250 o r 550 sh eet s of pap er 50 paper labels Notes: • Only one optional drawer may be installed on the printer at a time. Th e maximum amount of paper tha t can be loaded depends on wheth er you have an optional 250- or 550-sheet tray.
Unlink ing tr ays Unli nked trays have s etti ngs th at are no t the same as th e setti ngs of any othe r tra y. To unl ink a tra y usi ng the Paper menu , ch ange t he Pa per Ty pe a nd Pape r Si ze set ting s o f that tra y so that th ey do not ma tch t he se ttin gs o f any other tra y.
6 Ve rify th at the c orre ct Pap er Ty pe is as socia ted wi th the custom name . Not e: P lain Pap er is th e factory default P aper Type as sociated wi th all C ustom Typ e <x> names and user - defi ned cu st om n am es .
Paper a nd specialty m e dia guide Paper guidelines Pape r chara cteri stics Th e followi ng pa per ch aracter istics affec t prin t qual ity and relia bility.
Fibe r cont ent Most h igh-qua lity xerogr aphic pa per is made from 100% c hemicall y trea t ed pulped wood. This co ntent p rovides the pap er w ith a hig h deg ree of stabilit y resulting in fewer paper feedin g problems and better print qua lity. Paper co ntai n ing f iber s such a s cotto n can ne g ati v e ly aff ect pape r han dling .
Using r ecy cled pa per and oth e r offic e papers As an envir onmentally consciou s comp any, Lexm ark sup ports the u se of rec ycled of f ic e paper pr oduced spec ifically for us e in l aser (elect rophotog raphic) pr inters.
Supporte d paper sizes, types, and weights Th e followi ng tables provide i nformat ion on s tanda rd and opt ional paper so urces an d the typ es of p aper they support . Not e: F o r an un list ed pap er siz e, sel ec t the cl osest larger listed si ze .
Pape r size s sup porte d by the printer Paper size Di me nsio ns Sta nda rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 2 50- or 550 -sheet tr a y Manual f eeder Duplex path A4 210 x 297 mm (8.3 x 11.7 in. ) A5 148 x 210 mm (5.8 x 8. 3 in.) X A6 1 105 x 148 mm (4.1 x 5.
Paper size Di me nsio ns Sta nda rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 2 50- or 550 -sheet tr a y Manual f eeder Duplex path 10 Envel ope 105 x 241 mm (4.1 x 9. 5 in.) X X X Other Enve lo pe 229 x 356 mm (9 x 14 in.) X X X 1 A6 i s supported on ly for grain long pa pers.
Printing This chapter c overs prin ting, printer repor ts, and j ob can c e llation. S election an d han dling of paper an d special ty med ia can af f e ct how rel iably doc umen ts pri nt. For mor e infor mation , s ee “Avoidin g jams” on page 113 and “Stori ng pap er” on pa ge 53.
b Customize t he settin gs as n eeded in the P rint dia log: 1 With a do cume nt o pen, choose File > Prin t . 2 Select a Paper Sourc e optio n, and then cho ose t he tray loaded with the appr opriat e paper.
3 From the Two-Sided pop-up men u, ch oose a duplex s etting. 4 Cl ick Pr int . Printi ng on both side s of t he pape r man ually If y our prin ter does not hav e auto mati c two-si ded (d up le x) pr inti ng, and y ou want to pri nt a du plex documen t, then you must use the manual dup lexing m ethod.
5 Af ter pr inti ng the first se t of pa ges, fl ip and re lo ad t he stac k of pr into uts . 6 Repe at steps 1 an d 2. 7 Fr o m the “Pages to pr int” or P rin t menu, se lect to p rin t the e ven-n umber ed p ages .
Sou rce o r pr oces s Pr int si de and p aper orie ntat ion Manual feeder (simplex printing) Preprinted letterhead d esign is placed faceup. The top ed g e of the sheet with the logo should enter the manual feed er first. Manual feeder (duplex printing ) Preprinted letter head des ign is plac ed facedown.
When printing on envel opes: • Use envelop es designe d s pe c ifi cally for laser printers. Chec k with the manuf acturer or vendor to ensure the envel opes c an wi thstan d tem peratu res up to 2 10°C ( 410°F) witho ut se aling , wrin kling , cur ling ex cess ively, or re leasin g haz ardo us emis sio ns.
• If zone c oating of th e adhesi ve is n ot pos sible, remov e a 1 .6 mm (0 .06 in .) st rip o n the l eading and d river edge, and use a no n-ooz in g ad h esi ve .
On the menu se ttings page: • Under t he Paper Menu, check what pa pers are l is ted under Cus t o m Types. On the net work setu p pa ge: • Und er D evice I nfo rmat ion, v erify th e amo unt of me mory inst alled is c orrec t . • Und er Cart rid ge In form atio n, chec k t he amou nt of to ner .
Setting Jam Re covery To ens ure that a pa ge will reprint after a paper jam , set J am Recover y to Aut o or On. To access Ja m Rec overy, do on e of the follow ing: • Open t he E mbedded Web Server: 1 Type the p rinter IP address in to the address field of your Web browser.
When you send a jo b to prin t, a s mall printer icon appear s in the right corn er of the task bar. 1 Dou ble- click the pr inte r ic on . A list of print jobs appea rs in the pr inter window. 2 Selec t a job to cance l. 3 From the ke yboard , press Delete .
Understandin g printer menus A number of menus ar e avail able to mak e it easy for you to chang e prin ter settin gs. Y ou m ay pri nt a menus list by pri nti ng the menu setti ngs a nd net work se tup pa ges . Acce ss t he menus f rom a n etw orked prin ter by us ing th e Embedded Web Server.
De faul t Sett in gs Ge ner al Setti ng s Pri nt Set tin gs P aper Men u Display La nguage Run Initial S etup Ec o-Mode Quiet Mo de Web Pag e Re fre sh R at e Asse t Tag Con tact N ame Location Alar m.
To access the Embedded Web Server: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser. Not e: If yo u d o n ot k no w th e I P a ddr ess of the pr inte r, pr int a netw ork s etu p pa ge and l ocate t he IP a ddr ess in th e TC P/ IP se ct ion.
• PC L E mula ti on • Pos tScri p t • Par allel • USB Paper Finish ing Qu ali ty Set up • Paper Sour ce • Paper Size • Paper Ty pe • Cust om Ty pes • Substitute Size • Paper T extu.
Paper menu Defa ult Source m enu Men u item Descri ption Default Source Tr ay <x> Ma nua l P a per Ma nua l E nv Sets a default pa per source f or all p rint jobs Notes: • Tray 1 (stan dard tra y) is the f actory default setting. • Only an install ed paper s ource will appear as a me nu setti ng.
Men u item Des cri pti on Set Siz e menu for Ma nual Paper A4 A5 Ex ecu tive Foli o JIS B5 Leg al Letter Ofic io (Mexico) Statement Universal Lets you specify the size of the paper being loaded in the manual f eed er Note: Letter is the US fa ctory default s ettin g.
Men u item Des cri pti on Set Type m enu for Tr ay 2 Plain Pa per Card St ock Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig h t Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ Cotton Cust om Ty pe <x> Lets you specify th e t y pe of pa per loaded in Tray 2 Notes: • Custom Ty pe <x> is the factory defa ult setting.
Pape r Textur e men u In th e Paper Textur e menu, t he Select Ty pe and S elec t Texture fea tures wo rk together to enabl e you to s elect th e text ure for a s pecif ic type of paper .
Paper Weig ht menu In the Pap er W eig ht men u, th e Sele ct Ty p e and Se lec t Weigh t f eat ures wo rk to gether to ena ble yo u to sele ct the wei ght f or a s pe cif ic ty pe o f p ap er.
Men u item Descri ption Set Loa ding • Duplex • Of f Specif ies whether duplex (2 -sided) pr in t ing is turned on No te : Off is the factory d efault settin g.
Men u item Descri ption Portrait Height 3– 14.1 7 inch es 76– 360 m m Sets th e portra it height Notes: • If the height exceeds t he maximum, then the printer uses the maximum height allowed. • 14 inches is the US fact ory default settin g. Inche s can be increas ed in 0.
Men u item Descript ion Ec o-Mo de Of f Ener g y Paper Energy/Paper Note: Off is th e factory d efault setting. Quiet Mode Of f On Note: Off is th e factory d efault setting. Run Initial Setup Yes No Before run ning the Setup W izard , the default sett in g is Yes, but after run ning the wizard , the default setti ng is No.
Men u item Descript ion Pr int Rec ove ry Aut o Co nt in ue Disabled 5–2 55 Lets the prin ter automatica lly cont inue printin g from certa in offline situations when not resolved within the specified time period Notes: • Disa bled is the fac tory default s ettin g.
Men u item Descript ion Print Area Nor mal Whole Page Sets the l ogical and p hysical prin table area Notes: • Norma l is the factor y default setti n g. W hen attempti ng to prin t data in the n on-printable a rea defined by the Normal settin g, the prin ter clips the im a g e at the bounda ry.
Men u item Descri ption Duplex Binding Lon g E dg e Sho rt Edg e Defines the wa y duplexed pa ges are bound a nd how th e printing on the back of the page is oriented in rela tion to the pr inting on the f ront of the page Notes: • Long Edge i s the factory d efault settin g.
Men u item Descri ption N-up Orde ring Horizon tal Re verse H oriz ontal Re verse V erti cal Vert ical Specif ies the pos itioning of multip le-pag e images when using N-up ( pa g es-sides) Notes: • Horizontal i s the factory defa ult setting.
Men u item Descri ption Pixel Boost Of f Fonts Hori zon tally Verti cally Bot h di r ect io ns Choose wheth e r to make c haracters more distin ct and definite. P ixel Boost may be needed when using cer tain fonts. Note: Off is the factory d efa ult setting.
Men u item Descri ption Sym bol Set <x> Lets you v iew or ch ange the setting from a selecti on list PCL E mulation Settings Point Size 1.00– 100 8.00 Chang es the point size f or scalabl e t yp ograph i c fo nts Notes: • 12 is the factory d ef ault setting .
Men u item Descri ption Tray Renu mber Assign MP F eeder Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Tr ay <x > Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma nual P ape r Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma n En v Off Non e 0–1 .
Men u item Descri ption PS SmartS wi tch On Of f Sets th e pr inter to au t o m atically swi tch to PS emulation when a pri n t job r e quires it, reg ardless of th e default printer language Notes: • On is the fa ctory defa ult setting. • When the Off settin g is used, the printer d oes not ex amine incoming d ata.
Men u item Desc ription View N etwork Address UAA LA A Both addresses are represented by 12 -digit hexadecimal numbers. Job Time out 0-22 5 sec ond s Sets th e amount of ti me in seconds that a net work print job can take before it is canceled. Notes: • 90 se conds is the f actory default setting .
Men u item Descri ption TCP/IP En able FTP/TFTP Yes No Lets you v iew or ch ange the setti ng Note: Y es is th e factory d efault settin g. TCP/IP En able HTTP S erver Yes No Lets you v iew or ch ange the setti ng Note: Y es is th e factory d efault settin g.
Men u item Desc ription View N ame <none> Shows the assigned AppleTalk n ame View Addre ss <none> Shows the assigned AppleTalk address Set Zon e <list of zones available on the netw ork> Provides a list of A ppleTalk zones available on the network Note: The factor y default s etting is th e default zone for the network.
Men u item Des cri pti on USB Buf fer Disabled Aut o 3K to <maximum size allowed > Sets the size of th e USB input buffer Notes: • Auto is th e factory default settin g. • The Dis abled sett ing turns off job buf fering. Any jobs a l ready buff ered ar e print ed before n ormal pr ocessing is resumed.
Men u item Des cri pti on NPA Mode Of f Aut o Sets the printer to p er form th e special processing requir ed for bidirecti onal communication followin g the conventions defined b y the NPA protocol Notes: • Auto is th e factory default settin g. • Chang ing this settin g automatic ally resets th e printer.
Men u item Des cri pti on Mac Bina ry PS On Of f Aut o Sets the p rinter to p rocess Macintosh bi n ary P os tScript pri n t jobs Notes: • Auto is th e factory default settin g. • The Off setting filters print jobs using the s ta nd ard protocol. • The On setti n g proc ess es raw bi nary PostScr ipt print job s.
Unders tanding printe r messa ges Che cki ng t he vir tual d ispl ay When t he Embedded Web Server is open, a virtual disp lay appears in the top left corne r of th e screen. It works as an act ual displa y would work on a print er control pa nel, sho wing print er mess ages.
Load man ual feeder with <x> Try one or more of t he follow ing: • Load the specifi ed paper i n the ma nual feeder. • Canc el the cur rent job. Load < s rc> with <x> Try one or more of t he follow ing: • Loa d the tr ay or ot her sour ce with t he cor rect pap er type and size .
Waitin g Th e printe r ha s rec eived a job to pr int, but is waiti ng for addi tiona l da ta. Try one or more of t he follow ing: • Pre ss t o prin t the cont ents of the buf fer . • Can cel the cur rent prin t job. 31.y y Repla ce def ective or miss ing ca rtrid ge The t on er c artridge is either missing or not functioni n g pr operly.
39 Comp lex page, some data may not have p rinte d Try one or more of t he follow ing: • Pre ss to clea r the mess age a nd contin ue prin t i ng. • Can cel the cur rent prin t job. • Install a dditio nal printer memo ry. 54 St anda rd netwo rk s oftw are e rror Try one or more of t he follow ing: • Pre ss to cont inu e pr in ting .
201.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or the number of pages jam med. 1 Open the front d o or, an d then re move t he ph otocondu ctor k it an d ton er cart ridge unit. 2 Remov e the jam. 3 Repla ce th e photoc o n ducto r kit and to ner cartr idge un it.
234.y y Pape r jam Not e: This message appears only if the print er ha s a duplex un it. The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jamme d or the number of pages jam med. 1 To a cces s th e j am, tr y one o r mo re o f the fol lowin g: • Open the front door , and t h en o pen t he rear doo r.
Maintaini n g the printer Pe riodi cally, c ertain ta sks are requi red to main ta in optimu m pri nt qualit y. Cleaning the exterior of the prin te r 1 Make sur e tha t the pr i n ter is tur n e d of f and unp lug ged f rom th e wall o u t let .
To acce ss p rint er m enus: • Open the Embedded Web S erver by typ in g the printer IP address into the address field of you r W eb brow ser. Not e: If yo u d o n ot k no w th e I P a ddr ess of the pr inte r, pr int a netw ork s etu p pa ge and l ocate t he IP a ddr ess in th e TC P/ IP se ct ion.
Order ing supplie s To o r de r su ppli es in th e U.S., con tact Le xma rk at 1-800-53 9-6275 for in forma tion abou t Lex mark a u tho rize d su p pl ies de ale rs in you r ar ea. In oth er co untr ie s or r egi ons, v isi t the Le xm ark W eb Si te at www.
Orderi ng a photocon duct or kit Depe nd ing on yo ur p rint er mod el, th e pr inter i ssu es a message or a lig ht seque nce to let you know the phot ocondu ctor kit is nea r its en d of li fe. At th is time, order a ph otoc onductor kit. Y ou can al so see the stat us of the phot oconduc tor kit by prin ting a network set up page.
2 Pres s the bu tton on the base of the phot ocond uctor kit , and t hen pull the toner cartrid ge out using the h andle. 3 Unpa ck the new to ner cart rid ge. Warning—Potentia l Damage: When replac ing a ton er cartridge, do not l eave the n ew car tridge exposed to direct l ight for an extend ed period of time.
Replac ing the photo cond uctor k i t The prin t e r no tifi es you when th e phot oconduct or kit reaches a pag e m a ximum. The print er does thi s by displa ying the “Photocon ductor life warning ” light sequ ence or the “Repla ce photoconductor ” light sequence.
To replace the photoco nductor kit: 1 Open the front d o or by pre ssing the bu tton on the left si de of the p rinter a nd loweri ng the front door. 2 Pull the phot o co nd ucto r ki t and to ner ca rtri dge toge t her as a unit out o f the pri nter by pull ing o n the ton e r ca rtri dge ha ndl e.
5 Inse rt th e tone r car tridg e into the ph oto condu ctor ki t by ali gnin g the ro lle rs o n the tone r car tridg e with the tra ck s. Push the toner cartri dge in un til it cli ck s in to pl ace. 6 Ins t a ll the u nit int o the pr inter by align ing th e arrows on the g uides of the unit w ith th e arrows in th e prin ter.
Recycling Lexma rk products To return Lex mark p roduct s to Lex mark for recyc ling : 1 Visi t our We b si te at www. lexm ark. com/ rec ycle . 2 Find th e p ro duct typ e yo u wan t to recyc le, and then s ele ct you r count ry from th e list . 3 Foll ow the i nstruction s on th e computer screen.
Administrative su pport Adjusting Power Sa ver To inc rease or decrease the number o f minutes before the print er enters Power Save r mo de, do one of the following: • If you r pri nte r is o n a ne two r k , acce ss th e Embedde d W eb Server : 1 Type the p rinter IP address in to the address field of your Web browser.
• You ca n al so res tore f act ory de fa ult s etti ngs u sin g the pr inter c ontr ol p anel. For instru ctio ns, pri nt a pri nter set tings con figura tion sheet.
The r eports h ave the fol lowing subcat egories: Device Statistics Device Settings Device In formation Printer Server Setup P age Job Informa tion Jobs by Document Length Other J ob Data Media Sheet .
To set up e- mail al erts: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser. Not e: I f you d o n ot k now the IP addr ess of th e prin ter, then pr int a ne twork set u p p age and l o c a t e the I P addr ess in th e TC P/IP sec tion.
5 En t er t he I P address es of t he source and target pr inters. Not e: T o add additional t arget pr inters, click the Add Targe t IP bu tton. 6 Clic k Copy Printe r S e ttings .
Clearing jams Avoiding jams The f ol lowi ng hi nts ca n hel p you a vo id jam s: • Use only recommen ded paper or speci alty media. For m ore info rmation, see “Paper an d specialty media g uide” on p age 51. • Do n ot load t oo much p aper. Make sure the s tack heigh t does n o t exceed th e indicated maximum hei ght.
Accessing jam areas Op en d oors an d r emov e tr ays to access ja m are as. The foll owi ng i llust ra tion shows p ossibl e j am a reas : Access point Descr iption 1 Push button to open the front door. In side this door is t he unit housing th e toner cartri dge and photoconductor kit.
- On - On Try one of the follow ing: • Remov e Tray 1. • Open the front d o or, an d then re move t he ph otocondu ctor k it an d ton er cart ridge unit. 201. yy Paper jam - On - On - On Open the front do or, and t hen remove the photoco nductor kit a nd toner cartridge unit.
231. yy Paper jam - On - Blin k ing - On Open the front doo r, and t hen open th e rear door. 233. yy Paper jam - On - Blin k ing - Blin king - On Try one of the follow ing: • Remove Tray 1, and then dep ress th e lever. • Open the fron t door, and then op en the rear door.
- On - Blin king - On Try one of the follow ing: • Open the fron t door, and then op en the rear door. • Remove Tray 1, and then dep ress th e lever. 235. yy Paper jam - On - Blin k ing - Blin king - On Remov e the jam from th e standard ex i t bi n.
251. yy Paper jam - On - On - On - On Remove the jam from th e manual feeder. Clearing jams be hind the photoconductor kit and toner ca rtridge 1 Pus h the releas e button , and th en lower t he f ront d o or.
2 Lif t and pul l the unit con tain ing th e ph o t oco nducto r k i t an d the to ner c a r t r idge out o f the print er. Set the uni t asid e on a f lat , cl ean surfac e. Warning—Potentia l Damage : Do not touch the photoc onductor on the under side of the ph otocon ducto r kit.
5 Clos e the f ron t door . 6 Pre ss to cont inu e pr in ting . Clearing ja m s f rom the standard e xit bin A duplex prin t job was s ent to the pri nter us ing a p aper siz e not suppor ted for du plex prin ting. A sh eet is j ammed in the standa rd exit bi n.
2 Remove the jammed paper. 3 If n ecessary, dep ress the lev er to f ree the paper and r emove th e jam. 4 Inse rt the tr ay. 5 Pre ss to cont inu e pr in ting .
Clearing ja ms from Tra y 2 To see whether paper is jammed in or behind Tray 2 : 1 Remov e Tray 2. 2 Remove the jammed paper. Cle ar ing jam s 122.
3 Inse rt the tr ay. 4 Pre ss to cont inu e pr in ting . Clearing ja m s in the manual feeder Paper jamme d in the manual feeder ca n u sually be grasped and pulled straight out. If the jam cannot be removed th is wa y, che ck f or ja mmed pap er b ehi nd the ph otoc ond uc tor k it and ton er ca rtri dge un it.
Clearing jams be hind the rea r door If t he paper is e xit ing th e prin ter, pu ll the pape r out. If the pape r is n ot ex iti ng the p rin ter : 1 Pus h the releas e button , and th en lower t he f ront d o or. 2 Pul l open the rear door. The pa per may be j ammed with one en d caught in the exit bin.
3 Remove the jammed paper. 4 Clos e bot h the fr ont a nd rea r doo rs. 5 Pre ss to cont inu e pr in ting . Cle ar ing jam s 125.
Troubles hooting Solving ba s i c printer problems If th ere ar e basic printer problems, or the printer is un responsi ve, make sure: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto the pr inter an d a pr operly grou nded electrica l outlet . • The el ectrical outlet i s not t urned of f by any swit c h o r break er.
M AKE SU RE TH E PRIN TER IS CO NNECTE D TO THE NETWORK Pri nt a n etw ork s etu p page a nd ch eck th at th e sta tus show s Conne cted . If the statu s is Not Co nnected , ch eck t he ne twor k c able s, and then tr y pri ntin g the net w o rk s etup pag e again .
C HECK THE P APER TA B SETTINGS IN YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM Open Print Proper ties in a W indows operat ing system or the prin t dialog in a Macintos h operatin g s ystem . Make sure the Input options settin gs for Paper size, Paper tray, and Paper t ype correspo nd wi th the paper load ed i n the tr ay.
R EDUC E THE CO MP LEXI TY OF THE PRINT JO B Reduce the complexity of the print job by elimina t ing the number and size of f onts, the number and complexity of ima ges, and t he number of pages in th e job. M AKE SU RE TH E PRIN TER HAS ENOUGH ME MORY Add prin ter memory.
R ESE T TH E PRINTER Tu rn the prin ter off , wai t about 10 s econds , a nd the n tu rn the p r int er on . Memory card Make sure the memor y card is securely connected to the printer system board. Solving paper feed problems Paper fr eque ntly jam s These are possib le sol utions.
Page t hat ja mmed do es not repri nt af ter th e jam is clea red Jam Recove ry is se t to Off. D o one of t he f o l low ing to se t J a m Recove ry to Au to or On: • If the pr inter is o n a netw ork, access the Embed ded W eb S erv er: 1 Type the p rinter IP address in to the address field of your Web browser.
Af ter a fe w min ut es, th e prin t qu al ity te st pa ges pr in t. The pag es i nc lude : • An inf ormation page co ntain ing info rmatio n about t he device, the car tridg e, m arg in settin gs, .
Gray ba ckgro und From t h e Q uality menu, s elect a r educed To ne r Dar kness setti ng be fore sending the job to print . To a ccess the Qual ity men u, do on e of th e follo wing : • If the pri .
Incorr ect m argins C HECK THE PAPER GU IDES Move the guides in the tr ay to th e correct positions for the paper s ize loaded. C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e su re th e Pap er S ize s etti ng ma tches the p ap er loade d in t he tra y.
C HECK THE DARKNE SS , BRIGHTNESS , AND CONTRAST SETTINGS The Tone r Darkn ess se tting is to o d ark, the B rightn ess sett ing is too dark, or th e Con tras t setting is too hig h. • Fro m Pr int Pr ope r ti es , chan ge thes e s etti ngs. Not e: T his so lut ion ap pli es to Win dows u ser s only .
C HECK THE PAPER Avoid textured paper wit h r ough f inishes. C HECK THE P APER T YPE SETTING Ma ke sure the Pape r Typ e se ttin g matc he s the pa per l oad ed in th e tra y. T HE TO NER MAY BE LO W Whe n To ner is l ow app ea rs on the vi rtual display, or w hen t he p ri nt becomes faded, order a new toner cart ridg e.
C HECK THE P APER T YPE SETTING Ma ke sure the Pape r Typ e se ttin g matc he s the pa per l oad ed in th e tra y. C HECK THE P APER T EXT URE SE T TING Mak e su re th e Pap er Tex ture se tting matc hes the p ape r loa ded in the tray. To ner spe cks These are possib le sol utions.
T HE TO NER MAY SMEAR WHEN PAPER IS FE D FROM A SPECIFIC SOU RCE From P rint P roperties, the pri nt dialog, or the printe r contro l panel, s elect anot her tra y or feeder to feed t he pap er for the job. T HE TO NER CARTRIDGE MA Y BE DE FECT IVE Rep lace th e ton er cart rid ge.
Clear any pape r y ou see. T HE RE MAY BE EX CES S TONER IN THE P APE R PAT H Co ntac t Cu sto mer Sup po rt. Solid black or wh ite streaks ap pear on transpare n ci es or paper These are possib le sol utions.
No tice s Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro duct na me: Lex mark E260, E260d, E26 0dn Mac hin e t yp e: 4513 Mod el (s): 200, 220, 23 0 Mac hin e t yp e: 4562- d01, 45 62-d02, 4562- gd1, 4562- gd2 4563- dn1,.
All right s reserv ed. UNI TE D STAT ES G OV ERNM ENT RI GHT S Th is soft ware a nd any ac company ing d ocumen tation pro vided under t his agreemen t ar e comm ercia l comp uter software and documentation developed e xcl usively at pri vat e expense.
An y questi ons r egardin g this comp lian c e inform ation state ment s hould be dir ected to: Direc tor of Lex mark T ech nology & Ser vices Lex mark Inte rna tio nal, Inc .
To prevent radio interfer ence to the li cen sed service, this device is inte nded to be o perated indoors a nd away from wind ows to provide m aximum shiel ding. E quip ment (or its tran smit an tenna ) tha t is inst alled o utdoors is subjec t to li cens ing.
This pr oduct s ati sfie s the limits of EN 55022; safe ty re quire ments of EN 609 50; rad io s pectr u m re quire ments of ETSI EN 300 328; and the E MC requi rem ents of EN 55 024, E TSI EN 301 489- 1 a n d ETSI EN 30 1 4 89-17. Česky Sp olečnost Lexmark International, Inc.
Slovensky Lexmark International, Inc. týmto vyh lasu je , že tento produkt s pĺňa základné požiadavky a vše tky pr íslušn é us tano venia sm ernic e 19 99/5/E S. Slovensko Lexmark International, I nc. izjavlja, d a je ta i zdelek v skladu z b istvenimi za htevami in o stalimi re levant nim i dolo č ili di rekt ive 1999/ 5/ES.
ENERG Y STAR Appl icabl e on ly to mo dels with du plexin g ena bled . Laser notic e Th e printe r is certif ied in the U.S. to conf orm to the requirem ents o f DH HS 21 CFR S ubch apter J for Class I ( 1) las er produc ts, and elsewh ere is c e rtified as a Class I laser product confo rming to the requiremen ts of I EC 60 825-1.
The pow er consum ption l evels listed in the previous table r epresent time-averaged m easurem ents. Ins tantaneous power d raws may be subst antia lly high er than the ave rage. Values are subject to chan ge. See ww w.l exmar m for c urr ent va lue s.
If th is product is a featur e or optio n, this stat ement app lies only when that feat ure or opt ion is used with the produ ct for wh ich it was in tended. To obtain warrant y service, you ma y be requir ed to presen t the fea ture or op tion wit h the produc t.
5 LI CENSE GRA NT . Le xmar k gran ts yo u the fol lowi n g r ights prov ided you comply wit h all te rms a n d co nd ition s of this Software Licen se Ag reement: a Use . Y ou may U se on e (1 ) copy of the S oftware Program. The ter m “Use ” means s toring, l oading , instal ling, executin g, or displaying t he Softwar e Prog ram.
11 TAXES . You agr ee that you are r espons ible for p ayme nt o f any ta xes i ncludin g, wi tho ut li mita tio n, any g o od s an d serv ices and person al propert y taxes, res ulting from t his Soft wa re L icense Agreemen t or your Use of the Softwa re Pro gram.
Index Numer ics 200. yy Pape r jam 96 201. yy Pape r jam 97 202 p a per jams, cl earing be hind the r ear do or 124 202. yy Pape r jam 97 231. yy Pape r jam 97 233. yy Pape r jam 97 234. yy Pape r jam 98 235 p a per jams, cl earing from standa rd exi t bin 120 235.
H Hex Tr ace 93 I inst allin g prin ter sof tware 1 9 inst allin g s oftware Loc al P rinte r Set tings Util ity 6 9 Invali d Engin e Code 93 Inv a l id N et w o rk C ode 93 IPv 6 menu 88 J jam li ght.
201 118, 120 233 122 behin d phot oconduc tor kit and ton er cart ridg e un it 11 8 be hind the r ear do or 124 from manual feeder 123 from standa rd exi t bin 120 fro m stand ard tray 120 from Tr ay .
R Ready 94 recycled paper usin g 53 re cycli ng Lexm ark products 107 WEEE s tateme nt 145 Remove paper f rom s tandard outpu t bin 94 re placin g phot ocondu ctor kit 104 to ner c art ridg e 10 2 re .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Minolta E260 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Minolta E260 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Minolta E260 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Minolta E260 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Minolta E260, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Minolta E260.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Minolta E260. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Minolta E260 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.