Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 3100 Series del fabbricante Minolta
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The essentials of imaging www magicolor® 3100 Series 175005 1-00 1B Service Manual.
Introduc tion.
Introductio n v 1. Trademarks The fo llowing a re trade marks o r registe red trad emarks of t heir re spectiv e owners . Other product n ames ment ioned in t his manu al may al so be trademark s or regis tered tr ademarks of their re spect ive owners .
vi Cautio ns for operati on 1. Marks giving caution Mainten ance oper ation s requiring spec ial caution s or addi tional i nformatio n to desc ription s of this man ual are pres ented a s "Warni ng", "Caut ion", or "Note", ac cording t o their na ture.
Introductio n vii While the printer is ON, never touch live parts if not required absolutely. Power is supplied to the power switch / inlet (LVPS ASSY ) even while the printer is off. Never touch its live components. Do not touch live parts unless otherwise specified.
viii 3.2 Driving units When s ervicing gears o r other drivin g units, b e sure to turn them OFF and plug of f. Drive them manua lly when required. Never touch the gears or other dr iving units while the printer is running. 3.3 High-temperature units When s ervicing high-te mperature u nits (sec uring un it, etc.
Introductio n ix 3.5 Warning/caution labels Warni ng labels and caut ion label s are attac hed to th is laser pr inter to prev ent ac cidents Che ck those labels for the ir peeli ng or st ain whe n servic ing the pr inter.
x 4. List of Abbreviations ADC Automati c Dens ity Con trol MPT Multipurp ose T ray AG Analog G round MSI Multi Sh eet Inserter AUX Auxiliary N/F Normal Force B/W Blank an d White NP No Paper BCR Bias.
Introductio n xi Unpacking the Printer The printer must be carried horizont a lly with two or more pers ons. Extrem e care must be taken to avoid per sonal inju ries Check visu ally the printer for evi dence of a ny dam ages. Peel a ll tapes off the pri nter.
CONTEN TS Intr oductio n ....... .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ... iii 1. Trademarks ....... ................... ......... .............. ................... .................
16 1.3 Test P rint Pattern ... .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. ..... ..................... 2 -98 2. Dia gnostics Using th e MINOLTA- QM S magicolo r 3100 Diagnostics (Hanabi Se rvice Comm a nder) .
Table of Contents 17 RRP3. 8 SWITCH ASSY SIZE (PL3.2 .4) .......................... ................... ............. .................... ............. ... .3 - 1 5 8 RRP3. 9 LEVER LOW P APER (PL3 .2.7) ......................... ............. .......
18 RRP7. 2 ROLL EXIT (PL 7.1.4) .............. .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ........... 3-21 4 RRP7. 3 ROLL MID (PL7 .1.5) .... .................... ............. ................... ........
Table of Contents 19 Chapter 4 Plug/Jack (P/J) Connector Locatio ns .......... . ...... ......... ........ . ... 4-2 71 1. Conn ector [P (plug) / J (jack)] .................. ....................... ................... .................. ...... 4-273 1.
20 6.2 Ope ration Modes .......... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .................... . ................ 6-36 0 7. Contro l ............... .......... .............. .................. ..............
Table of Contents 21 4.12 Continu ous Printing Speed ............ .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... . .......... 8-409 4.13 Printin g Area ........ ............. .................... .............
Chapter 1 Tr oubl eshoo ting.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-25 Troubleshooting in this manual assumes use of Diag. tools (maintenance tools). However, the troubleshooting allows f or the case where the Diag tools are not used. You can correct trouble s according to these tro ubleshooting procedures after understanding them we ll.
1-26 1.2 Preparatory Requirements Be sure to check the follo wing items before s tarting any troublesh ooting pr ocedure s: 1) Voltage o f the po wer suppl y is withi n the spec ificati ons (me asure the voltage at the elec tric ou tlet).
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-27 1.3 Cautions for Service Operat ions 1) B e sure to remove the powe r cord exce pt when it is specifi cally req uired. If the printer is ke pt ON, never touch the conductive parts while it is not specific ally required.
1-28 1.4 Cautions for FIP Use 1) It is assum ed in the FIP th at the printer cont roller (CONTRO LLER PW B) is norm ally functi oning. If th e trouble cannot be correc ted by tr oublesh ooting, replace the printer contro ller wit h a norma l one and check for prop er opera tion agai n.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-29 13) Parts wh ich are al ways remov ed to che ck as indi cated in the FI P and pro cedures fo r that pur pose ar e not sp ecificall y referre d to here .
1-30 2. Level 1 FIP 2.1 Level 1 FIP The l evel 1 FI P is the first step for trou ble diagn osis. The leve l 1 FIP i solates the pres ence of va rious troubl es incl uding er ror codes , and th e level 2 FIP prov ides a g uide fo r proceedi ng of the tr oublesh ooting .
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-31 3. Level 2 FIP 3.1 Level 2 FIP The Lev el 2 FIP is th e trouble diagnosti c procedur e to sort var ious troubl es in addi tion to the er ror codes . In the t roubleshoo ting, exec uting the steps given i n the FIP or check ing procedu re allo ws you to find ou t a cause of troubl e in a sh ort time.
1-32 14 Duplex Jam (Me dia Jam D uplex) 52 Duplex jam sens or cannot d etect p assage of pa per withi n specifie d tim e. 15 ROS F ailure (Call fo r Serv ice ROS Mo tor) 54 1. L aser po wer down. 2. SOS sig nal not det ected. 16 Fuser Failure (Call for Service Fuse r Failure ) 55 1.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-33 30 ADC Se nsor Dusti ness (ADC Sen sor Du stiness Error) 70 ADC senso r signa l level below spe cifie d value. 31 Front Cov er (Front Cov er Open) 71 Front c over open. 32 BTR Life W arning (Transfer Unit Life L ow) 72 T r ansfer Unit (BTR) life running out.
1-34 3.3 Oper ating / Clea ring th e Erro r In the table below, "shut down" means that contro l over motors, ROS ASS Y , FUSER ASSY and so on is stopped a fter a certai n time. In the tab le below, " print" me ans that p rinting is continued even if er ror mess age is generate d.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-35 Duplex Jam ( Media Jam Duplex ) Shutdown Open a nd close the front cove r after rem oving the jamme d paper ROS F ailure (C all for Service R OS Motor) Shutdown Power O.
1-36 Y ellow T oner N ear Empt y (Y ellow T oner Low) Print T on er cartri dge replac ement Magenta T oner Ne ar Empty (M agenta To n e r L o w ) Print T on er cartri dge replac ement Cyan T oner Near.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-37 3.4 Error Code FIP FIP-1 Ye llow Toner Cartridge De tached (Y ellow Toner Ca rtridge Missin g) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check.
1-38 FIP-2 Ma genta Ton er Cartridge D etached (Magen ta Toner Cartri dge Missing) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-39 FIP-3 Cyan Toner Cartri dge Detach ed (Cyan Tone r Cartrid ge Missing) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-40 FIP-4 Black Ton er Cartridg e Detached (Black Toner Ca rtridge Missing ) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. Cartridge c ondition SW TCRU ASSY (K) condition S.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-41 FIP-5 PHD Detached (Imaging Unit Missing ) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. Imaging Uni t (PHD) conditio n PWBA CRUM in Imaging .
1-42 FIP-6 BTR Detached (Transfer Unit Missing) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for ev idence o f fault. T ran sfer Uni t (BTR) c ondition SENS OR ADC ASSY cond ition Repl .
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-43 FIP-7 Fuser Detached (Fuser Un i t Missing) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check the following for dama ge. FUS ER ASSY co ndition Repl ace the p arts concerne d.
1-44 FIP-8 CRUM ID Error (Call for Ser vice CRUM ID Error) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 V erify that the pr inter ha s a gen uine Min olta-QM S PHD ASSY (Ima ging Un it) Go to s tep [2] Repl ace Imag ing Unit (PHD) 2 Check t he foll owing for da mage.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-45 FIP-9 CRUM ID Error (Invalid Imaging Unit) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 V erify that the pr inter ha s a gen uine Min olta-QM S PHD ASSY (Ima ging Un it) Go to s tep [2] Repl ace Imag ing Unit (PHD) 2 Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-46 FIP- 10 Medi a Typ e Mismatc h (Med ia Type Misma tch) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR OHP con dition CHUTE ASSY REGI co ndition Repl ace the p arts concerne d With too l Go to step [ 2] Without tool Go to step [ 3] 2 Check SENSOR OHP Feed the pa per to the SE NSOR.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-47 FIP-11 Fe ed Jam (Med ia Jam Feed) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initial c heck Check the following . Paper c ondition i n cassette Pape r cassette co ndition Paper du st or f.
1-48 15 Check HAR NESS ASSY DRV1 for continuity Check the following for continu ity . J41-30P IN <=> J1 1-1 1PIN J41-31P IN <=> J1 1-10PIN J41-33P IN <=> J1 1-8PIN Replac e PWBA HNB .
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-49 28 Check CLUTCH AS SY TURN MSI for operation Does the TURN R OLL in the MS I run when pri nting 1 sheet? Go to s tep [31] With too l Go to s tep [29] Without tool Go to.
1-50 FIP-12 Re gi Jam (Medi a Jam Registra tion) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR R EGI actu ator condit ion CHUTE ASSY REGI co ndition Repl ace the p ar.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-51 FIP-13 Fuser Ja m (Media Ja m Fuser) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR E XIT actuat or co ndition FUSER A SY condi tion FR.
1-52 FIP-1 4 Duplex J am (Media Jam Dupl ex) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. CHUTE ASSY EXIT con dition DUP MOTOR condition SENSOR D UP JA M actuator c onditio.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-53 13 Does the EXIT ROLL rotate smoothl y by hand? Check th e sheets for gear or sk ew Check th e gears for foreign subs tanc es Step Chec k Ye s N o.
1-54 FIP-15 ROS Failure (Call for S ervice ROS Motor) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Check H ARN ESS ASSY ROSKA for contin uity J15 <= > P151 che ck cont inuous? Repl ace ROS ASSY Repl ace HARNESS ASSY .
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-55 FIP-16 Fuser Failure ( Call for Service Fuser Failure) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. FUSER A SY condi tion Repl ace the p arts concerne d Go to s tep [2] 2 Check F USE R ASSY c onnector Disco nnect the FU SER AS SY conn ector , and check f or brok en or curv ed pi ns.
1-56 FIP-17 NV-RA M Error (Call for Service NVRAM Error) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Does an error oc cur eve n if the pow er is tu rned off and on? Repl ace PWB A HNB MCU If the error recurs, replace P WB.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-57 FIP-18 ADC Se nsor Error (ADC Sens or Dustiness Warn ing) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-58 FIP-19 Fa n Motor Failu re (Call fo r Service Fa n Motor Err or) Step Che ck Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Chec k the foll owing f or damag e. F AN FUSE R conditi on FA N R E A R c o n d i t i o n Re.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-59 15 Check F AN FUSER Does F AN FUSE R function norma lly? Using F A N FUSER dia gnostic tool, chec k by Diagno stic Output T est.
1-60 FIP-20 Low Densi ty Error (Call for Se rvice Low Dens ity) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. T ran sfer Uni t (BTR) c ondition SENS OR ADC ASSY cond ition I.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-61 FIP-21 Firm ware Error (Ca ll for Service Firmware Er ror) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Does an error oc cur eve n if the pow er is tu rned off and on? Repl ace PWB A HNB MCU.
1-62 FIP-22 En vironment S ensor Er ror (C all for Servic e ENV Sensor Er ror) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR H UM TEMP condi tion Repl ace the p arts concerne d Go to s tep [2] 2 Check H ARNESS A SSY TMP A for signal Is P/J 2361-1PI N <=> P/J2 361-2PIN less tha n +3VDC or +0.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-63 FIP-2 3 Yellow To ner Empt y (Yel low Toner L ow) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-64 FIP-24 M agent a Toner Empty (Magen ta Toner Lo w) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR TONER LOW condition TONER CARTRIDGE condi tion TO NE R MO TO R c.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-65 FIP-2 5 Cyan Tone r Empty (Cyan To ner Low) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR TONER LOW condition TONER CARTRIDGE condi ti.
1-66 FIP-26 Black Ton er Empty (Black Toner Low) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR TONER LOW condition TONER CARTRIDGE condi tion TO NE R MO TO R c on d i.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-67 FIP-27 PHD Life Over ( Replac e Imaging Unit) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. Imaging Uni t (PHD) conditio n PWBA CRUM in Imagi.
1-68 FIP-28 BTR L ife Over (R eplace Tr ansfer Uni t) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. T ran sfer Uni t (BTR) c ondition SENSOR TONER FULL c ondition Repl ace t.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-69 FIP-29 Fuser Life Over (Replace Fuse r Unit) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Check N VM Does the error oc cur eve n if the F user coun ter is cle ared? Repl ace PWB A HNB MCU En.
1-70 FIP-30 ADC Se nsor Dustiness (ADC Se nsor Dustiness Er ror) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. T ran sfer Uni t (BTR) c ondition SENS OR ADC ASSY cond ition .
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-71 FIP-31 Fron t Cover (Fron t Cover Op en) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. PWBA HNB DRV condition Front Cove r con dition Interlo.
1-72 FIP-32 BTR L ife Warn ing (Transfer Unit Life Low) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. T ran sfer Uni t (BTR) c ondition SENSOR TONER FULL c ondition Repl ace.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-73 FIP-33 Fuse r Life W arning (Fuser Li fe Low) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Check N VM Does the error oc cur eve n if the F user coun ter is cle ared? Repl ace PWB A HNB MCU E.
1-74 FIP-34 Pa per Empty (P ut %s in %s Bin) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR N O P APER conditi on SENS OR actua tor cond ition Repl ace the p arts conc.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-75 FIP-35 Upp er Cassette Deta ched (Adjust Inp u t Bin) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-76 FIP-36 Full Stack (Outp ut Bin Full) Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR F ULL ST ACK c ondition Actuator condition Repl ace the p arts concerne d With.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-77 FIP-37 Ye ll ow Ton er Empty 2 (Yel low Toner Empty) Step Chec k Remedy Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-78 FIP-38 Mag enta Toner Em pty 2 (Magent a Toner E m pty) Step Chec k Remedy Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR TONER LOW cond ition TONER CARTRIDGE condition TONER.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-79 FIP-39 Cy an Toner Empty 2 (Cyan To ner Empty) Step Chec k Remedy Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage.
1-80 FIP-40 Black Toner Emp ty 2 (Black Toner Empty) Step Chec k Remedy Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. SENSOR TONER LOW cond ition TONER CARTRIDGE condition TONER MOTOR c.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-81 3.5 Image Trouble FIP The descriptions be low assumes that the p rinter controller work s normally. By testing the printing operation for the engine only, conditions can be isolated simply to determine whether the trouble exists on the printer c ontroller side or engine side.
1-82 FIP -P1 Li ght (Und ert oned) Prints Condition / initial check ∆ The overall im age densi ty is too light. Initial c heck Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-83 FIP-P2 B lank Prints Condition / initial check ∆ The entire image area is blank. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
1-84 FIP-P3 B lack Prints Condition / initial check ∆ The entire i mage a rea is bla ck. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-85 FIP-P4 V ertical Band D e leti ons Condition / initial check ∆ There are areas of the image that are ex tremely l ight or a re missi ng entire ly. These m issing areas form wi de bands t hat run v ertically along the page i n the paper feeding direction.
1-86 FIP-P5 Hor izontal Ban d Dele tions Condition / initial check There are areas o f the image that are e xtremel y light o r are mis sing entir ely. These m issing areas from wid e bands th at run hori zontally ac ross the page pa rallel with the pap er feedin g directi on.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-87 FIP-P6 Bla ck (color) spots Condition / initial check Black ( color) s pots on p rint ∆ Toner spots are scat ted disor derly on t he enti re paper. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
1-88 FIP-P7 B a ckground Condition / initial check Backgro und ∆ The entire p age or a part of pap er is d irty (too l ight gray) wi th tone r. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-89 FIP-P8 S kewed Image Condition / initial check Print s kewing ∆ Image is p rinted in s kewed pos ition. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
1-90 FIP-P9 Cr ease Condition / initial check Crease on print ∆ Print on creased paper . ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-91 FIP-P10 Un fused Image or Image Easily Ru bs off of P age Condition / initial check The toner i mage is n ot comple tely fused t o the pa per. ∆ The image easily rubs of f. ▼ Initia l check ▼ Incorrect parts, impr oper in stallati on, dam age, defor mation, di rt, fore ign subs tance atta ched, e tc.
1-92 3.7 Other FIPs Covers t he power su pply trou blesh ooting FIP. FIP-AC Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initia l check Check t he foll owing for da mage. Power Cor d disco nnection or lo ose connec tion Im.
Chapter 1 Troubles hooting 1-93 FIP-DC Step Chec k Ye s N o 1 Initial c heck Check the following for da mage. Blown fus e in L VPS STD AC po wer suppl y failur e Repair Go to s tep [2] 2 Checking L V PS STD Disconne ct the co nnectors J163, J165 and J1 64 from th e L VP S STD, and t urn the AC SW on.
1-94 4. Preventive Maintenance When y ou visi t a cu stomer, p erform preventi ve maint enance service s irresp ective o f the ma jor obje ct of your visit to prevent pos sible t roubles bef orehand. ◆ Preventi ve maintenan ce procedu re 1) A sk the cus tomer how the laser p rinter is used.
Chapter 2 Oper ation of Diagno stics.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-97 1. Diagnostics for a Standalone Printer 1.1 General The te st print can be used on a stand alone pr inter for op erationa l check . For this purpos e, the te st print patte rn stored in the p rinter is printed continuou sly at t he cont inuous p rinting spe ed.
2-98 1.3 Test Print Pattern The te st print is compo sed of a black (K), cyan (C), mag enta (M) , and yell ow (Y) lattice p attern. T he pattern is in this order every 128 dots in v ertica l and horiz ontal dir ections.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-99 2. Diagnostics Usi n g the MINOLTA- QMS magicolor 3100 Diagnostics (Ha nabi S ervice Comma nder) 2.1 General 2.1.1 Conf iguratio n The pri nter use s the MINO LTA-QMS magico lor 3100 Diagnosti cs (Han abi Servi ce Comman der) to se t/ execu te diagnos tic function s.
2-100 2.2 Preparat ion 2.2.1 Sup ported configu ration/pl atform MINOLT A-QMS m agico lor 3100 Diagno stics (H anabi S ervice Com mander ) requir es the fo llowin g config uration: 2.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-101 2.3 Operation of magicolor 3 100 Diagnostics 2.3.1 Sta rting mag icolor 31 00 Diagnos tics 1) T urn on t he the p rint er. 2) Start the Windows , and do uble-clic k the sh ortcut i con “Han abi Servi ce Comman der” on the deskt op.
2-102 2.3.3 Executing/s topping t he diagnos is [Executi ng diagnos is] Click the ”DIAG O N' butto n, and the T EST PR INT, EE PROM, Dia gnostic s Inpu t Test, and Di agnostic s Output Test but tons on the initi al scr een becom e activ e to start variou s diagnos tic func tions.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-103 2.4 Test Print Clickin g the “T EST PR INT” button c auses th e followi ng screen to be di splayed . Selec t the prop er Input, P rint Mod e, Colo r Mode, Re solution , Image and number of sheet s. Then c lick the “Print Start” butto n, and th e printing will start u nder thos e condi tions.
2-104 2.5 Input Test 2.5.1 Executing i nput test Click the “Dia gnostic Inpu t Test” button, and the follo wing s creen will appear. The s creen will vary accor ding to th e conditi ons of the sensors and sw itches.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-105 2.5.2 Type s of input test Two ty pes, digital input tes ts and an alog i nput tests , are prov ided. The digital input test s that can be checked are as l isted be low. The an alog inpu t tests that c an be che cked are a s listed below.
2-106 Envir onment T emp SENSOR HUM TEMP Inside te mperature o f printer Envir onment Humi dity SENSOR HUM TEMP Inside h umidity of printer BTR V oltage T ransfer Unit (BTR ASSY) V oltage being app li.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-107 2.6 Output Test Never touch the High Voltage Power Supp ly or Low Voltage Power Supply when voltag e is presen t.
2-108 2.6.2 Type s of output tests The ou tput tests that can b e checked a re as lis ted below. Name Parts Name/Function Se lectable items Checking method Main Motor MAIN DRIVE AS SY Normal Speed The sta te of a motor is checked by lis tening for sound of oper ation or view ing.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-109 Name Parts Name/Function Se lectable items Checking method Char ge Film Charge DC voltage t o HTC Imaging U nit (P HD ASSY ) – Don't chec k for high-volt age output.
2-110 2.7 Operation of EEPROM Click the “EEPROM ” button, a nd the f ollowing screen will appe ar when th e “NV Data ” tab is se lecte d. From thi s scr een, the di alog rel ated to the NVRAM (No n-Volat ile Memory ) is ex ecuted.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-111 2.7.2 Text File 2.7.3 “ Save NVM Data ", 2.7.4 “Write NVM Da ta", 2.7.5 “ Save Life / A djustme nt Data", an d 2.7.6 “Wri te Life / Ad justment Data" use the text fi les for re ading/wri ting the NV M data.
2-112 2.7.4 Wr ite NVM Da ta The da ta describ ed in an a lready prepared te xt file ar e writte n to the NVM . In the text file, an address and data are de scribed, the same as in the fil e created in 2.7.3 “Save NVM Data ." The data is written only t o the addre sses describ ed in the fil e (.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-113 2.7.5 Sav e Lif e / Adjustmen t Data If th e PWBA HNB MCU is r eplace d, only t he NVM da ta to b e transfe rrred to a new PW B is r ead and s aved in the te xt file (.NSD exte nsion). 1) Click t he “Save Li fe / Ad justment Data” butto n, and the fo llowing s creen w ill appear.
2-114 2.7.6 Write Life / Adjus tment Data After the PWBA HNB MCU was re placed, the NVM data read from th e PWB befor e replacemen t and saved in the te xt file a re written to the new PW B. For this purpose, the text file created in 2.7.5 “Save Li fe / Adjus tment Data" is used (.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-115 2.7.7 Slav e The pri nter has two NVM’s for stori ng the foll owing mac hine speci fic inform ation. On e NVM is called th e Master , and t he other o ne is ca lled the S lave. • Produc t No. • Serial No.
2-116 2.7.8 Read Slave 1) P ress the “R ead” but ton on th e screen wh ere the “S lave” ta b is se lected. 2) The con tents of the Slave N VM ar e displa yed. 2.7.9 Init ialize Sl ave The da ta of S lave NVM is initi alized. 1) Click t he “Initi alize Slav e” button , and th e followin g screen w ill ap pear.
Chapter 2 Operat ion of Diag nostics 2-117 2.7.10 Li fe The li fe counter s stored i n the NVM are di splaye d. Some l ife counters are rewritab le. When the “ Life” tab is clic ked, a li fe cou nter displ ay sc reen is di spla yed. At this tim e, a count er va lue is n ot yet dis played yet.
2-118 2.7.11 Hol der Toner Assy This diagnostic routine primes the toner feed tub e with tone r when a ne w Toner Assy is installed. 1) Click t he “Holde r Toner A ssy” tab 2) Click t he “Load” button” and the fol lowing screen wi ll app ear.
Chapte r 3 Removal and Replace ment Proced ures.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-119 1. Removal and Replacement Procedures Parts remova l and rep lace ment proc edures are desc ribed in major 12 items which co rrespo nd to clas sificati on of par ts li st.
3-120 1.2 Description of procedures ✧ "RRP X,Y "AAAAA " at th e top of pr ocedure s repres ent the p arts AA AAA ar e to be re moved and rep laced. ✧ "(PL X. Y.Z)" following the parts name in p rocedur es rep resent that th e part s are th ose of the p late (P L) "X.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-121 RRP1. COVERS RRP1.1 CONSOLE PA NEL HANABI (PL1.1 .1) Figure: CONSOLE P A NEL HANABI Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD (P L1.1.2). (RRP1.2) 2) Release t he hooks at 3 positio ns se curing the CONSOLE PANEL HA NABI (PL1.
3-122 RRP1.2 COVER AS SY FRONT HEAD (PL1.1.2) Figure: COVER ASSY FRONT HEAD Removal Removal 1) Release the l atch at B of t he printe r and ope n the CHUTE ASS Y OUT (PL6.1.1). 2) Release t he hooks at 4 posi tions se curing the COVE R ASSY F RONT HEAD to the CH UTE ASS Y OUT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-123 Blank page..
3-124 RRP1.3 FAN FUSER (P L1.1.7) Figure: F AN FUSER Removal (1) Figure: F AN FUSER Removal (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-125 Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove 2 screws se curing the HOLDE R LEVER O UT (PL1.1. 4) from the rear of t he COVER ASSY FRONT HEAD. 3) Remove the HO LDER LEVER OUT (PL1.
3-126 RRP1.4 COVER TOP MA IN (PL1.1.9) Figure: COVE R TOP MAIN Remova l Removal Before removi ng the COVER TOP MAIN, remove the PHD and toner cartridges. 1)Remov e the COV ER TOP ( PL1.1.8) from the printer. 2) Release the l atch at B from the printer and open the CHUTE ASSY OUT (PL6.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-127 RRP1.5 COVER AS SY TOP PHD (PL1.1 .10) Figure: COVER ASSY TOP PHD Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 2) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP ) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
3-128 RRP1.6 COVER RE AR (PL1.1.20) Figure: COVER REAR Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 3) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 5) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-129 RRP1.7 LINK:L (PL1.1.23) Figure: LINK:L Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 3) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI.
3-130 RRP1.8 LINK:R (PL1 .1.23) Figu re: LIN K:R R emoval Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.1 0) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 4) Extract th e upper h ook of the S PRING LIN K:R (PL1. 1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-131 RRP1.9 COVER S IDE R (PL1.1.24) Figure: COVER S IDE R Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.1 0) 3) Remove 1 screw s ecuring the COVER SIDE R to the prin ter.
3-132 RRP1.10 COV ER ASSY FRONT IN (PL1.1.25) Figure: COVER ASSY FRONT IN Remo val (1) Figure: COVER ASSY FRONT IN Remo val (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-133 Removal 1) Release t he latch at B from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1) toge ther with the CHUTE ASSY OUT (PL 6.1.1). 2) Remove 2 screws securing the COVER ASSY FRON T IN to the FRO NT ASSY IN.
3-134 RRP1.11 COVER MSI (PL1.1.26) Figure: COVER MSI Re moval Removal 1) Open the COVER MSI (PL 1.1.26) from the front of th e printer. 2) Deflectin g the left side of th e TRAY AS SY MSI (PL1.1 .28) inwar d from the lo ng hole on the l eft side of the COVE R MSI, ext ract the pin of the TRAY ASSY MS I from the lo ng hol e.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-135 RRP1.12 TRAY ASSY MSI (PL1.1.28) Figur e: TRAY ASSY MSI Remova l Removal 1) Open the COVER MSI (PL 1.1.26) from the printer. 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Check that th e PLATE ASS Y BOTTOM MSI i s shifted down.
3-136 RRP1.13 COVER ASSY FRONT (PL1.1.2 9) Figure: COVER ASSY FRONT Removal ( 1 ) Figure: COVER ASSY FRONT Removal ( 2 ).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-137 Removal 1) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 2) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 3) Remove the ASS Y FRONT IN RRP. (RRP 1.10 ) 4) Release t he strap from t he CHUT E ASSY IN. (RRP 5.1) 5) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
3-138 RRP1.14 COVER SIDE L ( PL1.1.30) Figure: COVER S IDE L Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 3) Remove 1 screw s ecuring th e COVER SIDE L to the prin ter. 4) Release a hook se curing the COVE R SIDE L at 1 posi tion at the front e dge to the p rinter.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-139 RRP2. PAPER CASSETTE RRP2.1 ROLL ASSY (PL2.1.1 ) Figure: RO LL ASSY Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Release t he COVER FEED secur ed to the CA SSETTE at one point and o pen the CO VER FEED.
3-140 RRP2.2 HOLDER RETARD (PL2.1.3) Figure: HOLDER RE TARD Remo val (1) Figure: HOLDER RE TARD Remo val (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-141 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove th e CASSETT E ASSY FRONT. (RRP 2.3) 3) Remove the ROLL ASSY. (RRP 2.1) 4) Pull out the CLUTCH AS SY FRICTION (PL2.1 .2) on the SH AFT RETARD from the CASS ETTE.
3-142 RRP2.3 CASSETTE ASSY FRONT (REFERENCE ONLY) Figure : CASS ETTE AS SY FRO NT Remov al Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Release t he bottom an d top ho oks se curing t he CASSE TTE ASS Y FRON T from t he right si de of the CASSETT E using a mini screw driver or the like.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-143 Blank page..
3-144 RRP3. PAPER FEEDER RRP3.1 CHUTE AS SY TURN (PL3.1.2) Figure: CHUTE ASSY TURN R emoval (1) Figure: CHUTE ASSY TURN R emoval (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-145 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Release the h ooks at 2 positions securing the CHUTE ASSY TURN to the printer FEEDER. 3) Turn the CHU TE ASS Y 90 degree s rearw ard from the prin ter FEEDE R.
3-146 RRP3.2 COVER CAS SETTE REAR (PL3.1.3) Figure: COVE R CASSETTE RE AR Removal Removal 1) Turning the CASSE TTE AS SY REA R upward f rom t he rear s ide of the printer, pull out the CAS SETTE ASSY RE AR toward the front to rem ove. Replac ement Replac e the comp onents in the reve rse order of remov al.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-147 Blank page..
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-149 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-151 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-153 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
3-154 RRP3.6 SENSOR HUM TEMP (PL3.2.2) Figure: SENS OR HUM TEMP Re moval Remova l 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 3) Remove th e HARNESS AS SY TMPB . 4) Remove a screw sec uring the SENSOR HUM TEMP. Replac ement Replac e the comp onents in the reve rse order of remov al.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-155 RRP3.7 HARNES S ASSY OPFREC (PL3.2.3 ) Figure: HARNESS A SSY OPFREC Rem oval Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L.
3-156 RRP3.8 SW ITCH ASSY SIZE (P L3.2.4) Figure : SWITCH ASSY SIZE Remov al Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-157 Blank page..
3-158 RRP3.9 LEVER LOW PAPER (PL3.2. 7) Figure : LEVER LOW PAPER Remova l (1) Figure : LEVER LOW PAPER Remova l (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-159 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
3-160 RRP3.10 INDICATOR (PL3.2.8) Figure: INDICATOR Remo val Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-161 Blank page..
3-162 RRP3.11 GUIDE INDICATOR (PL3.2.10) Figure: GUIDE INDICA TOR Removal (1) Figure: GUIDE INDICA TOR Removal (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-163 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
3-164 RRP3.12 PICKUP ASS Y (PL3.3.1) Figure: PICKUP A SSY Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-165 Blank page..
3-166 RRP3.13 ROLL ASSY FEED (PL3 .3.2) Figure: RO LL ASSY FEED Remov al (1) Figure: RO LL ASSY FEED Remov al (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-167 Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN. (RRP3.1) In the following step s, replace and remove the ROLL ASSY FEE D, unilateral at a time, to confirm the replacing direction of the ROLL ASS Y FEED.
3-168 RRP3.14 SENSOR PHOTO:NO PAPER ( PL3.3.3) Figur e: SENSOR PHO TO:NO PAP ER Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-169 RRP3.15 SENSOR PHOTO: LOW PAPER (P L3.3.3) Figure: SENSOR PHOTO:LO W PAP ER Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L.
3-170 RRP3.16 ACTUATOR NO PAPER (P L3.3.4) Figure : ACTUATOR N O PAPER Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-171 RRP3.17 LINK ACTUATOR (PL3.3.5) Figu re: LINK ACTU ATOR Remova l Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Shift the bracket of t he LINK ACTUA TOR from the shaft of the ACTUATO R NO PAPER (PL3.
3-172 RRP3.18 SOLENOID FEED (PL3.3.16) Figure: SO LENOID FEED R emova l Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-173 RRP3.19 CLUTCH ASSY TURN (PL3.3.17) Figure: CLUTCH ASSY TURN Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R.
3-174 RRP3.20 ROLL ASSY TURN (P L3.3.19) Figure: ROLL AS SY TURN Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE L. (RRP1. 14) 4) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY TURN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-175 RRP3.21 ROLL ASSY (P L3.3.22) Figure: RO LL ASSY Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Release t he hook at 1 positi on securi ng the ROLL ASSY to the SHAF T FEED 2 (PL3.3.2 2) from the FEEDER of the pri nter.
3-176 RRP4. HOUSING ASSY RETARD RRP4.1 HOUSING ASSY RETARD (PL4.1.1) Figure: HOUSIN G ASSY RETARD Removal Remova l 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove the c onnector (P/J19 ) of the CLU TCH TURN (PL4.1 .9) from on the PWBA HB MCU (PL12.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-177 RRP4.2 ROLL TURN (PL4.1 .2) Figure: ROLL TURN Remo val Remova l 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove the HOUSING AS SY RETARD. (RRP 4.1) 3) Remove the CLU TCH TURN. (RRP4. 4) 4) Remove the left s ide of E-ring sec uring the ROLL TURN to the HOUSING AS SY RETARD (PL4.
3-178 RRP4.3 ROLL ASSY RETARD (PL4.1.5) Figure: ROLL ASSY RETARD Remo val (1) Figure: ROLL ASSY RETARD Remo val (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-179 Figure: ROLL ASSY RETARD Remo val (3) Removal 1) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1). 2) Push back the rear edge o f the HOLDER ASS Y RETARD from the HOUSING AS SY RETARD (PL4.
3-180 RRP4.4 CLUTCH TUR N (PL4.1.9) Figure: CLUTCH TURN Rem oval Remova l 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove the HOUSING AS SY RETARD. (RRP 4.1) 3) Remove the E-ring sec uring the CLUTCH TURN to th e shaft of t he HOUSING ASSY RETA RD (PL4.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-181 RRP4.5 STU D RTD (PL4.1.10) Figure: STUD RTD Removal Remova l 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove the HOUSING AS SY RETARD. (RRP 4.1) 3) Release t he hooks at 2 posit ions se curing the CAP RTD ( PL4.
3-182 RRP5. FRONT ASSY IN RRP5.1 FRONT ASSY IN (PL5.1.1) Figure: FRONT ASSY IN Removal (1).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-183 Figure: FRONT ASSY IN Removal (2).
3-184 Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 5) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 6) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-185 RRP5.2 SENS OR ADC ASSY (PL5.1 .11) Figure : SENSOR ADC AS SY Removal Removal 1) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1). 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.
3-186 RRP5.3 SENSOR TNR FULL (PL5.1.13) Figure: SENSOR TNR FULL Rem oval Removal 1) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1). 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove th e connec tor (P/J142) on the SE NSOR TNR FULL from th e FRONT ASSY IN of the print er.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-187 Blank page..
3-188 RRP5.4 FU SER DRIVE ASSY (PL5.1 .18) Figure: FUSE R DRIVE AS SY Removal.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-189 Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 5) Remove the COVE R MSI.
3-190 RRP5.5 LATCH R (PL5 .1.21) Figure: LATCH R Remov al Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.1 0) 3) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1.1). 4) Release t he hook at the low er part of th e SPRIN G LATCH (PL5.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-191 RRP5.6 LATCH L (PL5.1.30) Figu re: LATC H L Remova l Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.1 0) 3) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-193 Figure : CHUTE ASSY OUT R emova l (1) Figure : CHUTE ASSY OUT R emova l (2) Figure : CHUTE ASSY OUT R emova l (3).
3-194 Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 4) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 5) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 6) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-195 RRP6.2 SENSOR PHOTO:FULL STACK (PL6.1.4) Figur e: SENSOR PHOT O:FULL STA CK Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the A CTUATOR FULL. (RRP6.3 ) 3) Release t he hooks at 3 posi tions se curing the SENSO R PHOT O: FULL STACK to the CHUTE ASSY OUT.
3-196 RRP6.3 ACTUATOR FULL (PL6.1.5) Figure: ACTUAOTR FULL Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Deflect the s haft of the A CTUATOR FULL f rom top po rtion the CHUTE AS SY OUT (PL6.1 .1) of the printer an d extrac t the shaf t of the A CTUATOR FULL f rom the be aring bo re on the left side of the CHUTE ASSY OUT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-197 RRP6.4 SENSOR PHOTO: DUP (PL6.1.4) Figure: SENSOR PHOTO:DUP Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.
3-198 RRP6.5 SENSOR PHOTO: MSI (PL6.1.4) Figure : SENSOR PHOTO : MSI R emoval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-199 RRP6.6 ELIM INA TOR ASSY (PL6.1 .9) Figure: ELIM INATOR ASSY Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.
3-200 RRP6.7 ROLL DUP (PL6.1.1 2) Figure: ROLL DUP Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Release t he hook at 1 position of the GE AR 30 (PL6.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-201 Blank page..
3-202 RRP6.8 ACTUATOR DUP (PL6 .1.13) Figure: ACTUATOR DUP Removal (1) Figure: ACTUATOR DUP Removal (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-203 Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Release t he hooks at 2 positio ns securing the COVER AC TUATOR (PL 6.
3-204 RRP6.9 LATCH OUT (PL6.1.18) Figure: LATCH OUT Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Remove the S PRING LATCH OU T (PL6.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-205 RRP6.10 ROLL ASSY FEED (PL6 .1.27) Figure: ROLL A SSY FEED Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.
3-206 RRP6.11 ACTUATOR MSI (PL6.1.37) Figure: ACTUATO R MSI Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Pushing down th e PLATE B OTTOM MSI on the C HUTE AS SY OUT (PL6.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-207 RRP6.12 SOLENOID FEED MSI (PL6.1.40 ) Figure: SOL ENOID FEED MS I Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-209 Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 4) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 5) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI.
3-210 RRP6.14 PLATE ASSY BOTTOM M S I (P L6.1.42) Figure : PLATE ASSY B OTTOM MSI Remov al Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 4) Remove the COVE R MSI.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-211 RRP7. CHUTE ASSY EX IT RRP7.1 CHUTE AS SY EXIT (PL7.1 .1) Figure: CHUTE A SSY EXIT Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI.
3-212 RRP7.2 ROLL EXIT (PL7.1.4) Figure: ROL L EXIT Remova l Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY EXIT .
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-213 RRP7.3 ROLL MID (PL 7.1.5) Figure: ROLL MID Removal Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT.
3-214 RRP7.4 MOTOR ASSY DUP (PL7.1.8) Figure: MOTOR ASSY DUP Rem oval Removal 1) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 2) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 3) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Remove the CHUTE ASSY EXIT .
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-215 RRP8. BTR ASSY & F USER RRP8.1 FUSER ASSY ( P L8.1.1) Figure: F USER ASSY R emova l Removal FUSER is high temperature after oper ation. Be careful when working it not to get burn- ing. 1) Release the l atch at th e part B f rom the printer a nd open the CHUTE ASSY OUT.
3-216 RRP8.2 ROLL ASSY EXIT (PL8.1.3) Figure : ROLL ASSY EXIT Remo val (1) Figure : ROLL ASSY EXIT Remo val (2) Figure: ROLL AS SY EXIT Replacemen t.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-217 Removal FUSER is high temperature after operation. Be care ful when working it not to get burning. 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Slide the CHUTE EXIT/DUP (PL8.1 .10) rightward from the FUSER ASS Y (PL8.
3-218 RRP8.3 ACTUATOR EXIT (PL8.1.7 ) Figure: ACTUA TOR EXIT Remov al Removal FUSER is high temperature after operation. Be care ful when working it not to get burning.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-219 RRP8.4 BTR UNIT ASSY (PL8.1.12) Figure : BTR UNIT ASSY R emova l (1) Figure : BTR UNIT ASSY R emova l (2) Removal 1) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1).
3-220 RRP8 .5 STR AP (PL8 .1.13) Figure: ST RAP Remo val Removal 1) Release the l atch at B from the printer and open the CHUTE ASSY OUT (PL6.1 .1). 2) Release h ooks that s ecure th e bottom por tion of S TRAP, and s lide the bottom por tion of STRAP toward the righ t to remov e from the CHU TE ASSY OUT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-221 Blank page..
3-222 RRP9. XEROGRAPHICS RRP9.1 ROS ASS Y (PL9.1.1) Figure : ROS AS SY Remov al Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-223 Replac ement 1) Align th e ROS AS SY with its replace po sition to the printer. 2) Secure the left an d right shafts of the ROS ASSY to the printer wi th the hook s at the to p of SPRING ROS (PL9. 1.
3-224 RRP9.2 HSG ASSY BIAS (P L9.1.4) Figure : HSG AS SY BIAS Removal Removal 1) Pull out the CASSETTE from the pri nter. 2) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 3) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 4) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT. (RRP1.13 ) 5) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-225 Blank page..
3-226 RRP9.3 CHUTE AS SY REGI (PL9.1.6) Figure: CHUTE AS SY REGI Remova l (1) Figure: CHUTE AS SY REGI Remova l (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-227 Removal 1) Release t he latch at A from the p rinter and open th e FRONT A SSY IN ( PL5.1.1). 1) Remove the P HD. 2) Release t he hooks at 2 posi tions se curing the HOU SING ASSY ELEC (P L9.1.11) to the prin ter and remove the HOUSING ASSY ELEC upwa rd.
3-228 RRP9.4 SENSOR P HOTO:REGI (P L9.1.8) Figure: S ENSOR PHOTO:RE GI Removal Removal 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove the A CTUATOR REGI. (RRP9.5 ) 3) Remove th e connector (P/J181) on the SE NSOR PHOT O:REGI fro m the CHUTE A SSY REG I (PL9.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-229 RRP9.5 ACTUATOR REGI (P L9.1.9) Figure: ACTUATOR REGI Removal Removal 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Holding th e shieldin g port ion of the A CTUATOR REGI f rom the CHU TE ASSY R EGI (PL9.
3-230 RRP9.6 OHP SE N SOR ASSY (PL9 .1.12) Figure : OHP SE NSOR ASSY Rem oval (1 ) Figure : OHP SE NSOR ASSY Rem oval (2 ).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-231 Figure : OHP SE NSOR ASSY Rem oval (3 ) Figure : OHP SE NSOR ASSY Rem oval (4 ).
3-232 Removal 1) Remove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 2) Remove an E-ring that secures the GEA R REGI METAL from the CHUTE ASSY REGI (PL9.1.6), an d pull out t he GEAR REGI META L of the left shaft of the ROL L REGI ME TAL.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-233 Blank page..
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-235 Figure: HOLDER TCRU A SSY UNIT Removal (3) Figure: HOLD ER TCR U ASSY UN IT Replacem ent.
3-236 Removal When removing the HOLDER TCRU ASSY UNIT, remove the toner deposit on the HOLDER TCRU ASS Y with a vacuum cleaner or the like before star ting its removal process . When r emoving the toner de posit on the HOLDE R TCRU AS SY with a vacuum cleaner, attach an earth code to t he end of t he clea ner to es cape the static elec tricity.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-237 RRP10.2 HOLDER TCRU ASSY (1) (P L10.1.1) Figure: HOLDER TCRU ASSY (1) Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.5) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.
3-238 RRP10.3 HOLDER TCRU ASSY (2) (P L10.1.2) Figure: HOLDER TCRU ASSY (2) Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.5) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-239 RRP10.4 HOLDER TCRU ASSY (3) (P L10.1.3) Figure: HOLDER TCRU ASSY (3) Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.
3-240 RRP10.5 HOLDER TCRU ASSY (4) (P L10.1.4) Figure: HOLDER TCRU ASSY (4) Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-241 RRP10.6 SWITCH TCRU AS SY (PL10.1.1 8) Figure: SWITCH TCRU AS SY Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
3-242 RRP10.7 SENSOR TON ER LOW (PL10.1.8) Figure: SE NSOR TONER LOW Remov al Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 5) Remove the COVE R MSI.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-243 RRP10.8 PWBA EE PROM STD (PL1 0.1.16) Figur e: PWBA EEPROM STD Removal Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
3-244 RRP1 0.9 S-HVP S (PL10 .1.17 ) Figure : S-HVPS Remov al Removal 1) R emove the FU SER ASSY. (RR P8.1) 2) Remove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 5) Remove the COVE R MSI.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-245 RRP11.FRAME & DRIVE RRP11.1 LEVE R DRUM:L (PL11 .1.4) Figure: LEVER DRUM:L Removal (1).
3-246 Figure: LEVER DRUM:L Removal (2) Figure: LE VER DRUM:L Re placement.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-247 Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 3) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 5) Remove the COVE R ASSY FRONT.
3-248 RRP11.2 LEVE R DRUM:R (PL11. 1.4) Figure: LEVER DRUM: R Removal (1) Figure: LEVER DRUM: R Removal (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-249 Figure: LE VER DRUM:R Replacemen t Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 3) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI.
3-250 16) Release t he hook of the SPRING LEVER 3 0N (PL11.1.5) hitche d over the c onvex por tion of the 4 LEVER DRUM :R from the right sid e surface of the printer. 17) Remove th e LINK LEV ER:R (PL11.1 .6) from the print er together with the SP RING LEVER 3 0N.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-251 RRP11.3 ACTUATOR I/R (PL11.1.8 ) Figure: ACT UATOR I/R R emoval Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP 1.2) 3) Remove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Remove the TRA Y ASSY MSI.
3-252 RRP11.4 DEVE DRIVE ASSY (P L11.1.13) Figure : DEVE DRIV E ASSY Remov al Removal 1) Remove the COVE R TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Remove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.1 0) 3) Remove the COVE R SIDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 4) Remo ve the PWBA HN B DRV. (R RP12.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-253 RRP11.5 MAIN DRIVE ASSY (PL11.1 .14) Figure: MAIN DRIVE ASSY Removal Removal 1) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.10) 3) Rem ove the COVER S IDE R. (RRP1.
3-254 RRP11.6 PWBA AS SY EARTH (P L11.1.16) Figure : PWBA ASSY EA RTH Removal Removal 1) Remove the FUSER ASS Y. (RRP8.1 ) 2) Rem ove the B TR UNIT ASSY. (R RP8.4) 3) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP1.2 ) 5) Rem ove the COVE R MSI.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-255 Blank page..
3-256 RRP12.ELECTRICAL RRP12.1 PWBA HNB MCU (PL12.1.1) Figure: PWBA HNB MCU Rem oval (1) Figure: PWBA HNB MCU Rem oval (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-257 Removal 1) Save the Life/Adju stment Dat a (Chapter 2 Oper ation of Di agnostic, 2 .7.5) 1) Rem ove the CONTROLLER B OARD. (RRP1 2.3) 2) Rem ove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 3) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN.
3-258 RRP12.2 FAN REAR (P L12.1.2) Figure: FAN REAR Removal Removal 1) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP1.2 ) 3) Rem ove the COVE R MSI. (R RP1.11) 4) Rem ove the TRA Y ASSY MSI. (RRP 1.12) 5) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-259 RRP12.3 CONTROLLER BOARD (P L12.1.4)(TBD ) Figure: CONTROLLER BOAR D Removal Removal 1) Rem ove the COVE R CASSETTE RE AR. (RRP3 .2) 2) Fro m the rear side o f the prin ter, loosen the screws that s ecure the CONTROLL ER BOAR D.
3-260 RRP12.4 LV PS (PL12.1.1 0 ) Figure: L VPS Remo val ( 1) Figure: L VPS Remo val ( 2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-261 Removal 1) Remove the FUSER ASS Y. (RRP8.1 ) 2) Rem ove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 3) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP1.2 ) 5) Rem ove the COVE R MSI.
3-262 RRP12.5 HARNESS ASS Y AC SW (PL12.1.11) Figure: HARNESS ASSY AC SW Removal Removal 1) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.10) 3) Rem ove the COVER S IDE R. (RRP1.9 ) 4) Rem ove 1 screw secur ing the ea rth of the HARNESS A SSY AC SW to the L VPS STD (P L12.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-263 RRP12.6 PWBA HNB DRV (P L12.1.12) Figure : PWBA HN B DRV Remov al Removal 1) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 2) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT IN. (RRP1.10) 3) Rem ove the COVER S IDE R. (RRP1.
3-264 RRP12.7 BOX ASSY MCU/ESS ( R EFEREN CE ONLY) Figur e: BOX ASSY MC U/ES S Remova l (1) Figur e: BOX ASSY MC U/ES S Remova l (2).
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-265 Removal 1) Rem ove the CONTROLLER B OARD. (RRP1 2.3) 2) Rem ove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 3) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD. (RRP1.2 ) 5) Rem ove the COVE R MSI.
3-266 RRP12.8 HOUSING ASSY CONTACT (P L12.1.14) Figure: HOUSING AS SY CONTACT Removal Removal 1) Rem ove the CONTROLLER B OARD. (RRP1 2.3) 2) Rem ove the CHUTE A SSY REGI. (RRP9.3) 3) Rem ove the COVER TOP MAIN. (RRP1.4 ) 4) Rem ove the COVER A SSY FRONT HEAD.
Chapter 3 Removal and Repla cement P rocedures 3-267.
Chapter 4 Plug/Jack (P/J) Con nector Loca tions.
Chapter 4 Plug/Ja ck (P/J ) Connector Locati ons 4-271 1. Connector [P (plug) / J (jack)] 1.1 List of P/J P/J Coordiates Remarks 1 1 J-43 Conne cts P WBA HNB MCU and PW BA HNB DRV 12 I-43 C onnects P .
4-272 140 H-43 Connect s PWBA HNB MCU, CRUM Harne ss Assembly , TFLSNS Harness Asse mbly and PWBA EEPROM ST D 141 B-32 Conne cts EE PROM Har ness Ass embly an d Chute A ssembl y In (TNR Ful l Senso r).
Chapter 4 Plug/Ja ck (P/J ) Connector Locati ons 4-273 1.2 P/ J l ayou t d iag ram.
Chapter 4 Plug/Ja ck (P/J ) Connector Locati ons 4-275.
Chap ter 5 Part s List.
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-281 1. Part s List 1.1 Caution for use of parts list ◆ The figure s indicati ng the ill ustrations are the it em No. in the list a nd pres ent corres pondence between the illustr ations an d parts. ◆ The notati on of PL "X.
5-282 PL 1.1 Co ver [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-283 PL 1.1 Co ver [List] Item Parts name 1 CONSOLE PA NEL HANABI .. .................... ............ ............. ... 865802K3 2510 2 COVER ASSY FRO NT HEAD (w ith 3~7) .. ............ ................ 86 5802K3286 0 3- - 4 HOLDER LEVER OUT .
5-284 PL 2.1 P aper Cassette [Illust ration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-285 PL 2.1 P aper Cassette [List ] Item Parts name 1 CASSETTE ASSY(with 2 ~6) . ............. ................... ............. ... 865084K0307 0 2 ROLL ASSY .................... ................... ............. ..............
5-286 PL 3.1 P aper Feeder I [Illustration ].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-287 PL 3.1 P aper Feeder I [List] Item Parts name 1 COVER FDR FRONT ................... ............. ................... ......... 86580 2E2281 0 2 CHUTE ASSY TURN ................... ............. ................... ........
5-288 PL 3.2 P aper Feeder I I [Illustrati on].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-289 PL 3.2 P aper Feeder I I [List] Item Parts name 1 HARNESS ASS Y TMPA(J2 31-J2361) .................. ................ 86 5162K6 9650 2 SENSOR HUM TE MP .................. ................... ............. ......... 86513 0K61530 3 HARNESS A SSY OPFREC (J210-P810) .
5-290 PL 3.3 P aper Feeder I II [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-291 PL 3.3 P aper Feeder I II [List] Item Parts name 1 PICKUP ASSY(with 2~24).................. ............. ............. ......... 865001K0 3730 2 SHAFT FEED 1 ........ ............. .................... ................... .
5-292 PL 4.1 Ho using Assy Retard [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-293 PL 4.1 Ho using Assy Retard [List] Item Parts name 1 HOUSING ASSY RETARD(with 2~ 13) ........... ............. ......... 86580 2K24840 2 ROLL TURN .................... ............. ................... ............. .......
5-294 PL 5.1 Ch ute Assy In [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-295 PL 5.1 Ch ute Assy In [List] Item Parts name 1A CHUTE ASSY IN(100V) .. ............. ................... ............. ......... 86508 4K0367 0 1B CHUTE ASSY IN(200V) .. ............. ................... ............. .....
5-296 PL 6.1 Ch ute Assy Out [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-297 PL 6.1 Ch ute Assy Out [List] Item Parts name 1 CHUTE ASSY O UT(with 2~43) .... ................... ............. ......... 86508 4K03690 2 HARNESS ASS Y FRONT 2(J1 39-P132/ J133/J 134/J135 ) .... 86516 2K6959 0 3 HARNESS A SSY OPEP ANE BS (J221-J2211) .
5-298 PL 7.1 Ch ute Assy Exit [I l lustratio n].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-299 PL 7.1 Ch ute Assy Exit [L ist] Item Parts name 1 C HUTE ASSY EXIT(with 2~11).... ............. ................... ......... 86 5054K1810 0 2- - 3- - 4 R OLL EXIT ......... ............. ................... ............. .
5-300 PL 8.1 B TR Assy & Fuse r [Illustration] 2.
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-301 PL 8.1 B TR Assy & Fuse r [List] Item Parts name 1 FUS ER ASSY (with 7 a nd 8)110V M QI ...... ............ ................ 86 5NS080199A FUSER AS SY (with 7 and 8)220 V MQI ..... ................... ......... 86 5NS080199B 2 B TR ASSY(Transfer Unit) .
5-302 PL 9. 1 Xerogr aphi cs [Illu strati on] 3.
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-303 PL 9. 1 Xero graphi cs [List] Item Parts name 1 R OS ASSY ............... ............. .................... ............ ................ 86 5062K1 0860 2- - 3 P HD ASSY PK G MQI ......................... .................
5-304 PL 10.1 TC RU Assy [Illus tration] 10 11 12 13.
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-305 PL 10.1 TC RU Assy [List] Item Parts name 1 HOL DER ASSY Y ........... ............. ................... ............. ......... 865084K0 3770 2 HOL DER ASSY M ........................ ................... ............. ....
5-306 PL 11.1 Frame & Drive [Illust ration] 99.
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-307 PL 11.1 Frame & Drive [L i st] Item Parts name 1- - 2- - 3 L INK LEVER L .... ................... ............. ............. ................... ... 865012E1 0040 4 L EVER DRUM ................. ................... ...
5-308 PL 12.1 Electrical [Illustration].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-309 PL 12.1 Electrical [List] Item Parts name 1 P WBA HNB MCU ..... .................... ............. ................... ......... 86 5160K8396 0 2 FA N REAR .. ............. .................... ............. ...............
5-310 PL 13.1 Harness [Illustration ].
Chapter 5 Parts L ist 5-311 PL 13.1 Harness [List] Item Parts name 1 H ARNESS A SSY LVN C(J165-J61) .... ................... ............. ... 865162K6 9710 2 H ARNESS ASSY DRV 1(J11-J4 1) .................. ............. ......... 865162K6 9720 3 H ARNESS ASSY DRV 2(J12-J4 2) .
Chapter 6 Princip les of Operation.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-315 1. Printing Process 1.1 Summary of Printing Process This printer i s a "Fu ll-colo r lase r printer " which a pplie s the pri ncipal of an elec trophotog raphic record ing syst em.
6-316 1.2 Schematic Diagra m for Printing Process es Outli ne of printi ng proce sses is sho wn in the fi gures b elow. PHD AS SY is integ rated maj or units of prin ting proc esses.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-317 1.3 Description of Printing Process Techniques 1.3.1 Charging with electr icity In th e charging process, t he dru m surface rotating a t a const ant sp eed is c harged un iformly with negat ive electri city by di scharging of RTC (R ubber T ube Charg e: Charged fil m).
6-318 1.3.2 Expos ure In th e exposu re proces s, the dr um surfa ce charged negati vely is sc anned b y laser be ams to for m invisi ble electros tatic la tent im age on the d rum sur face. This process is perfo rmed in paralle l for ye llow, m agenta, cy an and black c olors.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-319 Drum (Laser beams) Optical conductor Conductor ROS ASSY engine principle0008FA : Negative electric charge : P ositive electric charge engine principle0009FA .
6-320 1.3.3 Develo pment In th e develop ment proc ess, ton er is elec trically attached to the i nvisible statisti c latent i mage on th e drum surfa ce to form v isible tone r image on the dru m. This process is perfo rmed in paralle l for ye llow, m agenta, cyan and black c olor res pective ly.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-321 engine principle0013FA Dram surface Toner image engine principle0014FA Electric potention on drum -V 0 Developing bias + Drum - + - - - - + + TCR U ASSY (T o.
6-322 1.3.4 Primary transfer (drum -> IDT 1) In the pr imary tr ansfer pro cess, toner image fo rmed on th e drum sur face is tr ansferred o nto the su rface of the I DT 1 (Int ermediate Dr um Trans fer 1: int ermediat e tran sfer roll 1).
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-323 Drum surface (Magenta toner image) engine priniple0017FA Y ellow toner image Magenta toner image IDT1 surface Drum surface (Y ellow toner image) Drum surface.
6-324 1.3.5 Sec ondary transfer (IDT 1 -> IDT 2) In th e secondar y trans fer proces s, the tone r im age forme d on the IDT 1 surfa ce is tran sferred onto the surfa ce of the ID T 2 (Interm ediate Drum Transf er 1: interm ediate trans fer roll 2).
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-325 engine principle0019FA Y ellow toner image Magenta toner image IDT1 surface Y ellow toner image Magenta toner image IDT2 surface Cyan toner image Black toner.
6-326 1.3.7 Ter tiary transfe r (IDT 2 - paper) In the ter tiary tr ansfer pro cess, fini shed toner image fo rmed on th e IDT 2 sur face is tr ansferred o nto the paper under the volta ge supplied to the B TR (Bias Transfer Ro ll). ✧ BTR is compose d in the B TR ASSY .
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-327 1.3.10 F ixing In th e fixing pr ocess, t oner is fix ed on the p aper by heat an d pressure. ✧ Finished toner im age trans ferred fro m the belt is ea sily brok en only by touchi ng it with fingers . The toner image is fixe d on the pap er with the FUS ER ASSY (fix ing unit).
6-328 1.3.11 Cl eaning (g eneral) In the c leaning (ge neral) process, toner sto red in the IDT 1 clea ner and ID T 2 cleaner after th e finishe d toner i mage is tr ansferred onto the pap er and the toner r emaining on the BT R are remov ed.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-329 (2) Refresher and RTC High volt age of the polarity ( negative ) reverse to th at at the p rinting tran sfer is app lied to the IDT1, IDT2, and BTR. At t his time , the drum surface is charg ed nega tively by negative voltag e of the IDT1.
6-330 2. Flow of Pri nt Data 2.1 Data Flow Prin t data (el ectric si gnal) from the prin ter contr oller flows as shown below to turn to the pri nt image fi nally.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-331 3. Driv e Transmissi o n Route 3.1 MAIN DRIVE ASSY Rotary power of t he MAIN DRIV E ASSY is transm itted thro ugh the r oute below. MAIN DRIVE ASSY engine principle0024F A CLUTCH ASSY TURN ROLL ASSY TURN GEAR IDLLER FEED GEAR FEED H1 ROLL ASSY FEED P APER FEEDER CHUTE REGI Regi.
6-332 3.2 DE VE DRIVE ASSY The rotary po wer of the DEVE DRIVE A SSY drives the develop ers of 4 colors in the PHD AS SY. 3.3 HOLDER TCRU ASSY (Y, M, C, K) Rotary power of t he toner m otor in the HO .
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-333 3.4 FUSER DRIVE AS SY Rotary power of t he FUSE R DRIVE AS SY drives the FUS ER ASSY . 3.5 MOTOR ASSY DU P Rotary power of t he MOTOR ASSY DUP is tran smitted th rough the route bel ow.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-335 4. Paper Tr ansport 4.1 Paper Transport Route (without option) P aper transf er by "Regi Roll" and "Metal Roll" of CHUTE ASSY REGI engine.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-337 5. Functions of Major Functional Compo nents Major function al compon ents com prising th e printer are des cribed be low refer ring to their illus tration s. Thos e compone nts are cl assifie d into the f ollowing blocks based on the con figuration of the pri nter.
6-338 5.1 P aper Cass ette 5.1.1 Major functions ▼ Side Gui de The Side G uide can move at r ight angle to the pap er transfe r direction t o alig n the paper wi dth. ▼ End Gu ide The End Guide c an move i n the paper transfe r directi on to d etermine the paper si ze.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-339 5.1.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0032F A Side Guide Side Guide End Guide ROLL ASSY(Cassette).
6-340 5.2 Paper Feeder 5.2.1 Major functions ▼ SWITC H ASSY SIZE SWITCH A SSY SIZE detects paper si ze and ex istenc e or non e xistence o f the pap er tray. ▼ SENSO R PHOTO (No Pap er Sens or) Detects exis tence or non exis tence of p aper in th e paper tray based on t he positi on of ACTUA TOR NO PAPER.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-341 5.2.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0033F A SWITCH ASSY SIZE SENSOR PHO T O(No Paper Sensor) SENSOR PHO T O(Low P aper Sensor) SOLENOID FEED GEAR IDLER .
6-342 5.3 Housing Assy Retard 5.3.1 Major functions ▼ CLUTCH TURN (MSI Turn Clutc h) Transmits the d rive from the MAIN DRIV E ASSY to the ROL L TURN .
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-343 5.3.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0034F A CLUTCH TURN(MSI T ur n Clutch) ROLL TURN.
6-344 5.4 Front Assy In 5.4.1 Major functions ▼ SENSOR ADC AS SY Reads t he densit y of the toner im age prep ared on th e surface o f BTR in the BT R UNIT AS SY (refer to "5.7 BTR ASSY & Fuser") and feeds it back to the process c ontrol ( refer to " 7.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-345 5.4.2 Refere nce diagram FUSER DRIVE ASSY SENSOR ADC ASSY SENSOR TNR FULL FUSER ASSY engine principle0035F A.
6-346 5.5 Chute Assy Out 5.5.1 Major functions ▼ SENSOR P HOTO (Full St ack Sens or) Detects th at the prints discha rged onto the top cov er hav e accumulat ed mor e than spe cified n umber of sheets ba sed on the chang e of pos ition of the act uator.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-347 5.5.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0036F A SENSOR PHO T O(Full Stack Sensor) SENSOR PHO T O(DUP Jam Sensor) ROLL DUP SENSOR PHO T O(MSI No Paper Sensor.
6-348 5.6 Chute Assy Exit 5.6.1 Major functions ▼ MOTOR AS SY DUP Supplies dr ive to the RO LL EXIST , ROLL MID, and ROLL DUP. ▼ ROLL EXIT The ROLL EX IT rotates under th e drive fr om the MO TOR ASSY DUP, and fe eds fixe d prints on to the top cover.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-349 5.6.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0037F A ROLL EXIT ROLL MID MO T OR ASSY DUP.
6-350 5.7 BTR Assy & Fuser 5.7.1 Major functions ▼ FUSER ASSY The FUSER ASSY fi xes t oner whic h was tr ansferred onto the pap er but not fixed by the hea t and pressu re and fee ds paper bef ore an d after be ing fixed .
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-351 5.7.2 Refere nce diagram BTR UNIT ASSY FUSER ASSY Exit Sensor F AN FUSER engine principle0038F A.
6-352 5.8 Xerographics 5.8.1 Major functions ▼ ROS AS SY ROS ASS Y (Rast er Output Scanner A ssembl y) is an e xposure unit t o generate laser beams to fo rm electro static laten t image on the dr um surfa ce. In this ma nual, the RO S ASS Y is referred t o as ROS AS SY.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-353 5.8.2 Refere nce diagram engine principle0039F A SENSOR PHO T O(Regi Sensor) OHP SENSOR ASSY CHUTE REGI(Regi Clutch) PHD ASSY ROS ASSY.
6-354 5.9 T CRU As sy 5.9.1 Major functions ▼ SWITCH TCRU AS SY (Y) ▼ SWITCH TCRU AS SY (M) ▼ SWITCH TCRU AS SY (C) ▼ SWITCH TCRU AS SY (K) Detects wh ether TC RU ASSY (to ner bottle ) of eac h color is inst alled or not.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-355 5.9.2 Refere nce diagram SENSOR T ONER LO W(Y) SENSOR T ONER LO W(M) SENSOR T ONER LO W(K) SENSOR T ONER LO W(C) HOLDER TCR U ASSY(4) (T oner Motor : K) TCR .
6-356 5.10 Frame & Drive 5.10 .1 Majo r functi ons ▼ MAIN DRIV E ASSY Supplies th e drive to p arts as follow s. • PAPE R FEEDER • HOUSING ASSY RETAR D • CHUTE ASSY OUT (MSI p osition) • CHUTE REGI • PHD ASSY (IDT 2, IDT 1 , Drum) • BTR UNI T ASSY ▼ DEVE DRIVE ASSY Supplies th e drive to p arts as follow s.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-357 5.10.2 Ref erence d iagram engine principle0041F A.eps MAIN DRIVE ASSY DEVE DRIVE ASSY.
6-358 5.11 Elec tric al 5.11 .1 Majo r functi ons ▼ FAN Discharges heat out o f the pri nter to prev ent too hig h tempe rature in t he printer. ▼ HARNES S ASSY AC SW Composed o f the ma in switc h and inlet. C ontrols supply o f AC po wer from the power sou rce to LVP S.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-359 5.11.2 Ref erence d iagram engine principle0042F A F AN REAR HARNESS ASSY A C SW L VPS STD HNB MCU WITH CPU PWBA HNB DR V CONTROLLER BO ARD.
6-360 6. MODES 6.1 Pr int Mode There ar e three types of p rint mod es, stand ard mode, fine m ode, and hi gh gloss mo de. Thes e are discri minated by the resol ution (60 0dpi/1200 dpi) and process s peed (fu ll speed /half spe ed).
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-361 7. Control 7.1 Control of Paper Size "ON/OF F of Pap er Size S witch of S WITCH AS SY SIZ E" and "D iag Too l indicatio n data" ar e shown i n the table be low. Paper Size Sw itches ar e indic ated as SW1, SW 2, and SW 3 from th e above o ne.
6-362 7.4 P roc ess Contr ol For a s table p rinting, the paramete rs related to the i mage for ming m ust be co rrected as necess ary. The contr ol of entir e print ing proc ess incl uding par ameter c orrectio n control is cal led "proc ess con trol".
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-363 7.4.2 To ner Density Control The ton er densi ty must be kept consta nt to attai n stable pr inting im age. To ke ep the tone r densit y constan t, the to ner should be dispe nsed exactl y by the qua ntity con sumed for the printi ng.
6-364 7.4.3 Hig h Area Co verage M ode A cont inuous pr inting o f the image of ar ea coverag e exceed ing the toner dispe nse capa bility cause s the tone r densit y in the d eveloper to be lowered.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-365 7.5 Color Registration Control The p rinter us es a tandem system where the drum s and dev eloper s excl usively for yell ow, magen ta, cyan, and bla ck are arrange d respecti vely.
6-366 7.6 BTR UNIT ASSY Control 7.6.1 Detecti ng the Installat ion of BTR UNIT ASSY Whether the BT R UNIT ASSY is instal led is de tected whe n the po wer is turn ed on, or the front cov er is opened an d closed . The sensor for detec ting the ins tallation is not provi ded, but judg ment is mad e from the output of the SE NSOR ADC ASSY.
Chapt er 6 Princ iples of Operatio n 6-367 7.7 Toner Control Whether the toner bottle i s insta lled is dete cted by the SWIT CH TCRU AS SY, and t he prese nce of ton er in the t oner bottle i s detected by the SENS OR TONER LOW. T hese switc hes and s ensors are p rovided for respe ctive col ors, and detection is made for each color .
6-368 7.8 F use r C ontr ol 7.8.1 Fuse r temperatu re control As for th e fuser t emperatur e contr ol, the tar get temper ature is s et, then the Heat Roll surface temperat ure is co ntrolled s o as to be the target temperatu re by turning on/off th e Heater L amp.
Chapte r 7 Wiring Diag rams and Signal In formation.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-371 1. General Wiri n g Diagram The fo llowing d escribes the legend of the g eneral w iring diagr am shown on the next page. Symbols Descriptio n Denotes a conne ction between par ts with h arnesses and wires .
7-372 CONSOLE P ANEL PL12.1.4 CONTROLLER BOARD PL12.1.4 HARNESS ASSY AC SW PL12.1.11 S-HVPS PL10.1.17 PLA TE ASSY DISPENSER L PL10.1.9 No Paper Sensor PL3.3.4 SWITCH ASSY SIZE PL3.2.4 PWBA HNB DRV PL12.1.12 P/J47 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J471 Low P aper Sensor PL3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-373 1. Wiri n g Diagram between Par ts 1.1 Configuration The wi ring diagr am is sepa rated int o 11 se ction s to show detailed con nection b etween p arts.
7-374 § 6 F user section Connectio n betwee n LVPS a nd FUSER ASSY Connectio n between P WBA HNB MCU and FUS ER ASS Y Connectio n between P WBA HNB MCU and PW BA HNB DRV Connectio n between LV PS and.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-375 1.2 Notes on Using the Wiring Dia gram between Pa rt s The fo llowing d escribes the legend of the w iring diag rams bet ween parts shown on the follow ing pages . Symbols Description Denotes a plug.
7-376 Denote s a conne ction bet ween wir es. I/L +24V DC Denotes DC volta ge when the int erlock sw itch in P WBA HNB MCU turns on. +5VDC +3.3VD C Denotes DC voltage.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-377.
7-378 § 1 Power supp l y section L VPS STD PL12.1.10 P/J163 1 P/J163 2 PWBA HNB DR V PL12.1.12 P/J60 1 P/J60 2 +24VDC RTN P/J41 17 18 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J11 24 23 I/L +24VDC I/L +24VDC 35 I/L Switch 6 I/L_OPEN Interlock +24VDC P/J41 19 20 P/J11 22 21 RTN RTN P/J165 1 P/J61 8 +5VDC P/J41 24 +5VDC P/J11 17 +5VDC 2 7 SG P/J165 3 P/J61 6 +3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-379 ♦ L V PS over current pr otectio n circ uit This cir cuit st ops all o utputs, if the powe r suppl y volt age 24VD C, 5VDC, o r 3.3VDC is shorted. The circuit i s reset, when aft er the cause of s hort was remo ved, the powe r is turned off, and then on again after certa in time.
7-380 § 2 Cassette section P/J472 3 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J12 15 14 13 PWBA HNB DR V PL12.1.12 P/J42 16 17 18 P/J47 1 2 4 3 +3.3VDC SWITCH ASSY SIZE PL3.2.4 TRA Y1 SIZE0 SWITCH ON(L)+3.3VDC TRA Y1 SIZE1 SWITCH ON(L)+3.3VDC SG TRA Y1 SIZE2 SWITCH ON(L)+3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-381 ♦ Outli ne of SWITCH ASSY SI ZE The pape r size is determi ned by a com binati on of ON/O FF statu ses of the upper , mid dle, and l ower switches of SWITCH A SSY SI ZE. Signal line name Descr iption TRA Y 1 SIZE0 SWITCH ON(L)+3.
7-382 § 3 Drive section HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 DEVE B P/J11 1 2 3 4 5 PWBA HNB DR V PL12.1.12 P/J41 40 39 38 37 36 DEVE TDB DEVE A DEVE TD A D A_DEVEMOT P/J49 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interlock +24VDC Dev e Motor Control DEVE DRIVE ASSY PL11.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-383 ♦ Outli ne of DEVE DRI VE ASSY ✧ Motor type: Hybrid s tepping m otor ✧ Stepping angle: 1.
7-384 ♦ Outline of FU SER DRIVE ASSY ✧ Motor type: Hybrid s tepping m otor ✧ Stepping angle: 1.8° ± 0.0 9° ✧ Winding resist ance:6.2 Ω ± 10% / phase (25°C) ✧ Exciting sequen ce:(*: E xcitin g) ♦ Outline of MOT OR ASSY DUP ✧ Motor type: Hybrid s tepping m otor ✧ Stepping angle: 1.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-385 Blank Pa ge.
7-386 § 4 Develope r section 1 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J12 27 PWBA HNB DR V PL12.1.12 P/J42 4 12 1 SWITCH TCR U ASSY(Y) PL10.1.18 P/J431 2 SG P/J51 11 SW TCR U_Y ON(L)+3.3VDC P/J12 26 P/J42 5 14 1 SWITCH TCR U ASSY(M) PL10.1.18 P/J432 2 SG P/J51 13 SW TCR U_M ON(L)+3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-387 ♦ Resi dual toner ch eck circuit In the resi dual toner check, fou r colors cann ot be che cked at a tim e but one colo r each is checked in order.
7-388 § 5 Develope r section 2 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J11 25 26 27 28 PWBA HNB DR V PL12.1.12 P/J41 16 15 14 13 P/J51 1 2 3 4 5 Interlock +24VDC T oner Motor(Y) Control HOLDER TCR U ASSY(1) PL10.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-389 ♦ Outline of To ner Motor ✧ Motor ty pe: PM st epping motor ✧ Stepping angle: 7.5° ± 0.5 ° ✧ Winding resist ance:6.2 Ω ± 10% / phase (20°C) ✧ Exciting sequen ce:(*: E xcitin g) Signal line name Descr iption TMOT_Y_A.
7-390 § 6 Fuser sec tion P/J161 1 2 HARNESS ASSY AC SW PL12.1.11 Heater Control P/J162 2 1 L VPS STD PL12.1.10 FUSER ASSY PL8.1.1 J232 4 J232 3 2 1 P321 4 3 2 1 AC N AC L J324 1 J325 1 Heater Thermostat HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-391 ♦ Heater rated power: 6 00 ± 30W 100V ♦ Thermost at contac t open te mperature: 160°C ± 5° C Signal line name Descr iption EXIT P APER SE NSED(L)+ 3.
7-392 § 7 ROS sect i on HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 ROS ASSY PL9.1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P/J15 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 P/J151 1 SG SCANNER MO TOR ON(L)+5VDC RTN I/L +24VDC SOS SENSED(L) +3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-393 Signal line name Descr iption XPDA T A_A _Y ,XPDA T A_B_M,XPDA T A_C_C, XPDA T A_D_ K Pixel data sig nals to ma ke Quad Beam L aser Diode s (la.
7-394 § 8 Xero grap hics 1 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J140 13 12 11 P141 1 J141 3 P/J142 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 SENSOR T ONER FULL PL5.1.13 +5VDC T ONER FULL SENSED(H)+3.3VDC SG P/J13 12 13 14 15 16 P1361 5 J1361 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 5 P/J136 5 4 3 2 1 SENSOR ADC ASSY PL5.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-395 Signal line name Description TONER FULL SENSED(H)+3.3V DC Waste t oner rec overy bo ttle full d etection signa l by SEN SOR TONER FULL ADC VOUT.
7-396 § 9 Xero grap hics 2 HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J13 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S-HVPS PL10.1.17 P/J5011 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I/L +24VDC AGND 3.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-397 Signal line name Descr iption HV_REF_B TR_P Curren t contro l signal of BTR (+) output (an alog val ue) HV_REF_B TR_M V oltage co ntrol sign al.
7-398 § 10 Pap er Feed Section HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J13 1 2 3 P139 11 J139 1 P/J133 3 2 1 10 2 9 3 SENSOR PHO TO (Dup Jam Sensor) PL6.1.4 PULL UP +3.3VDC +3.3VDC SG DUP JAM SENSED(L)+3.3VDC P/J13 4 5 6 P139 8 J139 4 P/J134 3 2 1 7 5 6 6 SENSOR PHO TO (Full Stack Sensor) PL6.
Chapter 7 Wiring Diagrams and Si gnal Infor mation 7-399 Signal line name Descr iption DUP JAM SE NSED(L)+3.3VDC Paper detection signal i n Dupl ex sect ion by SENSOR PHOTO (Dup Ja m Sensor ) FULL ST ACK SENSED (L)+3.3V DC Full Stack d etecti on sign al in pa per o utput tray by SE NSOR PHOT O (Full Sta ck Sensor ) MSI NO P APER SENSED(H)+3.
7-400 § 1 1 Controlle r Section Signal line name Description TEST PRINT ON(L)+3.3 VDC M aking thi s signa l "Low" ( connected to SG) e nables th e test printing of stored test patterns . HNB MCU WITH CPU PL12.1.1 P/J14 1 60 CONTROLLER BO AD PL12.
Chapter 8 Prin ter Spec ificat ions.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-403 1. Configuration of Printer 1.1 Basic Configuration This printer basic ally co nsists of the pri nt engi ne main un it, co nsumable s (CR U), and stand ard univ ersal paper tray (500 she ets). 1.2 Functional Configuration Func tional co nfigurat ion of t his printer is sh own below.
8-404 2. Elec trical Propertie s 2.1 P ow er Sou rce Two ty pes of pow er so urce as fol lows are availa ble for th is pri nter, whic h are s elected a ccordi ng to the speci ficat ions. ◆ 100V pri nter:Vol tage: 100- 12VAC ±1 0% (90 ~ 1 40V), fr equency : 50/60H z ± 3Hz ◆ 115/120V printer:S ame power source as th at for 100 V printe r.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-405 3.2 Dimensions/Mass of Univ ersal Pape r Tray (standard paper s u pply - 500 sheets) Width: 12.6 in., 321mm ± 1% Depth: 22 lbs., 5 58mm ± 1% Height: 3.8 in., 97m m ± 1% Mass: 5.7 l bs., 2.6k g ± 1% 3.3 Dimensions/Mass of Consum ables (CRU) 3.
8-406 3.3.5 Magenta ton er car tridge Width: 1 3.4 in. , 340mm ± 3mm Depth: 2 in., 51mm ± 3mm Height: 2.2 in., 55mm ± 3m m Mass: .6 lb s., 28 5g ± 10g 3.3.6 Cya n toner c artridge Width: 1 3.4 in. , 340mm ± 3mm Depth: 2 in., 51mm ± 3mm Height: 2.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-407 4. Functions 4.1 R eco rdin g Sy stem OPC drum , 4-tande m cartr idges , e lectro-ph otographi c syst em using intermed iate tran sfer ro lls 4.2 Exposure Syste m Semic onductor l aser, s imultaneo us scan ning by 4 beams 4.
8-408 Record ing system : Operat ing status Fuse r fan: Oper ating at high sp eed Rear fan: Opera ting at hi gh speed ◆ Ready mode Ready sta te Fixing system: Stop sta tus *1 Exposu re sys tem: Stop.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-409 4.10 Warm-up Time When no minal v oltage (100V, 115V , 220V) i s applie d, ready temperat ure (Fus er Stand- by) is rea ched within 3 0 second s afte r comman d is giv en by the control ler. Refere nce: Measured at 72°F( 22°C), 55% RH, nominal voltage.
8-410 This function specifies the IOT pe rformance wh e n the controller did not have the × 2 feeders satisfy the followi ng perfo rmance. *1:Pro cess contro l means TC control, p otential c ontrol, cle aning cycle, REGI control and that the engine stop s paper feeding for a certain time during the continuou s printing operation.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-411 4.14 Input Propertie s 4.14 .1 Paper pi ck-up syst em ◆ Paper pic k-up with p aper tray A pape r feed sys tem norma lly u sed by th is prin ter. ◆ MSI pape r pick-u p The MSI (M ulti Shee t Inserte r) is equi pped as s tandard .
8-412 4.15 Output Properties 4.15.1 Paper d elivery s ystem Paper can b e delive red by th e followin g metho d. ◆ FACE DOWN delivery 4.15 .2 Paper de livery ca pacity ◆ FACE DOWN delivery 250 sheets (Letter /A4 stand ard pape r) 4.15.3 Del ivery pap er size/m ass ◆ FACE DOWN delivery All paper sizes applic able to thi s prin ter 4.
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-413 5. Consumables Consum ables ar e usuall y repla ced by cus tomers. In the e vent of r ecovery o f failur e attribut able to consu mables o r isolat ion of fai lure, y ou may repl ace them.
8-414 ◆ Magenta toner ca rtridge:equ ivalent to about 6,000 pri nts ◆ Cyan ton er cartridg e:equival ent to abou t 6,000 prints ◆ Fuser u nit:equ ivalent to about 100 ,000 prin ts 5.3 Parts Requiring Periodica l Replacement Foll owing part s are rep laced when a certa in number of sheets are pr inted (life over) to prevent tr oubles .
Chapter 8 Printer Specific ations 8-415 VCCI Class B ◆ 100V / 12 0V system FCC Part 15, Su bpart B, Class B (ANS I C63.4) ◆ 220V / 24 0V system EN55022 ( CISPR Pub licatio n 22), Cla ss B 7.4 Noise ◆ READY m ode:35. 0dB(A) or l ess ◆ PRINTING m ode ( full-sp eed):54.
8-416 9.1 Options to be Installed by Users Users can inst all the f ollowing 2 types o f units . Åü OPTION FEEDER Two laye rs of UNIV ERSAL T RAY ca n be added un der the pr inter.
Index I-419 A Abbrevi ations in manua l x AC Swi tch 6-358 Acrony ms x ACTU ATOR D UP rem oval 3-204 ACTUATOR EXIT remov al 3-220 ACTUATOR FULL removal 3-198 ACTUATOR I/R removal 3-253 ACTUAT OR MSI r.
I-420 EEPROM 2-110 Functions 2-102 Hanabi S ervice Co mmande r 2-99 Holder Toner As sy 2-118 Initia l Screen 2-101 Init ialize Slave 2-116 Input Test s 2-105 Installati on 2-100 Life Counters 2-117 Lo.
Index I-421 Media T ype Mis match ( Media Type Mism atch) 1- 46 NV-RAM Error (Call for Service NVRAM Error) 1- 56 P1 Ligh t (Under toned) Pri nts 1-82 P10 Unfus ed Image o r Image E asily Rubs of f of.
I-422 List o f Plug /Jacks 4-273 Low Density E rror 1-60 Low Pa per Sens or 6-340 LOW PA PER sen sor remo val 3-171 LVPS 6-358 LVPS o vercurrent protecti on circui t 7-379 LVPS o vervoltag e protect i.
Index I-423 Cleanin g (IDT 2) 6-326 Developmen t 6-320 Exposu re 6-318 Fixing 6-327 Prima ry transf er 6-322 Schema tic Diagram 6-316 Second ary transf er 6-324 Static eliminat ion 6-326 Summa ry 6-31.
I-424 Paper Mod e 8-408 Paper pic k-up capaci ty 8-411 Pape r size 8-412 Peri odic Rep laceme nt 8-414 Print ima ge Qualit y 8-415 Print Mode 8-408 Printi ng Area 8-410 Recor ding Syste m 8-407 Resolu.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Minolta 3100 Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Minolta 3100 Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Minolta 3100 Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Minolta 3100 Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Minolta 3100 Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Minolta 3100 Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Minolta 3100 Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Minolta 3100 Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.