Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto QF0800 del fabbricante Manitowoc Ice
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Flake / Chiplet Model Ice Machines Flake Models QF0400/QF0800/ QF2200/QF2300 Chiplet Models QC0700 Ser vice Man ual Part Number 80-1214-3 07/03 Revised 8/2003.
W e reserve the right to mak e product impro v ements at any time . Specifications and design are subject t o change without n otice. Safety Notices As yo u work on a Flak e / Chiplet Series Ice Mach ine, be sure to pa y close attention to the safety notices in this manual.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 1 T able of Contents Section 1 General Information Model Numb ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 How to Read a Model Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents (continue d) 2 Part No. 80-1214-3 Ice Machine Head Section Wat er Supply and Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Potable Water Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 9 Potable Water Inlet Lines .
Table of Contents (continue d) Part No. 80 -1214-3 3 Section 4 Ice Machine Sequence of Operation QF400/QC700/ QF800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Prior to Start-U p . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents (continue d) 4 Part No. 80-1214-3 Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46 Component Specif ications and Diagn ostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents (continue d) Part No. 80 -1214-3 5 Refrigerant Recove ry/Evacuation an d Recharging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 15 Refrigerant Re covery/Evacuat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents (continue d) 6 Part No. 80-1214-3 Revised 8/2003.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 1-1 Section 1 General Inf ormation Model Numbers This manual cov ers the f ollowing models: How to Read a Model Number Remote Condensing Unit Accessories BIN CASTER Replaces standard legs. ICE BAGGER Maximiz e profits from bagged ice sales with this conv enient acc essor y .
General Information Section 1 1-2 Part No. 80-1214-3 Model/Serial Number Location These numbers are required when requesting inf or mation from y our local Manitow oc distributor , ser vice repr esentative , or Ma nitowoc Ice, Inc. The model and serial n umber are listed on the O WNER W ARRANTY RE GISTRA TION CAR D .
Section 1 General Information Part No. 80 -1214-3 1-3 Owner W arranty R egistration Card GENERAL W arranty cov erage begins the da y the ice machine is installed.
General Information Section 1 1-4 Part No. 80-1214-3 THIS P AGE I NTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK Revised 8/2003.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-1 Section 2 Installation Instructions Ice Machine Dimensions QF400 AIR COOLED ICE MACHINE QC700/QF800 WATER COOLED ICE MACHINE QC700/QF800 AIR COO LED ICE MACHINE Important F ailure to follo w these in stallation guidelines ma y aff e ct w arranty cov erage .
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-2 Part No. 80-1214-3 Ice Machine Head Section and Re mote Condensing Un it Dimensions QF2200/QF230 0 AND RFC2085/RF C2385 REMOTE CONDENSING UNIT SV1758 10.75” (27.3 CM) 14.5” (36.8 CM) 9.5” (24.1 CM) 14.5” (36.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-3 Location of Ice Machine The location selected f or the ice machine must meet the f ollowing criteria. If any of th ese criteria are not met, select another locat ion. • The locat ion must be fr ee of airborne and other contaminan ts.
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-4 Part No. 80-1214-3 Leveling the Ice Stora ge Bin 1. Screw the le v eling legs onto the bottom of the bin. 2. Scr ew the f oot of ea ch leg in as f ar as possible. 3. Move the bin into its final po sition. 4. Lev el the bin to assure that the bin door closes and seals proper ly .
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-5 Electrical Service GENERAL VO L T A G E The maximum allo wab le v oltage v ariation is ±10% of the rated v oltage on the ice machine model/serial numb er plate at start-up (when the electrical load is highest).
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-6 Part No. 80-1214-3 Electrical Requirements Ice Machine Head Secti on Remote Condensing Unit Ice Machine Vo l t a g e Phase Cyc le Air -Cooled Remote Air-Cooled.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-7 Ice Machine Head Section El ectrical Wiring Connections QC700/QF800 ICE MACHINE HEAD SECTION 115/1/60 or 208 -230/1/60 230/1/50 QF2200 ICE M.
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-8 Part No. 80-1214-3 Remote Electrical Wiring Connections RFC2085 REMOTE CONDENSING UNIT 208-230/1/ 60 RFC2385 REMOTE CONDENSING UNIT 208-230/1/ 60 ! Warning These diagr ams are not intend ed to show prope r wire routing, wire sizing, disconnects , etc.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-9 Ice Machine Head Section W ater Supply and Drains P O TABLE W ATER SUPPLY Local water conditions ma y require treatm ent of the water to inhibit scale formation, filter se diment, and remov e chlorine odor and taste.
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-10 Part No. 80-1214-3 W A TER SUPPLY AND DRAIN LINE SIZING/CONNECTIONS T ypical W ater Supply Drain In stallation ! Caution Plumbing must conf or m to state and local codes .
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-11 Refrigeration Syst em Installation (QF2200/RFC2085 AND QF 2300/RFC2385 ONLY) USAGE WITH NON-MANITOWOC CONDENSING UNITS Manito woc Condensin g Units are specifically designed f or usage with a Manito woc Flak e/Chiplet Ice Machine Head Sections.
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-12 Part No. 80-1214-3 Refrigeration Line Set Installation GENERAL Refrigeration line set installations consist of v er tical and horizontal line set distances be tween the ice machin e and the condensing unit.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-13 C. SUCTION LINE OIL T RAPS 0 to 20 fe et (0 to 6.1 m) Rise: The ice machin e head section has one oil trap built in which allo ws fo r a maximum cond enser rise of 20 f eet (6.1 m) wit hout additional tr aps in the suction line .
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-14 Part No. 80-1214-3 Step 4 Connecting the li ne set. T o pre v ent o xidation of the co pper , purge line set and condensing unit with dry nitrogen while brazing.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-15 Step 5 Pressure T est and Ev acuate The Line Set and Remote Cond ensing Unit Schrader v alve core remo v al tools that allow f o r remov al and installation of th e valv e cores without removing manif old gauge set hoses are re commended to decrease t he e vacuation time.
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-16 Part No. 80-1214-3 V er ify O-ring in schrader v alve caps are intact and reinstall on shut off v alves to pre vent refrigerant leakage. Replace shut off v alve acce ss caps and torque to th e f ollowing specifications.
Section 2 Installation Instructions Part No. 80 -1214-3 2-17 Suction Shut Off V alve Insulation The pre-f or med suction shut-off v alve insulation is located in the plas tic bag taped to the w ater cur tain. A. V er ify v alve and schr ader caps are tighte ned to specifications (see Step 6).
Installation Instr uctions Section 2 2-18 Part No. 80-1214-3 THIS P AGE I NTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK Revised 8/2003.
Part Number 80-1214-3 3-1 Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Component Id entification ICE MACHINE HEAD SECTION QC700/QF800 QF400 SV2022 SV2019 CONDENSER F AN MOTOR ICE/OFF/CLEAN TOGG LE SWITCH ICE CHUTE.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-3 Operational Checks GENERAL Manitowoc ice machines a re factory-operated and adjusted before shipment.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-4 Part Number 80-1214- 3 Interior Cleaning and Sanitizing GENERAL Y ou are responsibl e for ma in taining the ic e machine in accordance with the instru ctions in this manual. Maintenance procedures ar e not covered by the warranty .
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-5 CLEANING THE CONDENSER Air-Cooled Condenser (SELF-CONT AINED AND REMOTE MODELS) A dirty condenser restrict s airflow , resulting in excessively high operating tem peratures. This reduces ice production and sh ortens component life .
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-6 Part Number 80-1214- 3 MANITOWOC’ S C LEANING T ECHNOLOGY Manitowoc Flake/Chiplet Ice Machines include techno logy that allows the initiation and completion of a cleaning or sanitizing cycle at the flip of a sw itch.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-7 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CLEANING PROCEDURE QF400 Use Ice machine cleaner p art number 000000084 on ly . This cleaner is used to remove lime scale or other mineral deposit s. It is not used to remove algae or slime.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-8 Part Number 80-1214- 3 CLEANING/SANITIZING PROCEDURE QC700/QF800/QF2300 Use Ice machine cleaner p art number 000000084. Use Ice machine sanitizer p art number 94-0565 -3 . Ste p 1 Remove front and top cove rs and set the togg le switch to the OFF position.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-9 CLEANING/SANITIZING PROCEDURE QF400 Use Ice machine cleaner p art number 000000084. Use Ice machine sanitizer p art number 94-0565-3 . Ste p 1 Set the toggle switch to the OFF position and remove all ice from the bin.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-10 Part Number 80-1214- 3 PROCEDURE TO CLEAN HEAVILY SCALED FLAKE/CHI PLET ICE MACHINES QF400/QC700/QF800/QF2300 Ste p 1 Remove front and top covers, set the toggle switch to the OFF position.Re move all ice from the bin.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-11 REMOVAL OF PARTS FOR CLEANING/SANITIZING 1. T urn off the water supply to the ice machin e at the water service valve or discon nect water supply line at float valve quick disconnect by depressing stainless steel lever an d pulling the fitting of f.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-12 Part Number 80-1214- 3 W ater Leve l Probe Removal QF400/QC700/QF800/QF230 0 W ater Level Probe Removal 1. Place the toggle switch in th e OF F position, turn off the water supply and disconnect electrical power to the ice machine.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-13 W ater Reservoir Cover Removal QF2300 1. Place the togg le swit ch in the OFF position, turn off the water supply and disconnect electr ical power to the ice machine. 2. Remove water level probes.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-14 Part Number 80-1214- 3 W ater Reservoir Removal 1. Place th e toggle switc h in the OFF p osition and turn off the water supply to th e ice machine at the water service valve. 2. Disconnect water supply line at float valve quick disconnect by dep ressing stainless steel le ver .
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-15 Ice Chute Removal QC700/QF800 1. Follow steps to remove float reservoir . 2. The ice chute and ice chute grommet will be removed as a unit. Pull forwar d on the top of the ice chute, and slide the ice chute and grommet of f the end of the evaporator spout.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-16 Part Number 80-1214- 3 Bin Door Remova l QF0400 Door removal allows easi er access for cleaning and sanitizing. 1. Disconnect the electrical powe r to the ice machine and remove ice from bin. 2. Grasp the rear of t he bin doo r and pull bin door forward approxim ately 5”.
Section 3 Ice Machine Operation Part Number 80-1214-3 3-17 W ater Dump V alve The water dump va lve no rm a lly does not require removal for cleaning. T o determine if removal is necessary: 1. Locate t he water dum p valve. 2. Set the toggle switch to ICE.
Ice Machine Operation Section 3 3-18 Part Number 80-1214- 3 Removal from Service/Winterization GENERAL S pecial precautions must be taken if the ice machine head section is to be removed fr om service for an extended p eriod of time or exposed t o ambient temperatures of 3 2°F (0°C) or below .
Part No. 80-1 214-3 4-1 Section 4 Ice Machine Sequence of Operation QF400/QC700/QF800 PRIOR TO ST ART-UP When the toggle switch is placed in the “ice” position the following must occur prior to starting an ice making cycle. A. The bin leve l probe must be open (bin level light off).
Ice Machine Sequence of Operation Section 4 4-2 Part No. 80-1214- 3 QF2200 PRIOR TO ST ART-UP When the toggle switch is placed in the “ice” position the following must occur prior to starting an ice making cycle. A. The bin level probe must be open (bin level light off).
Section 4 Ice Machine Sequence of Operation Part No. 80-1 214-3 4-3 QF2300 PRIOR TO ST ART-UP When the toggle switch is placed in the “ice” position the following must occur prior to starting an ice making cycle. A. The bin leve l probe must be open (bin level light off).
Ice Machine Sequence of Operation Section 4 4-4 Part No. 80-1214- 3 THIS P AGE INTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 5-1 Section 5 T r oubleshooting Checklist Problem P ossible Cause T o Correct Ice machine does not operate. No electrical power to the ic e machine. Replace the fuse/reset the b reaker/turn on main power s w itch/plug cord into receptacle.
Troubleshooting Section 5 5-2 Part No. 80-1214-3 Safeguar d Feature In addition to standard saf ety controls, y our Manitow oc ice machine features b uilt-in Saf eGuar ds. The ice machine will stop when conditio ns arise that would cause major component fa ilure.
Section 5 Troubleshooting Part No. 80 -1214-3 5-3 Analyzi ng Why Saf eGuar ds Ma y Stop the Ice Machine According to the refrigerat ion industr y , a high percentage of compresso r f ailure are the result of e xternal causes. These can include floo ding or starving e xpansion v alv es, di r ty condensers, w ater loss to t he ice machine, etc.
Troubleshooting Section 5 5-4 Part No. 80-1214-3 Gear Motor Spe ed Anytime th e motor speed se nsor detects the mot or speed (rpm) is below the minimum r ange f or 3 continuous seconds, the ice machine will: 1. De -energize the compress or and/or gear moto r .
Section 5 Troubleshooting Part No. 80 -1214-3 5-5 T emperature is T oo High or Low QF400/QC700/ QF800 The temperatur e sensor (the rmis tor) is mounte d on the compressor discharge line . The temper ature sensor provides inp ut to the control board. The contr ol board monitors the temper ature an ytime the compressor is energiz ed.
Troubleshooting Section 5 5-6 Part No. 80-1214-3 T emperature is T oo High or Low QF2200 Onl y The temperatur e sensor (the rmis tor) is mounte d on the liquid line. The temperatur e sensor provides inpu t to the control board. The con trol board monitors th e temperat ure anytime th e liquid line solenoid v alv e is energiz ed.
Section 5 Troubleshooting Part No. 80 -1214-3 5-7 Gear B o x Remov al QF400 The e v aporat or and motor / gearbo x are separat e assemblie s. W arranty procedures r equire replacement of the entire e vapo rator or mo tor /gearbo x assembly . Separat e components are no t av ailable , and field reb uilding during the warr anty period is not allowed.
Troubleshooting Section 5 5-8 Part No. 80-1214-3 QF2200/QF230 0 The e v aporat or and motor / gearbo x are separa te assemblie s. W arranty procedures r equire replacement of the entir e e vaporator or motor /gear bo x assembly . Separat e components are no t av ailable , and field reb uilding during the warr anty period is not allowe d.
Section 5 Troubleshooting Part No. 80 -1214-3 5-9 Ev aporator Remov al QF400 The e v aporat or and motor / gearbo x are separat e assemblie s. W arranty procedures r equire replacement of the entire e vapo rator or mo tor /gearbo x assembly .
Troubleshooting Section 5 5-10 Part No. 80-1214-3 QF2200/QF230 0 The e v aporat or and motor / gearbo x are separa te assemblie s. W arranty procedures r equire replacement of the entir e e vaporator or motor /gear bo x assembly . Separat e components are no t av ailable , and field reb uilding during the warr anty period is not allowe d.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-1 Section 6 Electrical System Energized P ar ts Char ts QF400/QC700/ QF800 When the toggle switch is placed in the ICE position, the f ollowing must occur prior to star ting an ice making cycle. A.)The bin lev el pro be must be open (Bin Le vel light off).
Electrical System Section 6 6-2 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Energized P ar ts Char ts QF2200 *After the liquid line solenoid valv e energizes, the suction pressure will rise above the lo w-pressure switch cut-in (22 psig) and the compressor and condenser fan motor energize .
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-3 Energized P ar ts Char ts QF2300 When the toggle switch is placed in the ICE position, the f ollowing must occur prior to star ting an ice making cycle. A.)The bi n level probe must be open (Bin Lev el light off).
Electrical System Section 6 6-4 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Wiring Diagram Sequence of Operation QF400 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off 1A. W A TER FLUSH Immediately after placing the togg le s witch in “ICE”, the dump valv e solenoid, and gea rbo x are energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-5 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off (cont.) 1B. W A TER FILL After 45 seco nds the float v alve solenoid is energiz ed.
Electrical System Section 6 6-6 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE The gear motor , compresso r , condenser f an motor and wate r float v alve solenoid remain ene rgized a s the ice machine makes ice. The water float v alve will open and close automatically t o maintain the proper water le vel.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-7 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3A. ICE RUN O UT Ice will build up in the bin until it contacts the bin le vel probe . After ice contacts the bin le vel probe f or 30 continuous seco nd s the compressor de-energizes .
Electrical System Section 6 6-8 Part No. 80-1 214-3 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3B. DRAIN EV APORATOR T o allow water to drain from the e vaporator , the dump v alve energizes f or 45 seconds , then de-energiz es.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-9 A utomatic Shu t-Off An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes . When the ice drops a wa y from the bin le ve l probe the ice mach ine will begin an initial star t-up cycle, provided the “8 minute loc k-out” has e xpired.
Electrical System Section 6 6-10 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Wiring Diagram Sequence of Operation QC700/QF800 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off 1A. W A TER FLUSH Immediately after placing the togg le s witch in “ICE”, the dump valv e solenoid, and gea rbo x are energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-11 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off (cont.) 1B. W A TER FILL After 45 seco nds the float v alve solenoid is energiz ed.
Electrical System Section 6 6-12 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE The gear motor , compresso r , condenser f an motor and wate r float v alve solenoid remain ene rgized a s the ice machine makes ice. The water float v alve will open and close automatically t o maintain the proper water le vel.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-13 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3A. ICE RUN O UT Ice will build up in the bin until it contacts the bin le vel probe . After ice contacts the bin le vel probe f or 30 continuous seco nd s the compressor de-energizes .
Electrical System Section 6 6-14 Part No. 80-1 214-3 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3B. DRAIN EV APORATOR T o allow water to drain from the e vaporator , the dump v alve energizes f or 45 seconds , then de-energiz es.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-15 A utomatic Shu t-Off An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes . When the ice drops a wa y from the bin le ve l probe the ice mach ine will begin an initial star t-up cycle, provided the “8 minute loc k-out” has e xpired.
Electrical System Section 6 6-16 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Wiring Diagram Sequence of Operation QF2200 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off 1A. W A TER FLUSH Immediately after placing the togg le s witch in “ICE”, the dump valv e solenoid, and gea rbo x are energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-17 RFC2085 Initial Star t-Up Remote Condensing Unit 1A. W A TER FLUSH The condensing unit is off . SV3040 RUN CAP A CITOR (50) (43) (48) COMPRESSOR RU.
Electrical System Section 6 6-18 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2200 Initial Star t-Up 1B. W A TER FILL After 45 seco nds the wa ter float v alve solenoid is energiz ed. When w ater contacts the w ater le v el probe the liquid line solenoid v alve energiz es and remains on thro ughout the F reeze Cycle.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-19 RFC2085 Initial Star t-Up 1B. W A TER FILL The condensing unit is off . SV3040 RUN CAP A CIT OR (50) (43) (48) COMPRESSOR RUN CAP A CITOR (47) (46).
Electrical System Section 6 6-20 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2200 Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE The gear motor , liquid line solenoid valv e an d water float v alve solenoid remain energiz ed as the ice machine makes ice . The water float valv e will open and close a utomatically to maintain the prop er water le v el.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-21 RFC2085 Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE Refrigerant pressure e xceeds the low pressure control setp oint. The contactor coil energ izes and the contacts cl ose. The compress or and condenser f an motor energize and remain on throu ghout the entire freeze cycle.
Electrical System Section 6 6-22 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2200 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3A. ICE RUN O UT Ice will build up in the bin until it contacts the bin le vel probe . After ice contacts the bin le vel probe f or 30 continuous seconds th e liquid line solenoid v alv e de-energiz es.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-23 RFC2085 A utomatic Shu t-Off When the refriger ant pressure is lo w enough to open the low-pressure s witch, the contactor co il is de- energiz ed and the compre ssor and condenser f an motor stop .
Electrical System Section 6 6-24 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2200 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3B. W ATER DRAIN T o allow water to drain from the e vaporator , the dump v alve energizes f or 90 seconds , then de-energiz es. An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes .
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-25 QF2200 A utomatic Shu t-Off An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes . When the ice drops a wa y from the bin le ve l probe the ice mach ine will begin an initial star t-up cycle, provided the “8 minute loc kout” has e xpired.
Electrical System Section 6 6-26 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Wiring Diagram Sequence of Operation QF2300 Initial Star t-Up or Star t-Up After A utomatic Shu t-Off 1A. W A TER FLUSH Immediately after placing the togg le s witch in “ICE”, the dump valv e solenoid, and gea rbo x are energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-27 RFC2385 Initial Star t-Up Remote Condensing Unit 1A. W A TER FLUSH Immediately after placing the togg le s witch in “ICE”, the dump valv e solenoid, and gea rbo x are energiz ed. After 45 seco nds the dump v alv e de- energiz es.
Electrical System Section 6 6-28 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2300 Initial Star t-Up 1B. W A TER FILL After 45 seco nds the wa ter float v alve solenoid is energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-29 RFC2385 Initial Star t-Up 1B. W A TER FILL After 45 seco nds the wa ter float v alve solenoid is energiz ed.
Electrical System Section 6 6-30 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2300 Ice Mac hine Head Sectio n Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE When water contacts the water lev el probe the liquid line solenoid v alve, equalization v alve, compressor and condenser f an motor energiz e.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-31 RFC2385 Freeze Cyc le 2. F REEZE The compressor and condenser fan motor remain ene rgized during th e entire F reeze Cycle.
Electrical System Section 6 6-32 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2300 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3A. ICE RUN O UT Ice will build up in the bin until it contacts the bin le vel probe . After ice contacts the bin le vel probe f or 30 continuous seconds th e liquid line solenoid v alv e, equal ization v alve and compressor de- energiz e.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-33 RFC2385 A utomatic Shu t-Off When the refriger ant pressure is lo w enough to open the low-pressure s witch, the contactor co il is de- energiz ed and the compre ssor and condenser f an motor stop .
Electrical System Section 6 6-34 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2300 A utomatic Shu t-Off 3B. W ATER DRAIN T o allow water to drain from the e vaporator , the dump v alve energizes f or 90 seconds , then de-energiz es. An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes .
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-35 QF2300 A utomatic Shu t-Off An 8 minute lockout star ts when t he compressor de-ener gizes . When the ice drops a wa y from the bin le ve l probe the ice mach ine will begin an initial star t-up cycle, provided the “8 minute loc kout” has e xpired.
Electrical System Section 6 6-36 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Wiring Diagrams The f o llowing pa ges contain electrical wi ring diagrams. Be sure you are re f erring to the correc t diagram f or the ice machine which you are ser vicing.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-37 ICE MA CHINE HEAD SECTION QF400 115V/60Hz/1Ph - 230V/50Hz/ 1Ph (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3094 GROU ND L1 L2 (N) 10 AMP FUSE (25) SEE .
Electrical System Section 6 6-38 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QC700/QF800 115V/60Hz/1Ph - 230V/50Hz/ 1Ph (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3006 GROUND L1 L2 (N) SEE SERIAL PLA T E FOR V OL T AGE (21) (65.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-39 COMPRESSOR SECTION QC700/QF800 115/60/1 - 230/50/1 (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV2005 L2 F AN MOT OR (AIR-COOLED ONL Y) COMPRESSOR PO TEN.
Electrical System Section 6 6-40 Part No. 80-1 214-3 ICE MA CHINE HEAD SECTION QF2200 115/60/1 - 230/50/1 (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3012 GROUND L2 (N) SEE SERIAL PLA TE FOR V OL T AGE (2.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-41 RFC2085 230V/60HZ/1PH - 230 /50/1 (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3014 RUN CAP ACIT OR F AN MOT OR C S R COMPRESSOR (44) (47) (74) (95) (94.
Electrical System Section 6 6-42 Part No. 80-1 214-3 RFC2085 208-230V/60HZ/3PH (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3013 RUN CAP ACIT OR F AN MOT OR COMPRESSOR (74) (95) (94) (96) L1 L2 HIGH PRESSU.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-43 ICE MA CHINE HEAD SECTION QF2300 115/60/1 - 230/50/1 (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV3012 GROUND L2 SEE SERIAL PLA TE FOR V OL T AGE (53) (.
Electrical System Section 6 6-44 Part No. 80-1 214-3 RFC2385 230V/60HZ/1PH - 230/50/1 (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV2107a RUN CAP ACIT OR F AN MOT OR C S R COMPRESSOR (44) (47) (74) (95) (94.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-45 RFC2385 208-230V/60HZ/3PH (Diagr am Shown During F reeze Cycle) SV2108a RUN CAP ACIT OR F AN MOT OR COMPRESSOR (74) (95) (94) (96) L1 L2 HIGH PRESS.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-47 Component Specific ations and Diagnostics ICE/OFF/CLEAN T OGGLE SWITC H Function The s witch is used to place the ice machine in ICE, OF F or CLEAN mode of oper ation. Specifications Single-pole , single-thro w s witch.
Electrical System Section 6 6-48 Part No. 80-1 214-3 2. Disconnect bin lev el probe from control board and chec k continuity (ohms) from the f e male connecto r to the bin le vel probe . 3. Re mov e bin le vel probe from ice chute and clean with Manito woc Ice Machine Clea ner and Sanitiz er .
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-49 MOTOR SPEED SENSOR Function The motor spee d sensor v erifies that the gear bo x motor is rotating at the correct spe ed. Failure Modes MO TOR SPEED SENSOR OPEN OR DISCONNECTED (ICE MA CHINE WILL NO T ST AR T .
Electrical System Section 6 6-50 Part No. 80-1 214-3 W A TER LEVEL PR OBES Function The wate r le vel prob e protects the compressor if water is not detected . W ater contacting the probes will complete the ci rcuit and energize the W ater Lev el Probe light.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-51 4. Disconnect wate r le ve l probe from cont rol board. Inst all jumper from co ntrol board “w ater lev el” terminal to ground. 5. Move the toggle switch from ICE to OFF to IC E position. Wait 45 seconds, then monito r the W ater Lev el Probe light.
Electrical System Section 6 6-52 Part No. 80-1 214-3 T EMPERATURE SENS OR Function The tempera ture sensor pro vides input to the control board. The contr ol board monitors the t emperature anytime the liquid line solenoid valv e or compressor is energiz ed.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-53 CONTROL BOAR D RELAYS Function The control board rela ys energize a nd de-energiz e system components. Specifications Rela ys are not field replacea ble . There are f our relays on the control board : Check Pr ocedure 1.
Electrical System Section 6 6-54 Part No. 80-1 214-3 W ATER FLOAT V ALVE Function The float v alve maintains correct w ater le v el during the F reeze cycle. It allows th e e vap orator to dr ain completely during the A utomatic Shut-Of f cycle. Check Pr ocedure 1.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-55 HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL (HPCO) Function The high pressure cont rol stops the ice machine if subjected to e xcessive high- side pressure. The HPCO control is normally closed, and opens on a rise in discharge pressure .
Electrical System Section 6 6-56 Part No. 80-1 214-3 FAN CYC LE CONTROL Function Cycles the condenser fan motor on a nd off to maint ain proper operating dis charge pressure. The f an cycling control closes on an increase in discharge pressure and o pens on a de crease in discharge pr essure.
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-57 COMPRESSOR ELECTRICAL DIAGNOSTICS The compressor will not star t or will tr ip repeatedly on ov erload. Check Resistance (Ohm) V alues NO TE: Compressor windings can hav e very low ohm v alues. Use a pro perly calibrated meter .
Electrical System Section 6 6-58 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Diagnosing St art Components If the compressor attempts to start, or hums and trips the ov er load prote ctor , check th e star t components be fo re replacing th e compressor . CAPACITOR • Visual e v idence of capacitor f ailure can include a bulg ed terminal end or a ruptured membrane .
Section 6 Electrical System Part No. 80 -1214-3 6-59 Diagnosing An Ice Ma c hine That Will Not Run QF400/QC700/ QF800/QF2200/QF 2300 QF2200/QF230 0 - If the gearmotor is energiz ed b ut no ice is produced, r ef er to “ Diagnosing a Condensing Unit That Will Not Run”.
Electrical System Section 6 6-60 Part No. 80-1 214-3 THIS P AGE I NTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK Revised 8/2003.
Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-1 Section 7 Refrigeration System T ubing Schematic QF400/QC700/ QF800 DRIER EV APORA T OR EXP ANSION VA LV E COMPRES SOR SV3082 CONDENSER (AIR OR W A TER) RECEIVER (QF400) Revise.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-4 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Refrigeration S ystem Diagnostics General When analyzing the refrigeration system, it is impor tant to understand th at diff erent refrigeration componen t malfunctions ma y cause very similar symptoms.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-5 BEFORE BEGINNING SERVICE Ice machines ma y expe rience operationa l proble ms only durin g cer tain times of the da y or night. A machin e ma y function properly while it is being ser viced, but malfunctions later .
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-6 Part No. 80-1 214-3 INSTALLATION/VISUAL INSPECTIO N CHECKLIST W A TER SYSTEM CHECKLIST A water- related prob lem often causes the same sym ptoms as a refrigeration system compone nt malfunction.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-7 ANALYZING DISCHAR GE PRESSU RE DURING FREEZE OR HAR VEST CYCLE Proce dure 1. Deter mine the ice machine operat ing conditions: Air temp . entering condenser ______ Air temp . around ice machine ___ ___ W a ter temp.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-8 Part No. 80-1 214-3 ANALYZING SUCTION PRESSURE NO TE: Analyze discharge pressu re bef ore analyzing suction pressure .
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-9 EQUALIZATION V ALVE (QF2300) General The equalization v alve is an electrically operated v alv e that closes when energiz ed, and opens when de- energiz ed. Normal Operation The v alv e is energized (closed) during the freeze cycle and de-energiz ed (open) during the off cycle.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-10 Part No. 80-1 214-3 HEADMASTER CONTROL V ALVE Function The headmaster contr ol valv e maintains the correct discharge pressu re and liquid line temper ature. Manito woc Ice Machine systems requir e headmaster control valv es with special settings.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-11 Cycle Time/24 Hour Ice Pr oduct ion/Refrig erant Pressure Charts These char ts are used as guideline s to verify correct ice machine operatio n. Accurate collection of data is essential to obta in the correct diagno sis.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-12 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QC700 SELF-CONTAINED AIR COOLED NO TE: These characteristics may v ar y depending on operat ing conditions. 24 Hour Ice Pr oduction Operating Pressures QC700 SELF-CONTAINED W ATER COOLED NO TE: These characteristics may v ar y depending on operating cond itions.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-13 QF800 SELF-CONTAINED AI R COOLED NO TE: These charact eristics may v ar y depending on operat ing conditions. 24 Hour Ice Pr oduction Operating Pressures QF800 SELF-CONTAINED W ATER COOLED NO TE: These characteristics may v ar y depending on operating cond itions.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-14 Part No. 80-1 214-3 QF2200/RFC2085 REMOTE AIR COOL ED NO TE: These characteristics may v ar y depending on 24 Hour Ice Pro duction 24 Hour Ice Pr oduction Operating.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-15 Refrigerant Recovery/E vacuation and Rec harging REFRIGERANT RECOVERY/EVACUATION Normal Self-Contained Model Pr ocedures Do not purge refriger ant to the atmosph ere. Capt ure refrigerant using reco v er y equipment.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-16 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Connections Manif old gauge sets must utilize low loss fittings to comply with U .S. Go v er nment rules and regula tions. Mak e these connections: • Suction side of the compressor through t he suction shut-off valv e.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-17 Self-Contained Model Char ging Pro cedures 1. Be sure the toggle switch is in the OFF position. Charging Connect ions 2. Close the vacuum pump v alve, the low side service valv e, and the low side manifold gauge v alve.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-18 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Remote Charging Pr ocedures (QF2200/QF2300) 1. Be sure the toggle switch is in the OFF position.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-19 SYSTEM CONTAMINATION CLEAN-UP General This section describes the basic requirements f or restoring contaminated systems to reliab le ser vice.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-20 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Mild System Contami nation Clean up Procedu re 1. Replace any f ailed components . 2. If th e compressor is good , change the oil. 3. Replace the liquid line dr ier . NO TE: If the contamination is from moistu re, use heat lamps during e va cuation.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-21 9. Follo w the normal ev acuation procedure, e xcept replace the e vacuation step with the f ollowing: A. Pull v acuum to 1000 m icrons . Break the v acuum with dry nitrogen and s weep the syst em.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-22 Part No. 80-1 214-3 Using Pinch-Off T ool SV1406 Revised 8/2003.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-23 FILTER -DRIERS Liquid Line Filter Drie r The filter-driers used on Manito woc ice machine s are manuf actured to Manitow oc specifications . The diff erence between Manito woc driers and off-the- shelf driers is in filtration.
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-24 Part No. 80-1 214-3 REFRIGERANT DEFINITIONS Recover T o remov e refrigerant, in an y condition, fr om a system and store it in an external container , without neces sarily testing or processing it in an y wa y .
Revised 8/2003.
Attend A Manito w oc F actory Serv ice School • Improv e Y our Ser vice T echniques • Netw ork with Y our P eers • 4 1/2 Da ys of Intensive T raining on Manito woc Ice Machines • Extensiv e �.
Section 7 Refrigeration System Part No. 80 -1214-3 7-25 REFRIGERANT RE-USE POLIC Y Manito woc recogniz es and supp or ts the need f or proper handling, re-u se, and disposal of , CFC and HCFC refrigerants . Manito woc service procedures require recapturing refrigeran ts, not v enting them to the atmosphere .
Refrigeration System Section 7 7-26 Part No. 80-1 214-3 THIS P AGE I NTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANK Revised 8/2003.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Manitowoc Ice QF0800 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Manitowoc Ice QF0800 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Manitowoc Ice QF0800 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Manitowoc Ice QF0800 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Manitowoc Ice QF0800, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Manitowoc Ice QF0800.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Manitowoc Ice QF0800. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Manitowoc Ice QF0800 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.