Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MS310DN del fabbricante Lexmark
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MS310 Series User's Guide May 2013 www.le xmark.c om Machine type(s): 4514 Model(s): 220, 230.
Conten ts Safe ty infor matio n.... ...... ..... ........ ...... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... .5 Learn ing a bout t he pr inte r..... ........... ........ ........ ........... ........ ........ ........... .....7 Findi ng in formati on abo ut the p rint er.
Unde rsta ndin g the pr inter menu s................ ................................ ..............5 3 Menus li st... ....... ..... ...... .... ........ ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... .... ...... ....... ..... ..... ...... ....... ..... ..... .....
[x] ‑ page j am, op en fron t door . [20y .xx] ......... ........ ...... ........... ....... ....... ........ .......... ....... ....... ........... . ......94 [x] ‑ page j am, op en re ar door. [ 20y .xx] ....... ..... .... ........ ..... .... ..
Safety information Connect t he power co rd to a pr operly gro unded elec trical o utlet th at is near the prod uct and ea sily acces sible. Do not p lace or use this product near wate r or we t locati ons. CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: This p roduct uses a las er.
CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the risk of equipment instability, load each tray separately. Keep all other tr ays cl osed u ntil need ed. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: Do not se t up this prod uct or ma ke any electric al or cablin g connect ions, su ch as the fax f eature, po wer cor d, or teleph one, du ring a li ghtning storm.
Learni ng about the prin ter Finding informa tion about the printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in structions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the p rinter sof tware Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the printer and is al so available at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownload s • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark support Web site— http://support.
1 Righ t side 305 mm ( 12 in .) 2 Front 510 m m (20 in .) 3 Left side 205 mm ( 8 in.) 4 Rear 205 mm ( 8 in. ) 5 Top 305 m m (12 i n.) Printer configurations CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: To reduce the risk of equipment instability, load each tray separately.
1 Printer control panel 2 Paper s top 3 Standard b in 4 Front door release button 5 Controller board ac cess door 6 Standard 2 50 ‑ sheet tray 7 Optio nal 2 50 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray 8 50 ‑ she.
Using the printer control panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Light or button Color Description 1 Error light Yellow An error has oc curred. 2 Paper jam light Yellow A paper jam has occurred. 3 Load or rem ove pape r light Yellow Paper must be loaded in the tray or removed from the bin.
Light or button Color Description 8 Stop or canc el button Red Use this to cancel a print job. Understanding th e printer contro l panel light s equences The printe r control panel l ights ca n mean diff erent thi ngs, depe nding on th e ligh t sequenc e.
Light sequence Mess age Flushing buffer Resol ution reduc ed The prin ter control panel lig hts blink one at a time from left to right repeatedl y. No n-L exm ar k t one r cartridge Non-Lex mark imagi.
Primary li ght sequence Supplemental light seque nce Mess age Missing or unresponsive toner cartridge Replace toner cartridge Toner cartridge, printer region mismatch Missing or unresponsive imag ing .
Primary li ght sequence Supplemental light seque nce Mess age Paper jam, open rear door Paper jam, remove standard tray to clear duplex Paper jam, open front door Paper jam, remove standard tray Paper.
To downloa d and insta ll the Local Pr inter Sett ings U tility, see “Insta lling th e Local Print er Settings Utility” on page 20. To access the Lo cal Printer S ettings U tility: In Windows 8 Fr.
Additional printer setup Installing hardware options Installi ng optional trays CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing the c ontroller bo ard or instal ling optio nal hardware or memo ry devi.
7 Align th e printer with the t ray, and the n slowly l ower the prin ter into place. 8 Connect the p ower c ord to the pr inter , then to a p roperl y grounded electrical outlet, and th en turn on the print er.
Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Do n ot touch t he USB c able, any netwo rk adapte r, or th e printe r in th e area s hown while ac tively pri nting. Los s of data o r a malfu nction can o ccur. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Use the To 1 USB port * Attach an optional wi reless network adapter.
1 Obtain a co py of the so ftware insta ller package. • From t he So ftware a nd Docume ntation CD that came with your printer. • From ou r Web sit e: Go to www.
Updat ing availa ble optio ns in the printer driver When any har dware o ptions a re instal led, you may nee d to manu ally add the optio ns in the p rinter driver to make them availabl e for use.
Networking Notes: • Purchase a Ma rkNet TM N8352 wireless networ k adapter first b efore setting up the printer on a wireless netwo rk. For infor mation on installing t he wireless net work adapter , see the instruct ion sheet t hat came wi th the adapter .
In Wind ows 7 or earlier a Click , or clic k Start and then click Run . b In th e Start Search o r Run di alog, typ e D:s e tu p.e xe . c Press Enter , or clic k OK .
d Click the IP ta b. e Type the printer IP address in the address field, and then click Add . • For Appl eTalk print ing: Notes: – Make su re Appl eTa lk is ac tivated on you r print er. – This feature is supported only in Mac OS X version 10.5.
Notes: – If you do no t know th e SSID of the networ k that your co mputer is connecte d to, the n launch the wireless u tility of the c omputer net work adap ter, and t hen look f or the network name .
Instal ling the Wir eless Setup Ut ility 1 Obtain a co py of the so ftware insta ller package. • From t he So ftware a nd Docume ntation CD that came with your printer.
Using the Wireless Setup Assis tant (Macintosh only) The Wirel ess Setup Assist ant lets you: • Configur e the pri nter to join an exis ting wir eless net work. • Add a p rin ter to an exist ing ad ho c net work . • Change t he wireless sett ings after installation.
5 Turn of f the print er, and the n discon nect the Eth ernet ca ble. Then wai t for at leas t five seco nds, and t hen turn the prin ter back on. 6 To veri fy if your printer is connected to the net work, print a network setup pag e again. Then in the Networ k Card [x] section, see if the statu s is “Connected”.
Loading paper and specialty media The sele ction and h andling o f paper and spe cialty med ia can affe ct how reliably do cuments print. F or more inf ormation , see “Avo iding jam s” on pa ge 92 and “ Stori ng paper” on pag e 46.
Using the stan dard bin and pa per stop The sta ndard bin holds up to 150 sheets of 75 ‑ g/m 2 (20 ‑ lb) paper. It collect s prints f acedown. The s tandard bin includes a paper st op that ke eps paper from sl iding out t he front o f the bin as it stacks .
Busy ‑ Blinking Loading pape r and specialty media 31.
2 Squeeze and then slide the widt h guide tab to the correct positio n for the size of th e paper you are loading. A6 A5 L G L A 5 B 5 E X E C 2 3 Squeeze and then slide the length guide tab to the correct position for th e size of the paper you are loading.
Notes: • For some pap er sizes like lett er, legal, and A4, s queeze and slid e the length gu ide tab backwar d to accommodate their length . • When loadi ng legal ‑ si ze paper, t he length g uide exte nds beyond the base, le aving the p aper expos ed to dust.
1 2 Notes: • Load recycled or preprinted paper with the printable side facedown. • Load prepunched paper with the holes on the to p edge toward the front of the t ray. • Load le tterhea d facedown , with the top edge of the sheet t oward the front of th e tray.
Loading the multipurpose feeder Use the multipurpose feed er when printing on different paper sizes and types or specialty media, such as card stock, transpar encies, paper label s, and env elopes. You can also u se it for sin gle ‑ pag e prin t jo bs on let terhe ad .
2 Squeeze the tab on the left width gu ide, and then move the gu ides for the paper you are loading. 2 1 3 Prepare the paper or specialty media for loading. • Flex sheets of pap er back and forth to loos en them, and then fan them. Do n ot fold or crease th e paper.
• Make sure the paper or specia lty med ia is below t he max imum paper fill ind icator located o n the paper guides. • Load paper, transparencies, and card stock with the recomm ended printable side faceup and the top edge entering the print er first.
• Load let terhea d faceu p with th e top edg e entering the pr inter first. For two ‑ sided (duplex ) printing , load letterhead facedown with the bo ttom edge of th e sheet entering the pr inter first. • Load envelopes with the flap on the left side facedown.
Notes: • Prin t a netw ork s etup pa ge or men u settin gs pag e, an d then l ocate t he IP addr ess in th e TCP/I P sect ion. T he IP add ress appea rs as four set s of numbers separated by period s, such as 123.12 3.123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Notes: • Prin t a netw ork s etup pa ge or men u settin gs pag e, an d then l ocate t he IP addr ess in th e TCP/I P sect ion. T he IP add ress appea rs as four set s of numbers separated by period s, such as 123.12 3.123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
Paper and specialty media guide Additi onal info rmation f or print ing on s pecialty med ia may be found in th e Cardst ock and Label Guide avai lable at http: //suppo rt.lexma . Paper guidelines Select ing the cor rect pap er or sp ecialty me dia reduces printin g problem s.
Grain direction Grain ref ers to the a lignment of the pape r fibers in a sheet o f paper. Grain is eit her gra in lon g , running the leng th of the paper , or grain short , running the width of the paper . For 60–90 ‑ g/m 2 (16–24 ‑ lb) bond paper, grain l ong paper is recom mended.
• Avoid papers wit h rough o r heavily te xtured surfaces. Use papers pr inted with heat ‑ resis tant inks desi gned for use in xerograp hic copie rs. The ink must be a ble to withst and tempera tures up to 230°C (446°F) wi thout melti ng or relea sing ha zardous emiss ions.
Lexmark does not endor se specific suppliers, although a converter’s produ ct list fo r special ap plication s is main tained. However, the follo wing paper choi ce guidelines will help alleviat e the environmental impact of pr inting: 1 Minimi ze paper consumpt ion.
• Do not use prepr inted card st ock manufac tured wi th chemica ls that may contamina te the print er. Prepri nting intro duces se mi ‑ liquid and vol atile co mponen ts i nto the pr inter.
• Do not use labels w ith expo sed adh esive. • Do no t print wi thin 1 mm (0 .04 inc h) of the e dge of the label, of the perf orati ons, o r betwee n die ‑ cuts o f th e la bel. • Make sur e the adhe sive bac king does not reach to the ed ge of the sheet.
Supported pape r sizes, types, a nd weights Supported p aper sizes Paper si ze Standar d tray Opti ona l 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tr ay Multipurpo se feeder Duplex mode A4 210 x 297 mm (8 .3 x 11.7 in.) A5 148 x 2 10 mm (5 .8 x 8. 3 in.) X A6 105 x 1 48 mm (4 .
Paper si ze Standar d tray Opti ona l 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tr ay Multipurpo se feeder Duplex mode DL Envelope 110 x 2 20 mm (4 .3 x 8. 7 in.) XX X C5 Enve lope 162 x 2 29 mm (6.4 x 9 i n.) XX X B5 Envelope 176 x 2 50 mm (6 .9 x 9. 8 in.) XX X Other Envelope 229 x 35 6 mm (9 x 14 in.
Paper type 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex mode Light Paper Heavy Paper 2 Rough/Cotton X 1 One ‑ sided paper labels designed for laser prin ters are supported for o ccasional u se. It i s recommended to print 20 or fewer pages of paper labels per month.
Printing This chapte r covers printing, p rinter rep orts, and job ca ncelati on. Selec tion and handl ing of paper an d specialty me dia can affect how relia bly documen ts print. For more inf ormation, s ee “Avoi ding jams” on page 92 and “Storing p aper” on page 46.
Notes: • Prin t a netw ork s etup pa ge or men u settin gs pag e, an d then l ocate t he IP addr ess in th e TCP/I P sect ion. T he IP add ress appea rs as four set s of numbers separated by period s, such as 123.12 3.123.123. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
For Macintosh users 1 From the Appl e menu, navig ate to e ither of the fo llowing: • Syst em Pre feren ces > Print & Scan > select your printe r > Open Pri nt Que ue • Syst em Pre fe.
Understandin g the printer menus You may print a men us list by printin g the menu set tings and net work setup pages. Acces s the menus fro m a network printer by u sing the Embedde d Web S erver.
Paper Size /Type menu Use To Tray [x] Size A4 A5 A6 JIS ‑ B5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat emen t Universal Specify the pa per size loaded in each tray. Notes: • Letter is the US f actory default se tting. A4 is the int ernational factory default setting.
Use To MP Feeder Siz e A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat emen t Universal 7 3/4 E nvelo pe 9 Envelo pe 10 Env elope DL Envelo pe C5 En vel ope B5 Env elope Oth er En velo pe Specify the paper size loaded in the multipurpose feeder.
Use To Manual Paper Size A4 A5 A6 JIS B 5 Letter Legal Executive Oficio ( Mexico) Folio Stat emen t Universal Specify the paper size being manually loaded. Note: Letter is the US factory de fault setting . A4 is the intern ational factory default setting.
Configu re MP menu Use To Conf igur e MP Cassette Manual First Determine when the printer s elects paper from the multipurpose fe eder. Note s: • Cassette is the factory default setting. Cassette configures the multipurpo se feeder as the defa ult paper source.
Use To Rough Envelope Texture Rough Specify the relative texture of the rough envelopes loaded. Letterhead Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the letterhead loaded. Note: Normal is the factor y default setting. Preprinted Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specify the relative texture of the pr eprinted paper loaded.
Use To Trans pare ncy We igh t Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the transparencies l oaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Recycled Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the relative weight of the recycled paper loaded. Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Use To Cotton/Rough Weight Light Normal Heavy Specify the re lative weight of the cotton or rough paper loaded. Note: Heavy is the factory defau lt setting. Custom [x] W eight Light Normal Heavy Specify the re lative weight of the custom paper loaded.
Use To Custom [x ] Loadi ng Duplex Off Determine and set two ‑ sided printing for all print jobs that speci fy Custom [x] as the paper type. Note: Custom [ x] Loading is availabl e only if the custom type is supported.
Use To PS Smar tSwi tch On Off Set the print er to automatically switch to P S emulation when a pr int job received through a USB port requires it, regardless of the default print er language. Note s: • On is the factory default setting. • If PS SmartSwitch is enabled, then the printer uses PostScript emul ation.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Use To Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu ese Suom i Russ ian Polski Greek Magyar Turkce Cesk y .
Use To Timeou ts Slee p Mod e Dis abled 1–12 0 min Set the amount of time the printer waits after a job is printed before it goes into a reduced power state. Notes: • “30 min” is the factory default setti ng. • “Disabled” appears only whe n Energy Conserve is set to Off.
Use To Timeou ts Print Timeout Dis abled 1–255 se c Set the amount of time in seco nds the printer waits to receive an end ‑ of ‑ job message bef ore canceling the remainder of the print job. Notes: • “90 sec” is the factory def ault setting.
Use To Print Reco very Jam Assi st On Off Notes: • On is the factory default setting. On sets the printer to automaticall y dump blank or partiall y printed pages to the standard bin after a jam med page has been cleared. • Off require s the user to remove all pages from all possibl e jam locations.
Print Settings Setup menu Use To Printer Language PCL Emulatio n PS Emulation Set th e d efa ult prin te r lang uag e. Notes: • PCL Emulation is the factory default setting. • PCL Emulation uses a PCL inte rpreter for pr ocessing prin t jobs. • PS Emulation uses a PostScri pt interpreter for processing print jobs.
Finishing menu Use To Sides (Duplex) 1 sid ed 2 sid ed Spec ify whet her two ‑ sided (duplex) printing is set as the def ault for all pri nt jobs. Notes: • “1 sided” is the factory default setting. • You can set two ‑ sided printin g from the software program.
Use To Paper Save r Off 2 ‑ Up 3 ‑ Up 4 ‑ Up 6 ‑ Up 9 ‑ Up 12 ‑ Up 16 ‑ Up Print multiple ‑ page images on one side of a pa per. Notes: • Off is the fact ory defau lt setti ng. • The number selected is the number of page imag es that will print per side.
Use To Enhance Fine Lines On Off Enable a prin t mode preferable for files such as archit ectural drawings, maps , electrical circuit diag rams, and flow charts. Notes: • Off is the fact ory defau lt setti ng. • You can set this option fr om the printer software.
Use To PCL Emulation Settings A4 Wi dth 198 mm 203 mm Set the printer to pri nt on A4 ‑ size paper. Note s: • 198 mm i s the fa cto ry defau lt se tting. • The 203 ‑ mm setting sets the width of the page to allow pr inting of eighty 10 ‑ pitch character s.
Use To Tray Renumber Restor e Defau lts Yes No Restore all tray an d feeder assignments to the factory defaul t settings. Security menu Set Date and Ti me menu Use To Current Date and Time View the current date and time settings for the printer. Manually Set Date and Time [input date/time] Enter the date and time.
Saving money and the environment Lexmark is co mmitted to environmental sustainabi lity and is continuall y improv ing its printer s to reduc e their impac t on the environment. We design with the environment in mind, engineer ou r packaging to redu ce materials, and provide coll ection and re cycli ng progra ms.
Saving energy If your print er is connect ed to a c omputer by a US B or parallel cable, then u se the Local Prin ter Settin gs Util ity for Wind ows or Pri nter Se ttings for Ma cintos h. If you r print er is con necte d to th e networ k, then u se the E mbedd ed Web Server.
Notes: • Prin t a netw ork s etup pa ge or men u settin gs pag e, an d then l ocate t he IP addr ess in th e TCP/I P sect ion. • If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Setti ngs > Ge neral S etti ngs > Timeout s .
• If you are using a proxy se rver, then tempo rarily disable it to load the Web page correctly. 2 Click Setti ngs > Ge neral S etti ngs > Schedu le Power Modes . 3 From the Action menu, se lect the po wer mode. 4 From the Ti me men u, sel ect the time.
Returning Lexmark cartridges for reuse or recycling Lexmark Cartri dge Collect ion Prog ram diverts m illions of Lexm ark cartri dges from la ndfills ann ually by mak ing it both easy and free for Lexmark customer s to return used cartridges to Lexmark for reuse or recycling.
Securin g the prin ter Using the security lock feature The printer i s equipped wit h a security lo ck feature. Att ach a security lock compatibl e with most laptop comput ers in the loca tion sh own to secure the prin ter in place.
Erasing volatile memory The volatile me mory (RAM) inst alled in your prin ter requires a power so urce to retain information . To erase the b uffered data, s impl y turn of f the p rinter. Erasing non ‑ volat il e memo ry 1 Turn off th e printer . 2 Open th e front door of the print er and hold down while turning the printer on.
3 Press until the pr int er cont rol p anel ligh t seq uenc e matc hes the light s equence in th e followi ng illus tration, and then press . ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking The pr inter wil l restart seve ral time s during this pr ocess. Note: W ipe All Set tings s ecurely re moves dev ice set tings, jobs , and pa sswords fr om the pr inter m emory.
Maintaining the printer Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Fai lure to ma intain opt imum pr inter pe rformance perio dically, or to repla ce parts and supplie s, may cau se damage t o your prin ter. Cleaning the printer Cleaning th e printer Note: You ma y need to perf orm th is task af ter every f ew mon ths.
Using the printer c ontrol panel From the print er cont rol pan el, press , and then check t he supply a nd part sta tus in the S upply Inform ation section. Estimated number of remain ing pages The esti mated n umber of re maining pa ges is based on the recent pr inting his tory of t he printer.
Item Retu rn Pr ogram ca rtri dge For the United States and Ca nada Toner Cartridg e 501 High Yiel d Toner Cartridge 501H Extra High Yield Toner Cart ridge 501X 1 Ultra High Yield Toner Cartr idge 501.
Item Reg ular cartridge Extra High Yield Toner Cart ridge 500XA 2 Ultra High Yield Toner Cartr idge 500UA 3 1 This cartridge is supported only in MS310d and MS310dn printer models. 2 This cartridge is supported only in MS410d and MS410dn printer models.
Replacing supplies Replacing the toner cartridge 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or. 2 1 2 Pull the tone r cartr idge out using t he handle. 3 Unpack the tone r cartri dge, an d then rem ove all pac king mat erials.
6 Clos e the front do or. Replacing the imagin g unit 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or. 2 1 2 Pull the tone r cartr idge out using t he handle.
3 Lift the green handle, and then pull the imaging unit out of the p rinter. 4 Unpack the new imagin g unit, and then shake it. 5 Remove all pa cking ma terials from the imaging un it. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not expo se the i maging u nit to di rect light for m ore than 10 minut es.
6 Inser t the im aging unit into the pri nter by aligning the arro ws on the s ide rail s of the i maging un it with th e arro ws on the si de rail s insi de the pr inte r. 7 Insert th e ton er cartri dge into the prin ter by al igning the side rails of the cart ridg e with the ar rows on the side r ails insi de the prin ter.
• If an o ptional tray i s install ed, then r emove i t from the print er. To r emove the optio nal tra y, slide the la tch on th e right side o f the tray towa rd t he front of the tray unti l it clicks into plac e. • Use the hand holds l ocated on both s ides o f the printer to lift it.
Managing the printer This chapt er cov ers basi c adminis trative support tasks us ing the Em bedded W eb Server . Finding adva nced networking an d administra tor information This chapt er cove rs basi c adminis trative s upport ta sks using the Embe dded Web S erver.
Notification Description Off The normal printer behavior for all supplies occurs. E ‑ mail Only The printer gener ates an e-mail when the sup ply condition is re ached.
Clearin g jams Careful ly select paper and s pecialty m edia and lo ad them pr operly to avoid mo st jams. Fo r more i nformat ion, see “Avoiding jams” on page 92. If jams do occur, then follow the steps ou tlined in this chapter. Note: Jam recover y is set t o Auto by de fault.
• Do not slide t he paper into th e tray. Load pape r as sh own in the i llust ration. • Make sure the guides in t he tray or the multipurpose feeder are prop erly positioned and are not press ing tightly agains t the p aper or en velope s. • Push th e tray firm ly into the prin ter aft er loadi ng pape r.
1 5 6 2 3 4 Access a rea Desc ription 1 Standar d bi n 2 Rear door 3 Standar d 250 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 1 ) 4 Option al 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sheet tray (Tray 2) 5 Multipurpose feeder door 6 Front door N.
‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence. ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the p receding illust ration, then do t he follo wing.
CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the prin ter might be hot. To r educe the risk of i njury from a hot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching it. 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or.
4 Place th e imaging uni t aside on a flat, smooth surface. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not expo se the i maging u nit to di rect light for m ore than 10 minut es. Extended exposur e to light can cause print qu ality probl ems. 5 Lift the green flap in front of th e printer.
7 Inser t the im aging uni t by ali gning th e arrows on the si de rail s of the unit with the ar rows on the side rails in side the p rinter, a nd then insert the ima ging unit into th e prin ter.
[x] ‑ page jam, open rear door. [ 20y.xx] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the p receding illust ration, then do t he follo wing. 1 Pre ss the but ton on the ri ght si de of th e printe r, and t hen ope n the f ront do or. 2 1 2 Gently p ull down t he rear door .
4 Clos e the rear a nd front doors . 5 From the print er cont rol pan el, press to clear the mes sage and co ntinue pr inting. [x] ‑ page jam, clear s tandard bin .
‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the p receding illust ration, then do t he follo wing. 1 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed pape r on eac h side, and then gent ly pull it out. Note: M ake sure all paper fragments ar e removed.
[x] ‑ page jam, remove tray 1 to clear duplex. [23y.xx] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Light sequence ‑ On ‑ Blin king ‑ On If the s upplemental ligh t sequence matches any of the li ght se quences in t he preced ing illus trations, then do the follow ing. CAUTION —HOT SURFA CE: The inside of the prin ter might be hot. To r educe the risk of i njury from a hot component, allow the s urface to cool before touching it.
2 Locate t he blue l ever, and the n pull it do wn to relea se the jam. Note: If the jamme d paper is not visibl e in the d uplex area, t hen open the rear do or, and the n gently re move the jamm ed pa per. Ma ke s ure al l pap er fra gment s are remove d.
[x] ‑ page jam, re move tra y [x]. [24y.xx] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Light sequence ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemental ligh t sequence matches any of the li ght se quences in t he preced ing illus trations, then do the follow ing. 1 Pull out the t ray com pletely. 2 Firmly gr asp the ja mmed pape r on eac h side, and then gent ly pull it out.
3 Ins ert the tra y. 4 From the print er cont rol pan el, press to clear the mes sage and co ntinue pr inting. [x] ‑ page jam, clear ma nual feeder. [250.xx] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
‑ On ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the p receding illust ration, then do t he follo wing. 1 From th e multi purpose feeder, fir mly grasp the jamm ed paper o n each side, a nd then gently pull it out.
Troubleshooting Understanding th e printer messa ges Toner cartridge messages Cartridge, imaging unit mismatch [41.xy] ‑ On ‑ On If the pr inter c ontrol pan el light se quence m atches th e light.
Cartridge low [88.xx] ‑ On ‑ On If the prin ter contr ol panel l ight sequ ence matc hes the lig h t sequence in the p receding illustration, t hen you may n eed to order a toner cartridg e. If ne cessary, pres s on the p rinter con trol pane l to conti nue print ing.
‑ On ‑ On If the printer c ontrol panel lig ht seque nce mat ches the light s equence i n the preceding illustr ation, th en pres s on the print er cont rol panel , if nec essary, to continue printi ng.
All life ind icators are de signed to functi on with L exmark sup plies a nd parts, a nd may del iver unpre dictable results if third-pa rty suppli es or parts are used. Im aging com ponent us age beyond the inte nded li fe may dam age your Le xmark print er or asso ciated comp onen ts.
If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence. ‑ On ‑ Blinking ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the preceding illust ration, then re place the toner cartr idge.
Replace c artridge, printer reg ion mismatc h [42.xy] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
If the sup plement al light sequence m atches the ligh t sequenc e in the pre ceding il lustrat ion, then i nstall a to ner cart ridge that mat ches th e region nu mber of the print er. x indicates the value of the printer region. y indi cate s the valu e of the cartr idge regi on.
If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Replace unsupported cartridge [32.xy] ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the prin ter contr ol pane l light seque nce ma tches th e precedin g light seque nce, th en remo ve the to ner cartr idge, and then inst all a suppor ted one. Fo r more inform ation, see the instruction sheet t hat came with the supply.
Imaging un it messages Imaging unit low [84.xy] ‑ Blinking ‑ On If the prin ter contr ol panel l ight sequ ence matc hes the lig h t sequence in the p receding illustration, t hen you may n eed to o rde r an im agi ng u nit. If nec es sary , pre ss on the printer control panel to cont inue prin ting.
‑ Slowl y blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ On If the printer c ontrol panel lig ht seque nce mat ches the light s equence i n the preceding illustr ation, th en pres s on the print er cont rol panel , if nec essary, to continue printi ng. Imaging unit very low [84.
Warn ing— Potent ial D amag e: Use of third-part y suppli es or parts can affec t warra nty covera ge. Dam age caused b y the use of third-p arty suppl ies or par ts is n ot covere d by the wa rranty.
Reinstall missing or unrespo nsive imaging unit [31.xy] ‑ On ‑ Blinking If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • Remove the imag ing unit, an d then reinst all it. • Remove the imagin g unit, an d then instal l a new one.
Paper loadin g messages Incor rect paper si ze, open [paper sourc e] [34] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • Load the correct size of paper. • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to clear the light sequence a nd print using a differe nt tray.
‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of pap er. • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printin g.
Load [pape r source ] with [pape r size] [o rienta tion] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size of paper.
Load [pape r source ] with [pape r type] [paper size] [orienta tion] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load the tray or feeder with the corr ect size and type of pap er.
Load Manual Feeder with [cus tom type name] [orient ation] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load th e multi purpose feeder wit h the corr ect si ze and type o f paper.
Load Manual Feeder with [custom type string] [o rientation] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load th e multi purpose feeder wit h the corr ect si ze and type o f paper.
Load Manual Feede r with [paper size] [orientation] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load the feeder with the correct size and typ e of paper.
Load Manual Feede r with [paper type] [pa per size] [ori entation] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light sequence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then try one o r more of the followin g: • Load th e multi purpose feeder wit h the corr ect si ze and type o f paper.
Remove paper from standard output bin ‑ Blinking If the pr inter c ontrol pan el light se quence m atches th e light s equence in the prece ding ill ustrat ion, then do the follo wing: 1 Remove the pape r stack f rom the standard output bin. 2 From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printin g.
‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Standard parallel port d isabled [56] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printin g. Note: The printer discards a ny data rece ived thr ough the parallel p ort.
If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Rear USB port disabled [56] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printin g. Note: The printer discards any data re ceived th rough the USB po rt.
If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
Insufficient memory to support Resource Save feature [35] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e mat ches the lig ht sequ ence in t he prece ding illu stratio n, then pr ess on the printer co ntrol pan el to clear the light sequence.
‑ On ‑ On ‑ On ‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printing. A data loss w ill occur .
Complex page, some data may not have printed [39] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matches the lig ht sequence in the p receding i llustra tion, th en try one o r more of the foll owing: • From the print er cont rol pan el, press to continue printing. A data los s may occur. • From the print er cont rol pan el, press t o canc el the pr int j ob.
If the printer control light sequence matches th e light sequence in the preceding illust ration, then press twice quickly to see the s upplemen tal lig ht sequence .
Printer had to restart. L a st job may be incomplete. ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ On If the printer c ontrol panel lig ht seque nce mat ches the light s equence i n the preceding illustr ation, th en pres s on the print er cont rol panel to cont inue prin ting.
Service error ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking ‑ Blinking If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then tur n off the printer , and then turn it back on.
Too many trays attache d [58 ] ‑ On ‑ On If the printer control pan el light s equence mat ches the lig ht sequence in t he preceding illustrati on, then pr ess twice quic kly to see the supp lemental light sequence.
‑ On If the s upplemen tal ligh t sequenc e matche s the lig ht seque nce in the p receding illust ration, then do t he follo wing: 1 Turn off th e printer . 2 Unplug the power cord fro m the electrical outlet. Note: O ptional t rays lock tog ether when stacked.
Action Yes No Step 5 Check if the cables connecting the printer and the computer are inserted in the correc t ports. Are the cables ins erted in the co rrect ports? Go to step 6.
Option probl ems Cannot dete ct internal option Action Yes No Step 1 Turn off the printer, then wait for about 10 seconds, and then turn on the printer. Does the i nternal option operate cor rectly? The p rob lem is s olve d. Go to st ep 2. Step 2 Check if the inter nal option is pro perly installed in the co ntroller board.
Tray proble ms Action Yes No Step 1 a Open the tray and do one or more of the follo wing: • Check for paper jams or misfeeds. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size indi cators on t he tray.
Paper feed problems Paper frequently jams Action Yes No Step 1 a Pull out the tray, and then do on e or more of the following: • Make sure pape r lies flat in the tray. • Check if the paper size indicators on the paper guides are aligned with the paper size indi cators on t he tray.
Jammed pages are not reprinted Actions Yes No a From the Print Recovery menu, set Jam Recovery to Auto or On. To access the Print Recovery menu, try one or more of the following: • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field.
Action Yes No Step 2 a Check if the printer is plug ged in and turned on, and if the printer control panel li ght sequence matc hes the light sequence i n the fo llow ing ill ustr ati on: Ready ‑ On b Resend the print job. Do the jobs print? The p rob lem is s olve d.
Action Yes No Step 6 a Remove and reinstal l the printer software. Fo r more information, see “Installing the prin ter software” on page 19. Note: The pr inter software is availabl e at http://support.le . b Resend the print job. Do the jobs print? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No Step 3 From th e Eco ‑ Mode menu, change the enviro nmental settings. To access the Eco ‑ Mode menu, do either of the following: • If the pri nter is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the address field.
Actions Yes No Step 3 a Depending o n your operating system, open Pri nting Preference s or the Print dialog, and then sp ecify the paper type. b Resend the print job. Does the job print from the corr ect tray or on th e correct paper? The pr oble m is so lve d.
Action Yes No a From the Paper menu, set the paper size and type to match the paper loaded in the trays to be linked. To access the Pa per menu, do either of the following: • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field.
Action Yes No Step 3 Reduce the number and size of fonts, the number and c omplexity of images, and the number of pages in the job. Does the job print and col late correctly? The pr oble m is so lve d. Con tact custome r support . Unexpected page breaks occur Action Yes No Step 1 From the Setup menu, adjust the pri nt timeout setting.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Check if there is packing materia l left on the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Check if the packi ng material is prope rly removed from th e imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 1 a Move the width and lengt h guides in the tray to the correct positi ons for the paper loaded. b Resend the print job. Is the page or image clipped? Go t o st ep 2. The p rob lem is s olve d . Step 2 From the Paper menu, set the paper size and type to match the paper loaded in the tray.
Shadow images appear on prin ts ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD Leading edge Trailing edge Action Yes No Step 1 Check if th e paper loaded in the tray has the correct paper t ype and weight. Is paper with the correct pap er type and weight loaded in the tray? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Qu ality menu, select a lower number to reduce the toner density. To access the Quality menu, do eit her of the following: • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field.
Action Yes No Step 2 From the Paper menu, check i f the paper size setting matches the paper loaded in the tray. To acces s the Paper menu, do either o f the following: • If the pri nter is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address i n the address field.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Depending on your operating system, spec ify the paper type and weight from Printing Prefe rences or from the Print dialog. b Resend the print job. Is the paper still curled? Go t o st ep 4. The p rob lem is s olve d . Step 4 a Remove the paper from the tray, and then turn it over.
Action Yes No Step 2 From the Paper menu, set the paper size and type to match the paper loaded in the tray. To acces s the Paper menu, do either o f the following: • If the pri nter is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the address field.
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the paper loaded in the tra y has texture or rough finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From t he Pa per T exture menu, change the texture settings.
Repeating defects appea r on prints Action Yes No Step 1 Measure the distance between the defects. Check for a distance between the d efects that equals: • 97 mm (3 .82 in.) • 47 mm (1 .85 in.) • 38 mm (1.5 in.) Is the distance between defects equal t o one of the listed measurements? Go to step 2.
Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Qualit y menu, reduce the toner darkness. To access the Quality menu, do eit her of the following: • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field. Then navigate to Settings > Printer Settings > Quality Menu .
Action Yes No Step 4 Check if the paper loaded in the tra y has texture or rough finishes. Are you printing on textur ed or rough paper? From t he Pa per T exture menu, change the texture settings to match the paper you are printing on.
Print is too light ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 a From the Qualit y menu, increase the toner darkness. To access the Quality menu, do eit her of the following: • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Depending on your operating system, specify the pap er type, texture, and weight from Printi ng Preferences or the Print di alog. b Resend the print job. Is the print still too li ght? Go t o st ep 4. The p rob lem is s olve d .
Action Yes No Step 6 a Shake the imaging unit to r edistribute the toner. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Printer is printing solid black pages Action Yes No Step 1 a Rein sta ll the imag ing unit . 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 2 a Check if you are using a rec ommended type of transparency. b Resend the print job. Is the print quality still poor? Contact customer support .
Action Yes No Step 4 a Rein sta ll the imag ing unit . 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes. Extended exposure to light may cause print quali ty problems.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Load paper from a fresh pac kage. Note: Paper absorbs moisture due to high humidity. Store p aper in its original wrap per until you use it. b Resend the print job. Do streaked vertic al lines still appe ar on prints? Go t o st ep 4.
Action Yes No Step 3 a Redistribute the toner in the imaging unit. 1 Remove the toner car tridge, and then the imaging unit. 2 Firmly shake the imaging uni t. Warn ing—P oten tia l Damag e: Do n ot expose the imaging unit to direct light for mor e than 10 minutes.
Action Yes No Step 2 a From the Paper Menu, set the paper type and weight to ma tch the paper loaded in the tray. To acc ess the Paper Menu, do either of the fo llow ing : • If the printer is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the addres s field.
Toner rubs off Leading edge Trailing edge ABC DEF Action Yes No Step 1 From the Paper menu on the printer control panel, check the paper type, texture, and weight. To access the Pa per Menu, do either o f the following: • If the pri nter is on a network, then open a Web bro wser and type the printer IP address in the address field.
Embedded Web Server does not open Action Yes No Step 1 a Tur n on th e pri nter. b Open a Web browser, and then type the prin ter IP address. c Press Enter . Does the Embedded Web Server open? The p rob lem is s olve d . Go to s tep 2. Step 2 Make sure the printer IP address is correct.
Action Yes No Step 5 Temporarily disable the Web proxy servers. Proxy servers may bloc k or restrict you fr om accessing cer tain Web sites including the Embedded Web Server. Does the Embedded Web Server open? The p ro blem is s olve d. Contact you r sy stem support person.
Notices Prod uct i nfor mat ion Produc t name: Lexmark MS310d, M S310dn Machin e type: 4514 Mode l(s): 220, 230 Edition notice May 2013 The foll owing p aragraph does not apply to any country where such pro visions are in consis tent wit h loca l law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexmar k with diam ond design , and Ma rkVision ar e trademarks of Lexmark Int ernational, Inc., regist ered in the United St ates and/or other countries. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple In c., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Lexmark regulato ry type/model LEX-M01 -005; FCC ID: I YLLEXM01005; IC:237 6A-M01005 Licensing noti ces All li cens ing noti ces ass ociat ed with th is prod uct can be viewed from the ro ot directo ry of the in stall ation so ftware CD.
This s ymbol i dentifi es stat ic-sens itive parts. Do not touch in the area s near these symbols without firs t touchin g the metal frame o f the pr inter.
DANGER - Invisible l aser radiation wh en cartridges are r emoved and interlock defeated. Avoid e xposure to laser b eam. PERIGO - Radi ação a laser invisível se rá liberada se os cartuch os forem removidos e o lacre rompido. Evite a exposição aos feix es de laser.
Sleep Mode This product is design ed with an energy-saving mode called Sleep Mo de . The Sleep Mode saves energy by lo wering power co nsumpti on duri ng exte nded per iods of inact ivity. Th e Sleep M ode is aut omatic ally eng aged af ter this product is not used for a sp ecified period of time, called the Sleep Mode Timeout .
日本の VCCI 規定 製品にこのマーク が表示されている場合、次の要件を満たし て います。 この装置は、クラス B 情報技術装置です。この装置は 、�.
To prevent radio in terference to th e licensed service, this device is intend ed to be operated indoo rs and away from windows t o provide m aximum shieldi ng. Equip ment (or its transmit antenna ) that is installed ou tdoors is subject to licensing .
Produ cts equi pped wi th 2.4GH z Wireles s LAN opt ion ar e in con formity w ith th e protec tion requ irement s of EC Counci l directiv es 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 199 9/5/EC, and 2009/125 /EC on th.
Íslenska Hér með lýsir Lexm ark Internatio nal, Inc. yfir því að þessi vara er í sam ræmi við grunnkröf ur og aðrar kröfur, sem g erðar eru í til skipun 1999 /5/EC.
If this product is a featur e or opti on, this statem ent applie s only whe n that feature or option i s used wi th the p roduct for which it was intended. To obtai n warran ty ser vice, yo u may be require d to pre sent the f eature or optio n with the produ ct.
—Use of print ing media outside of Lexmark specifi cations —Refurbi shment, r epair, ref illing o r reman ufacture by a third par ty of pro ducts, supp lies or p arts —Produ cts, supplies , part.
The us e of c erta in pate nts i n this prod uct or servic e is s ubjec t to th e reaso nab le, non -dis crimi natory terms in the Intell ectual Prope rty Righ ts (I PR) Discl osure of Cert icom Corp. at the IETF for AES-CCM ECC Ciph er Suites for TLS imple mented i n the prod uct or se rvice.
Index Numerics 250 ‑ sheet tray loading 30 550 ‑ sheet tray loading 30 Symbol s [x] ‑ page jam, clear manual feeder. [250.xx] 108 [x] ‑ page ja m, clear s tandard bin . [20y.xx] 101 [x] ‑ page jam , open fron t door. [20y.xx] 94 [x] ‑ page jam, open rea r door.
Etherne t setup preparing for an 22 ext erior of the p rint er cleaning 81 F FCC notices 186, 1 9 1 finding m ore informa tion about the printer 7 Finis hing m enu 68 G General Se ttings men u 63 gree.
O opti onal tra y installi ng 17 opti ons updating in printe r driver 2 1 order ing imaging unit 84 orde ring suppli es toner cart ridges 82 P paper char acterist ics 41 letterhead 42 loading, mu ltip.
Insuffic ient m emory to colla te job [37] 139 Insufficient mem ory to support Resource Save fea ture [35] 141 Lo ad [p ap er so urce] w ith [custo m type name] 125 Lo ad [p ap er so urce] w ith [cust.
storin g 84 using g enuine Lexmar k 82 using recycl ed paper 73 supplie s, orderin g imaging unit 84 toner cart ridges 82 supply no tificat ions configur ing 90 suppor ted paper si zes 47 suppor ted p.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lexmark MS310DN è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lexmark MS310DN - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lexmark MS310DN imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lexmark MS310DN ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lexmark MS310DN, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lexmark MS310DN.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lexmark MS310DN. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lexmark MS310DN insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.