Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7013 del fabbricante Lexmark
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Lexmark X 264dn, X 363dn, X364 dn, and X364 dw User's Guide Fe brua ry 20 09 www .le xma rk.c om Ma chin e type(s ): 7013, 45 49, 4564 Model (s): 231, 23 5, 432, 436, 43W, d 0 1, d02, gd1, gd 2, .
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.... ..... ..... .... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... .7 Lear ning ab out the print er.. ..... ..... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. .9 Thank you fo r choosing this pr inter!.
Pap er an d spe ci alty me dia g uid eli nes.. ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ...55 Paper guide l ine s................ ................... ................... .................. .......... .................. ........... ....... ............
Improving f ax quality...................... ................. ................................. ................................ .. ................................. ............101 Sca nni ng t o a com pu ter or fla sh d riv e.... ...... ...... ....
Cle ar ing ja ms. .... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .15 9 Clearing jam s................. .................... ..................... .................... .................... ..........
S afety in f ormation Connec t t he power supp ly co rd to a properly grounded elect rical outlet th at i s near the product an d eas ily accessibl e. CA UTION—SHOCK H AZARD: Do not use the fax fea ture dur ing a li ghtni ng s torm.
Use only the tel ecommuni c a tions ( R J -11) co rd provide d with t h i s product or a 2 6 AWG o r larger r eplacement when co nne ct ing th is p rod uct to the p ubl ic s witc hed tele ph one n etw ork . C AUTI ON— POTE NTIA L IN JURY : Do not c ut, tw ist, b ind, c rush, or pla ce heav y objec ts on the pow er co rd.
Learning about the printer Thank you for choosing this printe r! We've worked hard to make s u re it will meet y our n eeds. To sta rt usi ng your ne w p rinte r righ t away, us e the setu p mat erials t hat came wi th the pr i n ter, a n d then skim the Use r’s Guid e to lea rn how to perfo rm basi c task s.
What are you look ing fo r? Find it h e re Help us in g the printer sof tware Windows or Mac Help—Open a printer soft ware program or application, a n d then click Help . Clic k to view c on text-s e ns itive information . Notes: • The Help ins talls automatically with the printer soft ware.
• Allow the followi ng recom mended a mount of spac e arou nd the p rinte r for pr oper ve ntila t i on: 3 4 1 2 5 1 Rea r 30 5 mm (1 2 in .) 2 Rig ht side 20 3 mm ( 8 in .) 3 Fro nt 203 m m (8 in.) 4 Left s ide 76 mm (3 in . ) 5 Top 254 m m (1 0 in.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Front d oor release button 2 Prin ter contr ol panel 3 Automatic Document F eeder (A DF ) 4 Sys te m boa rd do or 5 Front d o or 6 Multipurpos e f eeder d oor No te : Dependin g on your printer model, this could b e the manual feeder door.
1 2 8 4 7 3 6 5 1 Rear door 2 Eth ernet port 3 Wir eless ante nna No te : The w i reless an tenn a appears on wireless mod els only . 4 Fax p orts No te : F ax p ort s ap p ear on fax mod els onl y .
Conf igured m odel Th e foll owing illu stra tion shows t he printer c onfigured with an opti onal 2 50- or 55 0-sheet dr awer: 1 1 O ption al 25 0- or 550-s heet dra wer (Tr ay 2) Basic funct ions of the scanner The scanner prov ides copy, fax , an d s can capability.
Understanding t he ADF and scanner glas s Automatic Docu me nt Feede r (ADF) Scan n er glass Use th e ADF f or multiple-page documents. Use t he sc a n ner gl ass for single pages, small item s (such a s postca rds or photos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin med i a (s uch a s magazine clipp ings).
Understa nding the printe r control panel Shortcuts 3 DEF 6 MNO 9 WXYZ # 2 ABC 5 JKL 8 TUV 0 1 @ !. 4 PQRS 7 * Fax Redial/Pause Resolution Options Hook Select Start Stop/Cancel Menu Back Copy Copies S.
Item Descr iption 8 Duplex 2-Sid ed Ma kes a two- sided cop y Note: On selected printe r mode ls, you ca n also perfor m two-si ded s can job s. 9 Fax Enters th e f ax function Note: Fax mode i s not available on s elected printer models.
Item De scr ip ti on 6 Sel ec t Accep ts men u selecti ons a n d setti ngs 7 Lef t a rro w Scrolls left 8 Indicator li ght • Off —The power is off . • Bli n k ing gr een —Th e printer is warmi ng up, process ing data, or prin ting. • Solid green —The printer is on, but idle.
Item Descripti on 3 Fro nt USB p ort Lets you sc a n to a flash drive or pr int supported file typ es Notes: • The front USB port is available on ly on selected printe r mod els . • When a USB flash memory device is insert e d i n to the printer, th e prin ter can on ly s can to the USB d ev i ce or print files from the USB dev ice.
Additional printer setup Installing int ernal options CAUTI ON—SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acc essing th e s ystem board or ins talling opti on a l hardwa re or m emory de vic es somet im e af ter se ttin g u p th e pr in ter , the n t ur n th e pr in ter o ff, an d un plu g t he pow er co rd fr om t he wall outlet bef ore con tinuing.
2 Unpack the card. Not e: Avoid t ou ching the connecti on points along the edge of t he card. 3 Hold ing the c ard by it s sides, align the card with the co nnector o n the sy stem board. 4 Push the ca rd fi rmly i nto pla ce. Not es: • The entir e length o f the co nnector on t he card must tou c h and be flush ag ainst t h e system board.
Installing hardwa re options Installi ng a 2 50- or 550-sheet drawer The pr inter su pports one op tiona l drawer; you can i nstall a 250- or 550-sheet drawer.
6 Al ign th e pr inte r w ith th e dra wer , an d t he n low er the p rin ter i nto p lac e. Attachi ng cables 1 Conn ect the p rinte r t o a c ompute r or a netwo rk. • Fo r a lo cal connecti on, use a USB cable. • For a network con nection, u se an Ethernet cable.
1 2 4 3 1 Eth ernet port 2 Fax p orts No te : The fax ports a r e av ailabl e on selected printer models only. 3 USB port 4 Pri n ter power cord s ocket Verify ing printer setup Onc e a ll ha rdwa re .
Printi ng a me nu set tings pa ge Pri nt a menu s ettin gs page to revi e w the curr ent men u setti ngs and t o v erify p rinte r opti o n s are in stall ed corre ctly . Not e: I f you ha ve not m a de any men u item sett ings change s yet, th e n the menu settin gs page li sts a l l t he facto ry def ault s etting s.
For Ma cint osh use rs 1 Clo se al l open software applica t i ons. 2 Inse rt the S oftware and Docum entation CD . 3 F rom the Fin der des ktop , d oub le- clic k t he pri nte r CD ico n that au tom ati call y a ppea rs . 4 Dou ble -cli ck the In sta ll icon .
For Ma cint osh use rs In Mac OS X version 10. 5 or later 1 From the App le menu, c hoose Syst em Pre ferences . 2 Clic k Pr in t & Fa x . 3 Sel e c t the pri nter, and th en click Opt ions & Su p p lies . 4 Clic k Dr ive r , and t hen a d d an y inst alled h ard ware op tions.
If you a r e insta llin g the p rinter on a n 802.1 X netw ork usin g the Ad vanc e d meth od, th en yo u may n eed th e fol l o wing: • Au th enti ca tio n typ e • Inne r au thenti catio n type • 802. 1X usern ame and pas sword • Cer tific a t es Not e: F or m ore in fo rmat ion o n conf igu rin g 802 .
2 Inse rt the S oftware and Docum entation CD . 3 Clic k Insta ll Printer and Software . 4 Clic k Ag r ee to a c c ept the t erms of t he License Agreement. 5 Selec t S uggested and the n c li ck Next . 6 Clic k Wir eless Netwo rk Attach . 7 Remove the label cove ri n g the U SB port on the bac k of the prin t e r.
9 Fo llow th e on- scr een ins t ruct ions to comp le te the so ftwa re i nsta llati on. Not e: Bas ic i s the reco mmended p ath to choo se. Ch o os e Advanced o nly if you w ant t o c ustomiz e yo ur inst allat ion. 10 To allow other c omputers on the wireless n etwork to use the wireless p rinter, follow steps 2 thr ough 6 for each comput er.
2 Fro m t he Ne twor k pop- up menu , s el e c t p rint server xxxxxx , where th e x’s are th e last s ix digits of the M AC address located on the MAC address sheet. 3 Open the Saf ari browser. 4 From the Boo kmarks dr op-down m enu, sel ect Show .
f Selec t a D estin ation, and t hen click Continu e . g From the E asy Install scr een, click In sta l l . h Type t h e u ser pa ssword, and t hen clic k OK . All nec essar y softw are is in stal led on the comp uter. i Cl ick Rest art whe n i nsta lla tio n is com pl ete.
Installing t he printer on a wire d network Use th e following instruc tions to in stall the pr inter on a wired networ k. These in structio n s apply to Ethernet a nd fiber op tic netw ork conne ctions . Bef ore you i nstal l the pr i n ter on a wir ed netw ork, ma ke sure th at: • You hav e com plete d th e ini tia l se tup o f the pri nter.
4 Install t he drivers and add the pr inter. a Inst all a PPD file on the co mput er: 1 In sert th e Software and Documen t at ion CD in t he CD o r DVD dr ive. 2 Dou ble-c lick t he in stal ler packag e fo r th e pr inter . 3 From t he Welcom e screen, c lick Co nt inue .
4 Fro m the Pr int er Lis t, cl ick Add . 5 Choo se t he De fault B ro w ser tab . 6 Cli ck More Pri nters . 7 From t he fir st pop-up menu, c hoos e AppleT alk . 8 From the seco nd p op-up m enu, selec t Loc al AppleT alk zone . 9 Sel ect the pri nter fr om the li st.
Minimizing your printer's environmenta l impact Lexm ark is comm itt ed to environ ment al sus taina bility and is c onti nually impr oving it s pr inters to reduce their impa c t on the environmen t. We desig n w i th t he environment in min d, en gineer our packag ing to redu ce materials, and pr ovide coll ectio n and recy cli ng program s.
Choos e sca nning You can avoi d maki ng a paper outpu t of a d ocumen t or phot ogra ph by scan ning it to sa ve to a comp uter pr ogram, app licatio n, or flash d rive.
4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Eco- Mode appears, an d then p ress . 5 Sele c t the s etting y ou want, and then pr ess . Subm itt ing ch ang es appears. Adj usting Pow er Save r using the p rinter c ontrol panel 1 Mak e s ure th e p rint er is on an d Read y app ears.
Recyc ling Lexma rk pr oducts To return Lex mark prod ucts to Lex m a rk f or r ecycl ing: 1 Visi t our We b site at ww w.l exmar m/re cyc le . 2 Find th e pro duct type you wan t to recyc le, and then sele ct your co untry fr om the li st. 3 Foll ow the i nstruction s on th e computer screen.
Choose To On Redu ce printer no ise. • You may not ice a reduc tion i n process ing spe ed. • Pri n ter engine motors do not s tart until a job is ready to print. Y ou may notice a sh ort d ela y before the f irs t page is printed. • Fans run at a reduced speed or a re turned off.
Loading p aper and specia lty media This section e xplain s how to load t he trays and feeder s. It also incl udes in format ion ab ou t paper or ientatio n, setting th e P ape r Siz e an d P ape r T ype , and l in kin g an d u nli nk ing tr ays.
Specif y a unit of measur ement 1 Mak e s ure th e p rint er is on an d Read y app ears. 2 From the prin ter control panel, press . Pape r Menu appears . 3 Pre ss . 4 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Univ ersa l Set up a ppears, and then press . 5 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Unit s of Meas ure appears , and t hen press .
Pape r recomme ndations • Use only r eco mmended p a per or specialty media. • Do n ot load wrink led, creas ed, damp, bent, or cur led paper . • Flex , fan, and straighten paper befor e loading it. • Do n ot use pa per that has been cut or t rimmed by hand.
2 Squeeze and slide t he guides to the c orrect po sition for the pa per size y ou are loa ding. 1 2 4 3 For long pape r l ike A4 or legal, sq ueeze and sl ide the le ngth guide ba ckwards t o accommo d a te the length of paper y ou are l oa ding.
Not es: • Use the size i ndica tors o n the botto m of the tr ay to hel p po sit i o n the guid e. • For setu p, load le tter- or A4-size pa per bas ed on th e standar d size for your cou ntry or region. 3 Flex a stack of paper back and f orth to l oosen th e sheets, an d then fa n them .
Load l etter head wi th the to p e dge of th e shee t towar d the fro nt of the tr ay and th e de sign fa cedo wn. LETTERHEAD 5 Squeeze and slide t he guides t o lightly t ouch the s ide of t he stack.
Using a m ultipurpose or m a nu al feeder Some models of the printer have a multipurp os e f eeder, w h ereas other models have a manual feeder. The multi purpose f eeder can be loaded like a tray wi th up t o 50 s h ee ts of paper. The m anual feeder c an be l oaded with one s heet of paper at a time.
3 Pull th e ex tens ion s o i t fl ips f orwa rd a nd d own. Loa ding the m ultipur pose f e e der 1 Squeeze an d slide the guid es out ful ly. 2 Flex s h eets of pap er or paper lab els b ack and for th to loosen them, an d then fan them. D o not fold or creas e t h e paper or labe ls .
• Load pape r, transparenc ies, and card stock with the reco m men ded print side fa c e up and the t op edge entering the print er first. F or more in formatio n on loadin g transpar encies, se e the packag ing th e t r anspar encies came in. • Load letterh ead with t he logo faceu p and th e top edge entering t h e printer first.
• Load envelopes with the flap side down and t he stamp location in t he position shown. Warning—P o te ntial Damage: Ne ver use en velopes with stamps , cl asps, snaps, windo ws, coat ed linings , or s elf- stick adh esiv es. Thes e enve lopes may seve rely damag e the pri nter.
Using t he ma nual feed er The manua l feeder can f eed only one sheet of paper at a time. You can use the manual feeder to prin t on pa per types or si zes that ar e not curren tly lo aded i n a t ray. 1 Open t h e ma nual feeder door. 2 Loa d one sheet of paper faceup in to the center of the man ual feeder.
3 Feed pa per into the manua l feeder only t o the po in t wh ere its l eading edg e can con tact t h e paper guides. 4 Adjust t h e paper guides to the paper widt h . Warning—P o te ntial Damage: D o not for ce the paper in t o the feeder. Forc ing the p aper caus es jam s .
Linking and unlinking tra y s Linking trays Tray lin k i ng is usefu l for large print jobs or multi ple copies. When one linked tray i s empty, paper fee d s from the next linked tray. When the Size and Type s ettings are the same for any trays, the trays are automatic ally linked.
Changin g a Custom T ype <x > name If the prin ter is o n a net work, you can us e the Emb edde d Web Ser ver to d efine a n ame ot her th an Custo m Type <x > for eac h of t he custo m paper t ypes that are l oaded. When a Custom Type <x> n ame is chang ed, the men us disp la y the new name in stead of Custo m Type < x>.
Paper a nd specialty media guidelines Paper guidelines Select ing the c orrect pa per or s pecialt y media r educes pr inting pr oblems. F or the best p rint qua lity, t ry a sam ple of the paper or s pecial t y medi a before buying large qu antities .
Fibe r cont ent Most h igh-qua lity xerogr aphic pa per is m ade from 100% ch emically treated pulped wood. This co ntent prov ides the pap er wit h a hig h deg r ee o f s t ability re sulting in fewer paper feedin g pr o blems and better prin t q uality.
Using r ecy cled pa per and other offic e pape rs As an environ mentally consciou s company, Lexmar k support s the u se of recyc led offic e paper produc ed specific ally for us e in l aser (elect rophotog raphic) pr inters.
Supporte d paper sizes, types, and weights Th e followi ng tables pr ovide i nformat ion on st andard an d option al paper sources and th e types of paper th ey sup port. Not e: F or an u nli ste d p ape r size , sel ect the clos est larger listed size .
Pape r size s sup ported by the printer Paper size Di me nsio n s St and a rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 250- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rpo se feeder or Manual feeder Duplex path A4 210 x 297 m m (8.3 x 11.7 in.) A5 148 x 210 m m (5.8 x 8.3 i n.) X A6 1 105 x 148 m m (4.
Paper size Di me nsio n s St and a rd 250-sh eet tray Option al 250- or 550 -sheet tr ay Mu ltipu rpo se feeder or Manual feeder Duplex path 10 Envel ope 105 x 241 m m (4.1 x 9.5 i n.) X X X Other Enve lo pe 229 x 356 m m (9 x 14 in.) X X X 1 A6 i s s upp orted only f or g r a i n long papers.
Printing Th is chapt er cove rs prin ting , prin ter rep orts , a nd job c ancel ation . Sel ectio n and ha ndl ing of pap er and sp eci alty med ia can af fect how rel iably d ocumen ts prin t. For more inf ormati on, see “ Avoid ing jams” on pag e 42 and “S tori ng pap er” on pa g e 57.
Not es: • Wh e n a U S B f la s h m e m or y de vi c e i s i n se r te d i nt o t he p r in t e r, t h e p ri n te r c an o nl y s c an t o th e US B d ev i c e o r p r in t files from th e USB devic e. All o ther printe r fun ctions are u navailable.
Printing on bot h s i des of the paper (duplexing) In o rder to sa ve paper, you can print on both s ides of a sheet of paper. 1 From the prin ter control panel, press . 2 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Sett ings appears, an d then p ress . 3 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l P rint Sett ings appe ars, an d the n pres s .
Sou rce or pro ces s Pri nt side Pa per orien tat ion Two -s i ded pri n tin g from tray s Printed letter he ad design is placed faceup. The top edg e of the s h eet with the logo is placed at the fr on t of the tra y. One-s id ed printing usin g th e multipurpose feeder or manual feeder Preprinted letterhead design is placed faceup.
When printing on tran sparencies : • Feed t ransparencies from the s t a ndard 25 0 - sheet tra y or the multipu r pos e or ma nual feeder. • Use transpa rencies design ed specific ally for laser pr inters.
When printing on labels: • Use labels desi gned specif ically f or lase r printe rs. Check with the manufac turer or ven dor to ver ify tha t: – The labels can with stand tempe ratures up to 210°C (410° F) withou t seal ing, exces sive curling, w rinkling , o r rele asing h azardous emis sions.
Printing infor mation pages See “P rintin g a menu se ttings p age” on pa ge 25 and “P r i nting a ne twork set up page” o n page 25 fo r more infor matio n on pr inting t hese p ages.
Canceling a print job Cance ling a print job from the p rinter c ontrol panel 1 Pre ss . Stop ping ... appears , follo wed b y Ca ncel Pri nt Jo b or a list of jobs. 2 If a li st of jo bs appea rs, press th e arro w butto ns to se lect wh ich job to cancel , and th en pr ess or .
3 F rom the pr inte r w indo w, s ele ct th e jo b to c anc el. 4 From the ico n bar at th e top of the wi ndow, c lick the De l ete icon . In M ac O S X version 10. 4 and earli er: 1 From the Go m enu, choose Appli c a tions . 2 Dou ble -cli ck Utili ties , and t hen double-click Print Cen ter or P rinter Setup Ut ility .
Copying ADF Scan ner g l ass Use th e ADF f or multiple-page documents. Use t he sc a n ner gl ass for single pages, small item s (such a s postca rds or photos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin med i a (s uch a s magazine clipp ings).
5 From the prin ter control panel, press . 6 Pre ss to retu rn to Read y . Copying using the s c anner glass 1 Plac e an origina l docu ment f acedow n on th e scan ner g lass in the upper l eft corner. 2 From the prin ter c ontrol panel, pres s th e Copy bu tton, or use th e keypad to e nter t h e number of c opies.
8 Chan ge the cop y sett i n gs as neede d. 9 Pre ss . 10 If you placed the docume n t on t he s c anner glass and have addition al pages t o c opy, t hen place the next page on t he scanne r glass, a nd then pres s 1 on t h e k eypad. Otherwise, pre ss 2 on the keypa d.
8 Pres s the ar row bu tton s until the tray or sour ce con taining the si ze you want the copy to be ap pears, and th en press . Not e: If you select a p aper si z e that is diffe rent f rom th e origin al si ze, t hen the prin ter w ill sc ale th e size au tomati cally.
5 Press the arrow button s t o sel ect a du plex option, and then press . The fir st number represents si des of the o riginal documents ; the s econd numb er represents s ides of the copy. For example, sel ect 1 To 2 Si ded i f you have 1-sided o r igi n al document s and you want 2-sided copies.
7 Pre ss . 8 If you placed the docume n t on t he s c anner glass and have addition al pages t o c opy, t hen place the next page on t he scanne r glass, a nd then pres s 1 on t h e k eypad. Otherwise, pre ss 2 on the keypa d. 9 Pre ss to retu rn to Read y .
6 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l O n [1,2, 1,2, 1,2] or Of f [1 ,1,1, 2,2, 2] appe ars, an d the n pres s to sel ect o ne. 7 Pre ss . 8 If you placed the docume n t on t he s c anner glass and have addition al pages t o c opy, t hen place the next page on t he scanne r glass, a nd then pres s 1 on t h e k eypad.
6 Sele c t the ou tput y o u wan t , and t h en pr ess . F o r ex am p l e , i f y ou h a v e f o u r p o r t ra i t- o ri e n t ed o r ig i n al d oc u m e nt s t h at y ou w a n t c o p ie d t o t h e sa m e s id e of o n e s hee t, the n sel ect 4 o n 1 P ortr ait , and then pr ess .
Canceling a copy job A copy job can be c anceled when the documen t is in the ADF, on the scanner g lass, or while the documen t is p rinting . To ca ncel a co py job: 1 From the prin ter control panel, press . Stop ping appears, foll owed by Canc el Jo b .
E-mailing ADF Scan ner g l ass Use th e ADF f or multiple-page documents. Use t he sc a n ner gl ass for single pages, small item s (such a s postca rds or photos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin med i a (s uch a s magazine clipp ings). You can use the printer to e-mail scan ned d o cuments to one or m ore recipie nts.
Set ting up t he addr ess book 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser. Not e: I f you do not know the IP add res s of the pri nter, then pr int a netwo rk setu p page a nd locate the add ress in th e TCP /IP sec tion.
4 Pre ss . Sear ch appears. Not e: I f the re a re no entri es in the addr es s book, t hen Manu al Entry ap pears. 5 Pre ss to se arch th e addr ess boo k, or pr ess the a rrow bu ttons u n t il Ma nual app ears, a nd th en press to select or en ter an e-mail address.
6 Pre ss 1 t o ent er another shor tcut, or pres s 2 to end the s h o rtcut entry. 7 Pre ss . Send ing a n e - mail using the add ress book 1 Load a n origi nal doc ument f aceup, short ed ge firs t into th e ADF o r fa cedo wn on the sc a n ner gla ss.
Faxi ng ADF Scan ner g l ass Use th e ADF f or multiple-page documents. Use t he sc a n ner gl ass for single pages, small item s (such a s postca rds or photos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin med i a (s uch a s magazine clipp ings). Getting t he printe r rea dy to fax Only sel ect p rin ter m ode ls ha ve fa x ca pabil ity .
1 Wh en St ati on Na me a ppe ars, e nter the name to be pr inted on all o utgoi ng fa xes. a Pr ess the button on the numeri c keyp a d t hat c orresp onds wi th the n umber o r lett er you want. T he fir st time you press the but ton, the number f or that button appea rs.
Equipment and service option s Fax connect i on setup Conn e ct dir ectly to the telephone line See “Connecting to an analog telephon e line” on page 85 Conn e c t to a Digital Subs criber Line (DS L or ADSL) service See “Connecting to a DSL ser v ice” on pag e 85.
3 Con n ec t the D S L f ilter cable to a n active telephone wall jac k . 2 3 1 Connec ting to a PBX or I SDN s ystem If y ou use a PBX or I SDN con verter or terminal adapter , then follow these steps to c o nnect the eq uipment: 1 Con n ec t one en d of th e telephone c able t h at came w ith the pr inter t o the pr inter LI NE port .
d Pr ess the arro w bu tton s unti l Dist incti ve Ri ng s appea rs , and then press . e Press the a rrow but t o ns unti l the desired ring tone appears, a nd then pres s .
Answerin g ma c h ine a nd telephone Telephone or a telep h one wit h an in teg r a ted answering machin e Connec ting to an a dapter for your countr y or regi on The follow ing cou ntries or region s.
Co untries or regi ons ex ce pt Aust ria, Ge rma ny, an d Swit zerl and For some co u n tries or r egio ns, a tel e p hone line ad a p ter i s i n cluded in the box . U se this ad apter t o co nnect an answ ering mach ine, teleph one, or ot her telecommuni cations e quipmen t to t he printer.
Telephone Au stria, German y, and Swi tzerla nd The re is a sp ecia l R J-1 1 plu g inst all ed in th e pr int er E XT port . Do not re move this p l u g.
3 Conn ect th e a dapte r int o th e N slo t of an act ive an alog te leph one wall j ack. 4 If you would l ike to use the same li ne for both fa x and te lepho ne communi catio n, the n co nnect a secon d tele p h one lin e (not pr ovided) be tween the t elepho ne and the F slot o f an ac tive an alog t e lephon e wall j ack.
5 If y ou would l ike to u se the s ame line for recor d i ng mes sages on y our answ ering mach ine, then conn ec t a seco nd telep hone ca ble (not provided) bet w een th e answering machine and the other N slot of the act ive an alog tel epho ne wa ll j ack.
4 Conn ect you r te lephone to t he comput er tele p h one jack. 5 Conn ect an add ition al telep hone c o r d (not pr ovided ) from th e compute r modem to the print er EXT por t .
Se tti ng t he da te an d ti me If the date or ti me that is print ed on a fax j o b i s inco rrect, then you can rese t the da te and t ime. Then the co rrect date and ti me wil l be p rinted on every f ax job. To se t the date an d time: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
Not es: • To cau se a two- or three-s econd paus e in a fax number , press t he Re di al/P a use button. The dial paus e appear s as a c omma on the “Fax to” lin e. Use this f eatu re if y ou n eed to di al an outs ide lin e first . • Pr ess t o mov e th e c urso r t o th e l eft an d de lete a n umb er.
Creating short cuts Crea ting a fa x dest inatio n shortc ut using t he Em bedded We b Ser ver Inst ead of enteri ng the en tire p h o ne numbe r of a fax recip i e nt on th e p rinte r contro l panel ea ch time yo u w ant to sen d a fax, yo u ca n crea te a perm a n ent fax de stinati on and a ssig n a sho rtcut nu mber.
9 After select ing 2=NO , Ente r Name appear s. a Press the bu tton on the keypad that corr esponds wi t h the let ter you wan t. The first t ime you press t he button, the num ber for t h at bu tton app ears. When you pres s the b utton a g ai n, on e of th e letter s assigned to tha t butto n appears.
Customizing fax set tings Chang ing the fax resolu tion Adju sti ng the reso lutio n setti ng cha n g es the qu ality o f t he fax. Settin gs range from St andard (faste st spe ed) to U ltra Fin e ( slow est spe ed, best qu ality ). 1 Load a n origi nal doc ument f aceup, short ed ge firs t into th e ADF o r fa cedo wn on the sc a n ner gla ss.
4 Enter the fax numbe r, and then press . 5 From the Fax area, p ress the Options butt o n. 6 Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Dela yed S end appears , and t hen p ress . Set Se nd Tim e appear s. 7 Usin g the key p a d, ent e r the time yo u w ant to send th e fax.
Block ing junk faxes 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser. Not e: I f you do n ot kno w the IP a ddres s of the p r i nter, th e n prin t a ne two r k set u p page and l ocat e the I P add ress in th e TCP /IP sec tion.
• Phot ograph — Tells th e s canne r to pay ex tra atte ntio n to g raphi cs and pi ctures. Th is sett ing incr eases th e time it t akes to scan, bu t emphasizes a repr oducti on of the full dyn amic ran g e of tones in the ori ginal do cument. Thi s increa ses the amou n t of information saved.
Scanning to a computer or f lash drive ADF Scan ner g l ass Use th e ADF f or multiple-page documents. Use t he sc a n ner gl ass for single pages, small item s (such a s postca rds or photos), transparencies, photo paper, or thin med i a (s uch a s magazine clipp ings).
A shor tcut numbe r w a s automati cally ass igned w hen you clicke d Submit . R e m ember thi s s hortcu t number and use it when you are ready to scan your docum ents. a L o a d an ori ginal do cument f aceup , shor t edge fi rst into the AD F o r f aced o w n on the sca nner gla ss.
Understanding sca n profile options Quic k Set up This option le ts you select preset formats or custom ize the s can job setti n g s. You can select on e of thes e s etting s: Cust om Pho t o - Colo .
Da rkness Th is option adjus ts h ow li ght or dark y our s canned docu ments will turn out in relat ion t o th e origin al d ocumen t. Resolu tion This optio n adjusts th e output q uality of your file. Increasi ng the imag e resolution in creases the fil e s ize and the time needed t o scan yo ur original document.
Question Tip When should I use Photo mode? U se P h oto mode wh en s canning photos p rinted on a las er p rinter or tak en from a magazin e or newspaper.
Understandin g printer menus Menus list A number of m en us ar e avail able to ma ke it easy for you to ch ange prin ter set t i ngs. Not e: Ce rta in menu s ar e no t av ail able on sele cte d pr inter mod els.
Si ze/Type menu Men u item Des cr ip tio n Sele ct Sour ce menu Tr ay 1 Tr ay 2 MP Feeder Ma nua l P ape r Ma nua l E nv Notes: • These menus l et y ou spec ify the installed paper size and type in the selected tray or manual f eeder. • Only installed tr a y s and feeders are lis ted in th is menu.
Men u item Des cr ip tio n Set T ype menu for Tr ay 1 Plain Pa per Card St ock Transpar ency Rec ycle d La bel s Bon d Letterh ead Preprinted Color ed Pap er Lig ht Pa pe r Heavy Pa per Rough/ C otton Cust om Ty pe <x> Lets you specify the type of paper loa d ed in Tray 1 Notes: • Plain P aper is th e factor y d efault s etting for Tray 1.
Conf igure MP me nu This menu is availa ble on l y on pr inter models equip ped with multipu rpose f eeders. Men u item Descr iption Configure MP Cass ette Ma nua l Determin e s wh en the printer s elects paper from the multipurpose feeder Notes: • Cassette is th e f act ory default s etting.
Paper Weig ht menu In the Pape r W eight men u, the S elect Ty pe and Sel ect Wei ght fe a t ures wo rk toge ther to en able yo u to s elec t t he wei gh t for a s pec ific type of pa per.
Men u item Descri ption Set Loa di ng • Duplex • Of f Specif ies whether duplex (2-sided) pr in t ing is turned on No te : Off is the factory de f ault s etting.
Custo m Sca n Sizes menu Men u item Des cr ip tion C usto m Sca n Si ze <x> Wid th 1–8 .50 in che s (25–2 16 m m) Heigh t 1– 14 i nche s (25 –35 6 mm) Orien tation Portra it Landsca pe 2 sca ns/ sid e Off On Spec ifies a custom scan s i z e name and options .
Men u item Descri ption Portrait Height 3– 14.1 7 inche s 76– 360 m m Sets th e portrait height Notes: • If the height exceeds t h e maximum, then th e pr i n ter uses the maximum height allowed. • 14 inches is the U S fact ory defaul t se tting.
Men u item Descri ption Pr int Dire c t ory Displays the resources s tor ed in the user's flash option. This feature appears only if there is an insta lled/mounted flash device. Asset Report Print s a repor t contai ning asse t inform ation including the prin ter serial n umber and mod el na me.
Men u item Descri ption Network Buf f e r Disabled Aut o Sets the si ze of th e network input buffe r Notes: • Auto is th e f ac tory default s etting.
Men u item Desc ription View N e twork Addr e ss UAA LA A Both addresses are represented by 12 -d igit h exadecimal numbers. Job Time out 0-22 5 sec onds Sets th e amount of ti me in seconds that a n et work print job can take before it is canceled. Notes: • 90 se conds is the factory default setting .
Men u item Descri ption TCP/IP DNS Se r ver Address Lets you v iew or chan g e the setti ng Note: This is a fou r -f ield IP addr ess. IPv6 men u Use the follow ing menu items to view or set the In t e rnet Proto col version 6 (IPv6 ) informat ion. Not e: This menu is ava ilable onl y f or network m ode ls or printers a ttach ed to print ser vers.
Men u item Descri ption Co mpatib ility 802. 11n 802. 11b /g 802. 11b /g /n Specifies th e wireless standard f or th e wireless network Note: 8 0 2 . 1 1 b/ g / n is the factory d ef ault setting.
Men u item Des cr ip tio n PS S ma rtSwi tch On Of f Sets the p r in ter to automatically s wit ch to PS emulation when a print job received through a U S B por t requires it, reg ardless of the defa ult printer lan g ua g e Notes: • On is the f actor y default s etting.
Setting s menu Genera l Sett ings m enu Men u item Descri ption Display Language Eng li sh Franc ais Deutsch Italiano Esp ano l Dansk Nor sk Ne derlands Sve nsk a Portuguese Suo mi Ru ssian Polsk i Ma.
Men u item Descri ption Run Initial setup Yes No Ins tructs the printer to r un the setup wizard No te s: • Yes is t h e fa ctory default setti ng. • After completing the setup wizar d by selecting Done a t the Coun try sele ct scr een, t he defa u lt setti ng beco mes No .
Men u item Descri ption Timeouts Prin t Tim eout Disabled 1–2 55 Sets the amount o f time in seconds the printer waits to receive an end-of-job mes sag e before canceling the remainder of th e print job No te s: • 90 sec on d s is the factory d ef aul t setting.
Men u item Descri ption Fac to ry De fau lts Do Not R es tore Res tore Now Retu rns the printer sett ings to the factor y default s ettings No te s: • Do Not Restor e is th e fa ctory default setti n g . Do Not Restore keeps the user-def in ed sett in g s .
Men u item Descri ption Print Page Bor de rs On Of f Specifies whethe r a bor der is printed around the edge of the page at the margins Note: Off is th e factory defa ult setting. Co llate On Of f Keeps the pages of a p r int job stac ked in s equence when making multiple copies of the job Note: Off is th e factory defa ult setting.
Men u item Descri ption Overl ay Of f Confid ential Copy Dra f t Urgent Cust om Specif ies overla y text that is pri nted on each pa ge of th e c opy job Note: Off is th e factory defa ult setting. Allow priority copies On Of f Allo ws in terruption of a print job to copy a page or document Note: On is the factory defa ult setting.
Men u item Descri ption Mem ory Use All rec e i v e Mos tl y re cei ve Equ al M ostly sen t All send Define s the amo unt of no n-volati le memor y used to f ax a job Notes: • “All receiv e” specifies th at all the memory is set to receive fax jobs.
Men u item Desc ription Sides (Duple x ) Of f Lon g e dg e Sho rt e dg e Specifies how the tex t and graphics are oriented on the page Notes: • Sides (Duplex ) is not available on selected printer models. • Off is th e facto r y default s e tting .
Men u item Desc ription Max Spe ed 2400 4800 9600 1440 0 3360 0 Specifies the maximum speed in bau d at wh ich fa x es are sent Note: 3360 0 baud is the factory default setting. Background Removal -4 to +4 Adjusts the amoun t of b a c k ground visible on a copy Note: 0 is th e factory default setting.
Men u item Desc ription Sides (Duple x ) On Of f Enables d u p lex (two-sid ed) printing fo r incoming fax j obs Note: Off is th e factory def a ult setting. Fax F oo ter On Of f Prints the tran s mis sion information at the bottom of each page from a received fa x Note: Off is th e factory def a ult setting.
Sp eaker Sett ing s Men u item Desc ription Sp eaker M ode Alwa ys Off On until C onnected Alwa ys On Notes: • Always Off tur ns the speak er off. • “On until C on n ected” is the factory defa ult setting. The speaker i s on a nd i ss ues a noise u ntil the f ax connection is made.
Scan Settings Men u item Descri ption For mat PDF (. pdf ) TIF F ( . tif ) JPEG (.jp g) Spec ifies the format of th e file Note: PDF i s the factory de fa ult setting. PDF Version 1.2– 1. 6 Sets th e version of the PDF file th at wi ll be scanned to U SB Note: 1.
Men u item Descri ption Origi nal Size Letter Leg al Mix ed L et te r/L ega l Ex ecu tive Foli o Statement Universal 4 x 6 i n. 3 x 5 i n. B usiness Card ID Card Custo m Scan Size <x> A4 A5 Ofic io (Mexico) A6 JIS B5 Specif ies the paper size of the document th at is being scanned Note: Letter is the US factor y default setting.
Men u item Descri ption Base File Name Limit th e base file name to under 53 characters, because the time is added to the end of the base file name Note: Sc a nn ed-image is the f actor y default setti n g . Background Removal -4 to +4 Adjusts the amount of background visible on a copy Note: 0 is th e factory defa u l t s ettin g.
Men u item De scription Print Area Nor mal Whole Page Sets the l og ical a nd physical pr inta b le area Notes: • Norma l is the factory defa ult setting. When attempti ng to prin t d ata in the non-prin table area defined by th e Norma l settin g , t he printer cl ips th e image at the bou n da ry.
Men u item Descri ption Copies 1–9 99 Specifies a d ef ault number of cop ies for each print job Note: 1 is th e factory defa u l t s ettin g. Blank Pages Do Not P r int Prin t Sp e cif ies whether b la n k pages ar e inserted in a p rint job Note: “Do N ot P r int” is the factor y default settin g .
Men u item Descri ption Orien tati on Aut o La nds ca pe Port rait Specif ies the orientation of a multiple-pa g e s h eet Notes: • Auto is the f actor y default setting. Th e printer chooses between portrait and landscape. • Long Edge uses lands c a p e.
Men u item Descri ption Brightness -6 to +6 Adjusts or d a rk ens printed output a nd conserves toner Notes: • 0 is the factory d ef au lt setting. • A n eg ativ e value will darken tex t, images, and graphics . A positive value will lighten them and conserve toner.
PD F menu Men u item Descri ption Sc ale to Fit No Yes Scales page content to f it th e s elected pag e size Note: No i s the factory d ef a ult setting. Annotations Do Not P r int Prin t Spec ifies whether to print annotations in the PDF Note: Do Not P r int is the factory default setting.
Men u item Descri ption PCL E mul ation Sett i ngs Point Size 1.00– 100 8.00 Chang es the point size fo r s calabl e t y pogra p h ic fo nts Notes: • 12 is th e factory defa u l t setting. • Point Size ref ers to the h eig ht of th e character s in th e f ont.
Men u item Descri ption Tray Renu mber Assign MP F eed er Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Tr ay <x > Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma nual Pa per Off Non e 0–1 99 Assi g n Ma n En v Off Non e 0–1 .
Men u item Descri ption Scal ing Anc ho r To p Le ft Bes t F it Anc ho r Ce nte r Fit Heigh t/ W idth Fit H ei ght Fit Width Scales the image t o f it th e s elected paper s ize Note: Best F it is the factory d ef ault setting.
Men u item Descri ption Time Z one (Eur ope a nd Africa) Azo re s ( AZO T) Praia ( CVT) * GMT (*) Dublin, Ir elan d Lon do n (B ST ) Wes tern Eur ope Centr al Europ e Eas te rn E uro pe Ca iro (EET) P.
Maintaini n g the printer Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make sure t h a t the pr i n ter is tu rned o ff and unp lugge d from th e wa ll out let.
4 ADF gl ass 3 Wipe the area s sho w n a nd let the m dry. 4 Clos e the sc anner co ver. Clea ning the ADF s eparator r ollers After you have copied over 50,000 copies us ing the ADF, c lean the ADF s ep arator rollers . 1 Open the ADF cover. 2 Unlo ck the se para tor rol l.
5 Rein stal l the s epar ator rol l. 6 Lo ck the sep ara tor ro ll. 7 Clos e the ADF c over . Storing supplie s Choo se a cool , c lean stora g e ar ea f or the printer s upplies. Sto re supplies right s ide up in t h eir origin al packin g un til you are read y to us e t hem.
Checking the sta tus of supplies from a network compute r Not e: T he compu ter must be co nnected to the sam e networ k as t he print er. 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
Order ing supplie s To o rder su pplie s in th e U.S. , con tact Lex mark at 1-800 -539-6 275 fo r info rmatio n abo ut Lexm ark auth oriz ed su p p lies de ale rs in y our a rea. In oth er c oun trie s or r egi ons , v isi t th e Le xmar k Web Si te a t ww w.
Ord ering ADF re p lac ement pa r t s Order ADF replacemen t par t s if y ou experience prob lems w i th paper double-fee d i ng o r failing to feed through the Auto matic Do cument Fe e d er.
2 Pres s the bu tton on the bas e of the phot oconduc tor kit, a nd th en pull the to ner car tridge ou t us ing th e hand le. 2 1 3 Unpa ck t he new tone r ca rtri dge.
5 Inst all th e new to ner ca rtri dge by a l ignin g the r oller s on the toner cartri dge wi th the a rro ws on the tracks of the ph otocon ducto r k it. Pus h the ton er cart ridge i n as far as it wil l g o. The c artri dge clicks i nto place when c orrectly i nsta lled.
To replace the photoco nductor kit: 1 Open the f r ont d o or by press ing th e button on the left si de of the p rinter a nd loweri ng the front door. 2 Pull the pho tocon ducto r kit and tone r cartri dge o u t o f the pr inter as a u n it by pul ling on t he toner ca rtrid ge hand le.
5 Un pac k the n ew ph oto co nduct or k it. B e car eful not to touc h the p hot oco nd ucto r dru m. Warning—Potentia l Damage: When replacin g a phot oconduc tor kit , do not le ave it exp osed to d irect li ght fo r an extended period of time. Extended light exp osure c an cause print quali ty problems.
8 Afte r y o u r eplace t he photocond uctor kit, res et t h e ph otocon ductor cou nter. To reset the co unter, see the ins truction sheet t hat came with t he new ph otocon ductor ki t .
Administrative su pport Finding advanced n etworking and administrator information Th is ch apter c over s basic admi nis trati ve su ppor t task s. For more advan ced sy stem supp ort t asks , s ee t.
Viewing re ports You can view some reports f rom t h e E mbedded W eb Server. These reports are useful for ass essing the status of the pri nter, the netwo rk, logs , and sup plies . To vie w re ports fro m a netwo rk pr inter : 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
Setting up e-mail alerts You can have t he print er send y ou an e-mail wh en the supp lies ar e getting low or when t he paper n eeds to be ch ang ed, add ed , or u njam med . To set up e- mail al erts: 1 Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web b rowser.
4 Clic k Printer Settin gs . 5 En t er t he I P addr esses of the source and target pr inters. Not e: T o add addit i onal target printers, click t h e Ad d Targe t IP button .
Clearing jams Clearing ja m s To clear a jam messag e a nd r es ume printing, c lear t he entire paper path, and then press . If Jam Recov ery i s set to On, then the p rinte r prints a n ew copy of th e page th at jamme d.
Jam me ssag e n u mber s an d h o w to access each jam Jam number To access the jam 200- 201 Tr y on e or more of the following: • Remo ve Tr ay 1. • Open the front door, an d th en r emove the photoc on ductor kit. 202 Open the front door, and then open the rear door.
2 Remove the jam if you see i t here. 3 If y ou do n ot see the ja m, open t he fron t door , and t hen rem ove the photocon duct or kit and t oner ca rtridg e. 1 3 2 4 Lif t the fla p at th e front o f the pr i n ter, and th en remov e any jammed s heets .
6 Clos e the fr ont door . 7 Pre ss . 202 pa per jam CAUT ION— HOT SU RFA CE: Th e fu ser and th e inside of the print er near the fuser may be ho t . To reduce the ri sk o f inju ry fro m a hot compo nent, allow the su rfac e to c ool befo re r emoving paper from t his area.
3 If y ou do not see an y jammed s heets, ope n the r ear door. 4 Remov e t h e jam . 5 Clo se t h e r ear door. 6 Ins ert th e phot ocondu ctor k it and toner cart ridge.
231 pa per jam CAUT ION— HOT SU RFA CE: Th e fu ser and th e inside of the print er near the fuser may be ho t . To reduce the ri sk o f inju ry fro m a hot compo nent, allow the su rfac e to c ool befo re r emoving paper from t his area. 1 Open t he f r ont door.
4 Clo se t h e r ear door. 5 Clos e the fr ont door . 6 Pre ss . 233 pa per jam 1 Re move the tr ay f rom t he pri nt er. Cle ari ng j ams 165.
2 Loca te t h e l ever s h own, a nd t h en pull i t dow n t o rel e ase and remove the jammed sheets. 3 Inse rt the tr ay. 4 Pre ss . If th is does n ot clear the jam , comple t e the steps in “231 pap er jam” on pag e 164. 234 pa per jam A single jam or multiple jams are in the duplex area of the printer.
242 pa per jam 1 Re move th e o pti ona l tr ay f ro m t he p rint er. 2 Remov e t h e jam . 3 Inse rt the tr ay. 4 Pre ss . Cle ari ng j ams 167.
251 pa per jam A sheet of paper failed to feed fro m the multipurpose fee d e r. If i t is vis ible, gently pul l t h e jam med sheet out. If th e she et is no t vis ible , com pl ete th e fo llowin g ste ps: 1 Open the f r ont d o or, and then remo ve the photoc onductor kit an d ton er c artri d g e.
290– 294 pa per jams Cle aring jams un der the A DF c over 1 Rem ove al l orig inal documen ts fr om the ADF. 2 Open the ADF cover. 3 Unlo ck the se para tor rol l.
4 Remo ve the sep arato r roll. 5 Remove the ja m m ed paper. 6 Rein stal l the s epar ator rol l. Cle ari ng j ams 170.
7 Lo ck the sep ara tor ro ll. 8 Clos e the ADF c over . 9 Pre ss . Cle ari ng j ams 171.
Clea ring A DF ja ms by lifti n g the s canne r cove r 1 Open the scan ner cover, a nd then remove any j ammed pages. 2 Pre ss . Cle aring ADF dupl ex ja ms I f yo u ar e m a ki n g a tw o - si de d c.
2 Remove the jammed paper by pu lling th e lower edge of the s h eet exiting the ADF. 3 Rein stal l th e ADF tray . 4 Pre ss . Cle ari ng j ams 173.
Troubles hooting Solving ba s i c printer problem s If th ere are ba sic printer prob lems, or the printer is unres ponsive, ma ke su re: • The po wer cord is plugged i nto the pr inter and a proper ly grounded electrica l outlet. • The el ectrical outlet i s not tur ned off by any switch o r breake r.
Defra gment ing Flash D O NOT POWER OFF Wait for t he mess age to cl ear. Warning—P o te ntial Damage: Do not tu rn the p rinte r off wh ile thi s messa ge app ears on th e di sp lay.
Invalid Net work Code You need to downl oad valid network p rinting code for th e i nternal prin t ser ver. The internal p rint server is a hardwa re op tion in stall ed insid e the pr inter . Not e: Network code may b e dow nloaded while this message appea rs on the display.
Power S a ver The p rinte r is sav ing powe r whi le it w a i ts fo r the ne xt prin t job. Sen d a job to print to take the prin ter out of Po wer Save r mode .
Unsupp ort e d USB de vice, pleas e remov e Remove the unrecognized USB device. Unsupp orted USB hub, p lease r emove Remove the unrecognized USB hub. Some USB flash drives have a built-in US B hu b, and t h ese flash drives are not supporte d . USB /USB < x> Th e printer is us ing a U SB c able co nnection .
37 Insuff icient memo r y fo r Flash Memory Def r agme nt operati o n Try one or more of th e f ollowin g: • Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Cont inue appears, an d then p ress to sto p the def ragmen t o pe rati on and con tinu e prin ting. • Del ete fo nts, mac ros, a nd other da ta in pr inter m emory.
53 Unfo rma tted flash de tected Try one or more of th e f ollowin g: • Pr ess the arro w bu tt ons unti l Cont inue appears, an d then p ress to co ntin ue p rin ting. • Format t he flash memory. I f the er r or message remains, the fla s h memory ma y be defe ctive and require replacing.
4 Conn ect the po wer cor d to a prop erly gr o u nded ou tlet. 5 Turn th e pr inter b a ck on. 84 PC Kit li fe wa rning The ph otocond uctor kit is near ex haustion . Try one or more of th e f ollowin g: • Repl ace the ph otoconduct or kit . • Pre ss to clea r the mes sage and continue printin g.
202.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jammed or the number of pages jamm ed. 1 Open t he f r ont door. 2 Open the rear door. 3 Remov e t h e jam . 4 Clos e bo th d oors. 5 Pre ss to cont inue print ing . 231.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jammed or the number of pages jamm ed.
235.y y Pape r jam The mess age indicat es eith er where th e paper is jammed or the number of pages jamm ed. 1 Remove the jam from t he sta ndard exit bin. 2 Che c k the pap er size to ensur e that it is support ed by the pr inter. 3 Pre ss to cont inue print ing .
1 Fle x and fa n the pa ges. 2 Place the page s in the AD F. 3 Adjust the ADF guides. 4 From the prin ter control panel, press . 293. 0 2 Flatbed Cove r Open Clo se th e s canner cov er. 294 AD F J am This ja m locati on may al so be ide ntified as 29 4.
Solving pri nting problems Jobs do not print These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : M AKE SU RE THE PRINTER IS READY TO PRINT Ma ke su re Read y or Po wer S ave r ap pears o n the dis play bef ore sendin g a job to print.
3 Clic k Ad v an ce d . 4 Selec t P r int as image . 5 Clic k OK twic e. Job ta kes longer than expected to pr i nt These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : R EDUC E THE CO MPLE XITY OF THE PRINT JO B Reduce the n umber and size of fonts, t he number an d compl exity of imag es, a nd the number o f p ages in the j ob.
M AKE SU RE THE P APER S IZE AN D P AP ER T YPE SE TTIN GS ARE THE SAME FO R EA CH TRAY 1 Pr int a me nu se tti ngs p age an d comp are the s etti ng s for e ach tr ay. 2 I f nec essa ry, adju st th e s ettin gs f rom the P ap e r Si ze/T ype menu. Not e: None of th e paper sou rces, trays , or feeder s automat ically s en s e the pa per size.
Sca nner u nit does not c lose Mak e sure there are n o obstru ctions : 1 Open the scan ner cover . 2 Remove any obstruct ion keeping the scan ner unit open.
T HE SCA NNER GL AS S MAY BE DIR TY Clean the scanner glas s w i th a clean, l int-free clot h dam pened w it h water. If y our printer has an ADF, be sure to clean the A DF sca nner glass as wel l. For mor e info rmati on, see : “Cl eaning t he s canner glass ” on pa ge 1 44.
Part ial document or phot o copies These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : C HECK THE DOCUM ENT P LACEM ENT Ma ke sure the d ocum ent or pho to is loa ded fac edow n on the sc anner g lass in the upp er lef t corne r.
Scanni ng takes too lon g or f r e ezes the compute r These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : O THER SO FT WAR E PROGRA MS MAY BE IN TERF E RING WITH SCANN ING Close all p rograms not bei ng u sed. T HE SCAN RESOLUTION MAY BE SE T TOO HIGH Sele ct a lower sc an resol ution .
C HECK THE PAPER SIZE SETTING Mak e sure the pap er size setti ng match es the pape r load ed in th e tr ay: 1 Fro m the pr inter con trol pa nel Pa per menu , check th e Paper S ize set ting . 2 Bef ore send ing the j ob t o pr int, spe cif y th e co rre ct siz e se tti ng: • Fo r Windo ws user s, spe cif y the siz e from Print P rop ertie s.
C HECK THE PRINTER CONNEC TIONS Make sure the cable con nection s for the foll owing h ardware ar e sec ure, if applicable : • Telephone • Handse t • Answering machine C HECK THE TELEPH ONE WALL JA CK 1 Plug a te leph one into the wa ll j ack. 2 Lis ten for a dial tone.
T EMPO RARILY DISABLE C ALL W AITING Call W aitin g can di srupt fa x transm issi ons. Dis able th is featur e before s ending or recei ving a fax . Call y our telep hone compa ny to ob tain the ke ypad sequ ence fo r temporar ily disa bling Cal l W aitin g.
Can r ec e ive but not sen d f axes These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : M AKE SU RE THE PRINTER IS IN F AX MODE From t he print er control pa nel, pr ess the Fax butto n to pu t the prin ter in Fa x mode.
5 In t he Max Speed box, cli ck on one of the followin g: 2400 4800 9600 1440 0 3360 0 6 Cli ck Submi t . Solving opti on problems Optio n do es not operate c orrectl y or q uits after it is insta lled These are possib le s olutions.
R ESE T TH E PRINT E R Tu rn the pri nter o ff, wa it abo ut 10 se conds , a nd then tu rn the pr inter on. Flash memo ry card Make sure the flash memory c a rd is securely connected to the printer system boar d. Solving paper feed problems Paper fr eque ntly ja ms These are possib le s olutions.
Solving pri nt quality proble ms The informat ion in the followin g to pics may help you solve print quali ty problems. If thes e s uggestion s st ill do n ot correc t the p roblem, t h en cont act Cu stomer Suppor t. You ma y ha ve a print er part that requires adjustment or replacem ent.
Char acters have j agged or unev en edges These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : C HECK THE PRINT QUALITY S E TTINGS • Cha nge the Prin t Reso l u tion settin g in th e Qua l i ty menu to 600 dpi , 1200 Image Q, 120 0 dpi , or 2400 Image Q .
• For Windows u sers: From Print P r operties, select a differen t Toner D arkness s etting befor e sendi ng the j ob to prin t. • For Ma cintos h u sers: From the print opt ions , C opies & P ages, or Genera l pop-up men u, choose Pr inter Feat ures, and th en choose t he settin g needed from t he Toner Darkness p op-up menu.
C HECK THE P APER S IZE SETTING Mak e s ure the Paper Size s etting matc hes the p ape r loa ded in t he t ray. C HECK THE P AGE SIZE SE TTING Before sendin g th e job to pri n t , s pecify the correc t pag e size in P rint Properti es, t h e P rint dialog, or the software program .
• Fr om the pri nt er c ontro l p anel Qual it y menu , c hang e these se ttin gs. T HE PAPER HA S AB SO RB E D MOIST URE DU E TO HIGH HUM IDI TY • Load paper from a fresh packa g e. • Sto re paper in it s orig inal wrapper unt il yo u use it. C HECK THE PAPER Avoid textured paper w ith rough finishes.
T HE PAPER HA S AB SO RB E D MOIST URE DU E TO HIGH HUM IDI TY • Load paper from a fresh packa g e. • Sto re paper in it s orig inal wrapper unt il yo u use it.
To ner rubs o ff These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : C HECK THE P APER T YPE SETTING Ma ke sure the Pape r Type se ttin g ma tche s the pa per l oaded i n the t ray . C HECK THE P APER T EXT URE SE T TING Mak e s ure the P aper Tex ture setti ng ma tche s th e pap er loade d in the tray.
Streake d horizont al lines These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : T HE TO NER MA Y SMEAR WHEN PAPER IS FE D FROM A SPECIFIC SOURCE From P rint P roperties, t he print dialog, or the printer c o ntrol pa nel, selec t anot h e r tra y or feeder to feed t he pape r for the jo b.
T HE TO NER CARTR ID GE IS DEFE CTI VE Rep lace th e tone r cart ridge. M AKE SU RE THE PAPER PATH IS CLEA R Paper coul d be caught bet ween the photoc onductor ki t an d the fuser. Chec k the paper pat h around the f user area. Warning—P o te ntial Damage: D o not t ouch t he pho toconduct or on the unde rsid e of the ph otocondu ctor k it.
T HE TO NER CARTR ID GE MAY BE DEFE CTIVE OR LOW ON TONER Replace the used t oner cartridge with a new o ne. Embedded Web Se r ver does not open These are possib le s olutions. Try one or more of the following : C HECK TH E NETW ORK CO NNECTIONS Make sure the pr i nter and computer are turned on a nd connected to the same n e twork.
No tic es Pr oduct inf orma tion Pro duct na me: Lexmar k X264dn, Lexm a r k X363dn, Lexmar k X3 64dn, Lexma r k X36 4dw Mac hin e t ype: 7013, 4549, 456 4 Mod el(s ): 231, 235, 432, 436, 43W, d 01, d.
UNI TED STAT ES G OV ERNM ENT RI GHT S Th is soft ware a nd any acco mpanyi ng doc ument ation provided under th is ag reement are com mercia l co mputer software and documentation developed e xcl u si v ely at private expense. Tradem arks Lexma rk and Lexma rk with diamond desi g n are trademarks of Lexmar k Inte rn a tional, Inc.
Noise emis sion levels The foll owing mea surements were made i n accordan ce with I SO 7779 an d reported in conforman ce wit h I SO 9296. Not e: So me modes may not a p pl y to your product . 1-meter average sound pressure , dBA Prin ting 53 dBA Scanni ng 49 dBA Copy ing 53 dBA Read y N/A Values are subject t o c h ange.
ENERG Y S TAR Me r cu ry stat ement Th is prod uct co ntain s mercu ry in t he lam p (<5m g Hg). D isp osal of m e rcury may be regul ate d d ue to en viro nmen tal consi derations . For disposal or re cycling i nformation , conta ct your l ocal a u t horities or t h e E lectron i c Indust r i es Alliance: www.
Pow er cons umpti on Product power consumption The foll owing tabl e docu m e nts th e power c on s umption char acteristics of th e product. Not e: So me modes may not a p pl y to your product . Mode Des cri pti o n Power cons ump t i on (W atts ) Prin ting The product is genera ting ha rd - copy output from electronic inputs.
Europ ean Commu nity (EC) direct ives con f o rmity This produ ct is in co nformi ty with t he prot ecti on requi remen ts of EC Co unc i l direct ives 2004/108 /EC an d 2006/ 95/EC on th e approxim a.
If this equi pment c auses harm to the telephon e ne twork, the teleph one company will noti f y y o u i n advance that tempo rary di scon tinua n ce of se rvice may be req uired . If a dvance notice i s not p racti ca l , the teleph one comp any wi ll no tify th e cust ome r as soon as p ossibl e.
Telepho ne comp anies repor t that el ectric al surges , typic ally light ning t ransients , are v ery destruct ive to custome r ter minal e quipm ent conn ected to AC pow er sou rces.
• The equip ment shall b e set to ensure t h a t automa t i c calls to differ ent numbers are s paced such that th ere is not less than 5 s econds b etween the e nd of on e call att empt and t he begin ning of another.
Reg ulator y notices for wireless produ cts Thi s s ectio n co ntai ns t he f ollo wing re gulato ry inf orma tio n pert ain ing to w ire le ss prod uct s.
Pour empêch er tout e interfér ence radi o au s ervice fa isant l 'objet d' une li cence, cet app areil d o it êt re utili sé à l'in térieur et lo in d es fe nêtres a fin de gar antir une protect ion op timale.
A decl arati on of c onform ity w ith th e requir ements of the dir ectives is ava ilable from th e Direc tor of Manuf actur ing and Technic al Sup port, L exmark In ternatio nal, S. A ., Boig ny, Fr ance. Refer t o the ta ble at the end of th e Notices section for fu rther comp liance i n f o r mation.
Slovensky Lexmark International, Inc. týmto vyh l asuje, že t ento p ro du kt s pĺňa zá kladné p o žiadavky a vše tky pr íslušn é us tanov enia sme rnice 1999/ 5/ES. Slovensko Lexmark International, I n c. izjavlj a, da je ta izd el e k v skladu z bistvenimi za htev ami in ostalimi re levant nim i dolo č ili di rekt ive 19 99/5/ ES.
Repla cement is n ot ava ilable to you if t he produc t you present fo r exchang e is de f a ced, alter ed, in need of a re pair not in c l uded in warran ty service, d amaged beyon d r epair, or if the pr oduct is n ot f ree of a ll legal ob ligat ions, re strict ions, li ens, a nd e ncumb ran ces.
Th is limitat ion of remed ies als o a pplies to c laim s against an y Supplier s and R emarket ers of Lexm ark. Lexm ark's and its Suppl iers' and Remarketers ' l imitations of reme d i es are not cumulative. Suc h S u ppliers and Remarketer s are inten ded b enef i c iaries of this l imita tion.
1 STATEM E NT OF SOF TWARE LIMI T E D WARRANTY . Lexmar k w arrants t hat the media ( e.g., diskette or c ompact disk) on whi ch the Software Progr a m (i f a ny) is furnished is fre e from defects in ma t erials and workm a n s h i p u n der norma l use during the wa r ra nty period.
5 LI C E NSE G RANT . Lexmar k grants you the fol lowi ng rights p rovided yo u comply w ith all terms a n d co ndit i on s of this Software Licen se Ag r eement: a Use . Y ou may Us e one (1) copy of the S oftware Program. Th e ter m “Use” means s toring, l oading , instal ling, executin g, or displaying the S oftware Progra m.
11 TAXES . You agr ee tha t you a r e respo nsibl e for pa yment o f any tax es incl u d ing, wi thout limita tion, any good s and serv ices and person al propert y taxes, resul ting from t his Software L icense Agreemen t or your Use of the Softwa re Pro gram .
Index Numer ics 200. yy Paper jam 181 201. yy Paper jam 181 202. yy Paper jam 182 231. yy Paper jam 182 233. yy Paper jam 182 234. yy Paper jam 182 235. yy Paper jam 183 24x. yy P a p er j a m 183 250-sh eet drawer inst allin g 2 2 251. yy Paper jam 183 290– 292 AD F Sc anning Ja ms 183 29 3 Paper Mi ssi ng 183 293.
fr om on e s ize t o an othe r 72 impr oving copy quali ty 7 8 maki n g a co p y light e r or darker 7 4 mul t i ple pages on one sheet 76 on bo th s ides of t he pap er (du plex in g) 73 pausi ng a p.
s ettin g t he ou tgoi ng fa x na me a nd num ber 93 turn ing dayligh t savi ng t ime on or off 94 usin g short cuts 97 usin g the a ddress b ook 97 view ing a fax l og 99 FCC no tices 20 9, 213, 21 7.
not ices 209, 210 , 211, 212 , 213, 214, 21 5, 216, 21 7, 218 O optio ns 250-s heet dr awer 22 550-s heet dr awer 22 fax 100 , 101 flash memory c ard 20 ord ering ADF pick a s sembl y 149 AD F s epar .
38 Me mory full 179 39 C omplex page, s ome data ma y n ot hav e p rin ted 1 79 51 D efective fl ash dete ct ed 179 52 Not enough free spa ce in f lash mem ory fo r resourc es 179 53 U n for ma t t ed.
set ting paper size 41 paper t ype 41 TCP/IP addr es s 117 Univ er sal P aper Siz e 4 1 s etti ng up the pr in ter on a wired netwo rk (Ma cint osh ) 3 3 on a wired netwo rk (W indows ) 33 Set tings m.
Unsuppo rted USB device, plea se re move 178 Unsuppo rted USB hub, pl ease re move 178 US B menu 119 US B por t 23 US B/USB <x> 17 8 Uti lities m enu 138 V viewin g rep orts 156 W Wa iting 178 W.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lexmark 7013 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lexmark 7013 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lexmark 7013 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lexmark 7013 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lexmark 7013, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lexmark 7013.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lexmark 7013. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lexmark 7013 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.