Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto U510 del fabbricante Lenovo
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Lenovo IdeaPad U510 Hardware Maintenance Manual.
Note: Before usi ng this informat ion and the pr oduct it supports, be su re to read th e general info rmation und er “No tic es” o n page 84. First E ditio n (Septem ber 2 012) © Copyright Lenovo 2012.
iii Abou t this man ual ....... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ... iv Safet y infor mation ....... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... .... 1 General s afety ... ........ ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... 2 Electri cal saf ety ....
iv This manual c ontains service and refere nce infor mation for the f ollowing Lenovo prod uct: Lenovo IdeaPad U5 10 Use this manual to troubleshoot problems. The manual is divide d into the follow ing sectio ns: • The common se ctions provide general inform ation, guide lines, and safe ty informatio n required for servicing comput ers.
Safe ty in forma tio n 1 This chapt er prese nts the following safety informati on that you need to get familiar with before you servic e a Lenovo compu ter: • “General safet y” on page 2 • .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten ance Manual 2 Follow these rules belo w to ensure g eneral safety: • Observe a good h ousekeeping in t he area wher e the machines ar e put during and after the maintenance. • When lif ting any heav y object: 1.
Safe ty in forma tio n 3 Observe t he following rules when working on electrical equipments. • Find the r oom emergency power -off (EP O) switch, disconnecting switch, or electrical out let. If an electrical accident occurs, you can t hen operate the switch or unplu g t he po wer c ord qu ickl y .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 4 • Always look carefully for possib le hazards in your work area. Examples of these hazards are moist floors, nongrounded power extension cables, power surges, and m issing sa fety g rounds. • Do not t ouch live el ectrical circui ts with the r eflective surface of a plastic dental mi rror .
Safe ty in forma tio n 5 The purpos e of this inspection guide is to assis t you in identifyi ng potential unsafe con ditions . As each machine was design ed and built , required safe ty items were installed to protect users and service personnel from injury.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 6 Any co mputer par t conta ining tran sistor s or integ rated cir cuits (ICs) shou ld be considered sensi tive to e lectrostatic discharge (ESD). ES D damag e can occur when there is a diffe rence in charge between objects.
Safe ty in forma tio n 7 The safety not ices in this se ction are provid ed in English , French, Ger man, Hebre w, Italian, Japan ese, and Sp anish. Safety notices: multilingual translati ons Safe ty .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 8 Safety notice 2 DANGER Some st andb y batte ries cont ain a small amount of ni cke l and cadmi um. Do not di sasse mble a standby batte ry, r echarge it, th row it into fire or wate r, or short-circuit it.
Safe ty in forma tio n 9 Safety notice 3 DANGER The battery pac k contains small amount s of nickel. Do not disassemble i t, thro w it into fire or wate r, or shor t-cir cuit it. Dis pose of the batt ery pac k as required b y local ordinanc es or regulations.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 10 Safety notice 4 DANGER The lith ium batt ery can cause a f i re, an ex plosio n, or a severe b urn. D o not recharge it, remov e it s pol ariz ed con necto r, disasse mble it, heat it a bove 100°C (212°F) , incinerate it, or expose its c ell contents to water.
Safe ty in forma tio n 11 Safety notice 5 If the LCD breaks and the flui d from inside t he LCD gets into your eyes or on your hands, immediately wash the affect ed areas with water at least for 15 minutes. Seek medi cal care if an y symptoms caused b y the fluid are present after washing.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 12 Safety notice 6 DANGER To avo id s hock, d o no t remo ve th e plas tic cove r that prote cts the lower part of the inverter card. Afin d’évite r tout r isque de choc électrique, ne retire z pas l e cache en plastique prot égeant la parti e inférieure de la cart e d’alimentation.
Safe ty in forma tio n 13 Safety notice 8 DANGER Before removing a ny FRU, turn off the compute r, unpl ug al l power co rds from electrical ou tlets, remove the b attery pack, a nd then disconnect any interconn ecting cables .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 14 Some models of Lenovo computer ar e equipped from the factory with an optical storage dev ice such as a CD-ROM dr ive or a D VD-ROM drive. Such devices are also sold s eparate ly as options . If on e of these drives is installed , it is ce rtified in the U.
Safe ty in forma tio n 15 A CD-ROM drive, a DVD-ROM d rive, or any other st orage device installed ma y contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 16 This chapt er presen ts the follow ing important se rvice inf ormatio n: • “Stra tegy for replac ing FRUs” on page 16 – “St rateg y for.
Important service infor mation 17 Use the following strategy to prevent unnecessary expense for replacin g and servicing FRUs: • If you are instr ucted to r eplace an FRU, but the r ep lacement does not s olve the problem, reinstall the original FRU before you cont inue.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 18 RoHS, The Restri ction of Hazard ous Substances in Electrical an d Electr onic Equip ment Directive (2 002/95/EC) is a Europe an Union legal requirement affecting the global electronics industry. RoHS require ments must be impl emented on Lenovo pr oducts placed on the market after June 2006.
General c heckout 19 This chapt er presents the following informatio n: • “What to do first” on pa ge 20 • “Pow er syst em ch eckou t” on pa ge 21 Before yo u go to the ch eckout, make s ure to read th e following i mportan t notes: General checkout Important notes: • Only certified trained personnel can service the computer .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 20 When you do r eturn an F RU, yo u must inclu de the fo llowing in formation in the parts e xchange form or part s return form th at you attac h to it: 1. Name and phone number of servicer 2. Date of service 3.
General c heckout 21 To verify a sympto m, follow the steps be low: 1. Turn off t he computer. 2. Remove the batter y pack . 3. Connect the AC adap ter. 4. Make su re that pow er is supplied when you turn on the comput er. 5. Turn off t he computer. 6.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 22 Perform opera tional charging. If the battery statu s indicator or icon does not light on, remove th e battery pack and let it return to room te mperatur e. Reinstall the ba ttery pack. If the c harge indic ator or ic on is stil l off, r epl ace th e batt ery pack.
Rela ted s ervic e in forma tio n 23 This chapt er presents the following informatio n: • “Re storin g the fact ory con tents by using Recover y Disc Set” on page 23 •“ P a s s w o r d s ”.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 24 7. When all of the data has been copied from the last disc in the set, remove the disc and restart the computer. 8. When the rec overy process i s complete, the W elcome to the Mi crosoft Windows screen is disp layed.
Rela ted s ervic e in forma tio n 25 Note: Power management modes are not support ed for APM operating system. To reduc e powe r cons umpti on, the compu ter ha s thre e powe r manag ement modes : screen blank , sle ep (s tandby), a nd h iberna tion .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 26 Shutting down the computer If you are not goin g to use your computer f o r a l ong ti me, sh ut it down.T o shut down your computer: 1. Open the charms, select Settings . 2. Select Power → Shut down .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 27 This chapt er presents the following product-spe cific ser vice referenc es and product- specific par ts inform ation: • “Specification s” on page 27 • “Status in dic.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 28 Table 1. Specifi cation s (contin ued) Feature Descript ion I/O ports HDMI port × 1 USB 3.0 × 1, U SB 2.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 29 The syst em sta tus indic ators below sh ow the compu ter stat us: Status indicat ors a b.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 30 Table 2. Sta tus ind icat ors Symbol Indicator sta tus Meaning Bat te ry status indi cator On (so lid white) The batt ery has more tha n 20% charge. Solid a mber The ba tter y has betw een 5% and 20% charge.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 31 The following table shows th e function of each combinati on of Fn with a function key. Table 3. Fn key combina tions The hotkeys are located in the function key row of the keyboard.By pres sing the appropriate hotkey, you can change system settings instantly.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 32 This sect ion present s notic es relate d to remo ving and r eplacing parts. Read th is secti on carefully befo re replacin g any FRU. Screw notices Loose scr ews can cause a reliabilit y problem.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 33 This section presents exploded figures with the instruc tions to indicate how to remove an d replace the FR U. Mak e sure to obs erve th e follow ing gener al rules : 1. Do not attem pt to service any computer unless you have been trained and cert ifie d.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 34 1010 Keyb oard Figure 1. Remo val steps of keyboa rd Loosen the keyb oard with a flat b lade in the dire ct ion shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 35 Figure 1. Remo val steps of keyboard (continued) Lift the k eyboar d a little , and then d etach th e connect ors in the d irectio n shown by arrows and . When inst allin g: Make sure that t he FPC connectors are attached firmly.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 36 1020 Batter y pack For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 Figure 2. Remo val steps of battery pack Remo ve f iv e scr ews . DANGER • Only use the battery specified in the parts list for your computer.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 37 Figure 2. Remo val steps of battery pack (conti nued) Unplug the speakers cable connector in the direction shown by arrow , disconnect power board connector in the direction sh.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 38 Figure 2. Remo val steps of battery pack (conti nued) Open the back cover along the device frame with a flat b lade in the direction shown by arrows and then lift the back cover in the d irect ion show n by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 39 Figure 2. Remo val steps of battery pack (conti nued) Remove the battery in the direction shown by arrow . When inst allin g: • Separate the an tenna from other cables. P ut them in dif ferent tracks to improve sig nal rece ption.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 40 1030 Dummy card Figure 3. Rem oval steps of du mmy card Remove the dummy card in the dire ction shown by arrows .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 41 1040 Hard disk drive For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 Figure 4. Remo val steps of hard dis k drive Remove the frame fixing screws . Pull the tab in the direction shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 42 Figure 4. Remo val steps of hard dis k drive (conti nued) Hold the SATA receptacle connector with one hand and pull the hard disk drive (secured in t he metal frame) i n the direc tion shown belo w to detach the con nect or.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 43 1050 Opti cal drive For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1030 Dummy card” on p age 40 Figure 5. Rem oval steps of op tical drive Pull the optical dr ive out in the dir ection shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 44 1060 PC I Expres s Mini Car d for wire less LAN/W AN For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 Figure 6.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 45 Figure 6 . Removal st eps of PC I Express Mi ni Card fo r wirel ess LAN/WA N (con tinued) Remove the ca rd in the directio n shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 46 1070 SSD Ca rd For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 Figure 7. Remo val steps of SSD Card Remo ve t he screw . Remove the ca rd in the directio n shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 47 1080 Low-frame module For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1040 Hard disk drive” on pa ge 41 • “1050 Optical drive” on page 43 Figure 8.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 48 Figure 8. Rem oval steps of lo w-frame module (con tinued) Lift the Low-frame module in the directi on as shown by arrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 49 1090 Fan as sembly an d Heat Si nk assembl y For acc ess, remove t his FRU: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1040 Hard disk drive” on pa ge 41 • “1050 Optical drive” on page 43 • “1080 Low-frame module” on page 47 Figure 9.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 50 1100 DIMM For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1080 Low-frame module” on page 47 Figure 10.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 51 1110 Syst em board For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1030 Dummy card” on p age 40 .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 52 Figure 11. Remo val steps of syste m board (continu ed) Disconnec t the LCD conne ctor in the direc tion sho wn by arrow , unplug Bluetoo th connecto r in the direct ion shown by arrow . When inst allin g: M ake sure t hat all t he connector s are attached firmly.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 53 Figure 11. Remo val steps of syste m board (continu ed) Remo ve the syst em boar d in the di rect ion show n by arrow . When inst all ing: When a ttach ing th e system b oard t.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 54 1120 LCD unit For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1030 .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 55 Figure 12. Rem oval steps of LCD unit (continu ed) Remove t he LCD u nit in the direc tion shown by arr ow . b b.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 56 1130 Base cove r, USB board , bluetooth car d, power board an d speake rs For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on pa.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 57 Figure 13. Ba se cover , USB board , bluetooth card, power b oard and spe akers (co ntinued) Remove the bluetooth card in the directio n shown by arrow . Remov e th e scr ew to lif t the powe r boa rd in the direct ion show n by a rrow .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 58 Figure 13 . Base cover , USB board , bluetooth card, power b oard an d speakers ( continue d) Remove four screws , and then remove the spea kers in the direction shown by arrows . Step Screw (quantity) Color Torque M2.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 59 Note: Applying labels to the base cove r The new bas e cover FRU is ship ped wit h a k it cont aining l abels o f sev eral kinds. When you replace the base cover, you need to appl y the follo wing lab el: The following labels need to be peeled off from t he old base cover, and need to be put on the ne w base cove r.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 60 1140 LCD fron t bezel For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 61 1150 LCD pane l, LCD cable and hing es For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1030 Dummy .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 62 Figure 15. LCD pa nel, LCD cable and hinges (cont inued) Disconnect the connec tor , lift the LCD pa nel in the direction s hown by arrow . When inst allin g: Make sure tha t the co nnec tor is at tache d firml y.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 63 1160 Integ rated came ra For acc ess, remove these F RUs in order: • “1010 Keyboard” on page 34 • “1020 Batter y pack ” on p age 36 • “1030 Dummy card” on p a.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 64 Front view Integrated camera Computer display Wireless LAN ant ennas Pow er butt on Caps lock indicator Touchpa d Speakers Number lock indi cator.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 65 Rig ht -sid e view USB 2.0 port Memory card slot Optical drive (on s elect m odels) AC pow er ada pter jack a b c d a a b c d.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 66 Bottom and Left-side view Louvers Novo but ton Ven til at ion s lots RJ-45 port MINI VGA HDMI port USB 3.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 67 This section presents the followin g service par ts: • “Overall” on page 68 • “LC D FRUs” on page 73 • “Keyboard” on page 75 • “Misce llaneou s parts” o.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 68 Over all 7 2 3 22 15 25 12 a 19(20) 1 3 17 24 8 16 14 6 2 3 11 5 4 d c f 9 10 e b 26 g 1 8 1 21 h.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 69 Table 4. Parts list —Overal l No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 1 LCD unit ( see “LCD FRUs” o n page 73.) 2 Keyboard (see “Keyboard” on page 75.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 70 Table 4. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 10 VITU5 LED B oard W/Cable 90001025 * 11 ODD, 9.5mm Tray in Rambo HLDS GU70N Slim Tray DVD Rambo ODD 25205807 ** 11 ODD, 9.5mm HLDS GU 60N Slim Tray DVD Rambo ODD 25204158 ** 11 ODD, 9.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 71 Table 4. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 12 HDD,500G 7200rpm HT S725050A7E630 RV 7mm 7.2K 500G HDD 16200306 ** 12 HDD,500G 7200rpm WD WD 5000BPKT 72 00RPM 500G HDD 16200004 ** 12 HDD,500G 7200rpm TSB MK5061GSY 7200 PRM 9.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 72 Table 4. Parts list —Overal l (continued) No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 17 SSD,24G SSD Sandisk U100 SDSA5DK 24G mSATA SSD 16200252 ** 17 SSD,24G SS D .
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 73 LCD FRUs In Lenovo IdeaPad U510, there are followin g types of LCDs. • “15.6 -in. HD TFT” 2 8 8 7 5 6 4 3.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 74 15.6-in. HD T FT Table 5. Parts list —15.6-in. HD TFT No. FRU FRU no. CRU ID 1 VITU5 LCD Bezel 90201886 N 2 Panel 15.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 75 Keyboard Table 6. Parts list —Keyboa rd Lang uage P/ N CRU ID keyboard OKI (black) Indian 25205608 ** Czechoslovakian 25205606 Bulgarian 25205607 International English 252056.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 76 Table 6. Parts list —Keyboa rd (continued ) Lang uage P/ N CRU ID keyboard (cont inued) OKI (back light) (con tinu ed) Arabic 25205683 ** Germa.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 77 Table 6. Parts list —Keyboa rd (continued ) Lang uage P/ N CRU ID keyboard (cont inued) Dar fo n (backlight) Indian 25205638 ** Czechoslovakian 25205636 Bulgarian 25205637 In.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 78 Table 6. Parts list —Keyboa rd (continued ) Lang uage P/ N CRU ID keyboard (cont inued) Sunrex (blac k) (con tinu ed) Arabic 25205563 ** German.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 79 Miscell aneous part s Table 7. Parts li st—Misce llaneous parts FRU P/ N CRU ID Syste m m isc ella neo us p arts : • (a) VITU5 HDD Brack et • (b) VITU5 ODD Bracket • (c.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 80 AC adapters Table 8. Parts li st—3-pin AC ada pters FRU P/N CRU ID 65W, Delta ADP-65KH BD 20V/3.25A adapter 36001929 N 65W, Liteon PA- 1650-56LC adapter 36001651 N 65W, Brazil PA-1 650-52LB adapter 36001714 N 65W, Delta ADP- 65KH B 20V,3.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 81 Power cord s A Lenovo po wer cord fo r a specific count ry or region is usuall y available onl y in that coun try or re gion: Table 9.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 82 Table 9. Parts li st—3-pin power c ords ( continued ) Region P/N CRU ID Brazil • Longwell LP-46 +H03VV -F+LS -18 1m 145000564 * Isra el • L.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 83 Table 9. Parts li st—3-pin power c ords ( continued ) Region P/N CRU ID Braz il • VOLEX CH10S3+H03 VV -F+V AC5S 1m 145000527 * * Isra el • VOLEX SI16S3+H03VV -F +V AC5S 1.
Lenovo Ide aPad U510 Har dware Mainten a nce Manual 84 Lenov o may not offer th e pro ducts , serv ices , or fe atur es dis cuss ed in th is document in all coun tries. Cons ult your local Lenovo representa tive for information on th e products and ser vices currently a vailable in you r area.
Not ic es 85 Any perfor mance data cont ained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the res ult obtained in other operating environments may vary si gnificantly.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lenovo U510 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lenovo U510 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lenovo U510 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lenovo U510 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lenovo U510, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lenovo U510.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lenovo U510. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lenovo U510 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.