Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto S-9100DN del fabbricante Kyocera
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Operation Guid e Please read this Operat ion Guide before using the pri nter. Keep it c lose t o the pri nter for ea sy ref erence..
1 Please re ad the Operatio n Guide be fore usin g the pr inter. Keep it cl ose to the pr inter for e asy refe rence. The secti ons o f this guide and parts of the printer marke d with symbols are s afety w arning s meant to pro tect t he user, other i n- dividual s and s urroundin g objec ts, an d ensu re correct a nd sa fe usage of th e printe r.
3 4. You agree not to dup licat e or copy the Software or Typefac- es, exc ept that yo u may mak e one bac kup copy. You agree that a ny such c opy s hall cont ain the same p roprieta ry noti ces as thos e app earing on the original.
4 Contents Contents ...... ......... ......... .......... .............. ....... 4 Introduction .......... ......... .......... ......... ............ 6 1 For Mo re Inform ation... ............... ........... ........... ........... ......... 6 2 Guid e to the O peratio n Guide .
CONTENTS 5 Appendix C Host Computer Int erface ..... C-1 1 Parallel Interfac e.................. ................ ............ ........... ...... C-1 1.1 Parall el Inte rface Comm unicatio n Mode s ........... . C -1 1.2 Interfa ce Signal s...........
6 Introduct ion The Kyoc era Mi ta page pri nter has many de sirabl e featu res, such a s the EcoPri nt func tion that reduce s the p ower co nsump - tion an d the Auto M edia Type Sele ction funct ion th at selec ts the media au tomati cally befo re printin g.
7 IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ FIRST Cautio n Labe ls Caution l abels hav e been att ached to the pri nter at the fo llow ing locat ions fo r safety pu rposes. BE SU FFICIENT LY CAREF UL to avo id fire or elec tric sho ck when removing a paper j am or wh en replac ing ton er.
8 Installation Precau tions Environment CAUTION • Avoi d plac ing the printer o n or in loca tions w hich are unst able or no t leve l. Su ch lo cati ons m ay ca use t he printer to fall down or fall o ver . This ty pe of situat ion presents a danger of pers onal inj ury or damag e to the printer .
9 Precau tions for Use Cautions when Using the P rinter WARNING • DO NOT pla ce m etallic objects or con tainers with wa- ter (flow er vases, fl owe r pots, cups , etc.) on or near the pr inter . This type o f situ ation pres ents a dang er of fire or electric al sh ock sho uld the y fall in side.
10 Cautions for Toner Handling CAUTION • Do not inc inerate toner and to ner con tainers. D anger- ous spa rks may caus e burn. ...................... ............ ..... • Never o pen the to ner co ntainer or waste toner box . ....
1-1 Chapter 1 Names of Parts A B C D E F 2 3 4 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 H I J K M L G.
Chapter 1 Names of Parts 1-2 1 Operator pane l Contain s the key s and indicato rs for o peratin g the p rinter . 2 Front cover Open to r eplac e the toner contai ner or w aste ton er box . 3 Paper ca ssette 2 Second cas sette that ho lds up to ab out 500 shee ts of stan - dard pa per .
2-1 Chapter 2 How to Load Pa per Paper can b e load ed into the two paper cas settes a nd the M P tray. Up to abou t 500 shee ts of st andard p aper (80 g/m 2 ) ca n be loa d- ed into the each paper c assette. Inch specific ations Each pape r cass ette can be s et to h old p aper of any desired s ize from 11 × 17 to 5-1/ 2 × 8-1 /2".
Chapter 2 How to L oad Paper 2-2 • The re is a s ticke r ( in th e il lust rat ion) i ndi cat ing pa per capa c- ity at tached to the insid e of the pa per casse tte. Do not load paper above thi s lim it. • When lo ading paper in to the paper ca ssett e, make s ure that the print si de is fa cing upw ard.
Chapter 2 How to Load Paper 2-3 Inser t the paper along the gui des as fa r as i t will go . When loadi ng pape r into the MP tray, make su re that th e print side is fac ing upwar d. (The prin t side is the side fac ing upwa rd when the pac kage is ope ned.
3-1 Chapter 3 Using the Operato r Panel This chapt er expl ains the f oll owin g to pics : • Unders tandin g the Ope rator Pan el • Using the O perator P anel The o perator panel has an LC D m essage displ ay, indic ators, and ei ght keys .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-2 The follow ing indica tors lig ht up durin g normal ope ration an d when the printer needs att ention . The mess age disp lay gives inform ation in the form of short me s- sages. The eig ht mess ages lis ted below are dis play ed during normal w arm-up an d print ing.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-3 This Indicator shows the p aper size of the current paper cassette. The following abbreviati ons are used to indicate the paper sizes . * With o nly the M P tray f eeding While the printer i s process ing da ta, the SIZE display i ndica tes the pape r size selecte d by t he appl ication softw are.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-4 This secti on expla ins how to use the menu se lecti on syst em. The MENU ke y on the op erator panel al lows y ou to use the menu to s et or change the printer e nviron ment such as the numb er of cop ies to p rint, em ulation, etc .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-5 Interface > Parallel Interface > Serial Interface > Network Interface > Option Continued >Parallel I/F Auto >Baud rate 9600 >>NetWare Frame Auto >>DHCP OFF >>IP Address 000.000.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-6 >Page Protect on Continued Continued on the next pa ge >>I001 >>Size 012.00 point(s) >>Pitch 10.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-7 Continued Continued on the next pa ge >Read Data Hard Disk > >Write Data >Delete Data >List of Partition >RAM Disk Size 0008 MByte >read Data >Write Data >Delete Data >List of Partition >Read Data Opt.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-8 >>Duplex Path Enable >>Duplex Path Disable Continued Continued on the next pa ge Paper Handling > >Stitch Adjust > >Reset Type Adjust >.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-9 Continued >Total Print 0123456 >>Print Status Page >>Print Event Log >>Developer >>Drum Life Counters > Others > >New Toner Installed >Sleep Timer > 030 min. >Print HEX-DUMP >Printer Reset >MSG Language English >Form Feed Time Out 030sec.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-10 This sect ion exp lains the procedu re for usi ng the m enu se lection system. The menu se lecti on sys tem is activ ated by the MENU ke y whil e th e prin te r is Ready . 2.2.1 Pr inti ng the Menu Map The printer prints a full list of men u selectio ns.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-11 Items and v alues on the status page may v ary de pending on the printer’s firmware v ersion. 1 Software Ve rsion This inform ation sh ows the firmw are versio n and date of is - sue of the printe r .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-12 Job Storage Job storage stores print job s either tem porari ly or permanen tly, or in virtu al ma ilboxes , as y ou click an a ppropriat e radio b utton on the pr inter drive r when printing fr om a c omputer .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-13 Press the 4 ke y repeate dly unt il Delete appea rs be- low the title. Press the ENTER k ey. The s tored qu ick c opy job is de- leted. Using Proof-and -Hold When you pri nt multipl e copies , this mode fi rst prints one c opy so that y ou can pr oof it before contin uing to print the remaining copies .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-14 Pres s the 3 or 4 key to displ ay the desi red user name ( Arlen , in this ex ampl e). Press the ENTER key . The u ser name and the jo b name ( Agenda , in this ex ampl e) ente red in the pr inter driver ap pear w ith a bli nking quest ion mark ( ? ).
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-15 Press the ENTER key . If you entered a n acc ess code for the printer dri ver , the ID input lin e appear s. Enter the four-di git ac cess co de ente red in the pri nter driver .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-16 If you have na med the virtual mail box wi th an alias on the printer dr iver , the alias ( Richard , in this exam ple) wil l foll ow the numb er: Press t he ENTER key . A b linki ng ques tion ma rk ( ? ) ap- pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-17 When the de sired m aximum number of j obs is set, pres s th e ENTER key . Press the MEN U key . The d isp lay re turn s to Ready . Maximum Space Ass igned to Temporary Code Jobs This ch anges the har d disk spac e that h olds te mpora ry code jobs.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-18 Maximum Space As signed to Virtual M ailboxes (VM B) This chan ges th e hard d isk spa ce for virt ual ma ilboxes . Y ou can chan ge t he maxi mum spac e from 0 to 9999 (meg abyt es). The actual maximum si ze depe nds on th e size of free hard disk space, how ever .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-19 Press the 3 or 4 key to disp lay the d esired mod e. The display chang es as sho wn below . Press the ENTER key . Nibble (high) (defaul t) AUTO Normal High speed Press the ME NU key . Th e mess age displ ay retu rns to Ready .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-20 Display the de sired baud rate a nd pres s the ENTER key . Press t he MENU key . The messa ge display returns to Ready . Changing Network Interface Param eters This print er is e quippe d with th e netwo rk inte rface.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-21 Press the 2 key . E ac h t ime t h e 3 or 4 key is pres sed, the i tem chan ges as s hown belo w . Displa y the item to be set an d pres s the ENTER key . For DHCP , a question mark ( ? ) appears. For IP Ad- dress, Sub net Ma sk, an d Gatew ay , the cur sor ( _ ) blinks.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-22 Press t he MENU key . The messa ge display returns to Ready . Network Status Pag e 2.2.5 Ch angin g the E mula tion The emula tion m ode fo r the curren t interfa ce ca n be chan ged. Pres s the MENU key . Press the 3 or 4 key re peatedly u ntil Emulation ap- pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-23 Press the 3 or 4 key repeat edly u ntil th e desi red alter- native em ulati on appears . Press the ENTER ke y . Press the ME NU key . Th e mess age displ ay retu rns to Ready . Auto Printing of KPDL Error The pr int er ca n be s et t o pri nt er ror data d ur ing KP DL em ula tio n.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-24 T o change the p en widt h, pr ess the 2 key , then pres s the ENTER key . A bl inking c ursor appears at the wid th value . Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly unti l the desi red pen width i n dots ( 00 to 99 ) appears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-25 Changing Type for Courier/Le tter Gothic Courie r or L etter Got hic f ont type can be sele cted as Reg ular or Dark. For ex ample, to ch ange the ty pe of Courier, proceed as follows: Press the MEN U key .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-26 Press the 3 or 4 key r epeated ly unti l >Pitch ap- pears. Pres s the ENTER ke y . A bli nki ng cur sor ( _ ) appears. Press the 3 or 4 key to increas e or decreas e the valu e of th e fi gure whe re th e cur sor is b lin king.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-27 Press the 3 or 4 key r epeated ly un til Page set > ap - pears. Press the 2 ke y . Press the 3 or 4 key rep eatedl y until >Copies ap- pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-28 Press the ENTER key . A blin king cursor ( _ ) appear s under the paper s ize. Press t he 3 or 4 key to selec t so urce size. Both siz es change wi ll simu ltaneo usly . Pres s the 2 key to move th e cursor t o the ta rget si ze.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-29 Linefeed ( LF) Action This pro cedure instructs the pri nter what to do whe n it receiv es a linefe ed co de (cha racter code 0 AH). Press the MEN U key . Press the 3 or 4 key r epeated ly un til Page Set > ap - pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-30 Select On or Off usi ng the 3 or 4 ke y . Pres s the ENTER ke y . Press t he MENU key . The messa ge display returns to Ready .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-31 Press the ENTER key . A bl inking qu estion mark ( ? ) ap - pears. Select On or Off using th e 3 or 4 key . Press the ENTER ke y . Press the ME NU key . Th e mess age displ ay retu rns to Ready . Resolution You can se t the defa ult print resolut ion in thr ee ways: 300 dpi, 600 d pi an d F ast 1 200 mode .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-32 Press the 3 or 4 key rep eate dly unt il Hard Disk > appears. Pres s the 2 key . Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedl y until >Read Data ap- pears. Th e data name als o appe ars. Press t he ENTER key . A b linki ng ques tion ma rk ( ? ) ap- pears be fore the data nam e.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-33 Repeat a bove ste ps unti l you have t ransfer red all data (files) tha t you want to wri te to th e hard disk.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-34 2.2.10 Ope rati ng a RAM Disk The RAM dis k is a memory sp ace sha red within the printe r mem- ory that can tem poraril y store pri nt jobs .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-35 Reading Data Data s tored on a RAM disk ca n be re ad. To read data on a R AM disk, p roceed as follo ws. Press the MEN U key . Press the 3 or 4 key r epeatedly until RAM Disk Mode > appears . Press the 2 ke y .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-36 Repeat above steps until you have transfe rred all data (files) tha t you want to write to th e RAM disk. Eac h time you fini sh w riting data, a RAM dis k wri .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-37 Reading Fon t Data If a m emory c ard with the f ont d ata i s alread y ins erted in to the slot whe n the pr inter is turned on, the fo nts are automati cally read into the print er. To re-re ad fonts int o the prin ter from a memory c ard, proc eed a s follow s.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-38 Pres s the ENTER ke y . Processing appears , then Waiting . In this sta te, sen d the file from the com puter to th e printer .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-39 Press the 3 or 4 key rep eatedly un til Memory Card > appears. Press the 2 ke y . Press the 3 or 4 key rep eatedl y until >Format ap- pears. Press the ENTER ke y . A que stion mark ( ? ) app ears. Press the ENTER key .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-40 2.2.12 P aper Ha ndlin g You can change the MP tray mod e, the paper size and type for each paper so urce, the sorter mode, the paper so urce, and pa- per destin ations . MP Tray Mode The MP tray can be us ed in one of two m odes: c asse tte mode or first mode.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-41 Press the 3 or 4 key to displ ay th e desir ed MP tr ay size. Th e disp lay c hange s as sho wn be low . A4 Executive Letter-R Letter Legal Ledger A3 B4 Custom C4 Oficio II Statement Folio Youkei 2 Youkei 4 Hagaki OufukuHagaki Monarch Business Comm.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-42 Press the 3 or 4 key repeat edly until >Cassette Size appears . The p aper s ize is al so di splay ed. • Casette3 Size > or Cassette4 Size > app ears when an option pa per fee der (PF-70 ) is in stalled.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-43 • >Cassette 3 Type or >Cassette 4 Type ap- pears w hen an option pape r feed er (PF-70 ) is in - stalled. • >Cassette 3 Type appears w hen an option paper feeder (PF- 75) is in stalle d. Press the ENTER key .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-44 Pres s the MENU key . Press the 3 or 4 key rep eatedl y unti l Paper Handling > appea rs. Pres s the 2 key . Press t he 3 or 4 key repeate dly until >Duplex Mode appears. Press t he ENTER key . A b linki ng ques tion ma rk ( ? ) ap- pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-45 Press the MEN U key . Press the 3 or 4 key rep eatedly un til Paper Handling > appears . Press the 2 ke y . >Stitch A djust > appears . Press the 2 ke y . >>A4/Lett er appears. Press the 3 or 4 key to select A4/Letter , B4 or A3/ Ledger .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-46 Press t he ENTER key . A b linki ng ques tion ma rk ( ? ) ap- pears. Pres s the 3 or 4 key to di splay the de sired pap er typ e.
Chap t er 3 Us i ng t he O pe r ator Pa n el 3 - 47 Pre s s the ENTER k e y . A qu e st i on m a rk ( ? ) ap p ea r s. Pre s s the EN T ER k e y . All t h e c u s to m i z ed p ap e r w e ig h t a n d d u p l ex pa t h s et t in g s w i ll be re s et to t he d ef a ul t .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-48 Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly unti l Others > ap- pears. Pres s the 2 key . Pres s the 3 or 4 key re peated ly until >MSG Language appea rs. The defau lt mes sage la nguage is English. T o change the languag e, press the ENTER key .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-49 Press the 3 or 4 k ey to incr ease or dec rease t he value of the figure w here th e curso r is blin king and s et the desired t ime. T he tim er can b e set between 5 and 240 min, in 5- minut e incr ements. Y ou can u se th e 2 a nd 1 keys to move the cu rsor rig ht and left.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-50 Pres s the MENU key . Press the 3 or 4 key repeatedly unti l Others > ap- pears. Pres s the 2 key . Press t he 3 or 4 ke y re peated ly until >Printer Reset appe ars. Pres s the ENTER key . A quest ion ma rk ( ? ) ap pears.
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-51 Press the ENTER key . A bl inking qu estion mark ( ? ) ap - pears. Select On or Off using th e 3 or 4 key . Press the ENTER ke y .
Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel 3-52 Printing the Serv ice Statu s Page The servi ce st atus p age conta ins p rinter s etting s info rmation that is mo re detai led tha n the st andard st atus page and is there- for e f or mos tly ser vic e pu rpos es .
4-1 Chapter 4 Troubl eshooti ng This ch apter e xplai ns how to handle printer p roblem s tha t may occ ur. If a proble m can not be co rrected, conta ct you r Kyoce ra Mit a de aler.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4-2 As the f ollowin g tabl e shows , there are many poss ible cau ses o f print qualit y probl ems, such as blank outpu t. The t roubles hooti ng pro- cedure for each ty pe of prob lem i s explai ned be low. If y ou sti ll canno t solv e the problem, c ontac t your Kyoc era M ita dealer .
Chapter 4 Troubleshooti ng 4-3 Faint or blurred printing Chec k the E co Print set tin g. When this se tting i s On , switch it to Off on the op erator panel.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4-4 The tables on the follo wing pa ges in dicate ho w to res pond to proble ms indic ated b y the operato r panel in dicato rs and messag es. The follow ing table li sts m ainten ance me ssag es tha t you can d eal wi th by yourself .
Chapter 4 Troubleshooti ng 4-5 Close front cover Close the p rinter f ront cover . Close left cover 1 ( -3 ) Close the pr inter l eft cove r . If left cover of the option paper fe eder is open , 2 or 3 is dis played. Close reverse adapter Close the re verse adapt er cover of the option docu ment f inish er .
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4-6 The follow ing t able lis ts error mess ages t hat ca n be de alt with by the user. Replace toner Clean printer Repla ce the to ner con tainer using a n ew toner kit. Th e print er does not op erate whe n this m essage i s displa yed.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooti ng 4-7 Insert the same memory card Y ou have i nserted the wro ng me mory card w hen the Insert agai n messag e wa s dis playe d. Remove the wr ong mem ory card from t he printer’s m emory c ard sl ot and insert th e corre ct memo ry card.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4-8 The Paper jam me ssage is displ ayed on the messa ge disp lay when pap er becom es stu ck in the paper t ranspo rt system , the paper feed tim ing is inco rrect, or pap er fails to feed at all. The jam can b e corre cted by r emovi ng the paper.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooti ng 4-9 The following procedure also applies to the optiona l paper feeder. Pull out th e pape r cass ette. Remove th e jamm ed pap er while takin g care not to tear it. If the pape r has be en torn , remove a ll the scr aps from the i nside the printe r .
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 4-10 Open th e front cov er . T urn the k nob clo ckwise to rele ase the jammed pap er from the MP trans port tra y sectio n. Remove t he jam med pape r . Pull out t he MP t ranspo rt tray . Open th e MP tra nsport tray cove r .
Chapter 4 Troubleshooti ng 4-11 Pull up th e lock leve r and open left c over 1. Remove th e jam med paper . Push the le ver (gray colored) to raise t he dupl ex unit and remove the jam med paper . If there is jammed paper in the output section, remove it.
5-1 Chapter 5 Paper Sele ction This chap ter expla ins th e follo wing top ics: • General G uidel ines • Spe cia l Pape r • Paper T ype The printer is designed to prin t on hi gh-qua lity c opie.
Chapter 5 Paper Selection 5-2 Composition Do not use pape r that h as bee n coa ted or surfa ce-trea ted and contain s pla stic o r carbon . The he at of fu sing c an caus e such paper to give o ff harmful fumes. Bond pap er sho uld conta in at least 80 % pulp.
Chapter 5 Paper Selection 5-3 Wavy or t ight e dges can c ause m isfeed ing a nd ali gnment a nom- alies. Th e moi sture co ntent o f the paper shoul d be 4 to 6%. T o ensure the pro per moi sture conte nt, it is impo rtant to st ore the paper in a con trolled environm ent.
Chapter 5 Paper Selection 5-4 The ba sic rule for pri nting on adhesi ve labels is that the adhes ive must nev er come into contact with any part of the printer. Adhe - sive pa per stick ing to the d rum or ro llers wi ll damag e the pri nter. Label p aper m ust be manua lly fe d.
Chapter 5 Paper Selection 5-5 The printe r is c apable of prin ting u nder th e opti mum setting f o r the type of paper being use d. Setting the paper type for the paper source from the printer’s op- erator panel will caus e the printer to autom atically s elect the paper source and print in the mode best suited to that typ e of paper.
6-1 Chapter 6 Maintenanc e This ch apter e xplai ns how to replac e the t oner conta iner and the waste toner b ox a nd ho w to clean the internal parts of t he pri nter. When y ou re place the toner c ontain er, ma ke sure to clean the in- ternal pa rts of the printer.
Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-2 Grasp t he han dle o n the toner con tainer , pu sh th e loc k lever up again and ge ntly lift the ton er cont ainer . Seal up the old toner cont ainer with the supplied plas tic bag and dispo se of it. Lightly tap the new ton er on the to p 5 to 6 time s.
Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-3 Remove th e seal from the re ar of the old was te toner box , and t hen clos e the ope nin g of th e box with t he seal. Seal up t he old wa ste tone r box wit h the su pplied plast ic bag an d disp ose o f it.
Chapter 6 Maintenance 6-4 Remove t he blu e colo red cl eaning brush. Pull up the l ock le ver on the lef t side of the printe r , and open the left c over 1. Clean th e separa tor by movi ng the cl eaning brush from left to right along with the sep arator .
A-1 Append ix A Fonts This ap pendi x exp lains the types of fonts you c an us e with th e print er. A font is a set of characters of a particu lar des ign.
Appendix A Fonts A-2 3 3 3 3 PCL (Scalable and Bitma p) Fonts.
Appendix A Fonts A-3 3 3 3 3 KPDL Fonts (1).
Appendix A Fonts A-4 3 3 3 3 KPDL Fonts (2).
B-1 Append ix B Expan sion Memory This ap pendix first explains how to remo ve the main ci rcuit b oard and then how to install a D IMM (Dual In-line Mem ory Module ) on the mai n circuit board. Expande d printer memory ena bles y ou to prin t more co mplex pages, down load more fonts, and de fine more macro s.
Appendix B Expansi on Memory B-2 DIMMs to be used See your Kyoc era Mita dea ler for pu rchasing informa tion of th e DIMMs th at are best sui ted for use with this pri nter . 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB , and 128 MB DIMMs ca n be us ed for me mory ex - pansion.
C-1 Append ix C Ho st Compute r Interfa ce This a ppendi x ex plains th e sig nals used in the print er’s p arallel and RS-2 32C inte rfaces . It also l ists p in assig nment s, sig nal functio ns, tim ings, conn ector sp ecifi cation s, and volta ge leve ls.
Appendix C Host Computer Interface C-2 Detailed descrip tions of the s ignal s follow . Strobe* [nStrobe] (Pin 1 ) A negative -going Strobe* pu lse caus es th e printe r to read an d latch the data on the Data 0 [1] t o Data 7 [8] signa l line s.
Appendix C Host Computer Interface C-3 A protocol is a set of rules th e comp uter foll ows in s ending data to the print er . They are indi cate d on t he stat us p age . Par amete rs can be cha nged from the operato r pan el. See Chang ing Serial Inte rfac e M odes on p age 3-19 .
Appendix C Host Computer Interface C-4 After obtainin g an RS-23 2C cable, check that it is wired correc t- ly, referring to the table in RS-232C Sig nal Pin Assig nment on page C-2 . If you have an IBM co mmuni catio n adapte r cable type 1502067, y ou will ha ve to reso lder the wiring at the printer en d of the cab le.
Appendix C Host Computer Interface C-5 The Proper ties sheet is display ed for the se lected COM port. Cli ck on th e Po rt Settings tab an d set the port propert ies.
D-1 Appendi x D Option Units This appe ndix e xplains how to i nstal l each optio n unit. Als o refer t o the m anuals o f the re spect ive op tion u nits. The prin ter has the fo llow ing opti ons avai lable. For inst ructions o n insta lling indivi dual optio ns, refe r to the do cume ntation included with the option.
Appendix D Option Units D-2 PF-70 Paper Feeder Holds approximately 500 sheets of A5 to A3 (11 × 17" in Ledger) size paper. Only one paper feede r can be attached to the bottom of the printer. PF-75 Paper Feeder Holds approximately 3000 sheets of A4, B5 or Letter size (8.
Appendix D Opti on Units D-3 PF-70 or PF-75 Pa per Feed er can be i nstalled below th e printe r. PF-70 Paper Feeder holds app roxima tely 50 0 sh eets of A4 to A3 (11 × 17" in Led ger) si ze pa per. PF-75 Paper Fee der hold s appro ximately 30 00 she ets of A4, B5 or Letter si ze (8.
Appendix D Option Units D-4 Insert the hard di sk int o its s lot on the m ain cir cuit bo ard of the print er. If a hard dis k unit is instal led in th e printer, rec eived data can be ra steriz ed and stored on this h ard dis k. This en ables high-sp eed pr inting of mu ltiple copies usin g an electric sort fu nc- tion.
E-1 Appendi x E Specifications Specifications Specifications Item Description FS-9100DN F S-9500DN Printing metho d Electr ophotograp hy , la ser scan Printing s peed ( ): MP tra y A4/Letter : 36 (27 .
Appendix E Specifications E-2 Paper feed tr ays Casse tte : A5 to A3/Ledger siz e universal cassette. H olds 500 sheets of thick ness 0.1 1 mm MP tray : 88 × 148 mm (3-1/2 × 5-13 /16") to 297 × 450 mm (1 1-1 1/16 × 17-3 /4") (See page 5-2 ).
Glossar y-1 Glossa ry Cassette mode This is a n ope ration mod e for th e MP tr ay. Wh en this mode i s used, appro xima tely 20 0 sheet s of plai n paper can be fe d con- tinuously , the s ame as f or the cas sette. Cas sette mod e is spec - ified as the facto ry setti ng, but you ca n change this setting from the printer’ s ope rator pan el.
Glossary Glossa ry-2 Printer driver The pr inter dr iver makes it pos sible for you to print data created using ap plica tion so ftware. The printer dr iver for th e printer is on the Kyoc era Mita Digi tal Librar y CD-R OM su pplie d with th e prin t- er.
Index-1 Inde x A Access code 3-1 3 , 3-14 Adhesive label 5-4 Alarm ( buzzer) set ting 3-50 Amorph ous silicon dru m E-1 Auto continu e 3-51 Auto matic man ual fe eding 3-40 B Barcod e read er 3-19 , D.
Index Index-2 Memory ca rd 3- 36 , D-4 Memory expa nsio n B-1 Menu m ap 3- 10 Menu selection system 3- 4 , 3-10 Message disp lay 3-1 , 3- 2 Message language 3-47 MP (multi -pur pose) tray 1-2 , 2-2 , .
© 20 0 1, 2 002 by K Y O C E R A MITA C O R P O R A T I O N. A l l r i ghts r e s e r v ed. Re v i s i o n 1 . 4 ., 2 00 2 . 10 Kyocera Mita Corporation 2-28, 1-Chome, Tamatsukur i, Chuo-ku Osaka 540.
Printer Driver Guide Printer Driver Guide Printer Driver Guide Printer Driver Guide for for.
Notice The infor m ation in t his guid e is subj ect to change with out notifica tion. Ad dition al pag es ma y be inse rted in future editions . The u ser is asked to excu se any tech nical in ac- curacies or typ ograph ical errors in th e present e dition .
Contents Chapter 1 Insta lling the Print er Driver ....................... .......... ......... ......... .............. .......... 1-1 Chapter 2 Set ting the Def aults ................. ......... .............. ......... .......... ......... ........
1-1 Chapter 1 Installing the Printer Driver Kyocera Mita Dig ital Library CD-RO M will au tomatica lly s tart to play its instal lation menu whi ch guides you throu gh the in stalla - tion of t he prin ter driv er.
Chapter 1 Installi ng the Printer Driver 1-2 In the End user license agr eeme nt window , chec k the contents , and then clic k Ac ce pt . In the Se lect driv er options w indow , chec k th e Tr u e T ype sc reen fonts .
2-1 Chapter 2 Setting the Defaults This sec tion ex pla ins ho w to se t def aults on op tion devic es in - stalled on th e print er. S ettings made i n this way wil l beco me ef- fectiv e for all a pplica tion soft ware. To tempo rarily ch ange th e setting s, make print er se ttings f rom the appl icati on.
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-2 Check tha t the option al paper feede r (PF-75) is inst alled on the printer corre ctly. Browse Start > Setting s > Printers . Right cli ck on the Kyocera Mita FS-9 100DN K X or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon and then clic k Properties .
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-3 Check t hat the optiona l doc ument fi nisher (DF-70/DF-7 1) is in- stalled on the printer co rrectly . Browse Start > Settings > Prin ters . Right c lick on the Kyocera Mita FS-91 00DN KX or Kyocera M ita FS-9500 DN KX ic on and then cli ck Properties .
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-4 Check that the o ptiona l doc ument fi nishe r (DF-75) i s insta lled o n the printer corr ectly. Browse Start > Setting s > Printers . Right cli ck on the Kyocera Mita FS-9 100DN K X or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX icon an d then clic k Prop- erties .
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-5 Check that the o ption al h ard dis k is insta lled in t he printe r corr ect- ly. Browse Start > Settings > Prin ters . Right c lick on the Kyocera Mita FS-91 00DN KX or Kyocera Mita FS- 9500DN KX icon and then click Prop- erties .
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-6 Set th e same RAM disk s ize as the print er ’s operat or panel. Click the OK button. You can regist er your na me to the p rinter driver. Afte r regis tra- tion, you can selec t the n ame fr om the op erator p anel wh en printing u sing the e-MPS fu nction.
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-7 Enter the User Name and Department na me, and click the OK button. Click t he OK button. Select the printe r descript ion language ad equate for the data to be printed from a mong PCL XL , PCL 5e a nd KPDL (Po stScri pt compatib le).
Chap ter 2 S ettin g th e D efau lts 2-8 Select PCL XL, PCL 5e, or KPDL in the Page Descrip- tion Languag e dr op down l ist, and c lick the OK button.
3-1 Chapter 3 Printing Through Applic ation So ftware This s ection uses a docum ent cr eated us ing M icrosoft Word as an exam ple of how to print fro m applic ations. Set paper o f the s ize specifie d for th e doc ument in the applica tion int o the prin ter’s paper cas sette.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-2 Select Same as Page Size in the Print Size drop down l ist, and th en cl ick th e OK button. When pri nti ng wi th t he d iffe ren t pri nt s ize fro m th e pa ge size, sel ect the de sired si ze in the Print Size drop down list .
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-3 The MP tray can feed non-st andard paper s izes. It can a ccom- modate si zes rang ing from 88 to 297 mm in width and 148 to 450 mm in leng th. The proced ure for setti ng cust om s izes fro m the print er driver is expl ained be low.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-4 You can use t he adva nced medi a setting m ode. Th ere are thre e advanced media setti ngs: Cov er Mode , Page Insert, and Trans- parency In terleavin g. Disp lay th e prin ter d riv er ’s Properties dialo g box from the appli catio n softwar e, then click the Settings butto n.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-5 Browse File > Print . The Prin t dialog box will b e dis - played . Cli ck on the Name drop dow n list, all the printe rs in- stalled un der Windo ws are list ed. Selec t Kyoc er a Mita FS- 910 0DN K X or Kyocera Mita FS-9500DN KX .
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-6 If yo u select Booklet Mode , double -sided pages with the st itch- ing areas w ill b e print ed. Whe n sele cting Booklet Mo de with the document finish er DF-75, do uble-s ided stitc hing p rint will b e done.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-7 DF-70 pro vides the s taple fu nction , while DF-71 provide s the punch f unctio n. Browse File > Print . The Prin t dialog box will b e dis - played. Cli ck on the Name drop dow n list, all the printe rs in- stalled un der Windo ws are list ed.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-8 DF-75 pro vides the s taple, p unch an d double -sided stitch ing prin t fu nct ion s. Browse File > Print . The Prin t dialog box will b e dis - played . Cli ck on the Name drop dow n list, all the printe rs in- stalled un der Windo ws are list ed.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-9 Select Same as Pag e Size in the Print Size li st, and then cli ck the OK but ton. When print ing w ith the diff erent pri nt size fro m the page size, sel ect the des ired siz e in the Print Size d rop do wn list.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-10 Code Job ( Temporary and Parmanen t) Code Job reduce s the time t o print multiple co pies a nd enab les the use of opti on barcode reader (BC- 1) to print jobs stored on the hard disk. When prin ting, selec t a type of co de job at the printer driv er.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-11 The Job Setti ngs dialog box wi ll app ear . Check th e J ob Storage check box and then chec k the Quick Copy . Click t he OK button. The Print dialog box is disp layed again. Click the OK b utton to start pri nting.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-12 Click the Properties button. Th e Properties dia log bo x is displ ayed. Cli ck the Output ta b and then click the Job Set tings but ton. The Job Se ttings di alog b ox will appear . Chec k th e Job Storag e chec kbox, an d then chec k the Proof and Hold .
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-13 Specify t he number of co pies you w ant t o print in the Number of copie s combo box i n Copies . Click t he Properties button. Th e Properties dial og box is dis playe d. Clic k th e Output tab and then cl ick the Jo b Set ti ngs button.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-14 Specify the nu mber o f copies you want to print i n the Number o f copi es co mbo bo x in Copies . Click the Properties button. Th e Properties dia log bo x is displ ayed. Cli ck the Output ta b and then click the Job Set tings but ton.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-15 The VMB functi on is availab le only when PCL 5e or PCL XL is select ed as emulation. Virtual mai lbox is t he ability to st ore print job s in th.
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-16 Enter the m ailbo x name u nder Mailb ox Name , and th e tray num ber in t he V irtual Output T ray , and then clic k the Save b utton. The Mult iple v irtual m ailbox t ray number can be spec i- fied at a time usi ng comm as (,) and hyphen (-).
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-17 Click t he Properties button in the Print dial og box . The Properties dialog box is dis play ed. Clic k th e Output tab and c lick the Job Se tt ing s button. The Job Setti ngs dialog box wi ll app ear .
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-18 A uniq ue nu mber and barcod e is aut omatic ally as sign ed to each job as it is stored o n the pri nter. The numbe r appe ars whe n jobs are li sted in util ities su ch as KM-NET Printer Disk Manager or KM-NET VIEWER .
Chapter 3 Printing Through Applicat ion Software 3-19 Check th e Barcode ch eckbo x, and then do th e set- tings. Set whethe r or not to print the barcode on the pri ntouts. The barcod e can also b e printed i n vario us positi ons on the page, with or witho ut its co de num ber as s hown here by s elect ing its po sitio n in th e printe r driver .
© 2 001 by K Y O C E R A MITA C O R P O R A T I O N . A l l r i gh t s r e s e r v ed. Re v i s i o n 1 . 1., 2 00 1 . 11 Kyocera Mita Corporation 2-28, 1-Chome, Tamatsukur i, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-8585,.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Kyocera S-9100DN è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Kyocera S-9100DN - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Kyocera S-9100DN imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Kyocera S-9100DN ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Kyocera S-9100DN, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Kyocera S-9100DN.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Kyocera S-9100DN. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Kyocera S-9100DN insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.