Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SEC-DVR408 del fabbricante Konig
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SEC -DVR404 SEC -DVR408 Digital V ideo Recorder USER MANU AL.
Cha pter 1 . F eatu res ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Cha pter 2 . Pa ne l ..............................................
5.4 .4. A larm Setup ......................................................................................................................................................63 5.4 .5. Ne two rk............................................................
Chapter 1. Featur es.
Chapter 2. Panel 2.1. Front P an el 2.1. 1. 4- CH Fro nt Pan el SEC- DVR 404 No. K ey/I ndicat or Mark s Func tio ns 1 CH1 Displa y Channel 1 into full scr een 2 CH2 Displa y Channel 2 into full scr e.
2.1. 2. 8- CH Fro nt Pan el SEC- DVR 408 No. K ey/I ndicat or Mark s Func tio ns 1 SE ARCH Enter s yst em pop-up (short cut) menu bar 2 CH- Swit ch to previous channel 3 CH+ Swit ch to next channel 4 .
2.2. R ear Pa nel S E C-D VR404 S E C-D VR408 No. Conne ct or Func tio ns 1. V ideo input 4CH:Co nnect CH1-4 video input device ( BNC ) 8CH:Co nnect CH1-8 video input device ( BNC ) 2. V ideo output Connect monitor output (BNC ) 3. Audio Input 4CH D VR: 4CH audio inp ut (RCA ) 8CH D VR: 4CH audio inp ut (RCA ) 4.
2.3. R emote Con trol Mouse O per ati on Y ou can use a mouse ins tea d of fr ont panel ke ys or remot e c o ntrol to na vig ate the oper ation of y our DVR Left click In OSD menu, click left but ton .
Chapter 3 . I nsta ll at ion 3.1. Inst alla tion(H ard Drive) DO NOT install or r emove har d dr ive whi le DV R is runni ng! Step 1. L oosen the sc rews in the left and right sides. Step 2. Remove the cover by pushing back and l ift it up , slight ly .
S t e p 4 . Insta ll HDD on the brack et , fixed with s crews firmly . Step 5. Check if the connector s ar e properly connecte d and there is no loosen cables, and then inst all cover as w ell as scr ews .
3.2. Ca mera and Mo nitor Con nection C o n n e c t c a m e r a c a b l e t o v i d e o i n p u t o f D V R , a n d f r o m v i d e o o u t p u t o f D V R t o M o n i t o r v i a B N C connect or or if the cam er a is a P TZ s peed dome, you could conne ct RS485 conne ctor .
Chapte r 4. OSD Dis play 4.1. Structure of OSD Displa y SEC-D VR404.
4.1.1. St ructur e of O SD Displa y SEC -D VR408.
4.2. The Symbol of Main Screen (Rec ording Alarm) The symb ol wi ll di splay in m ain screen : S ymbo l/ic on Functi ons Motion HDD los s, H DD s pac e f ull The video is r ecording V ideo Loss V ideo Loss When D VR is in recor ding mode, [ ] icon or [ ] icon will appear on the scr een.
4.3. P op-out menu opti ons 4.3 .1. Me nu Lock F or y our syst em securit y , the s ystem has a spe cial functio n to pr otect y our OSD oper ation. Step 1. Enable Passw ord and key -in passwor d/user name fr om system. S t e p 2 . Click ” Lock” button, and then the OSD was lo cked.
4.3.2. Sp lit W indows (F or 8 CH O nly) There are 3 mo des of sp lit wi ndows: 1. CH 1-4 2. CH 5-8 3. CH 1-8 4.3.3. PTZ Con trol.
If y ou w ould l i k e t o use the func tion of P TZ he rein , you ha ve to set t he p ar amet er of P TZ fir st. F or more inf ormat ion of PTZ , ple ase r ef er to sec tion 4.9. All F unctio ns Poin ter Auto Pan T o select the dir ect ion of PTZ. The middle circle is f or au to pan of PTZ. Cr uise(P TZ) This fu nctio n allows to start cr uise of PT Z came r a. 4.3 .4. PI P Mode.
4.3 .5. S ear ch Y ou co ul d e n ter i n to [R ecor d Se ar ch] menu from P op-up menu convenien tly and quickly and search/playba ck t he recor d histories.
4.3.7. Start Rotat e( SEQ /CH AN NEL AUTO SW IT CHING) This fu nctio n allows you to switch chann els, au to matica lly . 4.3.8. GUI out put sel ect ion This fu nctio n allows you to select the G UI outp ut betwe en 2 monitors ( V G A or BNC).
4.4. Mai n Menu Setu p (Displa y) Y ou can set up whe ther each channel can be previewe d or not under Li ve display and/ or recor d mode, enable liv e time or not under live screen and se t up recor d time or not on the recor d his tory . Also , you can k ey-in the title f or each channel.
4.5. Main M enu Setu p (R ecord).
All Functions Reco rd s etup Allows y ou set up record st atus (Enable/Disable) of ea ch channel. Qualit y Included 3 options – Best, Good and Normal.
Fr ame rate s etup In this option, you can set the r ecording frame r ate, if the frame r at e which you set over s yst em limita tion, the system wi ll inform you that your fram e rate can’t be accepted. Copy the set ting to all channels or one specifie d channel.
4.6. Main Menu S etup (N etwork) P ort f or DV R co nnecti on Int ernet T ype Ht tp po rt.
Descript ion: Because of DVR can support viewing the video via network r emotely , he nce you can con trol the DVR r emotely , including , mon itoring , r eco r di ng , playing back o r making backup.
4.7. Main M enu Setup (Sea rch/ Playback) *Playback ima ge *Cl ick “Sear ch” button first. *Doubl e cl ick the speci fi ed date & time whi ch you need t o pl ayback and then click ” playback ” but ton.
*Cho ose the t ype of vi deo a nd the n che ck t he file whi ch y o u w oul d lik e to ba ck up . *Insert U .S.B device and then click ”Back up” button.
4.7.1. Ma in M enu Setup (Sea rch/Log /Exp ort) *Y ou can expo rt the v ideo infor mation from log (by text). *Cli ck on ”log” button to search the video inform ation.
*Cli ck on “search” button a nd spec ified the log type in order to search th e video inf orm ation . *Before performing Export, p lease inser t U.
All F unctio ns Chan nel Allows y ou select the channel(s) y ou would lik e to sear ch. T ime Sea rc h I n t h e V i d e o S e a r c h s c r e e n , u s e r c a n s e a r c h f o r a s p e c i f i c d a t e a n d t i m e f o r a r ecording and view it in Playback mode.
4.8. Ma in M enu Setu p (Device Managem ent ) 4.8. 1. H.D.D & ALARM S etup.
HDD Manag eme nt W h e n D V R i s co n n e c t e d t o a H D D , t h e s y s t e m w il l d e te c t H . D . D a u t o m a t i c a l l y , w h e n t h e n e w H . D . D was inst alled , s ys tem will ask f or H.D .D format ting. The functions of” H.
Alar m Setup The fu nc tions of ” Alarm Se tup” Chan nel: th e option allows y ou select one chann el you w ant. HDD Loss: When the “ B u z z e r” i s i n t h e “ON” p o s i t i o n a n d .
Al ar m Man age: Ala rm O utput: y o u c a n s e t h o w l o n g t h e e x t e r n a l s e n s o r a l a r m w i l l l a s t w h e n m o t i o n i s d e t e c t e d ( o f f , 10s, 20s, 40s, 60s); Buzz.
4.8.2. Email Alarm Notifi cation Becaus e of the t ype and t he I SP serv ice company is va riety worldwide, Hence , we only provide 1 -2 company for an example , if you have any qu estion of E -mai l , pleas e contact your local I SP s ervi ce.
SSL is a s ecurity link transport protocol. Y ou can encrypt your commun ication info (i ncludi ng your emai l) using SSL t o p r ev ent hacker s from m onitoring your em ai l or comm u nication info and even yo ur p asswor d. Please confirm with your email se rvice pr ovider i f your emai l server support SSL or not.
Step 4. C l i c k ” Alarm” icon. Step 5. Check the “ E M A I L” block, and then clic k ”E MAI L SETUP” button. Step 6. S e l e c t ”Ena ble” for SSL , if y our E-mai l se rve r needs t he SSL v erification. S e l e c t ”Disab le” for SS L, if you r E-ma il serv er doesn ’t need t he SSL v erif icat ion 。 Step 7.
A fter finishe d setup of Email, you ha ve to enable the func tion of motion d etection. St ep 1 3. Click “Motion” icon, and make sure motion d etection is enable d. *Before setting Gm ail , plea se setup th e motion a rea. Re d: enable, blank: disable *If you do n’t use G ma il, ple ase skip this step.
S t e p 1 4 . Logi n Gmai l and g o to “Set tings à f orwar ding an d POP /IMAP à Enable IMA P” . Thi s step is for Gm ai l only . Step 15. Now , check your e-mail and see if you r eceive an e-mail (alo ng with atta ched Photo) fr om D VR.
4.9. PTZ & Mob ile Setup.
PTZ Set up The functi ons of ” PTZ Set up” PTZ pr otoc ol (Pelc o-D o r Pelc o-P ) Ba ud Rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600), Dat a bit (8, 7, 6, 5), Stop b it (1, 2), P arity (N one, O d d, E ve n, Mark, Sp ace), A ddre s s Code Crui se *PTZ device can be a ctivated on ly when a channel in con nect ion with the PTZ camer a is selecte d.
Mobile Se tup The fu nc tions o f ” M obi le Setup ” U ser Name: indi cate user name of DVR. U ser p ass wor d: indicate user passwor d of D VR Serve r port: Mobi le moni toring port.
4.10. Mot ion De t ectio n Setup.
Mot ion Det ec tio n Set up The [Motion dete ction] Menu has thr ee sec tions, includin g Channel Status, Sensitivity and Motion ar ea. The functions of ” Motion Det ect ion Setup” Chan nel : This o ption allow you enabl e motion de tection on an y channel.
4.11. Main M enu S etup 【 S ystem/ Priv acy Zone /T ime/ P assw ord/V ide o/Languag e/Main tain 】 The “ S yst em” Menu includes: T ime Setu p, U se r Pa ssw ord, Audio /V i deo Se tti ng , Lang uage selec t, S yst em I nf o. , Priv acy z o ne and Sy stem Maint en ance.
*There are 6 types of syst e m settings, as b elow: TIME /DA TE NTP UPD A TE B UT T ON DS T SETUP BUT T ON DST S ETU P B Y WEEK/ D A TE Y ou can modif y the system dat e, time, d ate/time f ormat, an d time zon e, DST (da y time saving) status and NTP .
Pass word This opt ion allows you set the dev ice ID f or the DVR and set the system password and autho rity . The new pas swords wi ll be availa ble after c licki ng “ APPL Y” button. When you se t Passw or d Enab led to “ON” , you can se tup a user pas sword and administrator passwor d r espective ly .
V ideo/ Audio Set up V ideo Sy stem: allow you set Camer a sys tem (P AL, NTSC) . V GA Re solut ion: include 4 options - 1280×1024 、 1024×768 、 800×600 and 1440×9 00. Ro ta te ti m e : allow you sele ct sequence time b etween fr om 5s and 30 0s.
Mar gin Se tup Click the [V olume] and/or [Margi n] options on the righ t-bottom corner of t he V ideo/Audio scr een to a djust the volume and/or mar gin r espectively .
Priv acy Z o ne *The total a rea of privacy zone is 4 a reas. St ep 1 . Right Click ”Main menu” option. Step 2. Click on ” syst em” icon. (imag e 1) Step 3. Click on ”V ide o” icon. (imag e 2) Step 4. Click on ”Priv acy Zone” . (imag e 3) St ep 5 .
Languag e Enter in to [Langu age] m enu to select the la nguage you w ant to use on th e DVR and th en click [A PPL Y] button. The sele ction will be a vailable after s yst em Auto r est arts.
Maint ain This option allows y ou r ecover the DVR settings to factor y def ault settings, upda te sys tem softwar e (firmw are), and set s ys tem auto-main tenance. *The re a re 4 fu nction s: : *A fter enabling ” Aut o Main tain” function , the s ys tem w i ll perf orm r egular maintenance depend o n your nee d.
Load D efault from the fun ction o f MAINT AIN : A fter entering into this s ys tem , you can select the i tem w hich you nee d to re set to f actory def ault.
Chapter 5 . Netwo rk A cce ss(R emo te ) There a re 2 methods to remote access the DVR via network : Internet Explo rer Br owser (IE) ,and Mo bi le pho nes. 5.1. IE Setup 5.2. W eb Log-in( IE Bro wser) 4-CH DVR allo w you ha ve 5 users on-line simultaneously .
5.3 Co n trol Pane l(Live vie w) The Co ntr ol pa nel Liv e video connect/di sconnect (ON/OFF) Snapshot: Pi ctur e Format: *. bmp Recor d: T o record l i ve vi deo remotel y Channel display mode: 1 ch/ 4 ch/ 8ch/ 16ch/full screen V olum e but ton Cli ck the [ ] icon of one cha nnel to displ a y the ima ge of spe cifi ed c hanne l.
PTZ Contr ol Direction P oin ter T o mo ve the P TZ to any di rection Z oom Focus Iris Zoom in/zoomout;focus adjunstment and Iris contr ol Pa n & T i l t Po s Indi cates that you can choose the cruise s t arting p oint ,as your desire. SET T o se t the pre se t poi nt.
5.4. Setup(Re mote Setting ) 5.4.1. Stru cture of Remo t e Setting A fter complet e d each setup, y ou have to click” ” to co nfirm the setting..
5.4.2. D isplay Setup Y ou c an setup Channel t i tle/t h e t itle position/ enable or disable live vi ew/live vi ew time display and re cord time displa y . when you see ” ”but ton, you can cop y the set ting to the channel which y ou would lik e to copy .
5.4.3. Record S ch e dule: This fu nction al lows you to set up the record schedule f r om r emote s ite. Step 1. Select ”Ena ble” button from “Recor d” in side th e “Recor d Schedule Se tup” . Step 2. Select “Schedule” from “Record Mode” .
Step 4. Che ck the r eco r d mode wh ich you wou l d like to setup. There are 3 ty pes of record mo de: * 【 R ed col or: Alarm Rec ord 】【 Gr een col or: Norm al rec or d 】【 tra nsp arent /whit e: No r ecor d. 】 Step 5. C l i c k button to sav e the se tting.
5.4.4. Ala rm Setup Y ou ena ble o r disa ble the bu zzer/motio n alar m/H DD Loss a larm/Not en ough HDD space ala rm/V ideo Loss alarm/P ost r ecording/Pre-recor d 5.4.5. Network There are 4 mod es of Network set up Sta tic IP / DHCP For setting stat ic IP & DH CP . . Sta tic IP Step 1. C l i c k ”ST A TIC & DHCP” option. Step 2. Choo se T ype à ”S tatic IP & D HCP ” , and key in all information , inc luding , IP Add r ess /Media Port/W eb Port/Gateway/ Netmas k / D NS Serve r . *Normally , the DVR will ha ve the same in f ormation with int ernet. . PP PoE P oint -to- Poi nt Pr otoc ol ove r Ethe rnet ( PPPoE ) is a network pr otocol for en capsulating Poi nt- to-Point Pr otocol (PPP) fr ames inside E thernet frame s. . Ema il Setup If you have any qu es tion of E-mai l Setting , Pleas e refer to section 4.8. 2.(E-mai l setup) . 1. Clic k ”E mail Setup” O pti on. 2. Ema i l to “E nable” 3. I F your Emai l w ith Emai l Encryp tion, you have to set ”SSL ” to enabl e” .
5.4. 6. Device ( H .D.D/PTZ/M obi le/Mot ion ) In t his option , you can v iew the informat ion of H. D.D. as well as se tup PTZ/Mobile/Motion det ection.
Motion: Pleas e follow the step , be low: St ep 1. Enable Motion det ection: Step 2. Click “ ”but ton. S t e p 3 . The mot ion detect ion setup block wi ll pop- out and you can click t he area which you don’t want to se tup.
5.4.7. Syst em setu p(Password/DST) Ther e are 4 options: Sys tem Set up U ser setup D S T Inf ormation . System setup . Au thority (Pa ssword mana gement) Y o u c a n se t 6 u se r s . . DST SET UP Step 1. C l i c k ”DS T” option. Step 2. E n a b l e “DS T” . S t e p 3 . Ch oo se the of f set time ..
S t e p 4 . Ch oose “ D aylight S aving T ime Mode ”. There are 2 ty pes of DST : 1. Choo se by week 2.Choose by date . System in formatio n 5.5 . Local Set ting This option allows you set “R ecor d Sa ve Path ” , “Snap shot Sa ve P ath” and “F i le Save Path” .
5.6. Playback (IE Browser ): Step 1. C l i c k ”Playback” option. Step 2. Cl ick the date which you would like to pl ayback . S t e p 3 . Als o, you can c lick button to search t he video fi le again, or use file l ist to choose which c hannel you would li k e to playback , and the n cl ick on button.
S t e p 4 . Cl ick s pec ified vide o file whi ch you w ould li k e to p la yba ck, r emotely . T h e v i d e o w i l l b e d i s p l a y e d . When the vid eo fi le is playin g , the system won ’t allow you to do wnload vid eo fi les. Step 5. Close the playing video and then click button to download video file.
5.6.1. Log ou t Click [Logout] option to return back Log-in page. 5.7. Mobile Phone s Acces s The DVR is curr ently comp atible with mobi le phone s running W indows Mobi le, Symbian, iPhone, Blackber ry and Andr oid oper ating system.
All Fu nctio ns USER NA ME The login us er name of DVR USER P AS SWORD The login Pass word of DVR SERVER PORT Mobi le mon itoring po rt. Setting range is betwe en 1024 and 65535. Plea se note that t he s erver po rt of DVR must w ith the s a me port of mobi le .
5.8. Inst all & O per at e (W indo ws ® Mo bile P hones ) S t e p 1 . I n s t a l l t h e w e b c a m p r o g r a m t h a t i s i n c l u d e d o n t h e s u p p l i e d C D b y click ic on. Step 2. Cl ick the type of mobi le whi ch you need fr om 5 icons.
S t e p 6 . After compl eted in stallation, click “ ASee” i con to run the pr ogram. Step 7. Key-i n the informat ion of DVR and Che ck bo x. All Functions U se r ’ s Name Indicate tha t the user name wh ich have been s et on DVR -[Mobi le Set] menu.
Step 8. Now , you ca n check the l ist of your connect ing informa tion. Step 9. Press button, to e nter the main screen and to view the vid eo..
Pictur e Functi on ke y De scri ption 【 Items 】 【 Channel opti on 】 Click but ton, to sel ect the channel which you woul d li k e to vi ew . 【 Connect/Disconnect 】 Click the but ton to ent.
5.9. Inst all & O per a te (Sy mbian ® Phon es) Step 1. Install the p r ogram tha t is incl uded on th e supp lied CD by copying the file to the mobi le phone. “ ASee_AL_3r d _0723.sisx ”( 3 RD EDITIO N) or “See_ AL_5th _0723.sisx ”(5 TH EDITIO N) *Cl ick “Mobile” and then choose the softw are which you nee d.
Step 3. Choose Mobile card or SD card as an installation location. Step 4. Click “Continue” but ton to make sur e the application progr am you installe d may visit ne tw ork or dial phone when popping-up the dialog box. Step 5. After succ essful inst allation sy stem will prompt y ou “In s ta llat ion Comp lete” .
Step 6. I f the pr ogr am is installe d into SD card, ple ase enter into ” Appl icati on” menu to find “ Mobile V iewer ” icon. Step 7. Click [Mob ile Mon itor] icon to run th e pr ogr am, and.
Step 8. For f i r st time using or Need some change on t he Par ameter s, click the [ Setup] button , y ou will enter into the window . Click [Pl ay] button to enter in to live display . Ø Default A ccess point : Allow y ou select network t ype base d on your m obile net envir onment.
5.10. Ins tall & O perat e (iPho ne ® ) (A) Downloa d iT une s Step 1. V isit A pple we bsite http://ww w .a m/itunes/ to dow nload & install the iT une s . Step 2. A fter down load the f ile of iT unes , click ” ” icon to install it.
Step 5. The login page w ill disp lay . Click ”S TORE à iT unes Store” option. Step 6. Clic k on “S tore à Cr eate A ccount” to cre ate your own account.
Step 8. Che ck t he term an d con diti ons, a nd then click ” Continue” button. Step 9. C r eate your personal account and fi ll out all informati on whi ch was r equested by s ystem. After fi l l-out all i nformation . Cl ick ”Co ntinue” button to proceed nex t s tep.
Step 11 . F in ished the r egister , and g o to your em ai l box t o verify you r account. St ep 1 2. Click the l ink i nclu ded in the em ail mes s age. It wi ll co nnect to the iT un es store and turn to iT unes interface. Step13. S ign i n your acc ount.
Step 14 . Click and then Key -in the chara cters “ ASee” in the” search” column . For co nnecti ng cable, p lease contact yo ur local i -Phone servi ce. Or go to i-phone website for support : htt p:// com/support/i phone/ Step 15 . Downloa d and install the “ AS ee” pr ogram to y our mobile by connec ting cable.
Functions 1 Chan nels select. 2 PTZ Lens control (Area Selection ( ZO OM+ 、 ZO OM- ) , Apertur e ( I+,I - ) , Focus ( f ocus +, focus- ) ) 3 PTZ Dir ection ( left, rig ht, up, down) 4 Function but tons fr om left to right in turn are: Pause, Full -scr een, Snapshot, setup, help and A ccess setup.
5.11. Ins t alla tion & Opera tion (Black berry Mobi le) 5.11 .1. In st al lation Step 1. Downloa d and Install the Black b erry Desktop Manager on the computer . Step 2. Connect your Mobile to your PC via USB cable. S t e p 3 . Open the Desk to p Ma nag er .
Step 6. Click “ Browse” but ton and check the “ ASee.alx” file. Step 7. Click “Fini sh” button to finish the in stallation..
5.11.2. Setu p & Operation Step 1. The Blackberry viewer will be installe d to the “ Downloads” dir ectory . Step 2. Enter int o the “Downloads” dir ect ory , and the n c lick t he “ ASee’ i con. Step 3. Ent er into the below int erface.
Step 6. Click “ ” button to sav e the setting. Step 7. Click Ne xt Page’ icon to search “ Ch annel” option, and then choose the channel which y ou would lik e to display .
Step 8. Click play icon to view video. St ep 9. Click “ Full scr een” i c o n t o e n t e r i n t o f u l l s c r e e n d i s p l a y m o d e , a g a i n c l i ck t h e “ T rackba ll” button of mobile to quit the full screen mode.
Step 11. Clic k “ Clos e” but ton to exi t t h e progr am . F or furthe r i nfor mat io n just c lick “ Help” but to n t o vie w t he soft wa re’ s He lp in struc tion. if your mob i le had co nnect t o other DVR, you can de lete it , as bel ow .
Step 3. When selecting “ E di t” option, sys tem will allow y ou e dit the history r ecor d. Step 4. When selecting “ Delete” option, th e history r ecord will be del eted .
5.12. Android Mobile *Please mak e sure tha t the softwar e is compa ti ble with y our A ndr oid Mobi le. Step 1. Make sur e your mobile ha ve been connected to network and could downloa d the soft ware. Step 2. En ter into “ Program ” option and hi ghlight “ E -mark et” icon .
Step 5. Highlight and install the pr ogram which w as sear ched by sys tem. Step 6. Proceeding t o the next s tep for inst allation. Step 7. Enter in to “Program ” fi le and click “ Apk Inst all er ” icon.
Step 8. F ind the “ AS ee.apk” file you would like to install. Step 9. Click the softwar e to install to your phone. Step 10 . Enter into “P ro g ra m ” option to click “ ASee” icon .
Step 11 . Enter into “ ASee” main scr een. Step 12 . Click “Setup” button (9) , to set the “Device inf o” . All Functions A ddre s s Key -in the IP a ddr ess of the DVR P ort Key -in the M.
Step 13 . Click “ ” button, to back to previous pag e. Step 14 . Click “Play & Pau se ” button, to view v i deos , remotely . When y our DVR is connect ing int er net thr ough rout er , you need to f orward t he port at t he virt ual ser ver option o f yo ur rout er.
5.13. Forwa rding the port of Ro ut er f or Mobile phone Step 1. Set up the IP addr ess a nd port of DHC P (3) ,and the c lick on ” App ly ” to confirm se ttings . *The D HCP setting is for your reference only , there are 2 typ es of different internet à PP PoE & Static IP .
Step 2. Click “Device” icon and then click “Mobile” icon. Step 3. key-in the user name and pas swor d as well as s erver po rt. *The po rt the mo bi le m ust the sa me as se rver po rt.
Step 4. Click ” App ly ” button..
Chapte r 6. Specifi cat ions Model SEC-DVR40 4 SEC-DVR 408 Video Compr ession H. 264 Video System NTSC / PAL Operation System Linux Video Input / Output BNC 4- chan nels / VGA 1-ch an nel ; BNC 2- cha.
Chapter 7 A ppendix Appendix A – T ime Zone T able T ime Zone O ffset DST St art End Samoa GMT – 11:00 Ha wa ii GMT – 10:00 Alaska GMT – 09:00 ˇ Mar , 2nd Sun, 2:00 Nov , 1st Sun, 2:00 Pacifi.
Kabul GMT + 04:30 Ekat erinburg GMT + 05:00 ˇ Mar , last Sun, 2:00 Oct, last Sun, 3:00 Islamabad, K arachi, T ashk ent GMT + 05:00 Chennai, Mumbai, N ew Delhi G MT + 05:30 Kathma ndu GMT + 05:45 Alm .
Appendix B – P lay Ba ck U til ity Ins tallation (U ti lity S oftw are/ Applications ) Step1. Insert the Ins tallatio n CD in to the CD-ROM. Step2. Execut e ‘’ Autorun.
Step 3. Cl ick icon to i nstall p layback file. Step 4. The system wi ll disp lay the follow ing se tup p rocedure: Step 5. Cl ick button to proceed to ins ta ll playba ck soft ware.
Step 6. Click” ” button to p r oceed to the ins talla tion process . Or you can clic k button to cha nge to file f o lder . Step 7. A fter comp leted installation , Check ” ” box, and the n click button. *The P layba ck main s creen wi ll dis play .
P layb ac k P layer Select the playba ck fi le y ou desir ed fr om the files. Plea se s elect the fi le with *.26 4 fo rmat or *.n vr . The rec or d file b ack e d-up b y U.S .B Devic e or re mov able disk is wit h *.26 4 fo rmat , and DV D Rec or der wit h *.
Play & Review Ba ckup F il e Double click the r ecor d event at the right side of s cr een to st art recor d file pla yback. The b utto n fu nctio ns fr om left to right i n tu rn a re a s fo ll o.
Appendix C – Su stainable Record T ime Li st A cc or ding t o Re solution, V ideo O utput, V ideo Input, Imag e parame ter as w ell as audio input, the sust ainable recor d time will be differ ent. Hence, we pr ovide a f ormula f or y our ref erence: Calculation formula: A = The ca pacity of H DD B = The tot al space was use d by HDD per ho ur .
St ep 4. Click ” Renew Servic es” option , in or der to cr eate new ac count. Step 5. Cr eate y our own username, p asswor d, E-mail and enter the ima ge numbers to crea te an account Step 6. A fter you crea ted your account, the com pany will sent an e-mail to verify y our e-mail accou nt Step 7.
St ep 8. Now , go to http://www and log in y our username and pas swor d. Step 9. Click ”M Y Accoun t ” à “My Ho sts” option. Step 10.
Step 11. Click “Next” button..
Step 12. Click “ Activat e Ser vices” Step 13. When a ct iv a tion is successful, the webpa ge will displa y the me ssage : Step 14. Click on ”Network” i con.
Step 15 . Enable the DDNS Step 16. Choose the DDNS Ser ver T ype Step 17. F ill ou t the Host name (you just applied) Step 18. F i ll out the U serna me (y ou just applie d) Step 19. F i ll out the P assw ord (you just applie d) Step 20. Click “ Apply” but ton to Confirm the set ting s.
Appendix E – The Str ucture Diagram Of OSD Display Search Displa y Recor d S y st e m Dev ices Netw ork Mai n Menu Se arch Playback File Li st HDD M anage m e nt Alarm Setting PT Z Se tting Mobile P.
Appendix F – F AQ T roubleshooting 1. Q : What can I d o if the system does not detect the HDD? A: Check the data and power cable s an d make su re they ar e secur ely con nected. B: For new H.D.D, you have to format it f ir st. C: Make sure that the powe r of adaptor is cor r ect , 12V/ 3A.
App endix G – Email Serv er Chec k List ( Th e information below is for your reference o nly ) ( Web site ) Email ad dre ss Sende r se rver ( 25 ) Receiver s erver ( 110 ) @yahoo smtp .ma i l.yah oo. com. tw pop.mail.yaho
App endix I – 3G Mob i le Ph one Lo cal Servic e Cen ter Appendix J – Mobile Phone supp ort list Br and Mobile(OS ) Model W indows Mobi le 8900/Apache/ AT&T Pure/HD Diam ond/P3600 Trini ty/P36.
NOKI A S ymbia n 3250/5230/ 5233 / 5235 Com es With Music/5320 XpressMusic/5500 Sport/5530 XpressMusic/ 5630 Xpress Mu si c/5700XpressMusic/5730 XpressMu si c/5800 XpressMusic/ 6110 Navigat or /6120 c.
Android GSmart G1305 Boston HP W indows Mobi le iP A Q 510 Mobile M es senger / iPAQ HW6500 / i P A Q K3 Glisten i-MA TE W indows Mobi le i 9 5 0 2 U l t i m a t e / i - m a t e J a m i n / i - m a t .
App endix K – H .D .D su pport list H.D .D S upport list Brand( Seagate) Model Capacit y(GB) Cache (M ) Pipeli ne HD ST325 0312CS 250GB 8M ST332 0310CS 320GB 8M ST350 0312CS 500GB 8M ST310 003 22CS 1TB 8M Barracu da 7 200.1 2 ST325 0318AS 250GB 8M ST350 0418AS 500GB 16M ST310 005 28AS 1TB 32M Barracu da 7 200.
WD RE4-GP WD2002FYP S 2TB 64M Bran d(Hitac hi) Model Capacit y(GB) Cache (M ) HDT721 032SLA 360 320GB 16M HD T725032 VLA38 0 320GB 8M HDS7210 10KLA33 0 1TB 32M CinemaSta HCT721 075SLA3 80 750GB 8M Brand( SAMSUNG) Mo del Capacit y(GB) Cache (M ) HD502HI 500GB 16M HD103SI 1TB 32M This manu al was prod uced with care.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Konig SEC-DVR408 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Konig SEC-DVR408 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Konig SEC-DVR408 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Konig SEC-DVR408 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Konig SEC-DVR408, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Konig SEC-DVR408.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Konig SEC-DVR408. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Konig SEC-DVR408 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.