Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Out Limits LX del fabbricante ITT
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1 CONTENTS I. SAFETY AND PRE CAUTIO NS ....................................................................................................... 2 II. CELL P HO NE O UTLI NE ...............................................................................
2 I. Safety a n d P recautions T o us e y our cell phone safely and ef fectively , please read the followin g informati on before use: Pl eas e tur n of f your p hone w h en you are near a ch e mical plant, a gas s ta tion, an oil depot or o t her explosive s .
3 Your cell ph on e ha s photo and rec or d fu nctions, so plea s e u s e t hese f un cti ons follo w ing t he rel ated laws and regulation s . Y ou may violat e the law and regulati on i f taking p hot o and record w it hout authoriza tion. Do NOT di spose the wor n battery as c ommon dome s tic rubbi s h.
4 II. Cell P hon e O utlin e The follo win g is the view of t h e p hone :.
5 III. P r epa r atio ns Installation of y our SIM card You ca n apply for t wo diffe rent numbers off e red by t wo network provider s and get two SIM ca rds (u s er s identi fy ca rds ). With thos e two SI M ca rds , you c an use various f un cti ons o f this cell phone.
6 Note : The SIM card is a small ob jec t, please keep the card out o f the r ea ch o f the child to avoid swallowing the card by accid ent! Installation of m e m o ry ca r d The p hone support s T - FL ASH c ard as t o ex pan d the m e mory sp ace .
7 Installation of battery Pl eas e use the or igi nal-packa ging battery and a ccessories. Store the battery well if i t is no t u s ed . Pl eas e i ns tall the battery at shut do wn status. Note : P lease follow the c orrect procedure s a s sho wn in the figure to pre ven t d amage to the batte ry co ntact points.
8 When cha r gi ng , if the phone i s switched on, the power q uantity icon at the t op right co rner of the sc reen w ill twinkl e and w ill stop t w inklin g and fully d isp la y w he n the batte ry is fully c har ged. If the phon e i s switch off , a n icon w ill app ear at the scree n to show the batt ery is in c har ging.
9 factory or a uthorized by our co mpany . Unq ualified batt ery or acce ss o ries may d am a ge your phone a nd even cause dan ger ! If t he battery is left unused for a l ong ti m e or the power i s too l ow , i t may requi re l onger t im e for the charging interface to ap pear , plea s e wait patiently .
10 IV . Description of Ce ll P hone Dialin g key Mak e or answ er cal ls from SIM 1 . Short pre ss in g the diali ng k ey can enter SIM 1 cal l log un de r standby s tat us. Hang-up key & on / off k ey Hang-up or reject a cal l. Long pre ss the k ey to switch off t he phone under s tandb y status.
11 SIM card 2 SMS SIM card 1 MMS SI M ca rd 2 MMS Batt ery Ringing Vibration then ri ng Vibration and rin g V ibratio n Missed cal ls in SIM card 1 Missed cal ls in SIM card 2 SIM card 1 GPRS SIM card.
12 Descriptions of nouns Mak ing a national call The simple st w a y to make a domestic c all is to input a phone number b y numeral ke ys and press the dial ing k ey . If t he both S I M card s a re inserted a nd dual S I M open, S I M ca rd 1 d ial or S I M card 2 dial would be selecte d by pressing dia ling keys of SIM 1 or S I M 2.
13 pressing the * key . Call extens io n o f a fi xed phone: ph on e number + P + extension number + diali ng ke y. Ma k e e mer g ency ca lls In an y cou ntry where digita l GS M is used, you can.
14 V . Basi c operat i on of ce ll pho n e Switch o n .
15 the battery, and i f you do like this , i t is easy to damage S I M ca rd and m ay cau s e l oss of s ome information. Ma k ing a ca ll Enter the phone n umber in standby status, and press the c alling key to c all.
16 't be successful for the cal l.
17 notice con cer ning the voice message s (the cen te r number of voice m ail box should be set up properl y in advance). VI . Ope r atio n menu funct i o n 1 Messagin g The SMS function is a network service. Y ou may need to apply to t he netw ork op erator first bef or e y ou can send and rece ive a short message.
18 Y o u can create a m e ss a ge in thi s m en u. The phone support s sen di ng a long m e ssage having o ve r 7 0 character s (chara cter num ber re s tric tion for common te xt message s ). If a message has more than 70 character s, the m e ssage w i ll be divided i nto two or more message s and sent.
19 4. Insert contact name: E nter contacts and in s ert t he found name. 5. B ookm ark : E nter the b oo k mark interface , ins e rt the selecte d boo k mark. Save: Y ou ca n save the current m e ss a ge into Dr aft s or as a te mplate. Details: Y ou can check the character o f the message 1.
20 1. 4 Out b ox If you fail to s e nd some message s which will be s tored i n Outbox. 1.5 Sen t messages The m e ssag e s that have been sent su cce ssfully are s t ored in Se ntBox , a nd y ou ca n i m ple ment the relat ive operations of the m e ssage s .
21 contact the net work op e rator . 【 Receive mo de 】: To enable /disable the B ro ad cas t Me ss age. 【 Read m e ssage 】 : When the Broadca s t M essage ha s been e nabled, t he received message ca n b e read after the correspondin g server has been ena bled.
22 Tip : Under the s tandb y conditi on , you ca n cal l the vo ic e mailbox number by lon g pressi ng the key "1" after you have s et the vo ic e mailbox nu mber . 【 Common sett in gs 】: E nable or di s able d elivery report and reply directory .
23 【 Read r e port 】: E nable/di s able read report. 【 P r io r ity 】: Set priority t o b e sent of the multimedia message s . 【 Delive ry t ime 】: Set storage time of the message in M ess a ge Center . This sett ing depends on your net w o rk provider and y our setting.
24 2.4 Edit Y o u can edit the info r m ati on of the co ntact you have chose n. 2. 5 Delete Y o u can delet e all entries of t he SIM card s or phone, or del ete entries one by o ne. 2. 6 Copy Y o u can copy all selecte d phone entries in SIM card 1/2, ho ne a nd memory card t o each other .
25 can make a cal l simply by long pre ssing the key 2 t o 9 when this function i s on. 【 My Number 】: 【 E xtra num be rs 】 : Y ou ca n set up the S I M1 /SIM2 ca rd owner numbe r and SOS number .
26 Reset cost : T o re s et cost record of all calls. (Pl eas e e nter P I N2 f or this functi on . ) Max c ost : T o li mit t he cost within sp ecifie d a m ou nt of pric ing unit or cu rrency unit. PIN2 is req uired for s et ting the call cost. Price per unit : Thi s f un cti on i s supported by you r net work.
27 Note: The phone aut omaticall y sw itc hes to the H ead s et m ode wh en t he head set is plu gg ed, and it res t ores to t he previ ous mod e w he n the head set is unplugged . Long pre ss t he "# " key wh e n the phone i s i n the s tand by state to switch t he p hone t o t he Mute mode.
28 4.5. 1 Ti m e an d date : T o set the current t ime, date and the di s play fo rmat. Set t h e c ity : T o set the h ome city . Note: Thi s o ption need s applic ation together w ith t he a uto ti m e re ne w a l, and needs the net w ork support for the operation of a uto tim e a nd d ate renewal.
29 4. 5.7 Au to u pdate of da te an d tim e: Enable or di s a ble auto updati ng of d ate a nd tim e. 4. 5.8 Misc. se tt ings Set the Signal LED a nd the brightne ss and time of LCD backlight. 4. 6 Call se ttings 4. 6.1 SIM card call setti n gs : 【 Caller ID 】 : Includes Set by Net work, Hide ID, and Send ID .
30 operation i s b usy . Divert all data call s Net w ork w il l divert c all i ncom in g cal ls (req uiring support of net w o rk). Cancel a ll divert Cancel a ll the divert functions. 【 Call ba r ring 】 1 Outgoin g c alls All calls : To restrict all outg oi ng ca lls.
31 connect a phon e n umber . 4.6. 2.3 Ba ck g roun d soun d: Y ou ca n s et ba ckgro und so und dur ing a call. 4.6. 2.4 Ca ll t ime display : Di s play t he lapsed ti m e d ur in g a call. 4.6 . 2 .5 Call ti m e r e mind e r : D uring a ca ll, a sound or a p eri odic ton e so und s e very m i nute to keep y o u informed of the call duration.
32 4. 8.2 Phone lock : 4.
33 5.2 Ima ge vi e wer The shot photos a re stored in t he i m age vie w e r . Description s of i mage viewer opti ons : ◈ V iew: T o view a photo. ◈ B r o w se m ode: T o s ele ct the mode for br ows i ng phot os . ◈ Send : Transmitting t he pho to file t o the multimedia message a s well as the Bluet oo t h equip m e nt.
34 ◈ Re n ame : To ren a m e a video file. ◈ Delete : T o delet e the selected video file. ◈ Delete all files: T o d elete all video files. ◈ So r t by : T o sort video file s by desired m et hod. ◈ Storage : To select t he s t orage directory (cel l phone or memor y card) for a video file.
35 ◈ Send : Send a sound file to a rel evant applicat i on via MMS . 5.7 F M Radio Y o u can receive the FM R adio channel j us t when plugging ea rphone. 5. 8 Schedule FM r ec ord Record the a ppoin te d frequency audio at the appointed t ime. 6 Or ga nizer 6.
36 even if t he phone is switched off as long a s there is enough p ow er in the battery . Alarm time, snooze t ime -out and a larm t one ca n be set i ndependently for e very a larm. The phone will al arm when the time reac hes the set time and current t im e and date w il l d is play o n the screen.
37 STK is a value ad ded s ervice pro vided by your net wor k provider . The display of fu nction menu m ay di ffer accordin g to diff e rent SIM card s. 8.2 In te r net se rvice This function allows you to acquire or v i sit diversified s er vices on the Intern et throug h m e ss a ge o r net w o rk.
38 Tr usted certificat es : T o vie w the t rusted c ertificat es provided by t he sys te m. 8.3 Dat a account : GSM d ata Some acco unt da ta w il l be provided by GSM dat a GP RS Using GSM d ata will provide som e a ccount infor m at ion 9 Ga m es Provide you intere sting and cla ss ical games.
39 Enter a w ord Under sm art Englis h i np ut metho d, contin uous l y pres s 2 to 9 ke ys for tw ice or mo re, the corres ponding wo rd w ill appear on the s creen .
40 IX. Appe n dix 1 Tr o ubleshooti n g Failure Possible ca use The phone fail to power on 1 、 Check that the batte ry is cha r ged ; 2 、 Check that the batte ry is install ed correctly . SIM card e rr or 1 、 Check wh ether the S IM card is d irty .
41 Call initiation fail s 1 、 Y ou m ay set the Hide Caller I D but the n et work operator doe s not support thi s service ; 2 、 A s tron g signal interference m a y exist ; 3 、 Y ou m ay acti vate the Ca ll Barring f unction ; 4 、 Y ou may activate Line 2 but t he network operator doe s not support this s er vice.
42 Photos shot too blu rr ed 1 、 The o bject shot is moving ; 2 、 Y our hand shake s when the shu tte r is pressed. Photos shot i s dis to rted The object s hot i s to o near to the le ns. Cannot acc ess the s er vice m en u The SIM card may not support t he s e rvice.
43 I ME I International Mobile Equipment I denti ty CB Cell Broadcast GPRS General Pac ket Radi o Serv ice MMS Multimedia Messag e service.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il ITT Out Limits LX è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del ITT Out Limits LX - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso ITT Out Limits LX imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul ITT Out Limits LX ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il ITT Out Limits LX, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del ITT Out Limits LX.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il ITT Out Limits LX. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo ITT Out Limits LX insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.