Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PM945GC del fabbricante Intel
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PM945GC (V2.0) Copyright All rights are reserv ed. No part of this publica tion may be reproduced, tra nsmitted, transc ribed, stored in a retri eval syste m or trans lated into any lan guage or com p.
PM945GC (V2.0) Intel ® 945GC & ICH7 Support Socket 775 Intel ® Core TM 2 D uo/ Pe ntium ® D/ Pentium ® 4/ Celeron ® D/ Celeron ® Processo r (The power consumption for the aforementioned processors must be rated at 6 5W or less.
Attention - Im p ortant Informa tion Follow the procedures below… T roubleshooting T ips Refer to other sections in this manual… Things You Have To Know 0 The images and pictures in this manual ar.
Table of Contents CHAPTER 1. GETTING STARTED ....................... ............................. 1 I NTRODUCTION .................. ............... ................... ............... ................... ............... .. 1 S PECIFICATION .........
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 1 Chapter 1. Getting Started Introduction Thanks for choosing PM945GC(V2 .0) Mainboard. It is based on Intel ® 945GC Northbridge chipset and Intel ® ICH7 Southbridge chipset. I n addition, it also supports integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 950 for onbo ard graphics feature.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 2 Specification CPU: Support Socket 775 Support Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo/ Pentium ® D/ Pentium ® 4/ Celeron ® D/ Celeron ® Processors (The power consumption for th e aforementioned processors mus t be rated at 65W or less.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 3 FDD Connector: Supports one FDD connector to set up to two floppy disk drives Supports 360K B/ 720KB/ 1. 2MB/ 1.44MB / 2.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 4 Green Function: Supports Phoenix-Award™ BIOS power management function Supports system-wak e-from-power-saving - mode by keyboard or mouse touching Shadow RAM: .
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 5 Configuration Layout of PM945GC (V2.0).
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 6 Hardware Installation This secti on will assi st you in quic kly installi ng your sys tem hardwa re. Wear a w rist ground strap bef ore handling c ompone nts. Elec trosta tic disc harge may damag e the syst em’s comp onent s.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 7 CPUFAN SYSFAN1/ SYSFAN2 FAN Heade rs: CPUFAN, SY SFAN1, SYSF AN2 There are three fan header s available for cooling fa ns. Th e cooling fans play an i mportant role in maintaining a mbient tempera tures in your system. The CPU FAN header is a ttached with a CPU c ooling fan.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 8 How to enable Dual-Channel DDRII: 1. These mainboards provide Du al-Channel functio nality for th e two DIMM sock ets. Enab ling Dual-Channe l can signifi cantly incr ease your data access rat es. DIMM1 and DIMM2 s hare one channel.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 9 Back Pane l Configu ration PS/2 Mouse & PS/2 Keyb oard Ports: KB/MS This mainboard provides a standard PS/2 mouse port and a PS/2 keyboard port. The Serial Por t: COM1 This ma inboar d provi des a seri al por t COM1 on your back panel, and is used to connect mice, modem and other peri pheral devic es.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 10 Audio Ports: SOUND This mainboard provides three audio ports , the Mic, Line-in an d Line-out. These are th e standard audio ports t hat pr ovide basic audio funct ion. Line-I n ( Blue ) This port is for audi o input and connec ts to external audio devices such as CD player, tape pl ayer, etc.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 11 Hard Drive LED Header: HDLED If your cas e front pa nel has a ha rd drive LE D cable, at tach it to this hea der. The LED will f licker w hen there is ha rd disk d rive activity . Reset Switch Header: RESET This header can be attached to a moment ary SPST switch (reset button) cable on your case front panel.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 12 Hard Disk Drive Connectors : IDE1 The mainboards provide one IDE connector that supports Ultra ATA 33/66/100 IDE devices. You can attach a maximu m of two IDE devices , such as hard disk d rive (HDD), CD -ROM, DVD-ROM, etc .
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 13 Printer Interf ace Header: PARA LLEL (Optional) This mainboa rd provides a PARALLEL h eader for you co nnecting an additional printer connect or on your case ba ck panel. Att ach the cable of printer c onnecto r (Optional) onto th is header, and then you can use the prin ter connect or conne cting wit h a printe r.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 14 Clear CMOS J umper: JBAT The “Clear CMOS” function is used when you are unable boot your system an d need to reset th e BIOS settin gs (CMO S settin gs) back to th e manuf acturer ’s origin al settin gs. Th is is also a wa y to reset the system passwor d if you have forgotten it .
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 15 Front Panel Au dio Header: AUDIO If your case front pa nel has audio ports, you ca n connect them to the Front Audio Header of this mainboard. Slots Universal PCI-Ex press Inter face slot: PE2 The PE2 slot is the PCI-Express interf ace slot which can be support ed up to PCI-E x16 mode.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 16 Power Supply Attachments ATX Power Connector: ATXPWR, ATX12V These main boards prov ide two ATX power connectors, one 24-pin ATXPWR conne ctor and one 4-p in ATX12V connector. You must use a power supply that has both of thes e connectors and both connectors must be attached before the system is pow ered on.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 17 Chapter 2. BIOS Setup Introduction This se ction descr ibes PHOEN IX-AWA RD™ BIOS Set up progr am which res ides in the BIOS fir mware.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 18 Main Menu Standard CMOS F eatures Include all the adjus table items in sta ndard compa tible BIOS. Advanced BIOS F eatures Include all the adjus table items of Award sp ecial enhanc ed featu res. Advanced Chipset F eatures Include all the adjustable i tems of chipset specia l features.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 19 PC Health Status It is for mon itoring the s ystem stat us such as temperature, voltage, an d fan speeds. Miscellaneous Control It is for you to spec ify settin gs for Mis cellane ous Control, such as the CPU cl ock and frequency r atio.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 20 Chapter 3: Software Setup Software List Software In stallation Place the Driver CD into the CD -ROM drive and the Installati on Utility will auto -run. You can also launch the Driver CD Installation Utilit y manually by executing th e Intel.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 21 Fo r W i n d o w s V i s t a D r i v e r F o r Windows XP (64bit) Driver Attention Before you install the Realtek Au dio Driver on W indows ® XP (64bit) operating system, plea se go t o the Micro soft ® website to install the update for enabling HD Audio.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 22 F o r Windows XP (32bit) Driver F or Windows 2000 Driver.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 23 Intel Chipset INF – It provides all drivers for the functions which built in both the Northbridge/ Southbridge. Intel VGA Driver – It provides the d river of Intel V GA. Marvell LAN Driver – It provides the drive r of Marvell Net work.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 24 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting Problem 1: No power to the s ystem. Power l ight does not i lluminate. Fan inside p ower suppl y does not tur n on. Indicator lig hts on keyboard are not li t. Causes: 1. Power cable is unplu gged.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 25 Solutions: Back up data an d applications files. Reforma t the hard drive. Re-install a pplications and data using backup disks. Problem 5: Error message reading “SECTOR N OT FOUND” displays an d the system do es not allow certai n data t o be accessed.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 26 Problem 11: No color on screen. Causes: 1. Faulty Monito r. 2. CMOS incorrectly set up . Solutions: 1. If possible, co nnect monito r to another sy stem. If no colo r appears, replace monitor. 2. Call technical support. Problem 12: The screen di splays “C: drive fai lure.
Mainboard PM945GC(V2.0) 27 Appendix I: 6/4/2 Ch annel Audio Effect Setup Channels Setup 1. After into the system, c lick the audio icon from the Windows screen. 2. Click “Audio I/O” button, you can see t he screen l ike the pict ure below. 3. You can choose 2, 4, 6 or 8 channels by your speakers.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel PM945GC è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel PM945GC - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel PM945GC imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel PM945GC ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel PM945GC, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel PM945GC.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel PM945GC. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel PM945GC insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.