Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFSYS25 del fabbricante Intel
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Intel ® Modular Server System MFSYS25, Intel ® Modular Server System MFSYS35, Intel ® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel ® Compute Module MFS5520VI T ested Hardware and Operating System List Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 ii Revision History Date Revision Number Modifications November, 2007 1.0 Initial Release January, 2008 1.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 4 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................... ................ ............
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 5 List of Tables Table 2.1 Bas e System Configuratio ns Tested ............ .............. .
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 9 Test software suites executed suc cessfully Test and data files were cre ated in the correct directories w ithout error.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 10 2. MFS5000SI / MFS5520VI / MFSYS25 / MFSYS35 Base System Configurations The following t able lists the base system configur at ions tested.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 12 Operating System Type of Testin g Notes Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 (64- bit) Configuration 9 -Compatibility & Stress Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 5.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 13 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 Configuration 9 -Compatibility Mozilla Firefox 3.x Confi guration 9 -Compatibility Firefox 3.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 15 Virtualization Software Certification Listing Comment s VMware ESX Server 3.0.2 U1 GA Certification This recipe is available only through the ESAA program.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 16 VMware ESXi Server 3.5 U4 Intel® Compute Module MFS5520 VI This recipe is available only through the ESAA program.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 19 Table 4.1 Intel® Compute Module MFS5000 SI / MFS5520VI Supported Items Manufacturer Model Name Model Number Interface Comments 4.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 21 Table 4.2 Intel® Modular Server System MFSYS25 / MFSYS35 S upported Peripherals Manufacturer Model Name Model Number Interface Commen ts 4.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 23 Fujitsu AL-10Sx* MBC2 036RC 15,000 36GB 0 005 Chassis must be at UFU P2.6 FW level Fujitsu AL-10Sx* MBC2 073RC 15,000 73GB 0 005 Chassis must be at UFU P2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Modul e MFS500 0SI, I ntel® Co mpute Modu le MFS55 20VI Revision 2.5 24 (2) This drive may experience degradation in performance in e nvironments with elevated temperatures or during a fault condition within the MFSYS25 chassis.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 26 6.2 Windows 2003 Enterprise Edit ion (32 & 64 bit) Remote Installation Method Method for performing R emote Windows 2003 Installation via CD-ROM drive.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 27 10. C onfirm all your settings then Hit Apply. Hit OK when the confirmation dialog is displayed.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 29 18. Return to the Modular Server screen and select the Chassis Front TAB. Do not close out the KVM s creen.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 30 6.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 (32 & 64 bit) Remote Installation Method Method for performing Remote Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.5 32 User: anonymous Password: (just hit en ter key) ftp> dir 14. You should see the whole directory tree of the RHEL-5 DVD media you are trying to install from 15.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Intel® Modular Server Syst em MFSYS25, Intel® Modular Ser ver System MFSYS35, Intel® Compute Module MFS5000SI, Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI Revision 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel MFSYS25 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel MFSYS25 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel MFSYS25 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel MFSYS25 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel MFSYS25, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel MFSYS25.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel MFSYS25. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel MFSYS25 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.