Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFS2600KIB del fabbricante Intel
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In tel ® Comput e Module MFS260 0KI T echnical Product Specification Intel order number: G 51989- 00 2 Revision 1.0 June, 2012 Enterprise Platforms and Services Division.
Revision H istory Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 ii Revision History Date Revision Number Modifications April, 20 12 0 .5 Initial release. June, 2012 1.0 Correct ed BMC LAN settings. Disclaimers Information in this document is provided in connection w ith Intel ® products.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Table of Co ntents Revision 1.0 iii Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................
Table of Co ntents Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 iv 4. System Securi ty ................................................................................................................ 27 4.1 BIOS Passw ord Protection .
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS List of Figu res Revision 1.0 v Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 List of Figures Figure 1. Componen t and Connector Loca tion Diagram .............................................................. 3 Figure 2. Intel ® Comp ute Modul e M FS2600KI Front Panel Layout .
List of Tables Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 vi List of Tables Table 1. Intel ® compu te module MFS26 00KI Feature Set ........................................................... 2 Table 2. Mi xed Processor Configurations .
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS List of Tables Revision 1.0 vii Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 < This page in tentionally left blank.>.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Introduction Revision 1.0 1 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 1. In tr oduction This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provi des board -specific in formation detailing the features, function ality, and high-lev el architecture of the Intel ® Compute Module M FS2600KI.
Product Overv iew Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 2 2. Pr oduct Overvie w The Intel ® Compu te Module MFS 2600KI is a monolithic printed ci rcuit board wi th feat ures that were designed to s upport the high-density compute module marke t.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Product Overv iew Revision 1.0 3 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 2.2 Compute Module Layou t 2.2.1 Connector and Component Locations The follow ing figure shows the board layout of the Intel ® Compute M odule MFS 2600KI.
Product Overv iew Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 4 2.2.3 External I/O Connector Locations The follow ing drawing show s the layout of the external I/O component s for the Intel ® Compute Module MFS 2600KI.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 5 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 3. Functional Ar chitectur e The architectu re of the Intel ® Compute M odule MF S260.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 6 Processor Socke t Assembly Each processor socket of the serv er board is pre-.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 7 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Processors w hich have different Intel ® Quic kpath (QPI) Link Fre quencies may operate together if they a re otherwise compa tible and if a common l ink frequency can be selected.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 8 Table 2. M ixed Processor Configurations Error Severity System Action Processor family not Identical Fatal The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows: Logs the POST Error Code into the System Event Log (SEL).
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 9 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Error Severity System Action Processor Intel ® QuickPath Interconnect link frequencie.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 10 Intel ® Trusted Ex ecution Technology (Intel ® TXT) Intel ® 64 Architectu re Intel ® Streamin g SIM D Extensions 4.1 (In t el ® SSE 4.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 11 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Table 3. Intel ® Comput e Module M FS2600KI PCIe Bus Segment Char acteristics CPU# D.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 12 I ndependent c hannel mode or loc kstep mode Data burst length of eight cycl.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 13 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 The silk screened DIMM slot identi f iers on the board prov ide information ab out the channel, and the refore the proces sor to which they belong.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 14 Table 5 . RDIMM Support Guidelines ( Preliminary.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 15 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Supported and Validated 3.4.2 Publishing Compute Module Memory The BIOS display s the “Total M emory” of the compute module duri ng POST if Displ ay Logo is disabled i n the BIOS setup.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 16 Rank Sparin g Mode is only possible when all channels that are popul ated with memory meet the require ment of havi ng at leas t two SR or DR DIMM instal led, or at least one QR DIMM installed, on each populated channel.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 17 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Table 9 . DDR3 UDIMM Populatio n within a Channel Configuration Number Speed 1N or 2N.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 18 Figure 6 . DIMM Slot Order Memory Subs ystem Nomenclature The nomencla ture for DIMM sockets implemente d on the Intel ® Compute M odule MFS2600KI is detailed in the following table .
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 19 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Publishing Sys tem Memory The BIOS display s the “Total M emory” of the system durin g POST if Quite Boot is disabled in the BIOS setup .
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 20 Mirrored Channel Mo de In M irrored Chan nel M ode, the memory cont ents are mirro red between Chann el 0 and Chan nel 2 and also between Channel 1 and Cha nn el 3.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 21 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 JTAG Boundary -Scan KVM/Serial Over L AN (SOL) Function 3.5.1 Digital Media Interface (DMI) Digital M edia Interface (DMI) is the chip- to -chip connection be tween the processor a nd In tel ® C602-J chipset.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 22 3.5.7 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controllers The Intel ® C602-J chipset has up to tw o Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) host controllers that supp ort USB high-speed si gnaling.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 23 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Two Fully Functional Serial Ports, co mpatible with the 16C550 Serial IRQ Sup.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 24 ** Video resolutions at 1600x1200 and higher are only supported through the external video connector located on the rear I/O section of the server board.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Functional Arc hitecture Revision 1.0 25 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Interrupt controll er Multiple SP I flash interfaces NAND/M emory interfa.
Functional Arc hitecture Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 26 Intel ® I350 NIC w ill be used in conjunction w ith the Emulex* Pi lot-III Management Con troller for out of band M anagement traffic.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS System Secur ity Revision 1.0 27 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 4. S ystem Security 4.1 BIOS Password Prot ection The BIOS uses passw ords to preven t unauthorized tamperin g with the serv er setup.
System Secur ity Intel ® Compute Module M FS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 28 prompts for a pa ssword, and can only be used with the Admini strator passw ord. Also, when a User password is defined, it suppresses the USB Reorderin g that occurs, i f enabled, when a new US B boot device is attached to the sy stem.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS System Secur ity Revision 1.0 29 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Verifies operator physical presence. Con firms and ex ecutes operating system TPM administrativ e command requests. Provides BIOS Se tup options to chan ge TPM security states and to clear TPM ownership.
System Secur ity Intel ® Compute Module M FS2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 30 4.3 Intel ® Trusted Executio n Technology The Intel ® Xeon ® P rocessor E5- 2600 support Inte l ® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel ® TXT) , which is a robust secu rity env ironment.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Revision 1.0 31 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 5. Co nnector/Header L oca tions and Pin-outs 5.1 Board Connector Informa tion The follow ing section provi des detailed information rega rding all connectors, heade rs , and jumpers on the co mpute module .
Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Intel ® Co mpute Module MFS2 600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 32 5.3 I/O Connector Pin-out Def inition 5.3.1 VGA Connector The follow ing table details the pin-out de f inition of the VGA connecto r (J2K1 ).
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Revision 1.0 33 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Table 18 . 120- pin I/O Mezzanine Card Connector Pin - out Signal Na.
Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Intel ® Co mpute Module MFS2 600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 34 Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin GND 89 PCIe_1_D_TXP 90 GND 91 PCIe.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Revision 1.0 35 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Signal Name Signal Description Purpose Connector Location PCIe_1_C_T.
Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Intel ® Co mpute Module MFS2 600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 36 Table 20 . 4 0-pin I/O Mez zanine Card Connector Pin - out Signal .
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Revision 1.0 37 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name B4 XE_P1_B_TXP F4 12.
Connector/Heade r Locations and P in-outs Intel ® Co mpute Module MFS2 600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 38 Table 23 . Extern al USB Connector Pin - out Pin Signal Name Description 1 +5V USB_PWR 2 USB_N Differential data line paired with DATAH0 3 USB_P (Differential data line paired with DATAL0 4 GND Ground 5.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Jumper Block Settings Revision 1.0 39 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 6. Jumper Block Se ttings The compute module has several 3-pin jumper blocks that can be used to configure, pro tect, or recover speci f ic f eatures of the server boa rd.
Jumper Block Settings Intel ® Co mpute Module MF S2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 40 Table 25 . Recov ery Jumpers Jumper Name Pins What happens at system reset … J1F3: B.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Jumper Block Settings Revision 1.0 41 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 Password and/or CMOS are now cleared and can be reset by going into the BIOS setup.
Jumper Block Settings Intel ® Co mpute Module MF S2600KI TPS Revision 1. 0 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 42 1. Power dow n and remove the compute module from chassis. 2. Open the compute modu le enclosure 3. Move jumper from the default operatin g position (cov ering pins 1 and 2) to the enabled position (coverin g pins 2 and 3).
Intel® Comput e Module MFS2 600KI TPS Product Reg ulatory Requirements Revision 1.0 43 Intel order n umber: G519 89- 00 2 7. Pr oduct R egulat ory R equir emen ts 7.
Appendix A: In tegration and Usage T ips Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 44 Appendix A: Integration and Usage Tips When tw o processors are installed , both must be o f identical revisi on, core voltage, and bus/core speed.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Appendix B : POST Code Diagn ostic LED Decoder Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 45 Appendix B: POST Code Dia gnostic LED Decoder.
Appendix B : POST Code Diag nostic LED Decode r Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600KI TP S Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 46 Upper nibble bits = 10 10 b = Ah ; Low er nibble bits = 1100 b = Ch ; the two are concatenated as AC h The follow ing table provides a list o f all POST progress codes.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Appendix B : POST Code Diagn ostic LED Decoder Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 47 Checkpoint Diagnostic LED Decoder Description.
Appendix B : POST Code Diagn ostic LED Decoder Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600KI TP S Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 48 The MR C Progress Codes are displ ays to the Diagnos tic LEDs that show the execution point in the MRC operational path at each step.
Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Appendix B : POST Code Diagn ostic LED Decoder Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 49 Checkpoint Diagnostic LED Decoder Description.
Appendix C: PO ST Error Code Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 50 Appendix C: POST Error Code Most error condition s encountered duri ng POST are repor ted using POST Erro r Codes.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Appendix C: PO ST Error Code Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 51 Error Code Error Message Response 8163 Processor 04 unable to ap.
Appendi x C: POST Error Code Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 52 Error Code Error Message Response 8539 DIMM_I2 failed test/init.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Appendix C: PO ST Error Code Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G519 89-002 53 Error Code Error Message Response 8564 DIMM_B2 encountered a Ser.
Appendix C: PO ST Error Code Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 54 Error Code Error Message Response 85D0 DIMM_K3 disabled Major 8.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Appendix C: PO ST Error Code Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 55 The follow ing table lists the POST error bee p codes. Prior to syste m video in itialization, the BIOS uses these beep codes to in f orm users on error conditions .
Appendix D: Supported Intel ® Modular Server Sys tem Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 56 Appendix D: Supported Intel ® Modular.
Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Glossary Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 57 Glossary This appendix cont ains important terms used in the precedin g chapters. For ease of use, numeric entries are listed first (for example, “82460GX”) follow ed by alpha entries (for ex ample , “AGP 4x”).
Glossary Intel ® Compute Module MFS2600 KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 58 Term Definition IFB I/O and Firmware Bridge INTR Interrupt IP Internet Protocol IPM.
Intel® Co mpute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Glossary Revision 1.0 Intel Confi dential Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 59 Term Definition SMBus* System Management Bus SMI Server Management Interrupt (SMI i.
Reference Doc uments Intel® Compute Mo dule MFS2600KI TPS Intel Confi dential Revision 1.0 Intel order n umber: G51989- 002 60 Reference Documents For additional in formation, re fer to the Intel ® Modular Server Syste m Technical Product Specificatio n .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel MFS2600KIB è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel MFS2600KIB - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel MFS2600KIB imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel MFS2600KIB ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel MFS2600KIB, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel MFS2600KIB.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel MFS2600KIB. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel MFS2600KIB insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.