Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LGA775 del fabbricante Intel
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User’s Manual 2801550 LGA775 Penti u m 4 Intel 865 G Industrial Motherboard.
Acknowledgme nts Award i s a registered trademar k of A ward Software International, Inc. PS/ 2 is a trademark of In ternational Business Ma chines Corporation. Intel and Pentium 4 are reg ist ered trademarks of In tel Corporation. Microsoft Wi ndo ws is a regis tered trademark of M icrosoft Corporation.
Table of Contents Introduction ................................. ......................1 Produ ct Desc ription. .......................................................... .. 1 Che c klist................... ....................... ............... ....
Thi s page is intentionally le ft b lank. iv 2801550 User’s Manual.
INTRODUCTION Introduction Product Description The world ' s first Pentiu m 4 LG A775 ind ustr ial motherboa rd based on the Intel® 86 5G chipset, 2801550, supports processor FSB of 533/800MHz for pr ocessor speeds of up t o 3.8 GHz. With two D DR m emory socke t on board, the motherboard acco mm odates a maximu m m emory capacit y of 2GB.
INTRODUCTION Checklist You r 280155 0 pack age s hould include the it ems listed below. The 2801550 Industrial motherboar d This User’s Ma nual 1 IDE Ribbon Ca bl e 1 Bracket for 1 S.
INTRODUCTION Specifications Form Factor ATX CPU Type LGA 7 75 (Intel® Pentium® 4 / Celeron D) System Speed 2.53GHz~3.8GHz CPU Operating Frequency 533MHz / 800 MHz Green / APM AP M1.
INTRODUCTION Board Di mensions 4 2801550 User’s Manual.
INSTALLATIONS Ins tallat ions This section provides information on how to use the jumpers and connectors on the 2801550 in order to set up a workable s ystem . Th e topics c overed are: In stallin g the C PU ............ ... .... .....................
INSTALLATIONS Installing the C PU The 2801550 motherboar d s upports a LG A 775 processor socket for Intel® Pentium® 4 processors. The LGA 775 processor socket comes with a lever to secure the processo r. Re fer to the pictures bel ow, from left to right, on how to place the processor into the C PU s ocke t.
INSTALLATIONS Installing the Memory The 2801550 motherboa rd supports two D DR memory sockets for a m a ximum total m emory of 2GB in DDR m em ory type. The memory module capac ities s uppor ted are 64 MB, 12 8MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB. The following table lists the supported DDR DIMM configurations.
INSTALLATIONS Setting the Jum pers Jumpers are used on 28 01550 to select various se ttings a nd features according to you r needs a nd a pplicat io ns. Contact your s upplier if yo u have dou bt s a bout the best configuratio n for yo ur needs. The following lists the c onnectors on 2801550 a nd their respective functions.
INSTALLATIONS Jumper Locations on 2801550 Jum pers on 2801550 ...................................... ............................. Page JP1, J P2, J P3: R S232/422/485 (COM2 ) Selection .................. ..... 10 JP4: Clea r CMO S C ontents .........
INSTALLATIONS Configuring the CPU Frequen cy The 2801550 motherboard does not provide D IP switches to configure th e processor s peed (C PU freq uency). The C PU frequency a nd processor side b us of the processor ca n be automati cally detected by t he motherboard.
INSTALLATIONS JP5: 10/100M b LA N Enable/Disabl e If your motherboa rd co m es with the Gigabit LA N functio nality, you can use this jumper to enab le or disable it .
INSTALLATIONS Connectors on 2801550 The conne ctors on 2801550 all ows yo u to c onnect external devices such as keyboard, floppy disk drives, har d disk drives, printe rs, etc. The following table lists the c onnecto rs on 2801550 and their respe ctive functions.
INSTALLATIONS Connecto r Locat ions on 280 1550 Co nnectors on 280 1550 .......... .................... .................... .................... .................... ........ . Page AT X 1: AT X Pow er Sup pl y Co nne cto r...... .................. .
INSTALLATIONS ATX1: AT X Power Supply Co nnector Signal N ame Pin # Pin # Signal Name 3.3V 13 1 3.3V -12V 14 2 3.3V Ground 15 3 Ground PS-ON 16 4 +5V Ground 17 5 Ground Ground 18 6 +5V Ground 19 7 Ground -5V 20 8 Power good +5V 21 9 5VSB +5V 22 10 +12V +5V 23 11 +12V Ground 24 12 +3.
INSTALLATIONS IDE1, IDE2: EIDE Connec tors I DE1 : P rima ry IDE Co nnector Signal N ame IDE1 IDE2 Reset ID E 1 2 Ground Host dat a 7 3 4 Host dat a 8 Host dat a 6 5 6 Host dat a 9 Host dat a 5 7 8 Ho.
INSTALLATIONS FAN 1: CPU Fan Power Con nector Signal N ame 1 Ground 2 +12V 3 Rotation detection 4 NC FAN2: Ch assis Fan Power Co nnector FAN2 is a 3-pin header for the chassis fan. The fan must be a 12V fan. Signal N ame 1 Ground 2 +12V 3 Rotation detection FAN3: System Fan Power Co nnector FAN3 is a 3-pin header for a 12V fan.
INSTALLATIONS CN2, J1, J1 0, J13: Seri al Ports CN2 ( CO M1) is a DB -9 conne ctor, whi le J1 (CO M2), J10 (CO M3) and J13 (C OM4) are pin headers. COM1 CO M2/COM3/CO M4 Signal N ame Pin # Pin # Signa.
INSTALLATIONS CN3: Paral lel Port Co nnector CN3 is a DB -25 external. The following table describes the pin-o ut assignments of th is c onnector. Signal N ame Pin # Pin # Signal N ame Line printer st.
INSTALLATIONS CN5: USB and 10/100M b LA N RJ 45 Co nnectors CN5 c onsists of an 10/100 RJ -45 c onnector (top) and tw o stacked USB port s. Re fer to the sectio n below for the ir respective pi n assig nments.
INSTALLATIONS J2: Digi tal 4-in 4-o ut I/O C onnecto r Signal N ame Ground 1 2 Vcc Out3 3 4 Out1 Out2 5 6 Out0 IN3 7 8 IN1 IN2 9 10 IN0 J4: IrD A Connec tor Signal N ame 1 +5V 2 No connect 3 Ir RX 4 G.
INSTALLATIONS J9: CD - In Audio Connec tor Pin # Signal N ame 1 CD Au di o L 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 CD Au di o R J11: External Au dio Co nnector J11 is a 6-pin heade r t hat is used to c onnect to the optional a udio cable card that integrates jacks fo r Line Out and Mic.
INSTALLATIONS J15: System Funct ion Connec tor J15 provides c onnectors for system indicators that provide light indi cation of the computer activ ities and s witches to c hange the computer s tatus.
INSTALLATIONS SMI/Hardw are Switch: Pins 6 and 16 This connect or sup ports the "Green Switch" on the c on trol panel, which, whe n pressed, will force the s ystem i nto the powe r-saving mode immediatel y.
INSTALLATIONS Watchdog Tim er C on figuration The W DT i s us ed to generate a variety of output signals aft e r a us er progra mm able count. The W DT is suitable for use in the pre vention of system lock-up, s uch as when s oftware beco m es trapped in a deadlock.
INSTALLATIONS mov al, 01h mov cl, 30h call Write_Re g ;watc hdog enabled call Lock_Chip ret Enable_And_ Set_Watchd og Endp ;[ ]===== === ========= ========= ====== ========= ====== ; Name : Disa b le .
INSTALLATIONS ;[ ]===== === ========= ========= ====== ========= ======= Unlock _Chip P r oc Near mov dx, 2Eh mov al, 0AAh out dx, al ret Unlock _Chip Endp ;[ ]===== === ========= ========= ====== ===.
BIOS SET UP BIOS Setup This chapter desc ribes the differe nt se ttings available in the Award BIOS that co m es with the motherboard. The to pics covered in this chapter a re as fo llows: BIO S Introduct io n ......................... ...............
BIOS SET UP BIOS Int roduction This chapter desc ribes the differe nt se ttings available in the Award BIOS that comes with the board. The top ics cove red in this chapter a re as follows: BIOS Introd uction .................................. ........
BIOS SET UP BIOS Int roduction The Award BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) installe d in your computer system’s R OM supp orts Intel ® Pentium ® 4 pr ocesso rs. The BIOS provides c riti ca l low-level suppo rt for a standa rd device such as disk drives, se ri al po rts and parallel ports.
BIOS SET UP Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility Standard CM OS Features Frequency/V oltage Control Advanced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults Advanced Chipset Features Load Optimized Defaul.
BIOS SET UP Standard C MOS Setup “Standard C MOS Setup” choice all ows you to record some ba sic hardwa re con fi gu rations in you r c omputer system a nd set the system clock and e rror handling. If the board is already installed in a wor king system , you will n ot need to s elect this o pti on.
BIOS SET UP Time The time format is: Hou r : 00 to 2 3 Min ute : 00 to 5 9 Second : 00 to 59 To set the time, hig hlight the “Tim e” field a nd use the <PgUp>/ <Pg Dn> or +/- keys to set the cur rent ti m e.
BIOS SET UP Video This field selects the type of video display card installed in your system. You can c hoose the following video dis pl ay c ards: EGA/VGA For EGA , VGA, SEGA, SVGA or PGA monitor adap ters. (default) CGA 40 Power up in 40 column mode.
BIOS SET UP Advanced B IOS Fe a tures This section allows you to c onfigure and improve you r system and allows you to se t up some syste m featu re s acco rding to your preference.
BIOS SET UP Hard Disk B oot Pr iority This item allows you to set the priority for hard disk boo t. When you press enter, the selections shows the current hard disks used in your system as well as the Bootable Add-in Ca rd that is rel e vant to other boot s ources m e di a such as SCSI cards and LA N c ards.
BIOS SET UP Swap F loppy D r ive This item allows you to determine w hether or not to enable Swa p Flopp y Driv e. W hen e nabled, the B IOS s waps flop py drive assignments so that Drive A beco m es Drive B, and Drive B becomes Drive A. By defau lt , this field is set to Disabled.
BIOS SET UP MPS Versi on Control for OS This option is s pecifie s the MPS (Multiprocesso r Speci fi c ation) version for your ope ra ting system. MPS versio n 1.4 a dded extende d configu ra tion tables to impr ove sup port for multiple PCI bus configu rat ions a nd improve future ex pandabili ty.
BIOS SET UP Advanced C hipset Fe a t ures This Setup menu c ontrols the con fi gu ration of the chipset. Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility Advanced Chipse t Fe atures DRA M Ti ming Selectable By SPD ITEM HEL P CAS La tency Tim e 2 .
BIOS SET UP Memory Freque ncy For This field sets the frequency of the DRA M memory installed. The default s etting is Auto . The other s ett ings are DD R 26 6,DDR320 and DDR400 . System BI OS Ca cheable The s ett ing of Enabled allo ws caching of the system BIOS ROM at F000h-FF FFFh, resulting in better syste m perfor mance.
BIOS SET UP Integrated Periph erals Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility Integra ted Perip herals On-Chi p Primary IDE Device Pre ss Enter ITEM HEL P On board Device Press En ter Menu Le v el Su.
BIOS SET UP IDE HD D Block Mode This field allows your har d disk control ler to use the fast bloc k mode to tr a nsfer data to and fro m y our hard disk drive. OnC hip Primary /Sec ondary PCI IDE The integrated peripheral c ontroller contains a n IDE interface with support for two IDE channels.
BIOS SET UP AC97 Audio The defa ul t s ett ing of the AC97 Audio is Auto . CSA LAN (Giga- LAN) The field enables or disables this Intel Giga Base T Ethernet c ontroll er. Init Displa y First By default, the system initializes the PCI Slot VGA w hen the s yst e m boots.
BIOS SET UP Power M a nagement Setup The Po wer M a nagement Setup all ows you to sa ve energy of yo ur system effective ly . Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility Power Manageme nt Setup ACPI Fu.
BIOS SET UP Video Off In Suspe nd When enable d, t he video is off i n s uspen d mode. The default setting is Yes . Suspend Type The defa ul t s ett ing for the Sus pend Type field is Stop Gr ant . Modem Us e IR Q This field sets the IRQ used by the Mo dem.
BIOS SET UP Reload Gl obal Timer Events The HD D, FD D, COM, LPT Ports, a nd PC I PIRQ a re I/O events which can pre vent the sys tem from entering a powe r s aving mode or can awaken the system from such a mode. When a n I/ O device w ant s to gain the attenti on of t he o perating system, it sig nals t his by caus ing an IRQ to occu r.
BIOS SET UP PNP/PCI Configurations This opti on con fi gu re s the PCI bus system. All PC I bus systems on the system use IN T #, th us a ll installed PC I ca rds must be set to this value.
BIOS SET UP PC H ealth Statu s This section shows the para m eter s in determining the PC Health Status. These para m eters include temperatu r es, fan s peeds and voltages. Hard w a re Mo nitor CPU War ning Te mperature Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility PC Hea lt h Status Enabled Disable d ITEM HELP System Te mp.
BIOS SET UP Frequency/Voltage Control This section s hows the use r ho w to c onfigure the processo r frequen cy. CPU Clock Ratio Auto Detect PCI Clk Phoen ix - AwardB IOS CM OS Se tup Utility Freque .
BIOS SET UP Load Fail-Safe Defaults This option allows you to load the trou bl es hooti ng default values perm anently sto re d in the BIOS R OM. These default s etti ngs are non -opt imal a nd dis able all high- performance features. Load Setup D e faults This option allows you to load the default values to your system configuration.
BIOS SET UP Thi s page is intentionally le ft b lank. 50 2801550 User’s Manual.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION Drivers Install ati on This section describes the install ation p rocedures fo r softwa re and dr ive r s under the Windows 98, Windo ws NT 4.0 and Windo ws 2000. The softwa re a nd drivers are included with the board. If you find the it ems missing, please contact the vendo r where you m ade the purchase .
DRIVERS IN STALLATION Intel 865G C hipset Software I ntallation Utility The Intel 865G C hipset D ri vers sh ould be installed fir st bef ore the software drive rs to e nable Plug & Play INF s upport for Intel c hipset compone nts. Follow the instructio ns below to complete the in stallat ion under Windo ws 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION 3. W hen the Welcome s creen appears, click Next to continue. 4. C li ck Yes to accept the software license agree m ent and pro ceed with the install ation p rocess.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION 5. On R eadme Information s cree n, cli ck Next to continue the installation. 6. The Setup p rocess is now co mplete. Clic k Finis h to restart the computer and for changes to take effect. When the co mputer has restarted, the syste m will be able to find some devices.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION Intel 865G Chipset Graphic s Driver The Intel 865 G C hip s et Fa m ily Graphics Drivers c ome in th e CD with the board . Follow the instructions belo w to complete the installation under Windo ws 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP. 1. Insert the CD that comes with t he board and the s cree n below would appea r.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION 3. C li ck Yes to accept the software license agree m ent and pro ceed with the install ation p rocess. 4. The Setup p rocess is now co mplete. Clic k Finis h to restart the computer and for changes to take effect. When the co mputer has restarted, the syste m will be able to find some devices.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION Realtek AC97 C odec Audio D river Installation Fol lo w the steps below to install the Realtek AC97 Codec Audio Drive rs. 1. Insert the CD that comes with t he board and the s cree n below would appea r. Click Intel Chipsets, the n Intel 865G Chipset Famil y Drivers.
DRIVERS IN STALLATION Intel PRO LAN D rivers Installation The Intel PRO LAN drive rs support both Intel® PRO/100 and PRO/100 0 drivers. Follow the steps belo w to c omplet e the ins tal lat ion. 1. Insert the CD that comes with t he board and the s cree n below would appea r.
APPENDIX Appendix A. I/O Port Ad dress Ma p Each periphe ral device in the system is assigned a set of I/O port add resses which also becomes the ide ntity of the de vice.
APPENDIX B. Interrupt Re quest Lines (IR Q) Peripheral devices use interrupt req uest lines to notify C PU for the service required. The following table s hows the IRQ used by the devices on boa rd.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel LGA775 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel LGA775 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel LGA775 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel LGA775 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel LGA775, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel LGA775.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel LGA775. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel LGA775 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.