Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto D845EPI del fabbricante Intel
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Intel ® Desktop Board D845EPI Product Guide Order Number: C 46205-001.
Revision History Revision Revision History Date -001 First release of the Intel ® Des ktop Board D845EPI Product G uide. July 2003 If an FCC decl aration of c onformit y marking i s present on the board, the f ollowing st atement appl ies: FCC Declaration of Conformity This devi ce compl ies with P art 15 of t he FCC Rules.
iii Preface This Product Guide gives inform ation about board layout, com ponent installation, BI OS Setup menus, and reg ulatory requirements for I ntel ® Desk top Board D845EPI . Intended Audience The Product Guide is intended for technically qualified personnel.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide iv Terminology The table below gives descriptions to som e com m on terms used in the product g uide. Term Description GB Gigabyte (1, 073,741,824 byt es) GH.
v Contents 1 Desktop Board Features Desktop Boa rd Co mpone nts ...............................................................................................11 Proce ssor ..............................................................................
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide vi Connecting H ardware C ontrol and Po wer Cabl es ...............................................................36 Connecting H ardware C ontrol C ables.....................................................
Contents vii B Regulatory Compliance Safety Regul ations ............................................................................................................. .83 European Un ion Decl aration of Conformi ty Statement ..........................
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide viii Tables 1. Feature Summa ry .......................................................................................................... 9 2. Desktop Board C omponents ......................................
9 1 Desktop Board Features Table 1 describes the major features of In tel ® Desktop Board D845EPI . Table 1. Feature Summary Form Factors MicroATX at 9.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 10 ✏ NOTE For information about this Intel desktop board, including the Technical Product Specification (TPS), BIOS updates, and device drivers, go to the Intel W orld W ide W eb site at:
Desktop Board Features 11 Desktop Board Components Figure 1 shows the location of the m ajor components on Desk top Board D845EPI. OM16286 E C D H I J K L M N O G P Q S T B A F R U Line In USB 2.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 12 Table 2. Desktop Board Components Item Description A Front panel audio header B CD-in header (ATAPI-style) C 12 V power connector D Rear chassis fan heade.
Desktop Board Features 13 Processor CAUTION Failure to use an ATX12V or SFX-12V power supply, or not connecting the additional power supply lead to Desktop Board D845EPI may result in damage to the desktop board and/or power supply. Desktop Board D845EPI supports a single I ntel Pentium 4 processor or I ntel Celeron processor.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 14 Main Memory ✏ NOTE To be fully compliant with all applicable Intel ® SDRAM m emory specification addendums, the desktop board should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect ( SPD) data structure.
Desktop Board Features 15 Intel ® 845E Chipset The Intel 845E chipset consists of the following : • Intel 82845E Memory Controller Hub (MCH) with AHA bus • Intel 82801DB I/O Controlle r Hub (ICH4) with AHA bus • Firmw are Hub (FWH ) Related Link: Go to the following link for mo re information about the I ntel 845E chipset: http://developer.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 16 LAN Subsystem (Optional) The optional Intel 82562ET (with the I ntel 82801DB IC H4) provides a Fast PCI LAN subsystem providing both 10Base-T and 100Base- TX connectivity.
Desktop Board Features 17 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Support ✏ NOTE Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port might not meet FCC Class B requirements, even if no device or a low-speed USB device is attached to the cable. U se a shielded cable that meets the requirements for a full-speed USB device.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 18 IDE Auto Configuration If y ou install an I DE device (such as a hard driv e) in your com puter, the I DE auto- config uration utility in the BI OS automatically detects and config ures the device for y our computer.
Desktop Board Features 19 Power Connectors The desktop board has two power connectors. See Figure 11 on pag e 36 for the location of the power connectors. Fan Headers The desktop board has two chassis fan headers and one processor fan header. See Figure 11 on page 36 for the location of the fan headers.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 20 CAUTION Power supplies used with this desktop board must be able to provide enough standby current to support the standard Instantly Available (ACPI S3 sleep state) configuration.
21 2 Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components This chapter tells you how to: • In stall the I/O shield • Install and rem ov e the desktop board • Install and rem ov e a processor • In.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 22 Follow these guidelines before y ou begin: • Alway s follow the steps in each procedure in the correct order. • Set up a log to record inform ation about your com puter, such as m odel, serial num bers, installed options, and configuration inform ation.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 23 • Mounting, g rounding, and bonding requirements • Keying connectors when m ating the wrong connectors could be hazardous If the power supply a.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 24 Related Links: For information about replacing the battery, g o to pag e 42 in this chapter. Use Only for Intended Applications All Intel desk top boards are ev aluated as Inform ation Technolog y Equipm ent (I .
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 25 Installing and Removing the Desktop Board Refer to your chassis m anual for instructions on installing and remo ving the desktop board. WARNING This procedure should be done only by qualified technical personnel.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 26 Installing and Removing a Processor Instructions on how to install the processor to the desk top board are giv en below.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 27 Connecting the Processor Fan Heat sink Cable Connect the processor fan heatsink cable to the processor fan header (see Fig ure 6).
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 28 Installing and Removing Memory CAUTION To be fully compliant with all applicable Intel SDRAM m emory specification addendums, the board requires DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD ) data structure.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 29 4. Make sure the clips at either end of the DI MM socket(s) are pushed outward to the open position. 5. Position the DIMM abov e the socket. Alig n the sm all notche in the bottom edge of the DI MM with the key in the socket (see inset in F igure 7).
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 30 Installing and Removing an AGP Card CAUTION When installing any AGP card in the desktop board, ensure that it is fully seated in the AGP connector before you power on the system. If the card is not fully seated in the AGP connector, an electrical short may result across the AGP slot pins.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 31 Connecting the IDE Cable The I nte l ® boxed desktop board pack age includes an I DE cable. The cable connects two driv es to the desktop board. The cable supports both ATA-66 and ATA- 100 transfer protocols and is backward com patible with drives using slower I DE transfer protocols.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 32 OM16292 A B Figure 9. Connecting the IDE Cable.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 33 Connecting Internal Headers Figure 10 shows the USB 2.0, power LED, front panel, and audio solution headers.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 34 Installing a Front Panel Audio Solution Table 6 shows the pin assignm ents for the front panel audio header.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 35 Connecting the Front Panel Header Before connecting the front panel header, observ e the precautions in “ Before You Begin ” on page 21. Table 7 shows the pin assignm ents for the front panel header.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 36 Connecting Hardware Control and Power Cables Figure 11 shows the location of the hardware control headers and power connectors.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 37 Connecting Hardware Control Cables See Figure 11 for fan and chassis intrusion header locations. Connect the processor ’ s fan heatsink cable to the processor fan header on the board (see Figure 11, C).
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 38 Connecting Add-In Card and Peripheral Interface Connectors Figure 12 shows the add- in card and peripheral interface connectors.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 39 Setting the BIOS Configuration Jumper Block Figure 13 shows the location of the BI OS configuration jum per block. OM16296 1 3 J9H2 Figure 13. Loc ation of the BIOS Configuration Jumpe r Block The three-pin BI OS jumper block enables all board configurations to be done in BI OS Setup.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 40 Clearing Passwords This procedure assumes that the board is installed in the com puter and the configuration jum per block is set to norm al m ode. 1. Observe the precautions in “ Before You Beg in ” on on page 21.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 41 Back Panel Connectors ✏ NOTE The line out connector, located on the back panel, is designed to power either headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality may occur if passive (non-am plified) speakers are connected to this output.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 42 Replacing the Battery A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real- time clock and CMOS m em ory. When the com puter is not plugg ed into a wall socket, the battery has an estim ated life of three years.
Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components 43 $99(57,0(172 Esiste il pericolo di un esplosione se la pila non viene sostituita in modo corretto. Utilizzare solo pile uguali o di tipo equivalente a quelle consigliate dal produttore. Per disfarsi delle pile usate, seguire le istruzioni del produttore.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 44 $:$6 Risiko letupan wujud jika bateri digantikan dengan jenis yang tidak betul. Bateri sepatutnya dikitar semula jika boleh. Pelupusan bateri terpakai mestilah mem atuhi peraturan alam sekitar tempatan.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 46.
47 3 Updating the BIOS This chapter tells you how to update the BI OS by either using the Intel Express BI OS Update utility or the I ntel ® Flash Mem ory U pdate Utility , and how to recover the B IO S if an update fails.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 48 You can obtain the BIOS update file throug h your com puter supplier or by navig ating to the D845EPI pag e on the I ntel World Wide Web site at: http://support.
Updating the BIOS 49 1. Turn off the computer, disconnect the com puter ’ s power cord, and disconnect all external peripherals. 2. Remov e the com puter cover and locate the config uration jumper block (J9H2) (see Figure 13). 3. Remov e the jumper from all pins as shown below to set recovery m ode for Setup.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 50.
51 4 Using the BIOS Setup Program The BI OS Setup prog ram can be used to v iew and chang e the BI OS setting s for the computer. The BI OS Setup prog ram is accessed by pressing the <F2> k ey after the Pow er- On Self- Test (POST) mem ory test begins and before the operating system boot beg ins.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 52 Table 11 shows the function keys av ailable for m enu screens. Table 11. BIOS Setup Program Function Keys BIOS Setup Program Function K ey Description <.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 53 Main Menu Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit BIOS Version Processor Type Intel(R) XXXXXXXXXXX Processor Speed X.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 54 Advanced Menu Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Setup Warning: Setting items on this screen to incorrect values may cause your system to .
Using the BIOS Setup Program 55 PCI Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit PCI Configuration PCI Slot 1 IRQ Priority [Auto] PCI Slot 2 IRQ Priority PCI Slot 3 IRQ Priority m o Se.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 56 Boot Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Boot Configuration Plug & Play O/S [No] Numlock [On] ASF Support [Enabled] m o Selec.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 57 Peripheral Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Peripheral Configuration Serial Port A [Auto] Parallel Port [Auto] Audio [Enabled] LAN Device [E.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 58 Table 17. Peripher al Configuration Subme nu (continued) Feature Options Description Mode • Output only • Bi-directional (default) • EPP • ECP Selects the m ode for the parallel port. Not available if the parallel port is disabled.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 59 IDE Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit IDE Configuration IDE Controller [Both] PCI IDE Bus Master [Enabled] Hard Disk Pre-Delay [Disabled] ` P.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 60 Primary/Secondary IDE Master/Slave Submenus Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit ` [ : Xxxxxxxxx ] Type [Auto] Maximum Capacity [Auto] Configuration Opt.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 61 Table 19. Primary/Secondary IDE Master/Slave Submenus (continued) Feature Options Description PIO Mode (Note) • Auto (default) • 0 • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 Specifies the PIO m ode.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 62 Diskette Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Diskette Configuration Diskette Controller [Enabled] Floppy A [1.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 63 Event Log Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Event Log Configuration Event Log [Space Available] View Event Log Clear Event Log Event Logging .
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 64 Video Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Video Configuration AGP Aperture Size [ 64MB] Primary Video Adapter [AGP] m o Select Sc.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 65 USB Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit USB Configuration High-Speed USB [Enabled] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] USB 2.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 66 Chipset Configuration Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Chipset Configuration Setup Warning: Setting items on this screen to incorrect values.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 67 Table 24. Chipset Configuration Submenu (continued) Feature Options D escription SDRAM Tim ing Control • Auto (default) • Manual – Aggre ssive • Manual – User D efined Auto allows timings to be programmed ac cording to the memory detec ted.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 68 Security Menu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Supervisor Password : Not Installed User Password : Not Installed Set Supervisor Password Set User Pa.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 69 Power Menu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit ACPI After Power Failure [Last State] The options below are not related to ACPI and may be ignored when shutting down using an ACPI OS.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 70 ACPI Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACPI Suspend State [S1 State] Wake on LAN from S5 [Stay Off] S1 is the safest mode but consumes more p ower. S3 consumes low power but drivers may not support this state.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 71 Boot Menu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Silent BOOT [Enabled] Intel ® Rapid BIOS Boot [Enabled] Scan User Flash Area [Enabled] PXE Boot to LAN [Disabled] USB .
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 72 Boot Device Priority Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit 1 st Boot Device [1 st FLOPPY DRIVE] 2 nd Boot Device [xxxxxxxxxxx] Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 73 Hard Disk Drives Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit 1 st Drive [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 2 nd Drive [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 3 rd Drive [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 4 th Drive [xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 74 Removable Devices Submenu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit 1 st Drive [1 st FLOPPY DRIVE] Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. Select the boot device with UpArrow or DownArrow key.
Using the BIOS Setup Program 75 ATAPI CD -ROM Drives Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit 1st Drive [xxxxxxx] 2 nd Drive [xxxxxxx] Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices. Select the boot device with UpArrow or DownArrow key. Press Enter to set the selections as the intended boot device.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 76 Exit Menu Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Exit Saving Changes Exit Discarding Changes Load Optimal Defaults Load Custom Defaults Save Custom Defaul.
77 5 Desktop Board Resources Memory Map Table 34. System Memory Map Address Range (decimal) Address R ange (hex) Size Description 1024 K - 2097152 K 100000 - 7FFFFFFF 2047 MB Ex tended Memory 960 K - .
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 78 Interrupts Table 36. Interrupts IRQ System Resource NMI I/O channel c heck 0 Reserved, interv al timer 1 Reserved, k eyboard buffer full 2 Reserved, c asc.
79 A Error Messages and Indicators Desktop Board D845EPI reports POST errors in two ways: • By sounding a beep code • By display ing an error m essage on the m onitor BIOS Beep Codes The BIOS beep codes are listed in Table 37.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 80 BIOS Error Messages When a recoverable error occurs during the POST, the BIOS display s an error messag e describing the problem. Table 38. BIOS Error Messages Error Message Explanation GA20 Error An error occurred with Gate-A20 w hen switching to protec ted mode during the memory test.
Error Messages and Indicator s 81 Table 38. BIOS Error Messages ( continued) Error Message Explanation Memory Siz e Decreas ed Memory s ize has dec reased sinc e the last boot. If no mem ory was remov ed, then memory may be bad. Memory Siz e Increas ed Memory s ize has inc reased sinc e the last boot.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 82.
83 B Regulatory Compliance This appendix contains the following regulatory com pliance inform ation for Desktop Board D845EPI: • Safety standards • European Union Declaration of Conformity statem .
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 84 Dette produkt er i ov erensstemm else m ed det europ æ isk e direktiv 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Dit product is in navolg ing v an de bepalingen v an Europees Directief 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. T ä m ä tuote noudattaa EU -direk tiivin 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC m ää r ä yksi ä .
Regulatory Compliance 85 EMC Regulations Desktop Board D845EPI com plies with the EMC regulations stated in Table 40 when correctly installed in a compatible host sy stem . Table 40. EMC Regulations Regulation Title FCC Class B Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 2 and 15, Subpart B, Radio Frequency Dev ices.
Intel Desktop Board D845EPI Product G uide 86 Product Certification Markings (Board Level) Desktop Board D845EPI has the following product certification m ark ings: Table 41. Product Certification Mar kings Description Mark UL joint US/Canada Rec ognized Com ponent mark.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel D845EPI è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel D845EPI - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel D845EPI imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel D845EPI ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel D845EPI, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel D845EPI.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel D845EPI. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel D845EPI insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.