Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Core 2 Duo del fabbricante Intel
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Order N umb e r: 3184 76-001US Intel ® Co r e TM 2 Du o P r oc e s s o r a n d Intel ® Q35 Expr e ss C hipset Deve lopment K it Us e r’s M anua l Oct ob er 20 07.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Pr oc ess or an d Inte l ® Q35 Ex press C hipset Deve lopment K it User’ s Manua l Oc to b er 20 07 2 Or der Num be r: 31 84 76 -0 01 US Leg al Lin e s an d Di s cla im ers I NFO RM A T ION IN TH IS DO CU M ENT IS PR OVI D ED IN CO NNE CT ION W ITH IN TEL® PRODU CTS.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 -00 1U S 3 Con tents— I ntel Cor e 2 Duo P rocesso r and I n tel Q3 5 Express C hip set Contents 1 .0 Ab o ut T his Manu al .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Contents Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 4 Or der Num ber: 3184 76 -001 US 6 Dual Chan nel (Int erle aved ) Mode Conf igura tion wit h 4x DIMMs.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 -00 1U S 5 Revision History—Intel Core 2 Duo Process.
Intel Core 2 Duo Proces sor and Intel Q35 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 6 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 1.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 7 About This Manual—In tel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset is sh own as 0FFH .
Intel Core 2 Duo Proces sor and Intel Q35 Exp ress Chipset—About This Man ual Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 8 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 1.4 S u pport Options 1.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 9 About This Manual—In tel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset Table 2. Intel Liter atu re Cen te rs Lo cat ion T e lep hon e N um ber U.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 10 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 11 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 12 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 13 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t Table 4.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 14 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2 .
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 15 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— .
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 16 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S Fig ure 5 sh ows a du al ch ann el co nfig urat ion usin g 3 D IM Ms.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 17 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 18 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 19 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— .
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 20 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 21 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 22 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 23 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t 2.
Inte l Co re 2 D uo Pr ocess or an d Inte l Q35 Express Chi pset—De velopm ent Kit Ha rdware Feat ures Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 24 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 2.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 25 De velo pment K it Ha rdwa re Feat ures— Inte l Core 2 D uo Proc esso r an d Inte l Q35 Exp ress Chipse t Figu re 15 .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 26 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 27 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et enviro nment .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 28 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 29 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 1.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 30 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 31 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 2.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 32 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 3.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 33 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et D7 R es tore CPUID v alu e to r egister .
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User’ s Manua l Oc to ber 20 07 34 Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 08 Initia lize CP U.
Intel ® Core TM 2 Duo Proc essor an d Intel ® Q35 Expres s Chipset Developm ent Kit Oct obe r 20 07 User’ s Manua l Ord er Nu mbe r: 31 84 76 00 1U S 35 Setting Up and Configuring the Dev e lopment Kit—Inte l Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Exp re ss Chips et 60 Ini tialize NUM- L O CK st atus an d pr ogram type mati c rate.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and Intel Q35 Express Chipset—Setting Up an d Configuring the Develop ment Kit Intel ® Core TM 2 Du o Process or and In tel ® Q35 Express C hipset D evelopmen t Kit User.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel Core 2 Duo è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel Core 2 Duo - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel Core 2 Duo imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel Core 2 Duo ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel Core 2 Duo, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel Core 2 Duo.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel Core 2 Duo. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel Core 2 Duo insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.