Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Centrino Pro del fabbricante Intel
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Guide Intel® Centr ino® with vPro™ Te chnology Intel® Core™2 Proce ssor with vPro™ Techno logy Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® Pro Processor Technology Quick Start Guide Based on Intel® Active Management Technology and LANDesk® Management Suite 8.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 2 Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................ ......... 3 Intended Au dienc e.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 3 Preface This document provides the high l e vel steps required to deploy desk top and notebook P Cs with Intel® vPro™ technology.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 4 Process Overview Intel® Active Managem ent Technology 1 (I ntel® AMT) provides signi ficant flexibility in order t o meet the needs of various customer environm ents.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 5 Section 1: Deciding Which Provisioning Mode to Use Before starting the deployment, you must decide which provisioning mo de to use: SMB or Enterprise.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 6 Section 2 – Deploying Intel® vPro Using SMB (Basic) Mode Provisioning Process Flowchart The following pict ure shows the overall process flow for provisioning Intel v Pro client systems in SMB mode.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 7 Step 1: Configure Existing IT Infrastructure Step 1a: Choose DHCP or Static IP Addressing for Client Systems.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 8 It is recommended that the LANDes k client agent also be install ed, although it is not requ ired. Discovery of the Int el v Pro machine will diff er depen ding on whether the client agen t is installed.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 9 Step 3b: Select TLS or non-TLS mode. Under the Discovery & Provisioning portion of the dialog bo x you’ll fi.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 10 • Contain both upper and lowe r case Latin characters • Have at least one numeric character • Have at least.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 11 Step 5: Discover Intel vPro Clients Through the Management Console Discovery of the Intel vPro devi ces varies dependin g on whether the latest LANDesk client agent is loaded.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 12 o Remote Boot Manager – Power On/ Off o Remote Boot Manager using C onsole Redirection (Serial over L A N /SOL).
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 13 Step 7: Post Configuration Once you’ve deployed and configured your Intel vPro client machines, t here are still some additional actions you should consider.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 14 Once AP starts on the client (default startup time is 6 minutes after the cli ent is powered on), if the COLLECTOR.EXE proce ss is killed or the LANDesk Management Agent serv ice is stopped, an AP alert is generated.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 15 • A Kill All NICs policy which will stop all netw ork traffic except for LANDesk man agement, Intel AMT, DNS, and DHCP traffic, thus isol ating the client system from the network except for syst em management functions.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 16 Section 3 – Deploying Intel vPro Using Enterprise (Standard and Advanced) Mode Provisioning Process Flowchart The following pict ure shows the overall process flow f or provisioning Intel v P ro client systems in Enterprise (Standard an d Advanced) mode.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 17 Intel vPro Enterprise Setup and Configuration Flow Prior to executin g the steps for configuring the In tel vPro .
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 18 Step 1: Configure Existing IT Infrastructure In order for an Intel vPro machi ne to be manage able, it must become known to the management console. The process by which this occurs is c alled “provisioning”.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 19 the system BIOS.. provided to the OEM by Inte l. The Intel MEBx allows y ou to configure settings that control the operation of the Management Engine which runs on the In tel AMT client.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 20 Step 2: Verify Intel vPro Client Windows Drivers The following Int el AMT drivers, which are digitally signed by .
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 21 Step 3a: Set Intel MEBx Password In the LANDesk Configuration Services too l, click the Intel vPr o Configuration tab and enter a strong password in the Current Intel vPro Credentials (top) portion of the screen.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 22 • Use your own root certificate, if you already h ave one • Use one of the certif icate hashes provided with Intel vPro (i.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 23 Skip to Step 5: Di scover Intel vPro Clients th rough the Management Console, on page 27. Note : You can also tes t Remote Configuratio n using a LANDesk generated certific ate.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 24 management console. Skip to Step 5: Di scover Intel vPro Clients th rough the Management Console, on page 27.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 25 4. The console will disp lay the values for manu al entry into the Intel vP ro machine, or there is an option to export/import (at the bottom of the dialogue box) t he security keys to a USB th umb drive (filename setup.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 26 Step 4C-3a: Manual Con figuration of the Intel vPro Clients (alternative to USB drive method): Use this method to manual ly enter the passwor d and PID-PPS credentials for each Intel vPro client machine.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 27 Step 5: Discover Intel vPro Clients through the Management Console Discovery of the Intel vPro devi ces varies dependin g on whether the latest LANDesk client agent is loaded.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 28 Step 6: Test Intel vPro Client Functionality After the device has been discovered and added to the management databa se, it is a good idea to test the functionality of the Intel vPro machine.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 29 o Network Settings o User Accounts Step 7: Post Configuration Once you’ve deployed and configured your Intel vPro client machines, t here are still some additional actions you should consider.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 30 While these agents are running you can mo nitor any other service on the cli ent machine using the LSM service monitoring tool. These ag ents and their descriptions are de fined in AGENTPRESENCE.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 31 • A UDP flood policy which will t r igge r SD if Intel AMT sees at least 20,000 UDP packets per second and will monitor for a De nial-of-service attack.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 32 Appendix A: Troubleshooting Additional troubleshooting info rmation can be found at the Kn o wn Issues, Best Practices, and Workarounds wiki: http://communities.i ntel.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 33 Export or Import Intel AMT IDs) that you ente r the same password in the field that says “Specify Intel vPro ME password (for Intel AMT 2.5 or greater only)” . Thi s needs to be filled in for any Intel vPro machine of 2.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 34 An example of Successful Provisioning Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113500 LANDesk In tel AMT Provisioning Manager Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113500 IP 192 .168.0.100 UUID 44454C4C-FF00-10FF-80FF-FFC04FFF0000 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113500 FQDN na me for ZTC client1.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 35 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113507 Action S etRngKey Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113507 SetRngKey passed Thu, 28 Feb 2008 113507 Action.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 36 An example of an unsuccessful Provisioning Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:23 LA NDesk Intel AMT Provisioning Manager Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:23 IP: 19 2.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 37 Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:35 Action: getDomainname Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:35 GetDo mainName passed Thu, 06 Mar 2008 .
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 38 Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:37 Succe ss to generate keys and certificate Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:26:37 SetTLSKeyAnd Certif.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de 39 Appendix B: Glossary of Terms used in this guide BIOS : Basic Input Output System DHCP : Dynami c Host Configuration Proto col DNS : Domain Name Service.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de.
Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® P ro Processor Technology Quick Start Gui de *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © 2008 Intel Corporation.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel Centrino Pro è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel Centrino Pro - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel Centrino Pro imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel Centrino Pro ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel Centrino Pro, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel Centrino Pro.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel Centrino Pro. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel Centrino Pro insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.