Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 80219 del fabbricante Intel
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Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Specification Update July 2004 Notice: The Intel ® 80 219 Genera l Purpose PCI Process or (80219) may cont ain desig n defect s or errors known as errata that may cau s e the product to deviate from published sp ecification s.
Spec if icatio n Updat e 3 Intel ® 80219 G eneral P urpose PCI Proc essor Contents Revision History ........... ................... .................. ................... ................... ... 5 Preface................ .................. ..........
4 Speci fication Update Intel ® 80219 G eneral Purpos e PCI P rocesso r This Page Lef t Intentionall y Blank.
Specification Up date 5 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Revision His tory Revision History Date V ersion Description July 2004 002 Added S pecification Clarification 7.
6 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Prefac e Preface This document is an upd at e to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents/Related Doc u me nts t a ble belo w . This do cument is a compilation of device an d documentation errata, specification clarifications and ch anges.
Specification Up date 7 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Summary T able of Changes Summary T able of Changes The following table ind i cates the errata, specifi cation changes, specification clarifications , or documentation chan ges which apply to the Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI P rocessor product .
8 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Summary T able of Changes Core Errat a No. Step pings Page Status Errata A-0 1 X 13 NoFix Boundary Scan Is Not F ully Compliant to t he IEEE 1 149.
Specification Up date 9 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Summary T able of Changes Non-Core Errat a No. Ste ppings Page St at us Errat a A-0 1 X 20 NoFix The A TU Returns Invalid Data fo.
10 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Summary T able of Changes Docume nt ation Ch anges S p ecification Ch anges No. Step pings Page Speci fication Ch anges A-0 1 X 24 Signal NC2 was renamed to P_BMI (AE23). New function added to signal P_BMI.
Specification Up date 11 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Identification Information Identification Information Marki ngs Figur e 1. T o p s ide Mark ings Intel ® 80219 Gen eral Pur pos.
12 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Identifica ti on Infor mat ion Die Det ails Stepping Part Number QDF (Q )/ Specification Number (SL) V olt age ( V) Intel ® 80219 Gen eral Purpose PCI Pro cessor Speed (MHz) No tes A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 FW80219M400 FW80219M600 FW80219M400 FW80219M600 Q690 Q691 SL7CL SL7CM 3.
Specification Up date 13 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Core Er rata Core Errata 1. Boundary Scan Is Not Fully Compliant to th e IEEE 1 149.1 S pecification Problem: The IEEE S tandard 1 149.1 specifies the b oundary scan logic t o support two m ain goals: 1.
14 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Core E rrata 3. Undefined Dat a Processing-‘like’ I nstructions are Interpreted as an M SR Instruction Problem: The instructio.
Specification Up date 15 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Core Er rata 6. Incorrect Decode of Unindexed Mode, Usi ng Addressing Mode 5, Can Corrupt Protected Registers Problem: The i nst.
16 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Core E rrata 10. Aborted S tore that Hit s the Dat a Cache May Mark Writ eback Data As Dirty Problem: W hen there is an abor ted s.
Specification Up date 17 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Core Er rata 1 1. Performance Monitor Unit Event 0x1 Can Be Incremented Erroneously by Unrelated Event s Problem: Even t 0x1 in the performan ce monitor unit (P MU) can be used to count cycles in which th e instruction cache can not deliver an instruction.
18 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Core E rrata 13. Accesses to the CP15 ID register with opcode2 > 0b001 returns unpredict able values Problem: Th e ARM Ar chitectur e Refer ence Manual (ARM DDI 0100E) s tates the following in chapter B-2, sec tio n 2 .
Specification Up date 19 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Core Er rata 15. Up dating the JT AG par a ll el register requires an extra TCK risin g edge Problem: IEEE 1 149.1 states that the ef fects of updatin g all parallel J T AG register s should be seen on the falling edge of TCK in the Update-DR state.
20 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Non-Core Er rat a Non-Core Errata 1. The A TU Returns Invalid Data f or the DWORD that T arget Aborted from the MCU when Using 32-Bit Memory , ECC Enabled and in PCI Mode The external PCI bus requests a read through th e A TU to the MCU, starting at the high DWORD.
Specification Up date 21 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Non-Co re Errata 3. MCU Pointers ar e Incorrect following a Restoration from a Power Fail Problem: This issue occurs wh en: 1. There i s a power failure (not during power man agement or normal shutdown).
22 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Non-Core Er rat a 6. The MTTR1 (Core Multi-T r ansaction T i mer) is not opera ti ng due to improper behavior of the core inter n .
Specification Up date 23 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Non-Co re Errata 8. Vih Minimum Input High V oltage ( Vih) level for the PCI pins Problem: The V ih Minimum Input H igh V oltage (V ih) le vel for the PCI pins is bei ng tested at 100 mV higher than the mini mum V ih lev el specified in T able 4-3 (DC Specificat ions for 3.
24 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Specification Changes Specification Changes 1. Signal NC2 was renamed to P _BMI (AE23). New function added to si gnal P_BM I. The P_BMI (AE23) signal has been added to the Intel ® 8021 9 general purpose P CI processo r.
Specification Up date 25 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Specificat ion Cha nges Note: The host BIOS d o es not require any mod i fications to acco mmodate this im plementation. All the responsibility for I/O device configuration and resource falls to the 80219 firmware.
26 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Specific ation Clar ifications Specification Cla rificatio ns 1. The Intel ® 802 19 general purpose PCI p rocessor is complia nt with the PCI Local Bus Specifi cation, Revision 2.2 but it is not compliant wit h PCI Local Bus S pecification, Revi sion 2.
Specification Up date 27 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Specificat ion Clarif icatio ns 3. BAR0 Configurati on When Using the Messag ing Unit (MU) Issue: When the BAR0 is configured as a prefetch able regis ter by def ault and a burst request cros s es i nto or th r oug h the rang e of o ffsets 4 0h to 4Ch (i.
28 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Specific ation Clar ifications 6. In-order Delivery not guara nteed for dat a blocks described by a single DMA descriptor Issue: In-order deliver y is not guaranteed fo r data blocks descr ibed by a single DMA descriptor that crosses a 1 KB boun dary .
Specification Up date 29 Intel ® 8 0219 General Purpos e PCI Processor Documentation Changes Documentation Changes None for this revision of this specification update.
30 Specification Up date Intel ® 80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Documentation Changes This Page Lef t Intentionally Bla nk.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel 80219 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel 80219 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel 80219 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel 80219 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel 80219, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel 80219.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel 80219. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel 80219 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.