Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 631xESB del fabbricante Intel
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Order N umb e r: 315 263-001 Intel ® 631xESB/ 632xESB I/O Controlle r Hub f or Embedded Appl ications Thermal and Mechanica l D esign Guidelin es Fe b r ua ry 20 07.
Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ru ar y 2007 2 Leg al Li ne s and Di s cla i m ers I NFO RM A T ION IN TH IS D OC UM ENT IS PR OVI D ED IN CO NNEC T ION WI TH IN TEL® PRO DUC TS .
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 3 Cont ents—Int el ® 6 321ESB ICH Contents 1.0 I ntro duct ion ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ........
Intel ® 632 1ESB ICH —Rev ision Hist ory Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 4 15 He at S ink F oam Gask et Drawing ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... .
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 5 Intro ducti on—Int el ® 6321E SB ICH 1.0 I nt ro du cti on As t he c omp lexit y of com put er sy stem s in crea ses, so d o th e po wer dissi pa tion requ iremen ts .
Intel ® 63 21ESB I CH—Intr oducti on Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 6 Figure 1. Thermal Design P rocess y Ther m al M odel y Ther m.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 7 Intro ducti on—Int el ® 6321E SB ICH 1.2 Definition of Terms 1.3 Refer ence Document s The r eade r of thi s specifi catio n should also be fa miliar w ith ma terial a nd con cepts pre sented in the follo wing do cum ents: Tabl e 1.
Intel ® 63 21ESB I CH—Intr oducti on Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 8 Ta ble 2. R efe rence d Doc ument s Title Loc ation Int el® 63 1xESB / 6 32xE S B I/O Contr olle r Hub Datas heet http ://w ww .
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 9 Pack aging Te chnology—Inte l ® 632 1ESB ICH 2.0 Packaging Te c hnolog y The Int el® 6321ESB I/ O Control ler Hub c omponen t us e s a 40 mm x 40 mm, 10-l ayer FC-B GA3 pa c kage (see Fig ure 2 and Fig ure 3 ).
Intel ® 632 1ESB ICH—Packaging Technology Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 10 Not es: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. A ll dime nsio ns an d to leranc es co nfor m to ANS I Y14.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 11 Thermal Specific ations—Intel ® 6321ES B ICH 3.
Intel ® 6321ESB ICH—The rmal Simulation Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 12 4.0 Thermal Simulation Intel provides th ermal s imulat i.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 13 Thermal Solution Req uirements—Intel ® 6321ES B ICH 5.
Intel ® 6321ESB ICH—The rmal Solution Requirements Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 14 Example 1 . Calcu lating th e Required Thermal P erformance The c ool ing per form ance , Ψ CA, is de fined u sing the ther mal ch aracter izatio n parame ter previ o us ly desc ribed.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 15 Thermal Solution Req uirements—Intel ® 6321ES B ICH If t he loc al amb ient t emperature is r .
Intel ® 63 21ESB I CH—The rmal M e t rol ogy Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 16 6.0 Thermal Metrology The sy stem desig n e r must m ake tempe rature m easur ement s to ac curately determ ine the t herm al per form ance o f the s ystem .
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 17 Thermal Metrology—In tel ® 6321ESB ICH Note : Not to s c ale. Figure 6. Thermal S olution Decision Flow chart Figure 7. Zero Degree Angle Attach Heat sink M od ifications 001240 Atta ch ther mocoupl es usi ng r ecommend ed metrol ogy.
Intel ® 63 21ESB I CH—The rmal M e t rol ogy Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 18 Not e: No t t o s ca le.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 19 Re fer en ce Th erma l So luti on— In tel ® 632 1ESB ICH 7.
Intel ® 63 21ESB ICH—Ref e r ence Ther mal So luti on Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 20 7.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 21 Re fer en ce Th erma l So luti on— In tel ® 632 1ESB ICH 7.4 Boa rd-Level C omponents Ke epout Dimen sions The l oc a tion of ho l e s patt ern an d ke epout zo nes for the refere nc e thermal so l u tion are sho w n in Figure 1 1 .
Intel ® 63 21ESB ICH—Ref e r ence Ther mal So luti on Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 22 7.5 Torsional Clip Hea tsink Thermal Solution A s sembly Th e re fere nce t her mal s ol utio n for the I nt el ® 6321ES B ICH component i s a passiv e heatsi nk wi t h t herma l interf ace.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 23 Re fer en ce Th erma l So luti on— In tel ® 632 1ESB ICH Note : Same Kee pout z ones as Intel ® 3100 Chi pse t 7.
Intel ® 63 21ESB ICH—Ref e r ence Ther mal So luti on Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 24 7. 5.2 M echa nical In terf ace Mat eria l The re is n o me chan ical inte rface m ater ial asso ciated wi t h t his refe rence solu tion.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 25 Re fer en ce Th erma l So luti on— In tel ® 632 1ESB ICH Life v alu e is th e predi cted T IM per form ance w hen th e pro duct an d TIM reach es th e end of its life.
Intel ® 6321ESB ICH—Reliabilit y Guidelines Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 26 8.0 Reliability Guidelines Each m otherbo ard, heat sin k and attac h co mbin ation may v a ry the mech anic al lo adin g of the comp o nen t.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 27 Thermal Solution Component Supp liers—Intel ® 6321ES B ICH Appendix A Thermal Solution Component Suppliers A.
In te l ® 6321ESB ICH—Mechanical Drawings Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 28 Append ix B Me chanical Drawings Ta b l e 7 list s the m echa nica l drawin gs incl uded i n this appen dix.
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 29 Mechanical Drawings—Intel ® 632 1ESB IC H Figure 13.
In te l ® 6321ESB ICH—Mechanical Drawings Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 30 Figu re 14 .
In te l ® 6 31xESB/632xE SB I/O Cont roller Hub for Em bedded Applic ations Feb r ua ry 20 07 TMDG 31 Mechanical Drawings—Intel ® 632 1ESB IC H Figu re 1 5 .
In te l ® 6321ESB ICH—Mechanical Drawings Intel ® 6 31xESB/632 xE SB I/O Con tr oller Hub fo r Embedded Applications TMDG Fe b ruary 2007 32 Figure 16.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel 631xESB è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel 631xESB - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel 631xESB imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel 631xESB ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel 631xESB, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel 631xESB.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel 631xESB. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel 631xESB insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.