Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6300ESB ICH del fabbricante Intel
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Refer ence Number: 300 281-003 Intel ® Xeon™ Processor w ith 800 MHz Sy stem Bus , Intel ® E752 0 Chip set, and Intel ® 6300 ESB I C H Deve lopment Kit User ’s Man ual Sept ember 200 4.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 3 Contents Content s 1 Pr oduct Overvi ew .... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .
4 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’ s Manual Contents 6.3 Lev el 3 Debug (Voltage References).. ................. .. ............ .......................... ....................... 34 7 Heatsi nk Ass embly .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 5 Contents Figur es 1I n t e l ® Xeon™ Processor w ith 800 MHz System Bu s and Intel ® E7520 and I n tel ® 6300ES B Cust omer Refe rence Bo ard Bl ock Diagra m .
6 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’ s Manual Contents Revision History Date Revision Description Augu st 20 04 003 Ch ange d f igur es t hat r efe renc ed PCI - X to PCI- X 133 MHz; chan ge d ju mper s o n Fig ur e 4 ; ma de ot he r mis c el laneo u s ch ange s.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 7 Product Over view Pr oduct Overvi ew 1 The I nte l ® Xeon™ P r ocesso r with 800 MHz Sys te m Bus, Inte l ® E7520 Chip s et , and Inte l ® 6300E SB ICH Devel opment Kit compri se an IA-32 based dua l-pro cessor platform.
8 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Product Over view 1.3 Product s Featu re List • Pro ce ssor Suppo rt —D u a l I n t e l ® Xe on ™ P r oc es sors — On- board p roces sor v oltage r egul ators c ompat ible with VR M/EVRD 10 .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 9 Product Over view — T wo RS- 232 s erial ports f rom th e Inte l ® 6300ESB I/O Cont .
10 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Product Over view Figure 2. P laceme nt - T o p View + ++ MCH PXH Intel ® 6300ESB I/.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 11 Product Over view 1. 4.1 Mem or y Su bsys te m The memory subsys tem is des igne d to s upport Doub le Da ta Ra te2(DDR2) Synchrono us Dyna mic Rando m Access Memory (SDRAM) usi ng the Intel(R) E 7520 MCH.
12 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Product Over view 1. 5 M e m or y Pop ulat i on Rules a nd Conf ig ur a t io ns The syste m suppo rts two DDR2 400 DIMM slo ts f or Channel A an d two DDR2 40 0 DIMM s lots f or Chan nel B.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 13 Pl atfo rm Man agem e nt Platform M anagem ent 2 The following s ect ions de scri be how the system powe r mana gement ope rates a nd how th e dif fere nt ACPI sta tes are im ple ment ed.
14 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Pl atfo r m Man a geme nt 2. 3. 2 S 1 S ta te Thi s state is ente red via a process or S le ep signal from the I/O controll er (proce ssor C3 state) .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 15 Pl atfo rm Man agem e nt 2. 3.6 S5 St ate This s tate is the norm al off sta te whether ent ered thro ugh the Power Button or S oft Of f.
16 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Pl atfo r m Man a geme nt 2. 5.1 P rocess or Th er mal Ma na ge me nt Each proc essor monitors its own c ore t emperat ure an d the rmally m anages itsel f w hen it re aches a cer tain te mperature .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 17 Equipment Required for CRB Usage Equipment Required for CRB Usage 3 The followi ng com.
18 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Equipment Required f or CRB Usage 3.2 Driver an d OS Requirement s The requi red INF driver for the CRB support s the functi ona lity of the Intel ® 630 0ESB I/O Contr oll er and PXH.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 19 Equipment Required for CRB Usage p atches/ ide-sata/pci_irq-hr-ich5.patch integrated into the ESB & ICH5 Southbridges p atches/ lspci/pc iids-1 122 02.
20 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Equipment Required f or CRB Usage p atches/ide -sat a/pci_ irq-hr-ich5.p atch integrate d into t he esb6300 & ich5 sout hbridges p a tc hes / lspc i /p ci .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 21 Jumpers and Header s Jump ers and He aders 4 This s ectio n descr ibe s the platfo rm .
22 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Jumpers an d Heade rs T able 4. Ju mp er Setting s (Sheet 1 of 3) Jumper Na me Ref De s Description/Se ttings Default Posit i on 3.3V Aux E na bl e J 1A 1 Enable s 3.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 23 Jumpers and Header s FSB Cl ock F req uenc y Overri de (Ho st Cl o ck Ju mper s) BSEL1.
24 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Jumpers an d Heade rs Inte l 6300 ESB I/O Cont rol ler Safe Mod e J5F3 Inte l 6 300E .
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 25 System Over view Syst em Over view 5 5.1 Power Diagrams Fi gure 5 shows t he po wer di stri buti on for the CRB. Re f er to t he CR B s chem ati cs f or details on th e power dis t ribu tion logi c.
26 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual System O verv iew 5.2 Plat form Clocking The C RB us es one CK409B Cl ock Syn thes ize r to ge nerat e the hos t di f ferent ial pai r clocks a nd the 100 MHz di ff erenti al clo ck to the DB800.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 27 System Over view 5.3 Plat form Reset s Fi gure 7 de picts t he re set logic f or the CRB. The Intel 6300ESB I/O Con trol ler p rovi des most of the re se t fol lowi ng ass ertion of power good and system res et.
28 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual System O verv iew 5.4 SMBus Fi gure 8 below il lus tr at es the rou tin g of the SMBus si gnal among th e compone nt s.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 29 System Over view 5. 5 Plat form IRQ Ro uting Fi gure 9 s hows that the Int el 6 300ESB.
30 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual System O verv iew 5.6 VRD VID Headers Pro vides for man ual c ontrol of the p roces sor core v oltage re gulat or output level (s).
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 31 System Over view 011111 O F F 001111 1 . 4 8 7 5 111110 1 . 1 0 0 0 101110 1 . 5 0 0 0 011110 1 . 1 1 2 5 001110 1 . 5 1 2 5 111101 1 . 1 2 5 0 101101 1 .
32 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual System O verv iew 5.7 Miscellaneous Buttons Fi gure 10 below shows t he l ocati on of the power butt ons within the p latform . Figu re 10.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 33 Debu g P roce dur e Debug Procedure 6 The debug proc edures in th is sect ion ar e use.
34 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Debu g P roce du re 6.2 Level 2 Debu g (Power Seque nce) Che ck th e item s in Ta b l e 7 belo w if “SYSTEM PW RGD” is not illum in ate d.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 35 Heatsink Asse mbly Heat sink A ssembly 7 This s ectio n p rovi des heats ink a sse mbl.
36 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Heatsink Assembly 7.1 Processor Heat Sin k Inst al lation Instructions Note: T ools/it ems ne eded inclu de P hilli ps scr ewdri ver , d ispos able towel s, and isop ropyl alc ohol.
In tel ® Xe on™ Pro cessor , Intel ® E7520 Chipset , Intel ® 6300ESB ICH Development Kit User ’s Manual 37 Heatsink Asse mbly 3. Inse rt th e process or heat sink back plate int o the four moun ting hole s near the proc essor . The back plate is as s embled to th e back si de of the PCB.
38 Int el ® Xeon™ Processor, Intel ® E75 20 Chipse t, Int el ® 6300 ESB ICH Dev elopment Kit Us er’s Manual Heatsink Assembly 6. Usi ng a Phill ips scre wdriv er , tight en th e s crews in th e pa tter n ind ic ated in F igure 16 . The sc rews are shoulde r scre ws and will s top thr ea ding once comple tely ti ght ened.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel 6300ESB ICH è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel 6300ESB ICH - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel 6300ESB ICH imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel 6300ESB ICH ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel 6300ESB ICH, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel 6300ESB ICH.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel 6300ESB ICH. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel 6300ESB ICH insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.