Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 21555 del fabbricante Intel
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21555 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Board User’s Guide November 20 02 Order Num ber: 27835 9-002.
21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User’s G uide Informati on in this document is provide d in con nection w ith Intel® products. No license, express or implied, b y estop pel or oth erwise, to any intellectual property r ights is granted by this document.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e iii Contents 1 Introducti on............ ................... ............. ................... .................... ................... ............. ...... 5 1.1 Overview .. ...............
iv 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Tables 1 DIP Swi tch Operat ion ..... .................... ................... ............. ................... ................ 9 2 Stake-P in Jumper .... ................... .........
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 5 Introduction 1 This User’ s Guide descri bes the 21555 PCI-to -PCI non transpar ent Bridge Evalu ation Board which is referred to as the DE1B55503.
6 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Introduction 1.3 Major Co mponent s Figure 1 on page 6 show s the maj or components on the DE1 B55503. 1.3.1 Connectors • J1 is the 10-pin J T AG conn ector . See T able A-5 on page 26 .
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 7 Introduction Note: See T able A-2 on page 24 for Micto r pinouts . 1.3.2 Switches and Jumper The DE1B5550 3 uses a combination of DIP switch, stake- pin and zero o hm resistor jumpers to control the various co nfiguration optio ns.
8 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Introduction 1.4 Switch Setti ngs Figur e 2 shows the three initialization switch packs, and T able 1 on page 9 gives a high-level description of each switch. The switches are r ead at DE1B55503 power up.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 9 Introduction 1.5 S t ake- Pi n Ju mp er Ta b l e 2 shows the con figuration and th e function of the single stake-pin jumper . J8 enables the DE1B55503 hot-swa p function ality , controls o peration of LED L1, and connects t he l_stat signal to a pullup resisto r .
10 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Introduction 1.6 Resistor Jum pers Figur e 3 shows the location of the zero (0) ohm resis tor config uratio n jumpers.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 11 Introduction 1.6.1 Clock Configuration Ta b l e 3 describes the resistor jumpers to install that connect p_clk and s_clk_o to the Mictor connectors. T o improve sign al integrity and mini mize noise, these signals are not wired to the Mictor connectors.
12 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Introduction 1.7 Secondary Slot Num bering and IDSEL Mapp ing Figur e 4 gives the bus s lot numberin g. Ta b l e 5 shows how a Pr oduc t Name number s the L ocal slots in r espons e to a T ype 0 or T ype 1 configu ration cycl e.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 13 Introduction 1.8 Interru pt Rou tin g Ta b l e 6 sh ows the ORing of interr upts. 12 interr upts are connected to each of three secon dary bus PCI slots but four (4 ) interr upts are dri ven to the card ed ge.
14 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Introduction 1.9 T ypical Co nfigurations Figur e 5 shows the DE1B 55503 with on e local bus option card.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 15 Introduction Figur e 6 shows the DE1 B55503 wi th two lo cal bus opt ion cards. Figure 6.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 17 Operations and Installation 2 This chapter pr ovides DE1B 55503 specifi cations and inf ormation about the har dware and software requirements fo r using t he DE1B5550 3. It also describes how to inst all the DE1B 55503.
18 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Operations and Installation • MSKROM.EXE an executable utility for programming the SROM. • The software diskettes ar e standard 3.5 inch floppy disks. Follow th e installation procedu re printed on the ins ide of the shipping package.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 19 Operations and Installation Board Setup Ta b l e 8 gives the DE1B55503 switch configu rati on for using th e DBFLASH.EXE utility . Runni ng DbFl ash.ex e Make sure that both DBFLASH.
20 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Operations and Installation connectors and one (1) conn ector-less slo t. Section 1.9, “ T ypical Confi guration s ” on pag e 14 shows examples of typical PCI configurations. 6. Apply power to the system.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 21 Optional Configurations 3 3.1 PICMG Configurat ion This sectio n describ es how to configure the DE1B555 03 to hav e a Single B oard Compu ter (SBC) with a PCI interface as defined in the PICMG PCI-ISA Interface Specification.
22 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Optional Configurations • In the other configuration, the central fun ctio n is controlled by the intelligent subsystem through th e J1 connector. Ta b l e 1 3 sh ows how th e req# and gn t # lines mu st be con figured fo r PICMG operation.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 23 Signal and Default Information A A.1 J2 J4, J5, and J6 Co nnector Pinou ts Ta b l e A - 1 gives the Mictor connector s pin assignmen t and DE1B5550 3 schematic signal n ames. See Figu re 1 o n page 6 for the location of this connector .
24 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Signal and Default Information Ta b l e A - 2 gives the Mi ctor conn ectors pin assignment and DE1B55 503 schemat ic signal na mes. Tab le A- 3 gives the Mictor connectors pin assignment and DE1 B55503 schematic s ignal names.
21555 PCI -to-PCI Bridge Ev aluation Board User ’ s Guid e 25 Signal and Default Information Table A-4 gives the Mictor connectors pin ass ignment and DE1B 55503 schematic signal names . S_REQ8 23 24 S_GNT1 S_REQ7 25 26 S_GNT0 S_REQ6 27 28 S_M66ENA S_REQ5 29 30 S_PNE S_REQ4 31 32 S_REQ3 33 34 S_CLKI S_REQ2 35 36 SCLK_O S_REQ1 37 38 T able A-4.
26 21555 PCI-to-P C I Br idge Evalua tion Board User ’ s Guide Signal and Default Information A.2 J A T AG Conn ector Pinout Ta b l e A - 5 gives the p in assign ments between the DE1B55 503 sch ematic and the ten-pi n JT AG connector . See Figure 1 on page 6 for the location of t his connector .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel 21555 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel 21555 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel 21555 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel 21555 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel 21555, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel 21555.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel 21555. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel 21555 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.