Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFP 35 del fabbricante IBM
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Inf o p rin t M FP 3 0/3 5 U s e r’s G ui d e G510-2441-00 IBM.
Inf o p rin t M FP 3 0/3 5 U s e r’s G ui d e G510-2441-00 IBM.
Edition: October 20 02 Lexmark and Le xm ar k with diamond design are trademark s of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or o ther countries. ScanBack is a trademark of Le x mark International, I n c. Po s tS c r i p t ® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incor porated.
Contents iii Contents Chapter 1: Getting started ........................... .................................. 1 How do I us e th e to u ch sc r een? ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... 1 How do I use the numeric keypad and buttons? .
Contents iv Contents How do I add a message overlay to copies?......... .. .. ....... .. .. ....... .. .. .. . . ......... 20 How d o I imp rove th e copy quality ? ..... ........... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... . 2 1 Chapter 3: Faxing .
Contents v Contents How do I improve the image quality? ...... ..... .. . . . . . . ............ . . ............. .. . . ......... 40 How do I r educe the file size? ........... ......... ............... ....... ......... . ............ . ..... 41 How do I change the scan file typ e? .
Getting sta r ted 1 1 Getting star ted Ho w do I use the to uc h screen? Use the touch screen to acces s funct ions and make sel e ct ions. • T ouch Copy to change cop y settings . • T ouch Fax to send f ax jobs and change fax set tings. • T ouch E-mail to s end scan jobs and change e-mail settings.
Ho w do I u se the numeric k eypad and b uttons? 2 Getting st arted Ho w do I use the numeric keypad and bu ttons? Use the numeric k e ypad and butt ons to ent er information and send commands to the MFP , such as cop y , st op , or clear a job . • Press Start to st ar t copy j obs , send fax es , and scan to e- m ail .
How do I scan from the s canner bed ? 3 Getting st arted Ho w do I scan from the scanner bed? Use the scanner bed, or glas s, por tion of the scanner f or original documents , such as books , t hat are unsuitab le f or the automatic document fe eder .
Cop yi ng 4 2 Cop ying Ho w do I make a quick cop y? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 Use the numeric k e ypad to specify the n umber of cop ies y ou want. 3 Press Start . Note: If y ou are unsatisfied with the qual it y of the copy , see “Ho w do I impro ve the cop y quality? ” on page 21.
Ho w do I ca ncel a cop y job? 5 Copying ...while the copies are printing 1 T ouch the Key icon. 2 T ouch Printer Operator P anel . 3 T ouch Menu or unti l y ou see JOB MENU Cancel Job and then touch Select . . 4 T ouch Bac k and then t ouch Home to return to the W elcome screen.
How d o I cop y from one siz e to another size ? 6 Copying Ho w do I copy fr om one siz e to another siz e? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Copy fr om: and th en identify the siz e of your or iginal document.
How do I m a ke tr ansparencies? 7 Copying Ho w do I make transparen cies? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Copy to: and then tou ch the tra y that con tains transpar encies . F or exampl e: Note: If y ou do no t see T ransparency as an option, speak wi th y our administr ator .
How do I cop y to the multipur pose fe eder? 8 Copying Ho w do I copy to the m ultipurpose f eeder? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 Load the t ype of paper y ou want your copies to be print ed on into the multipurpose f eeder (ref er to your printer Set up Guide f or the locati on.
Ho w do I mak e copies fr om a bo ok or magazine? 9 Copying Ho w do I make copies from a book or magazine? 1 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 2 T ouch Copy fr om: 3 T ouch Book Original an d then touc h Bac k . 4 Align the book approp r iately on the scanner bed.
Ho w do I mak e duple x copies? 10 Copying Ho w do I make duplex copi es? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon.
Ho w do I reduc e and enla rge copies? 11 Copying Ho w do I reduce and en lar ge copies? Copies can be reduced to 25% of the origi nal document or enlarged to 400% of the o r iginal .
How do I collate copies? 12 Copying Ho w do I collate copies ? If y ou want your copi es c oll ated, you don’t need to do an ything: this is the def ault sett in g. If , how ev er , you don’t want your copies collated, y ou can cha nge the setting: 1 Load y our original document in the MFP .
How do I staple copies? 13 Copying Ho w do I staple copies? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch the staple b utton that looks l ike ho w you w ant y our copies stapled. 4 Press Start . Note: These f eatures may not b e av ailable on your MFP .
How do I make color copies? 14 Copying Ho w do I make color cop ies? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Color . Note: This f eature ma y not be a vailab le on y our MFP . 4 Press Start .
Ho w do I cop y pho togr aphs? 15 Copying Ho w do I cop y photo graphs? 1 Place y our photogr aph on t he scanner bed. 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Photo . 4 T ouch Color if y ou hav e a col or ph otog raph and want a col or cop y .
Ho w do I cop y multi p le pages ont o one page? 16 Copying Ho w do I copy m ul t iple page s onto one page? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 Make y our duple x choice. 4 T ouch Adv anced options .
How do I place se parator sheet s betwee n cop y jobs ? 17 Copying Ho w do I place separator sh eets between copy jobs? This option is useful when y ou are making many copies of a multipa ge do cument. Sep arator sheets placed betw een t he cop y jobs mak e it much easier to identi fy , separate , and distr i b ute copies .
How do I create a booklet? 18 Copying Ho w do I create a booklet? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Adv anced Options . 4 T ouch Create Booklet . 5 T ouch the button that represents whether y our originals are 1-sided or 2-sided.
How d o I pr in t the date and time at the top of e a ch page? 19 Copying Ho w do I print the date an d time at the top of each page? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Adv anced Options.
How do I add a m es sage ov e r la y t o copies? 20 Copying Ho w do I add a message overla y to cop ies? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Adv anced Options . 4 T ouch Message Overlay .
How do I improve the copy quality? 21 Copying Ho w do I impro ve the copy quality? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 F rom the home screen, t ouch the Copy icon. 3 T ouch Adv anced Options . 4 T ouch Color/Content . Note: This f eature ma y not be a vailab le on y our MFP .
Fa x i n g 22 3 F axing Ho w do I enter fax numbers? In additi on to touch ing the n umbers on the F ax destination screen or pre ssing t he numbers on the numeric k eypad, you can also ente r fax numbers b y: ...entering shor tcut number s 1 Load y our original document in the MFP .
How do I send a fax? 23 Faxing Ho w do I send a fax? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch Fax and ent er a f ax number . 3 T ouch Ne xt Numbe r to ente r another fa x n umber . Press the # k ey twic e to plac e a “#” a t the beginning o f a f ax number .
Ho w do I create a F ax Que ue? 24 Faxing 4 T ouch Dela y ed Send . Note: While scanned f ax es wait f or transmission the y are listed in the F ax Queue. 5 Change the t im e and date to when you w ant to send the fax and then touch Done . 6 Press Start to scan and store y our job .
Ho w do I cance l a fax j ob? 25 Faxing Ho w do I cancel a fax job? ...while orig inal documents are scanning F rom the automat ic document f eeder : • T ouch Cancel while Scann ing… is displ a yed on the touch screen. F rom the scanner bed: • T ouch Cancel while Scan Next Page / Don e is displ a yed on t he touch scr een.
Ho w do I create shortcuts? 26 Faxing Ho w do I create shor tcuts? Instead of entering t he enti re phone number of a fax re cipient on the control panel each time y ou wa nt to send a fax, you can create a per manent f ax destination a nd assign a shor tcut number .
Ho w do I create shortcuts? 27 Faxing 8 F rom the numeric k eypad , press # and then enter your sh or t cut n umber(s). 9 T ouch F ax It or pres s Start to send your job .
How do I send a fax cov er page ? 28 Faxing Ho w do I send a fax cover pa ge? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch Fax . 3 Enter y our f ax number . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch F ax Co ver P age . 6 Use the vir tual k eyboar d to ent er info rmation in the To: , From: , and Message: screens.
How do I change the f ax resolution? 29 Faxing Ho w do I change th e fax resolution? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch Fax . 3 Enter y our f ax number . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch the button that represent s the resoluti on you want.
Pr inting 30 4 Printing Ho w do I access th e virtual pr inte r operator panel? The vir tua l printer operator panel can b e used f or a wide va riety of tas ks, such as printing held jobs , canceling print jobs , and changing various settings . T o access the virtual pr in ter operator panel: 1 F rom the W elcome screen , touch t he Key .
Ho w do I cancel a print job? 31 Printi ng Ho w do I cancel a print jo b? 1 Access the virtual pr i nter op er ator panel. 2 T ouch Menu until you see JOB MENU Ca ncel Job and then touch Select. 3 T ouch Bac k and then t ouch Home to return to the W elcome screen.
How do I print conf idential job s ? 32 Printi ng Ho w do I print co nf idential jobs? 1 F rom you r soft ware applicati on, click File ➠ Pri nt . 2 F rom the Print window , select your MFP and then clic k Properties . 3 Choose the P aper tab and change Outpu t format: to Confident ial Print .
How do I dele t e confident ial job s ? 33 Printi ng Ho w do I delete conf idential jobs? 1 Access the virtual pr i nter op er ator panel. 2 T ouch Menu until you see JOB MENU and then touch Select . 3 T ouch Menu until Confi dential Job is displa yed and then touch Select .
How do I print V erify , R eser v e, an d Repe at jobs? 34 Printi ng Ho w do I print V erify , Reser ve, and Repe at jobs? V erify Print lets y ou print the fi rst cop y of a comple x m ultiple cop y pr int job then hol ds the remaining copies unti l y ou either contin ue pr inti ng the job or delete the job using th e printer oper ator panel.
How do I print V erify , R eser v e, an d Repe at jobs? 35 Printi ng – If y ou are prompted to enter the number of copie s y ou want to print, touch Menu> or <Menu to increase or decr ease the number on the vir tual p rinter oper ator panel and then touch Select .
How do I delete V er ify , Reserv e, an d Repeat jobs? 36 Printi ng Ho w do I delete V erify , Reser ve, and Repe at jobs? 1 Access the virtual pr i nter op er ator panel. 2 T ouch Menu> unti l y ou see JOB MENU and then touch Select . 3 T ouch Menu> or <Menu unti l Held Jobs is displ ay ed and t hen touch Select .
Scan ning to e-mai l 37 5 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I enter e-mail addresses with the virtual keyboa rd? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Use the vir t ual k eyboar d to ent er the recipient's address in the To : fiel d.
Ho w do I se nd an e- mail? 38 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I send an e-m ail? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter th e reci pient's address . 4 T ouch Send It or press Start to send y our job . Ho w do I send an e-m ail to m ulti ple ad dr esses? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP .
Ho w do I a dd an e-m ail subject an d message? 39 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I add an e-mail subject an d message? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter an e-mail address . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch E-mail Subject . 6 Use the vir t ual k eyboar d to ent er a s ubje ct line and then touch Ent er .
How do I improv e the ima ge quality? 40 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I impro ve the image qualit y? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter an e-mail address . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch the Highest Resolution b utton to increase the scan dot s p er inc h ( dpi ) of the image that wi ll be se nt.
Ho w do I re duce the file size? 41 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I reduce the file size? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter an e-mail address . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch the Smallest Fil e Size b utton to reduce the scan dpi of the i mage that will be sent.
Ho w do I chan ge the scan file type? 42 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I change th e scan file type? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter an e-mail address . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch the b utton t he represents the file type y ou want to send.
How do I scan in color? 43 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I scan in color? 1 Load y our original document in the MFP . 2 T ouch E-mail . 3 Enter an e-mail address . 4 T ouch Options . 5 T ouch Color . Note: This f eature ma y not be a vailab le on y our MFP .
How do I create an e-mail shortcut? 44 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I create an e-mail shor tcut? 1 F rom you r computer , enter the IP addr ess of the MFP y ou want to scan to in the URL field (address bar) of y our Web br o wser . 2 Clic k Configuration ( in t he left frame) and then clic k Manage Destinations (in t he right frame).
How do I use ot her scan methods? 45 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I use other scan metho d s? The adv antage to u sing other scan methods, such as Scan to PC or ScanBac k TM , is that y our computer does not ha ve to be direct ly connect ed to the MFP in or der f or you to receiv e the image.
How do I set up an d use Scan B ac k p rofiles? 46 Scanning to e-mail Ho w do I set up and use Scan Bac k profiles? The ScanBac k u tilit y is on t he MFP CD t hat came i n the bo x with you r MFP . F or complete inst alla ti on instructions , refer to the document included on the MFP CD .
Inde x 47 Inde x A accessing the vi rt ual printer operator panel 30 address book 22, 37 B bookle t, creating 18 buttons Color 43 FTP 42 JPEG 42 PDF 42 PS 42 TIFF 42 C canceling emai l 38 canceling f .
Inde x 48 Index J JPEG 42 L light/ dark sett ing 29 M message overl ay 20 multipurpose feed er 8 multi- up 16 N N-up 16 P page border s 16 paper saver 16 PDF 42 photographs 14 , 15 print job canceling.
Readers’ Comments — We’d Like to Hear from Y ou Infoprint MFP 30/35 User’s Guide Publication No. G510-2441-00 Overall, how satisfied are you with the information in this book? V ery Satisfied .
Readers’ Comments — We’d Like to Hear from Y ou G510-2441-00 G510-2441-00 IBMR Cut or Fold Along Line Cut or Fold Along Line Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape NO POST AGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED ST A TES BUSINESS REPL Y MAIL FIRST -CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO.
IBMR Part Number: 75P4833 Printed in U.S.A. G510-2441-00 (1P) P/N: 75P4833.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il IBM MFP 35 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del IBM MFP 35 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso IBM MFP 35 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul IBM MFP 35 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il IBM MFP 35, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del IBM MFP 35.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il IBM MFP 35. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo IBM MFP 35 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.