Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 5.5 del fabbricante IBM
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SC32-6001-00 IBM Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 November 27, 2006 Administration Guide.
First Edition (December 1, 20 06) This edition applies t o version 5.5 00 of Netcool/Precision f or Transmission Net works (SC32-6001- 00) and to all subsequent releases and mo difications un til otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation , 2006.
iii Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Typographical notation .
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Admi nistration Guide iv Invoking the shutdown script from the command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Chapter 4. Integrating with Netcool/OMNIbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v Tables 1. Typographical Notation and Conventions . . x 2. Netcool Insta ller comm and line para meters20 3. Netcool/Precisi on TN directory structure . 28 4. Netcool/Precision TN executable files. . . . . 28 5. Informix database access information and discovery parameters .
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Admi nistration Guide vi.
vii Figures 1. Overview of network disc overy . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Network circ uit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. System com ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Netcool Inst aller Welcome window . . . .
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Admi nistration Guide viii.
ix November 27, 2006 Preface This guide describes how to insta ll and configure IBM Tivo li Netcool ® /Precisi on ™ for Transmission Network s (Netc ool/Precision TN) on UNIX.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e x • Appendix A. "Reference" on page 63 Contains command line options, properties , and third-party soft ware information for Netcool/Precision TN.
Preface xi Many IBM Tivoli commands have one or more command line options that are specifie d following a hyphen ( - ). Command line options are string , integer , or BOOLEAN types: •A string can co ntain alphan umeric ch aracters. If the string has spaces in it, enclose it in quotation ( " ) marks.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e xii Note: Note is used for extra information about the feature or operation t hat is being described. Esse ntially, this is for extra data that is important but not vital to the user.
Preface xiii Associated publications This section provid es a description of the documentation asso ciated with Netcool/Precision for Transmissi on Networks. To efficiently administer Netc ool/Precisio n for Transmission Networks , you must also understand the IBM Tivoli OMNIbus technology.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e xiv How to send your comments Your feedback is important in helping to provide the mos t accurate and highest qual ity information.
1 1Introduction. fm November 27, 2006 Chapter 1. Introduction This chapter provides an overview of Netcool ® /Precision for Transmission Networks (Netcool/Precision TN).
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 2 In this sub-optimal environmen t, service pro viders have many manual processes. Even if an OSS retrieves rea l-time fa ult and performance data, inventory is likely to be disconnected from the network and accurate da ta about ports, connectivity, and status is not available.
Chapter 1. I ntroduction 3 NETypes A NEType is an XML-base d description of the management interface fo r a specific type of NE. An NE's management interfac e is usually defined acc ording to a specific protocol.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 4 STEP 1 – discovering the e xistence of an NE Deep discovery sta rts by discovering the exis te nce and, if possible, the type of equipment available in the network.
Chapter 1. I ntroduction 5 TL1-managed NEs, Netcool/Precision TN can use other commands (for example, the RTRV-TOPOLOGY command supported by the Fujitsu 2400) to find topological connections. Devi ce-specific scripts c an be wr itten for inclusion with the NEType files to discover these types of NEs.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 6 After discovery: alarm correlatio n Netcool/Precisi on TN can combine with Netcool/OMNIbus to provide contextual information to the NOC technician to quickly diagno se and resolve ne twork problems.
Chapter 1. I ntroduction 7 Optionally, Netcool/Precision TN can be configured to work wi th Netcool/OMNIbus, enabling an operator to view a visualization of an NE, indicating precisely where a specific alarm occurred. See Fi gure 3 for a graphical representati on of the system components.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 8 – View the topological connecti ons, cross-connects, and circu its – Locate stranded bandwidth • Network Management: – .
Chapter 1. I ntroduction 9 GUI mode By default, the Netco ol Installer runs in GUI mode. This mo de uses a graphical user interface to present installati on options, and includes descriptions and explanations. Console mode The Netcool Installer can also run in console m ode.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 10 4. Manually change the environment variable $OMNIHOME . 5. Restart your Netcool products. ! ! Attention: You must not move, copy, or delete executab le or other required IBM Tivoli files except as directed in the product do cumentation or by Tivo li Software Support.
11 Nove mber 27, 2006 Chapter 2. Installing Netcool/Precision TN This chapter describes how to install Netco ol/Precision TN on your system. Throughout this guide, the di rectory where you install this product is referre d to as <netcool_install_dir> .
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 12 Solaris system requirements Your Solaris system mus t meet the following requirements: • Solaris 9 or 10 with the patches recommended by Sun for the Java 2 SDK and Java 2 Runtime Environment.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 13 Installing Netcool/Precision TN This section describes the Netcool/Pre cision TN instal lation process. ! ! Attention: If you want to run Netcool/Precisio n TN with Netcool/OMNIbus then you must install Netcool/OM NIbus first and ensure the $OMNIHOME variable is set.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 14 Running the installation in GUI mode To install Netcool/Preci si on TN on your system: 1. From a command prompt, change to the dire ctory where you extracted the contents of the Netcool/Precision TN tar file.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 15 3. You will be presented with the License Agreement window. Read the lice nse agreement and select Yes to acce pt it, or No if you do not accept the license agreement. Note: If you select No , the Netco ol Installer will exit when you cl ick Next .
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 16 5. Select the type of installation you want to perform and then click Next (Figur e 6.) If you selected De fault , go to Step 7. If you selected Custom , go to Step 6. Figure 6.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 17 6. Select the features you want to install and then click Next (Figure 7.) Note: You can click on each feature to togg le it s selection on or off. A tick indicates a selected feature and a cross indicates a de selected feature.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 18 10. click Install to start the installation. Two progress bars appear, displaying the overall progress of the Netcool/Precision TN installation, as well as the installation progress of each packag e (Figure 8.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 19 Running the installa tion in console mode The console mode uses a text-based user inte rface to present installation options using a series of menus and prompts. To run the Netcool Insta ller in console mod e: 1.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 20 9. Do either of the follo wing: – To confirm that you want to proc eed with the installation, type i and press Enter. – To view the list of packages sele cted prior to installation, type m and press Enter.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 21 3. Wait for the installation to complete. A confirmation message appears at the end. On completion, the installation adds fi les to your system, as described in "Netcool/Precision TN di rectory structure" on page 28.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 22 To view the installation log in cons ole mode, enter the following command: $NCHOME/install/ncisetup -report log The log file listing appears. Viewing installed packages Netcool products are made up of packages.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 23 Creating the Oracle schema To create the Oracle database schema, you must first run the leap_schema.sql script located in the <netcool_install_dir> /etc/p recisiontn/sql/oracle directo ry.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 24 Prerequisites Your system must meet th e following requirements: • Most of these features require the Oracle Enterprise Edition. See the Oracle Techw eb descriptions and comparisons of the feat ures provid ed by Oracle Standard and Enterprise Editions.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 25 Setting up a MySQL database The MySQL server and JDBC client software is not included in this version of the Netcool/Precision TN software . Download the latest MySQL server software and JDBC driver from: http://www.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 26 Configuring Netcool/Precision TN To configure Netco ol/Precision TN to wo rk with an existi ng copy of MySQL: 1. Change directory to <netcool_install_dir> configuration directory, f or example: /opt/netcool/etc/precisiontn 2.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 27 Creating the MySQL schema To create the MySQL database schema, you must first run th e ncim.sql and leap_schema.sql scripts located in the <netcool_install_dir> /etc/precisiontn /sql/mysql directory.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 28 Netcool/Precision TN directory structure The installation process creates the Netcool/Pr ecision TN dire ctory structure provided in Table 3. Netcool/Precision TN executables The executables in Table 4 apply to the Ne tcool/Preci sion TN applic ation.
Chapter 2. Installing Net cool/Precision TN 29 Third-party and Open Source software Your software installation is self-contai ned and includ es the following third-party software: • Certicom EC C (secur ity implementation) • ILOG JTGO 3.5 (Java graphic components for OSSs) • Java Transaction API 1.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 30 • Xerces-J 1.4.4 •X M L A P I s 1 . 0 • XP XML Parser for Java v0.5.
31 Novembe r 27, 2006 Chapter 3. Running Netcool/Precision TN This chapter describes the process of star ting and stopping Ne tcool/Preci sion TN.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 32 Step 1 – starti ng the database This section describes the process of starting the database used by Netcool/Precision TN. ! ! Attention: The server must be running before yo u start the other Netcoo l/Precision TN components.
Chapter 3. Running Ne tcool/Precision TN 33 Note: When you first start Network Pilot, ther e is no password for the admin user. 4. If the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer is running, you must en ter th e user name root , and the password assigned to the root user in Netcool/OMNIbus.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 34.
35 06visualize.f m November 27, 2006 Chapter 4. Integrating with Netcool/OMNIbus This chapter describes the process of config uring the Netcool/Precision TN server and Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer in order to displ ay NE data for a selected alert in the Netcool/OMNIbus event list.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 36 Configuring the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer version 3.6 This section describes the configuration tasks you must complete for Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer version 3.6. S ee "Configuring the Netcool/OMN Ibus ObjectServer versions 7.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 37 create table status ( ... -- MasterSerial int, -- DSD Master serial PtnEntityID varchar(255), PtnNative1 varchar(255), NmosDomainName varchar(255), primary key ( Identifier ), permanent ); create table objclass ( Tag int, Name varchar(64), .
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 38 Adding fields to the ObjectServer Add the PtnEntityID and PtnNative1 columns to the alerts.status table using the following steps. The colu mn names are case-sensitive: 1. Check that the ObjectServer is running.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 39 You can obtain a list of all the command line arguments available to Netcool/Precision TN by changing directory to <netcool_install_dir> /precisi.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 40 </properties> <properties name="Netcool User Authentication"> <property name="jdbcuser" value="root" /> <property name="jdbcpwd" value="null" /> </properties> --> 3.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 41 SNMP Data Collection / Multi-Thr eaded Trapd probe If Netcool/Precision TN collects data from NEs via SNMP and Netcool/OM NIbus receives alerts for the.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 42 Configuring Netcool/Webtop even t lists in Netcool/Precision TN Netcool/Precisi on TN can display alerts fo r network elements via Netcool/Webtop. To configure this f eature follow t he steps below: 1.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 43 Adding the menu to t he Netcool/Webtop desktop Before you can add the visualization menu option to Netcool/We btop, you must have Netcool/Webtop 1.1 and the latest patches inst alled. For information about how to do this, see the Netcool/Webtop Admini stration Guide .
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 44 Starting the ObjectServer To start the Obje ctServer, enter the command: $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_objserv Starting the da tabase You must start your database as described in "Starting the database" on page 44 before starting the Netcool/Precision T N Server.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 45 2. Use th e user name and th e password assig ned to root on your system. If no password has been assigned, leave the password field blank. Click Ok . The Netcool/OMNIbus Monitor Box window is displayed , as shown in Figure 12.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 46 3. Click the View button beside the Default drop-down list t o display the default event list, as shown in Figure 13. Note: No alerts from NEs are pres ented until you have used Network Pilot t o discover, or manually connect to, the NEs in the network.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 47 To visualize the data from the Netcool/OMNIbus alerts: 1. Ensure you have previously run Net cool/Precision TN and used Network Pilot to discover, or m anually connect to, the NEs in the network.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 48 3. Right-click an alert in the event list and select Visualize from the context-se nsitive menu, as shown in Figure 15.
Chapter 4. Int egrating with Netcool /OMNIbus 49 4. The Network Pilot browser window is disp layed, as shown in Figure 16. The window shows the affected entity within the context of the NE itself.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 50.
51 07configure. fm November 27, 2006 Chapter 5. Setting c onfiguration options This chapter describes how to configure your Netcool/ Precision TN installation, and how to troubleshoot some common issues.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 52 Figure 17 shows an overvie w of the network in this configuration: ! ! Attention: You must use an Oracle database to r un Netcool/Precision TN in this failover configuration.
Chapter 5. Sett ing configuration o ptions 53 – The secondary server does not repoll the NEs in the network, as this information is already present in the database. – If the problem is that the primary server's network or database connection has gone down, then as soon as the primary serv er detec ts this, it shuts itself down.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 54 There is one further Oracle requirement. The default tablespace of the Oracle connection created by the primary serv er must be the same as the one created by the secondary. This will be the case if both serve rs are using the same precisi ontn.
Chapter 5. Sett ing configuration o ptions 55 Using Netcool/Precision TN with Cisco WAN Manager Cisco WAN Management System (CWM) is us ed to manage Cisc o WAN devices such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) devices and frame relays. I t manages devices, topological connections am ong devic es, and PVC (User Connections) as well.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 56 Polling CWM topological connections To configure a polling schedule for CWM TC polling, foll ow the steps below: 1. Start the Network Pilot. 2. Select Actions -> Polling -> Manage Network Connection Discovery from the menu.
Chapter 5. Sett ing configuration o ptions 57 Configurable properties in CiscoWanManagerExtension The CiscoWanManagerExtension extension contains various co nfigurable parameters, all of which are Boolean.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 58 Configuring Netcool/OMNIbus process control Netcool/OMNIbu s process control allows the Netcool/Pr ecision TN process to be monitored and automa tically restarted if it ex its unexpectedly.
Chapter 5. Sett ing configuration o ptions 59 Configuring connections to known devices Netcool/Precision TN al lows you to specify a set of de vices with which to connect; this information is he ld in a plain tex t hosts file.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 60 neName,NEType,host,port,usr,pw d,connType,protType,scenario,run_fir st_enabled,run_always_enabled, cron_tab See Table 7 for details of each parameter. An example of one line in the hosts file is as follows: NE1,OVM_ADM_V2,10.
Chapter 5. Sett ing configuration o ptions 61 • If any of the field v alues contain a comma, it must be preceded by the escape character back slash ( ). For example, if the password field value is the string “ibmnet,cool”, it is repre sented by the string “ibmnet,coo l” .
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 62 For example, to allow on-demand connectivity for all Cisco 15454 ( NEType name= “ONS15454” ) devices, add the following lines to the precisiontn.xml file: <properties name="NEPollingExtension "> <property name="ne.
63 November 27, 2006 Appendix A. Reference This section de scribes the properties and command line options used to configure Netcool/Precision TN, as well providing in formation about the third-party software delivered as part of Netcool /Precision TN.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 64 Note: The name attribu tes are case sensitive and mus t be input exactly as they appear in Table A1 on page 65. Sample: - Proper ties in the precisiontn.xml file The following example shows the prop erty definition section in the precisiontn.
Appendix A. Refe rence 65 Table A1 on page 65 describes the properties in the precisiontn.xml file. The name attributes are case sensitive and must be input exactly as they appear in the table.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 66 LEAPFramework The reconn ect properties are applicab le for TL1 TSM only. The MsgLogEnabled property activates the raw message log. l umos.leap.associ ation. InitialReconnect Delay integer Defines the initial interval (i n seconds) between reconn ection attempts.
Appendix A. Refe rence 67 Netcool/Precision TN command line options Table A2 describes the precisiontn command line options . TopoMediatorExtens ion Netcool/Precision TN Topology property.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 68 -nons For ease of use, Netcool/Precisio n TN by def ault brings up an embedded nameserver. By doing th is, the nameserver ( rmiregistry.exe ) does not hav e to be started se parately.
69 appnotices.f m November 27, 2006 Appendix B. Notices This appendix cont ains the following: • "Notices" on page 69 • "Trademarks and Acknow ledgements" on page 71 Notices This information was dev eloped for produc ts and services offe red in the U.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 70 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRA NTIES OF NON-INFRINGEME NT, MERCHANTABIL ITY OR FITNES S FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOS E. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warrant ies in certain transact ions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
Appendix B. Notices 71 Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controll ed environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other oper ating environments may vary significantly.
Netcool/Precision for Transmi ssion Networks 5.5 Administration Guid e 72.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il IBM 5.5 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del IBM 5.5 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso IBM 5.5 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul IBM 5.5 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il IBM 5.5, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del IBM 5.5.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il IBM 5.5. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo IBM 5.5 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.