Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 19 del fabbricante IBM
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QMS ma gico lor L X ® Prin te r User’s Guide 1800409-00 1A EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
The fo l lowi ng are t rade mar ks or reg i s ter ed trad e m a rks of th eir resp ective owners. Tho se l i s ted as r egi s te red ar e regi ste red in t he Un ite d S ta tes Pa tent and Tra dema rk Off ice . Some tra demar ks ar e al so r egis tered in oth er cou ntri es.
Dear Customer, Ma rk Tw ain on ce sa id th at on ly tw o thin gs in lif e are ce rta in: de ath an d tax es. Well, if h e we re liv ing to day, w e ’ r e su re he ’ d ad d manu a ls to th is lis t. Jus t abou t ev eryt hi ng yo u buy i s acc om pa ni ed by a manu al —a nd yo ur new QM S prin te r is no excep t i on.
♦ 4 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Tab le of Co nten ts Chapt er 1 Introd ucti on In t roduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Abou t This Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Opti onal D o cu m entat ion . . . .
Remo ving the Pressure- Release Pi eces . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Inst alling t he Cleani ng Pad and Oil Bot tle . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Inst alli ng the Wast e Tone r Pac k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30 Inst alling t he OPC Belt Car tridge. .
Abou t t h e Pri nter’s Co mm un ication Modes. . . . . . . . 3-22 Simul taneous Int er face Operati on (SIO) . . . . . . . . 3-23 Emu lation Sen sing Processin g (ESP) Mode s . . . . 3-23 Chapt er 4 Pri nter Conf iguration In t roduc tion . . . . .
Adm inist rat io n/Sp ecial Pag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37 Adm inist rat io n/St artup Opti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39 Adm in ist ration/Me mory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-42 Adm in ist ration/E ng ine . . . . .
Sen din g an E nd- of-Jo b Indi cato r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Dia gno sti c and Specia l Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 The Start -up Pa ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 The Stat us Page s . . . . .
Chapt er 7 Optim izing Color Out put In t roduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 QCOL OR Aut omat ic Colo r Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Enabli ng QCOLOR for Wi ndows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Enab ling QCOLOR for t he M a cint osh .
Inst alling a Ne two rk Int erfac e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26 Using an Optio nal Net work In terfa ce . . . . . . . . . . 8-32 Centr oni cs to Datapro duc ts Con ver sion . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33 Int er nal Hard Di sk Inst allati on .
Pri nt Quality Probl ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28 Genera lly Poor Print Qualit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28 Speci fic Print Quali ty Problem s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28 Pla cing a Servi ce Call . . . . . .
Appen dix C Noti ce s FCC Comp li ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Canadian Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Vfg 10 46/ 1984 C onfo rm ity Sta teme nt . . . . . . . . . . C-2 Besche in igu ng de s Herst el lers/I mp ort eur s .
Impl ementa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13 Updated DOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 PCL 5 Emulatio n Termin ology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14 Font . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ch a p ter 1 Intr oductio n Chap ter high l i ghts: ■ About the document ati on ■ Ab out y our pr in ter EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on Thi s chap ter pr ovid es a brief ove rview of the printer, an expl anatio n of the prin ter documen tation, and an explanati on of the printer’s m ain fe atures and benef its .
About This Manual This User’s Guid e is organiz e d in three parts, Instal lation (chap ters 1 through 3), Operation (chapters 4 through 6), and Re f erence ( the rest of the m a n ual).
envel opes, tran s p arencie s, thick stock, an d l ab els, adjusti ng print density, and canceli n g or ending print jobs. ■ Chapter 6: Consu mabl es and Preventat ive Mai ntenance Guides you throu gh handli ng and replaci ng consum ables, such as th e toner, developer, cleaning pad, oil bo ttle, OPC belt cartridge, and w a ste toner pack.
IBM PC/XT, IBM P C / AT, and para l lel (Centronics a n d Dataproducts) cables. ■ Appen dix C : Notices Presents legal , safety, and other notices. ■ Appen dix D: Additional Technical Information Pro vides informati on on how your printe r works, and on customi zing t he print e r’s memory all oc ation.
■ HP P C L 5 Emul ati on Te chnical R e fere nce Thi s document co vers the HP PC L 5 emu lation. In m ost cases , only adva nced P CL 5 us ers and sys tem admini strators n eed t his i nformat ion.
“QMS Cu stomer Support ,” o f t hi s m anual explai ns h ow to use th ese sou rces. Don’t forget t hat the documen tation for your appli ca t i o n, opera tin g sys tem, and n e t work probably contai ns u seful print ing in f o r m ation.
ACHTUNG! Bitte halten Sie sich exakt a n die im Handb uc h besc hriebene Vor gehenswe ise, da sonst Verle tzungsge fahr be stehe n kö n nt e. Printer Feature s The fol lowing overview acquai nts you with th e printer’s major featur e s and their benefits.
The magico lor LX printe r also su pport s device-independ ent c o lor, eith er directl y or t hrough a color m anagement system , such as Appl e’ s Co lo r Syn c and Pant one’s P OCE.
Energy Saver Mode The magicolor LX printer’s Energy Saver option al lows it to automati cally enter a l ower- p ower state after no print jobs have been r eceived fo r a ce rtain length o f time (whi c h you define).
throughput. (Each inp ut buffer ca n be expanded wit h opt io nal mem ory. ) ■ Emulat ion S ensi ng Processor Technolo gy When in ESP mod e ( sel ectable t hrough PS Executiv e Series Util ities or .
Data is com pre s sed so that ent ire document s can be stored in the printe r , all owing us e rs t o take advantage of advanced document handl ing features such as j am r ecovery wit hout resen din g files.
PS Executive Series Utilities Once you inst all thi s so f t ware on your host, use it s menus t o acce ss printer f eatu r es, such as print er namin g and font and emulatio n downloadi ng. PS Exec a l s o cont ains sampl e fil es that illus trate some of your printer’s capabi lities.
39 Resident PostScript Fonts Your printe r comes with 39 licensed Post Scri pt fonts. All t hese fo nts h ave multilingual cha racter s ets. See “The Resid ent Post Script Fo nts” in chapt e r 7, “Opt imizin g C olor Out put, ” for a li st.
Your print e r com es s t andard with an upgradabl e 80 MB in ternal h a rd dis k. Als o, th ro ugh the r e s ident 25-pin SCSI connector port, th e print er’s capabilities can be exp a n ded wit h up to six external ha r d d isks. A h ard disk provi des storage for a cache of character b i t maps, d ownloaded out line fo nts , and other files.
Ch a p ter 2 Initia l Printer Setup Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Fin din g a go od locat ion for your printer ■ Unpacki ng your print er ■ Install ing the develop er and tone r ■ Install ing .
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapter expl a i n s h ow to set up the pri nter for the first time. For quick i nformation o n r eplacing print medi a, developer, an d to ne r aft e r t he i nitial setup, see ch ap ters 5 and 6, “P rint M edia a n d Daily Operation s ,” and “Consumables and Preventativ e Maintenance.
Finding a Good Loc ation for Your P rint er Location Requirements Your prin ter shoul d locat ed ■ On a hard, level surface ( maximum 1° slan t ) ca pa ble of suppo rting the prin ter wei ght (approximately 1 06 lbs/48 k g).
■ With proper cleara n ce a n d venti lation ar ea: l e ft side 36" (90 cm), right sid e 4" (10 cm), front 28" (7 0 cm ), r ear 16 " (40 cm ) . ■ With enoug h space for yo u t o open t he printer and to acce ss th e paper cassett e(s).
What’s Included in the Shi pme nt In addit ion to thi s m anual, your shipm e n t should con tain th e foll owi ng items: ■ QMS magicol or LX print e r ■ OPC belt cartridge ■ 4 develope r c a .
QMS Product Registration Regi ster you r QMS p roduct n ow. In the US, call (800) 637-804 9 to register. In ot her cou ntries, see appendix A, “QMS Cust omer Suppo rt, ” for the appropriate numb er.
Unpacking the Print er The packing mat e ri als t hat protect the print er during shi pment m ust be removed. You mi ght want to s ave t he p a cki ng materials in case you ever have to move or ship the printer. CAUTION: You may damage th e printer if you turn it on be fore all packing m ate rials ar e removed.
Fi g. 2 .2 Unpac k ing the Printer Chap ter 2 Initi al Pr inter Setup 2-7 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
3. Before you begi n s etup, take a f e w mi nutes to look over fig ures 2.3 and 2.4. They p r o vide a quick o verview of t he exteri or parts of your printe r .
Fi g. 2 .3 Fr ont View of the Pr i nt er Fi g. 2 .4 Bac k Vi ew o f the P r inter Chap ter 2 Initi al Pr inter Setup 2-9 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
4. Remove t he two poly sty r ene i nserts from the top cover of t he printer. 5. Remove all p acking t ap e from the ext e rior of the print e r. 6. Grasp the front e n d o f th e top cover and l ift i t up t o r e move it (fig. 2.5). Then, set t he co ve r asi de for now.
Installing De v el oper and Toner Ca r t r idges When you load develop er and to ne r c artridg es, the co lors m ust be in a set order from t he back of t he p r i n t er to t he f ron t . Bl a ck sh ould be lo a d e d in the sl ot closest to the rear of th e print er, foll owed by cyan, then magent a, and finally y ello w i n the front slot.
CAUTION: The same colo r dev e l oper and toner cartridges m ust always be loaded in th e same place on t he pri nter. To p r event accidental mix ing of colors, each ton er cartridge has pi ns th at a re keyed to fit on l y the develop er c a rt ridge of t he correspon ding c o lor.
2. Grasp the t wo green lat ches, one at each end o f the c artridge, and raise them straig ht up (fig. 2.7) to open them . 3. Holdi ng the developer c a rtridge by the green latches, gen tly lower it in to the o pen ca rtridg e slo t cl osest to th e b ack end of the print er u ntil it seats firmly un der t he securing latches ( f ig.
4. Close t he green latches by pushing them forwa rd and down to hold t he developer cartridge in pl ace (fig. 2.8). Fi g. 2 .8 C l o s e L at ch es (r ea r vi e w) Cha pter 2 2-14 Ini tial Print er S.
5. Grasp the t a b on the top of the d e v eloper cartridge. Pull t he tab and at tached clear tap e s t r ai ght up and out of t h e ca rt r i dge, mak ing sur e the tape comes com pletely out (fig.
7. Hold the ton e r cartridge as shown in figure 2.10, and shake it horizont ally. This dist ributes t oner evenly insi de the cartridge and helps assure quali ty p rint ing .
8. Hold and s queez e t he toner cartridge a c ros s the center (fig. 2.11 ) , and ali gn it wit h th e d eveloper c a rt ridge of the same color. M ake sure the pins on t he back side o f the t oner ca rtridg e line up wit h th e notches o n the dev eloper c artridge.
10. Pr ess the t op of the toner cartridge unt il the c artri dge latches securely in place. 11. Grasp th e tab o n the to p of t he ton er c artridge. 12. Hol d the t oner cartridge i n place with one hand as yo u p ull the tab and attached c le a r t ape s traight up a nd completel y out of the c a rt r i dge (fig.
When you f i nish, th e b lack cartri dges shoul d be in the l a s t s lot tow a rd the back of th e p r i n t er, then t he cyan in the next slot, the magenta in t he third slot comi ng forwa rd, and the y e llo w in the fro nt sl ot . After the t oner a n d develop e r a r e in stalled, you need to remove the pressure-r el ease pieces.
Removi ng the Pr ess ure -Rel eas e Piece s Two pressur e-re le a se p iece s help relieve tensi on on the fuser rol lers to protect the rol lers from a c ci dental damage during shipm e n t . These pieces m ust be removed b ef o r e p r i n t ing. Use th e followin g procedure to remove these p i e ces: 1.
F ig . 2. 14 Open Separ a t or P awl Un i t (fr ont vi ew) Chap ter 2 Initi al Pr inter Setup 2-2 1 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
3. Open the p r ess ure -release l ever on t h e end of the fuser u n it (fig. 2. 15). F ig . 2. 15 O pen th e Leve r (re ar v ie w) Cha pter 2 2-22 Ini tial Print er Setup EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 90.
4. Grasp the t ab end o f one of t he green pressure-release pieces and gent ly pull it up and out of the pri nter (fig. 2.16). Remove the piece at th e other end of t he fuser rolle r in the sam e manner. 5. Store t h e two pre ssure-release pieces i n a saf e place.
Instal li ng the Cle ani ng Pad and Oil Bottle The cleaning pad remov e s print i n g debris ( such as excess toner a n d paper du st) f rom t he fus ing un i t . The o il k e eps toner f rom stickin g to the fuser rollers. Inst ructi ons for ins tall in g t he cleanin g pad an d oil bott le a re g i ven i n this section .
2. Holdi ng the cleani ng pad by its center tab , align the cente r of the tab with the triangle mark on the printe r (tab-si de away from t he t riangl e) (fig. 2.17). 3. Sli de the pad int o the slot a b ove the heat rol ler (fig. 2 . 1 7). Th e pad is c orrectly positio ned when it is centered snugly in the sl ot.
4. Snap th e separator pawl unit closed ( fig. 2.18). F ig . 2. 18 Clos e Se parat or P awl Un i t (fr ont vie w) Cha pter 2 2-26 Ini tial Print er Setup EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefo.
5. Pul l open the spring l atch on the outer edge of the oil bo t tle retainer, and lift t he retainer up and toward the center of th e printer (fi g. 2.19). NOTE : Th e spout of the o il bottl e has a se a l t o preven t oil from spi llin g unti l th e bo ttle is inst alled on the pin in the fuser sl ot.
8. Clos e the oi l bo ttle retainer, maki ng su re t he latch snaps back in place. 9. Clos e the pap er exit unit ( fig. 2 . 20). F ig . 2. 20 Clos e the Pape r Exit Uni t ( r ear view) Cha pter 2 2-2.
10. Replace the t op cover ( fi g. 2 .21). Now ins tall the waste ton er pack. Th e next se c tio n c o vers t h i s process. F ig . 2. 21 Re p lace th e Top Co ve r (f ron t vie w) Chap ter 2 Initi a.
Instal ling t he Waste Tone r P ack NOT E: For informatio n on replaci n g a us e d waste t oner pack, see chapter 6, “Consumables and Preventative Maintenance. ” To instal l the waste toner pack 1. Remove th e waste toner pack from its prote ctive bag.
4. Hol ding t he waste to ner pack b y the side t ab, insert t he pack into the printer unt i l it fits se c u rely (fig. 2 .23). Then, l i ft up slig htl y on t he tab to be sure the pack is l evel and cente red. 5. Clos e t he wast e t oner door. F ig .
Instal ling the OPC Be l t Cartridg e This secti on covers inst alling th e OPC (Organic P hotoconductor) belt c artridge i nto your printer. See “How Your Prin ter Works” i n appendi x D for detail s on th e role t he OPC belt plays in printi ng.
CAUTION: The OPC bel t i s ext re m ely sensi t i ve to bright l i ghts and direct su nlight . D o n ot r em ove the cartridge from i t s protective bag until you are ready t o install it. Lim it exposure to light of 800 lux (the avera ge fluorescent lighting in an office) to under 2 minut es.
3. Remove t he pressure release and tens ion release pin sets (one set on t he left and o ne o n the righ t) f rom the OP C belt cartridge (fig. 2. 25). NOTE : The p ressur e r el ease and tension rele ase pins prot ect the belt a n d its cleani ng blade by relieving tension durin g sh ipm ent.
4. Mak e su re the g reen handle o n the end o f the OPC belt ca rtridge is turned up (unlocked). 5. Slide t he ca rt r i dge three -qu a rt e rs of the way into the pri nter un til the not ches on each s i de of the botto m rest on the lip of the manual f eed tray (fig.
6. Remove t he black ligh t-shield p aper from the OPC bel t b y pu lling the tab on the fro nt as shown in fig ure 2.27 and pull ing the pap er strai ght o ut of th e printer.
7. Firm ly sli de the cartridge t he rest of the wa y into the printer unti l it snaps into place. I t i s in p l a ce when yo u c a n see t he green arrows insi de the metal frame of the print e r. 8. Turn the green end-hand le on the cartridge do wn to close it and lock the c artridge in p lace.
Filli ng the Pa per Casset te Instru c tio ns are g iven here for l oading and p r i nting on lette r - or A4-size paper. Chap ter 5 , “P r int Medi a and Daily Operation s,” has in struction s f o r re f i llin g the c a s sette, for p r i nting on oth e r m e d ia ty pes and siz e s, and fo r inserti ng media manuall y .
2. Mak e su re the si ze key slide on th e back end of the casset te is set for letter- or A4-size media (fig. 2 . 30 ). NOTE: The printer com e s fr o m the f acto r y configured t o print on let ter- or A4-si ze media. If you want to print on a different siz e media, see “Refilli n g th e M edia Cassett e ” in chapter 5 for informati on.
3. From the paper wrappi ng, det er m ine whi c h i s t he print ing side of the pap er (an arrow poin ts in the directi o n of the print i ng side on most w ra pp er s). Th en r e move a st a ck of paper approx imately 1" /27 mm (250 sheets) or less.
5. Load the paper printi ng-side up in the cassette, top end first for let terhea d or pr e p r i nted medi a . (P r i n t ing on the wrong si de may r edu c e pri n t q uality.) Make su re the paper l i e s flat a n d does not exceed the upper-limit mark on the cassette for foil (transparencies) or paper (fig.
7. Sli de the filled c assette into the printer (fig. 2.33) un til it sn aps firmly into place and i s f l ush with the front of the printer. F ig . 2.
Star t i ng the Pr inter After you h ave unpacked th e p r i nter and i nstall ed the con sumables, you n ee d to conne c t t h e p ower cord and turn on t he two power switches. Connecting the Power Cord The power connector is on th e b ac k of the printer on the lower- l eft side.
2. Connect t he opposi te end of the power cord to a grou nded, su rge-prote c t ed, el ectric a l outlet. Using the Power Switches There a re two power s witches o n your prin ter, a main switch on the rear and a remo te switch (for conveni ence) on the f ront.
what the st a rt -up page includes, see “The Start-Up Page” in chapter 5. If the start-up page prin t s, and the p r i nt qual ity is good, go to chapter 3, “Conn ecting the Pri nter.” Oth erwise , see chapt er 9, “Trouble s hoo ting,” for mor e informati on , an d be aware of the followi ng warnin g.
Instal ling Opti ons If you purchased any print er option s , such a s extra m emory or emu lati ons, instal l the s e now. If installation instr uction s are in cluded wit h the opt ion, follow tho se, and be s ure t o c h e ck f or additi onal instructi ons in chapter 8, “Print er Opt ions.
Ch a p ter 3 Co nnecting the P rinter Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Connecti ng to a net work ■ Connecti ng to a Macinto sh ■ Connecti ng to a P C ■ About pri nter comm uni cation modes EDNord.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapter expl a ins how to c onnect your printer to a host computer after you have set it up according to the inst ructions i n th e previous chapt er, “Initi al Print er Set up.
Connecting to a Mac int osh What You Need To connect yo ur print er to a singl e Ma cint osh, yo u need the item s sho wn in the illust r atio n below: ■ Two Phon eNET-type transformer boxes You need one with a DIN-8 connector for the print er port and one wit h the conn ector requi r ed by your Macin tosh (usually a DIN-8).
NOT E: If you’re connecting m ore than one M a ci ntosh to the printer, in an AppleT alk n etwork, s e e your PhoneNET and Macintos h docum entati on for inform atio n. Making the Connection CAUTION: Turn off bo t h the printer and t he Macintosh before making t he conn ectio n.
■ PS Ex ecut iv e Series print er util it ies PS Exec i s a utiliti es software package for controll ing t he printer from the Macinto sh . For exampl e , through PS Exec you c an turn off th e start-up p a ge, i nst all print e r-re sident scre en fonts, rename t he printer, d ownload fonts, manage hard disks, and print f o nt samp les.
5. After all the fi les a re extracted, choose Qui t. 6. Open the Utili t i e s folde r in the PSExec 3. xx Fol der an d doubl e-cli ck PSInst all t o personalize the program. 7. Double-cli ck t he PSExec icon t o run the program. Che c k the README file for updates, and see the PS Exec Help for inform ati on on using t he program.
System 6 users: Create a f o lder called Print e r Description s insi de the Sy stem F older, i f one doesn’t already exist . 7. Open the P PDs folder in si d e the Drive r s fold e r i n the PSExec 3. xx F o lder. 8. Open the Ver 4.1 folder ins ide th e PPDs fo lder.
Note for Ad obe P h otos hop Users If you use Ad obe Ph otoSh o p , g o to Phot oShop’s Page Setup dialog bo x, and select Use Printer’s Default Screen u nder t h e Sc reens option.
If yo u us e A l dus Free Ha nd 3 . x , ins tall the v e rsi on 3.0 PPD a nd PDX files i n the PPDs fol der in the Ald u s fol der i n t he System Fold er. If you use Aldu s PrePr int , instal l the versi on 3. 0 PPD and P DX fil es i n th e PPDs fo lder in the Aldus fol der in th e Syst em F old er.
1. Di spl ay a disk or folder wind ow. 2. From t he File menu , c h oose Page Setup . Sel ect paper size, printi n g o r i entation , a n d any other necessary opti ons. Then sel ect OK. 3. From t he F ile menu, choose Print Directory or Prin t Win dow.
Connecting to a PC If you have a brand-new comp uter, before conn e ct ing the p r i n t e r, you sho uld foll ow the manufacturer’ s i nstructio ns for setting u p the computer, i n c l uding (if it’s not already inst alled) any operating sys tem so ftwa re, such as DOS and Win dows.
Making the Connection CAUTION: If you ’re con n ectin g t he print er t o a singl e comput er, tu rn off both sys tems firs t. 1. At ba c k of th e print er, attach on e en d of t he cable to the appropriate port. Parallel users: Connect th e 36 -pin end of the cable to t he pri nter port lab eled “p arallel, ” and close the cli ps.
2. At the computer, attac h the othe r end of the cabl e t o appropriate p ort. (The par al lel port i s female, and t he seri al po rt is m ale . ) 3.
■ Print er descript ion files (if you use QuarkXP ress 3.3, Aldus PageMaker, or Ado be Pho t oShop) PS Executive Series Printer Utility Software PS Exec, included o n the DOS disks we s hipped wi th your p r i nter, is a util i t y for controll ing t he printer from the comp uter.
Q-FAX, t he QMS bulletin b oard, or CompuServe. Appen dix A, “Q MS Cus tomer Suppor t,” expla ins how to us e these QM S informati on services. Installing the Windows 3. 1 Driver NOT E: The QMS -developed Wi ndows d r iver supports all t he printer’s advanced capabil ities.
3. Drag the QS CRIP T.HLP file f rom the QMS di sk to t he WINDOW SSYSTEM d irec tory. 4. Ope n th e Wi ndow s Co ntro l Pa n el and dou ble-clic k the Print ers i con. The Control Panel icon is usually loca ted in Progr a m Man ager’s Mai n window.
Opt ions button . C hoose the Help button in any of the dri ver dialo g box es for info rmati on on dri ve r options. Printer Description Files (PC) Print er d escri pti on files for Windo ws appl icati ons a re inclu ded o n th e Windows Driv ers disk sh ipp ed with y our print er: If you use Q u arkXPress 3.
If you use Adob e Photosh op, fo r b es t ou tpu t qu al ity u se t he QMS-sup pli ed Windows dri ver. Then, so that choices in the QMS driver take effect, go to Pho t oSho p’s Page Setup dial og box, and select Use Print er’s Default Screen under the Screens opti on.
If the p r i nter and computer are communi cating , a blank page sh ould eject from the printer. You a re ready to start pri nting. If a blank page does not eject and you t yped the f ile correctly, check your AUTOEXEC .BAT file to see if LPT1 ( the para llel port) is being di r ected t o C OM1 (t he serial po r t ).
Testing S er ial Communi cat ion 1. Go to the DOS C : prompt. 2. Create a short P o st S cript test file call ed PRINTES T.PS by typi ng th e fol lowi ng com mands : c op y co n pr in te st .p s ↵ sh ow pa ge ↵ ^D ^Z ↵ To typ e ^D and ^Z , p r ess and hold down the C trl key while you type the lette rs d and z.
Checking Serial Communication Settings If the serial comm unicat ion test d e s c ri bed above doesn’t work, then make sure your pri nter’s serial port sett ings ( b a u d rate, parity, data bi ts, and st op bi ts) match thos e of the P C. To fi nd out wha t t h e PC’s ser ial s ettings are, look in yo ur AUTOEXEC.
CO MM UN ICAT IO NS SE RI AL 5. Pr e ss the Select key to enter the Serial menu, th e n press th e Next key until t he m essage wind ow dis plays SE RI AL BA UD R ATE 6. Pr e s s th e Select k e y to enter th e Baud Rate menu. The message window displays t h e currently selected b a u d rate (* r epresent s a default setti ng): *9 60 0 BAUD 7.
S AV E CH AN GE S? NO To save your changes, press the Next key so t hat the m essage wi ndow di spl ays S AV E CH AN GE S? YE S Pr ess the Sele ct key to save th e changes. 10. P r ess the Online ke y. The Onlin e LED li ghts, and t h e keybo ard m essage wind ow dis plays IDLE .
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO) Simultaneous Interface Op e rati o n (SIO), a s t andard f eatu r e of Crown t e c h n o l o g y , e n a b l e s your printer to communicate simultaneou sly wi th h osts through the LocalTal k , parallel, serial, and opti onal network interface ports.
If y ou confi gure a n int er face p ort for ES P mode, then print jobs are processed witho ut your havi ng to ch a n ge printer swi tch setti ngs or send soft ware commands t o accommodate d ifferent prin ter emul ations.
Ch a p ter 4 Pr inte r Co nfig ura ti on Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Print e r confi gurati on methods ■ Cont rol panel com ponent s and functions ■ Movi ng thro ugh t he menu and selecti ng o.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapt er briefly d i scusses t he different methods o f printer configu ra t i o n an d then expl ains h ow to us e the control panel to configu r e the print er.
and the QMS Crown Te chnic al Refere nc e ( optional manuals av ailab le fro m your QM S v end o r ) f o r informa tion on the s e comm ands. Con troll in g the Print er with the Con trol Panel Another way to control t he printe r is through the Config ura t i o n menu, wh ich you access throug h the print e r’s cont rol panel.
The Printer ’s Contr ol P anel Figu re 4.1 shows the prin ter’s control p an el. Fi g. 4 .1 Prin te r C on tro l P ane l Chap ter 4 Printer Configuration 4-3 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg .
The LCD Message Window This m e s sage window presents status m e s sages and Config uration menu opti ons. When you’re in the Config uration menu , the to p l i ne of the mess age window di splays t he name of the cu rrent menu, an d th e bott om line di spl ay s the name of an opti on wi thi n th at menu.
Illum inated when ma nual feed is selecte d using t he Tray Se lect key . Illumi na t e d when the m edia in t h e a cti v e c asset t e h a s be en de fi ned to be pape r. Illumi na t e d when the m edia in t h e a cti v e c asset t e h a s been defi ned to be t ra nspa ren cy.
onc e bri ngs i t back o n line . Whe n the print er is on line (re ady to acce p t a nd proc ess new pr int jobs), t he Online LED on t he c ont rol pan el i s il lum i nat ed .
in a n al pha num e ric value . Pre ss t h e Nex t key to scr oll f orward through the opt i o ns in a m enu or t o scrol l through chara cter s availa bl e fo r alpha num e ric val ue s. NOT E: Always make sur e the p rinter i s idl e and off line b e fore making confi guration changes.
Using the Confi gur ation Menu This sectio n cov er s how to password-protect m enus, ho w to sele c t opt io ns, and how to enter and save values. Password-protected Menus Th e Ope ra tor Con tr ol an d Ad mini str ation me nus may b e password - p rotected if an option a l se c urity card is us e d with the prin ter.
Entering Alphanumeric Values In some sub menus, you choose opti ons by enteri ng an alphan umeric string ins tead of b y selecting from a list. Enterin g alphan umeric values through th e cont rol panel i s si m i lar t o sett ing the t i m e and dat e on a di gital watch.
Press What Happens Message Window You enter the HP-GL submenu. First character flashes to show it is ready to be changed. You scroll to the next value for the flashing character. You scroll to the next value for the flashing character. You scroll to the next value for the flashing character.
Saving Configuration Selections Press t he Onlin e/Offlin e key to exit the Co nfigurat ion menu or press the M enu key to back out of th e Configu ration m e n u o ne level at a time.
If you m a k e configu r at ion changes t o o ther men u op tions a n d they don’t se em t o be taki ng effect, wait u ntil the current jobs end, and then t ry turni ng the print er off and o n again.
The Main Menu Groups The main menu groups in the C onfiguration menu are Operator Cont rol and Admin istratio n (with the Insta llation men u also appear i n g if a sec u rity cartrid ge is inst alled) (fig. 4.2). Rel a te d functions are grouped toget her within submenus .
The Installation Menu The Instal lation menu (fig. 4.3) appears only when a securit y card is in u se. This m enu i s used to pass word-protect the Operator Control an d Admini strati on m en us.
Installation/Use Operator Pwd The Use Operato r Pwd menu determines i f a pass word i s required to enter the Operator C ont rol men u. The choices a re on or off; the factory d efault is off.
The Operator Control Menu It’s u sually b e t ter to choose th e selections a v ailable in Opera t or Control within your ap p li cation, if possi ble. This is especi a l ly true in a network environment, where other u ser s’ j obs ar e l ikely to have differe nt requirements than yours.
changing this setting , but does not cont ain a t hick stock opt io n . Use this opti on to tell t he printer what type of medi a is in each tray so the p rinter c an opt imize o utput for that media ty pe.
factory default i s upper. The c u r rent selection is i ndic a t ed by t he corr esp ondi ng LED. NOT E: A st atus messag e on the control panel wil l let you know immedi ately i f the selected c assett e isn’t inst alled. If the selected c assette i s out of paper , a paper out statu s messag e appears when you send t he job t o be print ed.
defa u l t i s letter (or A4). See chapter 5 , “Print Media and Dail y Opera t io ns,” for m o re informati on on m edia sizes. NOT E: If the sele c ted paper si ze doesn’t match t he job size requested, i mages may be p ositioned i ncorre ct l y o n t he page, or m a y prin t o f f t he edge of the pag e .
withi n these menus are seldo m chan ged after the i nitial sys tem inst allat ion . Administration/Communications NOT E: I f yo u hav e an opti onal interfac e installe d, see the documentat ion that came wit h i t for a descript ion of options und er the Administra tion/Com munications menu.
999 99, with a fa c t ory defa ult of 000 30. If t he prin ter goe s idle after 30 se conds an d doe s not print , thi s ti meout s hould b e incr eased. Large jobs, such as graphics applications or compute r-aided d esign , requi re this num ber to be inc reased to 0 0300 .
emul a t ions, l ike LN03 Plu s and CCIT T, app e a r only if in sta ll ed. The fa ct or y defa ul t emul at io n is ES P. Min K Sp ool The m inim um amo unt of RAM ( KB) de dicate d to the ser ial i nterfa ce. Do not set t his value gr eate r t han K Mem for Spool .
ETX/ACK, and none. T he factory default is XON/XOFF. Xmit Sw Flow Ctl The soft ware com munic atio n pr otocol use d b y t he host to contro l c ommu nicat io n wit h the printe r. T h e optio ns are none, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK. The factory de fault is no ne.
Binary Fixed: Ena bles bi na ry commu nications protocol (BCP). Print jobs c annot alte r this value throug h PostSc ript opera tors. When PS Prot ocol i s set t o the normal fi xed or binar y fixed mode and a print j ob sen ds PostScript operato rs to change the input dev i c e mod e , the ope r at ors ar e accept e d but n ot acte d upon .
Data B its The number of data bits (either 7 bits or 8 bi ts) tr ansm itt ed p er cha ract er. The fa ctory defau lt is 8 da ta bi ts. End Job Mode This opti on ena bl e s or disa bles d ata st r e am se nsing for end- of-docu m en t (EOD) terminator strings.
one p rint job at a time. W orksta t i ons are no t t i ed u p while j obs are pr intin g. Min K Sp ool The m inim um amo unt of RAM ( KB) de dicate d to the Loca lTa lk in te rfa ce . Do not set t his va lu e gre ater t ha n K Mem for Spo ol. The de fa ult is 00015.
Adminis t ration /Communicati o ns/Network I nterf ace This op t ion allows you to configure p r int e r-host c ommuni c ation s when usin g an optional interface card. Appendix D of this manual, “Additi onal Technical Informati on,” cont a i ns information about th e P S P rot ocol opt ion .
Renderi n g Dictionary) option, a Default Dithering option, and a Gamma Correction op tion. Default Half tone This op tion al lows y ou to c hoose a pri nter de fa ult halft one fr om the f ollowi ng .
en han ce d low, en han ce d medi um , and en han ce d hi gh. St andar d, the f actory defau lt s ettin g, is Post Scri pt-co mpatibl e dit herin g. E nhanced dit herin g red uce s the bandi ng so metimes seen in Post Scri pt-co mpatibl e dithe r i ng, wi t h enha nc e d hig h produci ng the least ba nding.
Li ne Numbering Spe cifie s tha t a five-d igit numbe r is to be pre fixed to th e begi nning of eac h line. The ch oices are On and Off. Off is the d efa ul t. Tab Stops Spe c i fies the num ber of spaces bet ween tab stop s. T he mini mum is 0 and t he maxi mu m is 25 6 .
Plot ter Cho ices inc lud e 7 550A ( t he f a ctory de fau lt), 74 75A, 747 0A, and Color Pro. Sca ling Pe rc ent Choic es range f rom 1 to 15 0 percent of the origi nal siz e.
The d efaul t pe n wi dt h is 07 (0. 7 m m ) f or p en 1 a nd 0 3 ( 0 .3 mm) for a ll ot h er p en s. Th e de f au lt co lo r s et ti ng s are as follows: pen 1-b lack, pen 2-black , pe n 3-r e d, pe n 4-g r ee n, pe n 5-blue , pen 6-vi ol et, p en 7-ora nge, an d pen 8-br own.
Li ne Term ination Adds an i ndicator t ha t c ontrol s the way th e p rinter inte rprets CR (carri age return) and LF (li ne fe ed) cha rac ters. Th e optio ns are CR=CR, LF=LF; CR= CR+ LF, LF=L F; CR=CR, L F=CR+LF; CR or LF=CR +LF. The facto ry defau l t i s CR= CR, LF=L F.
Pen 4 = Yel low Pe n 5 = Bl ue Pen 6 = Magent a Pe n 7 = Cy an Range: On Set s the pri nte r to m on och rom e (2 pen) . Off Set s the pri nte r to c ol or (8 pe ns).
Documen t Opti on Comma nds for mor e inf ormat io n o n DOC. Oth e r Opti onal E mul ations If you have an optional emulat ion inst a l led, such as LN0 3 Plus, see th e document ation that c am e with i t for a descri ption of the opt ions und er the Admini stration/ Emulati ons menu.
Administration/Special Pages Admin is tration /Sp ecial Pages /Prin t Statu s Use this op t i on to prin t a printer-statu s p age. The standard s tatus page lists printer identific a tio n inform a t ion and settin gs, curr ent mem ory con f i guration, timeout values, commu nication settin gs, and input buffer si zes.
of th e page dem onstrate horizontal and v e rtical col or registrati on. Cir c les in the cente r of the page demonstrate cyan, magenta, and yellow colo r mixtures and red, gree n , and blue co lor mi xt ur es. Adminis tration/Sp ecial Pages/Samp le Page This o p ti o n controls th e prin ting of a sampl e page.
Adminis tration/Sp ecial Pages/Trailer Page Thi s option con trols the prin ting of a trail er b anner/e r ror page for each print job. A traile r page h e l p s you moni tor jobs. Think of it as an accountin g o r trackin g system. For detai l s o n thi s page a n d wh a t it monitors, see “ Header and Trailer Pages” in chapter 5.
Administration /Start u p Options/ Do Start Page Thi s option allows y ou to enable and d isable the sta r t -up page. Choices a re yes and n o. The factory d efaul t is y es.
PostScript) for troubleshooting. The PostSc ript Langu age Refere nce Man ual (Adobe S ystems, Reading, MA: Add ison-W esley, 19 90. I SBN 0-201 - 1 8127-4 ) contains mor e info rmati on o n Post Script e rrors. Choi c es fo r this o ption are yes and no.
Administration/Memory This sectio n briefly expl ains wh a t each memory cli ent does. See appendix D , “Additional Technical Inf ormati on,” for detaile d informati on on the prin ter’ s memo r y a n d what b e n e fi t s, if any , ma y result from addin g memo ry to a p articul ar client.
3 pages per min ute for 2- or 3-color jobs, 2 pages per minute f or 4-color, and 8 pages p e r m i n ute for black and white, no m atter how you config ure the mem ory. If yo u t ry to set a memory cl ient bel ow a min i mum required value o r abov e a m a xim um al lowable value, the message IN CORRECT VALUE appe ars in th e mes sage win dow.
opt io nal C CITT emul ation, this v a l ue should be inc r eased b y 200 KB. Adminis tration /Memory/K Mem Emul Tmp Thi s is t he am ount of RAM (KB) to be used by non-Po st S cript emulations for sto r i ng downloaded font s . The size range and defa u lt v a ri es d e p e n d in g upon t he amount of R A M avai lable o n you r system .
and default varies depending upon the a moun t o f RAM avail a ble on yo ur s yst e m . If not en ough memory i s availabl e for thi s cl ient , som e o r all of t he optio nal hard dis ks may not b e accessi ble and/or an insufficient number o f di sk c a che bl ocks m ay be avail able.
Admin istration/E ngine/Ima ge Alig nment The Image Alignm ent optio n a l lows you t o ad just the hori zont al and vertical placement of printed im ages. To check ima ge alignm ent, p r i n t a s tandard status page (th i s op t i o n is l ocated i n the Adm inist r at ion/Special P ages menu).
bi n). For examp le, you m ay want t o name it “P lai n” if y ou al w ays keep plain paper i n that cassette. The factory defa u lt is lower. Administration /Engine/O utputbin Name Even though there is only one output bin ( t he outp ut tray), you may want to us e thi s option t o ass ign a name to t he outpu tb i n on the to p of your printer.
with 12 MB RAM , make sure you s elect Monochrom e i n t he Operator Control / C olor Model men u . Also , i f you chang e th e resolu ti on, you shou ld choose th e appropriate hal ftone s etti ng and gamma correction setting for best results . Administration /Engine/Pag e Recovery Use thi s option to enable or d isable page r ecovery.
Administration/Miscellaneous The Miscell aneous menu (f ig. 4 .12) all ows you t o restor e fa ctory defa u l t s , protect current defa u l t s , and choose a m essage wind ow language. Admin is tration /Mis cellan eou s/ Restore De faults Thi s o ption all ows you to reset all config uratio n val ues to their original fa ct ory defaults.
configu ra t i o n changes t o th e printe r ’s non-vo latile m emory. PS Executive Series Uti li ties (the host software t hat comes wit h your printer) is an exampl e of a program that generates print jobs to change the printer’s n on-volati le memory, where prin ter defa u lts are sto r ed.
Administration/Disk Operations Thi s menu (fig. 4.1 3) co ntrol s the in ternal hard disk as well as any optio nal hard disk(s) att ached to the print er’s SCSI po r t . See chapter 8, “P rinte r Optio ns , ” for m ore informatio n about using the Disk Operations menu.
CAUTION: If you connect to thi s prin ter a n external hard di sk yo u previo usly us e d with an earli er QMS C r o wn printer, th i s QMS magicolo r LX p r i nter soft w are auto mati cally reorgani z e s the fil es on t he hard disk when t he printer is t urned off and b ac k o n a g a in.
chapter). The prin ter must be turned off and on a gain for the new value to take e ffect. Siz e (Me g ) Use this opt ion t o c hoo se th e num be r of meg aby te s of disk space a llocate d (in addition to RAM) to spool print jo b data . Val ue s ra nge fro m 0 to 25 6 with a de fault of 10 MB.
menu. Depending on what opt ion you install , you may have ne w menus and opt ions in the C onfigurati on menu, which allow you t o contro l the new option. See the docum e n tation ac c o mpanying y our option to learn exac t ly how i t affe cts the Configu rat ion menu.
Document Opt ion Com mands Your printe r offers a wide ra n ge of capabil i t ies for designin g a n d printi ng document s. However, appl ications a n d printer em ulation s differ in their abil ity to acce ss s o m e o f these docum ent printin g capab il it ies.
HP-GL Emulation Features Commands Enha nce d mode %% Inc lud eFe at ure : en han ce d Expa ndi ng pl ots %% Inc lud eFe at ure : expan d Ori ginal p aper siz e %% Includ eFeat ure : siz e Pen widt h a.
Map using ASCII or EBCDIC %%Includ eFeat ure: map Mar gin s %% Inc lud eFe at ure : lp margi n s Num ber on for 5-di git numbe rs %% Includ eFeature : num ber Ori ent at io n %% Inc lud eFe at ure : l.
Ch a p ter 5 Pr int Me dia and Dai ly Oper atio n s Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Refi lling the media cassette ■ Man ual f eed ■ Print ing transparencies ■ Print in g labels ■ Print in g on.
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Introducti on This chapter covers prin t med ia handling, pri n ti ng , and other daily printi ng operati ons. Refil ling the Media Casset te Thi s sectio n explai ns how to refill the pap er cassett e. To see i llust ra t ions of the s t e p s described in this sectio n, s e e chapter 2 , “ Init ial Pr in ter Se tu p.
3. From the wrapping, d e t ermin e which i s th e prin t i ng side of the medi a; th en remove a stack of m edia 1" (approx. 27 mm) or less . If you’re using paper , fan it to prevent the sheets from stickin g togeth e r. (Don’t fan transparencies or labels because t his can cause jams.
Manual Feed You c a n feed a s ing le sh ee t a t a tim e to t he print er using t he manual -f eed t ra y . This allows y ou to print on a dif f erent medi a type wit hout changi ng t he media i n t he cassett e , o r to print on medi a not supported by the stand ard cassette (envelopes or thi ck sto ck).
3. Open the manual- f eed tray by light l y press ing o n the to p-r i ght corner to re l ease t he s pring latch (fig. 5.2 ) and then t i l ting the tray ou t and down. 4. Move the paper guid es on t h e manu al feed tray to fi t the size of the chosen media.
6. Insert a s i ngle sheet of media, printing side u p, wi t h the to p edge leadin g into th e pri nter, in the manual f e ed t r ay (fig. 5. 3) un til it r eaches the r ea r of the tray in side the p rinter and lies flat.
Printi ng Tra nspar enci es 1. Se e “Refi l l ing the M edia Cassette ” or “Manual Feed,” e arlier in this chapter, for informati on on loadin g media. 2. If you h av en’t previous ly, set up the tray you want to use for transp arency printing: a.
4. Send you r job. Printi ng Label s For best result s when printing label s , format label s th r o ugh your applicati on and then run a test p rint on plai n paper t o check formattin g and avoid wastin g label sheet s.
Pr inti ng on Le tter he a d or Other Pr epr int ed Media Print l ett erhead or oth er preprinted m edia th e same way labels are printed. Make sure you place the media prin ting-si de up with the letterhead edge feeding i nt o the printer first.
a. Press the On line/Offl i n e ke y to take the prin ter off line. (The Onl i ne /Offline L E D goes ou t and IDLE appe ars in the me ssage win dow.) b. Press the Men u key to ente r t h e Conf igurat i o n menu. T hen pres s the Nex t key until t he f oll owi ng m essa ge displ ays: CONFIGURATION OPERATOR CONTROL c.
2. Se e “Manual F eed,” earlier in this chapt er , for instructi ons on fe eding media manu ally to the printer. Page Sizes, I m agea ble Regions and Margins Page Sizes Your pri nter can p r int o n the follo wing medi a sizes: lett e r, legal, exec u ti ve, A4, and env elopes (DL and COM 1 0).
Workin g Withi n I mageab le Regio ns and Margin s If you e x per ience problems with your fil e being c u t off (not print ing to the expected margins), it might be due to an imageabl e region constr a int . There are two ways to compensate for imageable regio n constr a int s: 1.
Collatin g Coll atin g means p r i nting mul tipl e co pies of a jo b in numeri c order. The printer can del iver mult iple copi es of your fil es in co llate d order t o the top cover. Figure 5.4 illus trates c o l l a t ed and uncoll ated stacki ng for two c o pies of a four-page f i le.
The increased d isk s pace allows mo re complex and longer co l l a t ion sequences. However, th ere’s a li mit on how much can be collate d at one time. When 100 sheets are re ceiv ed for a prin t job, or when a c o mpl ex print jobs consumes all the collat ion d i sk spa ce, chunk collati on occurs.
Changing Print Job Resolution You can configur e the pr inter to use eith e r 600 or 3 00 dpi resolu tion. This can be done t hrough your app licat ion , if its driver supports thi s opt ion (such as .
Adjusti ng Pr int Densi ty Normally, your laser pri nter produ ces a rich black or colo r image. However, you m a y occasio nally noti ce a color is p r i nting a bit l i ght or dark. In this case, you may want to increase the print density (or contrast ) setting for that color.
2. Locate the adjus tm ent dial s i nsi de the prin ter to the front le ft (fig. 5. 6). 3. Turn the density adjust ment di al t o th e left (count e rclo c k wise) to l ighten the prin t or to the ri ght (clockwi se) to da r k en the print. Y M C - + K - + - + - + Fi g.
Cancelling and Endi ng Print Jobs The Cancel key allo w s yo u t o cancel the “old e s t” j ob(s) compilin g or printing in the printer, or t o send an end-of-job indicator for a print job. NOT E: If you accident ally press the Cancel key, press th e Menu key to tell t he print er to stop cancellin g a j ob.
displ ays in t he message window, u se the followin g proce d ure: NOT E: Sele c tin g End Job won ’ t end a job t hat is still recei ving data. Its only purpo se is to provi de an end-o f -j ob indi cato r for jobs that do n ot have one. 1. Pr e ss the Cancel k ey.
Diagnosti c and S pecial Pages There m ay b e tim e s when you want t o check th e current s tatus of you r printe r , adj ust the qual ity of your pri nted co py, or mo nitor prin t jobs. To h e l p you do thi s, the prin ter has sev eral typ e s of diag nostic and sp e ci a l pages.
selec ted pag e siz e with the amount of printer RAM currently instal led Disabling the Start-up Page After you i nstall the pri nter and est abli sh comm uni catio n between the print er and the hos t, you may w ant to d isabl e the start-up page to conserve toner, develop er, and p r i n t media.
Configu r at ion,” to change th e placement o f images o n the page if nece ssary. The advanced st a t us pag e has the sam e i nformation as the st andard status page, plus i t lis t s confi guration menu settings , font s , and lo ad abl e em ul at io n s.
For example, the header (or banner page) contains the print er name, selected interface, job identificati on , ti tle, subm i t t i ng com puter, job owner, rou ting mess a g e , start t im e/dat e , .
Ch a p ter 6 Co nsuma bl es and P reve nta tiv e Ma inte na nce Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Sto ring and replacing consumables ■ Movi ng the pri nter ■ Pe r forming p r eventative m aintenance.
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Introducti on This chapter covers storing and replacing m ajor consum ables an d perf o rmin g pre v entati ve main tenance on your printer. Storing and Handl ing Consumabl es This secti on cov e rs storing a n d hand l i ng the major cons umables for your pri nter except for p r i n t media.
Storing Consumables Table 6.1 covers storage specifi cation s for ton e r, devel oper, and OPC belt cartridges. Handling Consumables The f ollowing l i st covers handli ng the consumabl e s for y our printer. WARNING ! Toner and develop e r ar e high ly combustib le; never b u rn th em.
ACHTUNG! Bei En twickl er und Ton er han delt es si ch um gefährliche Pulver , d i e le i c h t entzün dlich si n d; sie dü rfen desha l b n i emals mit offen e m Feu er in Berüh rung ko mmen.
cart ridge i f it wil l be out of t he printe r fo r an y exte nded tim e p eri od. T hese pi ns prote c t and rel i eve t ensi on on th e belt and cle aning blad e.
test file for that color to see i f it print s correctly. Thi s procedure can extend t he life of your cartridges. To replace a ton er cartridge, use the followi ng procedure: 1. Remove th e top cover (fig . 2 . 5). WARNING ! T h e toner is a h i ghly combusti ble powder; never burn it.
2. Remove the old to ner c artridg e by holding it ac ros s t h e cent e r, sq ueezi ng the si des to loosen the pins on the b a ck sid e from the develop er ca rtridge notches. Then, lift t he to ne r cartridge str a ight up and out of the print er (fig.
CAUTION: Never f o r ce a toner cartridge on t o the wrong d e v e l oper cartridge. This can damage the cartridg es and t he print e r. 6. Lower th e t oner ca rt ridge until it f it s firmly onto t he notches on the develop er cartridge. 7. Pr e s s the top of the t oner c artri dge until it snaps into pl a c e und er the two securing l atches.
3. Set the ton er cartridge asid e for now, being care ful to keep i t level. Als o, be sure to p lace it on s omething, su c h as a large sheet of paper, to catch loo se residue. 4. Grasp the gree n latches at each end of the used developer ca rtridge and raise them straight up to open them.
aroun d y o u r eyes; it can cau se respiratory p r o b l ems a n d eye irritation . ACHTUNG! Bei dem En t wi ckle r han delt es si c h um ein ge- fäh rlich es u n d leicht entz ündl i c hes Pu lver; es d arf desha l b niemal s mit o ffenem Feu er in Berü hrung k om men.
A messa ge on the cont ro l panel window , REPLA CE BELT , indicates when it i s time to chang e the OPC belt cartridg e . Thi s cartridge sh o ul d be r e p lace d every 50, 000 p lanes or 1 2 mont hs, whi chever comes first .
sensiti ve to hand oi l s and scra t ches, bo t h of which reduce print qualit y . 4. Remove th e new O P C belt cartridge from its protecti ve bag. 5. Remove the pressu re release and tensio n release p in sets (one set on t he left and o ne o n the righ t) f rom the OP C belt cartridge by p ull in g them s traigh t out (fig.
Replacing the Cleaning Pad and Oil Bottle This secti o n covers replacin g th e cle a n ing pad and oil bott le in your printer. Th e cleaning p a d re moves printin g debris (such a s exce ss tone r and paper d ust) from the fusing unit. Th e oi l helps prevent ton er from s t icki ng t o the fuser rollers.
5. Locate the cleaning pad in the s l ot abov e th e heat roll er. Then, while carefully avoiding the surfac e o f the f user unit, which may be hot, grasp the pad by it s cente r tab (towards the re a r of th e unit), pul l it out of t he print e r, and dis card it (fig.
NOTE : Norm a l ly, a littl e o i l rem a i n s in the fuser slot in which the oil bo ttle rests , an d the spo ut of th e oil bo ttle has a s eal to prevent oi l from s pi ll in g while you remove or inst all a bottl e on th e pin in t he fuser s lo t .
To re p lace t he waste t oner pack 1. Open the waste toner cover b y pushing the cov er on th e top-righ t corner (fig. 2. 22). 2. Remove th e new waste tone r pack from its prote c t ive bag and assemble it according to the ins tructi ons accompanyin g it.
3. Gently tap th e o l d wast e toner pack on its side to sett le the toner down in to t he pack (fig. 6.4). WARNING ! T he toner is a highly combusti ble powder; never burn it. Also, avo id inh alin g loo se toner or gettin g it a round your eyes; it can cause r e spiratory p roblems a n d eye irritation .
5. Place the ol d pack i nto the empty bag from the new waste toner pack and dispo se of the old on e foll owing safety laws and regulat ions. 6. Holdi ng the new wast e ton er p ac k b y the side t ab on t he top, insert the pack in to th e printer unti l it fits securel y.
Moving the Pr inter CAUTION: The printer is heavy: b e sure you have help when movin g it. Never li ft it by the paper c assett e slot, and always l ift it by the f our corners t hat have ri dges f or a safer, more s e cure grip. Be sure to clo se the manual t ray.
must set it do wn, gently lay it on a clean, lint- and dirt-free surfac e, such as on fresh paper . During the mo ve, store the part ially us e d ton e r and d e v e l oper cartridges i n thei r original shippi ng bags.
oil-proo f c o ntainer, such as a plasti c bag, unt il yo u are ready to rei nst all it a fter the move. NOTE : No rmally, a li tt le o il r emains in the t ray in whi ch t he oi l bottle rests.
8. Align the fuser unit over an appropriat e waste container, such as an ol d jar, and tilt the unit so the excess oil pours into th e cont ainer (fig. 6 .7 ). Th en , dispose of the o il followi ng s afety laws and regul ations. 9. Use a cl ean, dry, lint-free cloth or som e cot ton s wabs to wipe any remaining oil o ut of the tray.
Removing and Replacing Pressure-Release Pieces The pressure-release pieces help r el ieve the t ension on the fuser rolle rs to protect the roll e r from accident al dam age durin g a move (or prolong e d st orage) . They m ust b e in stalled for the m ove and removed again b efore printin g.
CAUTION: If you a re r epla c ing the pressure-release pieces after the pri nter has bee n runnin g , make sur e t he fuser unit has cooled. The fuser gets very h ot and can damage these pieces. 4. If you are r epl acing the two pressure-release pieces (one at ea ch end o f the fuser rolle r), ski p to step 5.
CAUTION: If you a re r epla c ing the pressure-release pieces after the pri nter has bee n runnin g , make sur e t he fuser unit has cooled. The fuser gets very h ot and can damage these pieces.
Prev entat ive Maintenanc e Table 6.2, bel ow , shows w he n preve ntativ e mai ntenance procedures (described in this chapte r) should b e performed: Preventative Mai ntenanc e Sched ule At th is ti m e ... Yo u s h ou ld .. . Wh ene ver pri nt qua lit y di min ishe s.
General Tips for Extending Printer Life ■ Do no t place an yth ing o n the to p of the print er. ■ Keep the o utput level s in the top cover at 15 0 she e ts or less, d epen din g upon the typ e of media. If media sta c ks to o hi g h, you may experience tro uble with paper jams and excessive curl .
Cleaning the Charger Unit Clean the charger un it whenever the pri n t quality dim i ni shes. To clean this unit you nee d several c otton cloths a nd sw a bs, and the wire cleaner located i n t he O P C belt tray (see figure 6.11 for locat ion ). To clean the charger unit 1.
extremely sensi t i ve to hand oils and scratches b oth of which reduce prin t q uali ty. When you must s et i t d own, gentl y l ay it on a clean, lint- and dirt-free surfa ce, such as o n fresh paper f o r the p rinter. 2. Lift th e OPC belt cartri dge handle up t o unl ock it, and pul l the ca rtridg e st raight out o f t he p rint e r ( fig.
4. Holdi ng the cartridge by its edges, fold t he gr een end-handle back down and set the cartridge up on t hat end. The cartridge wi ll til t slig htly to one side. 5. Locate the three brass-colore d latches, which hold the charger unit in place. Then, swing each latch to t he s i de to free t he charger un i t (fig .
7. Use clean, dry cotton clot h s to gently wipe up any loose toner from the OPC belt cartridg e ar ea in t he print e r. 8. Clean the charger uni t b y sl iding the wire cleaner al ong t he groo ve i.
13. Push the green end-handle down t o lo c k the c ar t ridge i n pl ace. 14. Close t he m anual f e ed tr a y . Cleaning the Pre-Charger Unit Cle an the pre-c harger u n it wh enever the print q uality dimini shes. To clean this unit yo u need severa l cot ton cloths and swabs , an d the wire cleaner located in the OP C belt tray (see fi gure 6.
2. Grasp the end of the pre- charger unit, and pull it downward and then straig ht ou t of the printer (fig. 6 . 14 ). F ig . 6. 14 Remov e the P re -Ch arg er fr om th e Prin ter Cha pter 6 6-32 Cons.
3. Insert t he wi re cleaner int o th e recess on the pre- charger unit , and slid e the cleaner back and forth as s hown i n figure 6.15. 4. Clean the i nside corners of t he pre-c h a rger u nit with cot t o n swabs. 5. Making sure the pre-char g e r uni t alig n s on the runners inside the pri nt er, sli de it b ack into the print e r.
Cleaning Register and Transfer Rollers Cle an the metal and r u bber register rol lers and t he transfer rol ler ever y 20,000 copi es o r 12 months, whichever comes fi rst.
2. Open the transfer uni t by pulli ng the green latch h andle in t he center toward you and down ( fig. 6.17). F ig . 6. 17 Open the T ransfer Unit Chap ter 6 Consumables and P reventative M ainte na.
3. Using d r y cott on cloths , wipe th e metal regi ster rolle r in the transfer un it and the rubber regi ster rol ler i n the inn er s ection of the prin ter. Then, wipe the tr a n sfer roller in the top se c tio n of the transfer uni t (fig. 6 . 18).
4. Clos e the tr ans fer unit (fig. 6.19). 5. Clos e the b ack cover. Cleaning the Paper Exit Rollers and Plates Cle an the paper rollers and plates ever y 20, 000 copies or 1 2 month s , which ever com es first.
gear on t he left end of t he fuser unit to ac cess all s i des of th e rollers. 3. Clos e the pap er exit unit. Cleaning the Paper-Feed Roller and the Manual- Feed Belts Clea n t h e paper -feed rolle r and the manu a l -f eed b e l t s every 20,00 0 copies or 12 mont hs, whi chever com e s f i rst, t o prevent mi sfee ds and j ams.
1. Turn off the printer and remov e t he power cord and all interface c abl es. 2. Rem ove th e media cass ette. 3. Reach into the back of the ca s sette s l ot and locate the roll er: it’s on t he top of th e slot at the rear (fig . 6.21 ). 4. Use the dam p cloth the wi pe the roll er.
6. Remove the manual-feed platform by lift ing it up and forward at the front of the plat form unt il it drops out (fig. 6.22 ). F ig . 6. 22 Remov e the M a nual - Fe ed Pl at for m Cha pter 6 6-40 C.
7. Locate the t wo manual-feed belt s at the top of the cassette s lot (fig. 6. 21). 8. Use the damp clot h the wipe the belt s. Advance the belts so that th e entire surface i s cleaned. 9. Slide th e m anual-feed platfo rm back into place. Push i t back into the printe r until it is secure.
■ Alw a ys spra y the cleaning solution on a clo t h, not directl y on the prin ter. ■ Al w ays test the s olu tion on a small a rea of you r print e r t o check the solutio n’s pe rformance. ■ After cleani n g, allow all parts to dry before clos ing th e print e r, r eattachi n g t he pow e r cord, a n d t urning on the power switch.
Ch a p ter 7 Optimi zing Color Output Ch ap te r hi gh li gh ts : ■ Q COLOR automat ic co lor cont rol ■ Fin e-tuni ng colo r outpu t ■ Colo r m at chin g ■ The resident fonts EDNord - Istedga.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapter offer s h i nt s for auto matic co lor cont rol and fine-tu ning colo r outp u t, discuss e s c o lor matchin g, and li sts th e p r i n t e r-re sident fonts. Q COLOR Automatic Col or Control As with a ny form of color reproduction , many variables can contribut e to the final app earance of color laser pri nts .
2. In the Po stScript P rinter dialog box , choose y our printer ( magi color LX) i n the Print ers drop-d own li st. 3. Choos e the Col or S etup but ton.
list box when yo u return to t he Color Co ntrol Center d ialog box. NOTE : Th e medi a tray you’ r e usin g must be configured for the medi a type i t cont ains. This can be done throu g h t he printer fr ont pan el (i n the Ope rat or C on trol/Me dia me nu).
Enabling Q CO LOR for the Macintosh To use Q COLOR for Macintosh appl ications , fo l l ow the instruct ions in “Install ing Laser Writ er 8 . x and th e magi color LX 4.1 PP D” in cha pter 3 , “Co nn e cting the Pr inter.” Af te r the QMS PPD is in stal led, do the followi ng to opt im ize color print in g: 1.
Because Q COLOR automati c al l y adj usts the Halfton e , Gam ma Correction, CRD, and (for the Over head sett i n g) M edia Type, these indi vidual set t i ngs in the Optio ns d i alog box d o not have to be adjust ed, s o t h ey are grayed out when a Q COLOR opt ion is chosen.
Fine-Tuni ng Color Output We’ve configu r ed you r printer so that m ost users don’t h ave t o change the default setti ngs to get exce llent c o lor out put , and we’ve provi ded Q COLOR tec hnology (th rough th e QMS -sup plie d Macintos h or Windows dri ver ) t o make i t easy t o aut omaticall y opt imize col or output .
Screen fr equ e n c y (a l s o known a s screen lines) is the number of halftone cel ls per inch. The hig her t he f requency, t he higher the qualit y of t he color prin t. Screen angles are the an gles at which halftone screens are placed in relation to one anot her to avoid undes irable mo iré patterns.
106 lpi x 45° Ha lfton e This is the best halftone setti ng for print ing halfton e (as opposed to sp ot colo r ) gr a p hics and text at 600 dpi reso lution. We recommend t h a t yo u select Gamm a 1 0 6 g a m m a c o r recti o n when using this halfton e (see “Gamma Correction,” later in this chapt e r, for informat ion).
(Admi nistra t i on/Emu lations /PostS cript/ Default Ha lfto ne submenu), and t hrough PS Ex ecutive S er i e s Utiliti e s (C olor/Screen Angles menu).
Gamma Correction NOT E: W hen usi n g the Enhanced Ha l f to ne setting, Gam ma Correction sho uld b e set t o None. As with m ost other print er setting s, gamma correc t io n (which is a means of op.
The Colo rime tric CRD The Colori metric CRD is designed for v e ry basic col or matchin g and one-to-o ne c onversio n fr o m C I E col or to CMYK color. With Colori metric chosen as the print e r d e faul t C R D, al l col ors are reproduced exactly unl ess a specifi ed color is “out of gamut” (out of t he printer’s r a n ge).
Color Management A major concern in t he color pub li shi ng indus try t oday i s keeping color consistent across devi ces with differ ent color model s . For example, wh e n you scan a color pho tograph, the s c ann er s ends the image data to the comp uter in an RGB (Red-Bl ue- Green) format.
There are curre ntl y three m ethods of c o lor mat ch ing : ■ Colo r manag ement sy stems ■ Post S cript Level 2 ■ PANTONE *Col or matchi n g . Methods of Color Matchin g Color Matching with a CMS Color management sys tems (CM S s ) work by translati ng col or informati on from different devi ces into a com m o n language.
CMS s are not portable across platforms, t hey can be exp ensiv e , and they d o co nsume processing time and p ower at the host. A few well-kno wn color management systems inclu de Kodak ColorS ense, Agfa FotoFlo w, El ectroni cs for Imagi ng E F IColor, Pan ton e POCE, and Appl e Co lorS ync.
The advant ag es of L evel 2 col or mat ch ing are that it is port able, it is appl ication- and print e r-resident (there ’s nothing else to buy), and it is performed at the printer level (so it do e s n’t tie up your host).
If a p articular application does not support PANTONE *-ide ntified colors , but does allo w proces s color specif icatio n, th e CMYK values m a y be ent ered d irectly to simulate PANTON E Colors .
■ The colors are printed on Hammermi l l Laser Print white pa pe r. ■ The printe r’s Administra tion/Emula tions/PostScript/ Default Halfton e s option is set to Enhanced ( i f you hav e a magicol or LX wit h syst e m so ftwa re version 3. x or higher).
The Resident PostScript Fonts Thi s s e ct ion lists the fonts residen t in you r prin ter. All o f th ese fonts are authenti c : th ey are licensed and carry the true nam e .
Hel ve tica Conde nsed Hel ve tica Conde nsed Oblique Hel ve tica Conde nsed Bold Hel ve tica C onde nsed Bol d Obli que Hel veti c a Narro w Hel ve tica Na rrow Ob lique Hel vetica Narro w Bold Hel v.
The Resident HP PCL Fonts The following typefaces are included with y our printer for use with the HP P CL emulati on . Courier 10 is 10 poi nt , 12 pi tch; Courier 12 is 12 poin t, 10 pi tch. The Couri e r a n d Lineprin ter fonts are bitm apped; the others a re scalable.
Ch a p ter 8 Printe r Opti ons Chap ter high l i ghts: ■ Install ing t he opt ion al sheet feeder ■ Using an envelo pe cassette ■ Using font and e m ulatio n cards ■ Using a sec u rity card .
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapte r di scusses i n stalli ng printer options . If your QMS vendor cannot offer these options for you r print er, see the “QMS World-wide Offices” s e ct ion i n appendix A, “QM S Customer Suppo rt,” for telephone num b ers t o call for informatio n.
ACHTUNG! Das Gewich t dieses Druckers betr ägt ohne Ve r- brauch smaterial ca. 48 k g . B i tte versuch e n Sie ni emals, d en Drucke r allein e anzuh e b en od er zu tran spor t i eren. Achten Si e bitte darauf, daß der Drucker mit ein gebauten Ton erkar- tuschen nu r waagere ch t transportiert wird.
th e ho les on t he post a nd brac ket are c ente red an d that t he fla nge on the bo tt om of the bra cke t go es in to the sl ot on t he post. b. Attach t he brac ket t o the p ost usin g one o f the two sma ll met a l scr ews th at c am e wi th the sh eet feede r (fi g.
5. Che c k the insi de of the f our plast ic corner brac ket s. Each is lab eled to indi cat e which co rner of the sheet fe eder it fits in. 6. Snap t he plastic b rackets onto the approp r iate corners of t he sheet feeder (fig. 8. 3). These brackets have smal l rims on the bo ttom that fit insi de the edges of the sheet fe eder.
Using the Env el ope Cassette You can purchase an envel ope cassette from your QM S vendor. The envelope cassett e holds u p t o 3 0 24-lb (90 g / m 2 ) DL and Com 10 envelop e s . It fits in t he s lot for the stand a rd or the opti onal m e d ia tray, but we recommend i t be used in the st anda rd s lot .
2. On the envelo pe c ass ette, set t he back and side envel ope sta ckers (figs. 8.5 and 8.6) to t he correct envelo pe size. F ig . 8. 5 S et th e sid e st a c ke r s Fi g.
3. Set the envel ope-size key to t he correct envelop e siz e (fig. 8. 7) F ig. 8. 7. Se t the s ize ke y Chap ter 8 Print er O ptions 8-7 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
4 . L i ft the st acker arm an d load 30 o r fewer envelo p e s printi ng-si de up, so t hat t he flap si de wil l be on the left when the envel ope is pull ed int o th e printer (fig.
6. Slide the envelo pe cassette int o the printer (fig. 8.9). 7. Mak e sure you sele c t the correct envelope size th r o ugh your driv e r when printi ng.
Font and Emul ation Car ds You can purchase cards containing em ulation s or fonts not resident on the print er. The pri nter can support two c a rds at once, either two font cards or a font and an emulati on c ar d . Fon t s and emul a tio n cards may go i n either of t he two s lots located on th e front of the prin ter, bel ow the control panel.
2. Insert the c a rd into eit her slot (fig . 8.10) wi th the front label side facin g left tow ard the insi de of the print er. 3. Depending on the t ype of card you a re install ing, eit her turn the print er on again or pu t it back on line. Fi g. 8.
To remove a card, use t he followin g proce d ur e: 1. If you are remo ving an LN03 P l u s or a ProCol lection card, turn off the print er. Otherwise, press the Online/Offli ne key to take the prin ter off line (the LED shoul d be off). 2. Pull the card o ut gently .
Secur it y Car ds An option a l securi ty card all ows the Operator Cont r ol an d Admini stration menus to be p a s sword protected, so that only users who know the password can change printe r confi gurati ons. When a security c ard is instal led, a new menu , Install a t ion, appears in t he printer’s C onfiguratio n menu.
2. Insert the s e curi ty card into either slot with the card’s front lab el facin g left, toward the insi de of the print e r ( fig. 8. 11). 3. Pr e s s the Menu key t o ente r the C onfigurati on menu. P ress the Next key until t he fol lowing message displ ays in t he control panel message wind ow: CO NF IG UR AT IO N IN ST AL LATI ON F ig .
4. Pr e ss the Sele c t key to enter the I nstal lation menu, then use the Next key to view the menu op ti ons: OP ER AT OR P ASSW RD US E OP ERAT OR PWD AD MI N PASS WO RD US E AD MIN PW D 5.
11. Press Select, then specify the p a s sword. (See t he sectio n “Ent e ri ng Alph anumeri c Values ” i n chapt er 4, “Pri nter Configura tion,” for detailed instructions for en t erin g alphanum eric values. ) 12. When you have entered th e complete pass word, press the Select k e y .
Once a menu is passwo rd-protected, you cannot ent e r it or make changes in it u ntil you enter a valid password. You know a m e n u is p a ssword protect e d i f ENTE R PA SS WO RD app ears on th e mess age wi ndow when you try t o e nt e r t he Configu r at ion m e n u .
Removi ng the Contr ol l e r Boar d The first step in i nstalli n g many print er option s i s remo ving th e printer’s con troller boa r d. The following inst r u ctions for re m oving the controll e r board are writ ten for a dvanced us e rs. Do not a t tempt this pro c ed ure if you have no experience wo rking w i th c i rcuit boards .
1. Turn the prin ter off and remove the p ower cord. Discon nect all interface cables from the print er. 2. Posi ti on t he print er so that the back is facing you. 3. Using a screwdriver, loosen the two mo unting screws that ho ld the control ler boa rd t o th e printer (fig.
Replaci ng the Contr ol ler Board This secti on explai n ho w t o r e place the con troller board after in stal li ng a print er opt io n. The followi ng inst ructio ns are writt e n for advanced users. Do not attempt this procedure i f you have no experience wo r king with circuit boards.
1. Using bot h hands, c arefully reinsert the con trol ler bo ard (fig. 8.13 ) making su re the cont r o l l e r bo a rd i s prop e rl y seated i n its connect ors. 2. Ret i ghten the two m ounting s crews you l oosened previousl y (fig. 8. 13). 3 . Reco nnect all in t er face ca b les and the p ower cord, and then turn on th e pri nter.
Single In-Li ne Memory Modul es (SIMMs) Additi onal pri nter memory all ows you to increa s e dat a t r ans f er and processi ng speed. To install SIM Ms, 1. Fol low the in struction s in “ Removing the Cont r oll e r Board” (ea rlier in this chapte r ) , being careful to disc harge electrostati c buil dup before you begin.
5. Ti lt the S IMM b a ck to a 45° angle a nd s l ide i t up an d out of the c onn ec tor ( fig . 8. 14) . F ig . 8. 14 T i lt t he SIM M Bac k an d Remo ve I t Chap ter 8 Printer Options 8-23 EDNord.
6. Remove th e new S IMM from the anti-st ati c bag. 7. Hol d the new SIMM at a 45° angle, with the n otch on t he right-hand side (fig. 8 . 15). Insert the bottom edge of the new SIMM i nt o an o pen co nnector.
8. Gently pull the SIMM forwa rd to a 90° angl e until you f eel it fit in t o p lace (fig. 8.1 6) behind the clips o n either sid e o f th e connect or. (You may need to use your fingers t o open these clips. ) When seated, the SIMM s tands up r i ght, firmly in place.
record of your changes bef o r e y ou g o t o t he next step. See chapter 4, “Printer Co nfiguration ,” for in f o r mati on on using t he configurati on menu. 10. In the printer co nfigurat ion menu, use t he Admini stration/ Miscell aneous/Rest ore De faul ts o p ti on t o m a k e the pri nter re cognize the additi onal m emory.
■ An e xterna l powe r supply box (not ne eded for a ll interfac es) ■ An interfa ce plat e Your k i t may co ntain additi onal parts not requi r ed for network interface i nstall atio n on t h is particular print e r.
2. Us i n g a P hillips screwdriver , remov e the two scre ws from the blank opt ional I/O p l ate, and then remov e the p l a te from th e interface panel and set it aside (fig.
3. Examine t he ends of th e two plasti c support posts that come wi th the smaller net work inter face ca rd : one end has a sligh t l y larger diameter an d the other end i s s l i ghtly more t a p e red. Insert the la rger ends into t he control ler board (fi g.
6. Hold t he p l astic ribb on cabl e so t hat the n otch (key) on one end faces up ward and slid e it onto the i nterfa ce card conne c tor (fig. 8.19).
7. Examine t he ends of th e two plasti c support posts that come with the dau ghterboard: on e end has a s light l y larger d i ameter and the other end is s l ightly more tapered. Ins e rt the l a rger ends into the cont roll er board. 8. Attach t he daught erboard to t he two suppo r t p osts and t he two 48-p in connecto rs (fig.
Using an Optional Network Interface After you have correctly install ed an optional net work inte rfac e, refer t o th e followi ng for more inform atio n: ■ The “Adm in i stration /Communi cation.
Centroni cs to Datapr oducts Conve rsion Your printer is shi pped with a Centronics parall e l port, bu t a ki t fo r converting it to Dataproducts is a v a i lable from your QMS vendor. Make sure yo u have all t he parts necessary for th e conversion.
3. If y ou don ’ t have an network in terf ace board instal led, skip to step 4. If you do have an network interface bo ard i n stalled, fol low the inst ructi ons bel ow fo r removing i t: a. Usin g a Phill ips screwdri v e r, r emo ve the two screws from th e i nt erf ac e plat e (f ig.
4. Place the two s hunts on jum pers J P 1 and J P 2 (fi g . 8. 22). Make sure bot h sets of p i ns ar e covered by the shunt s. JP2 JP1 F ig . 8. 22 P la ce the Shun t s on t he J umpe r s Chap ter 8.
5. Use a flat-ti pped screwdriver to remove t he exi sting 1K-ohm DIP resi st or from th e R P 1 socket (fig. 8.23 ) . Gent ly slide t h e screwdriver under the re si stor and lift i t u p and off the controll er board.
6. Li ne u p t he notch o n the 220-o hm DIP resisto r with the not ch on t he RP1 socket. Carefully insert the resis tor’s pi ns in t he so c k e t . Then align and inst all the 330-oh m DIP r esi stor i n t he RP2 socket th e sam e way (fig. 8.24).
7. If you didn’t remov e a network inte rfac e b oar d , skip to s tep 8. If y ou need to rep lac e y our n etw ork inter f a ce boa rd inst alled, foll ow th e i nst r u ctio ns belo w: a. Snap th e n e twork inte rface card o nto the plast i c support posts (fi g.
Inter nal Hard Disk I nst a l latio n These instructi ons explain how to replace t he int ernal hard d isk . Make sure you have all the parts n ecessary for the p rocedu re. The in ternal hard dis k upgrade kit incl udes th e followi ng: ■ An internal hard di sk ■ An antist ati c wristband 1.
4. Remove the old d i sk by pulling up on ea ch corner while ste adyin g the board near the disk w i th o ne hand (fig. 8.2 5). CAUTION: Thi s di s k fits tightl y, so y o u have to pull fi r mly , but be caref ul n ot to flex the control ler bo ard whil e doing s o.
5. Hold th e new di sk vertic ally (conne c tor-sid e d own with the bracket fa cing the S IMM s) and co nnect i t to the ri bbon cabl e (fig. 8. 26). Inspect th e conn e ct ion from all fou r sides t o make sure ea c h p i n is seated in the conn ector (no pins are exposed).
If the printer fai ls t o work p roperly after you repl a ce th e hard disk, chec k the following: ■ Make sure t h e pow e r cord a n d all interface c abl e s are conn ec t ed corre ct l y a n d t ightl y , and that th e printer po we r is on.
Using Exter nal Ha rd Disks In additi on t o t h e i n t ernal hard disk, y our printer su pports up to six optional external hard disk s through i ts SCSI p ort. When an external hard disk i s conne cted to the printe r, you control t he dis k th rough t he Admini strat ion/Di s k Operati ons submenu ( fig.
CAUTION: If you connect to this print er an ext ernal hard disk yo u previo usly us e d with an earli er QMS C r o wn printer, th i s QMS magicolo r LX software automat ically reorganiz e s the files on the external hard disk when t he print e r is turned off and back on.
Identifying External Hard Disks The extern al h ard disks a re identi f i ed by their dev ice n umbers; these numbers can r ang e from DSK0 to DSK5 (fig . 8.28 ) . The internal dis k in your printe r is always DSK6. Devic e numbers of external di sks can be c o nfigu red by the ins tall e r.
Formatting an Externa l Hard Disk via the Cont rol Panel Use th e follo wing procedure to format an external hard di sk u sin g the pri nter’s co ntrol panel. NOT E: If the FO RMAT FAI LED message displa ys in the mess age window du ring the Format Disk operati on, the disk cannot be used.
CAUTION: Durin g t he formattin g procedure, variou s m e s sages may appe a r, the printer automati ca l ly restarts , and the control pan el light s flash.
D IS K OP ER AT IO NS IN ST AL L OP TI ON 4. Pr e s s the Sele c t key to enter the In stall Optio n sub menu. Pr e s s the Next key unti l the h ard disk destinati on of t he optional font or emul ati on displ ay s in t he message wind ow. 5. Pr e ss Select to enter the desti nation.
1. Mak e s ure the prin ter is off line. Press th e Menu key t o di spla y CO NF IG URAT IO N AD MI NI STRA TI ON 2. Pr e s s the Select key t o ent er the Adm i ni s t r at ion menu; then press the Next key to displ a y AD MI NI STRA TI ON D IS K OP ER AT IO NS 3.
Format ting t he Int er nal Ha rd Di sk If you ex peri ence unexplained or er rati c probl ems wit h the int ernal hard disk, you may want t o r eformat the hard di sk and rel oad the prin t system so ftw a re. NOT E: If yo u r eformat t he internal hard dis k, all files on that disk are erased , and the sy stem software and fonts must be reloaded.
5. Disk 6 is the prin ter’ s in ternal hard dis k . Pr ess the Select key. The foll owi ng mess age displ ays: FO RM AT AR E YO U SU RE ? NOTE : If yo u decid e not to format the internal h a rd disk, press the Menu key to back out of the submenus.
Print sy stem s o ftwa re a n d font backup d isk s are supplied wi th t he printer in case you e v er need to reinst all them. For examp le, if the printer’s internal h ard disk i s reformatt ed, the sy stem so f tw ar e and fonts wil l need to be re i nst all ed.
4. At the DOS C: promp t , t ype the followi ng command s t o extract t he syst em software fi le to your PC ’s h ard disk: NOT E: This file takes up about 2.
Installing System Software and Fonts from a PC to a Non-Functional Printer Foll ow thes e instru c tio ns to downl oad system soft ware and fonts from a PC t o a n on-functi onal printer: NOT E: These files take up about 5.5 MB of d i s k space when extracted.
8. Type th e foll owing c omman d to e xtract the PC L 5 font s file to your P C’s hard dis k: a: af 2p cl fn ↵ 9. At t he D O S C:Q MSSYS prompt, typ e the follo wing com m an d t o m a ke sure the se files a r e in the QMS S YS directory: SYSTEM.
14. Pr ess the Sel e c t key to ent er the com municati on port submenu. The followi ng appear s on the second line of th e m essage window: TA RG ET D IS K 6 15. Pr e s s t he Select key. The followi ng mess a g e appears in t he window: IN ST AL L TO D IS K CO NN EC TING .
B OO T SYST EM HA RD D ISK 20. Press the Sele ct key a n d the foll owi ng messag e appears: B OO T SYST EM HA RD D ISK 6 21. Press th e Select k e y .
2. Make su r e you h a v e P S Executive Se ri e s ut i lities (provi ded on a d isk wi th you r prin ter) in stalled on you r Maci ntosh. Install ation instructi ons are in the READM E fil e o n the PS Exec disk. 3. Use the followin g procedure t o decom press the SystemLoader prog ram and inst all i t on your Macint osh ’s hard disk: a.
can provi de you with a cable (with DIN-8 female and DB-25 ma le conn e c tors) for this, or you can see appendix B, “Te chnica l Spe cificati ons, ” for the correct cable pino uts . NOT E: If you have a c cess to a PC, printer sy stem soft ware and fonts can also be downl oaded f rom the P C t o the printer’s para l lel or serial p ort.
QM S SO FT LO AD x. x IN ST AL L TO D ISK 5. Pr ess the Sele ct key to enter the Install to Disk subm enu. 6. Pr e ss the Next key unti l SE RI AL appears i n the sec o nd li ne of the message windo w: IN ST AL L TO D IS K SE RI AL 7. P r ess the Select key to enter the Serial submenu.
11. At the p rint er co ntro l panel , p ress the M enu k ey. The followi ng appears in the print er messag e window: QM S SO FT LO AD x. x IN ST AL L TO D ISK 12. Press the Sel e ct key to ent er th e Install t o Disk subm enu. 13. Pr e ss the Next k e y unti l SE RI AL appears i n the sec ond line of the message windo w: 14.
IN ST AL L TO D IS K CO MP LE TE 19. Repeat st e p s 11 th r o ugh 18 to inst all the rest of the pri nter fonts on the disk labeled Syst em Fonts 2/M acinto sh. 20. When the system software an d fonts are loaded use th e followi ng procedure to restart the printer: a.
NOT E: If you d o tou ch s ome keys du ring t his step, you must go back to s t ep 20a an d start from the re again. Chap ter 8 Printer Options 8-63 EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 963.
♦ Cha pter 8 8-64 Printer Options EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Ch a p ter 9 Tro uble shoo ting Chap ter high l i ghts: ■ Respond ing to status messages ■ Clearing media jams ■ Pr even ti ng medi a jams ■ Internal h ard disk problems ■ Miscell aneous pro.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on This chapter explains how to deal with control panel messages, remove jam s, cancel jobs, and troublesho ot printer probl ems. Responding to St atus Mes sages The followin g status messages may ap pear in the cont rol panel messag e wi ndow: x ACTIVE JO BS The p rinte r is on line , and o ne o r more jobs are i n pro gre ss.
cart rid ge th at ne ed s a t tent ion. After insta llin g the new cart rid ge, you ha ve to clear thi s me ssage thro ugh the contr ol panel using the Clea r Wa rning op t i on.
MISFE ED JAM Med ia has ja m m ed leavin g the me dia casse tte. R emove the jam ( see the “Misf e e d Ja m ” section la ter in th i s ch apter for deta i ls) . OUTER JAM Med ia ha s jam med leavin g t h e pape r ex i t unit . R e m ove th e jam (se e the “Outer Jam ” sec tion l a t er in thi s ch apter for deta i ls) .
WAITING O N INPUT END JOB? Th e pri nte r co mpil er i s w ai tin g o n in c omin g data f or the first job i n t he j ob queue. It is p ossib le that the job di d not en d with a n end- of-j ob in dic at or an d the re fore canno t en d by i tself.
counte r that tracks t hat par ticul ar ser v ice resets to 0 and the mes- sage does not reappear u ntil after another com p l e t e c y cle. If you continu e to u s e th e prin ter without t he p r o per mainten an ce or p art replacement, prin t qual i t y can dete r i orate and the w e ar on the printer can shorten the prin ter’s life.
Clear ing Me dia Jams When a j a m oc c u rs, the m essage window on th e control p anel displ a ys on e of three messages, MI SFEE D JAM , IN NE R J AM , or OU TE R JA M .
2. Locate the manual-feed platform: it’s a bl ack plastic tr a y a t the t op of th e m edia-c ass ette slot . 3. Remove the manual-feed platform by lift ing it up and forward at the front unt il it drops out (fig.
4. Remove any jam med media you see (fig . 9 . 3). 5. Che c k to be sure no ot her pieces of media are lo dged farther back in th e slot. Then, if y ou removed the manual - feed platform, r e p lace i t. ( P ush it b a ck i nto the printe r unti l it is secure.
Clearing Inner Jams When the contro l panel message wind ow di spl ay s INNE R JA M, media h as jamm ed le a v ing the OPC belt cartridge, and t he leading edge h a s jammed around the transfer area. To clear this jam, use the followi ng procedure: 1.
2. Open the transfer uni t by gr a spin g it in the center by the green handle an d pulli ng it toward you and d own ( fig. 9.5). NOTE : To a void d a mage t o the roller s, always rem ove jam med med ia gently. Also , toner images o n the media ar en’t fused (set), which m e ans toner is still loose.
3. Remove the jamm ed media if the media is around th e drum by u sin g the foll owi ng procedure. Ot herwi se, s kip t o st ep 4. a. Ope n t h e manual f e ed tray by p ressing the top, rig ht cor ner (fig.
b. Pul l u p t he gre en handle o n th e O PC be lt cart rid ge an d t he n p ull the cart ridge ou t ab out 2" ( 5 cm) to relie ve tensio n on the drum . c. Re mo ve the m ed ia fro m the tran sfer uni t end of t he pri nt er (fi g. 9.7). d. Close t he tran sfer unit and t he back cov er.
WARNI NG! The fuser u nit i s ho t! Do not re m ove a jam i n t hi s area until t h e fuser unit cools. ACHTUNG ! Die Fixierein heit wird seh r heiß ! Bi t te a c h ten S ie darau f , daß si e di ese eini ge Zeit abk ühlen lassen, bevor Si e einen Pap i erstau bes eitigen .
Clearing Outer Jams When the contro l panel message wind ow di spl ay s OUTE R JA M, media has jammed leaving t h e paper exit uni t . To clear this j am, use the followi ng procedure: 1. Open the back cover by pressing t h e top-righ t corner to release the s pring latch (fig.
3. Open the pap er exit uni t (fig. 2.13). 4. Open the pressure-release l ever on t he fuser unit (fig. 9 . 10 ). CAUTION: If you can see the oute r jam i n the transfer unit, alw a ys remove it by pull ing t he med ia o u t th r o ugh the trans f er uni t, not u p and out the paper exit unit.
5. Remove the jamm ed media by pull ing it straigh t out from abov e the t r ansf er unit (fig. 9.11). 6. Clos e the tr ans fer unit, and th en the ba ck cover. 7. Close the pressure release lever on the fuser unit. 8. Clos e the pap er exit unit. When the control p anel messag e windo w displays ID LE , t h e printer is ready to print.
If the Media Jam Message Stays On 1. If a ja m messa ge d i spla ys in the co ntrol panel message window, clear the jam using the approp r iate p r ocedure f rom the “Cl ea ri n g Medi a Jams ” section earlie r in this chapter.
Prev enti ng Media Jam s Some prin ter problem s are c aus ed by improp er handli ng of media or us e of th e wrong m edia an d con sumables. The foll owing section provi des infor matio n about co rrectl y h andli ng medi a an d preventi ng jams.
■ Load medi a printi ng side up, top edge first. The printin g side of m e dia is indicated on the wrapping, so le ave it in its wrapping unti l you are ready to l oad it. ■ Keep the paper -feed rolle r s and the m a n ual-fe ed belts cl e an. Dirty ro llers and belts can dra w medi a unevenl y int o the p r i n t e r.
Miscel l aneous Proble ms: A Q uic k Check If you have ju st ins tall ed yo ur prin ter and are h aving prob lems , be sure you have corr ectl y fol lowed the setu p steps outlined i n chapter 2, “Ini ti al P rint er Setu p, ” and chapter 3, “Conn ecting the Print er.
■ Is the toner o r developer d epleted? ■ Are all printer doors and covers closed securely? ■ Is th ere a m edia jam? 3. Is the print er rece iving data from the comput e r? I f t he Data LED blin ks after sending t he file, th e printer i s receiving t he data.
■ If you continu e to have problem s wit h t he ESP mode sel e c t in g printe r emulati on, cont act your QMS vendor. IBM PC and Compatible Computer Checklist If you are experiencing problem s with.
■ Is the print er p r o perly connect ed via Local Ta l k-type c a bl e and transformer box e s ? (See chapter 3 , “Connecting the Prin ter,” for informat ion .
Mechanic al Pr oblems Control Panel Selections Don’t Take Effect ■ Mak e sure you’re saving menu selections before exit ing the me nu. (Se e “Sav ing Configuration Selections” in chapte r 4, “Pri nter Configurati on.”) ■ Som e configu ration selections d o not take effect until th e print e r has been rebooted.
1. Is th e printer on li ne ? 2. Has the start-up page b ee n disabl ed? Check the Do S tart Page opti on in the Adm inistr a t ion/St artup Optio n s m enu to make su re the sta r t-up page is on . If the sta r t -up page is tu rned on, go to s te p 3.
Printer Locks Up If the IN IT IA LIZI NG m essage remain s in the messag e window, and you a r e not be abl e to ent er the Configurati on menu o r print even after you turn the print er off a n d on again, the printer has probably been incorrec tly configur e d.
4. Incre ase t he e mul a t i o n timeou t (for HP PCL and HP-GL files) or the PS wait timeou t (for Post Scri pt files). 5. If you are us ing a PC, make sure t hat th e mode stat ement i n your AUTOEXEC. B AT fil e ends in a p so t hat pri nt jobs are sent unt il t he print e r ac cepts th em: m od e lp t1 :, ,p 6.
Print Qua lity Proble ms Generally Poor Print Quality ■ Mak e sure the prin ter i s set for the type o f media ( paper, tr a n spare n c y film, or t hick stock) you are pri n ti ng on: use the M ed.
600 d pi Jo bs Print at 300 d p i ■ Mak e sure t h e printer is configured for 600 dpi. See chapter 4, “ P rint e r C onfig uratio n,” for informatio n. ■ Mak e su r e you h ave enough RAM install ed for the job yo u are trying to print. If your p rint er has 1 2 M B RAM , col or do cu ment s print in 300 dpi .
White or Lig ht Lin es ■ Remove e a ch toner c a rt r idge, shake it as yo u d o b e fore inst alling a new c ar t ridge to redist r i bute ton er, and t hen reinstal l the cartridg e.
Blurry Images, Scratc h es, or Missing Dots ■ Mak e su re t he media is in good s hape and meets all th e spe cif icat ions in the “M edia H andlin g” secti on of Appendi x B, “Technic al Speci fic ations.” ■ Che c k for a s tatus message on t he control panel.
Color J ob s (or Portions of Jobs) Prin t in Mo no chrome ■ Mak e su r e you h ave enough RAM install ed for the job yo u are trying to print. See appendix B, “Tec hnical Specifications,” for a char t showing RAM requi r em e n t s for di f fere nt page sizes a nd num bers of colors.
Sharp H o r i zonta l Lines (across t h e feed direction) ■ Place a service c al l. Partial Images or Imag e Too Small ■ Ch eck t he i m ageable regions f o r the si z e med ia you are usin g (see “Media Hand l i ng” section of Appendix B, “Techn i c al Speci fications”).
Plac ing a S er vice Cal l If you have a probl em you canno t r e solv e, contact your QMS vendor. Your ve n dor i s best equi pped t o immedi ately hand le problem yo u may encounter. I f you cannot get service f r om your vendo r, see app en dix A, “QMS Custom er Support.
App e n dix A QMS Custome r Support EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
QMS Custom er Suppor t Several so urc es of help and i nformation are availabl e , depen ding on the type of help yo u n eed: 1. Your QMS printer vendor Your local vend or ( t he one from whom you bought the p r i nter) may be best equi pped t o help you .
The bulletin board c ontains techni c a l suppor t no tes, appl ication not es, dri vers, patches, and ut i l ities, and yo u may leave technical qu estions not requi ring an immedi ate respo nse on elect r o nic mail for the S ysop (System Op erator).
633-3716 . Please ind icate whether you wou ld like a faxed or a phoned reply. If you call for a s sistance, h a v e t he followi ng inform atio n re ady so our technicians can help yo u more quickly:.
QMS Worl d-wi de Off ic es United States/ Latin Ame rica QMS, Inc. One Ma gnum Pa ss Mobile , AL 36618 USA (334) 633 -430 0 E- ma il : in f o@ qm s .c o m Product Inform ation: (80 0) 523-269 6 OE M I.
App e n dix B Tec hnical Spe cific atio ns EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Print Engine Print M e thod Cya n, ma g e nta, yel low, and blac k e l e c tropho tograp h ic re cordin g wi th semi conduc tor la ser. Dry t oner, i mage transf er to pri nt med ia .
Pri nt Spee d 12 page s p er min ute monoc hrom e 6 pages pe r minu te 2- or 3-c ol or 3 pages pe r minu te 4-co lor (Assumi ng the use of l e t t e r or A4 size with 30% or less to ner c overa ge.) Rec om - mended Duty Cycle 5,000 col or pri nt s per m ont h 20, 00 0 mo noc hrom e prin ts pe r mo nth Warm-Up Ti me 250 se c.
SCSI Support s optiona l SCSI d isks, up to a 512 MB. Standard RAM 12 or 24 MB RAM (upgrad able to 64 MB) Inter nal Hard Di sk Siz e 80 MB IDE dri ve (Upgrad eable to 51 2 MB. ) Elec t r i c a l Requir ements Power Require ments 120 V ± 10% Frequenc y 60 Hz ( ± 2Hz) Power Consumptio n Standby 100 0 W max.
Environ m ental Requi r eme nts Appe ndi x B B-4 Technical Spec i f ications EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Media Handlin g Medi a Siz es* Siz e Inc hes Milli m e ters Let te r 8 . 50 x 11. 00 215. 90 x 279. 40 Lega l 8.50 x 14. 00 215. 90 x 355. 60 A4 8. 27 x 11. 69 210.00 x 2 97. 00 Exec ut ive 7 . 25 x 10. 50 185. 00 x 2 67. 00 Com 10 9.50 x 4.125 241.30 x 1 04.
Print Medi a Ty p es, Weigh ts, and Recommended Bran ds Medi a Type W e i ght Brand Pl ain P a per 60 t o 90 g/m 2 16 to 24 l b Xer ox 40 24 Laser Pape r 60 t o 90 g /m 2 16 to 24 l b Hammermill La se r Pr in t ( W hi te ) Thic k St ock (manu al-feed on ly) up t o 163 g /m 2 up to 43 l b N/A Tr anspar enci es 138 t o 146 g/m 2 36 .
Consumables Your QMS vendor can provide the co nsumables list ed below for you r color prin ter. In the US , y ou can also call (800 ) 777-778 2 to order consumables . K e ep in m i nd that consu mables can h ave an effect on your print er wa r rant y .
Options These are the op tions available for th i s printe r at the tim e this manual we n t to pr e ss. Con tact yo ur QMS vendo r for a complete, upd ated li st, or (in th e US ) call QMS at (8 00) 777-77 82. 250-shee t Shee t Feeder Come s with a medi a c assett e, wh i c h is inte rchang e a ble wit h the sta nda rd casse tt e.
SIMMs Mem ory Upgr ade Kit 4 M B 8 MB 16 MB 32 MB El e c tri ca l 5V ± 10% Fast pag e m ode t ra s = 80 ns. t ca s = 20 ns. t ra c = 80 ns. t ca c = 20 ns.
consumabl es and/or ac cesso r i es, QMS will not r e p a ir the pri nter free-of- charge. In this c ase, st andard time and material charges will be applied to s ervice your print er for that particular fail ure or damage. QMS r ecommends that you u s e only quality Q MS consumabl es and ac c ess ories to support your prin ter.
Cable Pinouts LocalTalk The table below gives the corre ct pino uts for the printer end of the 8-pin LocalTalk cable used to connect a comput e r and pri nter: Pinout : Loc alTal k Pin No.
Serial The table below gives the corre ct pino uts for the printer end of the 25-pin serial cable used t o c o nnect a comput e r and pri nter: Pinout : Ser ial Pin No.
Centronics Parallel The followin g tabl e describ e s t he Centro nics parallel interface cab le that can be used with your print er. (See “ No tes to the Centroni cs Para lle l Cable Pinout s Tabl e ” on the next page for more in formati on. ) Pinout : Centroni cs Para llel Sig nal Return Signa l Dir ectio n Pin No.
Notes to the Centronics Parallel Cable Pinouts Table Direct ion refer s t o the di r ecti on of signal flow as vie we d from the printer. Ret urn denotes “twist ed-pair return” and is to be c o nnected at signal-grou nd level.
1284 Parallel The Centro nics parallel inte r face s u pports two modes for 128 4 bi-d irectional comm uni c ation, nibble mod e and byte mod e: In ni bbl e mo de, bi-di rection al commun icati on b et we en the pri nter and the ho st is done i n n ibbles (four b its) wit h the low order n ibb le sent first.
Dataproducts Parallel The followi ng table describes the Dataprod ucts parallel interface cable that can be used with you r printer. Pinout : Dataproduc ts Para llel Sig nal Return Signa l Dir ectio n Pin No.
Ap pe nd i x C No tic es EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
FCC Compliance Th is e qu ipment h as been te sted and fo und to co mply with the limits f or a Cl ass A di gi t al devi ce, pursua nt t o pa rt 15 of t he FCC rul es. The se l imits are design ed to prov id e reas o nab le pro tec tio n ag ain st har mfu l inte rfe re nce w hen t he eq uip men t is o pera ted in a comm erci al en viro nme nt.
Vfg 1046/1984 Conformity Statement Hierd urch bescheinigen wir, daß dieses Produk t in Übereinsti mmung mit Pos tor dnung 1046/ 1984 is t und RF I unte r drü ckt ist .
Laser Safety T h is p rin te r i s ce rt i f ied as a Cla ss 1 l as er p ro duc t un d er th e U .S . Dep a rt m e nt o f Heal t h and Human Services (DHHS ) Radi a ti o n P e r formance Standa rd ac c o r d ing to the R ad iati on C ontr ol for H ealth and Saf ety A ct of 19 68 .
Colophon This manual wa s wr i tt e n with WordP erfec t , illus t r ated with Adobe I l lustrator and Micro grafx De s ign er, and forma tted with Ventu ra Publ ishe r .
Ap pe nd i x D Additi onal Te chnical Informa tion EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Introducti on Thi s a p pendix provi des a d ditio nal technical inform a t ion on ho w your printer works and mem ory management . How Your P rinte r Works Your laser printer works us ing a combi nati on of a me chanical and an electric a l process.
1. A precharger u nit p uts a n ev en c h a r ge ac r oss the OPC (Organic Photo c o nductor) bel t. Think of it as preparing a sur face for paintin g. 2. When you send an i mage file, the QM S control ler uses that informati on to c o ntrol when the laser b eam in t he optical u n it turns on a nd off as it scans the OPC belt.
Memory The memor y requ ir e ments of the printer are dictated by the applicati ons that you run. Of the prin ter’ s memory, 9 M B are divid ed a m ong block s or “mem ory clients , ” each dedi ca t ed to a specific purpose.
PostSc ript fonts. Ea c h of your pr inter’s featur es req ui res a mini m um amo unt of mem ory. If yo u u se a feature, you m ust all ocate enoug h memory to the cli ent th at control s i t , but if th e r e are f eatu r es you do no t use, you can move excess mem ory f rom unused featu res to other cli ents that need addit io nal mem ory.
Frame Buffer Lis ted as K Mem Fram e b uff i n the Admin istratio n/Memory m enu, the frame buffer memory client holds raster iz ed (bitmapped) images of page fa ces that are ready to be sent to the ph ysi cal print engi ne.
th e host becom e s f r ee m ore qui c k ly , and the n umber of jobs that the printer can acce p t simultaneous l y is increa sed. So i n c reasin g this clie nt c an be bene ficial in r educ ing network t r a f fic, but thro ughput speed is not nec ess a ri ly increased.
Increasing this client’s memory allows more complicat ed non-Pos tSc ript jo bs to p rint and allows larger, opt ional emulat ion s or multipl e emu lations to be loaded and r ea d y to process jobs, withou t having to b e reloaded every time a job in that emul ation is sent.
Display List Lis ted as K M em Displ ay in the Admi nistrati on/Mem ory menu, th is client sh ares its mem ory wi th the Pos tSc r i pt heap. The di spl ay list stores compressed representation s , or blocks, of the p ages to b e printe d. Approximate ly 1 compressed block i s required for a normal 8.
but are not being used. However , th e hard di sks remain u navailabl e unt il thi s clien t’s si ze is i ncreased. The recommend ed amount of m emory for th e disk cache cli ent is as foll ows: ■ 12 0 KB mi ni mum ■ 0.
Spooling Overflow The s pool ove r fl ow opti on ( Admin ist ratio n/Disk Ope rati ons menu) specifies the maximum space r e se rved for spool in g overflow on the ha rd d isk , if one i s availabl e.
To differe nti ate d a t a from the special cont rol charac t er s , any data that is the sam e as one of t he following special control c h a racters mu st be quoted.
PS Protocol Menu for Optional Network Interfaces These opti ons for the P S Proto c o l m enus for opt ional network interface c ards s e t the binary com municati ons protocol ( BCP ) for comm uni catin g over that inte r face to a P o st S cript pri nter.
Binary Fixe d Enab l e s b inary c ommu nic a t ion s pro toc ol. Pr int jo bs can not alt e r thi s value throu gh PostSc ript oper ators. Data in t he printable ASCII r ange a l so prints.
Updated DO Cs This secti on prov ides u pdated i nformat ion on HP PCL 4 and PCL 5 DOCs. This informat ion wil l be me r g ed into the approp riate manual s as they ar e revised .
includi n g th ose stored on the addit i o nal resources, can be access ed onl y by attribu tes. Also, onl y obj ects s t ored in the curre n t resource may be del e t ed directly b y t he PCL language. Theref ore, u nless they are expl icitly removed, external fonts are always available to all PCL j o bs.
are retained when the syst em is reset (E or receipt of Pri nter Job Language). External obj e cts reside on the addit ion al resour ces. All obj e ct s are tempo ra ry when first created.
Updated PCL 5 DOCs %%Incl u d eFeature:scalable f o nts( value ) Purpose : Enab le s/di sab le s PCL 5 sca labl e font s (to print PCL 4 doc umen ts tha t have sele cted PCL 5 sca labl e font s or to m o r e clo se ly e m ula te th e PCL 4 font enviro nm ent ).
job un less Retain Temporary is set to On or On Com patibi lity. If the file the %%Inc ludeFe a t ure:i nstall comma n d is attached to does not make i t s downloaded fon ts perm anen t o r Re t a in T e m porary is not se t , the n those ob jects are r emove d from the disk when th e j ob comp l e tes.
(s #W <cha r 33 da ta >*c3 4E (s #W <cha r 34 da ta >. *c 5F Ex amp le B: Job 2 <E SC >(8U (s 1p 12 v0s0 b4 15 3T his text will be in the downloa ded font, if i t support s the ROMAN-8 symbol set, is proportion ally sp ac ed, 1 2 po in ts in hei gh t ( or sc alab le), up ri ght, m ed ium we ig ht, an d h as t yp e # 415 3.
object type: *, fon t, mac ro, patt ern, o r ot her obj e c t t ype (spe c i fi e s th e kin d of obj ects that are to be delet ed from the speci f ie d print e r syst e m ) . I f ob j e c t type is * or i s n ot spe cified, then a l l object s on t h e spec i fi ed r esource wit h th e spe cifie d obj ec t id are remov ed.
resourc e . Reg ardle ss of its resourc e , a font can b e sel ecte d by i ts attr ibu tes. resour ce id : 0 to 6 (id en t ifies one of the possibl e l o ca t i ons for down loade d objects) .
Purpose : Spe cifie s th e defa ult font inde x num be r . This i nde x is use d when the Defa u l t F on t se l e c t ed i s selectb yid. Thi s al lo w s for se lection of fonts only on the current resourc e . Sel e cti on of defaul t font by inde x overr i des th e symbol set value.
%%IncludeFeature:c ri scr l f( value ) Purpose : Co ntrols th e defa ult line terminati on mode (the <ES C>&k#G co mmand). Specifi es the line t er mina ti on tr ea tm en t of a c ar ria ge r etu rn . val ue: off (trea t li ne fee d as a li ne fe ed) or on (t re a t l ine f eed as a c arria ge return- line feed c om binat ion).
equiv alent cod e pa ssed to the PCL lin e term inatio n co m ma nd. T he se cond se ttin g (l fiscrl f o n , c risc rlf off) is cor rect for mo st ASC II list ings pr i nted from UNIX mac hines.
Glo ssary For more inf orm at io n abo ut a t er m, chec k the ind ex list ing s. Applic ation A com put er progra m de sign ed to h e lp peop le p erf orm a cert ain type of wo rk, for exam ple, a wo.
emul a t ion from th ose insta lled o n th e printer an d processe s t he pri nt job, fre eing t h e user from ha ving t o ch ange print e r switch sett i n gs or sen d soft war e c om man ds t o ac c o mmod a t e di fferen t print e r emu lations. ESP mode is an opt ion for the print er’s L ocal Tal k , se rial , and paral lel inte rfa c e s.
PDL P a ge D e scr iptio n L angua ge: a pr ogram ming lang uage, such as Post Script or HP-GL, t h at transla tes m essage s from a com puter to a print e r. See als o PostS cript . Pl anes T one r, deve loper and OPC be lt mea sure ments ( rathe r t han copi es) fo r usa g e .
SI O S i mult an eous I nt erfac e O per ation : a C r own func t i on that allows pr intin g to a ll three of the printe r’s conc urre nt ly act ive port s.
In de x 100K CHECKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 1284 parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15 60 0 d pi Printing Jo bs in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 RAM requirem ents for . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Selectin g thro u g h the control p an e l .
T raile r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -39 Baud rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20, 4-2 3 Bulletin bo a rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 BEL T CARTRIDGE MISINS TALLED . 9-1 Bi-direction al pa rall e l inte rface .
CLOSE M ANUAL FE ED TRAY . . . . . . 9-1 CM S See Color m a na g em ent systems Collating Chu nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 3 Dis k sp ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 2 Collation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keyp ad la n g uag e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 1 LED s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -4 Med ia ke y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -6 Men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 8 Men u ke y.
Collating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 1 2 Display l i s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 Dithering Printer defau lt s tyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Do Error Hand ler op tion . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reso lu t i o n o ption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 Enhan c ed m ode (HP-GL) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 3 2 Envelop e jams, preve nting . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19 Env elopes Imag eab l e regio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Mar g i ns .
G Gamm a co rrection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30 Gamu t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 1 H Halfton e s An gles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 7 Cho osing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Imag e Partial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -3 3 Too small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -3 3 Imag e, no t cen tered See A lig nm e nt Imag eable re g ion. . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 , B-5 , G - 2 Constraints. . .
Laser Prep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5, 9-2 5 Laser p rinting Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Laser radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3 Laser safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selectio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -6 , 4 -17 , 5-1 1 Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 , 5 -10 , B-5 Specification s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Thick stock .
U S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 3 Netware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 Network ad ministrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-2 Network Interfa c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 8 Installing .
P Packin g ma terials, in printer . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Page De scription Lang uages See Emulation s Panton e POCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -13 Panton e Profession al Color Toolkit . . . . 7-16 P ANTONE® * C ol o r s . . . . . . .
Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12, 4-29 , 4 -58 , B-2 Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12, 4-29 , 4 -58 , B-2 Po st Scr ip t e mu la ti o n m o de . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3 Post Sc r ipt emu l a t io n option . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 8 PostScript errors .
Se e Windows, i n stalling Pri nte r e mu latio ns Specifyin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Pr inter opti o ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 5 Printer setup Using men us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2 0 Printing Bl ank p ages .
Re g ist e r rol ler, clea n i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -34 Re g ist rati o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G- 2 Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -3 2 Re g is tr a tio n p age . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mechanical specification s . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Se e also Memo r y Part number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Se e also RAM Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Specification s . . . . . . . . . . . . .
St op bit s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 20 Serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -2 4 Sto rage Consum ables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6 Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Se e also Med ia cass ette Se e M edia, cass ette Tray Select key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Trou bleshoo ting 10 0K ch eck up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9- 4 Adjus t xxx x x bin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 App leTa lk .
W WAITING ON INPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 Warm-u p time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 WARMING UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 Warnin g s In m a nu al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6 Po we r.
♦ I-20 Index EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il IBM 19 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del IBM 19 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso IBM 19 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul IBM 19 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il IBM 19, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del IBM 19.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il IBM 19. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo IBM 19 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.