Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto J3245A del fabbricante HP
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Insta llati on an d Con fi g ur at io n G ui de HP J3245A HP AdvanceS tack Switch 800T SEDONA.BK : sed_0cvr.fm5 P age 1 Thursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
SEDONA.BK : sed_0cvr.fm5 P age 2 Thursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
Pe rfor ate ✂ (ov er for mor e se rv ices ) HP Cust omer Suppo rt Ser vices How to g et the latest sof twar e /agent f irmware You can dow nload from the W orld Wi de Web, HP FTP Library Servi ce, Comp uServe, and HP BBS a compre ss ed file ( j324 5a .
Pe rf orat e ✂ HP FIRST Fax Retrieval Service HP FIRST is an au tomated fax retr ieva l servi ce that is avail able 24 ho urs a day, sev en days a week.
HP Ad vance St ack Swi tc h 800T Insta lla tion an d Co nfigur ation G uide HP J3245A SEDONA.BK : b_front.fm5 Page i Thursday, F ebruary 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
He wlett- Pac kard Compa ny 8 000 Foo thi lls Boul ev ard, m/s 55 51 Ros evi l le, Calif orn ia 9574 7- 5551 htt p: //www.hp. com/go/network_city © C opy rig ht 19 97 Hewl ett -Pa cka rd Comp any All Righ ts Re serve d. This d ocum ent co ntain s infor ma tio n wh ic h is p rote cted b y copyright .
ii i Prefa ce Pref ace Use o f This Guid e and Oth er Swit ch 800T Docu me nta tion This gui de des cribes how to install the Swi tch 800T (H P J3245A ) in yo ur networ k and u se the co nsole in terfa ce for the HP AdvanceStac k S witch 800T ( hereaft er r eferred to as t he “Swi tch 800T”).
iv Pref ace Overview of Console Appl icati on s Ex ample of t he HP Advance St ack Swit ch 800 T with Four 10 0Base- TX Tran sceiver s ins tal le d When powered -up in th e facto r y defa ul t co n fi.
v C ontent s Conten ts 1 : In s ta lla tion In s t a ll a ti o n S um m ar y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1. I ns t al l A dd- In T ran sce i v ers (Opti onal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Co ntent s SNMP Comm unities Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Tr a p R ec e i ve r s F e at u r es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 15 Serial Li nk Fe atures .
vii C ontent s 7: Advanced Concepts Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 1 Spann ing T ree Pr otoc ol (ST P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi ii Co ntent s Diagnostic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 Tes ting Twis ted -P air Cab l ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9- 8 Testing End- to-End Networ k Com municatio ns .
ix C ontent s E: BOO TP Operat io n Ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E- 1 The Bootp Proce ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SEDONA.BK : sedona.TOC Page x Thursday, F e bruary 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
1- 1 In stall ation 1 Installation Insta llation Summ ary This chapte r desc ribes the install a tion procedures for the HP J324 5A Adv anceStack Swi tch 800T (h er eafter refer r ed to as the Sw i tch 800T ). The f o llowin g is a summary of th ose p rocedu res: 1.
1-2 Inst a lla t ion Inst a lla ti on S um m ary In stall ation 2. Install t ransceivers (optional). The Switch 800 T is shi p pe d wi th four HP J 3192B Advance Stack 100Base-TX T wisted-Pair T ransc eiver Modules (refe rred to in this manua l as “transcei ver s”) already ins tall ed.
1-3 Ins ta ll atio n 1. In stal l Add -I n Tra n sc eiver s (O ption al) In stall ation 1. Install Add-In Tran s ceivers (Opt io nal ) The S witc h 800 T is ship ped with four HP J 3192B Adva n ceS tack 100Base- TX Twisted-P air Transceiv er Modul es already instal led.
1-4 Inst a lla t ion 1 . I nstal l Add-I n Tr anscei ve rs (O pt io nal ) In stall ation It may be more conven ie n t to ins t all additio n al tr ans ceive r s before in st a ll in g the Switch 800T into a rac k or other loc ation. Inspect your in stalla tion si te and dete rmine whether the switch ’s module s lots will be ac cessibl e.
1-5 Ins ta ll atio n 1. In stal l Add -I n Tra n sc eiver s (O ption al) In stall ation Caut ion For prop er cool ing and redu ction of electrom ag netic em issions, ensure that the slot cove r s (p rovided w ith your Sw itch 8 00T) are install ed on any unused s lots.
1-6 Inst a lla t ion 2 . Verif y the Swi tc h’ s Oper at ion In stall ation 2. Ve ri fy t he Sw i t ch ’s Ope r at io n This pro cess verifi es that the Switch 800T is op eratin g proper ly. V erif y t he S witc h Ha rd ware 1. Connect the supplied power cor d to the switc h ’s power receptacle.
1-7 Ins ta ll atio n 2. Veri fy the Swit ch’s Ope ration In stall ation Figu re 1-5. Th e Swit ch 800T Sy stem LEDs When the switch i s pow ered on, i t per forms a se lf- diagnost ic test. During the test, the following occurs: • All LEDs turn on mom entarily.
1-8 Inst a lla t ion 3 . Mount the S w it ch In stall ation 3. Mou nt th e Swit ch A Switch 800T c an be mounted in two ways : ■ In a rack or cabinet ■ On a t able ■ On a wal l The hardware for mounting the swi tch is included in the accessory kit (506 3-85 44) packe d with the swi t ch .
1-9 Ins ta ll atio n 3. Mount t he Sw it ch In stall ation Rack or Ca binet Mounti ng Warn ing T he ra ck or c abinet shou ld be ade quate ly s ecure d to pr ev ent it from b ec omi ng un st abl e an d/o r fa ll i ng ov er. Install t he Switch 800T only on a tabletop or an equipment rack or ca bi n et de sig n ed fo r t h is p ro du c t.
1-10 Inst a lla t ion 3 . Mount the S w it ch In stall ation 3. Usin g a Phil li ps cross- h ead scr ew d river, attach the L-sh ap ed mounti ng bracke ts to e ach side of th e switch w ith four 10- mm M 4 sc rews (included in the acce ss ory kit) . Figu re 1-7.
1- 1 1 Ins ta ll atio n 3. Mount t he Sw it ch In stall ation Figu re 1-8. Pos it ion t he Switch f or Rack Mountin g Figu re 1-9 . Seat the Switc h in the Rack 5. Ins t all the other two 5/8 -inch 12- 24 screws into the upper hol e in each bracket. Includ e th e cable- tie br ack et o n the side on which you want to lead your netw ork cabl es.
1-12 Inst a lla t ion 3 . Mount the S w it ch In stall ation Figu re 1-10. I nst all the Switc h in the Rack 5/8- inch #12 -24 screws C a bl e-T ie Bra cket SEDONA.
1- 1 3 Ins ta ll atio n 3. Mount t he Sw it ch In stall ation Notice that for the fi rst A dvanceStack device mounted i n a rack, the bottom notc h an d the top hole i n the bracket are us ed. For the next AdvanceStack de vice above, the bottom hole and the top no t ch are us ed.
1-14 Inst a lla t ion 3 . Mount the S w it ch In stall ation Mount ing t he Switch on a Wall Caut ion The Swi tch 80 0T should b e mounted onl y to a wal l or wood surface that is constructed of a m inimum of 1/2-inch plywood o r its equivalent.
1- 1 5 Ins ta ll atio n 3. Mount t he Sw it ch In stall ation Table Moun ting Plac e the switch o n a t ab le o r other horizon t al s urface. (No sp ecia l tools are nece ssary.
1-16 Inst a lla t ion 4 . Conn ect a Power Suppl y In stall ation 4. Connec t a Power Supp ly The Switc h 800T does not have a power switc h. It is powered- on when the pow er cor d is p lug ged in. The s witch’ s power su pply autom atica ll y adjus ts to any AC power sour ce b etw een 100-1 27 vo lts and 200- 240 vo lts .
1- 1 7 Ins ta ll atio n 4. Conne ct a Po wer Su pply In stall ation To Use the (Optional ) HP J2962A Advan ceStack R e dunda nt Power Supply ( RPS): Caut ion Remove th e power cord from the Switch 800T before con n ecting the (opti onal ) redu nda nt power su ppl y (RPS).
1-18 Inst a lla t ion 4 . Conn ect a Power Suppl y In stall ation Figu re 1-15. Locat ion of the RPS Connect or RP S Co nn e ct or No te : D o No t U s e t he Po w er Cord Rece ptacl e If Yo u Pl an To Use the RPS wit h th e Sw it c h. SEDONA.BK : s ed_1.
1- 1 9 Ins ta ll atio n 5 . Compl ete th e Network Conne ctio ns to the Swi t ch In stall ation 5. Com plete the Ne twork Conne ctions to the Switch Connect the switch to the power source. With the switc h mounted, you are now r eady to c onnect i t t o your networ k .
1-20 Inst a lla t ion 5 . Compl et e t he Net work Conne ctio ns to the Swit ch In stall ation For connec tions to thes e ports, see the documentati on you recei ved with th e specif ic transceiver, and to the Co nnectiv i ty Q uick Refer ence men t i o ne d in the pr eced in g n o te.
1- 2 1 Ins ta ll atio n 6. Conne ct a Co nso le De vice (O pti on al) In stall ation 6. Co n nect a Co ns ol e De vice (O pti on al ) The S witch 800T consol e interfac e enable s you to use a P C or .
1-22 Inst a lla t ion 6 . Conn ect a Cons ole Devi ce ( Opt io nal ) In stall ation Direct Console Manageme nt, Using A Serial Cable and a Term inal or PC Terminal Emulat or You can use ei th er a PC emulati ng an ASCII termin al (such as the ter mi nal application included with M icrosoft Wi ndows 3.
1- 2 3 Ins ta ll atio n 6. Conne ct a Co nso le De vice (O pti on al) In stall ation 3. When yo u see this m e ss age: Waiting for speed sense. Press enter to continue.
1-24 Inst a lla t ion 6 . Conn ect a Cons ole Devi ce ( Opt io nal ) In stall ation Remo te Console Managem ent Using a Mod em and a T erminal or PC Term inal Em ulator Note For rem ote conso le manageme nt use a full- du plex, asyn chron ous (chara cter- mode ) modem .
1- 2 5 Ins ta ll atio n Wher e To Go from Her e In stall ation Where To Go from Here Chap ter Top ics 2 and 3 To us e the cons ole and t o conf i gur e sw i tc h fea tu res 4 To mon itor and ana ly ze.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_1.fm5 Page 26 T hursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
2- 1 Using t he C onsole In terf ace 2 Usin g t he Co nsol e Inter fac e Ov ervi ew This chapter desc ribes the foll o wing fea tures: ■ Starting an d ending a con sole s ession (pa ge 2-2) ■ The .
2-2 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Star ti ng and End in g a Cons ole Sessi on Using t he Console In terf ace S tartin g and Endi ng a Cons ole Ses sion Note This manual as sumes that either a ter .
2-3 U sing th e Consol e Int er face S tar t in g and En ding a Cons ole Sessi on Using t he C onsole In terf ace Figu re 2-1. Th e Main Menu F or a des cription of Ma in Menu features, refer to “Main M enu Features” on page 2-4. How T o End a Con sole Sessi on : 1.
2-4 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Mai n M enu Feat ur es Using t he Console In terf ace Ma in Me n u F ea t ur es The Main Menu (fi gure 2-1 on page 2-3) gi ves you access to these con sol e in te.
2-5 U sing th e Consol e Int er face Sc re en Struc tur e an d N avigat i on Using t he C onsole In terf ace Sc reen S tru ctu re a nd Na vi gat ion Cons ole scree ns include th ese three el ements : .
2-6 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Sc re en Struc tur e an d N avigat i on Using t he Console In terf ace Ta ble 2 -1. How To N avigat e i n the Con s ole Tas k: Actio ns: Exe cut e an ac ti on f r.
2-7 U sing th e Consol e Int er face Using Pa ssword Sec urit y Using t he C onsole In terf ace Using Pass word S ecurity Ther e are two le vels of co nso le acc ess: M an ager and Operat o r. For secur it y, you can set a pass word on each of these leve ls .
2-8 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Us in g Pas swor d Secu ri ty Using t he Console In terf ace Note If there is onl y a M ana ger pass word set (with no Operator pa ssword ), and the Man ager passwor d is not enter ed cor rectly when the console s ession begins , the swi t ch operates on the O pe rat or level.
2-9 U sing th e Consol e Int er face Using Pa ssword Sec urit y Using t he C onsole In terf ace b. T yp e a p asswo rd of u p to 16 char act er s and pr ess [Enter] . (R emem ber that passw ords a re case- sensiti ve.) c. Whe n prom pted wi th Enter new password again , retype the new password a nd press [Enter] .
2-10 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Re boo ting the Sw i tc h Using t he Console In terf ace Reboo ting the S witch Rebooting the switc h t erminat es the current consol e session and perform s a reset o f the opera ting s ystem.
2- 1 1 U sing th e Consol e Int er face Rebo oting t he Sw it ch Using t he C onsole In terf ace Rebo oti ng To Ac tiva te Conf i gur at ion Chan ges. Config urat ion chan ges for some p arameter s become effec tive as so on as y o u sav e the m.
2-12 Us ing the C ons ole I nt erfac e Res e tti ng th e S witc h Using t he Console In terf ace Resetting the S w itch Re sett ing r equ ir es p hy si cal ac cess to the fr o nt of the S w itch 80 0T.
3- 1 Con fig uring t he Switch 3 Co nfigu rin g the Sw itch Ov ervi ew This chapt er provides an over view of th e S wit ch 800T con figu ration features .
3-2 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Ov ervi ew Con fig uring t he Switch Note In the factory default configurat ion, t he Spanning Tree Pro t ocol (STP) is off. However, if the topology of your netw ork includes any redundant l oops between s witch es or bri dges, you shou ld enab le S TP.
3-3 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Config urab le Features How To Access th e Switch 800T Configurati on : Us e this procedure t o ac cess th e switch ’ s configur ab l e features. 1. Be gin at th e Main Menu and se lect Configuration (fig ure 3- 2): Figu re 3-2.
3-4 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Figu re 3-3. Th e Co nfigurat ion M enu 2. Use t h e arr ow keys ( [< ] , [>] , [^] , and [v] ) to highlight the configuration topic y ou wan t, then pre ss [Ent er] .
3-5 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch System F eatu res Configures basic s witch m anageme nt inform ation, inclu ding sys tem data, address a ging, and time z one para me ters: Figu re 3-4.
3-6 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Port F eatur es Confi gur es the operat ing state for each port an d opti onally as signs sel ecte d ports to a port tr unk. (For m ore on po rt trunking, refer to chapter 7.
3-7 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch IPX S ervice Fea tures Ena bles the switc h to b e managed in an IPX ne twork . The Switch 800T autom aticall y enables IPX, confi gure s the IP X node add res s, and learn s the IPX netwo rk numb er.
3-8 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch (Op tio na l) H ow To Co nfig ure IPX f or Ma n age men t fr om a R emot e I PX Net w or k.
3-9 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Inter net ( IP) Ser vice Featu res Enables y ou to c onfigure: ■ IP add ress, subnet m ask , and (op tionally) the.
3-10 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch How T o Man ually C onf igur e fo r I P. 1. Fro m the Confi gur ation scree n, select Internet (IP) Service to di splay the above scree n . 2. Pr ess [E] (for E dit ).
3- 1 1 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Vi rt ual LA N ( VL AN ) Featu re s Enables y ou to c reate up to eight port-based V LANs. A V LAN i s a g roup of ports des ignated by the Switch 800T as belo n gi ng to the same bro ad cas t doma in.
3-12 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch IP M ul ticast (IG MP ) Se rvice F eat ures—M ultim edia Traffic Con trol The I GMP ( Internet Gr oup Management Pr otocol) featur e helps to reduce network conge sti o n and improve se curity by reduc ing unnecessary multicast traffic on a per- port ba sis.
3- 1 3 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch SNMP Com mu nit ies Fe atur es Enables you to a dd, edit, or delete SNM P comm unities. Use this feature i f you expect to manage the switch from an SNMP management stat ion.
3-14 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch 2. Pr ess [A] (for A dd ) to display the follow ing scree n: Figu re 3-9. Th e SN MP Add or Edit Scre en Note In the d efault configura tion, no m anager addresses are configur ed.
3- 1 5 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Trap Rece iver s Feat ures Enables y ou to configure up to ten IP and/or IPX man agement stations ( t rap rece ivers ) to receiv e SNMP trap packets sent fro m the switch .
3-16 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Serial L ink Feat ures Enables y ou to a djust the Console RS- 232 configurati on to customize the connecti on with the PC, terminal , or modem you are using for consol e a ccess.
3- 1 7 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Conso le Fea tur es Lets you enable or disable inbound T elnet acces s and control the types of ev en ts dis played in th e even t lo g.
3-18 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Netw or k Mo nit or in g Por t F eatu re s Lets you designate a port for monitori ng traffi c on one or mo re other ports or on a VL AN confi gured on the s witch.
3- 1 9 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Figu re 3-14. Example of S electi ng a Monito ring Port 5. Pr ess t he Space bar to select which port to use for the monitor in g po rt, then press [v] to m ove to the Monitor parameter.
3-20 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Figu re 3-15. Ex ample of Select ing a VLAN t o Monitor Note It is possible in networks with h igh traffic le vels to copy more t ra ffic to a monitor port than the link ca n suppo rt.
3- 2 1 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Spann ing T ree Featu r es Enables you to activate the IEEE 802.1d Spanni ng Tree Protocol ( STP) and to adjust s panning tre e param eters. In the fact ory d efault, STP is off.
3-22 Co nf igu ring t he Swi tch Co nf ig ura ble Featur es Con fig uring t he Switch Traffic/ Secu rity Fi lter Fea tur es Ena bles you to c ontrol tr affic an d increas e networ k securi ty by cr ea.
3- 2 3 Con fi gur in g the Swit ch Con figu rable F eatur es Con fig uring t he Switch Automa tic Br oa dcast Cont rol ( ABC) Feat ures —La yer 3 Sw itching ABC r educes the amoun t of IP and/or IPX.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_3.fm5 Page 24 T hursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
4- 1 Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he 4 Mon itoring a nd Ana ly zing Sw itch Op eratio n from the Co nsole Ov ervi ew Th e Main Men u in t he switch’s con sole interface give.
4-2 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Sta t us an d C o un t e rs Me nu Sel ect Status and Counters fro m the M ain Menu to dis play the Status and Coun ters m enu: Figu re 4-1.
4-3 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Sw itch I nf ormat ion Figu re 4-2.
4-4 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Po rt S tat us Figu re 4-3.
4-5 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Po rt Co un te rs Figu re 4-4. Ex ample of Port Count ers This scr een e n ables you to determine the traffic patterns for each p ort.
4-6 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he To view th e ele m ents tha t co mpr is e the traffi c on a parti cular po rt , highligh t that port numbe r (figure 4-4), then sele ct Show details .
4-7 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Addr es s Tab le Figu re 4-6. Ex ample of the Addres s Tab le This screen lets you easil y determine which switc h port is being use d to access a s p ecific device on the network.
4-8 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Por t Address Tab le This scr een l ets you easily d etermine w hich devi ces are attach ed to the sele cted s witch port by listi ng all of th e MAC add resses detect ed on that port .
4-9 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Figu re 4-8. Ex ample of a Port Ad dress Tabl e for a Spec ific P ort In th is ex ample, several MAC addr esses ac ces sed throu gh po r t 1 app ear i n the init ia l lis ti ng.
4-10 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Sp ann ing T ree (ST P) In for m atio n N.
4- 1 1 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he You can use the S how ports action at t.
4-12 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he IP M ul ticast ( IG MP) Statu s Note If m.
4- 1 3 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Sta tu s and Co unter s M enu Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he You can also displ ay the port status of the indiv idual multicast groups.
4-14 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole Stat us a nd Coun ters Men u Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Aut oma tic Broa dcast Contr ol (ABC) Inf.
4- 1 5 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Eve nt L og Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Event Lo g The Event Log records operatin g events as single-l ine entries liste d in ch rono- lo gical order .
4-16 Mon itor ing and Analy zing Swit ch Oper ati on f ro m t he Co nsole E vent Log Monitori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he Enter ing and Navigati n g in the Event Log Di splay. To enter the eve nt lo g, se lect Event Log from the Main menu.
4- 1 7 Mon itor ing and Ana lyzing Sw itch Opera tion f rom t he Con sole Eve nt L og Moni tori ng and Analy zing Switc h Oper ation from t he The ev ent log ho ld s up to 100 lines in ch r onologica l order, fr om the old est to the new est. Each line consist s of one complet e e ven t message.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_4.fm5 Page 18 T hursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
5- 1 Usi ng SNMP To Monito r and Manage t he Switch 5 Using SNM P To Monit o r an d Mana ge t he Swit ch You can manag e the swi tch v ia SNMP from a n etwork manageme nt s tation. (The switch suppo rts SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c, exc ept as noted b elow for SNMP v2 Notific ations .
5-2 Us in g SNMP To M oni to r and Man age the Sw i tch SNMP Man ageme nt Usin g SNM P To Mon itor and Manage t he Switch HP P ropr ietary M IBs include: • Stat istics for mes sag e and packet buffer s, tcp, telnet , and timep (nets w tst. mi b) • Port c ounters, forwa rding table, and CPU s tatistics (stat.
5-3 Using SNM P To Mon it or and M anag e the Swit ch SNMP Co nfigu rat i on Pr oces s Usi ng SNMP To Monito r and Manage t he Switch SNM P Config ura tion Proc ess The gener al steps to confi guring for SNMP access to the prec ed in g featu r es are: 1.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_5.fm5 Page 4 T hursday, Februar y 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
6- 1 Usin g t he A dvanced Commands 6 Usin g t he Ad vanc ed Com mands Ov ervi ew The Ad van ced Commands , which ar e accessed fr o m the Main Menu , gi ves you acces s to th e fol low in g sys tem m.
6-2 Us ing the A dvan ced Co mmands Ov ervi ew Usin g t he A dvanced Commands How T o Use the Co mm and Pro mp t: 1. To access the c ommand pr o mp t, use the ar row keys to highli ght Advan ced Commands in the M ain M enu and pre ss [E nter] . Figu re 6-1.
6-3 Using t he Adv ance d Com m an ds Overvi ew Usin g t he A dvanced Commands How To Exit from th e c ommand prom pt: Typ e exit and pres s [Enter ] to r eturn to the Main M enu. How T o List Ava ilable Co mm ands: At the c ommand prom pt, type h an d press [Enter] .
6-4 Us ing the A dvan ced Co mmands Co mmands Usin g t he A dvanced Commands Co mm an ds To ex ecut e a n y o f th ese comm ands, s ele ct Ad vanced Commands from the Main Me nu, type the comm and, and press [Enter] . Conven tions: ■ Com mands ar e sho wn in th e normal typeface.
6-5 Using t he Adv ance d Com m an ds Commands Usin g t he A dvanced Commands ip xpi ng ipx -addr [re petiti ons ] [ t i m eou t] [s iz e] wher e: ipx- addr is the IPX add re ss of the t arget node in this for mat : netw o r k numb er : mac ad dre ss re petit ions i s t he numb er of tim e s to re pea t th e echo req uest .
6-6 Us ing the A dvan ced Co mmands Co mmands Usin g t he A dvanced Commands vlan vlan _name wher e: vlan_ name is th e name of th e virt ua l LAN you w ant to ac ces s. Us ed w he r e VL ANs ar e configur ed. Used to se lect a di ffer en t VLAN e nviro nment in whic h t o exec ute Comma nd P romp t com mands.
6-7 Using t he Adv ance d Com m an ds Commands Usin g t he A dvanced Commands walkmib object na me Re tr ieves t he MIB s ubt ree f or the sp ecified MIB o bj ect .
6-8 Us ing the A dvan ced Co mmands Co mmands Usin g t he A dvanced Commands zpu t fi le r emo te - file ov erw r ite d o s/u ni x wher e: f ile is CONFI G or a co mmand. re mote -f il e is a f ile n a me on th e con sol e PC. ove rwrit e is: 0 (don ’t ove rwr it e a fil e of the sa me n am e).
7- 1 Advance d Concept s 7 Ad va nc ed Con ce pt s Ov ervi ew The switch provides support for these advanced features: ■ Spanning Tree Protocol— STP ( page 7-2) ■ Port trunking (page 7-5) ■ Fi.
7-2 Ad van ced Concep ts Sp annin g T ree Protoc ol ( STP ) Advanc ed Concept s Span ning T ree Protoc ol (STP) The s w itch u ses the IEEE 8 02.1d Sp anning Tr ee Prot ocol (ST P) to ensure that only one p ath at a time is active betwee n any two nodes on t h e network .
7-3 Adv ance d Concept s S pann i n g Tre e Pro t oc ol (STP ) Advance d Concept s How T o Conf igure Sp anning T ree: In most cases, the defaul t STP pa ra m- et er se ttings ar e ad equate. I n cases where it is not, u se this pro cedure to make confi gur atio n ch anges.
7-4 Ad van ced Concep ts Sp annin g T ree Protoc ol ( STP ) Advanc ed Concept s 6. If the remai n in g STP parame ter setti ngs are adequate fo r your ne twork , go to step 9. 7. Use [Tab] or the arro w k eys to select the next param eter you w ant to change , th en t ype in the new va lue.
7-5 Adv ance d Concept s Port T run king Advance d Concept s Por t Trun king Figu re 7-3. Conc eptu al Il lustratio n of Port Trunki ng Port trunki ng is used to allow up to fou r por ts to be c onn ected together to function as a s ingle, higher-speed port to conn ect t o another He wlett-Packard switch designe d for port trun king.
7-6 Ad van ced Concep ts Po rt Tru nki ng Advanc ed Concept s Note Using m ore than one m edia type and/ or link speed i n a port tru nk is not supported. The console i nterface all ows onl y link s of the same m edia type withi n the same trun k. Similar ly, it is recomme nded that al l links in t he same trunk have the same s peed.
7-7 Adv ance d Concept s Port T run king Advance d Concept s Figu re 7-4. Ex ample of Confi guri ng a Port Trun k 4. To assign another por t to the trunk, repeat s teps 3c, and 3d.
7-8 Ad van ced Concep ts F il ters and Sec ur it y Advanc ed Concept s Fi lters a nd Security To en hance the switch’s bandwi d t h usage and in-b and s ecurity , confi gure per- port filters to forward desired traffic or drop unwanted traffic, as describ ed below.
7-9 Adv ance d Concept s F il ters and Sec ur it y Advance d Concept s Prot ocol Filter s . This filter type enables the switch to restrict traffic of a particular pr otocol ty pe to a specific de stination po rt or ports on the switch (or to be dro pped for all ports on the switch).
7-10 Ad van ced Concep ts F il ters and Sec ur it y Advanc ed Concept s Note If a node designate d by the Source MA C parameter is mov ed to a different port than its original source port, any traffic to or from that n ode will not be forw ar ded by the switch.
7- 1 1 Adv ance d Concept s F il ters and Sec ur it y Advance d Concept s Figu re 7-6. Ex ample of the Tra ffic/S ecurit y Filt ers Con figurat ion Scree n 4. Pr ess the Space b ar to se lect the type of fi lter you want to co nfigure. The options are: • Multicast (the default) •P r o t o c o l • Source Port • Source MA C 5.
7-12 Ad van ced Concep ts F il ters and Sec ur it y Advanc ed Concept s 6. Confi gure the fi lter acti o n for each destinat ion por t. For exampl e: Figu re 7-7.
7- 1 3 Adv ance d Concept s F il ters and Sec ur it y Advance d Concept s a. Pr ess [v] to highli ght the Action option for a des tination p ort ( Dest Port ). b. Pr ess the Space b ar to select t h e fil ter acti on for that port ( Forward filtered packets--the default--or Drop filter ed p ack ets ).
7-14 Ad van ced Concep ts Vir tual LANs (V LANs) Advanc ed Concept s Vi rtual LANs (VLANs ) The switch suppor ts port-based virtual LANs (VLA Ns). A VLAN is a collection of ports that belong to a single broa dcast doma in. (That is, all ports carryi ng traffic for a par ticular subnet address w ould be long to the sam e VLAN.
7- 1 5 Adv ance d Concept s Vir tu al LANs (VLANs) Advance d Concept s Effe ct of VLA Ns on Ot her Swit ch F eatu re s IPX a n d IP I n te r f ac e s .
7-16 Ad van ced Concep ts Vir tual LANs (V LANs) Advanc ed Concept s Adding a Tr ansceive r Module. If yo u in stal l a trans ceiver modul e i n a previou sly unoccupi ed slo t, the p ort for tha t transceiv er modul e wil l be automaticall y added to the default VLAN.
7- 1 7 Adv ance d Concept s Vir tu al LANs (VLANs) Advance d Concept s ■ If you are manag ing VLANs with SNM P in an IP netw ork, either configure an IP ad dress an d su bnet mask f o r ea ch VLAN or u se th e (defaul t) Bootp feature to downl oad an IP confi guration from a Boo t p ser ver.
7-18 Ad van ced Concep ts Vir tual LANs (V LANs) Advanc ed Concept s To Create a N ew V LAN. Use this pr oc ed ure to ad d a n ew VLAN or to ed it the name of an existi ng VL AN. 1. Be gin n ing at the Main Menu, sele ct Configuration to display the configuration m enu.
7- 1 9 Adv ance d Concept s Vir tu al LANs (VLANs) Advance d Concept s Figu re 7-11. Th e (Default) VLAN Names Scree n 3. Pr ess [A] (for A dd ). You wil l then be pr ompted for a new VLAN n ame : Name : _ 4. Type the name (up to 12 character s, with no spaces) of a n ew VLAN that you w ant to add , then press [En ter] .
7-20 Ad van ced Concep ts Vir tual LANs (V LANs) Advanc ed Concept s 1. If you h ave j ust adde d a new VLAN n ame a nd ha ve not ye t r e booted the switch, do so now (step 7 in the p revious pro cedu re). 2. Return to the Main Menu a nd select Confi guration to di splay the C onfig- uratio n menu.
7- 2 1 Adv ance d Concept s Vir tu al LANs (VLANs) Advance d Concept s 5. Return to the Main menu. (It is not necessary to re boot t he switch; the new port assignm ents are impl emented when you do the “save” in the preced ing s tep. ) VLAN Restrictions ■ Ea ch por t can be assi gned to only one VLAN.
7-22 Ad van ced Concep ts Vir tual LANs (V LANs) Advanc ed Concept s HP Rou ter Req uiremen ts. Use the H ewlett-Packard version A .09.70 (or lat er) ro u t er O S re l eas e i f an y o f t he fo ll o.
7- 2 3 Adv ance d Concept s I P M ult ic ast (IG M P) Advance d Concept s IP Multic ast (IGMP ) In a network where IP mult icast traff ic is t ransmitted for various multi media appl icati ons, you can us e the switch t o reduce u nnecessar y band width u sage on a per-port ba sis by configuri ng IGMP.
7-24 Ad van ced Concep ts IP M ult ic a st (I G MP ) Advanc ed Concept s Once the sw itch learns the port location of the hosts bel onging to a ny partic- ular m ulticast grou p, it can direct gro up traffi c to only those po rts, re sulting in bandw idth sav ings on ports w here group m embers do not reside .
7- 2 5 Adv ance d Concept s I P M ult ic ast (IG M P) Advance d Concept s The next fi gur e (7-14) shows a network running IP multicasting using IGMP without a multicast route r. In th is case, the IGMP-configured switch runs a s a querie r . PCs 2, 5, and 6 are members of the same IP multicas t group.
7-26 Ad van ced Concep ts IP M ult ic a st (I G MP ) Advanc ed Concept s ■ For PC #1 to become a me mber of the sam e multicast grou p without flo o di n g IP multi cas t traffic o n all po rts of switch es 1 and 2, IGMP must be confi gured on both switches 1 and 2.
7- 2 7 Adv ance d Concept s I P M ult ic ast (IG M P) Advance d Concept s Note If you move a port fro m one VLAN to a no ther, that port will retain i ts IP mu lti cas t ( IP Mcast ) parameter setting. For example, suppos e port 1 is in DEFAULT _VLAN with an IP Mcast se tting of “Blo cked”.
7-28 Ad van ced Concep ts IP M ult ic a st (I G MP ) Advanc ed Concept s Figu re 7-16. Ex ample of the (Def ault ) I P Multi cast (I GMP) Servi ce Screen 4. Pr ess t he Sp ace bar t o select Yes (to en abl e IGMP). 5. Use [v ] to highlight the Forward with High Priority paramet er.
7- 2 9 Adv ance d Concept s I P M ult ic ast (IG M P) Advance d Concept s Changin g the Quer ier Co nfigu rat io n Setting .. The Querier featu r e, by default, is enabled and in most cases shou ld be left in t his setting. If you need to change th e qu erier sett ing, you can do so usin g th e IGMP Confi guratio n MIB.
7-30 Ad van ced Concep ts Au to matic Br oadc ast Contr ol (ABC) Advanc ed Concept s Autom atic Broadc ast Control (ABC) ABC helps to c on serve band width and processing power for IP and/or IPX traffic w ithin a br oadcast do main without adding the levels of c o st and laten cy nor mally associa ted w ith rout ers.
7- 3 1 Adv ance d Concept s Autom at ic B roa dcas t Co ntr ol (ABC ) Advance d Concept s To l earn hos t D’s MAC addre ss, host A sends a broadcast ARP request. Because the swit ch does not yet k now the l o cation of host D, it fl oods the reques t out all ports .
7-32 Ad van ced Concep ts Au to matic Br oadc ast Contr ol (ABC) Advanc ed Concept s for w arded on all p o rts. However , with ABC enab le d and ad di t io n al RIP and SAP p arameters configured, th.
7- 3 3 Adv ance d Concept s Autom at ic B roa dcas t Co ntr ol (ABC ) Advance d Concept s Ena b l ing Bo th IP and IP X (I P_I PX ) Ena blin g ABC f o r IP and IPX cau se s the s w itch t o : ■ Send a proxy IP A RP reply for ho sts who se addr esses the swit ch has learned.
7-34 Ad van ced Concep ts Au to matic Br oadc ast Contr ol (ABC) Advanc ed Concept s 2. Sel ect Automati c Broadcast Contr ol ( ABC) and press [Enter ] . 3. If no VLANs ar e confi gured , g o to ste p 4 . If V LANs ar e config ured, p r ess E dit , then sel ect the VLAN in wh ich you want to confi gure AB C.
7- 3 5 Adv ance d Concept s Autom at ic B roa dcas t Co ntr ol (ABC ) Advance d Concept s arr ow key to displa y the r emain ing ABC pa rameter s. ( If VLANs are confi gured , these par ameters alread y appea r.) Then do one of the follo w- ing : • If you enabl ed ABC fo r IP_IPX and p ressed an arro w key (fi gure 7-20 , below): Figu re 7-2 0.
7-36 Ad van ced Concep ts Au to matic Br oadc ast Contr ol (ABC) Advanc ed Concept s ca n overr ide the sett ing in this sc reen by going to t he Port Confi gur a tio n scr een (p age 3-6) and set ting the b roadcas t li mit val ue ind ividua lly fo r one or more specific ports.
7- 3 7 Adv ance d Concept s Autom at ic B roa dcas t Co ntr ol (ABC ) Advance d Concept s • If you enabled ABC f o r IPX (f igu re 7-22 , belo w ): Figu re 7-2 2. ABC Ena bled Wi th D efaul t IPX Op tion (No V LANs Co nfigured) i. Se le c t IPX RIP/SAP Control.
7-38 Ad van ced Concep ts Au to matic Br oadc ast Contr ol (ABC) Advanc ed Concept s SEDONA.BK : s ed_7.fm5 Page 38 T hursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
8- 1 File Tran sfers 8 File Tr an sfers Ov ervi ew You can down load new sw itch s oftwa re (operating system — OS) and upload or d o wnlo ad switc h configu ration files. These featur es are usefu l for acquir ing peri odic switch softw ar e upgrades an d for stor in g o r retr iev i ng a switch configuration.
8-2 F il e Tr ans fers Do w nl oadi ng an Oper atin g Sys tem File Tran sfers Down lo a di n g an Opera t i ng Sy stem You c an use the switch c o nsole’s TF TP f eature ( Download OS ), HP’ s SNMP Download Manager, or the HP Update Utility (update.
8-3 F il e Transf ers Do wnloadi ng a n Oper at ing S yst em File Tran sfers Us in g TF TP To Do wnl oad t he OS Fi le This procedure assum es that an OS file for the switch h as pr evio u s ly been sto r ed on a TFTP ser ver accessibl e to the switc h.
8-4 F il e Tr ans fers Do w nl oadi ng an Oper atin g Sys tem File Tran sfers 5. If VLANs are configu red, highligh t the VLAN fi eld. Then u se t h e Space bar to s elect the VLAN in which the TFTP Server is operating. 6. Hi gh lig ht the Remote File Name fi eld, then type the name of the OS file.
8-5 F il e Transf ers Do wnloadi ng a n Oper at ing S yst em File Tran sfers Sw itch-to -Sw itc h D own loa d If you have tw o or mor e Switch 800T s and/or the B- version of th e S wit ch 2000 (HP J3.
8-6 F il e Tr ans fers T roubl esh ootin g TFTP Do wnload s File Tran sfers Trouble shoo ting TFT P Downlo ads If a TFTP download fail s, the Download OS scree n indi cates the failu r e.
8-7 F il e Transf ers Tro ubl es hooti ng TF TP Dow nl oa ds File Tran sfers ■ For a Unix TFTP se rver, the file perm issions for the OS file do not a llow the file to be copi ed.
8-8 F il e Tr ans fers T ran sf erri ng Swi tch 800 T Conf igur at io ns File Tran sfers Tra nsfer rin g Swit ch 800T Config ura tions You can us e th e fo l l owin g c ommands to t r ansfer Switc h 800 T conf igurati ons between th e switch an d a PC or Unix workstati o n.
8-9 F il e Transf ers T ran sf erri ng Swi tch 800 T Conf igur at io ns File Tran sfers To downl oad a configurati on from a file on a PC or Un ix works tation: get I P_a dd re ss CONFIG rem o te_ fil.
8-10 F il e Tr ans fers T ran sf erri ng Swi tch 800 T Conf igur at io ns File Tran sfers 0 (the default) al low s a new file to be created, but does not allo w an existing f il e to be overwri tten. 1 crea tes a new file or overw rites an exis ting fil e.
9- 1 Troub leshoot ing 9 Trou bleshoo ti ng ■ Troubleshooti ng Approa ches ■ Diagnosi ng with the L EDs ■ Install ati on P roblems ■ Unusual Network Activity ■ Diagn ostic T ests ■ Custome.
9-2 T roubl esho oting Diag nosing w it h the LEDs Troubles hoot ing Diagnosing with the LEDs Most prob lems with the switch can be di agnosed using the LE Ds on its front panel.
9-3 Troubl es hooti ng Diagno sing with the LE Ds Troub leshoot ing L ED Erro r Indi cations L ED St ate Diag nosti c Tip Po wer (gr een ) Off If t he Power LED is of f and the fan is no t runni ng, ver ify that th e po wer co rd is plug ged int o an ac ti ve pow er sour ce an d to the swit ch.
9-4 T roubl esho oting Diag nosing w it h the LEDs Troubles hoot ing Se curit y (or ang e) Flash i n g Sh oul d re mai n off dur i ng nor mal oper ation. F la she s if an SNMP aut hen ticat i on f ai lur e has occu rr ed or if a tra ff ic fi l ter viol at ion h as occ urred .
9-5 Troubl es hooti ng Inst a llati on Pr ob lem s Troub leshoot ing Insta llation Problem s By carefully fol low ing the installation procedur es described in chapter 1, “Installation”, you can a void m ost prob lem s caused by im proper installation of the swi tch or one o f its com ponents.
9-6 T roubl esho oting Inst a lla ti on P r obl ems Troubles hoot ing Cabli ng Pr ob lem s A high percentag e of netwo rk probl ems are du e to faul ty cabling. Cabling problems u sually r esult in the fa ilure of a s witch to conne ct to a n etwork, a hub, or the e nd node s.
9-7 Troubl es hooti ng Un us ua l N e two r k Ac ti vi ty Troub leshoot ing ■ F or ph ysi c a l l aye r top olo gy gui de li nes : Design i ng HP AdvanceStack Workgr oup Networks availab l e on the CD shipped with your switch.
9-8 T roubl esho oting Cu stomer Suppo rt Servi ces Troubles hoot ing Test ing Twist ed-P a ir C abli ng The tw isted-pai r cab le att ached to the switc h and use d for 100Base- T con n e c- tio ns must be compati bl e wi th the IEEE 802.3 u 100Base -TX standar d for Ca talog 3 cabl e.
A- 1 Cab les a nd Connect ors A Cable s an d Co nne c to rs ■ Recomm ended C ables ■ Twisted-Pair Cable/Conn ector Pin-Outs ■ Twisted-Pair Cable Pin A ssig nme nts ■ RS-232 Connector and Ca ble Pin-Out This appen d ix l is ts cable s t ha t h ave been tested and ver ifi ed for us e with the Switch 800T.
A- 2 Ca bl es and C onne ct ors Re commen ded Ca bles Cab les a nd Connect ors Re co mmen ded C able s You can contact your HP-authorized dealer or (in t h e U.
A-3 Cables and Connect ors Twist ed- Pair Ca ble/ Connect or Pin- Outs Cab les a nd Connect ors Twis ted-Pa ir Cable /Connec tor Pi n-Outs Twis ted-P air Cable from Switch -Based MD I -X Mo dule or Tr.
A- 4 Ca bl es and C onne ct ors T w is ted -Pair Cable/ Con nect or Pin -Ou ts Cab les a nd Connect ors Twisted-P air Cable from Switch -Based MDI-X Module to an MDI - X H u b Po r t To connect an MDI-X port on a hub to th e Switch 800T, use a “cro ssover ” cabl e.
A-5 Cables and Connect ors Twi sted -Pa ir C able Pin Assign ment s Cab les a nd Connect ors Twis ted-Pa ir Cable Pin Assig nment s Twisted-P air Straigh t-Through Ca ble fo r 10/100Base-T Conn ection.
A- 6 Ca bl es and C onne ct ors RS -2 32 Connec tor and Ca ble Pin-Ou ts Cab les a nd Connect ors RS-23 2 Connec tor a nd Cable Pi n-Outs The switch’s Console RS-232 connector is wired a s if it is a terminal (DTE), ready to be connecte d to a mo de m (DCE).
A-7 Cables and Connect ors RS-23 2 Conn ector a nd Cable Pi n-Out s Cab les a nd Connect ors RS-23 2-C “Nu ll Mo dem ” Cabl e This ca b le type i s s upplied with th e swit ch for c onnection to a PC havin g a 9-p in co nnec to r.
A- 8 Ca bl es and C onne ct ors RS -2 32 Connec tor and Ca ble Pin-Ou ts Cab les a nd Connect ors RS-2 32 Modem Cabl e Modem (DC E) En d 25- p in ma le S wi t ch End 9 -p in male Signa l 23 T x 32 R x 47 R T S 58 C T S 66 D S R 75 G N D 8 1 CD OR DCD 20 4 DTR 22 9 RI 23 DRS — typical l y on V.
B- 1 Specif ica tions B Spec if icat ions Physical Electrical Environ me nta l Wi dt h: 44 cm (17. 3 in ) D ept h: 30 cm (11. 8 in ) Heigh t : 6.3 cm (2 .5 in ) Wei ght (w ith f our fac t or y- inst al le d HP J3192A Trans ceive r Modul es In stal le d): 4.
B- 2 Sp ecifi ca tions Specif ica tions Conn ect ors The R S-232- C console por t confor ms to V.22 bis . Electro mag netic Saf ety EN6 0950 ( 1992) + A1, A2 / IEC 950: 1991 + A1, A2 UL 1950 CSA 950 N.
C- 1 Sa mple Cons ole Confi guration s C Sampl e C onsol e C onf igura tion s Wi ndows 3 .1 Te rmin al Applic a tion You can use a PC with the Wi n d ows 3.1 Termin al Ap p li cati on for consol e man ageme nt access to the switc h. This sect ion provid es an example o f the configuration s ettings to u se w ith the W indows 3.
C- 2 Sa m p l e Cons ole C onf ig ura ti ons Proc omm Plus V2. 01 Sample Cons ole Confi gura tions Procom m Plu s V2.01 Term inal Option s ■ Termin al Em ulation: VT-100 ■ Duplex: FU LL ■ Softwa.
C-3 Sampl e Con sole Con fi gur at io ns Other Termi na l Emul at or s Sa mple Cons ole Confi guration s Other Terminal Em ulators For other co mmunica tion progra ms, us e the fol lowing table as a configu rat ion gui de: Op ti on Se tti ng Baud rat e 30 0, 600 , 1200 , 24 00, 960 0, 192 00, or 3840 0.
SEDONA.BK : sed_apc1.fm5 Page 4 Thursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
D-1 Switch R eference D Swit ch R efere nc e Fr on t of S wi t ch All L EDs used by the Switc h 800T ar e on the front p an el. During the power - on or reset cycles , al l LEDs are on. Sw itch Stat us LEDs Figu re D-1. E xample of S tat us LEDs for th e S wit ch 80 0T Faul t LED Power LE D Self- tes t L ED Securi ty LED RP S L ED SEDONA.
D-2 Swi t ch Ref er ence F ron t of Switch Switch R eference LED State M eanin g of L ED Power (g ree n) on off T he sw itc h is r ece ivin g power fr om th e main pow er s upply or fro m the op tiona l RP S ( re dun dant pow er supply) . T he sw i tc h is not r eceiv in g power .
D-3 Switch Refe rence Front of Swi t ch Switch R eference Por t St a t us LE D s Figu re D-2. E xample of P ort S tatus L ED s for the S witch 800 T Port Tran sm it (T X) Port Ena bled P ort F ull- D .
D-4 Swi t ch Ref er ence F ron t of Switch Switch R eference R e s et a n d Co n fig Cl e a r But to n s Figu re D-3. Res et and Co nfig Clear B utt ons on the Switch 8 00T Res et Butt on C o nf ig Cle ar Butto n SEDONA.
D-5 Switch Refe rence Front of Swi t ch Switch R eference Butto n Act ion Res et Perfor ms a softwa re and har dware r eset , in cl uding a har dwa re sel f- test . (Th is achiev es the sa me r es ult as dis conn ectin g the power fr om the swit ch , th en rec onne cting it .
D-6 Swi t ch Ref er ence F ron t of Switch Switch R eference Console RS-232 Port The s witch’ s Co nsol e RS-232 port i s a standar d RS -232 s erial l ink us ed to connec t a Windows -based PC, a te rminal , or a modem. (For pinou t s, refer to appendi x A, Ca ble s and Connectors.
D-7 Switch Refe rence Ba ck of the Swit ch Switch R eference Ba ck of the Sw it ch Note If y ou use t he optional r ed undant power su pply ( RPS ) do not use th e power c or d that plu gs into the p ower co rd recep tacle ( figur e D-5). Figu re D-5.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_apd2.fm5 Page 8 Thursday, Februar y 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
E- 1 BOOTP Operati on E BOO TP O p er ation Ov ervi ew Bootp is used to do wnload confi guration data from a Bootp s erver to the swi tch or to a V LAN configu r ed on th e s witch. Ei ther a m inimal I P confi gur a- tion or a full con figurati on can be retrieved from the Bootp serve r.
E- 2 BO OTP Oper at io n Bo ot p Data bas e Reco rd En tries BO OTP Op e ration Bootp Database Re cord Entries An entry in th e Bootp table file /etc/bootptab to update an IP addre ss and s ubnet mask to t h e S wit ch 800T or a VLAN con figu red in th e swit ch would be similar to thi s entr y: j3245switch: ht=ether: ha=080009123456: sm=255.
E-3 BOOTP Ope rat ion Confi gur in g Boot p BOOTP Operati on Config uring Boo tp In its default config uration, the switch i s configur ed for Bootp opera tion.
SEDONA.BK : sed_ape1.fm5 Page 4 Thursday, February 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
F-1 MAC Ad dress Management F M AC Add ress Ma nage me nt Overv i ew The S w itch 800T assi gns MAC ad dres ses i n the follo wing thr ee ar eas: ■ Default MAC address assi gned at the factory ■ A.
F-2 MAC Add re ss M anagem en t Swi t ch ( D ef aul t) MAC Addr ess MAC Ad dress Management Sw it ch ( D efa ult ) MA C Ad d ress A defaul t MAC address i s assig n ed to each Switc h 800 T at the facto r y. This address is on th e l abel below the Console RS-232 port (shown be low): Figu re F-1 .
F-3 MAC Add res s M ana gement VLAN MAC Ad dr ess es MAC Ad dress Management VLAN MAC Addresses If yo u add V LANs t o the Switch 8 00T, each V LAN is au to ma tica lly as sig ned a di fferent MAC add res s. Al l por ts in a particula r VLAN wi ll h ave the same M AC addr ess.
F-4 MAC Add re ss M anagem en t MAC Add resse s (f or Sp ann ing Tree Operat io n) MAC Ad dress Management MAC A d dr e sse s ( f o r Sp a nn ing Tr ee Ope rati on) When no VLANs ar e confi gured , STP us es the MAC address ass ign ed to the switch. (T his is the M AC address pri nted o n the la bel on th e front o f the swi tch.
Safety-1 Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Sa fe t y a nd Re gul at or y S tat em en ts Safety I nformation Safety Sym bols. Grou nd ing. These are sa fety class I products and have pr otectiv e ear thing terminal s.
Safety-2 Sa fe ty and Regu la tory St at emen ts Inf ormati on s concer nant la sécu ri té Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Infor mation s co nce rna nt la s écurité Symboles de sécurit é Cet apparei l est un p roduit de clas se I et possède une b orne de m ise à la terre.
Safety-3 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ments Hinw ei se z ur Si ch erh ei t Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Hinw ei se zur Si che r he i t S i c h erh eit ssy m b ol e. Dies ist ei n Gerät de r Sicherhe its k lasse I und verfügt über einen schü tzenden Erdungsterm inal.
Safety-4 Sa fe ty and Regu la tory St at emen ts Co nside raz ioni sul la si cur ezza Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Cons idera zion i sulla sicu rezz a Sim boli di sicur ezz a. Questo prodotto è omologato nella classe di s ic urezza I ed ha un terminale pro tettivo di collega m ento a terra.
Safety-5 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ments Cons id era ciones sobr e se gur id ad Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Cons idera cione s s obre s eguri dad Sím bolo s de segu ri dad. Este ap ar ato se enmarca dentr o de la clase I de seguri dad y se encuentr a protegido por una b orna de pues ta a tierra.
Safety-6 Sa fe ty and Regu la tory St at emen ts Sa fe ty I nfo rma ti on Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Safety I nformation SEDONA.BK : sed_safe.
Safety-7 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ments R egul at or y State m ent s Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Regulatory S tatements FCC Statem ent (U.S. A.) This equipment has bee n t es ted and found to comply with the limi t s fo r a Clas s A dig ital device, pur suant to Part 15 o f the FCC Ru les .
Safety-8 Sa fe ty and Regu la tory St at emen ts Re gul at or y Sta te m ent s Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements Euro pean Communi ty This equipment compli es with CISPR 22/EN55022 Cl as s A.
Safety-9 Safet y an d Regu lat or y State ments R egul at or y State m ent s Saf ety a nd Regula tory Stat ements Declarat ion of Conf or m ity The f ol low ing Decla ration of Conf o r mity for the HP AdvanceS tack S witch 80 0T compl ies w ith IS O/IEC Gu ide 22 and EN 45 014.
Safety-10 Sa fe ty and Regu la tory St at emen ts Re gul at or y Sta te m ent s Saf ety a nd Regul atory Stat ements SEDONA.BK : sed_safe. fm5 Page 10 Thursday, F e bruary 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
Index - 1 Index Index Numerics 1 00T, blue b ar … 1-5 8 02.2 … 7-31 8 02. 3 SAP … 3-22 A A.09. 70 rout er re lease … 7 -22 ABC … 3-23 c onfigur at ion … 7-3 2, 7- 37 e ncaps ul ation t ype.
Index - 2 Index C c abi net , ra ck … 1-9 c able … 1-15 c rossove r … 9-4 ne twor k conne ctions … A-2 probl ems … 9- 6 RS-23 2 … 1-24’ A- 2 s erial port … A-7 s pace … 1-8 tw isted .
Index - 3 Index E EC HO f ilte r … 3-2 2 e lec tric al out l et, grou nded … 1-6 e lec tric al sp ecifi cat i ons … B-1 e lec trom agn e tic spe cif ic at ions … B-2 e nabl ed, port … 4-4 e .
Index - 4 Index IP br oad cast tr aff i c … 3-2 3 c onfigur ation … 3-9 do wnload … 8-2 g ate way (IP) addr ess … 3-9 g ate way address … 3-9 ho st-onl y … 7-21 mgmt.
Index - 5 Index man ager a ccess … 3- 13 a ddress … 3- 14 a ddre ss field … 5-3 pa sswo rd … 2-7 — 2-1 0 Man ual , IP addres s … 3-10 MDI … 9-4 MDI-X … 9-4 med ia type, port tru nk ….
Index - 6 Index pa sswo rd … 2-1, 2 - 2, 2- 4 ca s e- s ens i t iv e … 2- 9 c lear … 2- 12 de le te … 2-9 in corre ct … 2 -8 len gt h … 2 -9 los t … 2 -9 set tin g … 2-8 pa th co st .
Index - 7 Index RFC 1 213 … 5-1 1 493 … 5-1 1 515 … 5-1 1 573 … 5-1 1 650 … 5-1 1 757 … 5-1 RIP … 7-30, 7 -31 RMON … 5 -1 ROM ver sion … 4-3 r out er … 3-23 , 7-22, 7-2 3, 7-30 g atew ay … 3-10 r out er con nect io n … 1-19 r out er re le ase A.
Index - 8 Index ST P See spanni ng tr ee. ST P, dup li cate MA C … 7-21 s ubnet … 7-23 s ubnet addr ess … 3-11, 7 -14 s ubnet mask … 1-21 , 3-9, 3-10 IP … 3 -9 subnet t ing , multi ple … 3.
Index - 9 Index v ir tual LAN Se e VLAN. VL AN … 3-9 , 3- 11, 3-1 9, 3-20 , 6- 6, 7-14 , 7-15, 7-22, 9-7 ABC … 7-30 , 7-32, 7-3 4 a ddress … 5- 1 Boo tp … E-1, E-2 c om ma nd prom pt … 6-2 c.
SEDONA.BK : s ed_0bcv.fm5 Page 1 Thursday, Februar y 27, 1997 10:11 AM.
Tech n ica l informati on in th is document is subject to change without n otice. © Copyri ght 1997 Hewle tt-Packar d Compan y Printed in Si ngapor e 3/ 97 Man u al P art Nu mb er J3245- 9000 1 *J3 245-90001* SEDONA.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP HP J3245A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP HP J3245A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP HP J3245A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP HP J3245A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP HP J3245A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP HP J3245A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP HP J3245A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP HP J3245A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.