Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1100A del fabbricante HP
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Copyright© 1999 He wlett-Packard Co. Printed in Germany Manual P art No. C4218-90962 *C4218-90962* *C4218-90962* C4218-90962 HP LaserJet 1100A User Guide LaserJet 1100A HP User Guide Printed on Recyc.
HP LaserJet 1100A Pr inter•Copier•Scanner User Guide _________________.
He wlett-P ac kard Company 11311 Chinden Boule v ard Boise, Idaho 83714 U .S.A. © Copy right He wlett- P ac kard Compan y 200 2 All R ights Reser v ed. Re prod uct ion , adaptat ion, or transl ation without prior written per miss ion is p rohibite d, e xcept a s allowed under th e c op yrigh t la ws.
EN Conten ts i Contents 1 Getting to kn ow th e printer Printer fe atures a nd benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Print wi th excellent q uality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Save mon ey .
ii Cont ents EN 3 Printing media Printi ng transparenc ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Printi ng envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Printi ng labels . . . . . .
EN iii 6 Copying tasks Copy ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 8 Making Q uick Copi es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Quick Cop y setting s . . . . . . . . .
iv Con tents EN 9 Troubleshooting the Copier/Scanner Findin g the solutio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Scannin g proble ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Copying p roblems .
EN v Appendix A Printer specifi cations Specifi cations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 FCC compli ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 34 Envi ronmental P roduct Stew ardship Program .
vi Con tents EN Appendix F Accessories and order ing information Appendix G Scanner resolution and gray scal e Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 8 Resoluti on and gr ay-scale gui delines .
EN 1 1 Getting to kno w the pr inter This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Pr inter features and benefits ● Pr inter co mponents ● Choosing paper an d other me di.
2 Chapt er 1 Gett ing to kn ow the printer EN Printer features and benefits Congratulations o n the purcha se of your new prin ter . Y ou can . . . Print with e xcellent quali ty ● Pr int at 6 00 dots pe r inch (dp i) with Reso lution En hance ment techn olog y (REt) .
EN Printe r compo nents 3 Printer comp onents 1. Pr inter c ontrol p anel 2. P aper suppor ts 3. P a per input tra y 4. Single- sh eet pap er input tra y (pr io r ity f eed) 5. P aper guide s 6. P aper- outp ut le v er 7. Straight-th rough output path 8.
4 Chapt er 1 Gett ing to kn ow the printer EN Printer control panel The pr inter control pa nel is com pri sed of tw o lights and on e lighted b utton.
EN Printe r compo nents 5 Printer paper input tray s Rear paper input tra y The paper input tra y lo cated close st to the back of the pr inter ca n hold up to 12 5 s heets of 2 0 l b .
6 Chapt er 1 Gett ing to kn ow the printer EN Printer paper outp ut paths P aper output bin The pape r output b in is lo cated on th e front of the pr inter . Pr inte d paper wi ll be colle cted her e in the cor rect seque nce when th e paper- output l e ver is in th e up posit ion.
EN Printe r compo nents 7 Printer do or Open the pri nter door to access the toner car t ridge, clear jams, and clea n the pr inter . The printe r door is locat ed on the front of the pr inter . Open and close th e pr inter doo r b y fir ml y gr asp ing the top left and rig ht sides of the pr inter door an d pulling it tow ards y ou.
8 Chapt er 1 Gett ing to kn ow the printer EN Choo sing pape r and ot her medi a HP Laser Jet pr inters p roduce e xce llent pr int qu ality do cument s . Y o u can p rint on a v ar iety o f pr int med ia, such as paper (includi ng up to 100% rec ycled fiber content paper), env elopes, la bels, transpare ncies, and cus tom-sized m edia.
EN Load ing paper into the p rinter 9 Loading p aper into the p rinter P aper should be loaded with the top down and the side-to-b e pr inted f ac ing f orward.
10 Chapter 1 Gettin g to know t he printer EN T urning the power off Pri nters th at require 100-127 volts of power must b e unplugge d to tur n the pow er o ff . Pr inters that req uire 220-2 40 v olt s can be s witched off (the switch is located on the left side of th e power plug) or unplu gged.
EN Acces sing pri nter proper ties (driv er) and hel p 11 Accessing p rinter pr ope r ties (driver) and he lp This s ection p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Printer prop er ti.
12 Chapter 1 Gettin g to know t he printer EN Prin ter on line help Printer pr oper ties online help The pr inter proper tie s (dr iv e r) online help inc ludes in f or m ation spec ific to the fu nctions within the pri nter pro per tie s . Th is onlin e help will gui de y ou when chan ging default settin gs f or your pr inter .
EN Printing a self-t est page 13 Printin g a self-test p a ge Among other ite ms , a s elf-test pa ge provides all of the printer confi guration se ttings, scanner attachme nt v erificati on, a samp le of the pr int qual ity , and provides inf or mat ion f or pr inter pa ge counts as well as scan and co p y pag e counts.
14 Chapter 1 Gettin g to know t he printer EN.
EN 15 2 Getting to kno w the Copier/Scanner This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Scanner f e atures and b enefits ● Getting t o know the software ● Copier/S ca n.
16 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Scanner f eatures and bene fits Scan Use HP s oftware to simplify y o ur office ta sks: ● Fa x i n g ● E-Ma iling ● Editing text (OCR) ● Stor ing d ocumen ts electro nically Cop y Make Quick Copies when c op ying your most frequen t type of or iginal .
EN Getting to know the software 17 Getting to kno w the software Bring the wor ld to y our finger tips by using the full-f eatured software solution included with your HP LaserJet 1100A Printer•Copier•Scanner .
18 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Document Assis tant (Windo ws 9x & NT 4.0) The Doc ument Assi stant is quic k and c onv enien t, and can f acil itate many of your routine off.
EN Getting to know the s oftware 19 LaserJet Document Desktop (Windo ws 3.1x, 9x, NT 4. 0) The Lase rJet Docu ment Deskto p is a full-featured des ktop appli cation f or your scan ning and co p ying c apabili ties of HP L aserJe t 11 00.
20 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Quic k C op y settings The Qu ic k Copy f e ature ena b l es y ou to make consis tent and conv e nient cop ies. Y our PC does no t e ven hav e to be tur ned on . Adjust the sett ings to refl ect the mo st commo n type of o rigina l that you cop y , and you do not h a v e to c hange them again.
EN Getting to know the s oftware 21 LaserJet T oolbo x The Las erJet T o olbo x enables you to cus tomize y our software solu tion to mee t y our ne eds.
22 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Copier/Scanner com ponents Note T o remov e the scann er from the pr inter , see “ Removing the sc anner. ” Scanner contr ol panel ● Cop y: Pres s the Copy b u tton to pe rf or m Quick Copi es — your PC does not hav e to b e tur ned on .
EN Copier/S canner com ponents 23 Scanner pap er input tray , guid es, and outpu t path The sc anner paper input tra y is l ocated on the front, t op side o f the scanner .
24 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Suppor ted p aper siz es and types (media ) The Copi er/Scan ner f o r the HP Las erJet 11 00 can han dle a broade r range of pape r sizes and m ore type s of me dia than th e pr inter : ● Maximum: 216 b y 762 mm (8.
EN Preca utions fo r copying and scan ning 25 Precautions f or copying and scanning Y ou should no t put anything in the Copi er/Scan ner that cou ld get stuck in o r damage the f eed me chanism . Obser v e the following precaut ions to mi nimize the p ossibilit y of jamm ing or da maging the f ee d mech anism: ● Remov e self-stick notes.
26 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN Loading Co pier/Scanner originals 1 Load th e or iginal with t he narr ow side down and the side-to-b e- scanned f ac ing toward the fro nt of the sc anner . 2 Adjus t the pape r guides. 3 Pre ss the Scan button on the s canner or press the Cop y button fo r a Q u i c k C o py .
EN Acce ssing t he online help 27 Accessing the o nline help T o access the HP LaserJ et 1 100 Onli ne Help , use any of the three method s below: ● Pr ogram Gr oup: • Windows 9x & NT 4.0: Click Star t, Pro grams, HP LaserJet 1100, and then LaserJet 1100 Online He lp.
28 Chapter 2 Gettin g to know t he Copier /Scanner EN.
EN 29 3 Pr inting media This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Pr inting trans parencies ● Pr inting en velopes ● Pr inting labels ● Pr inting letterhe ad ● Pr.
30 Chapter 3 Prin ting me dia EN Printing transparencies Only use trans parencies recom mended f or use i n la ser pr inters, suc h as HP transpa rency fi lm. See “ P rinter paper s pecificati ons. ” CA UTION Inspect the t ransparenci es to ensure th e y are n ot wr inkled or cur led , and tha t they do n ot hav e any tor n edges.
EN Printi ng envelo pes 31 Prin ti ng en velope s CA UTION Only use env e lopes r ecommen ded f or l aser pr int ers. See “ Pr inter paper spec ificatio ns. ” 1 Adjust t he pape r output-lev er to the down positi on. 2 Load with th e narrow , stam p-side down and the side-to- be- pr inted facing toward the front of the pr inter .
32 Chapter 3 Prin ting me dia EN Printing labels Only us e labels r ecommend ed f or lase r pr inters, such a s HP LaserJ et label s . See “ Pri nter paper s pecificati ons. ” CA UTION Do not use lab els that ar e separating fro m the backing sheet , wri nkled, or dama ged in any wa y .
EN Printi ng letter head 33 Printing letterhead 1 Load with t he top d o wn an d the side- to-be-pr inted facing toward the front of the pr int er . Adjust the paper guides to fi t the width o f the pap er .
34 Chapter 3 Prin ting me dia EN Prin ti ng car ds The HP L aserJe t 110 0 does no t suppor t pap er smaller than 76 by 127 mm (3 by 5 in. ). V er ify cards are not stuck together be f or e loadi ng. 1 Adjust t he pape r output-lev er to the down positi on.
EN 35 4 Pr inting tasks This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Pr inting wit h manual f eed ● Pr inting on both sides of the paper (manual duplexing) ● Pr inting w.
36 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN Printing with manual feed Use manual feed when pr inting mix ed me dia; f o r e xample, an en velope, then a letter , then an en velope, and s o f or th. L oad an en velope in the s ingle s heet paper i nput tra y and load letterhea d in the multiple -page pap er input tra y .
EN Printi ng on both sides of the paper (manual duple xing) 37 Prin ti ng on bo th s ides of th e pap er (manual duplexing) T o print on both sid es of the p aper (manual d uple xing) , y ou must r un the pap er through t he pr inter twice. Y ou can print u sing the paper output b in or the st raight-thr ough outpu t path.
38 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN Manual duple x using the paper output bin (standar d) 1 Adju st the pape r-output le v er to the up posit ion . 2 Acces s the pr inter proper ties. See “ Pri nter proper ti es (dr iv er). ” On the Finishing tab , click Manual Duple x (standar d), and t hen click OK.
EN Printi ng on both sides of the paper (manual duple xing) 39 Manual duple x (special) hea v y-media, car d stoc k F or heavy medi a (card s toc k, et c.), use the st r aigh t-throug h output pa th. 1 Adju st the pape r-output le v er to the down position .
40 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN Printin g waterm arks The water mar k opt ion allows you to pr int te xt “ und er neath ” (in the background) of an existing do cumen t.
EN Printin g multipl e pages o n a singl e sheet of paper (N-u p p rinting) 41 Printing m u ltiple pages on a single shee t of paper (N-up printing ) Y ou can sele ct the n umber of pages y ou want to print o n a singl e sheet of paper .
42 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN Prin ti ng book let s Y ou can pr int booklets on letter , l egal, e xecutive , or A4 size pape r . 1 Load th e paper , and then adjus t the paper- output le v er to the up posit ion. 2 F rom your software applica tion, acce ss the pr int er proper ties.
EN Print ing bookl ets 43 5 Place th e pages fr om side on e back in the paper in put tra y . T he pr inted te x t should be or iented s ide wa ys and f acing t o ward the bac k of t he printer . Clic k OK ( on sc reen). Th e pri nter wil l finish pr inting.
44 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN Canceling a prin t job A pri nt job can be canc eled fro m a sof tw ar e appl icat ion or a p rint queue: ● Remo ve remaining paper fr om the printer: This will stop th e pri nter immedi ately . Use either of the ne xt two optio ns after the pri nter is st opped.
EN Chang ing pri nt quality s ettings 45 Changin g print quali ty settings Pri nt qua lity set tings affect su ch things as how light or dar k the p rin t on the p age is an d the sty le in which y ou would like g raphics pri nted. Y ou can chang e the setti ngs in pr inter p roper ties t o accomm odate the types of jobs you are printin g.
46 Chapter 4 Prin ting ta sks EN.
EN 47 5 Scanning tasks This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Scan ning to fax ● Scan ning to e- mail ● Editi ng scann ed text (OCR) ● Stor ing s canned text or .
48 Chapter 5 Scann ing task s EN Scanning to fax Scan to f ax using the Document Assis tant or the LaserJet D ocumen t Desktop. Y ou can change the proper ties f o r this feature within the LaserJ et T oolbox.
EN Scanni ng to e-m ail 49 Scanning to e-mail Scan to e -mail u sing the D ocument A ssistant or the Las erJet Document Desktop . Y ou can c hange the proper ties f or th is f e ature within the LaserJ et T ool bo x.
50 Chapter 5 Scann ing task s EN Editing s canned te xt (O CR) Use the “ Ed it ” f eature to edit text. Y ou c an edit f ax es, lette rs , meeting notes, newspaper cli ppings, and ma n y other documents.
EN Editin g scanne d text (OCR) 51 Windo ws 3.1x After the Scan butto n is presse d, the LaserJet Do cumen t Desktop will launc h automati cally a nd the o rig inal wil l scan.
52 Chapter 5 Scann ing task s EN Storing sca nned te xt or imag es Y our HP software ena b les y o u to quickly sto re scan ned image s in a directo r y of your choic e, sa ving you time b y providing d irect acces s to your file man agement s ystem. Stor e scanne d images us ing the Docum ent Assist ant or the LaserJet Do cumen t Desktop .
EN Acquir ing an i mage 53 Acquiring an im a ge Y ou can star t a s can from th e HP Lase rJet Docume nt Deskto p . Y ou can a lso acquir e an imag e from any TW AIN-comp liant de vi ce , suc h as a TW A IN-complia nt digital camera or sca nner (other th an the Copier/S canner).
54 Chapter 5 Scann ing task s EN Enhancin g th e scanned imag e Y ou can make enhanc ements t o scanne d image s using the Laser Jet Document Des ktop: ● Rotate a nd flip ● Straigh ten ● In ver .
EN Addin g annotati ons to sc anned ima ges 55 Adding annotatio ns to scanne d ima g es HP so ftware enab les y ou to m odify and create a nnotations on your scanned image s .
56 Chapter 5 Scann ing task s EN.
EN 57 6 Cop ying tasks This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● C opy ov er vi ew ● Making Q uick Copies ● Using the Copier Co ntrol P anel ● Canc eli ng co p y jo.
58 Chapter 6 Copyin g tasks EN Cop y o verv ie w There are two method s you can use to make copies: ● Making Q uick Copies ● Using the Copier Co ntrol P anel Each method is intended to be used f or diff erent p ur poses.
EN Maki ng Qui ck Copi es 59 Quic k C op y settings Y ou can chan ge the default Qui c k Cop y settings. Quick Copy settin gs will r emain the same for all fu ture Quick Copy jobs, e ven when t he PC is tur ned off , until you chan ge the defaults agai n (the P C must be tur ned o n to chang e the setting s).
60 Chapter 6 Copyin g tasks EN Using the Co pier Contr ol P anel Use the Cop ier Contr ol P ane l when you wish to d o any of the f ol lo wing tasks with your or igin al to be copi ed: ● Pr int mult.
EN 61 7 Managing the toner car tr idge This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing subj ects: ● HP toner car tr i dg es ● Redistr ibuting toner ● Changing t he toner c ar tr idge.
62 Chapter 7 Man aging the t oner cartrid ge EN HP toner car tridg es HP policy on no n-HP toner car tridg es He wlett -P ackard Company can not reco mmend use of non-HP ton er car tr idges, either new , ref illed, or re manuf ac tured. Si nce they are not HP produ cts, HP ca nnot influ ence thei r desig n or contr ol their quality .
EN Redi stribut ing tone r 63 Redistrib uting to ner When tone r is low , f aded or light ar eas ma y appe ar on a pr int ed page. Y o u ma y be able to tem poraril y improv e pr int quali ty b y redi str ib uting th e toner . The f ol lowing procedu re ma y allow y ou to finish t he current pri nt job bef ore replac ing the ton er car tr idge.
64 Chapter 7 Man aging the t oner cartrid ge EN Changin g the tone r car tridg e T o cha nge the toner car t ridge, f ollow the instr uc tion s bel ow: Note If the sc anner is attached, it ma y be necess ar y to mov e the pr inte r to the edge o f the work s pace before opening the pr inter d oor in ord er to get the fu ll range of moti on.
EN 65 8 T roub leshooting the pr inter This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing subj ects: ● Findin g the so lution ● Improving pr int quality ● Cleani ng the pr i nter ● Cle.
66 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Finding th e solution Use this section to find the solution to commo n pr inter problems. F or cop yin g or scanni ng problems, see “ Fi ndi ng the so lution ” in the scanner troubleshooting chapt er .
EN Findin g the s olution 67 Printer li ght patterns Control panel l ight messages Light status Condition of the printer Action P o w erSa v e mo de (or the printer is off) The printer uses P o werSa v e mode to conse r v e energ y .
68 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Door op en, no t oner car tridge , or paper jam The printer is in an error sta te . Chec k the f ollow ing: ● The p rinter door is c losed. ● The t oner ca r tr idge is corre ctly i nstalled in t he printer .
EN Findin g the s olution 69 Err or messa g es on scree n Error messages on scre en Err or Message Solution Pr inter not respo nding/ error writing to LPT1 V eri fy the f ollowing : ● Ready light is on. ● P ower c or d and para llel ca ble are co rre ctly con nected.
70 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Illega l oper ation /Gener al protect ion f ault/Spool 32 error Th is erro r ind icate s that a p roblem oc curr ed in Windo ws with y our compu ter sy stem r esourc es (m emor y o r har d disk ). T o cl ear this e rror , restart your PC .
EN Findin g the s olution 71 P aper hand ling p r oblems P aper handling pr oblems Pr oblem Solution Pa p e r j a m ● V erify y ou are p rinting with paper t hat meets specifi catio ns. Se e “ Pr int e r pape r specifi catio ns. ” ● V erify y ou are p rinting with paper that is not wr inkl ed, folded , or d amage d.
72 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Printed pa ge is diff erent than what appeare d on screen Printed pa ge pr oblems Pr oblem Solution Pr int job pr int s e xt remel y slow The ma xim um speed of the p rint er is 8 p age s p er m in u t e , which c annot be e xcee ded.
EN Findin g the s olution 73 Miss ing g raphic s or te xt The fil e ma y ha v e b lank pa ges . T r y the fo llo wing: ● Chec k the file to m ake sure t hat y our fil e does no t con tain b lank pages .
74 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Impr oving print qu ality This s ection p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Image d ef e ct e xamples ● Correc ting pr int defects.
EN Impr oving p rint quality 75 Misform ed characte rs V er t ical re petitive def ects Loose to ner P a ge ske w Cur l or wav e Wr inkles or crea ses.
76 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Correcting print defec ts Light print or fade ● The tone r suppl y is low . Y ou ma y be able to tempo r ar ily e xtend the tone r car tr idge life .
EN Impr oving p rint quality 77 Gra y bac kground ● Decreas e the pr int d ensity s etting. T his wi ll decreas e the am ount of background sh ading. Acc ess this setting und er “ Pr inter proper ties (dri v er ). ” ● Change the paper to a light er basis weig ht.
78 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Misf ormed char acter s ● If character s are improper ly f or med, producin g hollow images, the paper s tock ma y be too slick.
EN Cleanin g the pri nter 79 Cleaning the printer Duri ng the pr intin g process, pap er , toner , and dust par tic les can accu m ulate inside the pr inter . O v e r time, this b uildup c an ca use pr int quality prob lem s , such a s toner spe c ks or s mear ing.
80 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Cleaning the toner car t ridge area Cleani ng the tone r car tr i dge area is not necess ar y on a regular ba sis.
EN Cleanin g the pri nter 81 Cleaning the printer paper path This process use s copier-grade pape r to remov e du st and ton er from the pap er path. Do not use b ond or rough paper . Use this proce ss if you are e xper ienci ng toner specks or dots on pri ntouts.
82 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Clearing printer p aper jams Occas ionally , p aper bec omes jamm ed dur ing a pr int jo b . Some of the caus es incl ude the follo wing: ● The pape r input trays are loa ded imprope rly or ov e rfilled.
EN Clearing printer pa per jams 83 Remo ving a jammed page If the sc anner is attached to the pr inter , you ma y need to pu ll the pr inter to the edge o f the work space so the doo r hangs over the edge to enab le f ull door e x tension. 1 Open the pri nter door .
84 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN 3 With both hands, grasp the side of the pap er that is m ost vis ib le (this incl ude s the mid dle ) and then careful ly pull it free from th e pri nter . Note If the p aper tears, see “ P a per jam: removing tor n pi eces of paper.
EN Clearing printer pa per jams 85 P aper ja m: remo vin g torn pieces of paper Som eti mes a pi ece of j amm ed p ape r can tear when being re mo v ed. Us e the f ol lowing proced ure to r emov e any small pieces of paper left in the printer . 1 Make sure the ton er car tr idge is insta ll ed and the pr in ter door is closed .
86 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Changing the p ic kup r o ller If the pri nter regular ly misp icks (no paper is f ed th rough or mo re than on e sheet f eeds th rough), you m a y ne ed to c hange or clea n the pickup roller . See “ Acce ssori es and or der ing in f o rm ation ” to orde r a ne w pic kup r oll er .
EN Clearing printer pa per jams 87 5 Gently pull the p ic kup rol ler straigh t out. 6 P osition t he new par t within the slot of the o ld pickup roll er . 7 Rotate the bottom of the new pickup roller to wards the bac k of the pri nter until it snaps into plac e.
88 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN Cleaning the pi c kup roller If y ou wi sh to cl ean the pi ck up ro ll er rather than replace i t, f o llo w the instr uc tion s bel ow: Remov e the pic kup r oller as de scr ibed in “ Changin g the pickup roller.
EN Resettin g the pri nter 89 Resetting the prin ter T o reset the printe r , press and hold th e Go b utton on the pr inter control panel for 5 seco nds .
90 Chapter 8 Tro ubleshooting the prin ter EN.
EN 91 9 T roub leshooting the Copier/Scanner This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing subj ects: ● Findin g the so lution ● Improving s can/copy quality ● Calibratin g the sca .
92 Chapter 9 Troubl eshooting the Copier /Scanner EN Finding th e solution Use this section to find the solution to commo n scanne r prob lems. Scanning prob lems ● The sc anner did no thing ● No .
EN Finding the solution 93 The scanner did nothing Is the scanner correctly connected and latc hed to the printer? The scanner must be connected and the attachment le ver latched. See the Quic k Ref erence Guide f or attachment instructions. See “Removing the scanner” f or instr uctions on removing the scanner .
94 Chapter 9 Troubleshooting the Copier/Scanner EN Do y ou have other de vices running on y our computer? The HP LaserJet 1100A Pr inter•Copier•Scanner ma y not share a parallel por t.
EN Findin g the s olution 95 No previ e w appeared on screen Are y ou curren tly copying or printing? W ait f or the cop y o r prin t job to be compl eted before scann ing.
96 Chapter 9 Troubl eshooting the Copier /Scanner EN Sca n ned im age is of po or qua l it y Is the original a second generation photo or picture ? Repr inted p hotographs, such as in n e wspa pers or.
EN Findin g the s olution 97 P ar t of the i ma ge did no t scan or is mi ssing te xt W as t he original lo aded corr ectly? V er ify you loaded th e origi nal correc tly . See “ Loading C opier/Sc anner ori ginals. ” Does the original ha ve a colored back groun d? Colored bac kg roun ds can c ause images in the f oreground to blend too much.
98 Chapter 9 Troubl eshooting the Copier /Scanner EN The te xt cannot be edited Have y o u specified e ither the Document Ass istant or th e LaserJe t Documen t Deskt op to Edit te xt (OCR)? T e xt r .
EN Findin g the s olution 99 The scan ta kes too long Do y ou ha ve y our resolution and gra y s cale set too high? Ha ving th e resol ution and gra y scale s et high wi ll cause th e scan j ob to take longer and will result in l arger file s.
100 Chapter 9 Troubleshooting the Copier/Scanner EN Err or messages appear on the screen Unable to activ ate TW AIN sour ce ● If yo u are acquiring an image from another de vice, such as a digital camera or another scanner , make sure the other de vice is TW AIN compliant.
EN Finding the solution 101 No cop y came out or the scanner did nothing Is paper loaded in the printer paper input tray? Load paper in the printer . See “Loading paper into the pr inter.” Is the original loaded correctly? V er ify the original is loaded correctly: narrow side first and top do wn in the scanner paper input tra y .
102 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Copies are b lank, missing ima ges, or faded Are y ou making a Quic k C o py when y ou should be using the Copier Contr ol P anel? The Q uic k Co p y s ettings may not pr oduce goo d results f or the ty pe of cop y jo b y ou are a ttemptin g.
EN Improv ing sca n/copy quali ty 103 Impr oving scan/copy quality This s ection p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Pre ventative steps ● Image d ef e ct e xamples ● Cor rec.
104 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Ima ge defect e xamples V er tical white stripe s T oo li ght or dar k Blan k page s Unwanted lin es Unclear te xt Black dots or streak s Image.
EN Improv ing sca n/copy quali ty 105 Correcting sc an/cop y def ects V er tical whit e stripes ● The sc anner may need rec alibrated. See “ Calibrating the scan ner. ” ● The pape r ma y not meet H P ’ s pape r spec ificatio ns (f or e xam ple , the pap er is too mo ist or t oo rough).
106 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Blac k dots or strea ks ● There ma y be ink, glue, correction fluid, or an unwanted subs tance on t he scanner sensor . T r y clea ning th e scanner . Se e “ Cleani ng the scann er. ” Unc lear text ● T r y adjustin g the setti ngs.
EN Cali brati ng the scann er 107 Calibrating the scanner If images are showing defects, the scanne r ma y need to be cali brated. First verify the problem is not pri nter related . If the problem is no t printe r relat ed, clean the scan ner . See “ Clea ning the s canner.
108 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Cleaning the scanner Y ou ma y need to c lean the s canner aft er scan ning or copying ite ms that have ink which s mudges or th at hav e excessive amount s of dir t or dust.
EN Clea ring sc ann er jams 109 Clearing scanner jam s Occas ionally , paper bec omes ja mmed dur ing a scan or cop y job . Some of the caus es includ e the f ollowing : ● The pape r input trays are loa ded impr oper ly . See “ Loa ding Copier/S ca nne r or igin als .
110 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Clearing j ams 1 Open the scanner door . 2 Locat e and grasp the or iginal on th e top or bo ttom side, whic he v er side sticks out fu r th er , and then pull gently and stea dily . 3 If neces sar y , rol l the whit e wheel in the oppos ite directi on y ou are pulli ng the or iginal .
EN Clea ring sc ann er jams 111 Clearing har d -to-reach jam s Remov e the sca nner from th e pr inter . See “ Rem oving the scann er . ” CA UTION Removing t he scanner without fir st unplu gging the pr inter ma y dam age y our pri nter and scanner .
112 Cha pter 9 Tr oubleshootin g the Copie r/Scann er EN Remo ving the scann er T o remov e the scann er from the pri nter , follo w the instr uc ti ons below: CA UTION Removing the s canner with out first unpluggin g the pr inter m a y da mage your printe r and sc anner .
EN 113 10 Ser vice and suppor t This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Ava i l a b i l i t y ● Obta in ing hard wa re ser vice ● Guid elines for repacking the pr i.
114 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN A v ailability HP provides a v ari ety of se r vice and suppor t o ptions arou nd the world. A v ail ability of t hese pro g r ams will v ar y de pending up on your loca tion.
EN Guideli nes for re packing the printer 115 Guideli nes f or repac king th e printer ● If pos sib le, include pri nt sample s and 5-10 sheets of paper or other med ia that di d not pr int co rrectly . ● Remov e and r etain any DIMM s (memo r y) inst alled in the pr inter .
116 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN Guideli nes f or repac king th e scanner ● Remov e the sca nner from th e pr inter . See “ Re mo ving the scan ner. ” ● Use the s hipping c ontainer an d packing mate rial i n which the replac ement un it came, if po ssible.
EN Serv ice info rmati on for m 11 7 Service inf ormatio n f orm Servic e inf ormati on f o rm Who is retur ni ng the equi pment? Date: P erson to con tact: Phone: Alte r n ate co ntac t: Phone: Retur.
118 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN HP Su ppor t Thank you f or y our pur chase. Along wi th y our pr oduct, you recei v e a v ari ety of s uppor t ser vices from Hewlett-P ackard and our suppor t par tners th at are de signed to give y ou the resu lts you need, qu ic kly and professionally .
EN HP Supp ort 119 Eur o pean Customer Suppo r t Center language and in-country options a v ailable Open Mon da y through F r iday 8:30 – 18:00 C ET HP provides a free tele phone supp or t s er vice dur ing the warranty per iod. B y calling a tel ephone numbe r listed be low , y o u will be conne cted to a r espons iv e team waiting to help you.
120 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN Italian Italy: (39) (2) 264-103 50 Spa nish Spain : (34) (90) 232-11 23 P or tugue se P or t ugal: (351) (1) 441-71 99 In-country/region support numbers : If y.
EN HP Supp ort 121 Russia (7) (95) 923- 5001 Singa pore (65) 27 2-5300 T aiwan (886) (02 ) 717-0 055 Thaila nd 66 (2) 661-4011- 4 T ur k e y (90) (212 ) 224-5 925.
122 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN Online services F or 24-h our access t o inf or mation ov er your mode m, we suggest th ese s ervices : W orld Wide W eb URL Pri nter dr ivers , updated HP pri nter sof tw ar e , plus prod uct and suppor t inf or mati on ma y be obt ained f rom the f oll owing URLs : in the U .
EN HP Supp ort 123 Obtaining software ut il ities and elect r onic inf orm ation Obtain p rin ter dr iv ers. U .S. and Canada Phone: (1) (805) 2 57-5565 Mail: Hewlett-P ackard Co .
124 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN HP direct or dering fo r acce ssories or supplies Call 1-8 00-538-878 7 (U .S.) or 1-8 00-387-315 4 (Canada). HP Suppor t A ssis tant compact disc This s uppor t tool o ff er s a com prehensive onli ne inf or mat ion system designed to provide t echnica l and produc t inf or mat ion on HP product s.
EN HP Supp ort 125 Hong K ong (852) 2 506-2422 Hungar y (36) (1) 252-464 7 India +91 (0) 1 1 682 60 31 Indonesi a +62 (0 ) 21 352 20 44 Italy 167 8-59020 K or ea +82 (0) 0 2 769 05 43 Mala ysia +60 (0.
126 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN W orld wide sales an d ser vice offices Bef ore cal ling an HP Sales and Ser vic e office, be s ure to conta ct the app ropr iate Custom er Suppor t Ce nter number listed i n the “ HP Sup por t ” s ection. Products should not be re tur ned to the f ol lo wing offices.
EN Worldwi de sales an d servic e offices 127 Czech Repub lic He wlett-P ackard s . r . o . Nov odvorsk á 82 CZ-14200 Praha 4 Phone: (42) ( 2) 613-07111 F ax: (42) (2) 471-7611 Denmark He wlett-P ack.
128 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN Ko r e a He wlett-P ackard K orea 25-12, Y oido- dong, Y o ungdeungpo-ku Seoul 150-010 Phone: (82) ( 2) 769-0114 F ax: (82) (2) 784-7084 Hardware Repair Center.
EN Worldwi de sales an d servic e offices 129 Spai n He wlett-P ackard Espa ñ ola, S .A. Carreter a de la Coru ñ a km 16. 500 E-28230 Las Rozas, Madrid Phone: (34) ( 1) 626-1600 F ax: (34) (1) 626-1.
130 Cha pter 10 Ser vice and supp ort EN.
EN 131 A Pr inter specifications This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Spec ificatio ns ● FCC complianc e ● Environmenta l Pr odu ct Stewardship Program ● Mater.
132 A ppendix A Printe r specif icatio ns EN Specifications Printer specifications En vironmen tal specifica tions Oper ating env ironment Printer plu gged into an A C outlet: ● T emperature : 10 ° C to 32.
EN Spec ificatio ns 133 Physical speci ficat ion s Dime ns ion s ● Width: 36 7 mm (14.5 in.) ● Depth: 325 mm (12.8 in. ) ● Height : 378 m m (14.9 in .
134 A ppendix A Printe r specif icatio ns EN FCC com pliance This e quipment h as been te sted an d f ound to com ply with the limit s f or a Class B digital d e v ice, pursuant to Pa r t 15 of t he FCC r ules. These l imits are designed to p rovide reaso nable protection against har mful i nterf e rence i n a residen tial ins tallation .
EN Environ mental Product S tewardship P rogram 135 En vir onment al Pr odu c t Ste w ar dsh ip Pr ogram Pr otecting the En vir onment He wlett-P ac k ard Com pany is com mitted to provid ing qual ity produ cts in an en vironmen tally soun d manne r .
136 A ppendix A Printe r specif icatio ns EN The design of this HP LaserJet printer facilitates the recyc ling of: Plasti cs Plastic par t s hav e mar kings accor ding to i nter nationa l standards that enhanc e the abil ity to i dentify pl astics for recycl ing pur p oses at the end of t he pr inter ’ s l if e.
EN Materia l safety dat a sheet 13 7 Material safety data sheet The T oner Car tr idge/D rum MS DS can be obtained by contac ting the HP Laser Jet Suppli es website a t http://www .ljs planetpar tne rs/datashe ets.htm. If you do not h a ve access to the inter n et, tr y call ing the U .
138 A ppendix A Printe r specif icatio ns EN Regulator y statements Dec laration of Con f ormity accordi ng to I SO/IEC G uide 2 2 and EN4501 4 Manufacturer's Name: He wlett-P ack ard Company Man.
EN Regulat ory stateme nts 139 Laser saf ety statement The Cente r f or Devices and Radiol ogical Health (CDRH) o f the U .S. F ood and Drug A dministration has impl emented regu latio ns f or laser product s manufactured si nce A ugus t 1, 1976. Co mpliance is mandat or y for product s marketed i n the United States.
140 A ppendix A Printe r specif icatio ns EN Laser statement f or Finland LASER TUR V ALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APP ARA T HP LaserJ et 1100 -las er k irj oit in on k ä ytt ä j ä n k annalta tur vallinen luok an 1 lase rlai te .
EN 141 B Scanner specifications This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Spec ificatio ns ● FCC complianc e ● En viron men tal prod uct st e war dshi p ● Regula to.
142 Appendix B Scanner specifications EN Specifications HP LaserJet 1100A Printer•Copier•Scanner specifications En vironmental specifications Operating en vironment Printer plugged into an A C outlet: ● T emperature: 10 °C to 32.5 °C (50 °F to 90.
EN Specifications 143 Physical specifications Dimensions ● Width: 367 mm (14.5 in.) ● Depth: 402 mm (15.8 in.) ● Height: 378 mm (14.9 in.) W eight (including scanner module and toner car tridge installed) 8.
144 Appendix B Scanner specifications EN CopierScanner capacities and ratings Speed 7 pages per minute Input bin capacity Approx. 20 sheets of regular weight 20 lb (75 g/m 2 ) paper Minimum paper siz e 50.8 x 90 mm (2 x 3.5 in.) Maximum paper siz e 216 x 762 mm (8.
EN FCC co mpl ian ce 145 FCC com pliance This e quipment h as been te sted an d f ound to com ply with the limit s f or a Class B digital d e v ice, pursuant to Pa r t 15 of t he FCC r ules. These l imits are designed to p rovide reaso nable protection against har mful i nterf e rence i n a residen tial ins tallation .
146 A ppendix B Scanne r specific ations EN En vir onm ental pr oduct stewar d ship Pr otecting the En vir onment He wlett-P ac k ard Com pany is com mitted to provid ing qual ity produ cts in an en vironmen tally soun d manne r . This HP sca nner has be en designed with se v eral a ttributes to m inimize impac ts on our en viro nment.
EN Regulatory statements 147 Regulatory statements Dec laration of Conf ormity according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN45014 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-P ackard Compan y Manufacturer's Address.
148 A ppendix B Scanne r specific ations EN Laser saf ety statement The Cente r f or Devices and Radiol ogical Health (CDRH) o f the U .S. F ood and Drug A dministration has impl emented regu latio ns f or laser product s manufactured si nce A ugus t 1, 1976.
EN Regulat ory stateme nts 149 Laser statement f or Finland LASER TUR V ALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APP ARA T HP LaserJ et XXXX -las er k irj oit in on k ä ytt ä j ä n kannalta tur vallinen luok an 1 lase rlai te .
150 A ppendix B Scanne r specific ations EN.
EN 151 C P aper specifications This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Pr inter pap er spec ificatio ns ● Suppo r ted pa per sizes (p rin ter) ● Guid elines for usi.
152 A ppendix C Paper s pecific ations EN Printer paper sp ecifications HP Laser Jet pr inter s produce e x cellent p rin t quality . This pr inte r acce pts a variety of media, such as cut-sh eet paper (inclu ding recyc led paper) , env elope s, labels, transpare ncies, v ellu m, and cust om-size paper .
EN Guideli nes for us ing paper 153 Guideli nes f or usin g paper F or best results, us e con ventional 20 lb (75 g/m 2 ) pap er . Mak e sur e the paper is of good quali ty , and fre e of cu ts , nicks , tear s , spots, loose par ticles, dus t, wrink les, v oids, and cur led or bent ed ges.
154 A ppendix C Paper s pecific ations EN Labels Label construction When selecti ng labels, co nsider the quali ty of ea ch compo nent: ● Adhesiv es: The ad hesive materi al shoul d be stable at 39 2 ° F (200 ° C) , the pr inter ’ s ma ximum tempera ture.
EN Guideli nes for us ing paper 155 En velopes En velope construct ion Env el ope cons truc tion is cr iti cal. Env elope fold line s can var y consid erab ly , no t only bet ween manuf a cturer s , but also withi n a bo x from the s ame manufacturer .
156 A ppendix C Paper s pecific ations EN En velopes with adhesive stri ps or flaps Env el opes with a peel-off ad hesive stri p or with mor e than one flap that f olds ov er t o seal must use ad hesives compatible with the hea t and pres sure in the printe r : 392 ° F (200 ° C).
EN Guideli nes for us ing paper 157 Car d stock and hea vy media Many types o f card st oc k ca n be pri nted from the paper input tra y , incl uding ind e x c ards and postcards. So me card stoc k p erf or m s better th an othe rs becaus e its con str uction i s better s uited for f eeding th roug h a l aser print er .
158 A ppendix C Paper s pecific ations EN.
EN 159 D Memor y (DIMMs) This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Installi ng DIMM s (m emo r y ) ● T est DIM M inst all ation ● Removing D IMMs.
160 A ppendix D Memory (DIMMs) EN Installing DIMMs ( memor y) Addin g memor y (RAM on ly) to the HP Laser Jet 1 100 will enable y ou to pr int more comple x pr int jobs. T o install DIMMs, f o llow the in str uctio ns below: CA UTION Handling a DIMM c hip (memo r y) withou t wear ing a ground ed, anti-sta tic d e vic e can d amage the DI MM chip .
EN Installi ng DIMM s (memory ) 161 4 P osition t he DIMM chip ov er the slot loca ted insid e the pr inter memor y door . The gold cont acts sh ould be pointing down and the cut outs shoul d be on the left sid e . 5 Carefull y pres s the DIMM chip into the slot, ens uri ng it is straigh t and all the wa y down.
162 Appendix D Memory (DIMMs) EN T est DIMM installation T est the DIMM installation b y pr inting a self-test page and chec king the “memor y av ailable” specified on the page .
EN Removing DIMMs 163 Remo ving DIMMs T o remov e DIMMs, f ollo w the instru ctions below: CA UTION Handling a DIMM chip (memor y) without wearing a grounded, anti-static de vice can damage the DIMM chip . 1 Unplug the printer . 2 Open the printer memor y door by gently pulling out and upward on the bottom edge until the door suppor ts itself .
164 A ppendix D Memory (DIMMs) EN.
EN 165 E W arr anty and licensing This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● He wlett -P ackard software li cense agreeme nt ● He wlett -P ackard limited warranty state .
EN Hewle tt-Packar d software l icense agr eement 16 7 T ransf er . Y our li cense wil l automati cally te r minate upon any transf er of the So ftware . Upon tran sf er , you must de liv er the S oftware , inc luding any copies and rela ted docume ntation, to the transf eree.
168 A ppendix E Warranty an d licens ing EN He wlett-P ac kar d limited warran ty statement 1. HP warrants to you, the en d-user cu stomer , that HP hardware, accesso rie s , and suppl ies, will be fr ee from de f ects in mater ials and wor kmansh ip after the d ate of purchas e, f or the peri od spec ified abov e .
170 A ppendix E Warranty an d licens ing EN Limited warranty f or toner car tridge life Note The warranty bel ow applies to t he toner c ar tr idge tha t came with this pri nter . HP toner car tridg es are w arr ant ed to be free from d ef ect s in mat erials and wor kmanship until the HP t oner is deple ted.
EN Limit ed warranty for toner car tridge life 17 1 Ho w do I return the faul ty car tridge? In the ev en t the car tr idge prov es to be def ective , compl ete the Ser vic e Inf or mat ion F or m and attach a pr int samp le illus trating the def ect.
172 A ppendix E Warranty an d licens ing EN.
EN 173 F Accessor ies and order ing inf or mation Y ou can increase the capabilities of the pr inter with optional accessories and supplies. Use accessories and supplies specifically designed f or the HP LaserJet 1100 Pr inter and the HP LaserJet 1100A Pr inter•Copier•Scanner to ensure optimum perf ormance.
174 A ppendix F Acce ssorie s and or dering i nformatio n EN Orde ring inf ormation Item Descrip tion or Use Or de r Number Pr inte r memory Dual i n-li ne memo r y module (D IMM ) Boosts th e abil ity of the printer to handl e comple x print job s.
EN 175 Supple- mentary documen- tation HP LaserJet Printer F amily P aper Specification Guide A guide to using paper and other print media with HP LaserJet printers. 5021-8909 HP LaserJet 1100A Printer•Copier•Scan ner hard-cop y user guide A printed and bound user guide for the HP LaserJet 1100A Printer•Copier•Scanner .
176 A ppendix F Acce ssorie s and or dering i nformatio n EN.
EN 177 G Scanner resolution and g ra y scale This c hapter p ro vid es inform ation on th e f o llowing top ics: ● Ov er vie w ● Resoluti on and gra y -scale gu idelines ● Resoluti on ● Gr a y.
178 A ppendix G Scanne r reso lution an d gray sca le EN Over vie w If you are pr inting a scann ed image o r cop ying an image and the quali ty is not as you e xpe cted, you ma y hav e selecte d a reso lution or gra y-scale s etting in t he Copier /Scanner s oftware that does no t match your needs.
EN Resoluti on and g ray-scale guide lines 17 9 Resolution an d gra y-scale guid elines Resolution and gra y-scale guidelines Inte nded use for scan R ecommende d res olu tio n sett ing Recommended gr.
180 A ppendix G Scanne r reso lution an d gray sca le EN Resolution Gene r all y , the id eal scanni ng resol ution is 150 dots p er inch (dpi). Changi ng the size of the image after it h as been sca nned affects the resolu tion.
EN Gray scal e 181 Gra y sc ale Y ou can set th e gr a y scal e to either 1 or 8 i n y our C opier/Scan ner software. Usage t able Uses f o r 1 bit s etting Uses f o r 8 bit s etting ● Blac k te xt .
182 A ppendix G Scanne r reso lution an d gray sca le EN.
EN Index 18 3 Inde x A Accessories a nd ordering information 173 part numbers 174 Acquire an image 53 B Best quality printer setting 45 Booklets printing 42 C Calibration Scanner 107 Cancel copy job 6.
184 In de x EN H Help, online 12 accessing 27 HP FIRST 12 4 I Image add annotations 55 defects Copier/Scanner 104 printer 74 enhancements 54 Image defects Copier/Scanner black dots or streaks 106 blan.
EN Index 18 5 Paper jam printer clearing 82 scanner clearing 109 Power printer tur n off 10 voltage conversions 10 Precautions copying 25 printer paper jams 82 scanner jams 109 scanning 25 Print quali.
186 In de x EN Settings print quality 45 printer properties (driver) 11 Quick Copy, changing 59 Software Copier Control Panel 20 Document Assistant 18 LaserJet Document Desktop 1 9 LaserJet Toolbox 21.
Co p yright© 2002 He wlett-Packard Co. Manual Part No. C4218-90962 *C4218-90962* *C4218-90962* C4218-90962.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP 1100AHP è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP 1100AHP - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP 1100AHP imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP 1100AHP ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP 1100AHP, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP 1100AHP.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP 1100AHP. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP 1100AHP insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.