Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto XP128 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Stor ag e W or ks Disk Arr a y XP oper ating s y stem configur ation guide XP12 8 XP10 2 4 XP10000 XP12000 si xth editi on ( July 200 5) par t number : A5 951-9 6015 Thi s guide desc r ibes th e r .
2 HP StorageW orks Disk Array XP Operating Sy stem Configuration Guide: HP-UX Cop yr ight © 2003- 2005, Hewle t t-P ackar d Dev elopment Company , L.P .
Cont ents 3 Abou t this guid e 7 Intende d audience 7 Prerequi sites 7 Disk arrays 7 Related documentati on 8 HP storag e website 8 HP sales a nd authori zed rese llers 8 HP techni cal support 9 Docum.
4 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Configuration Guide : HP-UX Connect t he disk arra y 29 Defining the paths 29 Verifying HBA i nstalla tion 31 Verifyi ng device rec ognition 32 Configu.
About this guide 7 About t his guid e This gui de provides informat ion about: • Requir ements and pro cedures f or connect ing an XP dis k array t o a host sys tem • Configur ing the di sk array .
8 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Related documentation HP provide s these r elated doc uments: • HP S torageW orks Disk Array XP128: Owner’ s Gu ide •.
About this guide 9 HP technical suppor t In North America, cal l technical support a t 1-800-6 33-3600, ava ilable 24 hours a d ay , 7 days a week. Outside No rth America , call te chnical s upport at the loca tion near est you. The HP web si te list s telepho ne numbers f or worldwide technica l support at: http://www .
10 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Docum ent con ventions Conv ention Elem ent Blue text ( Fi gure 1 ) Blue text re prese nts a cro ss-refe rence. In the onlin e version of thi s guide, the re ference is linke d to the t arg et.
About this guide 11 Re vision history Septem ber 1999 Open-8 emulation added. January 2000 Content e xtensive ly revise d and reor gani zed. June 2000 Added suppor t for XP512 . Content r eor ganized and revised. February 2001 Added appen dixes C, D, E, and F .
12 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX W arranty sta temen t HP warrant s that for a period of ninety cale ndar days f rom the dat e of purchase , as evide nced .
14 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX.
Installation 15 1 Installation Y ou and your HP serv ice represe ntative e ach play a role in i nstall ation. Y our HP ser vice repr esentat ive is re sponsible for inst alling the disk arr ay and format ting the disk devices .
16 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX F eat ure s and r equi r ement s Ask your HP servi ce represent ative about the lat est supporte d hardware and softw are. The disk a rray and host have the f ollowing fea tures: • S torage capacit y .
Installation 17 • (Optiona l) Oth er availabl e XP softwar e (some may not be support ed by your ar ray: HP St orageW orks Busines s Copy XP HP S torageW orks Continuo us Access XP HP S torageW orks.
18 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Dev ice emulation types The XP famil y of disk arr ays suppor ts these devi ce emulat ion types: • OPEN-K/3/8 /9/E dev ices: OPEN-x logical units re present di sk devices.
Installation 19 SNMP confi guration The XP famil y of disk arr ays supports standard Simple Networ k Management Pr otocol (SNMP) for remotel y managing th e disk array . The SNMP agent on t he SVP perfo rms error -repor ting operati ons reque sted by the SNMP man ager .
20 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Instal la tion p rocedur es Perform t hese acti ons to in stall an d configur e the dis k array: 1.
Installation 21 Install an d configure the disk array The H P ser vice r epr es ent ative perf orms these tas k s: • Assemblin g hardware a nd instal ling sof tware • Loading t he microcod e updat.
22 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX For the XP1 024/XP128 arr ays, the h ost mode can als o be set a t the port informat ion window i n Command V iew XP AE.
Installation 23 Sett ing the S y stem Opti on Mo des The HP se rvice represent ative s ets th e System Op tion Mo de(s) ba sed on t he operati ng system a nd softwar e configurat ion of the host.
24 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Conf iguring th e Fibre Chann el p or ts Configur e the disk array Fib re Channel ports by us ing Remote W eb Console ( shown), Command V iew , or Command V iew XP AE. Select the setti ngs for ea ch port bas ed on your s torage ar ea network topology .
Installation 25 F abric and Conne ction parameter sett ings Set each array por t to F ABRIC ON or OFF with connect ions of POINT -TO- POINT or FC-AL as shown in the following table and fi gures. For de tailed t opology in format ion, refe r to the HP S torage W orks SAN Design Ref er ence Guide on t he hp .
26 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Install and confi gur e t he host This sec tion expl ains how to install and configur e the host and host bu s adapter s (HBAs) that c onnect the host to t he disk arra y .
Installation 27 Clustering and f abri c zoning If you pl an to use c lusteri ng, insta ll and con figure the c lusteri ng softwar e on th e servers . Cluster ing is th e org anization of multiple se rvers int o groups. W ithin a cluste r , each s erver is a node.
28 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Fabr ic zoning and L UN security for multi ple operatin g s y stems Y ou ca n co nnec t mul ti pl e cluste rs of var ious .
Installation 29 Connec t t he disk arra y The HP serv ice repre senta tive connect s the dis k array to the ho st by: 1. V eri fying operat ional sta tus of th e disk array c hannel adap ters, LDEVs, and paths . 2. Connecti ng the Fibr e Channel cabl es between the disk a rray and the fabric switch or hos t.
30 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX In Command V iew XP AE, LUN map ping incl udes: • Confi guring por ts • Creatin g storage groups • Mapping volumes a.
Installation 31 Ve r i f y i n g H B A i n s t a l l a t i o n After co nfigurin g the port s on the di sk array , verify that the HBAs are instal led prope rly . Use the ioscan –f command, and verif y that the r ows shown in the exampl e are dis played .
32 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX V eri f yi n g de vic e re co g n i ti o n V eri fy that t he HP-UX sy stem recogn izes the new devices on the dis k array .
Installation 33 customer support f or assistan ce with th e HP 9000 sy stem or the HP-UX op era ting sy stem. 3. Enter t he device d ata for e ach disk a rray devi ce in a table . See “Path worksheet ” on pa ge 62 . 4. Construc t the devi ce file name for ea ch device, u sing the devi ce info rmation, an d enter the file n ames in y our table .
34 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX dif ferent address f or each por t, reboot the serv er , and then verif y new device recognit ion ag ain. • If unuse d device i nformatio n remains, t he TID-to-A L-P A mapping will not cor respond to t he mapping given in Appendix B (page 6 3) .
Installation 35 Conf igure disk arra y de vices Disk arr ays are co nfigured usi ng the same p rocedure for confi guring any new disk on the host. This incl udes the f ollowing proc edures: 1. V eri fying the device fi les and dr ivers ( see page 36) 2.
36 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX V erify ing the dev ice files and dri vers The devic e files for new device s are usua lly creat ed automat ically duri ng HP-UX start up.
Installation 37 Example # ls –l /dev/rdsk | more Total 0 crw-r - - - - - 1 bin sys 177 0x006000 Dec 6 15:08 c6t0d0 crw-r - - - - - 1 bin sys 177 0x006100 Dec 6 15:08 c6t0d1 4. Use the de vice data table you created to verif y that the charact er-ty pe device f ile name f or each de vice is corr ect.
38 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Creat ing the device fi les If the device fi les were n ot creat ed auto maticall y when the sy stem was restar ted, use th e insf – e command in the /de v director y to creat e the devic e files .
Installation 39 3. Construc t the minor number for each devic e, using th e device info rmation, an d enter the file n ames in y our table . Use the followin g formula t o constr uct the min or number: 0x xxyz 00 where xx = SC SI bus in sta nce n um be r y = SCSI tar get I D z = LUN 4.
40 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Create char acter-type file. File name, c=character-type, 177=major #, 0x026000=minor # : # The chara cter -type de vice file i s requir ed for vol umes used as raw devices (for e xample, 33 90-3A/B/ C).
Installation 41 Creat ing the phy s ical v olum es A physical volume must be create d for each new SCSI disk device. T o c reate t he ph ysi ca l vo lum es: 1. Use the pvc reat e command to c reate th e physical volumes with t he charact er -type devi ce file as the ar gument .
42 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Creat ing ne w volume g roups Y ou must cr eate new vol ume groups for the new phys ical volu mes. If desire d, you can al so add any of the volu mes on the di sk array to e xisting volume gro ups using t he vge xten d command.
Installation 43 Example In th is exampl e: gro up name = vg06, maj or number of group file = 64, minor number of existin g group fi le = 06 (which mus t be uniqu e for each vol ume group), an d c = chara cter . # mknod /dev/vg06/group c 64 0x060000 : 7.
44 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Example # vgdisplay –v /dev/vg06 - - - Volume groups - - - VG Name /dev/vg06 VG Write Access read/write VG Status availa.
Installation 45 Creat ing logical v olumes Use these commands for logical volume confi guration : lvr emove Deletes a l ogical vol ume. Any file system a ttached t o the log ical volu me must be unmount ed before executing the lvr emove command. Example: lvremove /dev/vgnn/lvolx lvext end Increases the size of a n exis ting logica l volume.
46 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX OPEN-L = 34756 OPEN-V = 61432 T o calc ulate S1 f or CVS, LUSE, and CVS LUSE vo lumes, first use the vgdispl ay command t o display the physic al extent si ze (PE Siz e) and usabl e number of physica l extents ( Free PE) fo r the volu me.
Installation 47 Example # lvdisplay /dev/vg06/lvol1 - - - Logical volume - - - LV Name /dev/vg06/lvol1 VG Name /dev/vg06 LV Permission read/write LV Status available/syncd Mirror copies 0 Consistency .
48 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Example # newfs /dev/vg06/rlvol1 newfs: /etc/default/fs is used for determining the file system type mkfs (hfs): Warning -272 sectors in the last cylinder are not allocated.
Installation 49 Setting the I/O timeout parameter Set the I/O timeout value for each dis k device t o 30 seconds . T o change the I /O timeout parameter: 1.
50 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX --- Physical volumes --- PV Name /dev/dsk/c0t6d0 VG Name /dev/vg06 PV Status available : Stale PE 0 IO Timeout (Seconds) 30 [New I/O tim eout value] 4. Repeat t he above steps fo r eac h new disk that i s connected to th e system.
Installation 51 Mounting and v er ifying the file s ystems After t he mount dir ectorie s have been created, mount and verif y the fil e system fo r each logical vol ume. T o mount and veri fy the fi le systems: 1. Use mount to mo unt the fi le syste m for the v olume.
52 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX drwxr-xr-t 2 root root 8192 Mar 15 11:35 lost+found -rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 217088 Mar 15 11:41 vi.
Installation 53 2. Reboot th e system. 3. Use the bdf command t o verify the fi le syste m again. Pa r a m e t e r Name Enter P1 Device to mount Block-type devic e file name P2 Mount point M ount dire.
54 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX.
Troubleshooting 55 2 T roubleshooting This sec tion incl udes reso lutions for various e rror cond itions yo u may enco unt er . If you ar e unable t o resolv e an error con dition, a sk your HP support repres entative for assist ance. See “Ca lling the HP s upport cen ter” on page 59 .
56 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Error conditio ns Depending on your syst em configur ation, yo u may be able to view err or messages as fol lows : • In Remote W eb Console (St atus tab) • In Command V iew Adva nced Edition ( “Alerts” pan el).
Troubleshooting 57 Physical v olumes canno t be created ( pvc reat e ). V eri fy that the disk ar ray logical devices are corre ctly for matted. V eri fy that the charac te r -type device file exis ts . V eri fy that t he corre ct characte r-t ype devic e file name is used with pvcr eate (fo r example, /dev/ rdsk /.
58 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX The disk ar ray perfo rms a self reb oot becaus e the disk ar ra y wa s bus y or it lo gged a panic messa ge. Reboot th e host. The disk arra y responds “Not Ready” or th e disk ar ray has displayed “Not Ready” a nd timed ou t.
Troubleshooting 59 Cal ling the HP sup por t center If you ar e unable t o resolv e an error con dition, c ontact th e HP support center for assi stance. Contac t Informat ion In North America, cal l technical support a t 1-800-6 33-3600, ava ilable 24 hours a d ay , 7 days a week.
60 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX.
Worksheets 61 A W orksheets.
62 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Pa t h w o r k s h e e t Bus no. Instan ce (XX) Disk no. H/W pat h Dri v er De vice typ e TID (Y) LUN (Z) De v ice file Minor # 0xXX YZ00 Major # for c h a r .
Disk array device emulations 63 B Disk arr ay de vice emulations This appendi x provides infor mation about support ed emulations and devi ce type spe cificatio ns. Some pa rameters may not be relevant to your ar ray . Consult y our HP repre sentati ve for inf ormation about supporte d configur ations f or your syst em.
64 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Sup ported em ula tions XP Model OPEN Emula tion Ty p e OPEN Emula tion Suppor ted LU S E CVS LU S E & CVS OPEN-3 Ye s.
Disk array device emulations 65 De vice t y pe specifications *Capacity = (512 x nu mber of blocks ) ÷ 1024 2 De vice T ype (Not e 1) Cate gory (Not e 2) Bloc ks (5 1 2 b y te s ) Secto r Size (bytes.
66 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Not e 1: The a vai la bili ty of a disk type dep e nds on the dis k arra y . Not e 2: The devic es are def ined to the h ost as SCSI disk devic es, even th ough the inter face is Fibr e Cha nnel.
Disk array device emulations 67 Example: For a CVS LUSE volume wit h capacity = 37 MB and n = 4 # of cyli nders = ↑ 37 × 1024/720 ↑ × 4 = ↑ 52.
68 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX L USE d e vice parameters De vice type Phy si cal ex t e n t size (PE) Max ph y sica l ex t e n t s i z e (MP E) OPEN-K/3/.
Disk array device emulations 69 OPEN- E*n n = 2 to 9 default default n = 10 8 17366 n = 1 1 8 19102 n = 12 8 20839 n = 13 8 22576 n = 14 8 24312 n = 15 8 26049 n = 16 8 27786 n = 17 8 29522 n = 18 8 3.
70 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX n = 33 8 57308 n = 34 8 59045 n = 35 8 60782 n = 36 8 62518 OPEN- L*n n = 2 to 3 default default OPEN-8/9/E-CVS OPE N-V de.
Disk array device emulations 71 S C SI T ID map f or F ibre C han nel adapter s When an a rbitrated loop (AL) i s establi shed or rees tablish ed, the por t address es are as signed aut omaticall y to prevent duplicat e TIDs. W ith the SCSI over Fi bre Channel protocol ( FCP), there is no longer a need for target ID s in th e trad ition al sen se.
72 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX The mapping cannot be d one when thes e conditi ons exist: • disk ar ray device s and othe r types of devices a re conne.
Reference information for SAM 73 C Re fer ence inf ormation f or S AM The HP Syste m Administra tor Manager (SAM) i s used to perform HP-UX system ad ministrat ion funct ions, inc luding: • setti ng.
74 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Configur ing the de vic es us ing S AM The SAM Areas wi ndow displa ys the sys tem administra tion functi ons and allows yo u to sele ct the des ired functi on. The Disks and File Sys tems functi on allows you t o configur e new disk de vices for L V M operati ons.
Reference information for SAM 75 2. V eri fy that the n ew disk ar ray devi ces are di splayed i n the Di sk Devices window . 3. Select th e device to con figure, selec t the Actions men u, select Add , and then s elect Using the Logical V olume Manager .
76 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Setting t he m aximum nu mber of v olume groups using S AM The HP-UX kern el speci fies the maxi mum number of vol ume groups that can be cr eated. The default is 1 0. Y ou may need t o change this number to accommodate new devices on the dis k array .
Glossary 77 Gl os sary AL Arbitrate d loop. AL-P A Arbit rated loop p hysical addr ess. array gr oup A group of 4 or 8 physica l hard di sk dri v e s (HDDs) inst al le d in an XP disk array a nd assigned a c ommon RAID level. RAID1 array gr oups are made up of 4 HDDs ( 2D+2D).
78 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX CVS Custom volu me size. CVS devices (OPEN-x CVS) are cust om volumes configur ed using a rray management software to b e smaller than normal fixed- size OPEN system vo lumes.
Glossary 79 LDEV Logical d evice. An LDEV is cr eated when a RAID gr oup is carved int o pieces accordi ng to the sel ected host emulation mode (that is , OPEN-3, OPEN-8, OPEN-L). The nu mber of r esulting LDEVs depends on t he select ed emulati on mode.
80 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX Remote Contr ol (RC) HP Stora geW orks Remote Contro l XP . A sof tware product used for managing XP a rrays. Remote W eb Console (R WC ) HP S torageW orks XP Remote W eb Console.
Index 81 Inde x A arbitr ated-lo op physica l address 24 autho rized res e ller s 8 Auto LUN XP 17 Auto Path XP 17 auto -mount para meters, set ting 52 B Business Copy XP 17 , 19 C Cache LUN XP 17 Clu.
82 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX device t ypes 65 featur es 16 instal lation o vervie w 20 not rea dy message 58 operati ng sys tem versions 16 requir emen.
Index 83 cannot be created 57 cre ating 45 file sy ste m s 47 , 51 LUN Configur ation and S ecurity Man ager XP 16 , 21 , 29 , 30 LUN(s) cre ating 29 mapping 29 secu rity 27 LUSE device parameters 68 .
84 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP Operating System Con figuration Guide: HP-UX groups cannot be created 57 cre ating 42 setting maxi mum number 76 logical auto -mount pa rameters 52 cannot be created 5.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) XP128 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.