Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto vs80 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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user’s guide hp St o rag e W ork s v s80 1/8 a utoloader Part Number: C9265-90001 Edition 2 September 2002 © 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company.
2 Notice hp Storage W orks v s80 1/8 autoloader Notice This docum ent contai ns in formation that is protected by c opy rig h t. Al l ri g ht s a re re s er ve d. N o p a r t of t h i s document may be photocopied, r eproduced , or tr anslated into another language .
hp Storage W orks v s80 1/8 autoloader 3 Notice 2 Typographical Conventions and Terms 2 In This Manual 2 Revision History 2 Updates 2 1 Installing the Autoloader 7 Chapter Over view 7 Installation Ove.
4 hp Stor ageW or ks vs80 1/8 autoloader Importing Cartrid ges 30 Exporting Cartridges 31 Loading Cartridges 32 Unloading Cartridges 33 Write-Protecting Cartridges 34 Maintaining Cartr idges 35 Cleani.
hp Storage W orks v s80 1/8 autoloader 5 Autoload er Specificati ons 72 Environmental Specifications 73 Tape Drive Specifications 74 Media Specifications 75 B Customer Support 77 Appendix Ov erview 77.
6 hp Stor ageW or ks vs80 1/8 autoloader.
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 7 Installing the Autoloader Chapter Over vie w This chapter describes the following: ■ Installation Overview on page 8 ■ Understanding Autoloader Features on pa.
8 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 Installation Overvie w Instal ling the autoloader cons ists of the follow ing steps, wh ich ar e explaine d in mor e detail later in this chapter : 1. Choo se a loc at ion for t he autolo ade r ( pag e 12 ). 2 . Unpack and check the autol oader for shipping damage ( page 13 ).
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 9 Understanding Autoloader Featur es The au toloader is a SCSI- 2 Lo w- V oltage Differ ential (L VD ) data stor age dev ice that incorpor ates a Benchmark S tor age Innov ations DL T vs80 tape dri ve and ei ght tape slots.
10 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 Product Overvie w Figu re 1 Fr ont P anel Contr ols 1 P ow er sw itch ( recessed) 2 Mailslot 3 F r ont panel LEDs 4 F ront panel L CD scr een 5 Con t rol keys.
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 11 Figu re 2 Re a r Pane l Ove r view 1 6 8-pin S CSI connect ors 2 Fa n v e n t 3 P o wer connector.
12 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 Choosing a Location Choose a loc ation that meets the follo wing criter ia (se e T echnical Specifications o n p ag e 7 1 fo r mo re i n form at io n o n s p e c.
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 13 Unpacking t he Autoloader Bef ore y ou begin, c lear a desk or table so that y ou can unpack the a utoloader . Y ou also need to select an open 2U computer r ack locati on or choose a des ktop loc ation ne ar t he s erver that is to be the host for the autolo ader .
14 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 Identif ying Pr oduc t Components Accessories Figu re 3 Accessories 1 SCS I C ab l e 2 SCS I Term in a t o r 3 P o wer C able 4 IS V and Regulatory Informati on .
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 15 Rack Kit Components (if rackmount unit) Figu re 4 Rac k Kit Comp onents Mounting Brackets Screws and clip nuts Mounting Rails.
16 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 Installing th e Autoloader into a Rack The au toloader f its all standard 19-inch r acks, taking up 2U of space. T o install the au toloader int o a rac k, y ou will need to install t he mounting br ack ets on both sides of the autoloader and the r ails in the selected rack location .
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 17 3. U sing the scr ews and clip nu ts fr om the ra ckmount har dwar e pack age , s e c u re o n e ra i l to e a c h s i d e o f t h e r ac k i n t h e l o c a t i o n i n w h i c h y o u p l a n to install the autoloader .
18 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 4. Sli de the autol oader onto the r ails and secur e the mounting br ack et to the ra ck u s i n g t he sc re ws a n d cl i p nu t s fro m t h e ra c k m o u n t h a rd wa re pack age.
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 19 Connecting t he SCSI and P ow er Cables T o c onnect the SCSI and pow er cables to the autoloader , follo w these steps: 1. Shu t down and tur n off the selec ted server . T urn off all attac hed accessory dev ices, such as pr i nter s and other S CSI dev ices.
20 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 4. A ttach the ter m inator to t he remaining S CSI connector on the r ear panel of the autoloader (if the autoloader is the last or only devi ce on the SCSI bus). Otherwise , attach the cab le to the next de vi ce on the SCS I bus, and ensure that the last devi ce on the SCSI bus is pr operly ter minate d.
Chapter 1 Installing the Autoloader 21 Prepar ing the Host and V erifying the Connec tion If necessary , install a S CSI hos t adapter , softwar e , and compatible dri ver(s). Re fer to the manuals fo r the host computer and SC SI host adapter f or detailed instru ctions.
2 2 Installing the Autoloader Chapter 1 ■ V er ify the connection between t he autol oader and host b y: — Installing the HP L ibr ary & T ape T ools diagnostic/inst allation chec k utility available a t http://w ww ape T ools .
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 23 Operating the Autoloader Chapter Over vie w This chapter describes the following: ■ Opera tor ’s P anel Ov er vi ew on page 2 4 ■ Understanding the Me nu St.
24 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 Oper ator ’s P anel O vervie w The Oper ator's P anel consists of four LEDs , four buttons, and a 2 -line by 16- char acter L CD scr een. The Oper ator's P anel pr ov ides ev erything you need to monitor au toloader statu s and to contr ol all of its functi ons.
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 25 Exportin g the indi cated cartr idge w ill clear t he err or condit ion . See Exporting Cartridges on page 31. If these s ymp toms occur on m ultiple kno wn good cartr idges , consider cl eaning the tape dr ive . See C leaning t he T ape Drive on page 36.
2 6 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 LED Indicators The Oper ator's P anel includes four LED indicat ors that pr ov ide a v ariety of infor mation as det aile d in the follo wing table: T able 2 LEDs LED Color De script ion Rea dy/A c tivi ty Gree n Il luminated when pow er is on.
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 2 7 Operator ’s P an el Control Buttons The Operat or’s P an el includes four button s that pro vi de access to all operati ons and infor mation menu s. T able 3 Cont rol But tons Button Description [Cancel] Cancels t he cur re nt menu option an d re turns to the p re vi ous men u lev el or Ho me screen.
28 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 Understanding th e Me nu Structure Figure 1 1 Operat or’s P anel Menu Structur e.
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 29 Using Cartridges Bef or e you use t he autoloader , mak e sur e you observ e these gener al rules: ■ Use only DL Ttape IV car tridges. The tape dr iv e in the autoloader can r ead, but no t wr ite DL Ttape I V cartri dges that ar e wr itten in the DL T 4000 for mat .
30 Operating the Autoload er Chapter 2 Importing Car tridges Caution P erf or ming an import or export o f media dur ing a dat a back up may r esult in adve rse r esults, whi ch could include back up failur e or other err ors. This option f orces the aut oloader to import a cartridge int o a spe cif ic empty slot on the car ousel .
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 31 Figu re 1 2 Importing a Cartri dge Ex po rti ng Ca rtr idg es Caution P erf or ming an import or export o f media dur ing a dat a back up may r esult in adve rse r esults, whi ch could include back up failur e or other err ors.
3 2 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 Figu re 1 3 Exporting a Cart r idge Loading Cartridges This option loads a ca rtri dge fr om the autoloader car ousel into the tape dri ve .
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 33 Unloading Cartridges This option unloads the cartri dge fr om the tape dri ve into its or iginal slot . T o use this op tion, f ollo w these steps: 1. F r om the Home Scr een or main menu , pre ss the [+] or [-] button until Comm ands appear s on the top line of the L CD sc reen .
34 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 W rite -Pr otec ting Car tridges All ca rtridges have a write -protect switch to pr event accidental erasure of data.
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 35 Maintaining Car tridges T o ensure t he longest po ssible life fo r all of yo ur DL Ttape IV cartr idges , foll ow these guidelines : ■ Do not dr op or str ik e a cartri dge . Exc essiv e shock c an displace the t ape leader , making the cartri dge unusable and possibl y damagi ng the autolo ad er .
36 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 Cleaning th e T ape Driv e When th e Clean Dri ve LED is on , the aut oloader's tape dr iv e needs to be cleaned . An illuminated M edia Attention LED or an e xc lamation point (!) in the in ventory displa y may also indicate that the tape dr iv e needs to be cleane d .
Chapter 2 Operating the Autoloader 3 7 T o clean the ta pe dri ve , follo w these st eps: 1. F r om the Home Scr een or main menu , pre ss the [+] or [-] button until Comm ands appear s on the top line of the L CD sc reen . Pres s [Enter] . 2. P re s s t h e [+] or [-] button until Clean Dr iv e appear s on the L CD sc ree n.
38 Operating the Autoloader Chapter 2 Creating an In ventory of Cartridges This option w ill build a new in vent ory of car tr idges in the autoloade r . T o use this option , follo w these steps: 1. F r om the Home Scr een or main menu , pre ss the [+] or [-] button until Comm ands appear s on the to p line of the L CD sc reen .
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 39 Autoloader Administration Chapter Over vie w This chapter describes the following: ■ Configuring the Autoloader on page 40 ■ Updating Fir mware on page 45 �.
40 Autoloader Administration Chapter 3 Configuring the Autoloader The Conf igur ation menu pr ovi des access to the follo wing autoloader confi guration opti ons: ■ Resett ing the auto load er ■ S.
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 41 Cha ngin g the S CSI ID This opti on changes the S CSI ID the a utoloader u ses. The a utoloade r opera tes as a si ngle SCSI de vice with two Logi cal Unit Nu mbers (L UNs): one LUN (0) is for the tape dri ve , and the other (1) is for the autoloader roboti cs.
4 2 Autoloader Administr ation Chapter 3 Setting the Autoloader Operating Mode The au toloader operating mode is deter m ined b y whether or not you are using back up softw are that can contr o l the aut oloader roboti cs. If y ou are u sing such softwar e, then the a utoloader oper ates in Random mode .
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 43 Circular Mode Note Cir cular mode is on ly app licable when the aut oloader is in Sequential mode . This opti on turns Cir cular mode on or off .
44 Autoloader Administration Chapter 3 Autoload Mod e Note Auto load mode is only applicab le if the autoloader is in Sequential mode . This opti on turns Au toload mode on or off .
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 45 Updating F irmw are Caution Do not p ow er cycle or r eset the autoloader during the upgr ade pr oces s. Doing so could cause the autoloader to become inoper able.
46 Autoloader Administra tion Chapter 3 Using a Fir mw are Upgr ade T ape Note The pr efer red method to update f irmw are is b y using HP Libr ary & T ape T ools (see Using HP L ibrary & T ape T ools on page 4 5) . A f irm war e upgr ade ta pe can only be ob tained b y an HP se r v ice r epresentati ve.
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 4 7 Note If the cartrid ge is not a vali d code update cartri dge, the L CD will tem por aril y displa y er ro r code “ BC , ” the autoloader will reset , the cartr idge w i ll be ex ported , and the L CD will displa y Bad upgrade tap e .
48 Autoloader Administration Chapter 3 Running the Autoloader S y stem T est Caution R u nning the sy stem test for extended peri od s of ti me will reduce the life of your autoloader .
Chapter 3 Autoloader Administration 49 Retr iev ing Information About the Autoload er The Information menu pr ovides acces s to i nformation ab out the autoloader , includi ng the cycle cou nt , err or log, and firm war e re vision.
50 Autoloader Administra tion Chapter 3 Note Err ors will sho w as “X X YY” . “YY” r epr esents t he specifi c er ror code , and “X X” repr esents non pertinent addre ss codes. Additi onally , err ors r ange fr om 0 to -63, whe re 0 is the ne west er ror an d -63 is the oldest .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 51 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Chapter Over vie w This chapter describes the following: ■ Using HP Libr ar y & T ape T ools to Diagnose Problems on.
5 2 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 Using HP L ibrary & T ape T ools to Diagnose Pr oblems Wit h HP Libr ary & T ape T ools installed o n the host se r v er , you can do t he f ollo wing: ■ Identi fy all SC SI de vi ces connect ed to y our sy stem .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 53 T roubleshooting Installation Pr oblems Pr oblems encountered during the installation of the autoloader are u sua lly caused b y impr oper S CSI bus conf igur ation , applicati on softwar e confi gurati on er ror s, or b y an incorr e c tl y c onfi gu r ed operating s ystem .
54 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 T o terminate th e autoloader , locate the terminator in the acc essori es pack age and pr ess it fir m ly in to eithe r of the two S CSI connector s on the r ea r panel of the autoloader . S ecur e the terminator by tightening the f inger -scr ew s until snug .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 55 T roubleshooting Common Pr oblems This sectio n includes infor mation on tr oubleshooting common au toloader pr oblem s. If these procedu r es fai l , co ntact your ser vi ce repr esentat iv e for fu rther assis tance .
5 6 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 Ta p e s t u c k i n d ri v e . ■ P ow er cycle the autoloader , allow it to complete init iali zation (may ta ke as long as 1 0 m inute s) , and the n retr y un lo adi ng the tape using the aut oloader Operator ’s P anel controls .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 57 Cannot wr i te to or r ead fr om tape. ■ Mak e sure t hat the cartr idge is wr ite enabled (mo v e the wr ite- pr otect swit ch to the ena bled position). ■ Make sur e that the cartri dge is a DL TtapeIV that has not been wr itten using an incompatible for mat .
58 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 SCSI ID Changed dr iv e SCS I ID, but the host server does not re c o g n ize t he n ew I D. ■ Ma ke su re tha t a ll SCSI devices on the sa me bus h ave u nique I D num b ers. ■ If t h e SCS I bu s i s na rrow ( 50 - pi n ) o n ly SCS I I D s 0 th rou g h 7 a re available.
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 5 9 Cleaning R ecur ring c leaning mess age or media attenti on light . ■ Mak e sure y ou ar e using a DL T vs80 compatible cl eaning cartri dge. ■ Re place the ex isting cleaning cartri dge with a ne w one.
60 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 Media is r ej ected b y the tape dri ve . Rest ore f rom t ape NOT successf ul. ■ Y ou attempted to load media with an in valid f ormat (DL T 7 000 or D.
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 61 Bad/defecti ve/contaminated media ■ If the Media Att enti on LED is clear ed using a cl eaning cartr idg e and then imm ediately r eappea rs each time a.
6 2 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 Rem oving St uc k C ar t rid g es If the au toloade r expe ri ences a se v ere mechanical p ro blem or if y ou need to r emo ve cartr idges beca use of a.
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 63 5. Loosen the autolo ader cover by remov in g the fiv e scre ws on the back of the autoloader , and the scr ew s on each side of the autoloader . Figu re 1 5 Re move I n d ic at e d B ac k C ove r S crews 6.
64 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 7 . Remo ve the cartridge carr ier that contains the tape you want to r emov e by lifting the carr ier up and out of the au toloader .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 65 9 . After r emov ing the cart ri dges fr om the desir ed c arr ier s, r einstall each carr ier on the aut oloader belt (se e Fig ur e 1 7 ). — Make sur e that the r oller s on the bottom of the car ri er ar e aligned in the carrie r t r acks.
66 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 Autoloader Error Codes If an err or occurs during oper ation of the autoloader , the autoloader stops the cur ren t oper ation an d displa ys an er ror code on the t op line of the L CD scr een.
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 6 7 3 0 83 Inv entory not valid. The cartr idge in ven tory is not valid becau se of manual changes or pr evi ous f atal err ors . Update the inv entory using the R e- in ventory option in the Con figuration me nu .
68 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4 3 0 9 4 Cartri dge unload err or . A failur e occur red w hile trying to unl oad a cartri dge fr om the dri ve to its slot . 3 0 95 Import er r or . An er r or occur r ed while trying t o import a data cartri dge to a carou sel slot .
Chapter 4 Diagnostics and Tr oubleshooting 6 9 3 0 B1 RAM e r r or . C yc le power on the a utoloader and attempt the oper ation again. If the er ror r ecurs, contac t your techni cal support r epr esent ativ e. 3 0 B2 NVR AM er r or . C yc le power on the a utoloader and attempt the oper ation again.
7 0 Diagnostics and T roubleshooting Chapter 4.
App en dix A App en dix O ver vi ew 71 Technical Specifications Appendix Ov er vie w This appendi x descr ibes the foll ow ing: ■ Autoloader Specifications on page 7 2 ■ Envir onmental Specific at.
7 2 Autoloader Specifications Appendix A Autoloader Specifications T able 6 Autoload er Specif ications Cha ract er is tic Specific ation Height Pa c k a g e d Unpackaged 205 mm (8.0 in) 84 mm (3. 34 in) Wid th Pa c k a g e d Unpackaged 600 mm (2 3.6 in) 419 mm (16.
Appendix A Env ironmental Specifications 7 3 Env ironmental Specifications T able 7 Env i r onment al Specif ications Cha ract er is tic Specific ation Temperature/ humidity Oper ating 10º to 3 5º C.
7 4 T ape Driv e Specifications Appendix A T ape Dri ve Specif ications T able 8 DL T vs80 Dr iv e Spec ifi cations Description DL T1 (vs80) Re a d/ w ri te t ra n s fer ra t e: m a xi m um sus tained (DL T T ype IV media ) Non-compr essed mode: 3 .0 MB/second Compr essed (2:1 typi cal) : 6.
Appendix A Media Specifications 7 5 M edia Specifications T able 9 M edia Spec ifi cations Char acte ri sti c D L T T ype IV Me dia DL T1 for matted capacity 40 GB (non-compr essed 80 GB (2:1 typ ical compr ession) Basi c descr iption 0.5 inc h (metal partic le) T ape length 5 5 7 meter s (18 28 f eet) Cartr idge dimensions 10.
7 6 Media Specifications Appendix A.
App en dix B App en dix O ver vi ew 77 Customer Support Appendix Ov er vie w This appendi x descr ibes the foll ow ing: ■ Registering Y our Product on page 7 8 ■ Ser vice Options on pa ge 7 9 ■ .
7 8 Registering Y our Product Appendix B Register ing Y our Pr oduc t R egister ing your pr oduct ensur es fast and eas y access to He wlett -P ack ar d Cust omer Support.
Appendix B Service Options 7 9 Service Options HP servi ce options upgr ade the war r anty on your ta pe autoloade r . A wi de r ange of war ranty options ar e avail able to meet y our business u ptime needs. SupportP ac ks Support P acks are available wi th in 1 8 0 d ays o f yo u r p u rc h a s e.
80 Contacting HP Customer Support Appendix B Contacting HP Custom er Suppor t If your a utoloader fails dur ing the war r an ty peri od and the su ggesti ons in the documen tation do not sol ve the pr oblem, yo u can recei ve su pport by do ing the f ollo wing: ■ Access HP Support on the W orld Wi de W eb at http :/ /www .
Appendix B Contacting HP Custome r Support 81 Backup S oft w are Support While the autoloader pr oduct it self is supported b y Hewlett-P ack ard , all softw ar e prod ucts ar e support ed by in div idual s oftwar e vendo rs.
82 Contacting HP Customer Support Appendix B ■ Unite d States (9 7 0) 63 5-1500 ; Monday - F rida y , 7 am - 5pm Mount ain Time ■ Ve n e z u e l a 800 4 7 888 (Caraca s 20 7 8488) European Customer Support Centers Monday - F ri day , 8:30 - 18: 00 (C.
Appendix B Contacting HP Custome r Support 83 ■ Net herl ands + 31 (0) 20 606 8 7 51 ■ Norw ay + 4 7 22 11 6 29 9 ■ Po r t u g a l + 351 (0)1 318 00 6 5 ■ Spa in + 34 90 2 321 12 3 ■ Swe d e.
84 Contacting HP Customer Support Appendix B ■ Ko re a + 8 2 2 32 7 0 0 7 00 ■ Outsi de Seoul 080 999 0 7 00 ■ Mala ys ia + 60 3 29 5 256 6 ■ Ne w Zealan d + 64 9 35 6 6640 ■ Pe n a n g 1 30.
Appendix B W arranty Infor mation 8 5 W a rrant y Inform at ion HP Produc ts: HP Stor age W orks vs80 1/8 A utoloader Dur ation of limited war ran t y: One y ear 1. HP w arr ants HP hard war e , accessori es, and supplies against de fects in mat eri als and w or kmanship f or the pe ri od spec ifi ed abo ve .
87 A accessories 14 altitude specifications 73 Asia-Pacific telephone suppor t 83 autoloader registration 78 autoloader acce ssories 14 autoloader installation 8 autoloader reset 40 autoloader test 48.
88 I importing cartridges 30 information cycle count 49 event log 49 warranty 2 information, gathered before contacting support 80 installation cabling 19 driver 21 HBA 21 powering on 19 rack 16 softw.
89 Tape Tools 21 , 45 tapes 29 stuck 62 temperature and humidity spec- ifications 73 test system 48 troubleshooting 53 troubleshooting table 55 typographical conventions 2 U unloading cartridges 33 un.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) vs80 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.