Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LTO 4 SCSI del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP restricted HP L T O Ultr ium ta pe dr i v es t e c h n i c a l re f e re n c e m a n u a l L T O 4 FC, S C S I and S A S dr i v es v olume 2 : so ft w ar e integr ation Edition 1, June 2 00 7.
HP restricted Legal and no tice infor mation © Copy ri ght 19 99–200 7 Hew lett-P ack ar d Dev elopment C ompany , L .P . Hew lett-P ack ard Compan y mak es no w arr anty of any kind w ith r egard t o this mater ial, inc luding , but not limited to , the implied war ranti es of mer chantability and fi tness f or a partic ular pur pose .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical referenc e m anual, volume 2: software integration 3 HP restricted Related documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Documents specific to HP Ultrium drives .
4 HP restricted WORM media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 How WORM media w orks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical referenc e m anual, volume 2: software integration 5 HP restricted Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Resetting drives . . .
6 HP restricted.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 7 HP restricted R elated doc uments This is one of si x v olumes that doc ument HP U ltrium dr i ve s. T his v olume pr o vi des back ground infor mation f or dr i v er and applicati on dev eloper s.
8 HP restricted Installati on and conf igur ati on Oper ation Car tridg es Inte rface FC D rives SCS I Drive s SAS Drive s Connect ors 1 HW Integr ation: ch. 4 1 HW Integr ation: ch. 7 Dete rmini ng t he c onfiguratio n 2 SW I n t e g ra t i o n : ch.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 9 HP restricted Maintenance and tr oubleshooting Dealing w ith er r or s Implementation 3 Hos t Interf ace: ch. 1 Inter pr eting sens e data 2 SW I n t e g ra t i o n : ch.
10 HP restricted L T O Ultr ium featur es Gener al doc uments and standar diz ati on See http://www .t10.or g/t10_main .htm f or INCI T S S CS I Pr imary Commands—3 (SP C-3), S CS I Str eaming Co mm.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 11 HP restricted 1 Designing bac k up a ppli catio ns In toda y’s computer mar k et , so ftwar e applicati ons th.
Designing backup applications 12 HP restricted NO TE: Using immediate mode w i th other commands does not impr o v e perfor mance and can cause pr oblems when w r iting a dri v er .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 13 HP restricted See “ T ape Capac ity L og P age ” under the LO G S E N S E c ommand in Chapter 3 of The SC SI Interface, V olume 3 of the HP L T O Ultr ium T echni cal Re fer ence Manual for mor e inf ormati on .
Designing backup applications 14 HP restricted • Use log f iles to stor e Inquiry and Sense K e y/Er r or Code inf ormati on about er r or conditi ons. • Allo w user s to access dr i ve f irm ware r ev ision and HB A char act eri stic inf ormati on • Include the capability to do wnload f irm war e.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 15 HP restricted 2 C onf i gur ation and initiali z ati on This s ection co v ers the follo w ing topi cs: • Oper.
Configuration and initialization 16 HP restricted Product ID , first 8 b ytes Product ID, last 8 b ytes Produ ct Rev ision Le vel Example If new dr i v e families or v ar iants support featur es that .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 17 HP restricted Since L T O 4 dri v es cannot wr ite to Ultr ium- 2 medi a, the WRT OK bit w ill be clear f or this media ty pe .
Configuration and initialization 18 HP restricted.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 19 HP restricted 3U s e o f t a p e s HP U ltrium u ser doc umentation and “C artridges ” , Chapt er 9 of the H ardw are Integ ration Gu ide , V olume 1 of the HP L T O Ultr ium T echnical R ef er ence Manu al, als o contain inf ormati on on cartridge s.
Use of tapes 20 HP restricted T a pe statu s and capac ity F ollo wing autoload or a LOA D command, the softwar e can determine the state of the tape and its capac ity fr om the Cartr idge Memory and the T ape Capac it y L og pages retr iev ed thr ough the LO G SENSE command .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 21 HP restricted Capac ity calc ulations ar e based on es timates; r eported values can be sub ject to er r or in two w a y s: • Random er r ors caused b y toler ances in tape length, hub di ameter , and so on.
Use of tapes 22 HP restricted The f ollo w ing table gi v es the minimum acceptable C apac ity Pr oportion V alues and the appro ximate capac ity they w ill gi v e: NO TE: Capac itie s ar e appr o x imate and can be affec ted by de fec ts that re duce the actual capac ity of the tape .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 23 HP restricted T apeAlert flags: • 3Bh (W ORM medium—integr ity c heck f ailed) • 3Ch (WORM medi um—ov er.
Use of tapes 24 HP restricted applicati on to locate the tape in pr epar ation f or subsequent w riting or r eading oper ations . At the start of an appending ar chi ve or back up sessi on , it is com.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 25 HP restricted Bar code support Ultr ium bar code support is requir ed f or W ORM media so that the appli cation and tape libr ary can distinguish W ORM media fr om norm al RW medi a or c leaning cartridges .
Use of tapes 26 HP restricted RW W re t r y c o u n t s Data is read immedi ately after be ing wr itten to ta pe to establish that it has been w ritte n corr ectl y .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 27 HP restricted 4 F actor s affec ting perf ormance This c hapter contains t echni ques and inf ormati on to help y ou design softw are appli cations s o that the y use the t ape dr i ve ’s potential as e ffi c ientl y as po ssible .
Factors affecting performance 28 HP restricted absolu te block si ze , performance should not suffer , but do ensure that the transf er si ze is at least 256 K B .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 29 HP restricted • All of thes e values ma y be subj ect to c hange .
Factors affecting performance 30 HP restricted Example: SCSI : Consider an 8 KB transf er at burst r ates o f 8 MB/s and 1 MB/s. The f ast tr ansf er tak es 1 ms, w hile the slo w tr ansfer tak es 8 ms. Since the r est of th e comm and m ay only take 4–5 m s, the d ifference of 7 ms is v ery signif icant .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 31 HP restricted Dr i v e -r elated f actor s Recommendati on: • T ry not to put Ether net in the wa y of data tr.
Factors affecting performance 32 HP restricted F ormat-related f actor s Recommendati on: A good tr ansfer si z e to aim at is 2 5 6 KB (12 8 KB m inimum). For an applicati on that use s 512 -b yte r ecor ds, eac h fi xed-mode tr ansfe r should transf er 512 recor ds.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 33 HP restricted.
Factors affecting performance 34 HP restricted.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 35 HP restricted 5 Support ing Ultr ium f eatur es This s ectio n cov er s the follo wing featur es of HP Ultr ium .
Supporting Ultrium features 36 HP restricted Au tomation/De v i ce Interface ( ADI) Ther e ar e two elements to the Automation/De v ice Interface (ADI): • ADI T ransport Pr otocol (AD T) —a standar d pr otocol for comm unicati on between a S CS I automati on dev ice and a SC SI data tr ansf er dev ice, su ch as a tape dr i v e .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 37 HP restricted Au tomation Contr ol Interface (A CI) The A utomati on Contr ol Interface (A CI) protocol allo w s the acti v ities o f the dri ve to be coordinat ed w ithin a library .
Supporting Ultrium features 38 HP restricted cartridge at the moment that the dri ve starts to pull it int o the dri ve , if it is confi gur ed for that ty pe of operati on. This degr ee of control o v er s y nchr oniz ation cannot be achi ev ed though the host’s back up softwar e; it must be contr olled directl y b y the libr ary contr oller .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 39 HP restricted • Send S CS I w ith the follo wing opcodes: Ne w featur es in A CI 4. 3 The follo wing s ecti ons des cr ibe the differ ences betw een r e v isio n 4.
Supporting Ultrium features 40 HP restricted • If the dri v e r ecei ves a vali d A CI 4.1 f ormat S et Dri ve Conf igur ation command. • An A CI 4.2 or A CI 4.3 f or mat Set Dr i ve C onf igur ation command w ith the A CI M ajor/M inor Ve r s i o n f i e l d s s e t t o 4 1 h .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 41 HP restricted When the dri ve has completed the second step of initi ali z ation, it w ill r espond normall y to.
Supporting Ultrium features 42 HP restricted The Enc ryption S tatus bits indi cate the cur r ent enc ryption/dec rypti on status of the S SC dev i ce server : F urther details F or mor e inf ormati on about A CI, see the A CI Specif i cation suppli ed b y HP .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 43 HP restricted T able 1 Non-queued A CI com mands T able 2 Queued A CI commands T reatment of r eserved f ields T.
Supporting Ultrium features 44 HP restricted Dur ing the second st ep of the po w er -up s equence , the tape dri ve w ill r espo nd with BUS Y status t o all A CI commands ex cept Get Driv e Inf o and Get Err or Inf o .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 45 HP restricted HP r ecommends conf igur atio n of the upgrade pr otect featur es to enabled . (the Upgr ade Pr otec t bit of the Set Dri ve Conf igur ation command is set to 1).
Supporting Ultrium features 46 HP restricted pr ocess and that the normal pow er-up A CI command se quence is f ollo wed to ensur e that the dr i v e is confi gur ed corr ectl y and to v er ify the fir mw ar e v ersi on and A CI v ersi on .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 47 HP restricted Cleaning cartri dge (HP -conf igur ed or Univ ers al) When a vali d cleaning cartri dge (one that has no t e xpir ed) is loaded, beha v ior depends on the Clean Pr otec t bit of the Set Dr i v e Conf igur atio n command.
Supporting Ultrium features 48 HP restricted Data car tri dge w ith unreadable CM If the Cartridge Memory cannot be read , the dr i ve as sumes that the cartr idge is not supported .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 49 HP restricted I nval id fi rmwa re up gra d e c a r t rid g e If a fir m war e upgr ade cartri dge w ith an inv .
Supporting Ultrium features 50 HP restricted Res et ti n g d rives The tape dr i v e can be re set b y the automati on contr oller v ia the A CI Reset command or , in A CI mode , b y pulling the A CI_.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 51 HP restricted Co ntr olling data compr essi on The data compr ession har d war e in HP Ultrium dri ves can detect w hether incoming data is alr ead y compr essed and w ill not attempt to compr ess it again .
Supporting Ultrium features 52 HP restricted Wr i t e d e l a y t i m e The W rite Dela y Time f iel d (byte s 6–7) on the Dev i ce Conf igur ati on mode page (10h) spec ifi es the inacti v ity delay bef or e the dr iv e w ill automati call y flush its data buff er .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 53 HP restricted 6 Sens e k e y s and codes Sens e k e y s—acti ons to tak e Ultrium dr i v es f ollo w the AN SI def inition o f sense k ey s. T he fo llo w ing table e xplains ho w the driv es inte rpret sense k ey descriptions.
Sense keys and codes 54 HP restricted 2h NO T READ Y This se nse k e y gener all y means the host w ill ha ve t o wait f or the dri ve to become READ Y . Media access is not pos sible . See “3h—MEDIUM ERROR” on page 6 2 . Also see t he Me dia Ac cess pr e -ex ec uti on chec k .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 55 HP restricted 4h HW ERROR This indicat es that the c urr ent I/O op er atio n has failed due to a har dw ar e failur e.T he FRU code in the sens e data should indicate whi ch part of the har d war e is bad .
Sense keys and codes 56 HP restricted 7h DAT A P R OTE CT I O N T his is an er r or if the I/O oper ation is attempting to acces s the media in some manner and failing becau se data on the media ma y .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 57 HP restricted Additi onal sense codes—ac ti ons to ta k e Thes e tables pr o v ide inf ormati on about sense data , so that softw ar e can know w hic h additional sense codes can be r eported under whi ch sens e k ey s.
Sense keys and codes 58 HP restricted 0h—NO SENSE The f ollo w ing action appli es to mos t additional sense codes in this gr oup: Actio n: F or all additional s ense codes e x cept 8 2 8 2h, the acti on of the so ftwar e depends on the cur r ent I/O and what the oper ating s y stem has been e xpecting .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 59 HP restricted 1h—RE C O VERED ERR OR NO TE: Rep o r t i n g of re c ove re d e rro rs d e fa u l t s to O F F . 2h—NO T READ Y Actio n: In all cases, ac tion depends on the de v ice c lass and oper ating s y stem .
Sense keys and codes 60 HP restricted 04 01 LU N i n p ro c e s s o f becoming r eady A media acces s command has been rece i ved w hile a load is occurr ing with immediate r eport on, or initiated thr ough the fr ont panel , or a differ ent hos t initiated the command.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 61 HP restricted 30 03 Cleaning cartri dge installed. A medium-acce ss command has been sent t o the dr i v e whi le a cl eaning cartri dge w as lo aded. Actio n: 1. T erminate the c urr ent I/O , and retur n the appr opr iate error .
Sense keys and codes 62 HP restricted 3h—MEDIUM ERROR Code Me aning Comments 00 02 End of T ape detect ed A READ , SP ACE , WRITE or WRIT E FILEMARK S command found E O T unexpect edly . This typi call y occ urs w hen a dri ve cannot locate the tar get obj ect on tape becau se the block count is t oo gr eat .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 63 HP restricted 11 00 Unre cov er ed r ead err or A r ead fr om tape has failed . T his is pr obabl y due to bad media , but ma y be hard w ar e -r elated . Actio n: 1.
Sense keys and codes 64 HP restricted 14 03 End of data not f ound A r ead-t ype oper ation failed becaus e a for mat v iolati on r elated to a missing E OD data set , or ther e was an attempt to r ead a brand ne w ta pe. Actio n: 1. T er minate the I/O and r etur n the appr opr iate er r or .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 65 HP restricted 30 0 7 Cleaning f ailur e A cleaning oper ation was attem pted but could not be completed for some r eason . Actio n: Use another cleaning cartri dge because the c urr ent one has e xpir ed.
Sense keys and codes 66 HP restricted 3B 00 Sequent ial positioning err or The dr i v e has failed to r ead d ata off ta pe . Ther e ar e two possibilit ies: • The cur rent c om ma n d ( su ch as READ , SP A CE , REWIND , or WRI TE ) failed to complete successf ully .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 67 HP restricted 4h—HW ERR OR The f ollo w ing actio ns apply t o most additi onal sense codes f or HW ERR OR sense k e y: 53 0 0 Media load or e ject f ailed A load or ej ect has failed .
Sense keys and codes 68 HP restricted 5h—ILLE G AL RE QUE S T The f ollo w ing acti ons appl y to all additional sens e codes in this gr oup: 53 01 Unload tape failur e The tape unload failed becau se it cannot be ph y sicall y completed at this point in time.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 69 HP restricted 6h—UNI T A T TENT ION 26 0 4 Inv ali d r el ease o f pe rsis ten t res e r va t i on The P ersist.
Sense keys and codes 70 HP restricted 29 0 1 P ow er -on reset The dr i v e has po w er ed on since the host last acce ssed it . Actio n: 1. The acti on of the calling appli cation depends on the cu rr ent I/O and what the oper ating s ys tem is ex pe c ti n g.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 71 HP restricted Actio n: When operating the dr i ve in this ty pe of env ironment , the fo llow ing actions should occ ur : 1. The calling appli cation r ecei ving this code should issue a MODE SE NSE command reques ting the dri v e to r eturn all par ameters .
Sense keys and codes 72 HP restricted 7h—D A T A PR O TECT ION Code Me aning Comments 26 1 0 Data decrypti on k ey f ail limit re a ch e d A SECURI TY PR O TOC OL OUT command has f ailed becaus e an incorr ect k e y has been sent to the dri v e follo w ed by a r ead, and this has ha ppened ten time s consec uti v ely .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 73 HP restricted 30 0C WORM—o v erwr ite attempted A writ e oper ation could not be e x ec uted becau se an o verw rit e has been attempte d on a W ORM cartri dge . This may be becau se an o verw r ite back up w as s pec ifi ed instead of an appended back up.
Sense keys and codes 74 HP restricted 8h—BL ANK CHE CK 74 0 3 Incor r ec t data enc rypt ion k ey The d r i v e r ead in to a blo ck o f dat a w hic h coul d not be decrypt ed wi th the cur r ent decrypti on k e y .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technica l reference manual, volume 2: software integration 75 HP restricted Bh—ABOR TED COMMAND The f ollo w ing action a pplies t o all codes in this group: 14 03 End of Data not found A r ead-t y pe oper ation f ailed becaus e a for mat v iolati on related to a miss ing EOD d ata set.
Sense keys and codes 76 HP restricted D h — VO LU M E OV E R F LOW NO TE: When the sens e , additional s ense and qualify i ng sens e k e ys ar e listed , the softw ar e may look at all three k ey s to determine ac tion . T he dri v e should use that e xact combinatio n to r eport that partic ular err or .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 77 HP restricted 7 Ex c epti on handling The se pages co v er methods of dealing w ith certain er r or conditions and e x cepti onal c ir c umst ances.
Exception handling 78 HP restricted 5. Pa r a l l e l S C S I o n l y : Allo w the S y stem Superv isor or support person to perf orm a contr olled har d SCS I Bu s Re s e t.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 79 HP restricted F lags The f ollo wing table lists the flags that could pote ntiall y be supported in tape dri ves. Of these , f lags 3, 4,5, 6,20,2 2 and 31 are mandatory for dr iv es suc h as Ultr ium dri v es that support cleaning cartridge s.
Exception handling 80 HP restricted 4 Me di a C Y our data is at r isk: 1. Cop y an y data y ou r equir e fr om this tape . 2. Do not use this tape again . 3. Re start the oper ation w ith a differ ent tape . Media perfor mance is se ver ely degraded or the tape can no longer be writ t en o r re ad.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 81 HP restricted 10 No remo val I Y ou cannot eject the cartr idge because the t ape dr iv e is in use . W ait until the operation is complete bef or e ej ecting the cartri dge .
Exception handling 82 HP restricted 19 Nearing media life I The tape cartridge is near ing the end of it s calc ulate d lif e . It is r ecommended that y ou: 1. Use another ta pe cartridge f or y our next bac k up . 2. Stor e this tape cartri dge in a safe place in case y ou need to res tor e data fr om it.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 83 HP restricted 24 Retension request ed W The tape dr i ve has req uested a r etensio n operati on . The dr i v e is hav ing trouble r eading or w r iting that w ill be r esol v ed b y a r etensi on cycle.
Exception handling 84 HP restricted 32 Interface W The tape dr i ve has a pr oblem w ith the applicati on cli ent interface: 1. Chec k the cables and cable connectio ns. 2. Re start the oper ation . The dr i ve has i dentifi ed an interface fault . 33 Eject media C T he oper ation has failed: 1.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 85 HP restricted 51 T ape dire ctor y inv alid at unload W The ta pe dir ectory on the tape cartri dge jus t unloaded has bee n corr upted . F ile sear ch perfor mance w ill be degr aded.
Exception handling 86 HP restricted Note that often mes sages w ill not appear in isolati on. F or ex ample , mess age 01h ( “ The tape drive is having pr oblems readin g data. ”) is likel y to appear w ith a message suggesting r emedial ac tion , suc h as message 0 4h (“ You are advis ed to copy any data.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 87 HP restricted NO TE: Once clear ed, a flag cannot be set again unti l the s pec if ied c lear ing conditions ar e met.
Exception handling 88 HP restricted In addition , the applicati on can deter mine whi ch T apeAlert flags ar e supported by the dev ice s erver thr ough the T apeAlert supported flags VP D page (B2h).
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 89 HP restricted 5. Optionall y , automate the recommended r eco v ery actions if ther e ar e multiple tape dr iv es or autoloader s pr esent .
Exception handling 90 HP restricted 1. Clean the heads and try the operatio n again. 2. If the ‘Clean ’ LED is lit again , r epeat the oper atio n w ith another tape cartr idge . If this c lears the ‘Clean ’ LED , it indi cates that the or iginal cartr idge is at fa ult .
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 91 HP restricted Glos sary ANSI Ameri can National S tandar ds Institu te , whi ch s ets standar ds f or , amongst other things, S CS I and the safe ty of electr ical de v i ces.
92 HP restricted offlin e The dr i v e is offline if the tape is c ur r ently unl oaded or not in the dri v e . The ho st has limited access , and cannot perfor m an y commands that w ould caus e tape moti on.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical refer enc e manual, volume 2: software integration 93 HP restricted Inde x A ACI 17 , 35 , 37 cleaning 49 command set 38 commands that affect streaming 38 firmware upgrade 46 protocol communications retry 45 reserved fields 43 resetting drives 50 supporting 42 ACI 4.
94 HP restricted EOM 58 , 62 , 91 EOPD 22 EOT 76 errors hard 91 parity 75 read 63 write 62 , 66 escalation procedure 77 EW-EOM 91 exception handling 77 F faults, predicting 13 , 78 filemarks 91 detect.
HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical referenc e m anual, volume 2: software integration 95 HP restricted P parity error 75 partition size 52 pass-through mode 38 , 90 performance factors 27 drive-related.
96 HP restricted.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) LTO 4 SCSI insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.