Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto J3500/J3600 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Off i cej et J3 5 00/J3 6 00 User G uid e.
HP Officejet J3500/J3600 All-in-One series User Guide.
Copyright information © 2007 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard Com pany notices The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Contents 1 Get started Find other resources for the prod uct ......................... ....................................... .........................9 Understand the device parts............. ..................... ................. ................
Print on special and custom -sized media............................................ .....................................29 Print on special or cu stom-sized media (Windows)................................. ...........................30 Print on special o r custom-sized media (Mac O S ).
6F a x Send a fax..................................................................................................................... ...........47 Send a basic fax.................................... ...................................... ..........
Use device management to ols.................................................................................................70 Toolbox (Windows).................. ............................... ............................. ........................ .
Solve printing problems........................................... ............................................. ................ ..116 The device shuts down unexpe ctedly.................. ...................... ....................... ..............
A HP supplies Order printing supplies online............... ......................... ................................. ........................ 14 5 Supplies.................. .......................... ..................... .........................
Declaration of conformity..................... ............................... ......................... ......................... ..169 Environmental product stewar dship program .......................................................................
1 Get started This guide provides d etails about how to use the device and to resolve problems. • Find other reso urces for the product • Understand the device parts Find other resources for the p.
Resource Description Location HP telephone sup port Lists information to contact HP. During the warranty period, this support is often free of charge. For more information, see Obtain HP telephone sup port . HP photo and imaging software help Provides information abo ut using the software.
10 Document catcher extender 11 Handset Printing supplies ar ea 1 Print cartridge door 2 Print cartridges NOTE: The HP Officejet J3500 supp orts a black print ca rtridge only.
Control pa nel buttons and lights The followi ng diagram and related table provide a q uick reference to t he control pane l features. Label Name and Description 1 Speed Dial : Selects a speed dial number. 2 Redial/Pause : Redials the most recently dialed number or inserts a 3-second pause in a fax number.
Label Name and Description 14 Start Black : Starts a black- and-white copy, scan, or fax job. Start Color : Starts a color copy, scan, or fax job (HP Officejet J3600 only.) 15 Cancel : Stops a job, exits a menu, or exits settings. 16 Right arrow: Increases values on the display.
Chapter 1 14 Get started.
2 Use the device This section contai ns the following topics: • Use control pane l menus • Control-panel messa ge types • Change device se ttings • Use the HP So lution Cente r (Windows) • U.
Status messages Status messages refl ect the current state of the device. They inform you of normal operation and re quire no action to cle ar them. They change a s the state of the device changes. Whenever the d evice is ready, not busy, an d has no pending wa rning messages, the status message READY appears if the device is turned on.
To change settings from the HP Solution Center (Windows ) ▲ See Use the HP phot o and imaging so ftware . To change settings from the HP photo a nd imaging software (Ma c OS) 1. Click the HP Devi ce Manager icon i n the Dock. 2. Select the de vice in the Devices dr op-down menu.
the entry point serves a s the launching pad for t he HP photo and ima ging software and services. To open the HP Photosmart Software on a Win dows computer 1. Do one of t he following: • On the Window s desktop, double-click the H P Photosmart Sof tware icon.
remainder of the number. A pause is useful if you need to gain access to an out side line before dialing the fax number. NOTE: If you want to enter a symbol in your fax number, such as a dash, you need to enter the symbol by using the keypad.
Availabl e symbols for dia ling fax numbe rs To enter a symbol, such as *, press Symbols repeated ly to scroll through th e list of symbols. The fo llowing table pr ovides the sym bols that you ca n use in a fax or phone number sequence, fax header informa tion, and sp eed-dial ent ries.
To load an original i n the document feede r tray 1. Load your origina l, with the print side down , into the docum ent feeder tray. Pl ace the pages so that the top edge of the document g oes in first.
Cards and enve lopes • Avoid envelopes th at have a very slick finish, self -stick adhesives, clasps, or windows. Also avoid cards and envelop es with thick, irregu lar, or curled edg es, or areas th at are wrinkled, to rn, or otherwise da maged. • Use tightly co nstructed envelo pes, and make sure the f o lds are sharpl y creased.
Type Size A2: 111 x 146 mm (4.4 x 5.8 inches) DL: 110 x 220 mm (4.3 x 8.7 inches) C6: 114 x 162 mm (4.5 x 6.4 inches) Transparency film Letter: 216 x 279 mm (8.5 x 11 inches) A4: 210 x 297 mm Premium photo paper 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) Letter: 216 x 280 mm (8.
Set minimum margins NOTE: The HP Officeje t J3500 does not supp ort envelopes and cards. Top (leading edge) Bottom (trailing edge) Left and Ri ght margins U.S. (Letter, Legal, Executive) 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) 12.7 mm (0.50 inches) 6.4 mm (0.25 inches) ISO (A4, A5) and JIS (B5) 1.
2. Flip the tray ex tender up tow ard you. NOTE: When you use leg al-size paper, le ave the tray ext ender closed. 3. Tap a stack of paper on a f lat surface to align the edges, and then check t he paper for the follow ing: • Make sure it is free of rips, dust, wrin kles, and curle d or bent edges.
4. Insert the stack of paper i nto the input tray wit h the short edge f orward and the print side down. Slid e the stack of pa per forward until it stops. CAUTION: Make sure that the device i s idle and silent when you load paper into the input tray.
To load 10 x 15 cm ( 4 x 6 inch) photo pa per with tab in the i nput tray 1. Remove all paper from the input tray. 2. Insert the stack of photo pa per into the far-right sid e of the input tray w ith the short edge forward and the print side down. Slide th e stack of photo paper f orward until it stops.
Load envelop es (HP Officejet J3600 only) You can load one or mo re envelopes into th e input tray of the de vice. Do not use shiny or embossed envelope s or envelopes that have clasps or w indows. NOTE: For specific det ails on how to form at text for printing on envelo pes, consult the help files in your word processing software.
HP Premium Inkje t Transparency Fi lm and HP Pr emium Plus Inkj et Transparency Film ▲ Insert the film so that the whit e transparency stri p (with arro ws and the H P logo) is on top and is going in to the input tray fi rst. NOTE: The device cannot auto matically detect the pape r size or paper type.
Print on special or cus tom-sized media (Windows) To print on special o r custom-sized m edia 1. Load the appropriat e media. For more inf ormation, see Load media . 2. With a document open , click Print on the Fi le menu, an d then click Setup , Propert ies , or Preferenc es .
Set up speed-dial entries You can set up frequentl y used fax numbe rs as speed-dial en tries. This lets you di al those numbers quickly by using t he control panel. T he first five entries for each of these destinations are a ssociated with the five speed-di al buttons on the control pan el.
A group member mu st be a member of th e speed-dial li st before you can add the member to a speed-dial group. You ca n add up to 20 fax num bers to each group (with up to 50 characters for each fax num ber). • HP Photosmart Software (Wi ndows) : Open the H P Photosmart Software and fo llow the instructi ons in the onscre en Help.
3P r i n t This section contai ns the following topics: • Change print setting s • Print on both si des (duplexing ) • Cancel a pri nt job Change print settings You can change print setti ngs (such as paper size or type) from an application or the printer driver.
Change settings (Mac OS) To change the settings 1. On the File menu, click Page Setup . 2. Change the setti ngs that you want (such as paper size), and then click OK . 3. On the File menu, click Print to open the p rinter driver. 4. Change the setting s that you want (such as media type), an d then click OK or Print .
7. Choose a booklet layout fro m the Booklet Layou t drop-down list, if you w ant. 8. Change any othe r settings, an d then click OK . 9. Print your document. To print on bo th sides of a pag e (Mac OS) 1. Load the appropriate media . For more informati on, see Guidelines for printing on bot h sides of a page and Lo ad media .
Chapter 3 36 Print.
4C o p y This section contai ns the following topics: • Make copies from th e control pan el • Change the copy settings • Set the number of copies • Set the copy paper size • Set the copy pa.
When you change cop y settings, the chang es are for the current copy j ob only. You must set the changes as def aults for the settin gs to apply to all fu ture copy jobs. To save the curre nt settings as defaults for future jobs 1. Make any necessary chan ges to the settings in the Copy Menu .
To set the paper type for co pies from the contr ol panel 1. In the Copy area, press Copy M enu repeatedly u ntil Paper Type appears. 2. Press until the appropri ate paper type appears.
Resize an original to fit onto letter or A4 paper If the image or text on your original fills the ent ire sheet with no m argins, use Fit to Page or Full Page 91% to reduce your original and pre vent unwanted cropping of th e text or images at the edges of the sheet.
NOTE: The HP Officejet J3500 supports black and white copi es on plain paper only. To copy a legal-size doc ument onto letter pap er from the control panel 1. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the inp ut tray. 2. Load your legal-size docum ent print side dow n in the document feeder tray.
The Mixed enhance ment is the defaul t option. Use the Mixed enhancement to sh arpen edges of most ori ginals. NOTE: The HP Office jet J3500 supports bl ack and white copies on pl ain paper only. To copy a blurred documen t from the control panel 1. Make sure you ha ve paper loaded in the input t ray.
5 Scan You can scan originals and sen d them to a variet y of destinations, such as a folder on the network or a program on a com puter. You can use th e control panel, t he HP photo and imaging software, and TWAIN-compliant or WIA-compliant programs on a comp uter.
To send a scan to a program o n a computer from the co ntrol panel 1. Load the original in the ADF. For more info rmation, see Load orig inals . 2. Press the Scan Menu or Scan To butt on. 3. Press the arrow keys to select the program that you want to u se (such as the HP photo and imag ing software), and then press OK .
Edit a scanned photo or graphic You can edit a scanned p hoto or graphic usi ng the HP Photosmart Sof tware. Use t his software to ad just the brigh tness, contrast, color saturation, and more. You ca n also rotate the image using t he HP Photosmart Softw are.
Chapter 5 46 Scan.
6F a x You can use the device to send and receiv e faxes, including co lor faxes. You can schedule faxes to be sent a t a later time and set up spe ed-dials to send fa xes quickly and easily to frequentl y used numbers.
NOTE: If you need print ed confirmation th at your faxes were successfully sent, enable fax confirmation before sending any faxes. TIP: You can also send a fax manual ly from a phone or by using monitor di aling. These features all ow you to control th e pace of your dial ing.
3. If the recipient answ ers the telephone, you can engage in a co nversation before sending your fax. NOTE: If a fax machine an swers the call, y ou will hea r fax tones fr om the receiving fax machine. Pro ceed to the next step t o transmit the fax.
NOTE: Make sure the volume is tu rned on, or you wi ll not hear a dial tone . NOTE: The HP Officeje t J3500 suppo rt s black-and-whit e faxes only. To send a fax us ing monitor dia ling from the control panel 1. Load your origin als. For add itional informat ion, see Load an original in the automatic document feed er (ADF) .
You can only schedule one fax to b e sent at a time. You ca n continue to send faxes normally, however, while a fax is scheduled. NOTE: You can only send faxes in bl ack and white due to mem o ry limitations. To schedule a fax from the contr ol panel 1.
3. Press START FAX Black . 4. When prompted, load your originals print side up and top first in th e center of the document feede r tray. For additional information, see Load an original in the automatic document fe eder (ADF) . 5. Press START FAX Black again.
Send a color origina l or photo fax (HP Officejet J36 00 only) You can fax a color original or pho to from the device. I f it determines tha t the recipient's fax machine only supp orts black-and-white f axes, the fax is se nt in black and white.
The followi ng resolution settings are a vailable fo r sending faxe s: Fine , Very Fine , Photo , and Standard . • Fine : provid es high-quality text suita ble for faxing most docume nts. This is the default setting. When sendi ng faxes in color, the device always uses the Fin e settin g.
4. In the Fax area, press Fax Menu repeatedly u ntil Lighter / Darke r appears. 5. Press to lighten the fax or press to darken it, and then press OK . The indicator moves to the left or right as you press an arrow button.
NOTE: The HP Officejet J350 0 can receive black -and-white faxes on ly. • Receive a fax manuall y • Set up backup fax reception • Reprint received faxes from memory • Poll to receive a fax •.
The followin g Backup Fax Re ception modes are available: On The default setting. When Backup Fax Reception is On , the device stores all received faxes in memory. This enable s you to reprint up to eight of the most recently printed faxes if they are still saved in memory.
Depending on the sizes of the fa xes in memory, you can rep rint up to eight of th e most recently print ed faxes, if they are still in memory. For example, you mi ght need to reprint your faxes if you lost the copy of your last printout. To reprint faxes in memor y from the con trol panel 1.
HP recommends that yo u verify the number you are forwarding to is a w orking fax line. Send a test fax to ma ke sure the fax m achine is able to receive your forwarded f axes. To forward faxes from the contro l panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Select Advance F ax Setup , and then select Fax Forwarding Black Only .
the image of the incoming fax is reduced to fi t on one page, if possible. If this featu re is turned off, info rmation that does n ot fit on the first p age is printed on a second p age. Automatic Reduction is useful when you receive a legal-size fax and letter-size paper is loaded i n the input tray.
4. Press the right arrow butto n to scroll through the numbers from whi ch you have received faxes. When the n umber you want to block appea rs, press OK to sele ct it.
• Set the dial type • Set the redial options • Set the fax speed Configure th e fax header The fax header prints your name and fax number on th e top of every fax you send. HP recommends that yo u set up the fax header by using the software that you install ed with the device.
monitors the line. If the device de tects fax tones, it receives th e fax. If the call is a voi ce call, the answering machine re cords the inco ming message. To set the number of rings before answering via the contr ol panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Press Basic Fax Setu p , and then press Ring s to Answe r .
Set the dial type Use this proced ure to set tone-dialing or pulse-dialin g mode. The f actory-set defaul t is Tone . Do not change the setti ng unless you know that your phone line cannot use tone dialing. NOTE: The pulse-dialin g option is not available in all countries/ regions.
To set the fax speed from the co ntrol panel 1. Press Setup . 2. Select Advanced Fax Se tup , and then press Fax Speed . 3. Select an option using the arrow ke ys, and then pres s OK . Fax over the Internet You may subscribe to a low cost phon e service that allows you to send and receive faxes with your device by using t he Internet.
3. From the control pa nel, press Set up . 4. Select Tools , and then sel ect Run Fax Test . The device displays the st atus of the test on the display and prints a repo rt. 5. Review the repo rt. • If the test passes and you ar e still having problems fa xing, chec k the fax settings listed in the report to veri fy the settings are correct.
Send & Receive Prints a fax confirmation report fo r every fax you send and rece ive. TIP: If you choose On Fa x Send or Send & Receive , and scan your fax to send from memory, you can include an image of th e first page of the fax on the Fax Sent Confirmation report.
To print the fax log fr om the control panel 1. On the control pan el, press Setup . 2. Press the arrow key to move down to Print Report , and then press OK . 3. Press the arrow key to move down to Fax Log , and the n press OK . 4. Press OK again to p rint the log.
7 Configure and manage This section is intende d for the administrator or individua l who is responsible f or managing the device. This secti on contains inf ormation about the followi ng topics.
Use this tool... to obtain the follo wing information.... Cartridge Details button. Click the Cartridge Details button to view information about replacement print cartridges and expiration dates.
Open the Toolbox • From the HP Solution Ce nter, click th e Settings menu, point to Print Settings , and then click Printer Tool box . • Right-click the HP Di gital Imaging M onitor in the tray, p oint to Printer Model Name and then click Display Printer Toolbox .
To open the HP Printer Utility from the Printer Setup Utility 1. From the Finder , select Computer from the Go menu. 2. Select the device from the l ist, and then press Utility .
Set up faxing (parallel phone systems) Before you begin setting up the device for faxing, determ ine which kind of phone system your country/reg ion uses. The instruct ions for fax setup di ffer depending on whether you have a serial- or parallel-type phone system.
To determine the best way to set up the device in your h ome or office, f irst read through the questions in this section and re cord your answers. Next , refer to the tabl e in the following sect ion and choose the recomme nded setup ca se based on your answ ers.
Select your fax setup case Now that you have an swered all the questions about th e equipment and services that share the phone li ne with the device, you are ready to choose th e best setup case fo r your home or o ffice.
Other eq uipment /servi ces sharing your fax line Recommended fax setup for parallel-type phone systems Recom mended fa x setup fo r serial-type phone syst ems Voice calls and answering machine (You answered Yes to questions 4 and 6 only.) Case I: Shared voice/fax line with answering machine Not applicable.
To set up the device with a sepa rate fax line 1. Using the phone cord supplied in the box wit h the device, connect one end to your telephone wall j ack, then connect the ot her end to the port labele d 1-LINE on t he back of the device.
To set up the devi ce with DSL 1. Obtain a DSL fi lter from your D SL provider. 2. Using the phon e cord supplied in th e box with the device , connect one end to the open port on the DSL filt er, and then connect the oth er end to the po rt labeled 1-LINE on the back of the device.
Case D: Fax with a dis tinctive ring ser vice on the same line If you subscribe to a distinctive ring service (through your t elephone company) that allows you to have multiple phone num bers on one phone line, e ach with a different ring pattern, set up the device as descri bed in this sect ion.
Case E: Shared voice/ fax line If you receive bot h voice calls and fa x calls at th e same phone number, a nd you have no other office e quipment (or voice ma il) on this pho ne line, set up the device as described in this section.
3. Now you need to decide h ow you want the device to a nswer calls, automaticall y or manually: • If you set up the device to answer calls automatically , it answers all incoming calls and receives faxes.
To set up the device w ith voice mail 1. Using the phon e cord supplied in th e box with the d evice, connect one end to your telephone wa ll jack, then conn ect the other end t o the port labeled 1-LINE on the back of the device.
3 Computer with modem To set up the d evice with a computer di al-up modem 1. Remove the white plu g from the port labeled 2-EXT on the back of the de vice. 2. Find the phone cord th at connects from the back o f your computer (your comput er dial-up modem) to a telephone wall j ack.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Parallel sp litter 3 DSL/ADSL filter Connect one end of the phone jack that was supplied with the device to connect to the 1-LINE port on the back of the device . Connect the other end of the cord to the DSL /ADSL filter. 4 Computer 5 Computer DSL/ADSL modem NOTE: You will need to purchase a paralle l splitter.
NOTE: Since your compute r modem shares the ph one line with t he device, you cannot use both you r modem and the devi ce simultaneously. For example, you ca nnot use the device for f axing while you are using your compu ter modem to sen d an e-mail or access the Internet.
3 Parallel splitter 4 Computer 5 Telephone To set up the device on the sam e phone line as a co mputer with one pho ne port 1. Remove the white pl ug from the port l abeled 2-EXT on the back o f the device. 2. Find the phone cord that connects fro m the back of your co mputer (your comput er dial-up modem) t o a telephone wall jack.
Shared voice/fax wi th computer DSL/A DSL modem Use these instructions if your computer has a DSL/ADSL mode m 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Parallel splitter 3 DSL/ADSL filter 4 Phone cord supplied with the device 5 DSL/ADSL modem 6 Computer 7 Telephone NOTE: You will need to purchase a paral lel splitter.
To set up the device with a computer DSL /ADSL modem 1. Obtain a DSL fi lter from your D SL provider. NOTE: Phones in other p arts of the home/office sharing the sa me phone numb er with DSL service w ill need to be connecte d to additional D SL filters, o therwise you will experience noi se when making voice calls.
4 Telephone (optional) To set up the device with a sha red voice/fax line w ith answering ma chine 1. Remove the white plu g from the port labeled 2-EXT on the back of the de vice. 2. Unplug your answering ma chine from the telepho ne wall jack, and connect i t to the port labeled 2-EXT on the back of the device.
NOTE: Since your computer di al-up modem shares t he phone line wi th the HP device, you cann ot use both your modem and the device si multaneou sly. For example, you cann ot use the HP device for faxing whil e you are using your computer dial-up modem to send an e-mail or access the Internet.
6 Comput er with mode m 7 Use the phone cord supplied in the b ox with the device to connect to the "1-LINE" port To set up the d evice on the s ame phone l ine as a computer with one phon e port 1. Remove the white plug from the port lab eled 2-EXT on the b ack of the HP device.
When the phone ring s, your answering machin e answers after the number of rings you have set, and then p lays your recorded greeti ng. The device monitors t he call during t his time, "listening" for fax tones.
To set up the d evice with a computer DSL/ADSL mo dem 1. Obtain a DSL/AD SL filter from yo ur DSL/ADSL p rovider. NOTE: Phones in other parts of the home/off ice sharing the same phone nu mber with DSL/ADSL service w ill need to be connected to addi tional DSL/ADSL filters, otherwise you will experience no ise when maki ng voice calls.
Since your compute r dial-up modem shares the ph one line with the device, you cannot use both your mo dem and the devi ce simultaneous ly. For example, you cann ot use the device for fa xing if you are u sing your compu ter dial-up mo dem to send an e- mail or access the Internet.
To set up the d evice on the same phone line as a computer with two ph one ports 1. Remove the white plu g from the port labeled 2-EXT on the back of the de vice. 2. Find the phone cord th at connects from the back o f your computer (your comput er dial-up modem) to a telephone wall j ack.
Spain France Ireland Italy Configure the device (Windows) You can connect the device d irectly to a computer, o r you can share the device among other users on a network.
NOTE: You may connect the USB cable at a later time when you need to use the device. You can also share the device wi th other computers usin g a simple form of networking known as locally shared netw orking. For more informati on, see Share the device on a locally shared net work .
To share the dev ice 1. Click Start , point to Settings , and then click Printers or Pri nters and Faxes . - Or - Click Start , c lick Control Panel , and then double-click Printers . 2. Right-click the device icon, click Proper ties , and then click the Sharing tab.
For more informatio n about USB device shari ng, se e the support informat ion on the Apple Web site ( ) or the Apple Macint osh Help on the c omputer. To share the device am ong computer s running Mac OS 1. Turn on printer sh aring on all Macint osh computers (host a nd clients) that are connected to t he printer.
8. After the softwa re is installed, connect t he device to your comput er. 9. Press the Power button to turn the de vice on. After connecting an d turning on the device, you might have to wait several minutes for all of the Plug and Play even ts to complete.
To uninstall from a Ma cintosh comp uter 1. Launch HP Device M anager . 2. Click Information and Se ttings . 3. Select Uninstall HP AiO Software from the pull-down menu. Follow the onscreen i nstructions. 4. After the software is uni nstalled, restart your computer.
Chapter 7 102 Configure and manage.
8 Maintain and troubleshoot This section contai ns the following topics: • Work with print cartridges • Clean the device • Troubleshootin g tips and resources • Solve printing probl ems • Po.
NOTE: Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing pro cess in a number of differen t ways, including in the initial ization process, whi ch prepares the de vice and cartridges for printing. In add ition, some residua l ink is left in the cartrid ge after it is used.
When you receive a low -ink warning message on the display, make sure you have a replacement prin t cartridge availabl e. You should also replace the p rint cartridges when you see faded text or if you expe rience print quality is sues related to the print cartridges.
Figure 8-1 Remo ve print cartri dge from the HP Office jet J3500 Figure 8-2 Remo ve print cartri dge from the HP Office jet J3600 4. Pull the print cartri dge toward you out of its slot. 5. If you are removing the print cartridge because it is low or out of ink, recycle the print cartridge.
6. Remove the new prin t cartridge from its packa ging and, being care ful to touch o nly the black plastic, gent ly remove the plastic ta pe by using the pink p ull tab.
Figure 8-3 Insert a pr int cartridge in the HP Officejet J3500 Figure 8-4 Install a print cartridg e in the HP Officejet J36 00 8. Close the print cartridge door. Align the print cartridg es The HP All-in-One prompts you to align cartridges every time you inst all or replace a print cartridge.
To align the print cartri dges from the contro l panel when prompted 1. Make sure you have le tter or A4 unused plain wh ite paper loaded in the input t r ay, and then press OK . 2. The device prints a test page and calibrates the printer. Re cycle or discard t he page.
NOTE: The HP Officejet J35 00 supports one black prin t cartridge only. To clean the print cartr idges from the control panel 1. Load letter, A4, or legal unused plain w hite paper into the input tray. 2. Press Setup . 3. Press 6 , then press 1 . This selects Tools and then sele cts Clean Print Cartridge .
Make sure you have the f ollowing mat erials available: • Dry foam rubber swabs, lint-free clot h, or any soft ma terial that wi ll not come ap art or leave fibe rs.
7. Clean only the copp er-colored contacts. Allow the pri nt cartridges to dry fo r approximately t en minute s. 1 Copper-colored conta cts 2 Ink nozzles (do not clean) 8. Slide the print cartridge back into th e slot. Push the print cartridge fo rward until it clicks into place.
To clean the area around the ink no zzles 1. Turn on the device an d open the print cartri dge door. The print carriage moves to the far right side of the device. 2. Wait until the prin t carriage is idle and sile nt, and then unpl ug the power cord f rom the back of the device.
Clean the device To ensure that your copies and scans rema in clear, you might ne ed to clean t he glass strip or whi te strip insi de the automatic docu ment feeder. You might also want to dust the exterior o f the HP All-in-One . Clean the glass strip Minor debris can accu mulate on the w hite strip located inside the aut omatic document feeder.
4. Close the autom atic document feeder cover. CAUTION: Make sure you close the auto matic document feede r cover before loading any pape r or originals. If you do not close the cover, you might d amage the mechanism. 5. Plug in the powe r cord, and then turn on the device.
4. If further cleaning is needed, repe at the previous steps using isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, and wipe the stri p thoroughly with a da mp cloth to remove any resid ual alcohol. CAUTION: Be careful not to spill a lcohol on the glass or exterior of the HP All-in-One, as this might damage the device.
• Something on the pag e is missing or inco rrect • Placement of the t ext or graphics is wrong The device s huts down u nexpectedly Check the power and p ower connections Make sure the device is connected firmly to a functioning alternating curre nt (AC) power outlet.
Device take s a long time to pr int Check the system configu ration and resources Make sure the computer me ets the minimum system requir ements for the device. For more information, se e System requirement s . Check the device software settings Print speed is slo wer when Best or Maximum dpi is selected as the print quality.
electromagnetic f ields. Also, it is recom mended that you us e a USB cable that is less tha n 3 meters (9.8 feet) long to mi nimize the effects of these e lectromagnetic fields.
• Colors do not lin e up properly • Lines or dots are missing from te xt or graphics Poor quality printouts Check the pr int cartridges Make sure the correct pr int cartridges are install ed and the print ca rtridges are not low on ink. For more information, see Manage the device and Supported print cartridges .
Ink is smearing Check the print settings (HP Officejet J36 00 only) • When you print documents that use much ink, allow mo re time to dry before hand ling the printouts.
Colors are printing as black and white (HP Officejet J3600 only) Check the print settings Make sure Print in Grayscale is not sele cted in the printer driver.
Solve paper-feed problems For information o n resolving jams, see Clear paper jams . Media is not suppor ted for the printer or tray Use only media that is supported for the device. For more informat ion, see Understand specification s for supported media .
• Make sure the tray i s not overloaded with paper. • Use HP media for optimu m performance an d efficiency. Solve copy problems If the followi ng topics do not hel p, see Support a nd warranty f or information about HP support.
Size is reduced • The reduce/enl arge or other cop y feature mi ght have been se t from the control panel to reduce the scanned image. C heck the settings for the cop y job to make sure that they are for normal si ze. • The HP photo and imaging softwa re settings might be set to reduce th e scanned image.
• Large, black ty pefaces look splo tchy (not smooth) The default enhancement setting mig ht not be suitab le for the job. Che ck the setting and change it to enhance text or photograp hs, if needed. For more information, see Change the copy setting s .
Part of the documen t did not s can or te xt is miss ing • Check the origi nal • Make sure that you loaded the original correctly. F or more information, see Load originals . • Colored backg rounds can cause images in the foreground to blend into t he background.
Error messages appe ar • "Unable to ac tivate TWAIN source " or "An error o ccurred while a cquiring the image" • If you are acqui ring an image fr om another device, such as a digital camera or another scanner, ma ke sure that the other device is TWAIN -compliant.
• Graphics look differ ent from the original The graphics sett ings might not be suita ble for the type of scan job th at you are performing. Try changing the grap hics settings. • Take steps to improve the s can quality • Use high-qual ity originals.
The fax test failed If you ran a fax test and the test failed, review the report for basic info rmation about the error. For more deta iled informat ion, check the report to see which part of the test failed, and then review the appropriate topic in this sect ion for solutions to try.
The "Fax Connecte d to Active Telephone Wall Jack" test failed Solution: • Check the connection between t he telephone w all jack and the device to make sure the phone cord is secure. • Make sure you use the phone cord that came with the d evice.
Figure 8-5 Ba ck view of th e device 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the device to connect to the "1-LINE" p ort 2. After you have conn ected the phone cord to the port labeled 1-L INE, run the fax test again to make sure i t passes and the device i s ready for faxing.
port labeled 1-LINE on the back of th e device, and the other end to your te lephone wall jack, as sh own below. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the device to connect to the "1-LINE" port If the phone cord that came with the device is not long enoug h, you can use a coupler to extend the length .
• Make sure you have correct ly connected the device to the telep hone wall jack. Using the ph one cord suppl ied in the box with the devi ce, connect one end to you r telephone wa ll jack, then connect the oth er end to the port lab eled 1-LINE on t he back of the device.
• Other equipmen t, which uses the same phone li ne as the device, might be causing the test to fail . To find out if ot her equipment is causing a problem, discon nect everything from the phone line, and t hen run the test a gain.
Solution: • Make sure you used the phone cord supplied in the box with the device to connect to the tel ephone wall jack. On e end of the phon e cord should be con nected to the port labele d 1-LINE on the back of the device and the other end to your telep hone wall jack, a s shown bel ow.
• Make sure the device i s not connecte d to a telephone wa ll jack that is set u p for digital phones. To check if your phone lin e is digital, con nect a regular an alog phone to the li ne and listen for a di al tone. If you do not hear a normal sounding dial tone, it m ight be a phone li ne set up for digita l phones.
• Make sure the te lephone you use to init iate the fax call is con nected directly t o the device. To send a fax manually , the telephone must be connected directly to the port la beled 2-EXT on the device, as show n below.
• If you have an a nswering machine o n the same phone li ne with the device , you might have one of the followi ng problems: • Your answering machi ne might not be set up pr operly with the device. • Your outgoing message might be too long or too loud to all ow the device to detect fax tones, and t he sending fax machine mig ht disconnect.
The device cann ot send faxes, but can receive faxes Solution: • The device might be dialing too fast or too soon . You might need to insert some pauses in the numb er sequence. For exampl e, if you need to ac cess an outside line before dialin g the phone nu mber, insert a pa use following the access number.
TIP: If the device came wit h a 2-wire phone cord adap tor, you can use it with a 4-wire phone cord t o extend th e length. For i nformation on using the 2-wire p hone cord adaptor, see th e documen tation that came with it. To extend your pho ne cord 1.
• Ensure power cord a nd other cables are wo rking, and are firm ly connected to t he device. • All packing tapes and materials a re removed from t he device. • Rear access panel is locked into place. • Paper is loaded correctly in the t ray, and is not ja mmed in the device.
Paper can also jam in the auto matic document feeder. Several common act ions can cause paper to jam th e automatic docu ment feeder: • Placing too much paper in the document feeder tray. • Using paper that is to o thick or too thin fo r the device.
2. Gently pull the paper out of the ro llers. CAUTION: If the paper tears when you are removing it f rom the rollers, check the rollers and wheels for torn pieces of paper that mig ht be remaining inside the device. If you do not remove all the pie ces of paper from the devic e, more paper jams are likel y to occur.
A HP supplies This section provides information on H P supplies fo r the device. The information is subject to change; visit the HP Web site ( www.hpshopping.
Appendix A 146 HP s upplies.
B Support and warranty The information in Maintain and troubleshoot sugg ests solutions to common problems. If your device is not operating correctly and those suggestions did no t solve your problem, try using one of the following support services to obtain assistance .
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement Appendix B 148 Support and warranty.
Obtain electronic support To find support and warranty information, go to the HP Web site at . If prompted, choose your country/reg ion, and then click Contact HP for information on calling for te chnical support.
• Valuable troubleshooting information for common problems • Proactive device updates, support alerts, and HP newsgrams that are available wh en you register the HP All-in-One 3. Call HP support. Support options and availability vary by device, country/region, and language.
Obtain HP telephone support 151.
Placing a call Call HP support while you are in front of the computer and the HP All-in-One. Be prepared to provide the following information: • Model number (located on the label on the front of th.
For instructions on how to p ack your device for exchange, see Pack the device . Call HP Korea c ustomer support Prepare the device for shipment If after contacting HP Customer Support or return in g .
To remove prin t cartridges before sh ipment 1. Turn on the device and wait until the print carriage is idle and silent. If the device will not turn on, skip this step and go to step 2. NOTE: If the device does not turn on, you can unplug the power cord and then manually slide the print carriage to the far right side to remove the print cartridges.
To remove the control-panel faceplate 1. Press the Power button to turn off the device. 2. Unplug the power cord, and then disconnect it from the device. Do not return the power cord with the device. 3. Remove the control-pane l faceplate as follows: a .
To pack the device 1. If available, pack the device fo r shipment by using the original packaging materials, or use the packaging materials that came with your replacement device. If you do not have the original packaging materials, please use other adequate packaging materials.
C Device specifications For media and media-handling specifications, see Understand specifications for supported media . This section contains the following topics: • Physical specifications • Pro.
Feature Capacity Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian. Memory specifications Device memory 2 MB ROM, 16 MB RAM System requirements NOTE: Mac OS is supported by HP Officejet J3600 o nly. For the most current information about supported operating systems and system requirements, visit http://www.
• Mac OS X (10.3.9 and higher, 10.4.6 and higher ): 400 MHz Power PC G4 (v10 .3.9 and higher, 10.4.6 and higher) or 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo (10 .4.6 and higher), 256 MB memory, 800 MB free hard disk space, QuickTime 5.0 or later • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.
Photo (dpi) Very Fine (dpi) Fine (dpi) Standard (dpi) Black 196 x 203 (8-bit grayscale) 300 x 300 196 x 203 196 x 98 Color 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 Scan specifications • Image editor .
• Sending black-and-white fax: LpAd 40 (dBA) • Idle: LpAd 21 (dBA) • Sound power • Color printing: LwAd 5.5 (BA) • Black-and-white printing and copyin g: LwAd 5.9 (BA) • Bl ack-a nd-whi te print ing (F ast mode ): LwAd 6.4 (BA ) • Sending black-and-white fax: LwAd 5.
Appendix C 162 Device specifications.
D Regulatory information The device meets product requirements from regulatory a gencies in your country/region. This section contains the following topics: • FCC statement • Notice to users in Ko.
FCC statement FCC sta tement The Unit ed State s F ederal C ommunications Co mmission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05) has spec ified that the follo wing notice be br ought to the attention of u sers of this pr oduct.
Notice to users in Japan about the power cord RoHS notices (China only) Toxic and hazardo us substance tab le Noise emission statement for Germany Geräusc hemission LpA < 7 0 dB am Arbe itsplatz im Normalbetr ieb nach DIN 4 56 35 T .
Notice to users of the U.S. tele phon e network: FCC requirements Notice to users of th e U.S. telephone net wor k: FCC requirements This equipmen t complies w ith FCC rules , P art 68. On this equipment is a label that contains, among other inf ormation, the FC C Registr ation Number and Ringer E quiv alent Number (REN) for this equipmen t.
Notice to users of the Canadian telephone network Note à l’at tention des utilisa teurs du réseau téléphoniqu e canadien/N otice to users of the C anadian tel ephone net w ork Cet appar eil est confor me aux spéc ifications t echniq ues des équipements te rminau x d’Industr ie Canada.
Notice to users in the European Econo mic Area Notice to users in th e European Economic Area This pr oduct is designed to be connected t o the analog S w itched T elecommuni cation Networks (P STN) o f the Eur opean Economic A rea (EE A) countr ies/regi ons.
Declaration of conformity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN17050-1 __________________________________________________________________________ Manufacturer's Name: He wlett-Packard Company DoC#: SDGOB-0604-rel.
Environmental product stewardship prog ram Hewlett-Packard is committed to providing qualit y products in an environmentally sound manner. Design for recycling has been inco rporated into this product. The numb er of materials has been kept to a minimum while ensuring proper functionality and reliability.
Disposal of waste equipmen t by users in private househo lds in the European Uni on Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This sy mbol on the product or on its pack a ging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed o f with your other ho usehold wa ste .
Energy consumption This product is designed to reduce power c onsumption and save natural resources without compromising product performance. It has been d esi gned to reduce total energy consumption both during operation and when the device is not active .
Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper copy 38 load 26 4 x 6 inch photo paper copy 38 4 x 6 inch photo paper, load 26 A A4 paper, load 24 accessibility 4 acoustic emissions 160 ADF (automatic d.
paper size 38 paper types, recommended 38 photos, enhance 41 quality 39, 125 reduce 40 settings 37 specifications 159 speed 39 text, enhance 41 troubleshoot 124 Copy menu 15 correct port test, fax 131.
modem, shared with (parallel phone systems) 82 monitor dialing 49, 51 paper size 59 parallel phone systems 73 pause 18 PBX system, set up (parallel phone systems) 78 phone cord connection test, failed.
originals in ADF (automatic document feeder) 20 transparencies 28 log, fax print 67 M Mac OS HP Photosmart Studio 17 HP Printe r Utility 71 install software 98 print on special, or custom- sized media.
Photosmart Soft ware send scans to programs 43 Photosmart Studio send scans to programs 43 poll to receive fax 58 ports, specifications 157 power specifications 160 troubleshoot 117 power input, locat.
computer modem and voice line (parallel phone systems) 84 computer modem and voice mail (parallel phone systems) 93 connection types 13 distinctive ringing 63 distinctive ringing (parallel phone syste.
paper guides illustration 10 troubleshoot feeding 123 troubleshoot answering machines 140 blank pages printed 118 bleeding colors 122 colors 121, 122 control panel messages 15 copy 124 copy quality 12.
© 200 7 Hew lett-P ack ard Dev elopment Company , L.P . www .hp .com/support.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) J3500/J3600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.