Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HP 910 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP 910 Printer HP Photosmart Software Help.
© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard Com pany notices The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Contents 1W e l c o m e .... ...................... ......................... .......................... ................... ............................ ........5 2 Special featur es ................................... ...............................
Print iron-on transfers....................... .......................................... ....................................... .......43 7 Printing tips Print a test page..............................................................................
Installation problems. ............... ................ ..................... .................. ................ ................... .......68 Power light is on or flashing.................... ..................... .................... ..............
Environmental product stew ardship program...........................................................................88 Paper use............................................................................... ....................................... ..
1W e l c o m e Welcome to the HP 910 Printer H elp. For details o n how to use your computer and th e printer together, see th e following table and select an appropriat e topic. You can also use the table of cont ents pane on th e left to locate in formation .
Section Description HP inkjet supplies recyc ling program Find out how to recycle print cartridges. Chapter 1 (continued) 6W e l c o m e Welcome.
2 Special features Congratulations! The HP Print er is equipped with several exciting feature s: • User friendly : Easy t o install and operat e. • Borderless pri nting : Print 4 x 6 inch photos to t he edges of the paper by using t he borderless printing feature.
3 Get started • The printer at a glance • Buttons and ligh ts • Paper trays • Print cartridges • Ink-backup mode The printer at a glance Click the links below to learn about the p rinter featur es.
1 USB port Buttons and lights Use the printer butt ons to turn the pr inter on and off an d cancel a print job. T he printer lights give you visual cues ab out the status of t he printer.
Power button a nd light Use the Power button to turn the printer on and off . It can take a few seco nds for the printer to turn on after yo u press the Power button. 1 Power button and light The Power light flashes w hen the printer is pro cessing. CAUTION: Always use the Power button to turn t he printer on an d off.
Cancel button The printer has a Cancel button. 1 Cancel button Pressing the Cancel button cancel s the current print job or print ca rtridge alignm ent job.
Unfold the paper trays To unfold the paper trays 1. Raise the printer cover. 2. Lower the input tray. 3. Lower the output tray. Chapter 3 12 Get started Get started.
4. Pull out the output -tray extension, and th en unfold the output-tray e xtension stop. 5. Lower the printer cover. Input tray The input tray hol ds paper or other media.
Paper guide Print on different sizes of media by sliding the paper guide to the right or to the left . Output tray Printed pages are de posited in the o utput tray. 1 Output tray Raise the print er cover and the output tr ay to load paper or o ther media.
Fold the pape r trays To fold the paper trays 1. Remove paper or other media from the pap er trays. 2. Raise the prin ter cover. 3. Fold the output-tray extensio n stop, and then push the ou tput-tray extension int o the output tray.
4. Raise the outp ut tray. 5. Raise the i nput tray. 6. Reach undern eath the input t ray, and then li ft the tray unti l it locks into place . 7. Lower the printer cover.
Print cartridges Three print cartridge s can be used with the p rinter. 1 Black print cartridge 2 Tri-color pr int cartri dge 3 Photo print cartridge For information abou t using the print cartrid ges.
• Printer documentati on: For a list of pr int cartridge sele ction numbers, see the reference guide that came with the pri nter. • Print Cartridge Ordering I nformation dialog b ox: For a list of.
Ink-backup mode ou tput Printing in ink-backup mod e slows the printer and a ffects the quali ty of printouts. Installed print cartridge Result Black print cartridge Colors print as grayscale. Tri-color print cartridge Colors print but black is gr ayed and is not a true black.
4 Connect the printer The printer connect s to the computer wit h a universal serial bus (USB) cable. NOTE: For best printing perf ormance, use a USB 2.0 compati ble cable. For instructions ab out connecting the printer with a USB cable, se e the Setup G uide that came with the printe r.
5 Print photos The printer software o ffers several features th at make printing d igital photos easier a nd improve phot o quality. Learn ho w to print ph otos Print a borderless photo .
5. Place the photo paper in the right side of th e input tray. The side to be printed on should face down an d the short edge should po int towards the p rinter. If you are using photo paper that has a tear-off tab, verify that the tab is pointing away from the printer in t he input tray.
5. If necessary, change the HP Real L ife Techno logies photo f ix setting. 6. Select any other print set tings that you wa nt, and then click OK . If you printed on photo paper wit h a tear-off tab, rem ove the tab to make the documen t completely borderless.
8. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against the edge of the paper. 1 Small photos 2 Large photos 9. Lower the printer cover. Print NOTE: If your softw are program includes a ph oto printing fe ature, foll ow the instructions that ar e provided with the sof tware program.
4. In the Printing Shor tcuts list, click Photo Printing-with w hite borders , and then select the following optio ns: • Print Quality : Normal or Be st NOTE: For maximum dpi quality, go to the Features tab, and then click Maximum dpi in the Print Quality drop-down list.
To install th e photo print cartri dge ▲ To install the p hoto print cartri dge, remove the black print cartridge from t he printer, and then inst all the photo print cartridge in the right side of the prin t cartridge cra dle. NOTE: To learn how to install a print cartridge, see Installation instructions .
Storage • Keep unused photo pap er in a sealed plastic b ag. Store the packaged photo pap er on a flat surfa ce in a cool place. • When you are rea dy to print, rem ove only the paper t hat you plan to use i mmediately from the plasti c bag. When you have finished printing, retu rn any unused photo paper to the plastic bag.
6 Print other documents E-mai l Documents Letters Envelopes Postcards Index cards Labels CD/DVD tattoos Transparencies Brochures Greeting cards Bookle ts Posters Iron- on tran sfers Printing tips : Min imize your cost and effo rt while maximizing t he quality of your printo uts with printing tips .
7. Slide the paper guide firmly against the e dge of the paper. 8. Lower the printer cover. Print 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab.
5. Push the paper into the printer until it stop s. NOTE: Depending on the pa per size, the paper might extend over the edge of the tray. 6. Lower the output tray. 7. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against the edge of the paper. 8. Lower the printer cover.
Prepare to print 1. Raise the prin ter cover. 2. Slide the paper g uide all the wa y to the left. 3. Raise the outpu t tray. 4. Place plain paper i n the right side of t he input tray. Th e side to be printed on should face down. NOTE: If you are using letterhead paper, the letterhead should face d own and point toward the printer.
Print envelopes Guidelin es • Avoid using envelopes tha t have the follow ing features: • Clasps or windows • Thick, i rregular, or curled edges • Shiny or embossed coatin gs • Wrinkles, te ars, or other damag e • You can prin t a single enve lope or multiple envelopes.
Print postcards Guidelines Do not exceed the pap er tray capacity: 20 post cards. Prepare to print 1. Raise the prin ter cover. 2. Slide the paper g uide all the wa y to the left. 3. Raise the output tray, and then remove all paper from the input tray.
Print index cards and other small media Guidelin es Do not exceed the paper tra y capacity: 20 cards. Prepare to print 1. Raise the printer cover. 2. Slide the paper guide all the way to the lef t. 3. Raise the outpu t tray, and then remove all paper from the input tra y.
Print labels Guidelines • Use only paper, plast ic, or clear labels that a re designed specifi cally for inkjet pri nters. • Use only full sh eets of labe ls. • Avoid using labels th at are sticky, wrinkled, or pu lling away from the protective backing.
3. In the Printing Shortcuts list, click Genera l Everyday Printing , and then specify the follow ing print se ttings: • Paper Type : Plain paper • Paper Size : An appropriate pape r size 4. Click OK . Use the What's Thi s? help to learn about t he features th at appear in th e Printer Properties dialog box.
8. Lower the printer cover. Print 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Features tab, and then specify the p rint settings in the order shown below: • Size : 5x7in. • Paper Type : Click More , click Specialty Papers , and then click HP CD/DVD Tattoo .
8. Lower the printer cover. Print 1. Open the Printer Properties di alog box . 2. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 3. In the Printing Shortcuts list, click Presentati on Printing , and th en specify the following print set tings: • Paper Type : Click More , and then se lect an appropria te transparenc y film.
Print 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Features tab. 3. Specify the fo llowing print set tings: • Print Quality : Best • Paper Type : Click More , and then select an a ppropriate HP i nkjet paper.
9. Lower the printer cover. Print NOTE: If your software program includes a greet ing card printing fea ture, follow th e instructions that ar e provided with the sof tware program. Ot herwise, foll ow the instructions below. 1. Open the Printer Properties di alog box .
6. Lower the output t ray. 7. Slide the paper guide firmly against the e dge of the paper. 8. Lower the printer cover. Print 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 3. In the Printing Shor tcuts list, click Two-si ded (Duplex) Printing .
Print posters Guidelin es • For poster print ing, sections of the post er are automati cally arrang ed on individual sheets that can be t aped together. Aft er the sections of a post er have been prin ted, trim the edges of the sheets and tape the sheets together.
Print 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Features tab, and then specify the f ollowing print set tings: • Paper Type : Plain paper • Orientation : Portrait or Landscape • Size : An appropriate pape r size 3. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Printer Fe atures .
7. Slide the paper gu ide firmly against the edge of the paper. 8. Lower the printer cover. Print NOTE: If your softw are program includ es an iron-on tr ansfer printing f eature, foll ow the instructions that are provided wit h the software prog ram.
7 Printing tips Check your prin ter • Connect the printer to your comput er. • Print a test page . Save time • Use the Printing Shortcuts tab. • Set the order that the pages pri nt. Save money • Use Fast/Economical prin ting . • Print multiple pa ges on a singl e sheet of paper .
NOTE: When you select a p rinting shortcut the appropriate printi ng options are automatically displayed . You can leave them as is or change them. Use printing sho rtcuts Use the Printing Sh ortcuts .
To set the page order 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Advanced tab. 3. Click Document Options , and then click Layout Options . 4. Select one of the f ollowing Page Order options: • Front to back : Prints the first page of th e docu ment last.
Two-sided printing Use two-sided prin ting, also called duplexi ng, to print on both sides of the p aper. Printing on both side s of the paper is n ot only economica l, but envi ronmentally conscious as w ell. To print a two-sided document 1. Open the Printer Properties di alog box .
4. Select any other print set tings that you wa nt, and then click OK . Before the document prints, a previe w is displayed. 5. Do one of the fo llowing: • Click OK to print t he docum ent. • Click Cancel t o cancel the print job. Adj ust the print setti ngs as needed before printing t he document.
Print quality setti ngs • Fast Draft produces dra ft-quality outp ut at the fastest printing speed, while using th e least amount of ink. • Fast Normal p roduces higher quality ou tput than the Fast Draft setting and prints more quickly than the Normal setting.
To print in Maxi mum dpi mode 1. Open the Printer Properties dialog bo x . 2. Click the Features tab. 3. In the Paper Type drop-down list, click More , and then select the appropriate pape r type. 4. In the Print Quality drop-down list, click Maximum d pi .
5. Select any other print sett ings that you want, an d then click OK . The printer print s the odd-numbered pages fi rst. 6. After the odd-nu mbered pages h ave been printed, reload the pri nted pages, with the printed side facing u p according to the document orienta tion, portrait or l andscape.
8 Printer software • Make the HP Printe r the default printer . • Set the default print set tings for all docum ents. • Use the Printer Properties dialog box to select printing options. • Use the What's This? help to lea rn more about specific print settings.
To save time when printing , set the default prin t settings to optio ns that you use often. That way, you do not have t o specify the options every ti me you use the printer. To change th e default pri nt settings 1. Double-click the HP Dig ital Imaging Mo nitor icon on the right si de of the Window s taskbar.
NOTE: The path to the Printer Properties dia log box can vary de pending on th e software progr am you are using. What's This? help Use the What's This ? help to learn about the features t hat you see on the Pri nter Properties dialog box.
Download printer software updates Download the l atest printer software upda te every few months to ensure you have the latest features and imp rovements. To download a pr inter software update 1. Make sure you are conn ected to the Internet . 2. From the Wind ows Start menu, click Programs or All Programs , point to HP , and then click HP Update .
9 Maintenance • Install print cartri dges • Align print cartridges • Automatically clea n print cartridges • Calibrate colo r • View estimated in k levels • Maintain the printe r body • .
You can find the selecti on number in three pla ces: • Selection numbe r label: Look at the label on the print cartridge that you are replacin g. 1 Selection number label • Printer documentati on: For a list of pr int cartridge sele ction numbers, see the reference guide that came with the pri nter.
4. Slide the print cart ridge out of the cradle. 1 Press the Power button 2 Open the printer cover 3 Push down on the print cartridge 4 Slide the print cartridge out of the cradle 5. Remove the repla cement print cartridg e from its packaging and car efully remove the plastic tape.
1 Ink nozzles 2 Copper contacts 6. Slide the print cartrid ge firmly into the crad le at a slight upward ang le until you feel resistance. 7. Push the cartridge in to the cradle. You hear a snap when th e print cartrid ge is correctly positi oned. 8. Close the printer cover.
To align print car tridges 1. Load Letter or A4 unu sed plain white pap er in the paper tray . 2. Open the pri nter Toolbox . 3. Click Align the Print Cartridges . 4. Click Align , and then follow the onscreen instructions. The HP Printer prints a test page, aligns the prin t cartridges, and calibra tes the printer.
View estimated ink levels Follow these instru ctions to view the est imated ink levels of the print cartrid ges that are installed in the printer: NOTE: Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing.
Manually clean print cartridges If the HP Printer is used in a dusty environm ent, a small amount of debris can accumulate on the print cartrid ge contacts. This debri s can cause ink streaks on printed pages. The problem can be corrected b y manually cleani ng the print ca rtridge contacts.
Maintain print cartridges Follow these guidelines to m aintain and store HP print cartrid ges and to en sure consistent print quali ty. • Print cartridge storage and han dling • Print cartridge pr.
To remove the print cartr idge from the print c artridge protecto r 1. Press down and back on the to p of the protector to release the print cartri dge. 2. Slide the print cartridg e out of the prot ector. CAUTION: Do not drop the print cartridge. Dropp ing the print ca rtridge can damage it.
10 Shop for ink supplies To find the print cartridg e reorder number, see the printed documentati on that came with the HP Printer. You can also use the softw are that came with t he HP Printer to find o ut the reorder number for the prin t cartridge.
11 Troubleshooting • Error messages • Installation p roblems • Power light is on or flashing • Printer does not p rint • Document prin ts slowly • Print cartridge pro blems • Paper probl.
"Print cartridge is in the wrong slot" me ssage If you receive thi s error message, the print cartridge is installe d in the wrong side of the print cartridg e cradle. Foll ow the instructions in " Print cartridge is in the wr ong slot" message to resolve th e probl em.
Solution: To resolve the pr oblem 1. Make sure that no USB devices ot her than the printer, t he keyboard, and t he mouse are connect ed to the compu ter. 2. Disconnect and reconne ct the USB cable. 3. Make sure that the printer i s connected directly to a USB port on the compute r (instead of through a U SB hub).
Printer name doe s not appear Solution: If the pri nter software seems to install correc tly, but the pri nter name does not appear in the l ist of printers wh en you click Print on the File menu or in th e Printers folder in Control Panel, try reinsta lling the printe r software.
• If the Power light is on , the printer is either pri nting or ready to print. • If the Power light is off , the prin ter is off. • If the Power light is fla shing , see the fo llowing informa tion.
• The printer is t urned on. • The print cartridge s are the correct print cartridges for the prin ter and are properly installed. For more information, see Print cartridges and Instal lation instru ctions . • The paper or other me dia is correctly loaded in t he paper tray.
After resolving a pr int job that is st alled in the print queue, the p rint queue still might not be clear. In tha t situation, you ne ed to stop and then restart the print service. To stop and restart the print service 1. For Window s 2000 and Vista, cl ick Start , click Control Panel , and then click Administrative Tools .
Document prints slowly If the printer prints slo wly, there could be severa l reasons. For more i nformation, check the following topi cs: • Multiple softw are programs a re open • Complex documen.
Print cartridge problems If the printer slows do wn or cannot print, th ere could be a problem with the prin t cartridge. For more information, check the follow ing topics: • Incorrect or missing pr.
If the Power li ght is flashing, visit H P Technical Support at . Print cartridge is faulty or not installed pr operly Cause: The printer cannot print i f the print cartridges are fa ulty, or if they are not installed properly. Solution: To resolve the pr oblem 1.
a refilled or remanufacture d print cartridge, or a cartridge that has been used in another printer, the ink level indicat or will be inaccura te or unavailable.
Paper jam To clear a paper jam 1. Remove the paper f rom the input t ray. 2. If you are print ing labels, verify that a label did not be come detached fro m the label sheet while p assing through the printer. 3. Turn off the printe r. 4. Disconnect the pri nter power cord from t he electrical outlet.
Printer does not feed paper Solution: Try one or more of th e following solutions: • Reduce the number of sheets in the paper tray . • Remove the paper f rom the paper tray, and t hen reload it. • Use a different typ e of paper. Out-of-pap er message Follow the approp riate steps for the con dition that exist s.
Photos do not print correctly If your photos do not pri nt correctly, check the p aper tray or printer p roperties. • Check the paper tray • Check the printer properties Check the pape r tray 1. Verify that the p hoto paper i s placed in the p aper tray with the sid e to be printed on facing down.
Image is pr inted at an angle Verify that no problem exists w ith the sour ce image. For e xample, if yo u are printing a scanned image, verif y that the imag e was not crooked whe n it was scanned. If the problem is not caused by the source im age, follow these ste ps: 1.
For small photo pape r If the printout has an unwanted b order, try the follo wing solutions: • Align the print cartridges . • Open the Printer Properties di alog box , click the Features tab, and.
Print quality is poor If you are having pr oblems with print quality, try t he solutions in t his section and ob serve the followin g guidelines: • Replace refilled or em pty cartridges. • Check the device se ttings to make sure tha t the print mod e and paper selectio n is correct for the paper and the task .
• Verify that the prot ective piece of plastic tape has been removed from the print cartridges. 1 Remove plastic tape • Consider selecting a higher print q uality . Blank pages print Solution: • The protecti ve piece of plasti c tape might stil l be attached to the print cart ridges.
• Envelope i s printed a t an angle • Document does no t reflect the new p rint settin gs Text and images are misaligned If the text an d images on your printo uts are misaligned, then align the pri nt cartridges. Document is printed off-center or at an angl e 1.
A HP support • Ink cartridge warranty information • Support process • HP support by phone Ink cartridge warranty information The HP cartridge(s) warranty is applicable when t he product is used in its designated HP p rinting device.
HP support by phone • Phone support period • Placing a call • After the phone support period Phone support per iod One year of phone support is available in North America, Asia Pacific, and L atin America (including Mexico). To determine the duration of phone supp ort in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa , go to www.
B Technical information • Printer specifications • Environmental product stewardship program • Regulatory notices Printer specifications The HP Printer has the following specifications and re quirements. Physical specifications Printer dimension: 143.
• Recycling program • HP inkjet supplies recycli ng program • Energy consumption • Disposal of waste equipment by users in private households in the Europea n Union Paper use This product is suited for the use of recycled paper according to DIN 19309 and EN 12281 :2002.
Disposal of waste equ ipment by users in pri vate households in the European Unio n Regulatory no tices • FCC statement • LED indicator statement • Notice to user s in Korea Appendix B 90 Techni.
• VCCI (Class B) compliance statement for users in Japan • Notice to users in Japan about the power cord • Toxic and hazardous substance ta ble • HP 910 Printer declaratio n of conformity FCC .
VCCI (Class B) compliance sta tement for users in J apan Notice to users in Japa n about the power cord Toxic and hazard ous substance ta ble Appendix B 92 Technical information Technical information.
HP 910 Printer d eclaration of con formity Regulatory notices 93 Technical information.
Index A accessibility 2 after the support period 87 aligning print cartridges 60 B booklet printing 40 borderless printing 80 bound two-sided printing 51 brochure printing 38 buttons Cancel button 11 .
photo printing borderless photos 21 photos with a border 23 saving money 27 photo printing problems verifying print settings 80 photos digital 25 do not print correctly 80 placing a call 87 postcard p.
print is faded 83 printer 67 printer does not feed paper 79 printer is not printing 71 printer is stalled 73 printer name does not appear 70 text and images are misaligned 85 unwanted border on photo .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 910 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.