Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto D5100 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photo smar t D5100 se r i es Us er Guide.
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Copyrights an d trademarks © 2006 Hewlett-Packard Deve lopment Company, L.P. The information contained here in is subject to chan ge without notice. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, e xcept as allowed under the copyright laws.
Contents 1W e l c o m e .... ............................. ................................ .............................. ..................3 Accessing the onscreen HP Phot osmart Printer Help.............................................3 Printer parts.
HP Photosmart Studio ............. ............................... ..................................... ..27 Using HP Photosmart Premier.......................................................................27 Prepare your printer to print on CDs and DVDs.
1 Welcome Thank you for p urchasing an HP Photosmart D5100 series printer! With your ne w photo printer you can print beau tiful photos and save photos to yo ur computer. You can also print images directly on CDs and DVDs using the HP Photosmart D5100 series printer.
Printer parts Front View 1 Main cover : Lift this cover to change cartridges. 2 CD/DVD tray : Lower this tray to insert the CD/DVD ho lder to print on CDs and DVDs. 3 Output tray : Collect your p rinted papers and photos from this tray. 4 Main tray : Load paper here.
Back of printer 1 Rear access door : Open this do or to clear a paper jam. 2 USB port : Use this port to connect a computer to the printer. 3 Power cord connection : Use this port to connect the power co rd included with the printer. Control pa nel 1 Printer screen : Displays photo index number, p age layout information, and approximate ink levels.
Indicator lights 1 Attention : Flashing red if there is an error or if some user action is required. 2 Print : Solid green if the printer is ready to pr in t, pulsing green if the printer is busy. 3 Photo Tray : Solid green to indicate that the next standalone print job will be carried out from the photo tray.
1 Check mark icon : Indicates that the photo has been selected for printing. 2 Page layout icon : Indicates the page layo ut selected. 3 Paper icon : Flashes when the printer is out of paper or there is a pa per jam. 4 Pen icons : Represent the cartridges in each chut e.
Chapter 1 8 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
2 Get ready to print This section include s the following topics: ● Loading pap er ● Using print cartridg es Load paper For better qualit y, choose the right paper and load it correctly in the main tray or pho to tray. Tip Load only one type and size of paper at a time.
the paper sizes supported include A6, A4, 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) with or without a tab, 8.5 x 11 inch, Hagaki, and L-size. Load the ma in tray The main tray supp orts the following medi a: ● Letter or A4 paper ● Transparenci es ● 20 x 25 cm (8 x 10 inch) photo paper ● Envelopes 28.
Load the photo tray The photo tray suppo rts the following media: ● 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) photo pa per (with or without tab) ● 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inch) photo paper ● Index card s ● Hagaki cards Follow the steps t o load the photo tray: 1.
7. Lower the output tra y to its original position. The output tray latch clicks whe n the output tray is low ered completely. 8. Press the Photo Tray but ton on the control panel . Using print cartridges Your HP Photosmart D5100 se ries printer can print color and black-and-w hite photos.
Inserting and replacing the prin t cartridges To prepare the pri nter and cartridges 1. Make sure the power is on . 2. Raise the main cover of t he printer. 3. Remove the pink tape fr om the cartridges. Note Do not touch the in k nozzles or the copper-colored contacts, and d o not re-tape the cart ridges.
and quality. The HP Pho tosmart D5100 series printer auto matically aligns the print cartridges every time you i nsert or replace a print cartridge. Note When you insert or replace a print ca rtridge, the printer makes noise for a few seconds. This is normal.
3 Print without a computer The HP Photosmart D5100 se ries lets you print high-qua lity photos without even turni ng on a computer. After set ting up the printer using the instructio ns in the HP Photosmart D5100 series Quick Start bookle t, refer to these steps for start-to-finish p rinting.
photos—photos you marke d for printing using a digital came ra—directly from a memory card. Printing from a m emory card is quick and easy, and does not drain the digital camera batteries. For more i nformation on inserting m emory cards, see Insert a memory card .
Memory ca rd How to insert the memory card CompactF lash ● Front label faces up, and if the label has an arrow, the arrow points toward the printer ● Edge with met al pinholes goes into the printe.
To change default pape r sizes 1. Right-click the HP Di gital Imaging Monitor icon o n the far right of the Windows taskbar and select Launc h/Show HP Solution Center . 2. Click Settings and select Print Settings > Printer Toolbo x . 3. Click the Configure Paper Size tab.
Select photos to print Using the phot o index as a guide, yo u can select and print photos from the contro l panel. Note Once your selected photo s print, the printer autom atically deselects them. If you want to… Do this Select one or more photos 1.
Note To print from the photo t ray, press the Photo Tray button on the control panel. The print er selects the photo tray for the n ext standalone print job. 3. Select one or more phot os. For information on selectin g photos, see Select photos to print .
Using a Bluetooth camera If you have a digital ca mera with Bluetooth wireless t echnology, you can purchase the optional HP Bluetoo th wireless printer adapter and print from a camera using a Bluetooth wireless connection. To print photos from a Blu etooth camera 1.
Note iPods that ha ve only been connected to a M acintosh are not compatible wit h the printer; however, you can connect the iPod to a Windows PC to make it compatible. After connecting to a Windows PC, Macintosh users can still fully synchro nize their iPods back to Macintosh and Mac iTunes and mai ntain printer support.
4 Print from a computer To print from a computer, t he printer software must be installed. During software installation, ei ther HP Photosmart Premier (Win dows Full-install users), HP Phot osmart Ess.
Open HP Photosmart Essen tial (Windows users) ➔ Double-click the HP Photos mart Essential icon on your desktop. If you ne ed help, see the software help within HP Photosmart Essenti al. Explore the many feat ures of HP Photosmart Essential: ● View — View photos in multiple sizes and ways.
To view memor y card photos onscreen 1. Make sure that you have installed the software f rom the HP Photosmart D5100 series CD, and that the printer is con nected to a computer at the USB port o n the back of the print er. 2. Insert a memory card into the print er.
Chapter 4 26 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
5 Print on CDs and DVDs In addition to printing on paper, your HP Ph otosmart D5100 series printer also allows you to print on CDs and DVD s. You can design and create a custom label for your CD or DVD using t he HP Phototsmart Premier Software on a Window s computer or the HP Photosmart Studio on a Ma c.
Caution Before you load the media on the CD/DVD tra y, ensure that your printer has approximately 10 cm (4 inches) clearance behind it. Load the CD/DVD holder ➔ Securely snap the media on the CD/DVD holder that came wit h your printer. Ensure that the pri ntable surface is fa cing up.
Remove the CD/DVD holder 1. Carefully remove t he CD/DVD holder fr om the CD/DVD tra y. 2. Close the CD/DVD tray. Note Other printing job s are implemented only after the CD/DVD tray is closed.
Chapter 5 30 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
6 Care and maintenance The HP Photosmart D5100 series printer requires very li ttle maintenance. Fol low the guidelines in this chapter to extend the life span of the prin ter and printing supplie s, and to ensure that the photos you print are always of the highest quality.
To clean the print cartr idge contacts 1. Gather the follo wing items to clean the cont acts: – Distilled wa ter (tap water may contain contaminants that can da mage the print cartridge) – Cotton swabs or other soft, lint-free material that w ill not stick to the print cartridge 2.
Downloading th e software (Mac) Note Make sure you are connecte d to the Internet before yo u use HP Photosmart Updater. 1. From the Finder, cho ose Go > Applications . 2. Choose Hewl ett-Packard > Photosmart > HP Photosmart Updater . 3. Follow the onscreen i nstructions to check for software upda tes.
Storing pho to paper ● Store the photo pap er in its original packaging or i n a resealable plastic bag. ● Store the packaged ph oto paper on a flat, cool, and dry su rface. ● Return unused ph oto paper to its original packaging or in a resealable plastic bag.
7 Troubleshooting The HP Photosmart D5100 series printer is designed to b e reliable and easy to use. This chapter answers frequent ly asked questions about using the printer.
– Incorrect print ca rtridge installed – Packaging materi als are not removed ● If you are unable to solve the problem by using the in structions above, turn of f the printer and unplu g the printer power cord. Wait 10 seconds, and then plug it in again .
The printer does not print b orderless photos. Solution Make sure you have se lected an appropriate paper size . The printer cannot print bord erless photos on all sizes of pa per. For information about selecting the paper size for bord erless photos, see Select a phot o layout .
The document printed at an angle or is off-center. Solution ● The paper-width guide may not be set properly. Make sure that the p aper-width guide is close to the edge of the paper without b ending it. ● The paper may not be loaded correctly. Make sure the paper is correctly oriented in the m ain tray.
3. Gently remove the ja mmed paper from the printer. 4. Replace the rear access door. 5. Plug in th e printer and turn it on. 6. When you have clea red the paper jam, print your docu ment again. If you experience paper jams when printing on phot o paper, try the follow ing: ● Insert the photo paper as f ar as it will go into the photo tra y.
Print quali ty is poor. Solution ● You may be printing in In k-backup Printing Mode . The printer enters In k-backup Printing Mod e when one of the print cartrid ges is missing. Replace th e missing print cartridge w ith a new one. ● One of the print cart ridges may be running out of i nk.
The Attention indicator li ght flashes red after I give a print comman d from the software. Solution This is normal. The p rinter is waiting for you t o insert the CD/DVD hold er in the CD/DVD tray. For informa tion on loading the CD/DVD tray, see Loading the CD/DVD tray .
No page came out of the printer. Solution The printer may not recogni ze the type of file sent by the device with Bluetooth wirele ss technology. For a list of the file formats that the printer supports, see Printer specif ications . Print quali ty is poor.
This indicator... Has this meaning... on the back cover of this guide. For more information, see Inserting and replacin g the print cartridg es When the paper i con begins to flash, either there i s a paper jam or the print er is out of paper. For more inform ation on clearing a pape r jam, see clearing a paper jam .
Chapter 7 44 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
8 HP Support Note The name of HP support services may vary by country/region . If you have a proble m, follow these steps: 1. Check the document ation that came with the pri nter. – Quick Start Guide : The HP Photosmart D5100 series Quick Start Guide explains how to set up the printer and print your first phot o.
Other countries/re gions : See the list of support te lephone numbers inside the front cover of this guide. Placing a call Call HP Support whi le you are near the comput er and pri nter.
Additional warranty options Extended servi ce plans are avail able for the printe r at additional costs. Go to , select your cou ntry/region and langu age, then explore the services and warranty area for inform ation about the extende d service plans.
Chapter 8 48 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
9 Specifications This section lists the minimum system requirements for installing the printer software, and pr ovides selected printer specifications. For a complete list of printer specifications and system requirements, see the on screen HP Photosmart Printer Help.
Printer specifications Category Specification s Media specifications Recommended maximum length: 35.6 cm (14 inch) Recommended maximum thickness: 292 µm (11.5 mil) Media sizes Photo paper, 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) Photo paper with tab, 10 x 15 cm with 1.
Category Specification s Microdrive MultiMediaCard Secure Digital Memory Sticks xD-Picture Ca rd Memory card- supported file formats Printing JPEG Uncompressed TIFF Saving All file formats Paper tray – media sizes supported Main tray 7.6 x 12.7 cm to 21.
Category Specification s Print cartridges 1 HP Black 1 HP Tri-color 1 HP Photo 1 HP Gray Photo Note The cartridge numbers you can use with this printer appear on the back cover of this gu ide.
10 HP Warranty HP Photosmart D5100 series User Guide 53.
Chapter 10 54 HP Photosmart D5100 series.
Index B Bluetooth connecting to printer 15 troubleshooting 41 borderless photos selecting layout 18 C camera-selected photos 19 cameras Bluetooth 20 connecting to printer 15 PictBridge 20 port 4 printing from 20 care and maintenance 31 cartridges.
S saving photos to computer 25 specifications 49 storing photo paper 33 print cartridges 33 printer 33 system specifications 49 T TIFF file format 17 trays, paper 4 troubleshooting Bluetooth 41 CD 40 .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) D5100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.