Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CN555A#B1H del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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OFFICEJE T 6 5 00A E710 Us er Guide.
HP Officejet 6500A (E710) e-All-in-One series User Guide.
Copyright informati on © 2010 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packar d Company notices The information contain ed in this document is su bject to change without notice.
Contents 1 Get started Accessibility......................... ........................................................ ................................. ........ ......9 Eco-Tips....... .......................... ..................... ................
Print brochures......................... ....................................................................................... ... ......31 Print brochures (Windows) ........................................................ ..........................
Receive a fax................. ...................................... .................................... ....................... ..... .....51 Receive a fax manually............................................................................... ....
8 Solve a problem HP support.......... ............................ .......................... ............................ ......................... ...........76 Obtain electron ic support......................... ........................... .......
Solve copy problems.............. .............................................................................................. ..124 No copy came out......... ............................. ............................. ........................... ..
Understand the netwo rk configuration page............... ............................................................1 59 Clear jams......... ...................... ........................ ...................... ..................... ...............
Environmental produ ct stewardship program .........................................................................188 Paper use.................................................................. .................................................... ..
Set up the printer fo r wireless communication................. ...................................... .................223 To se t up a wi reless c ommuni cation using t he Wire less Set up Wizar d....................... ....224 Understand 802.11 wireless network settings .
1 Get started This guide provide s details about how to use the p rinter and how to resolve pr oblems. • Accessibility • Eco-Tips • Understand the pri nter parts • Use the printer cont rol pan.
Eco-Tips HP is committe d to helping customers redu ce their envi ronmental foo tprint. HP has provided the Eco-Tips be low to help you focus on wa ys to assess and reduce the impact of your printi ng choices.
1 Automatic document feeder 2 Control panel 3 Color display 4 Memory card slots 5 Out put tray 6 Outpu t tray ext ension 7 Main tray 8 Scanner glass 9 Scanner backing Printing supplies area H P O f fi.
1 Universal serial bus (USB) port 2 Ethernet port 3 Power input 4 1-LINE (fax) 2-EXT (phone) 5 Rear access cover (some models only) 6 Automatic duplexer (some models only) Use the printer control pane.
Label Name and Description 5 Wireless light : The light is on when the wireless radio is on (some models only). 6 Cancel : Stops a jo b, exits a screen, or exits settings. 7 Right arrow : Navigates through settin gs in the screens. 8 Back : Touch this to return to the previous scr een.
Icon Purpose Displays the Setup screen for generating reports, changing fax and other maintenance settings, and accessing the Help screen. The topic that you select from the Help screen opens a help w indow on your computer screen. Displays the Network screen for selecting options.
Change printer setti ngs To change the p rinter settings or print reports, use the options available in th e Setup screen: 1. Touch right arrow , and then touch Setup . 2. Touch the arrows to scrol l through the screens. 3. Touch the screen item s to select screens or options.
print quality. Visit the H P Web site at for more in formation about HP media. HP recommends plain papers with the ColorLok logo for printing and copying of everyday documents.
HP Advanced Photo Paper This thick photo paper features an instant-dr y finish for easy handling without smudging. It resists water, smears, fingerprints, and humidity. Your prints have a look and feel comparab le to a store processed photo. It is available in several sizes, including A4, 8.
To order HP papers a nd other supplies, go to ww ies. If prompted, select your country/region, follow the prompt s to select your prin ter, and then click one of the shopping l inks on the page. NOTE: At this time, some po rtions of the HP Web site are available i n English only.
3. Close the li d. Load an original in the auto matic document feeder (ADF) You can copy, scan, or fax a one -sided, single- or multi ple-page, A4- or Letter-size document by placing it in the automatic document feeder t ray. CAUTION: Do not load phot os in the ADF; th is might cause damage to your photos.
2. Slide the width gui des inward until they stop at th e left and right edges of the media. NOTE: Remove all orig inals from the document feeder t ray before lifting the lid on the printer. Load media This section provides instru ctions for loading media into the printer.
3. Insert the media print-si de down along the right of the ma in tray. Make sure the media aligns with the right and back edges of the tray a nd does not exceed the line marking in the tray.
Load envelope s To load envel opes Use these instructio ns to load an envelope 1. Lift the o utput tray. 2. Slide the paper widt h guide out as far as possible. 3. Load envelopes according to the graphic. Make sure the stac k of envelopes do es not exceed the line ma rking in the tray.
3. Insert the media print-si de down along the right of the ma in tray. Make sure the media aligns with the right and back edges of the tray a nd does not exceed the line marking in the tray. If the photo paper has a tab along one edge, make sure the tab is pointing towards the front of the printer.
Load custom -size medi a To load cards and photo paper Use these instructions to load custom-size media. CAUTION: Use only custom-size media t hat is supported by the printer. For more information , see Media specifications. 1. Lift the o utput tray. 2.
Install the accessories (some models only) This section cont ains the following topics: • Install the duplexe r • Turn on accessories in the printer driver Install the duplexer You can print on both side s of a sheet of paper automatically. F or information on using the duplexer, se e Print on both sides (du plexing).
Maintain the printer This section provides instru ctions for keeping the prin ter in top working condition. Perform these m aintenance procedures as necessary.
Use a soft, damp, lint-fre e cloth to wipe dust, smudges, and sta ins off of the case. The exterior of the p rinter does not require cleaning . Keep fluids away from the in terior of the printer, as we ll as from the printer control pa nel.
To clean the plastic str ip inside the a utomatic docu ment feeder Use these instructions to clean the plastic strip inside the ADF . 1. Turn off the print er and unplug the power cord. For more i nformation, see Turn off the printer. NOTE: Depending ho w long the printer is unplugg ed, the date and time might be erased.
5. Clean the plastic stri p with a soft cloth or sponge slight ly moistened with a nonabrasive glass cleaner. CAUTION: Do not use abrasives, acetone , benzene, or carbon tetrachlori de on the plastic st rip, since they can damage it. Do not place or spray liquid directly on the pla stic strip.
2P r i n t Most print settings a re automatically handled by th e software application. Ch ange the settings manuall y only when you want to change p rint quality, print on specif ic types of paper, or use special f eatures. For more information ab out selecting the best print media for your do cuments, see Select print media.
Print document s (Windows) 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media. 2. On the File menu in your software applicati on, click Print . 3. Make sure the printer you wan t to use is selected. 4. To change setting s, click the option that open s the printer Properties dialog box.
5. Change the pap er orientation on the Layout tab, and paper so urce, media type, paper size, and q uality settings on the Paper/Quality ta b. To prin t in black and white, click the Adva nced tab, and then change th e Print in Grayscale optio n. 6. Click OK .
6. Click the Paper/Quality tab, and then select the appropri ate envelo pe type fr om the Pape r Size drop-down list . TIP: You can change m ore options for the print job by using the features available on the ot her tabs in the dialog box. 7. Click OK , and then click Print or OK to begin printing.
4. Click Paper Type/Quality from the po p-up menu (located below the Orientation setting), a nd then se lect the fo llowing set tings: • Paper Type: The appropriate pho to paper type • Quality: Best or Maxi mum dpi NOTE: Click the blue disclo sure triangle next to the Printer selection to access these options.
- or - a . Touch a p hoto you wa nt to print. T he photo en larges and gives you se veral editing opt ions. • Touch the up and down arrows to specify the number of copies you wa nt to print. • Touch the Full Screen icon to enla rge the ph oto to fil l the screen.
NOTE: With certain types of pap er, you can print on both sides of a shee t of paper (called “two-sided prin ting” or “duplex printing”). For more inf ormation, see Print on both sides (dup lexing). Follow the inst ructions for your operating system.
Print borderless documents (Windows) 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media. 2. On the File menu in your software applicati on, click Print . 3. Make sure the printer you wan t to use is selected. 4. To change setting s, click the option that open s the printer Properties dialog box.
Follow the in structions on the print er’s control panel to ena ble and set up the printer’ s Web Services. For m ore information, see Print on both sides (duplexing) You can print on both si des of a sheet of media either ma nually or automatically, by using the duplexer.
3. With a document op en, click Print on the File menu, and then select Layout and select Print on Both Sides to set the dupl ex printing. 4. Change any othe r settings, and then click OK .
3 Scan You can use the printe r’s control panel to scan document s, photos, and other originals and send them to a vari ety of desti nations, such as a fold er on a computer . You can also scan these origin als from your computer using ei ther the HP software provided with the printer or TW AIN-compliant or WIA-compl iant programs.
3. Touch Document Type to select the type of document you want to save . Make changes to scan optio ns, if needed. 4. Touch Start Scan . To scan an origi nal from HP printer software 1. Load your original prin t-side down in the right-front corner of the glass or in the ADF.
Scanning documents as editable text When scanning document s, you can use the HP software to sca n documents into a format that you can search , copy, paste, and edit.
4C o p y You can produce high-quality color and grayscale copies on a variety of paper types and sizes. NOTE: If you are copying a documen t when a fax arrives, the fax is stored in the printer's me mory until the copying fi nishes. Thi s can reduc e the number of fax pages stored in memo ry.
• Lighter/Darker set tings • Resizing origin als to fit on different paper size s You can use these settin gs for single copy jobs, or you can sa ve settings to be used as defaults for f uture jobs. To change copy setti ngs for a single job 1. Touch Copy .
5F a x You can use the printer t o send and receive faxes, including color faxes. You can schedule faxes to be sent a t a later time and set up speed-dia ls to send faxes quickly and easily to frequent ly used numbers.
TIP: You can also se nd a fax manually from a ph one or by using monitor dialing. These features allow you to control the pace of your dialing. Th ey are also useful when you want to use a calling card to charge the cal l and you have to respond to tone prompt s while dialing.
Mac OS X 1. Open the document on your computer that you wan t to fax. 2. From the File menu i n your soft ware applic ation, clic k Print . 3. Make sure the printer you wan t to use is selected. TIP: Select the printe r that has “(Fax)” in the name.
4. If the recipient answers the telephone, you can engag e in a conversation before sending your fax. NOTE: If a fax machine an swers the call , you will hear fax t ones from the receiving fax machine. Pro ceed to the next step to transmit the f ax. 5.
to connect to the receivin g fax machine. After the printer scans the page s into memory, you can immedia tely remove the originals from the docum ent feeder tray or scanner glass. NOTE: You can onl y send a bl ack-and-whi te fax from memor y. To send a fax from mem ory 1.
To cancel a sched uled fax 1. Touch the Send Fax L ater message on the display. – OR – Touch Fax , and then select Fax Settings . 2. Touch Cancel Sche duled Fax . Send a fax to multiple recipients You can send a fax to mul tiple recipients at once by grou ping individual speed dial entries into group spe ed dial entries.
Receive a fax You can receive faxe s automatically or manually. If you turn off the Auto Answer option, you must receive f axes manually. If you turn on the Auto Answer option (the default settin g), the printer automatically answers incoming call s and receives faxes after the num ber of rings that are specified by the Rings to Answer set ting.
4. If you are currently on the phone with the sender, instruct the sender to press Start on their fax machine. 5. When you hear fax ton es from a sending fax machine, do th e following: a . Touch Fax , and then select Sta rt Black or Start Color . b .
NOTE: After the memory becomes ful l, the oldest, printed faxes are overwrit ten as new faxes are received . If all the stored faxes are unprint ed, the printer does not receive any fax calls until you pr int or delete the faxes from memory. You might also want to delet e the faxes in memory for security or privacy purposes .
4. Touch On (Print and Forw ard) to prin t and forwar d the fax, or select On (Forward) to forward the fax. NOTE: If the printer is not ab le to forward the fax to the designated fax machine (for example, if it is not turned on), the printe r prints the fax.
Block unwanted fa x numbers If you subscribe to a caller ID service through your phone provider, you can block specific fax numbers so the printe r does not print faxes received from those nu mbers.
4. Touch Remo ve Numbers . 5. Touch the number you want to remove, and then select OK . Print a Junk Fax Rep ort Use the follow ing procedure to print a list of b locked junk fax numbers. To print a Junk Fax Report 1. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup .
Activate Fax to PC and Fax to Mac On a computer runnin g Windows, you can use the Digi tal Fax Setup Wizard to activa te Fax to PC. On a Macintosh comput er, you can use the HP Utilit y. To set up Fax to PC (Windows) 1. Open the HP printer so ftware. For more information, see HP pri nter software (Windows ).
Turn off Fax to PC or Fax to Mac 1. Touch (right arrow), and then sele ct Setup . 2. Touch Fax Setup , touch Basic Fax Setu p , and then touch Fax to PC . 3. Touch Turn Off . Set up speed-dial entries You can set up frequent ly used fax numbers as speed-dial e ntries.
4. If you want to change the fax nu mber, type the new number, and then to uch Next . NOTE: Be sure to inclu de any pau ses or other requ ired number s, such as an area code, an acce ss code for numbers outside a PBX system (usually a 9 or 0), or a long-distan ce prefix.
Print a list of speed-dial entries To print a list of all of the speed-dial entries that have been set up, complete t he following ste ps: 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media. 2. On the printer’s cont rol panel, touch right arrow , and then t ouch Setup .
To set the answer mod e 1. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup . 2. Touch Fax Setup , an d then select Basic F ax Setup . 3. Touch Auto Answer , and then select On or Off . When Au to Answer is On , the printe r answers cal ls automati cally. When Auto Answer is Off , it does not answer calls.
To change the answ er ring pattern for distinctiv e ring 1. Verify that the printer is set to answer f ax calls automatically. 2. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup . 3. Touch Fax Setup , an d then select Advanc ed Fax Setu p 4. Touch Distin ctive Ring .
To set the redial options 1. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup . 2. Touch Fax Setup , an d then select Advanc ed Fax Setu p . 3. Touch to select the app ropriate Busy Redia l or No Answ er Redial options.
Fax and digital phone services Many telephone com panies provide their customers w ith digital phone services, such as the followi ng: • DSL: A Digital subscrib er line (DSL) service through your teleph one company. (DSL might be called AD SL in your country/region.
Use reports You can set up the print er to print error reports and conf irmation reports autom atically for each fax you send and receive. You c an also manually print system reports as required; these reports provide useful system information about the printer.
3. Touch Fax Con firmation . 4. Touch to select one o f the following opti ons. Off Does not print a fax confirmation report when you send and receive faxes successfully. This is the default setting. On (Fax Send) Prints a fax confirmation report for every fax you send.
To clear the fax log v ia the printer control panel 1. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup . 2. Touch Tools . 3. Touch down arrow , and then se lect Clear Fax L og . Print the details of th e last fax transaction The Last Fax Transactio n report prints the details of th e last fax transaction to occur.
6W e b The printer offers inno vative, Web-enabled solutions tha t can help you quickly access the Internet, ob tain documents, and print the m faster and with less hassle—and all without using a compute r. In addition, you can use a Web servi ce (Marketsplash by HP) to create and prin t professional-quality market ing materials.
Marketsplash by HP Grow your business using onl ine HP tools and services to create and prin t professional marketing mate rials. With Marketsplash, you can do the following: • Quickly and easily create amazing, professional-qual ity brochures, flyers, business cards, and more.
7 Work with ink cartridges To ensure the best print q uality from the printer, you need to perform some simple maintenance pro cedures. This section provides gu idelines for handling the ink cartridges, in structions for replacing the ink cartridges, and align ing and cleaning the printhead.
• Handle ink ca rtridges carefully. Dropp ing, jarring, or rough handling du ring installation can cause temporary printing problems. • If you are transpo rting the printer, do the f ollowing to prevent ink leaking fr om the printer or other d amage from occurring to t he printer: ◦ Make sure you turn off the printer by pressi ng Power .
NOTE: At this time, some po rtions of the HP Web site are available i n English only. CAUTION: Wait until you have a ne w ink cartridge available befo re removing the old ink cartridge. Do n ot leave the ink cartridge outside of the printer for an extended period of ti me.
5. Twist the orange cap t o snap it off. NOTE: Make sure the plas tic tab is entirely removed and t hat the label is slightly torn , revealing the vent channel. 6. Using the colored shaped icons for help, slid e the ink cartridge into the empt y slot until it clicks into pl ace and is seated firmly in the slot.
Make sure that you insert the i nk cartridge into the slot tha t has the same shaped icon and color as the one you are installing. 7. Repeat steps 3 th rough 6 for each ink cartridge yo u are replacing.
If you are concerned about providing this anonym ous information, you can make t his information in accessible by turning off the memory chip's abilit y to collect the printer's usage information : To turn off usage informati on collection 1.
8 Solve a problem The information in this section suggests solutions to comm on problems. If your printer is not operating corre ctly and those suggesti ons did no t solve you r problem, try using one of the follo wing support services to obtai n assistance.
Obtain electronic support To find support and warran ty informat ion, go to the HP Web site at www.h support. If prompted, choose your cou ntry/region, and then click Contact HP for information on calling for technical su pport.
• Message s that appear when the situ ation occurs • Answers to these quest ions: ◦ Has this situat ion happened before? ◦ Can you re-create it? ◦ Did you add any new ha rdware or software t.
Telephone supp ort numbers In many locati ons, HP provi des toll fr ee telepho ne support during the warranty period . However, some of the support numb ers might not be toll free.
For the most current list of telephone support num bers, see $IULFD(QJOLVK VSHDNLQJ $IULTXHIUDQFR SKRQH .
After the phone support period After the phone supp ort period, help is available f rom HP at an additional cost . Help may also be available at th e HP online support Web site: www Contact yo ur HP dealer or ca ll the suppor t phone numb er for your country/region to learn more about sup port options.
Solve printing problems This section cont ains the following topics: • The printer shuts do wn unexpectedly • Alignment fails • Printer takes a long time to print • Something on the page is mi.
Somethin g on the page is missing or in correct Check the in k cartridges Make sure the correct in k cartridges are installed and the i nk cartridges are not low on ink.
Solution 1: Load the sta ck of envelopes correctly Solution: Load a stack of envelo pes in the input tray according to the image below. Make sure that you remove all paper from the input tray before l oading the envelope s. Cause: A stack of enve lopes was loaded incorrectly.
The printer is not respondin g or nothing ha ppens when I tr y to print Try the following sol utions to resolve the issue. Solution s are listed in order, with th e most likely solution first. I f the first solution does not solve the problem, continue trying the remaining sol utions un til the issue is reso lved.
Solution 4: Check th e printer driver status Solution: The printer driv er status might have changed to eit her offline or stop printing . To check the printe r driver status • Windows : In the HP printer soft ware, click Printer Actions , and then click See What's Prin ting .
If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 8: Ma ke sure the print carri age can move freely Solution: Unplug the pow er cable if it is not already unplu gged. Check to see if the print carriage moves free ly from one side of the printer t o the other.
Solution 10: Restar t the printer Solution: 1. Turn off the printer. Fo r more information, see Turn off the printer. 2. Unplug th e power cord. Pl ug the power co rd back in, and t hen press the Power button to turn on th e printer. Cause: The prin ter experienced an error.
The margins are n ot printing as expected Try the following sol utions to resolve the issue. Solution s are listed in order, with th e most likely solution first. I f the first solution does not solve the problem, continue trying the remaining sol utions un til the issue is reso lved.
Text or graphics are cut off at the edge of the page Try the following sol utions to resolve the issue. Solution s are listed in order, with th e most likely solution first. I f the first solution does not solve the problem, continue trying the remaining sol utions un til the issue is reso lved.
Cause: The size of t he document you were prin ting was larger than the pape r loaded in the i nput tray. If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 3: Load th e stack of papers correctly Solution: If the paper is misfeed ing, it could cause parts of the docume nt to cut off.
Solution 2: Load paper in the input tray Solution: If the printer h as only a few sheets remaining, l oad more paper in the input tray. If there is pl enty of paper in the input tray, remove the paper, tap the stack of paper aga inst a flat surface, and reload the pa per into the input tray.
• Solution 5 : Check for a pa per jam • Solution 6: Service th e printer Solution 1: Rest art the printer Solution: Turn off the print er, and then unplug the pow er cord. Plug the power cord back in, and then press th e Power button to t urn on the printer.
Solution 4: Clea n the rollers Solution: Clean the roll ers. Make sure you have th e following materials a vailable: • A lint-free cloth, or an y soft material that will not come apart or leave fibers. • Distilled, f iltered, or bottled water (tap w ater might contain contam inants that can damage the in k cartridges).
Print quality troubleshooting Use this section to so lve these print quality problems: • Wrong, inaccura te, or bleeding colors • Ink is not filling the text or gra phics completely • The printo.
NOTE: HP cannot gua rantee the quality or relia bility of non-HP supplies. Printer service or repair s required as a result of using a non-HP sup ply are not covered under warra nty. If you believe you pu rchased genuine HP ink cartridges, go to: www.
Solution 4: Check the in k levels Solution: Check the estimated ink leve ls in the ink cartridges. NOTE: Ink level alerts and indicators provide estimates f or planning purposes only. When you rece ive a low-ink alert, consider having a repl acement cartridge available to avoid p ossible printing delays.
If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 7: Clea n the printhead Solution: Check the fo llowing po tential p roblems, and then clea n the print head. • Check the or ange pull tab on the ink cartridges. Make sure they were completely removed.
NOTE: HP cannot gua rantee the quality or relia bility of non-HP supplies. Printer service or repair s required as a result of using a non-HP sup ply are not covered under warra nty. If you believe you pu rchased genuine HP ink cartridges, go to: www.
you plan to use immedi ately. When you have finished printi ng, return any unused photo paper to th e plastic bag. This prevents the photo paper from curling. For more information, see: Select print med ia Cause: The wr ong kind of paper was loaded in the input tray.
Always make sure the pap er you are printing on is flat. For best resu lts when printing images, use HP Advanced Photo Paper. Store photo media in its original packaging inside a resealabl e plastic bag on a flat surface in a cool, dry place. When you are ready to print, remove only the paper you plan to use immedi ately.
Solution 1: Make sure th e paper is loaded correctly Solution: Make sure that the pape r is loaded correctly in the input tray. For more information, see: Load medi a Cause: The paper w as not loaded correctly. If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution.
Solution 5: Clea n the printhead Solution: Check the fo llowing po tential p roblems, and then clea n the print head. After cleaning the printhead, print a print qualit y report. Evaluate the print quality report to see i f the print quality pr oblem still e xists.
Always make sure the pap er you are printing on is flat. For best resu lts when printing images, use HP Advanced Photo Paper. Store specialty media in its original packaging insid e a resealable plastic bag on a flat surface in a cool, dry place. When you are ready to pri nt, remove only the paper you plan to use immedi ately.
If prompted, choose your country/reg ion, and then click Contact HP for information on calling fo r te chnical support. Cause: There was a problem with the printh ead. Printouts seem blurry or fuzzy Try the following sol utions if your printout is not sharp or unclear.
If a digital photo or rasterized graphic has been resized, it can b e blurry or fuzzy when printed. Cause: The im age was printed in a larger size . If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 4: Align the printhead Solution: Align the prin thead.
Solution 1: Make sure th e paper is loaded correctly Solution: Make sure that the pape r is loaded correctly in the input tray. For more information, see: Load medi a Cause: The paper w as not loaded correctly. If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution.
Solution 2: Wait while the in k dries Solution: Wait at least thirty minutes for th e ink inside the printer to dry, then try the print job aga in. Cause: The excess ink in the printer needed to dry out. Poor black text Try the following sol utions if the text in your printo uts is not sharp and the edges are rough.
Aligning the pr inter can help ensure excellent print q uality. For more information, see: Align the pri nthead Cause: The print er needed to be aligned. If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 4: Clea n the printhead Solution: If the previou s solutions did not resolve the issue, try cleaning the printhead.
Cause: The ink ca rtridges might ha ve insufficient ink. In sufficient ink may cause the printhead t o overheat. When the printhead overheats, the printer slows down to allow it to cool. If this di d not sol ve the issue , try the next so lution. Solution 3: Contact HP s upport Solution: Contact HP support for service.
To clean the printhead from the control panel 1. Load letter, A4, or legal unused plain white p aper into the main in put tray. 2. Touch right arrow , and then select Setup . 3. Touch Tools , and th en select Clean Printhea d . Align the printhead The printer autom atically aligns the printh ead during the initial setup.
To evaluate the Pr int Quality Diagnos tic Page This section includes t he following topics: • Ink Levels • Good color bars • Ragged, irregula rly streaked, or faded bars • Regular white stre .
▲ Look at the Ink L evel indicators in Line 21. If any of t he bar level indicators are low, you may need to replace th at ink cartridge. NOTE: Ink level warnings and ind icators provide estimates for planning purposes only.
Example of Bad Color Bars The top black bar is ragged on one end. If any of the bars are rag ged, irregularly streaked, or fa ded, follow these steps: 1. Make sure the ink ca rtridges have ink. 2. Remove the cartridge corre sponding to the streaked bar and ma ke sure it is correctly vented.
Regular white s treaks in the bars If any of the colo r bars show regular white streaks, follow t hese steps: White streaks The print quality bars have white streaks in them. 1. If the Print Quality D iagnostic report reads PHA TTOE = 0 , align the p rinter.
Large Black Font Te xt Look at the large-font te xt above the color blocks. I ABCDEFG ab cdefg The type should be sharp and cl ear. If the type is jagged, t ry aligning the printe r. If there are streaks or smears of ink, clean the prin thead. Example of good Large-Font Type The letters are sharp and clear - the printer is ope rating correctly.
Examples of a bad alignment pattern The lines are jagged - align the pr inter. If that does not work, contact HP. If you see no defects If you do not see any defect s on the print quality report, then the printing system is working correctly.
3. Remove all of the ink cart ridges and place them on a piece of paper with the ink opening point ing up. 4. Lift the latch ha ndle on the print carriag e.
6. Clean the printhead. There are three ar eas of the printhead that need to be cleaned: the plastic ramps on both sides of th e ink nozzles, the edge between the nozzles and the electrical contacts, and th e electrical contacts.
c . Use a fresh, light ly dampened, lint-free cloth to wip e the plastic ramps on both sides of the nozzles. W ipe away from the nozzles. d . Wipe the previously cleaned areas dry with a dry lint -free cloth before proceeding to the next step. 7. Clean the electrical contacts in side the pri nter.
9. Carefully lower th e latch handle. NOTE: Make sure you low er the latch handle before rein serting the ink cartridges. Leaving t he latch handle raised can resu lt in incorrectly seated ink cartridges and problems pri nting. The latch must remain dow n in order to correctly instal l the ink cartridges.
3. Open the ink cartridge acce ss door by lifting from the f ront right of the printer, until the door locks into place. HP Officejet 650 0B Plus e-All-in-One 1 4 7 * @ 2 5 8 3 6 9 0# a b c j k l t u v g h i p q r s d e f m n o w x y z The print carriage moves to the center of the printe r.
c . Repeat steps a an d b for each ink cartridge. 5. For each ink cartridge, wi pe the sensor window with a dry swab or lint-free cloth. The sensor window is an area of clear plastic near the copper or gold-colored metal contacts on the bottom of t he ink cartridge.
Media is not coming out correctl y • Make sure the o utput tray extender is fully extend ed; otherwise, printed p ages may fall off the printe r. • Remove excess media from the output tray. There is a limit to the number of sheets the tray ca n hold.
• The printer prints half a page, then ejects the pap er • Paper mismatch No copy ca me out • Check the power Make sure that the po wer cord is securely connected, and t he printer turned on. • Check the status of the pri nter ◦ The printer might be b usy with another job.
Size is reduced • The reduce/enlarg e or other copy feature might have be en set from the printer control panel to reduce the scanned image. Check the settings for the copy job to make sure that they are for normal size. • The HP software settings might be set to reduce the scanned image.
• Incompletely filled text or graphics Try adjusting the con trast and copy-quality setting s. • Large, black typ efaces look splotchy (not sm ooth) The default en hancement setting might not be sui table for the job. Check the setting and chang e it to enhance text or photographs, i f needed.
Scanner did nothing • Check the origi nal Make sure that the ori ginal is placed on the scanner glass corre ctly. For more informatio n, see Load an original on the scanner glass. • Check the printer The printer might be co ming out of PowerSave mode after a p eriod of inactivity, which delays processin g a short while.
Part of the documen t did not scan or text is mis sing • Check the origi nal ◦ Make sure that you loaded th e original correctly. For more information, see Load an origina l on the scanner glass. ◦ If you are copying a borderless original, load the orig inal on the scanner glass, not the ADF.
◦ The accuracy of the softwa re depends on the image quality, text size , and structure of the orig inal and the quality of the scan itself. Make sure that your original has good imag e quality . ◦ Colored backgroun ds can cause images in the foreground to blend too much.
Graphics look different from th e original The graph ics settings mi ght not be suitable for the type of scan job that you are performing. Try chan ging the graphics settings. Take steps to impr ove the scan quality ◦ Use high-qua lity origi nals. ◦ Place the media correctl y.
If you are having faxing problems, yo u can print a fax test report to check th e status of the printer. The te st will fail if the printer is not set up correctly for faxing. Perform this test after you have comple ted setting up the printer f or faxing.
• Make sure you use the phone cord that came with the printer. If you do not use the supplied ph one cord to connect from the t elephone wall jack to th e printer, you might no t be able to send or receiv e faxes. Afte r you plug i n the phone cord that came with the pri nter, run the fax test again.
The "Phone Cord Connecte d to Correct Port on Fax" test failed Solution: Plug the phone cord into the correct port. 1. Using the phon e cord supplied in the box with t he printer, connect one en d to your telephone w all jack, then connect the other end to the port labeled 1-LINE on the ba ck of the pri nter.
connected to t he port labeled 1-LINE on t he back of the printer, and th e other end to your tel ephone wall jack. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the "1-LINE" port If the phone cord that came w ith the printer is not long enoug h, you can use a coupler to extend the l ength.
• Make sure you have correct ly connected the printer to the te lephone wall jack. Using the phon e cord supplied in the box with t he printer, connect one en d to your telephone w all jack, then connect the other end to the port labeled 1-LINE on the ba ck of the pri nter.
• Other equipm ent, which uses the same p hone line as the printer, might be causing the test to fail. To find out if other equ ipment is causing a problem, disconnect everythin g from the phone line, and then run the test again.
Solution: If Fax to PC or Fax to Mac has been enable d, you may not be able to send or receive faxes if the fax memory is full (limited by printer memory). Solution: • Make sure you used th e phone cord supplied in the box with t he printer to connect to the tel ephone wall jack.
• The phone li ne connection might b e noisy. Phone lines with poor sound qu ality (noise) can cause faxin g problems. Ch eck the soun d quality o f the phone line by plugging a pho ne into the telephone wa ll jack and listening for static or o ther noise.
• Make sure the telephone you use to initiate th e fax call is connected directly to the printer. To sen d a fax manually, the telephone mu st be connected directly to the port labe led 2-EXT on the printer.
• If you have an answering mac hine on the sa me phone li ne with the p rinter, you might have one of the following problems: ◦ Your answerin g machine mi ght not be set up correct ly with the printer.
The printer cannot sen d faxes, but can receive faxes Solution: • The printer mig ht be dialing too fast or to o soon. You might need to insert som e pauses in the number sequ ence. For example, if you nee d to access an outside line before dialing t he phone number, insert a pause fo llowing the access number.
TIP: If the printer came with a 2-wire phone cord adaptor, you can use it with a 4-wire phone cord to extend the length. For inform ation on using the 2-wire phone cord adapto r, see the documentation th at came with it.
Solve proble ms using HP Web servic es If you are havi ng problems using the H P Apps or other Web services fro m the printer’s control panel, check the following: • Make sure the p rinter is connected to the Interne t.
◦ Inspect the ends of the me mory card for dirt or material that close s a hole or spoils a metal co ntact. Clean the contact s with a lint-free cloth an d small amounts of isopropyl alcoho l. ◦ Make sure that the memory card is working correct ly by testing it with other devices.
Network port created does not match printer IP address (Wind ows) If you are using a compu ter running Windows, make sure tha t the network ports created in the printer dr iver match th e printer IP address: 1. Print the printer’ s network configuration page 2.
Step 3 - Run the Wireless Ne twork Test For wireless networking issues , run the Wireless Netw ork Test. To print a Wireless Network Test page, to uch right arrow , touch Network , touch Wireless , and th en select Wireless N etwork Test .
To check a wirel ess connection 1. Make sure that your compu ter's wireless has been turned on. (Fo r more information, see the documentation that came with your computer.) 2. If you are not using a uniqu e network name (SSID), then it is po ssible that your wireless computer cou ld be connected to a nearby network that i s not yours.
A: Make sure the prin ter is on the network 1. If the printer supp orts Ethernet networking and is connected to an Ethernet network, make sure an Etherne t cable is not plugged into the ba ck of the printer. If an Ethernet cable is p lugged into the back, then wireless con nectivity is disabled.
communicate w ith each other over the network. F or more information, see Configure your firewal l to work with printers. If you are able to access the EWS, but a re still unable to use the printe r even with the firewall tu rned off, try en abling th e firewall soft ware to recog nize the pr inter.
printing or connecting to the printer, make sure the correct versio n of the printer driver is set as the default. 1. On the computer desktop, click Start , select Settings , and then click Printers or Printers a nd Faxe s . - Or - Click Start , click Control Panel , and then do uble-click Printers .
device access to the netwo rk. If the WAP filters MAC addresses, th en the printer’s MAC address must be added to the WAP’s list of accepted MAC addresses. • Print the netw ork configuration page. For more inf ormation, see Understand t he network configurati on page.
NOTE: Refer to your firew all documentation on how to configure the f irewall port settings and how to add H P files to the “trusted“ li st. Some firewalls contin ue to cause interference even afte r you disable them.
NOTE: To use the EWS, the pr inter must be connected to a netw ork using either an Etherne t or a wirel ess connec tion (some mode ls only). Yo u cannot u se the EWS if the printer is connect ed to a computer with a USB cable.
Troubleshoot inst allation issues If the following t opics do not help, see HP support for inf ormation about HP support. • Hardware install ation suggestions • HP software in stallation suggestio.
5. Press down on any cartridges th at are sticking up. They should snap dow n into place. 6. If an ink cartridge was sticking up and you were able t o snap it back down into place, close the in k cartridge access door and check if the error h as gone away.
Solve networ k problems General network troublesho oting • If you are unable t o install the HP software, verify that: ◦ All cable co nnections to t he computer an d the printer are secure. ◦ The networ k is operatio nal and th e network hu b is turned on.
Understand the Prin ter Status Report Use the Pr inter Status Report to: • View current prin ter information and ink cartridge status • Help troublesho ot problems The Printer Status Re port also contains a log of recent events. If you need to call HP, it is often useful to print the Prin ter Status Report before calling .
1. Printer Information: Shows printer informa tion (such as the printer name, mode l number, serial number, and firmware versi on number), as well as usage information. p rinted from the tray. 2. Ink Delive ry System Information : Shows information ab out the ink cartridges, such as the esti mated ink levels.
1. General Inform ation: Shows information about t he current status and active connection type of the network, and other informati on, such as the URL of the embedded W eb server.
To print the network configurati on page from the printer control panel From the Home screen, touch right arrow , and then sele ct Setup . Touch Reports , and then select Networ k Configur ation Pag e . Clear jams Occasionally, media becomes jammed during a job.
Push the left end of t he rear access panel and slide to the ri ght, and then pull the duplexer toward s you. 2 1 2 1 CAUTION: Trying to clear a paper jam f rom the front of the printe r can damage the print mechanism. Always access and clear pap er jams through the duplexer.
2. Gently pull the paper out of the rollers. CAUTION: If the paper tears when you are removi ng it from the rollers, check the rollers and wheels for t orn pieces of paper that might be remaining i nside the printer. If you d o not remove all the pieces of pape r from the printer, more paper jams are li kely to occur.
A Technical information This section contains the following topics: • Warranty information • Printer specifications • Regulatory information • Environmental product stewardship program • Thi.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement A. Extent of limited warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on the date of purchase by the customer .
Ink cartridge wa rranty information The HP cartridge warra nty is a pplicable when the product is used in its designated HP printing device. This warranty does not cover HP ink products that have been refilled, remanufactured, refurbished, misused, or tampered with.
Printer specifications This section contains the following topics: • Physical specifications • Printer features and capacities • Processor and memory specifications • System requirements • N.
Feature Capacity Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tr aditional Chinese, Turkish. Processor and m emory specifications Processor: 192 MHz ARM9 core Memory: 64 MB DDR1 System require ments NOTE: For the most current information about supported operating systems and system requirements, visit www.
• Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Terminal Services with Citrix XenApp 5.0 • Novell Netware 6.5, Open Enterprise Server 2 Compatible network protocols TCP/IP Network management Embedded Web server F.
Media size Input tray Duplexer (some models) ADF B5 (JIS) (182 x 257 mm; 7.17 x 10.12 inches) B5 (ISO) (176 x 250 mm; 6.9 x 9.8 inches) B7 (88 x 125mm; 3.5 x 4.9 inches) A5 (148 x 210 mm; 5.8 x 8.3 inches) Borderless A4 (210 x 297 mm; 8.3 x 11.7 inches) Borderless A5 (148 x 210 mm; 5.
Media size Input tray Duplexer (some models) ADF Index card (102 x 152 mm; 4 x 6 inches) Index card (127 x 203 mm; 5 x 8 inches) A6 card (105 x 148.5 mm; 4.13 x 5.83 inches) Borderless A6 card (105 x 148.5 mm; 4.13 x 5.83 inches) Hagaki** (100 x 148 mm; 3.
Media size Input tray Duplexer (some models) ADF Borderless 4 x 6 tab (102 x 152 mm; 4 x 6 inches) Borderless 10 x 15 cm tab Borderless 4 x 8 tab (10 x 20 cm) Borderless HV (101 x 180 mm; 4.0 x 7.1 inches) Borderless double A4 (210 x 594 mm; 8.3 x 23.
Tray Type Weight Capacity Labels Up to 40 sheets (8 mm or 0.31 inch stacked) Envelopes 75 to 90 g/m 2 (20 to 24 lb bond envelope) Up to 15 sheets (8 mm or 0.
Media (1) Left margin (2) Right margin (3) Top margin (4) Bott om margin* Photo media Envelopes 3.0 mm (0.125 inches) 3.0 mm (0.125 inches) 3.0 mm (0.125 inches) 14.4 mm (0.568 inches) NOTE: Only Mac OS X supports custom paper sizes. Guidelines for two-si ded (duplex) printing • Always use media that conforms to the printe r specifications.
Paper type Printer control pan el setting HP Premium Plus Photo Papers Premium Photo Paper HP Premium Photo Papers Premium Photo Paper HP Advanced Photo Paper Premium Photo Paper HP Everyday Photo Pap.
Photo (dpi) Very Fine (dpi) Fine (dpi) Standard (dpi) Black 196 x 203 (8-bit grayscale) 300 x 300 196 x 203 196 x 98 Color 300 x 300 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 Scan specif ications • Integrated O.
Acoustic emission s pecific ation Print in Draft mode, noise levels per ISO 7779 Sound pressure (bystander position) LpAm 55 (dBA) Sound power LwAd 6.8 (BA) Memory card s pecifications • Maximum rec.
Regulatory information The printer meets product requirements from r egulatory agencies in your country/reg ion. This section contains the following topics: • FCC statement • Notice to users in Ko.
FCC statemen t FCC sta tement The Unit ed States F ederal C ommunicati ons Commission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05 ) has specif ied that the follo wing noti ce be brought to the atten tion of user s of this produc t.
Notice to users in Ja pan about the power cord Noise emis sion statem ent for Germ any Geräusc hemission LpA < 7 0 dB am Arbeitsplatz im Nor malbetrieb nac h DIN 45 6 35 T .
Notice to users of the U.S. telephone ne twork: FCC requirements Notice to users of th e U.S. telephone n etwork: FCC requirements This equipmen t complies w ith FCC rules , P art 68. On this equipment is a label that contains, among other inf ormation , the FCC Registr ation Number and R inger Eq uivalen t Number (REN) for this equipmen t.
Notice to users of the Canadian tel ephone network Note à l’at tention des utilis ateurs du réseau téléphoni que canadien/N otice to users of the C anadi an telephone n etwork Cet appar eil est conf orme au x spécif ications t echniques de s équipements terminau x d’Industr ie Canada .
Notice to users in the Eu ropean Economic Ar ea Notice to users in th e European Economic Area This pr oduct is designed t o be connected to the analog S witc hed T elecommunication Networks (P S TN) of the Eur opean E conomic Area (EE A) countri es/regi ons.
Exposure to radio fr equency radiation Exposure to radio frequency radiation Caution The radiated output power of this devic e is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
European Union regulatory noti ce European Union Regulator y Notice Products bearing the CE marking comply with the following EU Directives: · Low V oltage Directive 2006/95/EC · EMC Directive 2004/108/EC CE compliance of this product is valid only if power ed with the correct CE-marked AC adapter provided by HP .
Declaration of conformity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1 Supplier’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Company DoC#: SNPRC-1004-01-A Supplier’s Address: 138, Depot Road, .
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1 Supplier’s Name: Hewlett-Packard Company DoC#: SNPRC-1004-02-A Supplier’s Address: 138, Depot Road, #02-01,#04-01 Singapore 10.
Environmental product stewardship p rogram Hewlett-Packard is committed to providing qua lity products in an environmentally sound manner . Design for recycling has been incorpor ated into this product. The number of materials has been kept to a minimum while ensuring proper functiona lity and reliability.
Disposal of waste equipmen t by users in private households in the Europe an Union Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed of with y our other household wa ste .
Power co nsumptio n Hewlett-Packard printing and imagin g equipment marked with the ENERGY STAR® logo is qualified to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR specifications for imaging equipment. The following mark appears on ENERGY STAR qualified imaging products: ENERGY STAR is a U.
Third-party licenses This section contains the following topics: • HP Officejet 6500A (E710) e-All-in-One series HP Officejet 6500 A (E710) e-All-in -One series LICENSE.aes-pubdom- -crypto /* rijndael-alg-fst.c * * @version 3.0 (December 2000) * * Optimised ANSI C code for the Rijndael cipher (now AES) * * @author Vincent Rijmen <vincent.
OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =============================== ===================================== This product includes cryptographi c software written b y Eric Young ( This product in cludes softw are written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.
Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems , Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ECC cipher suite support in OpenSSL originally developed by SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and contributed to the OpenSSL project.
freely, subject to the follo wing restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misr epresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the pr oduct documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
B HP supplies and accessories This section provides informati on on HP supplies and accessories for the printer. The information is subject to changes, vi sit the HP Web site ( for the latest updates. You may also make purchases through the Web site.
HP media To order media such as HP Premium Paper , go to HP recommends plain papers with the ColorLok logo for printing everyday documents.
C Additional fax setup After completing all the steps in the getting starte d guide, use the instructions in this section to complete your fax setup. Keep your getting star ted guide for later use.
Mexico Philippines Poland Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Taiwan Thailand USA Venezuela Vietnam If you are unsure which kind of telephone syste m y ou have (serial or parallel), check with your telephone company.
• Answering machine: An answering machine that answers voice calls at the same ph one number you use for fax calls on the printer. • Voice mail service: A voice mail subscrip tion through your telephone company at the same number you use for fax calls on the p rinter.
Other equipment or service s sharing your fax line Recommended fax setup DSL PBX Distinct ive rin g service Voice calls Computer dial-up modem Answering machine Voice mail servi ce Case J: Shar ed voi.
When the phone rings, the printer answers automatical ly a fter the number of rings you set in the Rings to Answer setting. The printer begins emitting fax reception tones to th e sending fax machine and receives the fax.
If you encounter problems setting up the printer with optional equipment, co ntact your local service provider or vendor for further assistance. Case C: Set up the printer wi th a PBX phone system or .
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. To set up the print er with a distinctive ring service 1.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. 3 Telephone (optional) To set up the print er with a shared voice/fax line 1.
Back view o f the printe r 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the "1-LINE" port You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. To set up the printer with voice mail 1.
Set up the printer with a computer dial-up mod em If you are using the same phone line for sending fa xes and for a computer dial-up modem, follow these directions for setting up the printer.
Set up the printer with a computer DSL/ADSL mod em If you have a DSL line and use that phone line to send faxes, follow these instr uctions to set up your fax. 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Parallel splitter 3 DSL/ADSL filter Connect one end of the phone jack that was supplied with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port on the back of the printer.
To set up the print er with a compute r DSL/ADSL modem 1. Obtain a DSL filter from your DSL provider. 2. Using the phone cord provided in the box with the printer, connect one end to the D SL filter, and then connect the other end to the por t labeled 1-LINE on the back of the printer .
To set up the print er on the same phon e line as a computer wi th two phone ports Back view o f the printe r 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port. You might need to connect the supplied phone cor d to the adapter provided for your country/region.
6. Now you need to decide how you want the printer to answer calls, automatically or manu ally: • If you set up the printer to answer calls automaticall y , it answers all incoming c alls and receives faxes.
Example of a paral lel splitter To set up the print er with a compute r DSL/ADSL modem 1. Obtain a DSL filter from your DSL provider. NOTE: Phones in other parts of the home/office sharing the same phone number with DSL service must be connected to additional DSL filters to avoid noise when making voice calls.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord provided to connect to the 1-LINE port on the ba ck of the printer You might need to connect the supplied phone cord to the adapter provided for your country/region. 3 Answering machine 4 Telephone (optional) To set up the print er with a shared voice/fax line with answering machine 1.
NOTE: Since your computer dial-up modem shares the phone line with the printer, you cannot use both your modem and the printer si multane ously. For example, you cannot use the printer for faxing while you are using your computer dial-up modem to send an email or access the Internet.
7 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port. You might need to connect the supplied phone cor d to the adapter provided for your country/region. 1. Remove the white plug from the port labeled 2-EXT on the back of the printer.
Shared voice/fax lin e with computer DSL/ADSL m odem and answering mac hine 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Parallel splitter 3 DSL/ADSL filter 4 Phone cord provided wi th the printer connected to the 1-LINE po rt on the back of the printer You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region.
To set up the print er with a compute r DSL/ADSL modem 1. Obtain a DSL/ADSL filter from your DSL/ADSL provider. NOTE: Phones in other parts of the home/office sharing the same phone number with DSL/ADSL service must be connected to addi tional DSL/ADSL filters; otherwise, noise occurs when making voice calls.
Since your computer dial-up modem shares the pho ne line with the printer, you cannot use both your modem and the printer simultaneously. For e x ample, you cannot u se the printer for faxing if you are using your computer dial-up modem to send an email or access th e Internet.
4. Using the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer, connect on e end to your telephone wall jack, then connect the other end to the port labele d 1-LINE on the back of the printer. NOTE: You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your country/region.
Test fax setup You can test your fax setup to check the status of the printer a nd to make sure it is set up correctly for faxing. Perform this test after y ou have completed setting up the printer for faxing.
D Network setup You can manage network settings for the printer through the printer control panel as described in the next section. Additional advance d settings are availabl e in the embedded We b server, a configuration and status tool you access fr om your Web br owser using an existing network connection to the printer.
Set link speed You can change the speed at which data is tr a nsmitted over the network. The default is Automatic . 1. Touch right arrow , and then se lect Network . 2. Select Advanced Setup , then select Link Speed . 3. Touch the number next to the link spee d that matches your network hardware: • 1.
NOTE: If you encounter problems, see Solve wireless problems (some models o nly). Make sure the printer is not connected to the network using a n etwork cable. The sending device must have built-in 802.11 capabilities or an 802.11 wireless card installed.
There are two communication mode option s: • Ad hoc: On an ad hoc network, the pr inter is set to ad h oc communication mode and communicates directly with other wirele ss devices without the use of a WAP. All devices on the ad hoc netwo rk must: ◦ Be 802.
1. On the computer desktop, click St art , select Programs or All Programs , click HP , select your printer name, and then click C onnect a New Printer . 2. Follow the onscreen instru ctions. To change the connection method (Mac OS X) 1. Open the HP Utility.
Guidelines fo r reducing interferen ce on a wirel ess network The following tips will help reduce the c hances for interference in a wireless network: • Keep the wireless devices away from large me .
5. Insert the HP software CD into your computer's CD drive and then start the Setup program. 6. Follow the onscreen instru ctions. To uninstall from a Ma cintosh computer, met hod 1 1. Open the HP Utility. For instr uctions, see Open HP Utility. 2.
E Printer management tools This section contains the following topics: • HP printer software (Windows) • HP Utility (Mac OS X) • Embedded Web server HP printer software (Wind ows) The HP software provided with the printer pro vides maintenance information about the printer.
This section contains the following topics: • About cookies • To open the embedded Web server About cookies The embedded Web server (EWS) places very small text files (cookies) on your hard drive when you are browsing. These files let the EWS recogn ize your computer the next time you visit.
F How do I? • Get started • Print • Scan • Copy • Fax • Work with ink cartridges • Solve a pro blem How do I? 231.
G Errors (Windows) This list represents some of the errors y ou might see on your computer screen (Windows) and how to fix the errors. • Fax Memory Full • Printer Disconnected • Ink Alert • Pr.
Ink Alert The ink cartridge identified in the message is low on ink. Ink level warnings and indicators provide estimates for planning purp oses only. When you receive a low-ink warning message, consider having a re p lacement cartridge available to avoid possible printing delays.
To solve this problem, try the following solutions. Solutions are listed in order, with the most likely solution first. If the first solution does not solve the problem, continue trying the remaining solutions until the issue is resolved.
Paper Mismatch The paper size or type selected in the printer driver does not ma tch the paper loaded in the printer. To solve this problem, try one o f the following: • Load the correct paper in the printer, and then press OK.
To change the printer’s status, complete the following steps. 1. Click Start , point to Settings , and then click Prin ters or Printers and Faxes . - Or - Click Start , click Control Panel , and then double-click Printers .
Index Symbols/Numerics (ADF) automatic document feeder clean 27 feeding problems, troubleshoot 27 A accessibility 9 accessories installation 25 Printer Status Report 159 turn on and off in driver 25 w.
dial tone test, failure 135 dial type, setting 62 dial-up modem shared with fax (parallel phone systems) 207 shared with fax and answering machine (parallel phone sy anstems) 214 shared with fax and v.
troubleshoot 131 voice mail, set up (parallel phone systems) 206 wall jack test, failed 133 Fax screen 13 Firewall configure 152 FoIP 64 forwarding faxes 53 G glass, scanner clean 26 load originals 18.
MMC memory card insert 24 model number 159 modem shared with fax (parallel phone systems) 207 shared with fax and answering machine (parallel phone systems) 214 shared with fax and voice line (paralle.
print-carriage access door, locating 11 printer no response 85 printer control panel locati ng 10 network settings 222 scan from 40 send faxes 46 printer driver accessories settings 25 warranty 165 pr.
size scans, troubleshoot 131 troubleshoot copy 126 skew, troubleshoot copy 126 print 124 scan 130 slow print, troubleshoot 82 smeared ink 95 software accessories settings 25 OCR 42 warranty 165 Websca.
wired network 145 wireless problems 146 TWAIN unable to activate source 130 two-sided printing 38 U uninstall HP software Mac OS X 228 Windows 227 unwanted fax mode 55 USB connection port, locating 10.
. 20 1 0 © Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) CN555A#B1H insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.