Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Altiris eXpress ™ Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 User Guide.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 2 Notice Copyrigh t © 2000-20 03 Altiris Inc. All ri ghts reserv ed. Product Version: 5.6 SP1 Document Date: March 12 , 2003 Bootworks U.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 3 Conten ts Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 4 Link Wo rk Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 E-mail Me ssages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 5 Delete Noti fy Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 E-mail Temp lates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 6 Preface Before using this d ocumentation, we recommend that you revie w the document conventions ( see “Document Conventions” o n page 6 ). Detailed information about Altiris products is included in each product’s docu mentation.
Preface Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 7 Support Altiris is committ ed to providing world-class techn ical support and professional services to its custom ers.
Preface Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 8.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 9 Chapter 1: Introduci ng Helpd esk Solution Altiris eXpress™ Helpdesk Solu tion gives you a low -cost, highly-integrated he lp d esk management system to automate the process of assigning, reporting, and resolving IT system management issues.
Chap ter 1: I ntr oduc ing Help desk Sol utio n Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 10 Helpdesk Solution integrates tightly with Microsoft SMS by reflecting work orders from Helpdesk Solution into the SMS database and permitti ng SMS adm inistrators to view problems and/or plan ned work from their console.
Chap ter 1: I ntr oduc ing Help desk Sol utio n Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 11 satellites every 4 minutes. Windows accounts (tru sted connections) can be u sed if the Helpdesk identity, VPN, and domains are correctly configured. • Attachments are stored on the satellites where they were uploaded.
Chap ter 1: I ntr oduc ing Help desk Sol utio n Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 12 System R equirements The following is a list of minimum requirements for the Helpdesk Solution.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 13 Chapter 2: Installi ng and Setting Up eXpress The Installation and Setup topic list, includes the follo wing: • Step 1 - Notification Server Computer Re.
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 14 Step 1 - Notification Server Computer Requirements The computer you are going to install Notification Server on mus t meet or exceed the following criteria. Hardware The following are minimum requirements.
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 15 Install Prerequisit e Software to Notificat ion Server 1 Start the Altiris eXp ress Notification Server Install Helper (AeXNSInst allHelper.exe), read the informatio n on the screen , and click Next .
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 16 a If you want to install the MS DE ver sion of S QL ( not recommended for Help desk Soluti on) on the computer, click Yes and Next .
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 17 7 If all of th e compon ents that can be downloaded have been downloaded but add itional softwar e needs to be installed, a screen sim ilar to t he following appears list ing the additio nal software that needs to be installed.
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 18 10 When all of the prerequis ite software is installed and the following screen appears. Read the informatio n on the screen and click Finish . The Install Helper will start the Notification Server installation.
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 19 Step 2 – Install Helpdesk Solut ion When you ins tall eXpress, eXpress collections, packag es, reports, and policies are loaded onto the Notification Server .
Chapte r 2: Instal ling and Setting Up eXp ress Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 20 Important You will not be able to run Helpdesk successfully until you run and compl ete this wizard. When you do, it will l aunch Helpdesk and usuall y present yo u with the Configure Helpdesk command .
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 21 Chapter 3: Helpdesk Overvie w The Helpdesk Overview topic list , includes th e following: • Architecture (page 21) • Helpde sk Solut ion Con soles ( p.
Chapte r 3: Help desk Ov erview Helpdes k Solutio n Conso les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 22 • “Notify Rules ” on page 112 Helpdesk So lution Console s The Altiris eXpress Helpdesk Consoles page provi des an easy way to access all necessary consoles.
Chapte r 3: Help desk Overv iew Worker s and Work er Queues Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 23 User Consoles The My Helpdesk console allows users to the followin g: • submit work item req.
Chapte r 3: Help desk Ov erview Contact s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 24 • Human Resources Workers in the Human Reso urces qu eue are assigned work items generated for the Human Resources departm ent. • Asset Ma nagement Workers in the Asset Management queue are assigned wo rk items generated for the Asset Management depar tment.
Chapte r 3: Help desk Ov erview Work Item s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 25 Work Items A work item defines a tas k to be performed. Work items are created by workers in the worker console, by users via the self-help console or by events passed from Notification Server to Helpdesk.
Chapte r 3: Help desk Overv iew Integrat ion with M icrosoft Sys tems Ma nagement Server (SMS) Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 26 Integratio n with Microsoft Systems Manag ement Server (SMS) The integration with Microsoft SMS is bi-directional.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 27 Chapter 4: Insta llation The Helpdesk Inst allation topic list , includes the followin g: • Prerequisites (page 2 7) • Installation (page 28) • Help desk S etup (page 28) • Altiris eXpress.
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Helpde sk Setup Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 28 Insta llation Before installing Help desk Solution, review the “Prerequisites ” on p age 27. Install ation has thr ee phases tha t occur one after the other as a pa rt of a standard Window s Inst aller installation: 1 Setup 2 Altiris eXpress.
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Helpde sk Setup Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 29 11 To start the Setup Wizard, click Next . 12 Read and agree to th e license agreement and click Next . 13 Select the destination directory and click Next . 14 Click Finish .
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Helpde sk Setup Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 30 3 Enter a doma inu ser and password. a Click More Info for more i nformation.
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Helpde sk Setup Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 31 7 Click Finish . When the wizard is com plete, the Helpdesk Admin console will launch. Usually , further configuration is necessary, so you will see the Configure Helpdesk command .
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Helpde sk Setup Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 32 Upgradi ng Releases Upgrading released vers ion of Helpdesk Solution can be done by doing an upgrade check in the Solution Center. This will install over the to p of the existing software.
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Localiza tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 33 Localizati on Helpde sk Solut ion 5.6 support s locali zed versio ns of Fren ch, German, Portugu ese and Spanish.
Chapte r 4: Instal lation Localiza tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 34 End User Console • Althou gh Helpd esk Solut ion wor ks from any w eb browser , it works best wit h Intern et Explorer 6.0 or la ter 2 Select the one of the sup ported languages from the drop-d own list.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 35 Chapter 5: Conf igu ratio n The Configuration topic list, inclu des the followin g: • Web Administration Console Interface Elements ( page 35) • Polic.
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Cons ole Secu rity Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 36 Reports Helpdesk Solution has many reports that let you ana lyze your h elp desk , including co st analys is, work item i nformat ion, and worker performance .
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Cons ole Secu rity Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 37 5 Click Help to access help on these items. See “Administration ” on page 95 f or details. • Anonymous access - Users can submit anonymous requests. Helpdesk will u se a guest worker account for th ese requests.
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Cons ole Secu rity Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 38 End Users Help desk Solut ion inst alls three differ ent entry points and cons oles for en d users . The winus er entr y poin t co ntains two con soles, My Helpdesk a n d NT User , for us ers authenticated by the Inte grated Windows Authent ication .
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Cons ole Secu rity Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 39 Setting Permissions Once IIS has authenticated the requesting user, then NTFS permissions on the directory holding the requested default.
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Entry Point s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 40 2 Add NT u sers to the appro priate grou ps. These can be N T domain u sers o r g roups or local users defined on the Web ser ver. 3 Using Wi ndows F ile Explo rer , locate the phy sical directory location of th e admin, worker, and other ent ry poin ts.
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Entry Point s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 41 The value “no” means that database configuration is not possible t hrough this console. Helpdesk will display an error instead of di splaying the Helpdesk conf igurati on page .
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Entry Point s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 42 This mode allows the c onsole to execute a login command to collect an email addres s and password to identify the end-user as a co ntact in the Helpdesk database before permitting access to the conso le.
Chapte r 5: Conf iguration Licens ing Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 43 credentials again until the cookie expires after one year. Users cannot decide whether to accept the cook ie or not. • “ no ” means Help desk will no t write the user credential cook ie.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 44 Chapter 6: User Interface The User Interface t opic lis t, i nclu des the foll ow ing: • Altiris eXpress Helpdesk C onsoles (page 46) • Help desk Wor .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 45 • Find Work Ite m Simpl e Fiel d Desc ripti on (page 67) • Find Work Items - Advanced Tab (pag e 68) • Find Work Item Adv.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Altiris eXp ress Helpdes k Consoles Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 46 Altiris eXpress Help desk Consoles This section details th e features and functionality of how to use Helpdesk consoles.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Altiris eXp ress Helpdes k Consoles Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 47 Helpdesk W orker Console Default Page Description The Helpdesk worker console displays the Work re port as th e default pag e. The left-han d menu page is divided into three sections, Commands, Common tasks and the Item and Co unt section .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Altiris eXp ress Helpdes k Consoles Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 48 Assets Asset home - Dis plays a list of assets. See “Assets Home ” on p age 84 Find assets - Lets workers find assets by entering a s earch criteria.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Altiris eXp ress Helpdes k Consoles Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 49 Item Count, Date an d Tim e The item bo x, current date and time, open item count and queued item co unt are dis played on the lower left hand side of the Worker console page .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e New Work Item Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 50 Late - Lists the number of work items Planned after the start date. Overdue - Lists the number of work items n ot Closed or Resolved after the due date. Resolved - L i s t s t h e n u m b e r o f w o r k i t e m s w i t h t h e s t a t u s a s Resolved .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e New Work Item Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 51 Work Item Page D escription Page Items Item D escriptio n Title Description of the problem or request. Catego ry Categori es are associated to a worker or queue. Assigned Worker or queue f or the work item.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e New Work Item Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 52 Add New Work Item 1 Type a description for the new work item in the Title box. The title is a required field. All the other fields are op tional, or have default values .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e New Work Item Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 53 View or Edit Work Items The View work item page allows y ou to revi ew any w ork item added to the Helpdesk dat abase. This page appears when you Save a new wor k item, or when you s elect a work item by clicking on the glasses icon.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 54 Additiona l Work Item In formati on Workers can attach files, link work i tems together, and send an e-mail about the work item. Workers can also associate one Asset and one Contact to the w ork item and edit their resp ective data.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 55 Attachments Helpdesk allows you to uploa d files and attach them to the work item. Workers or queues retrieving work items can use these files to debug and r esolve the problems being reported.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 56 Attach Page Fiel d Description Link Work Ite ms A work item can link to one ot h e r w o r k i t e m , a n d multiple work it ems can link to the same wor k item.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 57 To Link a Work Item 1 Click Work items> New work item . 2 Click Link . 3 Clic k one of the fol lowi ng li nk it em opt ions: • Keep cu rren t - Def ault, Not currently l inked .
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 58 E-mail Messages E-mail messages can be sent to any worker, queue, or contact who has a valid e-mail address, as well as t o ant SMTP format e-mail address es.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 59 E-mail Page Field Descript ion View Contact Prope rties - New Wo rk Item The View contact p.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 60 Contact Page Field Descri ption Page Items Item D escriptio n Name Type the Name of the new contact. NT ID Type the NT ID of the new contact. E-mail Type the E-ma il address of the new contact.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 61 Find Contact - Ne w Work Item The Find feature on t he New work item page, allows users to enter a partial name o r pho ne number (this is confi gured by P rofession al Services) into th e Find tex t box, and t hen click Fi nd.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 62 Select Contact - New W ork Item The Select a contact page allows work ers to associate the current work item with a specific contact. Workers can selec t f rom one of six op tions.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 63 View Asset Prop erties - New Work Item The View asset properties page displays an Asset form used to view and edit info rmation about the asset associated to the current wo rk item.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 64 Asset Pa ge Fie ld Descr iption Find Asset - New Work Item The Fi nd feature on the New wor.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Addi tional Work It em Informa tion Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 65 The asset selected from the drop-down list, will be the asset that is associated with the work item when it is saved.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Fi nd Work It ems Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 66 The drop-down list displays the ass ets which have been associated with the currently selected contact. • Recent asset. • Find asset • Type search criteria in any of the text box es, click Find a t th e b otto m of t he p age.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Fi nd Work It ems Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 67 4 The Items list at the bottom of the page shows all work items the found based on the search criteria you selected. Click View or Edit next to the work item you want to view or edit.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Fi nd Work It ems Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 68 Find Work Items - Advanced T ab 1 Click Work items>Find work items listed below Commands . <OR> 2 Click Find work ite ms listed below Common Tasks . 3 Click the Ad vanced Tab.
Chapte r 6: User Inte rface Search in Commen t or Title F ield Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 69 Fi nd Wor k It em Advanced Field Description In addition to the Simple search field options, the Advanced search offers the following additional search fields.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 70 warning message, with a yellow background is displayed beneath the commen t field that indicates that full-text search is n ot enabled. When full-text search is not enabled, FREETEXT an d CONTAINS syn tax may not be used.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 71 Delete Queries (page 78) Last Query Results (page 79) List Query The List query p age displays a list of pre-defined queries t o h elp you manage your work items. You can select a query to m odify or create a new quer y based on a qu ery already listed.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 72 The query editor will now allow the worker to build an expression based upon the Last query .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 73 4 Modify the par ameters of the qu ery. 5 Click Run . 6 If you wou ld like to save this query, y ou must give the query a name in the Name bo x.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 74 The table below lists the field names that can be queried against, their type, and ad ditional information wher e appropriate.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 75 assi gne d_to_w ork er_l ocat ion strin g created_by_wo rker_name string created_by_worker _status string a, i, .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 76 Query Paramete r Replac ement There are a number of special parameters that the que ry system recognizes. When a query is r un the para mete rs are r es olve d an d the resul ts are returned .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 77 workitem_status_lo okup_id=$prompt_lo okup("Select work item s tatus:", "StatusList")$ The f.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 78 workitem_start_on >= $pr ompt_date ("Work items that will start on or after:")$ Delete Queries The Delete q uery page al lows workers to delete q ueries they have added or modified to th e system.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Using Que ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 79 Last Query R esults This option will display the r esults from the last query run by the worker currently logged into the Helpdesk Worker console . 1 Click the W ork items>Last query results listed below Commands .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Conta cts Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 80 Retrieve Queue d Item The Retrieve function allows workers to retrieve the next available wor k item in a specified queue. Workers retrieve from their assigned queue or are prompted to select a queue as shown below.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Conta cts Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 81 View Contacts To View a Contact 1 Click Edit to modif y the contact i nformation. 2 Click Vie w or Edit n ext to the item from the Assets or Items list, if any, to view or edit assets o r items information.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Conta cts Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 82 Find Contacts Page Fi eld Description New Contact Contacts are the users who request help from Helpdesk work ers.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Conta cts Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 83 New Contact Page Field Description Page Items Item D escriptio n Name Type the Name of the new contact. NT ID Type the NT ID of the new contact. E-mail Type the E-ma il address of the new contact.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Assets Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 84 Assets Assets Home The Assets home page displays a list of the assets recently v iewed or edited by the curren t worker. Workers can also lin k to the Fi nd assets , New assets and Delete assets pages .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Assets Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 85 To View Assets 1 Click Edit to modif y the asset information. 2 Click View or E di t n ex t t o t h e i t e m f r o m t h e Contacts o r Item s list, if any, to view or edit contacts or ite ms informati on.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Assets Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 86 New Asset Page Field Description Page Items Item D escriptio n Name Type a sh ort descripti on of the a sset. Type Select a Catego ry from th e drop-down list. External ID Type an External ID .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Recent s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 87 Recents The Recents page allows workers to acces s the most recent entries of Work items , Contacts and Assets . To Use the Recents Page 1 Click Recents on the left-h and menu, the ab ove page appear s <OR>.
Chapte r 6: User Interface My Help desk Cons ole Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 88 My Helpdesk Con sole My Helpdes k is int ended for users with an NT ID in an o rganizational i nternet environment.
Chapte r 6: User Interface My Help desk Cons ole Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 89 My Helpdesk - New Work Item To Add a New Work Item 1 Type the required inform ation in the fo rm on the page. For more details see “New Work Item ” on page 50 and “Attachments ” on page 55.
Chapte r 6: User Interface My Help desk Cons ole Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 90 For example Click # , an arrow app ears next to the sort topi c # . The up arrow indicates the sort order is ascending to d escending. Click # again, a d own arrow appears to indicate the sort order is descendi ng to ascendin g.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Work Ite m Request - NT User Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 91 Logoff When you have completed all tasks within the My Helpdesk console , be sure to L ogoff and close the web bro wser to compl etely log out of the Help desk system.
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Work Item Request - User Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 92 Work Item Request - User The Work item request - User allows a user to access the Helpdesk system from the internet, meaning they do no t use NT authentication at log on .
Chapter 6: User Interfac e Create Custo m URL to Acc ess Helpdes k Consoles Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 93 3 Type the required inform ation in the form o n the page. 4 Click OK to save. Work Item History When a work item is created, a record of each action taken against the wo rk item is recorded in the work ite m history.
Chapter 6: User Inte rface Support for Pocket PC (PPC ) Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 94 Support for Pocket PC (PPC) Administrators and w orkers can access the worker console from any W indows CE device. Handheld support is included wi th your pr oduct and does not requi re any additional cost or con figurations.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 95 Chapter 7: Administration The Administration topic lis t, incl ude s th e fo llow ing: • Helpdesk Admin Console ( page 97) • Commands (p age 97) • C.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 96 • Simple Macros (page 120) • Complex Macro s (page 121 ) • Mail Macros ( page 121) • Bulletins (p age 122) • List Bu.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Helpde sk Admin C onsole Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 97 Helpdesk Ad min Console The Help desk A dmin console page i s similar to the Helpdesk Worker console yet it provides addition al functionality to per form administrative tasks.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration The Admi n Re port Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 98 The Admin R eport The Admin Repor t will help sort and manage work items based on the Report pe riod and selected query opt ions.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration The Admi n Re port Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 99 Admin Report Page Field D escription Run Admin Reports 1 Type the num ber of days to s earch back in time in the Report pe riod box. 2 Click Go . The database will return an item count of all work items based on the number of d ays search criteria.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 100 Cate gories List Categories All New work items entered into the Helpdesk system must be associated with a Category . The Categori es o ption is onl y ava ilab le i n the Admin console , you can List , Ed it or Delete categories.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 101 Edit Categories The Edit categories page display s a list of all categories used to gr oup work items together however the workers see f it. The default set of categories cover a large portion of the problems typ ically encounte red by the Helpdes k workers.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 102 Add New Category You can add new categor ies to the Hel pdesk databas e by follow ing the steps b elow. 1 Click Admin>Categories>Edit categories . 2 Use the scroll-bar to view all categories currently in the sys tem.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 103 Modify Category You can modi fy existi ng categories to m eet your op erational requ irements. Followi ng the illustration and steps listed below. 1 Click Admin>Categories>Edit categories .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 104 6 Click Save to keep all categor y changes and retur n to the List categories page . Move Cat egory Use the move f unction to m ove a category and its children up and down the category tree.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 105 Copy C ategory Categor ies can be copied f rom one to another by u sing the Cop y command. 1 Click Admin>Categories>Edit categories . 2 Click Copy next t o the category y ou want to ed it.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Catego ries Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 106 Delete Category 1 Click Admin>Categories>Edit categories . 2 Click Delete next to the category you w ant to delete. Note The category yo u selected is displayed on th e bottom of the screen .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Routi ng Rules Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 107 Routing Ru les Routing ru les d etermine what worker or queue a work item should be assi gned to when i t i s cr eated or modified.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Routi ng Rules Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 108 To List Routing Rules 1 Click Adm in > Rou ting rul es > List rou tin g rul es . 2 Click the arrow (>) next to the rou ting rule; the row is highlighted.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Routi ng Rules Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 109 New Routin g Rule To Create a New Routing Rule 1 Click Admin > Routing rule s > New rout ing rul e . 2 Enter a name for the New ro uting rule in the Name text box.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Routi ng Rules Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 110 10 Select the check box for The value of the field . 11 To make this criterion be true if the field has changed AND the test is true, check both the “The value of the field changes”, and “The value of the field :” check boxes.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Routi ng Rules Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 111 Delete Routi ng Rules To Delete a Routing Rule 1 Click Admin > Routing rule s > Delete routing rules . 2 Select the check box of the Rou te rul e y ou want to delete from the list, and then click Next .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notify Ru les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 112 Notify Rules E-mail notification is used to automatically generate and send e-mail and pager e-mail messages in response to work item modification.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notify Ru les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 113 New Notify Rule 1 Click Admin>Notify rules>New rule . 2 Type the name of the Rul e in the box. 3 Type a descr iption of the rule in the Comment bo x. 4 Select the Send e- mail template from the d rop-down list.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notify Ru les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 114 • “Any of the se criteria are true” means that if one of the criteria evaluates to true then the rule will run.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notify Ru les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 115 13 Select the check box for the rule to be Default . Default - Make this rule a default for new items : Default r ules are assigned and associated with new work items.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notify Ru les Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 116 Delete Notify Rules Deleting a rule will remove it completely from the system. All work items associated with th e rule you delete will lose their associatio n and will never be seen again.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration E-mail Tem plates Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 117 E-mail Templates E-mail notification is used to automatically generate and send e-mail and pager e-mail m essages when a New work item is created or when an existing work item is modified.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration E-mail Tem plates Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 118 New Template When you are adding or editing an e-mail template, you can use special macros in the message fields to represen t Helpdesk Solu tion data that will be inse rted by Helpdesk Sol ution when it gene rates e- mail using that template.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration E-mail Tem plates Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 119 Edit E-mail Templates 1 Click Admin>E-mail templates>List templates . 2 Click Edit next to the E-mail te mplate name. 3 Edit the fields. For information on each of the b ox entries, see “New Template ” on pag e 118.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration E-mail Tem plate Ma cros Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 120 E-mail Template Macros When you are ad ding or editing an e-mail temp late, you can use sp ecial mac.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration E-mail Tem plate Ma cros Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 121 Complex Macros Complex macros define a format that can include a mix of text, HTML and Helpdesk Solution data fields that will be evaluated and replace the macro.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Bulle tins Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 122 • CREATED_BY_PAGER_E MAIL_LINK[[<format>]] For Example : <BR>Click ASSIGNED_TO_EMAIL_LINK[[here]] t o send to the assigned worker</BR><BR>E- mail: MODIFIED_BY_EMAIL_LINK[[$$modif ied_by_worker_name$$]]</BR>).
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Bulle tins Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 123 Add New Bulletin 1 Click Admin>Bull etins>New bul letin . 2 Type a descr iption of the bulletin in the Title b ox.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Sources Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 124 Sources List Sources Assets are real devices such as computers, printers, phones, modem jacks or any other items that are identified as unique objects in th e database.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Sources Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 125 New NS Sou rce 1 Click Admin>Sources>New NS So urce . 2 Type the resource Name in th e bo x. 3 Type the SQL Server name in the box . 4 Type the Da tab ase name in the bo x.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Sources Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 126 6 If you select Use SQL logi n , type a Logi n name in the bo x. 7 Type a Password in the box .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Sources Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 127 Import from Source Importin g large numbers of res ources can take a consider able amount of time. For impo rts of thousands of resources use the auto-up date feature to avoid time -outs and oth er problems.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Configu re Helpd esk Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 128 Configure Helpdesk The Confi gure Helpde sk page lets you configure the Helpdesk Solu tion’s SQL database. Note The first time the Helpdesk console is sele cted as well as completing the Helpdesk ASP.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Configu re Helpd esk Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 129 Option 1 : This d atabase was last configured b y Alert Man ager . • Press Updat e to update the database. • Press B ack to ch oose ano ther data base .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Delete Work Items Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 130 Delete Work Items The delete function allows worker s to search the Helpdesk database by entering a search cr iteria, locate work items that ar e no longer n eeded in the system, a nd then delete them - permanently.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Delete Work Items Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 131 7 Click Finish to delete selected work items. Delete W ork Item Simple Field Description Page Items Item D escriptio n Title Type Title of a work item. Match all words Select the Titl e match criteria fro m the drop-down list.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Delete Work Items Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 132 Advanced Tab The Advanced search is different then the simple search as the fields used to define the s earch are greater.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Dele te Con tac ts Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 133 Are you sure you want to delete the following items ? 7 Click Back to change the selected work items to delete. 8 Click Finish to delete selected work items.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Delete Ass ets Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 134 5 The contact items you selected will appear. A prompt will display the following message: Are you sure you want to delete the following items ? 6 Click Back to change the selected contacts to delete.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Wor kers Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 135 A prompt will display the following message: Are you sure you want to delete the following items ? 6 Click Back to change the selected assets to delete. 7 Click Finish to delete selected assets.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Wor kers Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 136 • The Retrieve queue selection denotes what queue the worker will access when they execute the Retrieve queue item command. P rompt , mean s the worker will be pro mpted to select a queue for retriev ing work items.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration List Q ueue Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 137 List Queue Queues are Helpdesk o bjects similar to workers that work items can be assigned to.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration List Q ueue Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 138 Edit Q ueue 1 Click Workers > List queue . 2 Click Edit next to the queue to ed it. 3 Edit the box for m on the pa ge. 4 Click OK to save. New Queue 1 Click Workers > New queue .
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Report s Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 139 Reports Helpdesk Sol ution provides reports including service level agreements, work items by platform, worker performance, work i tem schedu le, history, total cost of ownership (TCO) and others.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Notifica tion Polic ies Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 140 Notification Policies Notification Polici es automate the monitoring of work item activity. Writin g a new Notification Policy is as easy as writing a SQL query that evaluates to true.
Chapte r 7: Admini stration Service Level Agre ements Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 141 Service Level Agreements Service level agreements (SLAs) are a set of standards established to gauge the performan ce of machines, work items, etc. Hel pdesk So lution prov ides report s that pr ovide dat a regarding your SLAs.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 142 Chapter 8: Troublesho oting Log Files Components that encounter errors while r unning place mes sages in a log file in the Altiri seXpress logs folder on the Not ification Server comp uter. The log is an XML tex t file that you can op en in a text editor or within Internet Explorer 5.
Alti ris Help desk Sol utio n Us er Gu ide 143 A accessing Helpdesk S olutio n through a cust om UR L 93 administration bulle tin s 122 sources 12 4 workers 135 Altiris supp ort 7 assistance 7 B bulle.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) Altris eXpress Helpdesk Solution 5.6 SP1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.