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HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Hewlett-Packard Vancouver Site To aid in HP PCL printer driver development for HP DeskJet 600/700/800/900 & HP 2000 Serie.
Preface and Printing History 2 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 1.0 Preface and Printing History The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
About this Developer’s Guide HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 3 2.0 About this Developer’s Guide 2.1 Which printers are covered by this guide 1 Throughout this HP PCL Developer’s Guide you will see printer names referenced.
About this Developer’s Guide 4 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 2.2 Special Notes 4 4 HP DeskJets were designed in series - the printer’s internal firmware will usually report the series name, rather than the specific product name.
Table of Contents HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 5 3.0 Table of Contents 1.0 Preface and Printing Histor y 2 2.0 About this Developer’s Guid e 3 2.1 Which printers are covered by this guid e 3 2.1.1 HP DeskJet 600 Serie s 3 2.
Table of Contents 6 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 9.0.1 Follow Specification s 22 9.0.2 Leverage from Previous Program s 22 9.0.3 Priority of Feature Set Command s 22 9.0.4 Priority of Command s 23 9.0.5 Time Saver s 23 10.
Table of Contents HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 7 10.9.5 Formfee d 50 10.9.6 Horizontal Ta b 50 10.9.7 Move CAP Horizontal (Decipoints ) 51 10.9.8 Move CAP Horizontal (Columns ) 52 10.9.9 Move CAP Horizontal (HP PCL Units ) 52 10.
Table of Contents 8 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.2.4 Font Type (UBYTE ) 93 11.2.5 Style MSB (UINT ) 93 11.2.6 Baseline Position (UINT ) 94 11.2.7 Cell Width (UINT ) 94 11.2.8 Cell Height (UINT ) 94 11.2.
Table of Contents HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 9 12.0.3 Descriptor Size (UBYTE ) 108 12.0.4 Class (UBYTE ) 108 12.0.5 Orientation (UBYTE ) 111 12.0.6 Left Offset (SINT ) 111 12.0.7 Top Offset (SINT ) 111 12.
How This Developer’s Guide Works 10 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 4.0 How This Developer’s Guide Works Below is a sample command description chart from this guide. On the following pages you can find descriptor names for the various parts of the graph.
How This Developer’s Guide Works HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11 4.0.4 Escape Sequence This is the ASCII text version of the binary string, which causes the command to be invoked.
How This Developer’s Guide Works 12 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 4.0.10 Detailed Command Description This is where all aspects of the command are explained.
Introduction to HP PCL HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 13 5.0 Introduction to HP PCL 5.1 History of HP PCL Printer Language Hewlett-Packard created the HP PC.
Introduction to HP PCL 14 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Once an HP PCL command sets a parameter, that parameter will remain set until that HP PCL command is repeated with a new value, the printer is reset to its user default environment, or another command makes a change.
Introduction to HP PCL HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 15 zi Parameter Character - Any character from the ASCII table within the range 96-126 deci- mal (" " " through "~"). This character specifies the parameter to which the previous value field applies.
Introduction to HP PCL 16 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Notice that the "Esc" and the "& l " are dropped from the second printer command when they are combined.
The Page HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 17 6.0 The Page 6.1 Logical Page, Physical Page The HP PCL printer language distinguishes between the physical page and the logical page. The physical page is the actual sheet of paper.
The Page 18 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 6.2 Page Layout Referring to the previous figure, each page passed through the printer has a number of com- ponents. Text printing is normally limited to a specific printable area within the logical page known as the text area.
The Page HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 19 point (0,0) may change. The point (0,0) then, does not necessarily equate to the top of the paper. 6.2.2 CAP Reference Point The first line starts at the (0,0) coordinate.
The Print Environment 20 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 7.0 The Print Environment The group of all the printer's current feature settings is collectively referred to as the print envi- ronment.
Merged Text and Graphics HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 21 8.0 Merged Text and Graphics The process for merging text and graphics with the HP DeskJet 600/80.
Programming Hints 22 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 9.0 Programming Hints The following are overall guidelines to keep in mind when programming with HP PCL printer language commands. 9.0.1 Follow Specifications Follow the specifications for HP PCL printer language commands as described in this guide.
Programming Hints HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 23 9.0.4 Priority of Commands There are no finite rules when it comes to structuring your overall program. In general, start by setting the print environment with the printer control commands, such as Reset, Selecting the Media Source, and so on.
Programming Hints 24 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 4 4 Avoid using a Start Raster Graphics and End Raster Graphics command on every line. Use these commands at the beginning and end of the graphics image. 4 4 When setting the raster graphics width, calculate the widest point of the raster image.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 25 10.0 HP PCL Commands 10.1 Control Codes and Special Character Codes The following commands initiate printer control functions: 10.1.1 Escape Provides supplementary control of printer functions.
HP PCL Commands 26 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.3.2 Display Functions Mode ON This command turns on Display Functions Mode; a character code is then printed in the cur- rent active font.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 27 10.4 Text Enhancements 10.4.1 Enable Underline Enables the automatic underline enhancement.
HP PCL Commands 28 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide With HP DeskJet 500 Series printers, if underlining is enabled and changing the left mar- gin causes a positive horizontal cursor movement, the move is underlined.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 29 10.4.4 End-of-Line Wrap Defines the action that occurs when a line of text reaches the right margin.
HP PCL Commands 30 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.5 Job Control 10.5.1 Reset Esc E Performs a reset on the printer (this is NOT a hardware reset). The reset performs the follow- ing: Prints all data received before the reset.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 31 10.6 Printer Control 10.6.1 Gray Balance Determines whether black optimization is performed to make process black (composite black—composed of color inks) appear more black.
HP PCL Commands 32 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.6.2 Dry Timer Sets a minimum dry time between pages to ensure that a previous page dries before the next page is dropped on top of it. The time required for ink to dry depends on media, print modes, and environment (tempera- ture and humidity).
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 33 10.6.3 Print Quality The Print Quality (PQ) command, in conjunction with the Media Type ( Esc & l l # .
HP PCL Commands 34 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.6.4 Media Type Sets the print mode required for printing on various media types. If no printable data has been sent, CAP moves to the top of form at the left margin of the cur- rent page.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 35 The value field establishes the number of units per inch used in the following commands. These commands formerly used a device’s dot-per-inch resolution as the unit of measure.
HP PCL Commands 36 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.7 Printer Diagnostics 10.7.1 Self-Test Esc z Initiates printer self-test, which instructs the printer to perform the following actions: 4 4 Process all data preceding the self-test.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 37 10.8 Page Control The following commands facilitate the definition of a print job page. 10.8.1 Page Length Designates the number of lines on the logical page at the current VMI (Vertical Motion Index) setting.
HP PCL Commands 38 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide HP DeskJet maximum page length is 14 inches for the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 39 Since the logical page is defined to extend from the top and bottom edges of the physical page, this command also sets logical page length.
HP PCL Commands 40 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide With HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers, all envelopes load in landscape (short edge first). Before the HP DeskJet 550C Series printer, envelopes loaded in por- trait.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 41 10.8.4 Orientation Defines the position of the logical page and the default direction of text printing with respect to the physical page.
HP PCL Commands 42 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.8.5 Horizontal Motion Index Designates the width of columns used for horizontal movement calculations. In the vertical text path direction, designates the height of rows used for inter-character movement calculations.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 43 10.8.6 Vertical Motion Index Sets the vertical spacing between lines of print (the vertical distance CAP will move for a line- feed in horizontal text path mode and the horizontal distance the CAP will move for a linefeed in the vertical text path mode.
HP PCL Commands 44 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.8.7 Line Spacing This command performs the same functions as VMI (Esc & l # C), except it identifies the VMI in lines per inch (lpi). Both commands set linefeed spacing.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 45 10.8.9 Left Margin If CAP is to the left of the new left margin, it moves to the new left margin; otherwise, this com- mand does not affect CAP.
HP PCL Commands 46 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide margin to the left of the left margin should be ignored; however, left and right margins can be set to the same location. 10.8.11 Top Margin Specifies the distance between the top of the logical page and the top of the text area.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 47 10.8.12 Text Length This command is ignored if current VMI is 0 or a text length greater than [logical page length - top margin] is requested. A value field of 0 defaults text length.
HP PCL Commands 48 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide If perforation skip is disabled, text is printed to the end of the page and onto the next page. Text length and top margin are ignored. Text in the unprintable region may be lost.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 49 10.9 Horizontal Positioning Commands The following commands provide for cursor movement on the horizontal axis. 10.9.1 Backspace <BS> Moves CAP one character position backwards on the current line.
HP PCL Commands 50 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Moves CAP to the same horizontal position, one row down. If perforation skip mode is enabled, a linefeed that would go beyond the text length boundary moves CAP to the same horizontal position at the top of form on the next page.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 51 10.9.7 Move CAP Horizontal (Decipoints) A signed value field indicates relative movement: plus (+) or minus (-) signs move CAP right or left relative to CAP, respectively.
HP PCL Commands 52 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.9.8 Move CAP Horizontal (Columns) A signed value field indicates relative movement: plus (+)or minus (-) signs move CAP right or left relative to CAP, respectively.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 53 This command ignores margins and can move CAP horizontally anywhere within the logical page. Attempts to go outside the logical page will move CAP to the appropriate logical page limit.
HP PCL Commands 54 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.10 Vertical Positioning Commands The following commands provide cursor positioning on the vertical axis.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 55 10.10.2 Move CAP Vertical (Decipoints) If no such position exists, moves CAP to the logical page limit. A signed value field indicates relative movement: plus (+) or minus (-) signs move CAP down- ward and upward relative to CAP, respectively.
HP PCL Commands 56 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.10.3 Move CAP Vertical (HP PCL Units) If no such position exists, the printer moves to the logical page limit. A signed value field indicates relative movement: plus (+) or minus (-) signs move CAP down- ward and upward relative to CAP, respectively.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 57 10.11 Font Selection 10.11.1 Font Selection by Attribute The user requests a font by designating its attributes with the following commands.
HP PCL Commands 58 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide The following table lists printer-supported symbol sets and symbol set IDs for the HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 59 11L ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 100 0R Cyrillic ASCII (8859/5-1986) 12L ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 200 1R Cyrillic 13L ITC Zapf Dingbats Series 300 3R PC Cyrillic (CP 866) 20L Carta 9R Windows 3.
HP PCL Commands 60 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.11.3 Font Spacing Designates inter-character spacing as either proportional or fixed.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 61 If the exact pitch is unavailable, the next larger pitch is selected.
HP PCL Commands 62 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.11.6 Font Style Identifies the posture, width, and structure of the font symbols. The partial sums for posture, width, and structure are added together to determine the desired value (#).
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 63 MATCHING ALGORITHM The following procedure matches requested styles with available styles: 4 4 Printers recognizing only style values 0, l, and 2 discard requests for larger values.
HP PCL Commands 64 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.11.7 Font Stroke Weight Designates the thickness of the strokes that compose the characters of a font. If the designated stroke weight is unavailable and 0 or greater, the closest thicker weight is selected.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 65 10.11.8 Font Selection by ID Designates a font by ID as primary or secondary.
HP PCL Commands 66 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.12 Downloading Fonts Currently, the HP DeskJet 600 Series and 850/855 Series printers are the only printers that accept downloaded fonts. Note that the HP DeskJet format soft fonts are designed for use with the HP DeskJet 500 Series printers.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 67 10.12.2 Download Font This command must be sent prior to downloading the characters in the font.
HP PCL Commands 68 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.12.3 Character Code The character code is a state variable that must be designated prior to the download of a char- acter descriptor. Any existing characters with the same code are deleted.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 69 group of bytes sent by one command is called a block. A character definition consists of a first block and zero or more continuation blocks. An unsupported or invalid character definition is ignored and discarded.
HP PCL Commands 70 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.13 Raster Graphics The following HP PCL commands apply to the printing of raster graphic images on HP Desk- Jet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 71 10.13.4 Start Raster Starts raster mode and specifies the starting position of the raster image.
HP PCL Commands 72 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 4 4 Resets the left graphics margin to 0. 4 4 Moves CAP to the row immediately following the end of the raster area and zero-fills empty rows if source raster height was specified; otherwise to the next row.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 73 10.13.7 Source Raster Width Specifies the width in pixels of the raster area. Raster width extends from the left graphics margin to one of the following: 4 4 The distance specified by the Source Raster Width ( Esc * t # H ) command.
HP PCL Commands 74 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Since width is in the direction that the raster rows are laid down, source raster width is relative to the current raster resolution or print quality setting.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 75 10.14 Raster Data Transfer The Raster Transfer commands ( Esc * b # V , Esc * b # W ) define how many byte.
HP PCL Commands 76 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.14.2 Transfer Raster by Row/Block Transfers the number of bytes specified in the value field to the printer in a row by row or block format, depending on the current compression method ( Esc * b # M ), then moves CAP to the next row.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 77 10.15 Raster Compression Since raster images take a large amount of memory and processing time, raster data should be reduced as much as possible.
HP PCL Commands 78 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Method 1 requires byte pairs: a Transfer Raster ( Esc * b # V or Esc * b # W ) command with an odd value field is ignored and the data discarded.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 79 Parentheses in the above escape sequences are for readability only. Method 3 - Delta Row Encoding This method replaces only bytes in the current row that are different from the preceding row (seed row).
HP PCL Commands 80 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide The values of the offset have the following definitions: If more than eight delta bytes are needed, additional command byte/delta bytes are added: [(Command Byte)(1-8 Delta Bytes)][(Command Byte)(1-8 Delta Bytes)] .
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 81 The following data is compressed using method 3. Italicized bytes are those needing replace- ment, i.e., bytes different from the seed row. Graphics data is binary.
HP PCL Commands 82 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Control Bit = 0 If the control bit is 0, the replacement data is uncompressed. Bits 0-2 contain the replacement count; bits 3-6 contain the offset count. The replacement count is the number of bytes to be replaced by the bytes following the command byte.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 83 Seed Row Source Esc * b # S Specifies the plane of the seed row for multi-plane graphics in compression methods 3 and 9.
HP PCL Commands 84 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 10.16 Color 10.16.1 Simple Color The Simple Color ( Esc * r # U ) command, sometimes referred to as Set Planes Per Row , allows color selection from a fixed palette.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 85 Row Pointer. The HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printer firmware will com- plement the data and fire the pen as required to generate the appropriate CMY color.
HP PCL Commands 86 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 4 Plane (KCMY) Color Palette (value = -4) Planes per Row Color Printed Data Plane Pattern K C M Y 4 White .
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 87 10.16.2 Foreground Color All HP PCL marking entities utilize foreground color, which is selected by Esc * v # S from the current palette. Sets the foreground color to the specified index of the current palette.
HP PCL Commands 88 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide TABLE 58. Single Plane (black) Palette Planes Per Row Index Color 1 0 White (no ink) 1 Black TABLE 59. Three Plane (CMY) Color Palette Planes per Row Index Color 3 0 White (no ink) 1 Cyan 2 Magenta 3 Blue 4 Yellow 5 Green 6 Red 7 Composite Black TABLE 60.
HP PCL Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 89 TABLE 61. Four Plane (KCMY) Color Palette Planes per Row Index Color Printed 4 0 White (no ink) 1 White (n.
Fonts 90 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.0 Fonts A soft font is composed of a Font Definition (font header) and a series of character definitions.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 91 11.2 Resolution-Specified Bitmap Font Definition (Format 20) The Resolution-Specified Bitmap font definition shown below is the same as the Standard Bit- map font definition, except that it allows specification of resolution (shaded fields).
Fonts 92 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide The following notation is used to define data types in the font definitions: (BOOL) Boolean (0,1) (UBYTE) Unsigned Byte (0 . . . 255) (SBYTE) Signed Byte (-1 28 . . .1 27) (UINT) Unsigned Integer (0 .
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 93 11.2.4 Font Type (UBYTE) Identifies the font type as one of the following: Value Symbol Set Organization 0 7-bit (32.
Fonts 94 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 5 - Outline with shadow 6 - In-line with shadow 7 - Contour with shadow 8-11 -Patterned (complex patterns, subjectiv.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 95 11.2.10 Spacing (BOOL) Specifies the type of font spacing. Fixed spacing is 0; proportional spacing is l; dual-fixed spacing is 2.
Fonts 96 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.2.14 Height (UINT) Bitmap Font - Specifies the font’s height in quarter-dot units. The value, converted to points (1/72 inch), is used as the height characteristic of the font.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 97 11.2.19 Typeface [LSB/MSB] (UBYTE) Specifies the HP typeface number of the font.
Fonts 98 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 2 3rd version 3 4th version Vendor (typeface word partial sum multiplied by 2048) 0 Reserved for generic typeface selection. 1 Reserved for HP use only. 2 Agfa Division, Miles Inc.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 99 11.2.22 Placement HP DeskJet 600/800/900 & HP 2000 Series printers ignore this field. 11.2.23 Underline Position (SBYTE) Bitmap Font - Specifies the distance from the baseline to the top dot row of the underline in dots.
Fonts 100 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.2.27 First Code (UINT) Specifies the character code of the first printable character in the font. The space character may be printable, and will print an image if one is defined; otherwise, a space control code is executed.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 101 point font for a 300-ppi device would have a height of 166 (41.5 dots, or 9.96 points) and a Height Extended field of 170 (0.1660 dots additional, which adds to 9.9998 points).
Fonts 102 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.2.36 Copyright This optional field contains ASCII data. 11.2.37 Font Scaling Technology This field specifies either an Intellifont or TrueType scalable font or, for Format 16, a bitmap font.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 103 11.3 Bitmap Resolution Segment The BR (Bitmap Resolution) segment is used to define the X resolution and Y resolution of the bitmap. This segment must be present for bitmap fonts, otherwise the font is invalidated.
Fonts 104 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.4 Character Enhancement Segment The CE (Character Enhancement) segment is used to indicate if a downloaded font is allowed to use the printer’s character enhancement algorithms.
Fonts HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 105 Bit Positions (#) = StrokeWeight 0 - 6 reserved 7 Semi Light 8 “Book” or “Text” 9 Semi-Bold 10 Demi-Bold 11 Bold 12 Extra Bold 13 Black 14 Extra Black 15 Ultra Black 11.
Fonts 106 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11.5 Dual-Pitch-Space Char Segment The DP (Dual-Pitch-Space Character Code) segment is used to specify the space character code for full-width spacing (two-byte characters) and half-width spacing (one-byte characters).
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 107 12.0 HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition The format for the HP LaserJet bitmap character definition and continuation block is shown below.
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition 108 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 12.0.2 Continuation (BOOL) Specifies whether the following data is a character descriptor block (0) or a continuation (non- zero) of the data associated with the previous character descriptor.
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 109 of the character (in portrait orientation): the first dot row of data corresponds to the first dot row of the character. The end of each row is padded with zero bits so it contains an integral num- ber of bytes.
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition 110 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide Class 2 Compressed Bitmap Character Data Character Height Left Offset Character W.
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 111 12.0.5 Orientation (UBYTE) Bitmap fonts only.
HP LaserJet Bitmap Character Definition 112 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 12.0.10 Delta X (SINT) Bitmap fonts only. Specifies the number of quarter-dot units (radix dots) by which the horizon- tal position within the HP PCL logical page coordinate system is incremented after printing the character.
Banner Printing HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 113 13.0 Banner Printing The following information concerns the printing of continuous forms (banners, z-fold media) on the HP DeskJet 680 and 690 Series printers.
Banner Printing 114 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 13.0.2 Margins Margins in banners are handled the same as margins with cutsheet media. Default top and bottom margins are 1/2 inch. If perforation skip is disabled (Esc * l 0 L), the margins are adjusted to 0 top and bottom.
Banner Printing HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 115 13.0.6 Power-On with Continuous Media The firmware will remember what media type is loaded.
HP PCL Code Samples 116 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 14.0 HP PCL Code Samples The following pages contain PCL code samples that are intended to address some of the most commonly asked support questions.
HP PCL Code Samples HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 117 Set Text Length Esc & l 72 F 11 in. page length - [3/4 in. margin + 1 1/4 in. bottom margin] = 9 in. 9 in. X 8 lpi = 72 lines Specify Fixed 12 cpi Esc (s 0 p 12 H 12 cpi is used to set columns for side margin calculations.
HP PCL Code Samples 118 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 14.2 Commands Sent to Printer The series of escape sequences in the table above sends the following commands to the printer. The series of dots (...) indicate main text.
HP PCL Code Samples HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 119 14.3 3-Plane Color Graphics The following shows a simple 3 plane color graphics PCL code sample that prints CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, then blends them together to produce BLACK, RED, GREEN and BLUE.
HP PCL Code Samples 120 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 14.4 4-Plane Color Graphics The following shows a simple 4 plane color graphics PCL code sample that prints BLACK, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, then blends them together to produce BLACK, RED, GREEN and BLUE.
HP PCL Code Samples HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 121 <esc>*b18W 0800 0800 0800 08FF 0100 08FF 08FF 08FF 0800 (Yellow data) <esc>*b18V 08FF 080.
Printer Commands 122 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 15.0 Printer Commands Escape Sequence Action - Result Escape Sequence Action - Result Esc & a # C Mo.
Printer Commands HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 123 Esc * c # E Character Code Esc ) s W Download Font Esc * c # F Font Control Esc Y Display Functions Mode On Esc * o # M Print Quality Esc Z Display Functions Mode Off a.
Other Resources for Assistance 124 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 16.0 Other Resources for Assistance 16.1 HP Developer Exchange Available on the World Wide Web - HP Printing & Imaging Solution Provider Program.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 900 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.