Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4060 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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QMS 4060 Print System Reference ® 18004 65-0 01C.
Trademarks The following are tradema r k s or reg iste red tradem arks of their res pec tive owners. Other product n ames mentio ned in this manua l ma y also be trad emarks or register ed tr adem arks of t hei r res pect iv e o wne rs.
Contents 1 Introdu ction Introduction ........ .......................... .................... ................... ......... 1-2 About This Manual .......... .......................... .................... ............... 1-2 Typo graphi c Co nventi ons 1-3 2 Print Media Introduction .
QMS 4060 Print System Reference ii Media S torage .................. ................... .......................... ............... 2-5 3 Professi onal Printing Introduction ......... ............. ............. ............. ............. ...........
Contents iii Duple xing 4-17 Offset Stac ki ng 4-18 Face-Up Orde r 4-18 Colla tion 4-1 8 Orienta tion 4-2 1 Input 4-21 Paper Outpu t 4-24 Chain ing Pap er Input bins 4 -25 Settin g Up Chai ning Opt ions 4 -26 Custo m Inpu t Bin s 4-28 Consu ma ble s 4-29 Crown Ac counti ng 4-29 Copy Accoun ting Fi le s to Hos t 4-44 Administration Menu .
QMS 4060 Print System Reference iv Settin g Input bin x Name 4-88 Settin g Outputb in x Na me 4-8 8 Spec ifying Page Rec overy Actio n 4- 89 Settin g Tone r Low Action 4-89 Settin g Energy Conse rvatio n 4-89 Settin g Defaul t Resol ution 4 -90 Settin g Tone r Densit y 4-91 Rotate Simplex 4-91 Lette rhead 4 -92 Print Qua lity 4-92 Consumables .
Contents v 5 Additional Technical Information Introduction ........ .......................... .................... ................... ......... 5-2 Printer-Host Communication .
QMS 4060 Print System Reference vi A QMS Custom er Support Sources of Support .. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .. A-2 Your QMS Ven dor A-2 Your Ap plica tion Ven dor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 CompuServ e A-3 Intern et A-3 QMS Customer Re sponse Cente r (CRC) A-3 QMS Wor ld- wide Offices .
Contents vii C Document Option Comman ds Introduction ........ .......................... .................... ................... ........ C-2 Supported QMS DOCs .
QMS 4060 Print System Reference viii E Configuration Menu Introduction ......... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .
1 Introduction In This Chapter . . . n “About Th is Manual” on page 1-2 n “T ypogr aphic Conventions” on page 1-3.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference 1-2 Introdu ction This manual provides d etailed instr uctions and techn ical inf ormati on f or your QMS 4060 P rint System . Use this guide in conjunction wi th your other pr inter documentatio n. This chapter gives you a brief overview of this manual.
About Thi s Manual 1-3 Introd uction n Appendix A—QMS Customer Support Provides world-wid e product sales and s uppo rt te lephone num- bers and describes how to communi cate with QMS through Co m- puSer ve , the Inter net, a nd Q-F AX.
About Thi s Manual QMS 4060 Print System Reference 1-4 » Note: Notes con tain tips, extr a inf or mation, or im por tant informa tion that deser ves emphasis or reiterati on. ▲ Caution : Caution s present in f or mation that you nee d to know to av oid equipmen t damage, process f ailure, or e xtreme anno yance.
2 Print Media In This Chapter . . . n “Media S iz es and Im ageable Areas” on page 2-2 n “Media T ypes and W eights” on page 2-4 n “Media S tor age” on pa ge 2-5.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference 2-2 Introdu ction This chapter lists the medi a siz es and im ageable areas suppor ted by the QMS 406 0 Print System, and the n provides inf or mation on s elect- ing and stor ing media. Media Sizes and Imageable Areas Y our printe r suppo r ts media i n a numbe r of sizes .
Media Sizes and Imagea ble Areas 2-3 Print Med ia The fo llo wing table lis ts the size, imageable area, an d f eed edge (the edge of the media drawn into the p rinter first) of all suppor ted media a.
Media Types and Wei ghts QMS 4060 Print System Reference 2-4 Page Margins Margins are se t through your applicatio n. Some ap plications allow you to set custom page si z es and m argins while o thers hav e only standard pa ge sizes and margins from w hich to choose.
Media St orage 2-5 Print Med ia Weight The pr inter suppor ts the following weights of pape r: n P aper trays —17-36 lb (64-139 g/m 2 ) n Large-Capacity Input Feeder —17-36 l b (64-139 g/m 2 ) Transparencies Type See a ppendix B , “T echn ical Specifi cations,” for informa tion on t ypical types of transparencies.
3 Professional Printing In This Chapter . . . n “About T ypefaces and Fonts” on page 3-2 n “Resident Fonts, T ypefaces, and Symbol Se ts” on page 3-7 n “Optional Fonts” on page 3-14.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-2 Introdu ction This chapter defines common ter ms used in the descripti on of fonts and typefaces, and displa ys the pr inter’ s resident typef aces.
About Typefaces a nd Fonts 3-3 Professi onal Print ing Typeface Classi fication One wa y of classifying the diff erent type f a ces is to group them into the following categori es: Serif A ser if is a decorative line or tai l on the ends of th e strok es of a lette r .
About Typefaces a nd Fonts QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-4 Typography Terms Mono spacin g The ter ms “monospaced” and “fi x ed-pitch” ref er to a typeface whose characters all hav e uniform and equal spacing. The se typef aces are useful for spreadsheets and o ther documents wit h columnar data .
About Typefaces a nd Fonts 3-5 Professi onal Print ing Scala ble Fo nt A scalable f ont is one in which each char acter’ s dot patter n (bitmap) is generated from a mathema tical representati on (or outline ) of the character . Scalable fonts eliminate the need to store many different f ont sizes.
About Typefaces a nd Fonts QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-6 Stro ke Weigh t Orienta tion Or ientation is the dire ction of th e print or image on a page. P or trait orienta tion reads fr om left to right, across th e narrower dimension o f the pag e .
Reside nt Fonts, Typefaces, and Symbol Set s 3-7 Professi onal Print ing derive from pai nting; a po r trait is usuall y a v erti cal view while a lan d- sc ape is us ua lly a hori zo n ta l v ie w . Resident Fo nts, Typefaces, and Symbol Sets Resident PostScript Fonts The following 42 P ostScrip t f ont s are resident in your pr inter .
Resident Font s, Typefaces, and Symbo l Sets QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-8 Serif Fon ts Sans S erif Fonts Script Font ITC Zapf Chancery Med ium Italic Pi or S ymbol Fonts Σψµβολ (Symbo l) .
Reside nt Fonts, Typefaces, and Symbol Set s 3-9 Professi onal Print ing Other Fon ts OCR-B PC US A SCII PC Multil in gua l Resident HP PCL 5e Fonts Y our printe r has resident HP P CL 5e f o nts. This gives the QMS 4060 the abi l ity to e m ulate the HP LaserJet 5Si.
Resident Font s, Typefaces, and Symbo l Sets QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-1 0 Courier Me dium Courier Ita lic Medium Courier Bo ld Courier Bo ld Italic ü ü ü ü Garamond (S tempel) M edium Gar.
Reside nt Fonts, Typefaces, and Symbol Set s 3-11 Professi onal Print ing Times M edium Time s Italic Med ium Ti m es Bo ld Time s Italic Bo ld ü ü ü ü Times R oman Mediu m Times R oman Ita lic Me.
Resident Font s, Typefaces, and Symbo l Sets QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-1 2 PCL 5e Symbol Se ts This table lists all o f the PCL 5e symbol sets that are sup por ted on the QMS 4060 Pr int S ystem.
Reside nt Fonts, Typefaces, and Symbol Set s 3-13 Professi onal Print ing Resident HP-GL Symbol Sets Y our printe r has the fol lowing residen t HP-GL symbol set s .
Optiona l Fonts QMS 4060 Print System Reference 3-1 4 Optional F onts Y our printe r suppor t s the f ollowing opt ional fonts: n A disk containing typef aces (f onts), such as the ProCollection for the HP em ulation s on your printer o r other special f onts.
4 Printer Configuration In This Chapter . . . n “Methods of Configuration” on page 4-2 n “Configu r ation M enu” on page 4-4 n “Operator Control Menu” on page 4-16 n “Administration M en.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 Introdu ction This chapter b egins b y listin g and descr ibing the d iff erent wa ys you can configu re yo ur pr inter to meet y our special pr inting ne eds .
Methods of Configuration 4-3 Printe r Configuration printer control panel . Y our appl ication d ocumentation e xplains how to control your pr inter settings: probably by choosing op tions from a pri nting menu. Applications use printer dri v ers to send appropr iate commands to the printer for requested tasks.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 ronment. T o av oi d confusion i n a shared pr inting en vironment, only the system adm in istrator should make configuration changes. See the QMS CrownAdmin on -line help f or inf or mation o n using Remo te Consol e .
Configuration Menu 4-5 Printe r Configuration » Note: Defining d ocument proce ssing options for a par ticular j ob through t he control pane l is not reco mmended in a shared environment.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 order shown. The pr inter responds by displaying a status message o r confi guration menu in the mes sage wind ow . » Note: Y ou m a y need to press the Next button more tha n one time to advance through th e list of opt ions.
Configuration Menu 4-7 Printe r Configuration Exam ple T o chan ge the default pr inter emulati on from ESP to P ostScript , press the control panel buttons i n the ord er s hown in t he f ollowing table. » Note: Y ou m a y need to p ress the Next b utton more tha n once to advance through the l ist of selections o r options.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 Changing Chara cter Information Someti mes, r ather than sel ecting an op tion, you need to enter char- acter inf or mation. A char acte r is any lett er , dig it, or symbol. A field is a group of characters that have meaning.
Configuration Menu 4-9 Printe r Configuration at a ti me . The current i nput character flashes. Use the f o llowing but- tons to chan ge the current input cha racter: Once you ha v e changed the curr.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 0 responds by displaying a st atus message or confi guration menu in th e message window . An und er line ind icate s the current input character in the message window .
Configuration Menu 4-11 Printe r Configuration Select Access the Scaling P ercent menu. SCALING PERCENT 1 00 Pre vious Lo wer the current character to 0 . SCALING PERCENT 0 00 Select Select 0 and mov e the current character to the next 0. SCALING PERCENT 00 0 Ne xt (5 time s) Advance the current cha r acter to 5.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 2 Saving Configuratio n Changes Bef ore the printer can accept pr int jobs w ith configuration changes , the changes must be saved. Exam ple T o save y our configuration chan ges , press the control pan el b uttons in the order shown in the f ollowing ta b le.
Configuration Menu 4-13 Printe r Configuration Canceling Configuration Changes If you change a co nfiguration op tion and th en decide to cance l that chang e , you can do so wh en e xiting the configuration menu. Exam ple T o can cel your configuration ch anges , press th e control panel buttons in the order shown in the f ollowing ta b le.
Configur ation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 4 Restoring the Factory Default Configuration If you need to cancel all of the configuratio n changes you hav e made, you can reset all of the configu ration settings to their factory d ef aults.
Configuration Menu 4-15 Printe r Configuration Restoring a Defau lt Custom Configura tion Rebooting the System Use this opt ion to restar t the system after making a group of configu- ration menu chan ges. Bef ore making configuration changes an advanced status p age should b e printe d.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 6 Operator Co ntrol Menu The Operator Control menu contains the f ollowing selections: Selec tion See this section.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-17 Printe r Configuration Copies While it is p ref erab le to use your applica tion to select the number of copies to p rint, you can change t he default number of copies for all print j obs through the printer control pa nel.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 8 Offset Stacking This option offsets each job as they are stac k ed in the optional LCOS. Face-Up Order This option allows you to choose stacking your print job in nor m al f ace-down order or re v erse order .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-19 Printe r Configuration output tra y . The f ollowing figure shows the collated and uncollated stacking f or two copies of a f our-p age fil e. The main adv antage of collation is conv enience an d the tim e savings derived from no t having to separate and sor t indivi dual copies o f a document .
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 0 Chunk Col lation This mechanism o f introducing a f o rced boundar y is known as chunk collati on.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-21 Printe r Configuration » Note: Collating through your applicati on is more time consuming than coll ating throu gh the pr inter . The applicati on sends the complete job the requ ested number of times rather tha n sending it once a nd holding da ta in pr inter mem ory .
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 2 The fo llowing illu stration shows the locatio ns of these bins. The input trays s uppor t sev er al types and sizes of paper . See chapter 2, “M edia T ypes an d W eights,” of this manual, f or inf or mation on the types and weigh ts of paper .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-23 Printe r Configuration Naming P aper Inputbins Options i n t he Ad mini str at ion /En gine m en u al lo w y ou to giv e e ach inputbi n a m ore descriptiv e name. T hese name s a re d ispla yed in t he printer me ssage wi ndo w , where ap pr op riate .
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 4 Inputbin 5 Inputbi n 5 is the optio nal large -capacity pape r f eeder . Paper Output Selecting a Paper Outputbin An option in the Operator Control menu allows you to select th e def ault outputbin (tray).
Oper ator Control Menu 4-25 Printe r Configuration Chaining Paper Inputbins An option in the Operator Cont rol menu allows you to “chain” i nput- bins (tra ys) so that when the first inpu tbin emp.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 6 Setting Up Chaining Options Options in the Operator Con trol menu allow y ou to configure whe ther or not an inputbin will be av ailable for chaining from a nother input bin.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-27 Printe r Configuration Lower Inputbin Use the Operator Con trol/Chain Option /Low er Chaini ng to chain to the lower inputb in. Middle Inputbin Use the Operator Con trol/Chain Option /Middle Ch aining to chain to the mi ddle inpu tbin.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-2 8 Upper Inputbin Use the Operator Con trol/Chain Option /Upper Chaining menu to chai n to the upper inputb in. Custom Input Bins This opt ion allo ws y o u to set up the pa per siz e for th e opt ion al cust o m input tra y .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-29 Printe r Configuration Consumables These options he lp y ou moni tor your pri nter’ s consumables. Printing a Consum ables Statistics P age Crown Accounting Crown account.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-3 0 » Note: If yo u are connected to a network via TCP/IP , y ou hav e a choi ce of using Cro wn accounting or the standard TCP/IP a ccounting through your UNIX ho st software. See the TCP/IP Protocol Optio n User’ s Guid e f or more in f o rmati on on TCP/IP accounting.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-31 Printe r Configuration The amount o f space required for each job can var y between 200 and 250 bytes, so each 1 MB in the job accounting file will store i nf orma - tion o n 4,000 to 5, 000 jobs. If the selected v alue is greater than the current v alue, the file siz e is increase d to reser ve the ex tra space.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-3 2 » Note: When accounti ng is enab led and the Job Accountin g file s are 100% ful l, no fur the r print j obs are accepted by the pr inter unti l Resetaccounti ng is selected or until Accoun ting is disabled.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-33 Printe r Configuration file m a y be a si ngle file or multiple f iles, with x as the fil e number when mult iple files are used. Informatio n in this fi le is kept intact after the prin ter is tur ned off and back on again.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-3 4 n T ag I dentifie rs These three-di git numbers are used t o identify fiel ds . The three- digit number i s used instead of a name to m in imize use of disk space. The Dictiona ry fi le (ACC .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-35 Printe r Configuration by a char t e xplaining the various fields, using d ata from the example to help clar ify the field s .
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-3 6 5: Th e User Na me fie ld co rrespon ds to the %% For DOC . 5: {ls mith} L Smith sent job 6: Th e Host Name field corres ponds to the %%Host DOC. 6: {} No host name assig ne d 45: The Co nnecti on field indic ates the I/O p or t in whic h the j ob arriv ed.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-37 Printe r Configuration 13: The Bo dy Coun t field repres ents the n umb er of imag es in the actua l docu ment, e xcludi ng multip le copi es.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-3 8 19: The P aper T ypes Cou nt fiel d indi cates ho w man y di ff erent types of pa per we re used in the docu me nt and repres ents the numbe r of se parat e index e ntri es that f ollo w the ma in reco rd f or the docu ment in the J ob Ac counti ng file .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-39 Printe r Configuration Paper Accoun ting Fi le Rec ord Example The fo llowing example shows a Paper Accounting fi le: 22: 8268, 23: 11693, 24: 75, 25:{ white}, 26:{ plain},.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 0 P aper Accounting file describes the pape r used. The second record tells y ou: » Note: Fields 24 , 25, 26, and 27 are design ed prim arily f o r future enhancem ents to the accounting capabilitie s .
Oper ator Control Menu 4-41 Printe r Configuration Status Accounting F ile Re cord Exam ple The fo llowing is an ex ampl e of the St atus Accounting f ile: 28: 1, 29: 9, 30: 1048576, 31: 104857 6, 32:.
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 2 34: The Maxi mum Number of Job Files field indicates the maximum numb er of jo b files . For e xample , e v en i f y our sy stem is co nfi gured f or m ultipl e files , if only 1 MB i s dedi ca ted to acc ou ntin g, the maximu m number of fi le s is 1.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-43 Printe r Configuration 39: The J ob Fil e F ull fla g indi ca tes whethe r the J ob Acc ountin g file is full. 1 File i s full ; Reset acc ounti ng shoul d be perf ormed 0 .
Operat or Control Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 4 Copy Accoun ting Files to Host Accountin g files should be tr ansf er red to your host computer pe riodi- cally to keep the pri nter from being overlo aded with data an d to allow you easy analysis of data.
Oper ator Control Menu 4-45 Printe r Configuration cT y p e get SYS:/admin/acc1.job acc1.job ↵ get SYS:/admin/acc.pap acc.pap ↵ get SYS:/admin/acc.sta acc.sta ↵ » Note: If multip le Job Accounting fi les are used, each of the A CCx.JOB files sho uld be copie d.
Adminis tration Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 6 Administration Menu The Adm inistration m enu contains the following s ubme n us: Commu nication s This menu contains sev eral opti ons that allow you to configu re the printers communicati on parameters to match the host and appl ication parameters.
Communications 4-47 Printe r Configuration Setting Timeouts The Time outs options limi t the amount of t ime the pr inter waits on transmission from the host f o r v ariou s types of d ata.
Communications QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-4 8 Set ting an Emula tion Timeo ut The emulat ion timeou t is the maximum number of seconds emul a- tions other than P o st Scr ip t (such as HP-GL, HP PCL5 e, and Line- printer) wait for incomin g data.
Communications 4-49 Printe r Configuration Setting Parallel Inte rface Parameters Use the A dministration/Communicat ions/P arallel menu to set the par- allel interface v alues used for printer-host communicati ons.
Communications QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-5 0 Emulation Sets the paralle l inte rf ace emulation . Minim um Numbe r of Kilo bytes fo r Spoolin g Sets the minimum number of kil oby tes of system memo ry all ocated to the parallel i nterf ace.
Communications 4-51 Printe r Configuration Spoo ling Ti meout Sets the number o f seconds the inte rf ace w aits f or data from the h ost before terminati ng a spooled pr int job.
Communications QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-5 2 Defaul t Job Priority Allows y ou to s pecify which j obs are printed first, according to the interf ace throu gh which they are received, when j obs are received simultaneously .
Communications 4-53 Printe r Configuration PS Protocol Sets the binar y communications protocol (B CP) f or communicating ov er a parallel interf ace to a P o stSc ript pr inter. Menu Administration/Com m unications/P arallel/PS P rotocol Choice s Norma l—Enables standard, A SCII (7-bit) hex protoco l.
Communications QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-5 4 Setting Network 2 Opt ions Crow nNet F or informa tion on opti ons and defaults found in this menu, see chap- ter 2, “Pr inter Configuration ,” in the QMS CrownNet System Adminis- trator’ s Guide .
Communications 4-55 Printe r Configuration Defaul t Job Priority Allows y ou to s pecify which j obs are printed first, according to the interf ace throu gh which they are received, when j obs are received simultaneously . Binar y Fixed—Enable s binar y communi cations protocol (B CP).
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-5 6 Emul ations Use the Ad ministration/Emul ations menu to set th e parameters f or th e av ailable printer emul ations.
Emulat ions 4-57 Printe r Configuration Setting PostScript Paramete rs The P ostScript menu allows you to select h alftone type and intensity . Halfto ne Ty pe Sets the halfton e type . These opti ons allow y ou to customize the s moothne ss of the pr inted image according to the number of gr a yscales it uses.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-5 8 Setting PCL 5e Parameters The PCL 5e menu maintain s PCL 5e e m ulat ion attributes such as default f on t, symbol set, and point size. There are ten configurati on setti ngs . Defaul t Font Sets the prin ter’ s de fault f ont.
Emulat ions 4-59 Printe r Configuration Math, M ath 8, Microsoft P ub , P i F ont, PS T e xt, V en tura Intl, V entura Math, V entura US, and Wind ows symbol sets cannot be used with the resident line printer bitm ap f onts. Lines Pe r Inch Sets the def ault lines pr inted per inch i n PCL jobs, regardless of page size.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 0 Line Te rmina tio n Indicates th e def ault li ne termi nation mo de. This setting speci fies the treatment of line f eeds and carri age return s . (See Appendix C, “Docu- ment Opti on Command s ,” f or more in f ormati on on lin e term ination).
Emulat ions 4-61 Printe r Configuration Retain T emporary Allows you to control the PCL 5e pr int environment across pr int jobs. Menu Administration /Emulations/P CL 5E/Retai n T emporar y Choice s O.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 2 Defaul t Fon t Inde x Sets the Def ault F ont Index when the Def ault Font is set to sele ctbyinde x. Default Off Notes A retained state is cleared if y ou do a n y of the f ollowing: n Explicit ly clear the PCL sta te by sending an <ESC>E or Prin ter Job Languag e .
Emulat ions 4-63 Printe r Configuration Mono ch rome GL /2 Allows your printer to emul ate a monochrom e or color plotte r . Menu Administration /Emulations/P CL 5E/ Monochrome GL 2 Choice s On, Off On—Sets the pr inter to mo nochrome (2 pen). Off—Sets the pr inter to colo r (8 pen).
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 4 Downlo ad Loca tio n Controls the default storage location of PCL objects (f onts, macros , and pat terns) when it is not otherwise specified through DOC com - mands. Setting HP-GL Parameters This section con tai ns the config ur ation c hoices av ailable und er Emu- lations/HP-GL.
Emulat ions 4-65 Printe r Configuration Plotter Identi fies the HP-GL plotter t y pe. Scalin g Percen t Identi fies the percentage to reduce or enlarge an image.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 6 Enhan ced Mode Increases the resolutio n of the gri d f or do wnloade d characters . The HP-GL UC (User-defin ed Character) comman d allows you to down- load and d ra w characters using an encoding scheme consisting of sequences of p en control movements and coordinate sequences .
Emulat ions 4-67 Printe r Configuration Paper Ty pe Identi fies the origi nal image’ s paper size. Default Off Notes The av ailable range of pl otter unit s f or a par ticular paper size is only pa r tially dete rmin ed b y setti ng the Expand M ode to On.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-6 8 Pen 1 - Pe n 8 Sets the width and color for the eight plotter pens. Each pen has a width a nd a color opti on av ailable. » Note: See chap ter 5, “Additiona l T echnical Inf orma tion,” for more inform ation on th e HP-GL emul ation color en coding eq uation.
Emulat ions 4-69 Printe r Configuration Setting Line Printer Parameter s The fo llowing twelv e configu ration options are available. Font Sets the pr inter f onts f or the current pr int job. An y P ostScript fonts a v ailab le on the printer can be us ed.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-7 0 Autowrap Indicates whether long l ines are to b e wrapped t o the next line inst ead of being tr uncated.
Emulat ions 4-71 Printe r Configuration FF is CRFF Specifies whe ther each form feed (FF) in the p rint jo b is translated to a carriage re turn/form feed (CRFF) combination. LF is CRLF Specifies whe ther each line feed (LF) in the pr int job is translated to a carri age retur n/line f e ed (CRLF) combi nation.
Emulations QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-7 2 Lines Pe r Pa ge Specifi es the number of l ines pr inted on a page before an auto matic page ej ect. Interline spacin g is set to t he selected poi nt size . Logica l pages consisti ng of more lines th an specified a re split into mul tiple pages.
Speci al Pages 4-73 Printe r Configuration Orienta tion Specifi es whether te xt and graphics are pl aced on the page in a por- trait or landscape orient ation. Poi nt Sz 1 00ths Sets the fiv e-digit v a lue used to speci fy the point size of the font for the current pr int job .
Special Pages QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-7 4 Working with Status Pages Printi ng a status page is a two-step procedure: Identify the type of status page you w ant to pr int, and then print it. Identi fying a Status Page Type T wo types of stat us pages are av ailable .
Speci al Pages 4-75 Printe r Configuration Working with Header Pa ges A head er page is a sepa rator page that pr ints bef ore a pri nt job to help u sers sor t thei r jobs. The infor mation on the header p age can be cust omized. See the QMS Crown D ocument Option Com mands man- ual on the QMS Software Utilities CD-ROM f or more informa tio n.
Special Pages QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-7 6 Working with Trailer Pages A trailer pa ge is a separator page that pri nts after a print job to help users sor t out their jo bs and, if requ ested, identify print j ob errors.
Prin ter Start - Up Options 4-77 Printe r Configuration Identi fying a Trailer Page In put Source Y ou can select the input b in (tra y) from which t he print er pulls paper when pr inting the t railer page.
Printe r Start-Up Options QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-7 8 name, the P o st Scr ip t version, and v ariou s print er settings. Howe v er , you can turn the star t-up page off to conser v e paper and toner .
Memory 4-79 Printe r Configuration Loading the PostScript Error Handler Error Handler is a diagnosti c tool th at identifi es P ostS cript errors encountered during a print job . Memory This submenu al lows you to allocat e the printer’s memor y (RAM) among t he v arious me mory cl ients .
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 0 Manual Config uration Menu The manual configuration me n u all o ws you to fine ly adjust memo ry clients to your par ticular pr inti ng nee ds.
Memory 4-81 Printe r Configuration » Note: If you add the In put Buff er Sizes allocated to ea ch interface and the Shared Spo oli ng Spa ce, the resu lt sh oul d equal Host Input .
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 2 Emulation The K M em Emulation, l isted on the sta tus page as E m ulation, is t he number of kilobytes of RAM to be used by non-P ostScript emulation s f or temporar y storage and f or loading op tional emul ations.
Memory 4-83 Printe r Configuration Script emul ations for storing download ed (soft) f onts, f orm s , or macros. Display List The K M em Displa y is the numb er of kilobytes of RAM de dicated to the di spla y list s. The display list hold s the inter mediat e represe ntation of page s to be pri nted.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 4 Disk Cache The K Mem Disk Cache is the number of kil obytes of RAM dedicate d to the d isk cache. Thi s memor y client speeds fi le system throughpu t on a.
Memory 4-85 Printe r Configuration frame holds th e contents of each singl e page ima ge. F or e xample, a 600 dpi pag e printed on letter si z e paper would consume frame buff er memor y space as f ollows: (600dpi x 600dpi x 8.5'' x 11 '')/8 = 4,207,5 00 b ytes or 4.
Engine QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 6 Engine Through th e Administratio n/Engine m enu y ou can set print en gine- related paramete rs. Adjusting the Image A lignment This option allows y ou to adju st the ho rizontal a nd v er tical p lacement of prin te d im ages .
Engine 4-87 Printe r Configuration Duplex H. Offset Duplex V. Offset Setting Default Paper The default paper size is used when the sel ected paper size is requested but the input tra y is missing from the engine. Default 100 (0.33"/. 84 mm) Notes V alu es abov e 100 move the image down.
Engine QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-8 8 Setting Inputbin x Nam e These opti ons are used to name i nputbins 1, 2, 3, and 5. Setting Outputbin x Name These opti ons are used to name o utput bins 1, 2, and 3.
Engine 4-89 Printe r Configuration Specifying Page Recover y Action When a paper jam or other simi lar error occurs , the prin ter can reprint the jo b starti ng from the page on which the j am occurred.
Engine QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-9 0 the pr inter is inactive for a user-defined l ength of time. W hen a print job is received, the pri nter return s to norma l po wer within 90 seconds. Setting Default Resolutio n This opti on sets the print engine’ s def ault resoluti on.
Engine 4-91 Printe r Configuration Setting Toner Density Print d ensity is the amount of to ner placed on each d ot, making the print ap pear lighte r or darker . Th e higher the den sity , the dar ker the print l ooks and the hi gher the contrast is on the page.
Consumables QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-9 2 Letter head Use Admi nistration/En gine/Lette rhead to select le tterhead. Print Quality The Print Qual ity option allows the pr inter to operate at a lower rate of toner consump tion and extend the life of your toner bottle s .
Consumables 4-93 Printe r Configuration Changing the D eveloper This menu prompts y ou through th e changing dev eloper procedu res. See chap ter 2, “Consumables,” in the Operations manual f o r the pro- cedure and illustrations on changi ng the dev eloper .
Consumables QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-9 4 Default No Notes When you select Y es the me ssage window displ a ys: OPEN UPPER RIGHT DOOR After you open the door the message win dow disp lays WASTE BOTTLE IN? SELECT WHEN DONE After you check the waste bo ttle, close the door , and press select the m ess age wind ow displa ys PURGING DEVELOPER.
Consumables 4-95 Printe r Configuration Replacing the Drum This menu prompts y ou through rep lacing the d rum proce dures . See chapt er 2, “Consumables,” in th e Operations manual for the proce- dure and illustrations on rep lacing the dr um. Replacing the Fuser This menu prompts y ou through rep lacing the fu ser procedures.
Consumables QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-9 6 Replacing the Pick-Up Rollers This menu prompts y ou through rep lacing the pi c k-up roller . See chapter 2, “Co nsumables ,” in the Operati ons manual for the proce- dure and illustrations on rep lacing the pi c k-up rollers.
Consumables 4-97 Printe r Configuration Menu Administration/Con sumabl es/Pick Unit 3 Choice s No , Y e s Default No Notes This menu is selected when y ou replace the pick-up roller on the lower tr a y .
Miscellaneo us QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-9 8 Resetting All Con sumables Statistics Counters Miscel laneous The Miscell aneous submenu allows you to c hange pr inter co nfigura- tions, such as de f aults and m essage wind o w langu age. Save Defaults Use Admi nistration/Miscel laneous/Save Defa ults to save your defaul ts .
Miscellaneous 4-99 Printe r Configuration Restoring the Factory Default Configuration If you need to cancel all of the configuration changes you h a v e made, you can reset all of the configu ration settings to their factory d ef aults or custom defaults.
Miscellaneo us QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 00 New System Ima ge The system software in your printer is stored on the int ernal ha rd drive. This allows y ou to update the sys tem soft w are from the host compu ter .
Miscellaneous 4-1 01 Printe r Configuration Setting the Message Window Language Status me ssages and configuratio n menus can be d ispla yed in the message win do w in Eng lish, F rench, Ger man, or Span ish. Clock Operations This menu allows y ou to set the inter nal real-tim e cloc k and adjust its speed .
Hard Di sks QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 02 Hard Disks Use the A dministration/Disk Operatio ns menu to format the inter nal hard disk or connected hard disks. See th e Options manual f o r more infor mation on install ing ex ter nal hard disks .
Hard Disks 4-1 03 Printe r Configuration Formatt ing a Hard Disk Use the Admi nistration/Disk Operatio ns/F or mat Di sk menu to f orm at a hard di sk. Backi ng up a Hard Disk Use the A dministration/Disk Operatio ns/Back up Hard Disk to b ack up a hard di sk.
Instal lation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 04 Refer to chapter 1, “Me mor y and Sto r age,” in the Options manual for compl ete informati on on backing up data to a Jaz or Zip Dri v e and restoring da ta from a Jaz or Zip Drive. Restore Disk Use Admini stration/Disk Operation s/Restore Disk to restore your disk .
Install ation Menu 4-1 05 Printe r Configuration Use Operator Password Deter mines if a pa ss word is require d to enter the Operat or menu. Admin Password This represents the pass word used to enter the A dministration menu when en abled. Default Blank (no pass word) Notes Enable the pas s word in the Instal lation/Use Ope r ator Pwd me nu.
Instal lation Menu QMS 4060 Print System Reference 4-1 06 Use Admin Password Deter mines if a pass word is requi red to ent er the Administration menu.
Configuring Optional Features 4-1 07 Printe r Configuration Confi guring Optional Fe atures Sev eral of the opti onal features a v ailable aff ect pr inter configu ration and the Con figuration menu. Wh en an optiona l f eature is installe d, its confi gur ation inf or mation merge s into the Configuration m enu.
5 Addition al Technical Information In This Chapter . . . n “Printer-Host Co mmunicatio n” on page 5-2 n “Halftone s” on page 5 -4 n “Memor y” on page 5-7 n “End Job M ode” on p age 5-.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 Introdu ction This chapter p ro vides addition al technical i nf orma tion on memor y manage ment, end j ob mode, the PS Protocol option, an d HP-GL color-to-gr a yscale c on vers ion.
Print er-Host Communication 5-3 Additio nal Technical Information HP-GL emulat ion, HP-PCL emulation, or a nother optional emulation) from those i nstalled on the printer . The pr int job is p rocessed without y our having to chang e printer s wi tch settings or send software commands to accomm odate diff e rent printer e mu lati ons .
Halfto nes QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-4 Configu ring the pr inter throu gh the control panel is de scribed in chap- ter 4, “Pr inter Configuration ,” of this manual. Halfton es The abili ty of the pr inter to prod uce halftone s allows you to add scanned images or ha lftone graphics to y our docume nts .
Halft ones 5-5 Additio nal Technical Information Screen Freq uency Screen frequency or Li nes P e r Inch (LPI) is the number of l ines of halfto ne dots that compose ea ch inch of a halftone screen. The screen frequ ency determi nes the number of h alftone dots use d to represent gra y le v els in a given area.
Halfto nes QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-6 Halfto ne Types Y our printe r provides three different option s f or halftones— basic, standard, an d adv anced. The numb er of gra y le v els incre ases b y increasi ng the hal ftone type setting an d the pri nter resoluti on.
Memory 5-7 Additio nal Technical Information n If you hav e EFIcolor software lo aded, select None . n Select Use PDF Screen Values . Basic Screenin g T o use basic screening (or halftoni ng), do the following: In Y our QuarkXPress Document (P a ge Setup Dialog Bo x) n In the P rinter T ype l istbo x select QMS 4060 Print System.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-8 The ability to conf igure y our pr inter's memor y doesn’t necessar ily mean that you must change your current configu ration.
Memory 5-9 Additio nal Technical Information Memo ry Memor y allows y our pr inter to store and ret riev e inf or mation. It’ s the space withi n y our prin ter where informat ion is stored while being active ly worked on. Memory Clien t A memor y clie nt is a us er of a block of memor y dedicated to a sp ecific functi on.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-1 0 is distributed. Y our p rinter comes with 32 MB of RAM, but it is upgr ad- able to 128 MB by addin g Single In-line Memor y Modul es (SIMMs). RAM Disk Also called a vir tual d isk , the RAM disk is an are a of RAM th at is used to simulate an additiona l hard disk.
Memory 5-11 Additio nal Technical Information Physic al Memory Physical memor y ref ers to the am ount of RAM in stalled in t he print er . Virtual Memory Vir tual m emor y e xtends the effectiv e size of the p rinter’ s memor y by using a d isk file or swap file to simulate addition al memor y space.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-1 2 3 Does your pri nter hav e any inter nal or exter nal hard di sks con- nected? If s o , how many and what size? Dis k Cache 4 Which resi dent emulatio ns w.
Memory 5-13 Additio nal Technical Information Memory Clients Memor y clients a re users of print er memor y that are ded icated to a specific purp ose . Each of the mem ory clients i s located in th e Admin- istration/Mem or y menu. When you allocate memor y to a specific cli- ent throu gh the control p anel, it’ s allocated in kilobytes (KB).
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-1 4 Frame Buffer The F r ame Bu ff er memor y client holds raster iz ed or bi tmapped images of page faces whi ch are ready to be sent to the pr int engi ne. A frame holds th e contents of each singl e page ima ge.
Memory 5-15 Additio nal Technical Information » Note: * 2200 KB is the mini m um allowed f or the F rame Buffer client. Display List Also known as K Mem Displa y , this client sto res compressed repre- senta tions, or bloc ks, of the pa ges to be pr inted.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-1 6 PostScript Font Cache Also known as K Mem PS F onts and F ont Cache, this mem ory client stores bitmap ped representations of pre viously scaled P o stScript f onts. This proce ss reduces the number of times a f ont must be co n- v er ted from o utline for m to bitmap f orm.
Memory 5-17 Additio nal Technical Information the pr int jobs are com pleted, l eading to vi r tual memor y erro rs . If not enough memory i s allocate d to the PS hea p , the job cannot pri nt.
Memory QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-1 8 s witching prev ents unnecessar y repetitiv e downloading a nd tr affic congesti on on networ ks. Nor mally , this me mory client do esn’t need to be change d unless y ou plan to downlo ad many diff erent non-PostScript fonts .
Memory 5-19 Additio nal Technical Information The amoun t of memory ne eded f or the disk cache client is depe ndent on the size of the disk, the number of disks, the number of subdirecto- rie s on each di sk, and the a mount of me mory d edicated to cachi ng.
End Job M ode QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 0 » Note: See F AQ 7181 for a list of app ro v ed hard disks, their manufacturers and par t number s , and the QMS products on which they can be used. Y ou can a ccess QMS F AQs through the Intern et at http://www .
End Job M ode 5-21 Additio nal Technical Information Therefore , unless a wait timeout (the amo unt of time the printer i s waiting on data from the host) occur s and ends each print job, or unless yo.
End Job M ode QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 2 f ollow are inter preted as be ing the same emulatio n as the fi rst job . F or ex ampl e , if the re are two print jobs, the first a P CL file with.
End Job M ode 5-23 Additio nal Technical Information Stand-Alon e PC 1 Set the end job mode from the printer's control panel. 2 Add the EOD command to your file.
End Job M ode QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 4 » Note: Y ou m a y need to press the Next button one or m ore times to advance through the l ist of selections o r options. Key Purpose Message Window Online T u rns off the On line indicator and readi es the printer for confi guration.
End Job M ode 5-25 Additio nal Technical Information Adding an EOD Command to Your File When addi ng an EOD comm and to your file, use the s yntax f or the selecte d EOD command e xactly as wr itten (the comm and's syntax is case sensiti v e). » Note: <ESC> rep res ents the escape character .
End Job M ode QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 6 Sampl e output fi le: Text Text Text Text %% EndOfDocument Addin g an EOD Command to a Separate File Create an ASCII te xt file tha t contains only th e EOD command.
Parall el Inter face Modes 5-27 Additio nal Technical Information Parallel Interface Modes In addi tion to Cen tronics parallel communicatio n, y our pri nter’ s p ara l- lel interface provides IE EE 1284 bidi rectiona l parallel co mmunicatio n, which suppor ts five modes of ope r ation.
PS Protocol Option QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-2 8 ECP (Enhanced Compatibility Port) Mode This is an a dv anced version of byte mode wh ich allows transf er of data i n either directi on without ret urnin g to the compa tibility m ode.
PS Protocol Option 5-29 Additio nal Technical Information T o differentiat e data from the specia l control characters, any data that is the same as one of the f o llowing special control characters must be quoted. A data b yte is quoted b y replacing i t with a two-character seque nce.
PS Protocol Option QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-3 0 Options The fo llo wing option s are av ailable in the P S Protocol m enu: Menu Administration/Com m unicati ons/ Interface /PS P rotocol Choice s Name a nd Descrip tion Norma l—Enables standard, A SCII he x protoco l.
PS Protocol Option 5-31 Additio nal Technical Information Advantages The main ad v antag e of using th e Binar y and B inar y Fix ed P S protocol modes whe n sending bi nary d ata is that the se modes comp ress the data stream allowing y our docu ments to be smal ler so y ou can send smaller j obs to the pri nter .
HP-GL Col or Encoding QMS 4060 Print System Reference 5-3 2 HP-G L Color En coding The ter m “pen” in the HP-GL emulation ref ers to a log ical pen (in other words, the current pe n position) rather th an to a physical pen on a plot ter . A pen and a pen col or are selected to draw images.
A QMS Customer Support In This Chapter . . . n “Sources of Su ppor t” on page A-2 n “QMS World-wide Offices” on page A -5.
Sources of Suppor t QMS 4060 Print System Reference A-2 Sources of Support Se v eral sources of help and inf or mation are available, depending on the type o f help y ou need: Your QMS Vendor Y our local vendor (the on e from whom you bough t the printer) may be best equi pped to help you.
Sources of Suppor t A-3 QMS Customer Support CompuServe Through Co mpuSer v e, y ou ask general (no n-technical) questio ns , share informa tion with ot her users, and access printing inf orm ation and programs. When y ou use Com puSer v e, type go qmsprint ↵ to go directly t o the f orum where QMS is located .
Sources of Suppor t QMS 4060 Print System Reference A-4 þ The emulat ion you’ re usin g þ Y our printe r firmware version (listed on the status/star t-up pages ) n Fax —Y ou ca n f ax questions t o the CRC at (334) 633 -3716 (US).
QMS World- wide Offi ces A-5 QMS Customer Support QMS W orld-wide Offices QMS Un ited States and Latin Ame rica General Co ntact 1 (33 4) 633-4 300 F ax 1 (334) 6 33-4866 Email i nfo @qms.
QMS World- wide Offi ces QMS 4060 Print System Reference A-6 QMS in Japan General Co ntact (+81)-3 3779-9 600 F ax (+81)-3 37 79-9 650 Internet http://www .
QMS World- wide Offi ces A-7 QMS Customer Support v QMS Italy Via d ella Rep ubb lica 56 4310 0 P a rma Italy (+39) 52– 123 1 998 F ax (+39) 52– 123 2 902 QMS Nordic Sweden, Finla nd, Norway, an d.
B Technical Specifications In This Chapter . . . n “Pri nt Engine Specifi cations” on page B -2 n “Controller Sp ecifications” o n page B-6 n “Pri nt Media” on page B-7 n “Pri nt Media.
Print Engi ne Speci ficati ons QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-2 Print En gine Specificatio ns Print Speed Engine Fujitsu Supe r Gamma 40 Duty Cyc le Maximum - 30 0,000 images per m onth Printing T .
Prin t Engine Speci fications B-3 Technical Sp ecifications Physical Specifications B5 (JIS) 34 34 Cust om (width = 3.93 " to 11.69"/ 100m m to 297mm, length = 7.16" to 8.5" / 182m m to 215.9mm) 40 40 Cust om (width = 3.93 " to 11.
Print Engi ne Speci ficati ons QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-4 Electrical Specifications Environmental Specificati ons Ser vice Area F ront Back Left Right 25.
Prin t Engine Speci fications B-5 Technical Sp ecifications Acoustic noise 55 dB(A) or less - printer only 57 dB(A) or less - printer with LCOS & LCIF 50 dB(A) or less - standby Dust 0.
Controll er Speci ficati ons QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-6 Control ler Specifications Em ulation s P o stS cri pt Lev el 2 (300/600 dpi ) HP PCL 5e (HP La serJet 4Si com patible, without PJL; 30.
Prin t Media B-7 Technical Sp ecifications Print Media Interfac es Centronics/IE EE 1284 bidirectio nal parallel and CrownNet Ether net interfaces Suppo r t f or an optiona l interface (LocalT a lk, E.
Print Med ia QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-8 T ypes Cut -sheet paper , transparenci es, 3-hole punche d paper , prepr inted forms, and labels. See “Consumable Suppli es” on page B-10 , f or recommended m edia.
Prin t Media B-9 Technical Sp ecifications Print Media SIzes Media Media S ize Imageabl e Area F eed Edg e Inpu t/ Outp ut Inches Millimeter s Inches Millimeters 11x17 11.00x17.00 279.4x431.8 10.67x16.6 7 270.93x423. 38 Short D , L, M , P , U A3 A4 A5 11.
Consumable Supplie s QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-10 Consu mable Supplies Tr a y s Three 500-sheet paper tra ys Media —Size s See “Print Med ia SI zes” on page B-9, f or media size in f o rm ation.
Regul ator y B-11 Technical Sp ecifications Regulatory CE Marking International (EU) EN 55022 :1987 (Class AITE) EN 60950 :1992 IEC 801-2 IEC 801-3 IEC 801-4 Em issi ons Saf ety ESD Radiate d sus cept.
PC Cable Pinouts QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-12 PC Cable Pinouts Centronics/IEEE 1284 Parallel This table gives the pinouts for the pr inter end of the Centronics/IEEE 1284 pa rallel cable used to connect y our printe r to a compu ter . Signal Pin No.
PC Cable Pinout s B-13 Technical Sp ecifications Notes to the Table n Direction refers to the direction of signa l flo w as view ed from the printer . n Return denotes “twisted -pair retur n” and is to be connected a t signal-ground le v el.
PC Cable Pinouts QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-14 Serial This table gives the correct pinouts for the 9-pin male RS -232 serial interf ace. » Note: The serial in terf ace is an optio n which must be purchased through your QMS vendor . S ee append ix A, “QMS Custome r Suppor t,” for a list of locations and teleph one numbers.
PC Cable Pinout s B-15 Technical Sp ecifications IBM PC/XT, PC/AT, and Com patible Computers The fo llowing di agr ams show the ser ial cable pinouts for IBM P C/XT , PC/A T , and com patibl e computers. » Note: Not all ser ial cabl es are confi gured as shown and may require an additi ona l null-mod em adap ter .
PC Cable Pinouts QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-16 LocalTalk (Opt ional Interface) The fo llowing table provides the pi nouts for the printer’s optiona l 8-pin LocalT alk interface: Macintosh to .
PC Cable Pinout s B-17 Technical Sp ecifications Ethernet 10BaseT RJ45 The fo llowing table provides the pinouts for the 10BaseT RJ4 5 Ether- net in terf a ce: 10Base 2 BNC The fo llowing table provid.
Printe r Options QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-18 Printer Options Cabl es Y ou may purchase cabl es from your local v endor . See cable specifica tions, earlier in t his chapter . Cro wnCopy Monochrome scanner/cop ier wi th auto matic document feed (ADF) capability; connects to the ex ter nal SCS I por t via a S CSI 2 to Ce ntronics 50 cable.
Prin ter Option s B-19 Technical Sp ecifications Ima ge Printing QMS ImageS erver Interfac es CrownNet Ether net (Eth erT alk, LAN Manager/Lan Ser v er , NetW are, TCP/IP) CrownNet T oken-Ring (LAN Manage r/Lan Se rver , NetWare , TCP/IP) DECnet LocalT alk Ser ial RS232 Check with y our QMS v endor , f or a complete list of option al int erfaces.
Warrant y Considerat ions QMS 4060 Print System Reference B-20 Warranty Considerations V a rious f actors can a ff ect a printer’ s warranty . T wo impor tant on es are consumables and el ectrostatic discha rge. Read your printe r warr anty carefully , and the n store it in a safe place.
Warranty Considerations B-21 Technical Sp ecifications rubber , wood, painted metal surfaces, and teleph ones are not accept- able grounding points. The pr inter isn't an acceptable groundi ng point either because i t must be unplug ged bef ore you perform thi s task .
C Document Option Commands In This Chapter . . . n “Suppor ted QMS DOCs” on pa ge C-2.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference C-2 Introdu ction This appe ndix lists the suppor ted Document Optio n Commands (DOCs) f or y our QMS 4 060 Print S ystem. The command s are grouped by f eature type. Each comma nd is preceded by either a DOC s tatem ent (%%) or an IncludeFeature stateme nt (%%IncludeFeature).
Suppor ted QMS DOC s C-3 Document Option Commands HP PCL 5e Emulation Com mands Enable scalable f onts %%Incl udeFeature: scalablef onts Install o bject %%IncludeFeature: instal l Remov e object %%Inc.
Suppor te d QMS DOC s QMS 4060 Print System Reference C-4 Set dpi for imag e e xpansion %%DP I Set data compression %%Compression Rev e rse bits %%BitRev erse End pri nt job %%JobEnd Set image siz e %.
Suppor ted QMS DOC s C-5 Document Option Commands Control transformati on point %%IncludeFeature: paper_size_ov erride Adjust ima ge horizontall y %%Incl udeF eature: xorigi n Adjust ima ge v er tical.
D Notices In This Chapter . . . n “Manual Not ice” on page D-2 n “FCC Com pliance Statement ” on page D -2 n “Canadian Users Noti ce” on page D-3 n “Europe RFI Sta tement” on pag e D-3.
Manual Noti ce QMS 4060 Print System Reference D-2 Manual N otice QMS, Inc. rese rves the r ight to ma k e change s to this ma n ual and t o the equ ipment descr ibed herein without notice. Co nsiderable eff or t has been ma de to ensure that this manual is free of inaccur acies and om iss ions .
Canadi an Users Notice D-3 Notices M WARNING! To prevent electrical shock, do not remove a ny covers from your prin ter unless you are experienced in working with circuit boards and are following i nstructions for procedures described in QMS docum entation.
Acoustics QMS 4060 Print System Reference D-4 Acous tics Acousti c noise lev e ls per IS O 9296: Printi ng: L pAm : 56 dB (bystande r) L WAd : 7.0 B Standby: L pAm : 39 dB (bysta nde r) L WAd : 5.4 B Geraeuschemission na ch ISO 9296: Druck e nd: L pAm : 56 dB (nachba rarbeitsplat z) L WA d : 7.
Safety Stand ards and Gener al Considerations D-5 Notices Safety Standards and General Consideratio ns This pr inter has been desig ned to conform to recognized techn ical standards, includi ng the follow ing nation al and int er nation al produ ct saf ety standards and nor ms: n UL 1950 n U .
Power Cord QMS 4060 Print System Reference D-6 Power Cord The f ollowing power cord requiremen ts are i n effect f or the 220v QMS 4060 P roduct. Colo phon This manual was written and f ormat ted in F rameMaker .
E Configuration Menu In This Chapter . . . n “Installat ion Menu” on pa ge E-3 n “Operator Control Menu” on p age E-4 n “Administrati on Menu” on pag e E-5.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference E-2 Introdu ction Y ou may use this se ct ion as a quic k reference f or understandi ng and navigating the menu stru cture of the QM S 4060 Pr int Syste m.
Intro duction E-3 Installation Menu Use Operator PWD Admin Pass word Use Admin PWD Idle Inst allation * Oper ator Contr ol Administration Oper ator Passwrd Off or On Off or O n ( Enter password) ( Ent.
Introd uction QMS 4060 Print System Reference E-4 Operator Control M enu Duplex Collation Inputb in Outputb in Chain Inputbins Account i ng Custom Inp ut Bin Idle Operator Co ntrol Administra tion Ins.
Intro duction E-5 Admini stration Menu Image Alignment Default Paper Inputbin 1 Name Inputbin 2 Name Inputbin 5 Name Outputbin 1 N ame Outputbin 2 N ame Page Recovery Toner Low Act.
Index Numerics 10Bas e2 See Eth ernet 10Bas eT See Eth ernet 1284 , IEEE, cab le pinout s B-12 A About thi s manua l 1-2 Accoun ting Copyi ng ac cou nting fil es 4-44 Dicti onary f ile 4-33 Fiel ds, d.
I-2 QM S 4060 Print System Reference B Backin g up Hard di sk 4- 103 Bitmapp ed font 3-5 BNC See Eth ernet Bookma n ITC Boo kman 3-3 Buffer Spool ing 5-1 8 Buffer, fram e Memory, al locating 4-8 4 Byt.
I-3 Index Creating a network jo b separa tor 5-26 Custome r Respons e Center (CRC), QMS A-3 Custome r support, QMS A-2 D Data Bits menu (p arallel) 4-51 Def Reso lution me nu 4-90 Defaults Custo m, re.
I-4 QM S 4060 Print System Reference EPP mode, paralle l 5-28 Error Handle r, PostScript 4-79 ESP 5-20 Printi ng mod es 5-2 Time out 4-4 8 ESP Timeout menu 4-4 8 Ethernet Cable pinou ts, 10Ba se2 BNC .
I-5 Index Heade r pages 4-75 Trail er page s 4-77 Instal lation me nu 4 -5, 4-104 Integra ted Drive Ele ctronics See IDE Intelli font SIMM Albert us 3-9 Antiq ue Olive 3-9 Claren don Con dense d 3-9 C.
I-6 QM S 4060 Print System Reference Page sizes B-7 Spec ificat ion s B-10 Storag e 2-5 Type s 2 -4 Weig hts 2-4 Memory 5 -7, 5-9 Buffer, frame 4-84 Clien t 5-9, 5- 13 Defini tions 5-8 Disk cach e 4 -.
I-7 Index N Nibble mode , paralle l 5-2 8 Non-vola tile me mory 5-10 NV RAM 5-10 O Oblique 3-6 Offset, im age, co nfiguring 4-86 Operator Con trol menu 4 -4, 4-16, 4-46 Chain Inputb ins 4-25 Colla tio.
I-8 QM S 4060 Print System Reference Loca lTalk B-16 Macint osh-to -serial B-16 Serial B-14 Pitch 3-5 Point s ize 3-5 Portrait orie ntation 3-6 Postca rds Storag e 2-5 PostScrip t Error Han dler 4-7 9.
I-9 Index S Sans s erif typefa ces 3-3 Save Defaul ts menu 4-14 Scala ble font 3-5 scale (Pos tScript ope rator) 2- 3 School book New Century Sch ool boo k 3-3 Screen angl e 4 -57, 5-5 Screen freque n.
I-1 0 QMS 4060 Print System Refer ence Intern et A-3 Technic al A-3 World -wide A-5 Symbo l 3-8 Symbo l sets HP-GL 3-13 SYSSTART file 4-78 System memory 5-1 9 System Use 4-85, 5 -19 T Technica l suppo.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4060 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.