Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 2300dn del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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use hp L ase rJet 2 3 00 2 300 2 300d 2 300n 2 300dn 2 300dtn 2 300L.
hp LaserJet 2300 ser ies pr inters use.
Copyright and License © Copyright Hewlett-P ac kard Company 2002 All Rights Reserved. Except as allowed b y copyright laws or herein, reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior wr itten permission is prohibited.
ENWW Content s 3 Contents 1 Printer basics Printer con figurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Printer fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents ENWW Selecting a p aper source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Printing by ty pe and size of m edia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Printing a cove r or different fir st page .
ENWW Content s 5 Troublesho oting print-quality p roblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Print-quality checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Image de fect examples .
6 Contents ENWW Diagnostics m enu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Service men u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW 7 1 Pr inter basics Thank y ou f or purchasing an HP LaserJet 2300 series printer . If y ou ha v e not done so , see the getting started guide ( star t ) provided with the printe r f or setup instr uctions. Now that the printer is set up and ready to use, take a f ew moments to f amiliarize y ourself with the printer .
8 Chapter 1 Printer ba sics ENWW Printer configurations The HP LaserJet 2300 pr inter is av ailab le in six configurations, as described below . Note The illustrations in this guide are based on the HP LaserJet 2300 printer model unless otherwise stated.
ENWW Printer f eatures 9 Printer features The f ollowin g table describes the f eatures f or the HP LaserJet 2300 series pr inters . Fa s t p r i n t speed The HP LaserJet 2300L pr ints on letter-size paper at sp eeds up to 20 pages per minute (ppm) or A4-size paper at up to 19 ppm.
10 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Interf ace connections and networking The printer includes a bidirectional ECP type-B p arallel por t (IEEE-1284 compliant) and a USB por t (compatible with 1.
ENWW Prin ter software 11 Printer software The printer comes with helpful soft war e , including printer driv ers and op tional soft wa re . F or easy printer setup and access to the full r ange of printer f eatur es , HP recomme nds that y ou inst all the software provided.
12 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Operating systems and printer components The printer CD-R OM contains the softw are componen ts and drivers f or end users and network administr ators. The printer drivers pr o vided on the CD-R OM mu st be installed to ta ke full adv antage of printer f eat ur es.
ENWW Prin ter software 13 The f ollo wing tab le list s the a v ailabl e softw are f or y our printer . *A vailab le only on the World Wide Web . Software Windows 9 x /Me Windows NT 4.
14 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printer drivers Printer drivers a llow y ou to g ain access to the printer f e atures and allo w the computer to communicate with th e printer (by using a printer langu age). Chec k the installation not es and Readme files on the printer CD-R OM f or additional sof tware and lang uages.
ENWW Prin ter software 15 Software f or Macintosh computer s The HP installer provides P ostScript Printer Descr iption (PPD) files, Printer Dialog Extensions (PDEs), and the HP LaserJet Utility for use with Macintosh computers. The embedded W eb ser ver can be used b y Macintosh com put ers if th e p rinter is co nne cte d to a network.
16 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Installing the printing system software The printer comes with printing system so ft ware and p rinter drivers on a CD-R OM. The printing system software on the CD-ROM must be installe d to ta ke full advantage of the prin te r features.
ENWW Installing the printing system software 17 If installation f ails, reinstall the softw are. If this f ails , check the installation notes and Readme files on the pr inter CD-ROM or the flyer that came in the pr inter box, or go to http://www .hp.
18 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Installing Macintosh printing system software f or netw orks This section describes how to install Macintosh printing system software.
ENWW Installing the printing system software 19 9 Select the printer name . 10 Clic k Ad d Printer . 11 Close the Pr in t Cen te r by clicking the close button in the upper-left cor ner . Note Some networ ks might not allow the prin ter to be set up automatically .
20 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Installing the software after the parallel or USB cable has been connected If y ou ha v e already connected a parallel or USB cable to a Windo ws computer , the New Hard ware Found dialo g bo x ap pears when y ou turn on the computer .
ENWW Uninstalling the software 21 Uninstalling the software This section e xplains ho w to uninstall the printing syste m software . T o remove software fr om Window s operating systems Use the Uninsta ller in the HP Lase rJet 2 300/T ools pr ogr am group to select an d remov e any or all of the Windo ws HP pr inting-syste m components .
22 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Contr ol panel This section provides informatio n ab ou t th e contr ol pa n el an d its features: “ Control panel la yout ” on page 22 “ Using the printer Help .
ENWW Control panel 23 Control panel b uttons Button Function ( H ELP ) Provides inf orm atio n about the message on the graphical displa y . ( B ACK ) Bac ks up one lev el in the menu tree or bac ks up one numeric entr y . Exits menus if held down f or more than 1 second.
24 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Control panel lights Light State Indication R EADY On The printer is online and ready to accept data to pr int. Off The pr inter cannot accept data because it is offline (paused) or has ex perienced an error . Blinking The printer is going offli ne.
ENWW Control panel 25 Using the printer Help system This printer f eatures a Help system at the contr ol panel that pro vides instructions f or resolving most pr in te r er ro rs.
26 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Interface por ts The HP LaserJet 2300 pr inter has two interface por ts: IEEE-1284B parallel por t USB por t (compatib le with 1.
ENWW 27 2 Pr inting tasks This section pro vides inf ormation about the f ollowing topics: “ Purchasing pa pe r an d ot her media ” on page 28 “ Media input options ” on page 29 “ Loading tr.
28 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Pur chasing paper and other media HP LaserJet printers produce excelle nt print quality . Y ou can print on a v ariety of print media, such as paper (including up to 100 percent recycled fiber cont ent paper), en v elopes , labels, transpar en cies, and cust om-sized media .
ENWW Media input op tions 29 Media input options The pr inter comes w ith up to thre e paper trays . The pr inter auto matically selects the requeste d media from the co rrect tra y if tha t media is loaded in any of the tra ys .
30 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW T ray 2 (250-sheet tra y) paper sizes A 250-sheet tra y can be purcha sed as an accessory if the printer did not come wit h a tra y 3. It has settings f or the f ollowing pap er sizes: A4 A5 B5 (ISO) B5 (JIS) Letter Legal Ex ecutiv e 8.
ENWW Loading tra y s 31 Loading tra ys Loading tra y 1 (multipurpose tra y) T ra y 1 holds up to 100 sheets of paper or up t o 10 env elope s. See the f ollowing sections f or printing on special medi.
32 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading tra y 2 (250-sheet tray) or optional 250-sheet tray in tra y 3 position T ra y 2 suppor ts only paper ( A4, A5, B5 ISO , B5 JIS, L etter , Legal, Ex ecutiv e, and 8. 5 by 13 inches). T o load tray 2 1 Pull the tra y ou t of the printer and remo v e any paper .
ENWW Loading tra y s 33 4 Place the paper in the t r a y and mak e sure that it is flat at all f our corners. K eep the paper belo w the height tabs on th e paper-length guide in the rear of the tra y . 5 Push down on the paper to lock the metal pap er-lift plate in place.
34 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading tray 3 (500-sheet tra y) T ra y 3 suppor ts only paper (A4 and Lett er). T o load tray 3 1 Pull the tra y ou t of the printer and remo v e any paper . 2 T o adjust f or letter-siz e paper , pull up on the rear paper stop .
ENWW Media output options 35 Media output options The printer comes with two output bins. The t op output bin is used when the rear output bin is closed. The rear output bin is used when the re ar output bin is open. Note When tra y 1 and the rear output bin are used togeth er , the y pro vide a straight-t hrough paper path f or you r print job .
36 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing on special media This section discusses printing on types of media that require special handling: “ Printing on env elopes ” on page 37 “ Printing on la.
ENWW Printing on special media 37 Printing on en velopes Y ou can pr int en v elopes from tra y 1. T ray 1 holds up to 10 en v elopes and supp or ts standard or custom si zes . F or printing on any siz e of en v elope, make su re to set the margins in y our prog ram at least 15 mm (0.
38 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW T o load en velopes in tra y 1 Many t ypes of env elope s can be printed from tra y 1. Up to 10 ca n be st acke d i n t he tr ay . 1 Open tra y 1 by pulling the front cov er down. 2 Open the rear output bin by pulling down on the top section of the bin.
ENWW Printing on special media 39 Printing on labels Use only labels recommended for laser printers. F or label specifications, see “ Labels ” on page 141 . Guidelines f or printing on labels Print labels from tra y 1. Load labels print-side up . Use the rear output bin f or la bels.
40 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing on transparencies Use only transpa rencies recommend ed f o r use in lase r printers. F or t ransp arency specificat ions, see “ T ransparencies ” on p age 141 . Guidelines for printing on transparencies Print transparencies from tr a y 1.
ENWW Printing on special media 41 Printing on custom-sized media or car dstoc k P ostca rds, 3-by-5 inch (ind e x) cards, and other custom -sized med i a can be printed from tr a y 1. The minimum media size is 76 b y 127 mm (3 by 5 inches) and th e maximum media siz e is 216 by 35 6 mm (8.
42 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing on letterhead, prepunched, or preprinted paper (single-sided) When printing letterhead, pre punched, or pre printed pa per , it is important to orient the paper correctly . Follo w th e guidelines in this section f or printing on one side on ly .
ENWW Printing on both sides (duple xing) 43 Printing on both sides (duplexing) Y ou can pr int on both sides of a sheet of paper (called duple xing or two-sided printing) in tw o ways — automatic and manu al. Letter , A4, and 8.5 by13 inche s, and Legal p aper sizes are supported for duple xing.
44 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Lay out options for printing on both sides The f our print-orientation options are sh own belo w . These options are av ailab le when Print on Both Sides is selected from the Finishing tab in the printer driver .
ENWW Printing on both sides (duple xing) 45 T o duplex with the b uilt-in duplex er The bu ilt-in duple x er is included only with the HP LaserJet 2300d printer , HP LaserJet 2300dn printer , and HP LaserJet 2300dtn printer . 1 Inser t enough pape r into one of the tr a ys to accommodate the print job .
46 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Canceling a print job Y ou can stop a print job from a softw are prog ram or a print queue , or b y pressin g the C ANCEL J OB but ton on the printer contro l panel. If the pr inter has no t star ted pr inting, first t ry to cancel the job within the soft w are program that sent the print job .
ENWW Using the printer dr iver 47 Using the printer driver The pr in te r dr iver pro vides access to the pr inter features and allows the computer to communicate with the printer . This section provides instructions for printing when setting options are set from th e printer driver .
48 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Changing default settings If yo u want printing set t ings to be used in all softw are prog rams y ou use on the computer , change the def ault settings in the printer driver .
ENWW Using printer-driver f e at ures 49 Using printer- driver features This section pr ovides instructions f or common printing f eat ures that are con trolled through the printer driver .
50 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing m ultiple pages on one sheet of paper Y ou can print more than one document page on a single sheet of paper (this is sometimes called 2-up , 4-up , or n-up printing). The pages will appear decreased in size and arr anged on the sheet.
ENWW Using printer-driver f e at ures 51 Using EconoMode (draft) printing EconoMode (dr aft) printing allows t he printer to use less toner on each page. Sele ctin g this option might e xtend the lif e of y our print car tridge and reduce y our cost per page , b ut will reduce print quality .
52 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Using reduce/enlarge options Use the reduce/enlarge opt ions to scale your document to a percentage of its normal size . Y ou can also choose to scale y our document t o fit on an y size of paper t hat the printer supports.
ENWW Using printer-driver f e at ures 53 Printing b y type and size of media Y ou can config ure the pr inter to selec t media by Ty p e (such as plain, glossy , or letterhead) and Size (such as letter or A4), rather t han by Sour ce (a tray).
54 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing a co ver or different fir st page Use the f ollo wing procedure to print the first p age of a document on a diff erent media type than the rest of the docume .
ENWW Using printer-driver f e at ures 55 Adding a b lank page or bac k co ver to the end of a print job Use this option to ad d a blank page to th e en d of a pr int job . T o print a blank page in Windows 95, Windo ws 98, Windows Me, and Windows NT 4.
56 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW T o add a blank pa ge to the beginning of all print jobs in Windows 2000 and Windows XP 1 Click the Start button. 2P o i n t t o Settings . 3P o i n t t o Printers (Windo ws 2000) or Printer s and F axes (Windows XP). 4 Right-click the HP LaserJet 2300 ser ies printer icon.
ENWW Using job-stor age f eatur es 57 Using job-storage features The pr inter suppor t s two distinct job-sto rage f eatures that allow printing to be initiated from the printer control panel after th.
58 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW Deleting a held job When y ou send a proof and hold job , the printer automatically deletes y our pre vious p roof and hold job .
ENWW Using job-stor age f eatur es 59 Deleting a priv ate job A private job is automat ically deleted after the user re leases it f or printing, unless the user selects t he Stored Job option in th e printer driver . (In order to st ore a job, the printer must hav e an optional hard disk installed.
60 Chapter 2 Printing tasks ENWW.
ENWW 61 3 Managing and maintaining the pr inter This section pro vides inf ormation about the f ollowing topics: “ Using the embedded W eb ser v er ” on page 62 “ Using HP Web Jetadmin s oftware.
62 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Using the embedded W eb server The embedded W eb ser v er allo ws you t o view printer and n etwork status and t o manage printing functions fro m your co mputer instead of from the printer control panel.
ENWW Using the embedd ed Web ser ver 63 Inf ormation tab The Inf ormation pages group consists of the f ollowing pages. Device Status. This page shows the printer status and sho ws the lif e remaining of HP supplies , with 0 percent representi ng that a supply is empty .
64 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Other links This section contains links t hat connect y ou to the Internet. Y ou must hav e Int er net access in order to use any of the se links.
ENWW Using Printer Status and Aler ts 65 Using Printer Status and Aler ts The Printer Status and Aler ts softw are is a v a ilable t o user s of both network ed and directly connected printers . This softw are allo ws y ou to vie w the embedded W eb se rver inf ormation f or a par ticular printer .
66 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Managing and configuring printer driver s Y our system or network administrat or can use the driv er man agement and conf igurat ion solut ion to configure printer driver s bef ore y ou install and deplo y them within y our en vironment.
ENWW Managing and con figuring printer drivers 67 Administra tors can use the HP Jetadmin softw ar e plug-in to deplo y configur ed printer drivers using a silent, batch, or remot e process. Obtain the HP Web Jetadmin softw are plug-in from http://www .
68 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Managing the print cartridge This section pro vides inf ormation about HP print car tr idges , ho w to store them, ho w to identify genuine on es , and their lif e expectan cy . Inf ormation also appears about non-HP print car tridges.
ENWW Managing the print car tridge 69 Print-car tridge life e xpectancy The lif e of the print car tridge depends on the amoun t of toner that print jobs req uire and the length of lif e f or the co mponents inside the cartr idge .
70 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW T o chec k the supply le vels using HP W eb Jetadmin In HP Web Jetadmin, select the printer de vice . The de vice status page sh o ws supply-le v el inf or mation. Car tridge low and cartridge out conditions The printer aler ts y ou if the print car tridge is low on toner or out of toner .
ENWW Configuring e-mail aler ts 71 Configuring e-mail aler ts Y ou can use HP Web Jetadmin or t he embedded Web server to conf igure the system to alert you of proble ms with the printer . The alerts take the f or m of e-mail messag es to the e-mail account or accounts that y ou specify .
72 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Chec king the printer configuration At the printer control panel, y ou can print pages that giv e details about the printer and its curr ent configuratio n.
ENWW Checking the printer configur at ion 73 Note Y ou can also obtain configu ration inf ormation in the em bedded W eb server . Fo r details , see “ Using the embedded W eb ser v er ” on pa ge 62 . 1 Printer Inf ormation Lists the model, serial numbe r , pa ge counts, and ot her inf ormation fo r the printer .
74 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Supplies status page Use the supplies status page to obta in inf ormation about the print car tr idge installe d in th e printer , the amount of lif e left in th e print cartr idge , and the n umber of pages and job s that ha v e been proc es sed .
ENWW Checking the printer configur at ion 75 1 Supplies webs ite Lists the local website f or order ing supplie s through th e Inter net. 2 Car tr idge inf or mation Pro vides inf ormation about the e.
76 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW PS or PCL f ont list Use the f on t lists to see which f onts ar e currentl y installed in th e printer . (The font lists also sho w which f onts are resident on an option al hard disk accessory or flash DIMM.
ENWW Cleaning the printer 77 Cleaning the printer Over time, par ticles of tone r and paper ac cumulate inside the pr inter . This can cause prin t-quality prob lems during printing.
78 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW Cleaning the paper path and print-car tridg e areas Ov er time , p ar ticles of toner and pap er accumulate inside th e printer . This can cause print-quality prob lems during printing. Clean ing t he printer eliminates or reduces these pr oblem s.
ENWW Cleaning the fuser 79 Cleaning the fuser Run the printer cleaning pag e to k eep the fuser free of toner and paper pa r ticles that can sometimes accum u late. Accu m ulation of toner and par ticles can cause spec ks to appear on the front or bac k side of y our print jobs .
80 Chapter 3 Managing and main taining the printer ENWW.
ENWW 81 4 Prob lem solving This section will help y ou trou blesh oot and solv e minor printer prob lems . “ T roubleshootin g checklist ” on page 82 “ T roubleshoo ting gener al printing pr obl.
82 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW T roub leshooting chec klist If the printer is not responding properly , complete the fo llo wing chec klist in order . If the printer does not pass a ste p , follo w the correspondin g troub leshooting suggest i ons.
ENWW T roublesh ooting gener al printing prob lems 83 T r oubleshooting general printing pr oblems Symptom P ossible cause Solution Control panel display is hard to read. The contrast is too high or too low f or your office en vironment. Adjust the contrast on the control panel display (see “ DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS ” on page 154 ).
84 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Print job is e xtremely slow . The job might be very complex. The maximum speed of th e printer cannot be exceeded e ven when more memor y is added. Printing speeds might be automatically reduced whe n printing on special-sized media.
ENWW T roublesh ooting gener al printing prob lems 85 The printer prints, but the te xt is wrong, garbled, or incomplete . The prin te r cable is loose or defectiv e. Disconnect the printer cable and reconnect it. T r y a print job that you know wo rks.
86 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW The printer does n ot respond when you select Print in the software . The printer is out of paper . Add paper . The printer might be in manual feed mode. Change the printe r from manual f eed mode (see “ MANUAL FEED ” on page 149 ).
ENWW Printing spec ial pages 87 Printing special pages Special pages wit hin the memory of the printer can help you to diagnose a nd learn about problems with your printer . Configuratio n page The configuration page lists m any of the current settings and proper ties of the printer .
88 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Understanding printer messa ges Printer messages appear on the printer control panel d ispla y to rela y the normal status of the printe r (s uch as Processing job ) or an erro r co nd itio n (su ch as CLOSE FRONT DOOR ) that n eeds attention.
ENWW Understan ding pr inter messages 89 Interpreting contr ol-panel messages Message Desc ription Recommended act ion Access denied menus locked The printer contro l pane l function you are tryi ng to use has bee n lock ed to pre vent unauthorized access .
90 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW LOAD TRAY [XX] [TYPE] [SIZE] alter na tes with To use another tray press or For help press or To continue press A job is sent that requires a specific type and size that is not availab le in the tray that is indicated.
ENWW Understan ding pr inter messages 91 TYPE MISMATCH TRAY [XX]=[TYPE] alter nates with Ready For help press The system detected a diff erent type of media from the type specified for the tra y in the paper path coming fro m tra y XX . 1 V eri fy th at the correct media is loaded in the tra y .
92 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW 22 EIO [X] BUFFER OVERFLOW alter na tes with To continue press T o o much data w as sent to the EIO card in the specified slot [ X ] . An improper communicati ons protocol might be in use. 1 Press ( S ELECT but t o n) to clear the message.
ENWW Understan ding pr inter messages 93 41.3 UNEXPECTED SIZE IN TRAY [XX] alter nates with LOAD TRAY [XX]: [TYPE] [SIZE] This is typically caused if two or more sheets stick together in the printer or if the tray is not properly adjusted. 1 Reload the tray with the correct paper size.
94 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW 53.XY.ZZ PRINTER ERROR There is a problem with the printer memor y . The DIMM that caused the error will not be used.
ENWW Understan ding pr inter messages 95 59.X PRINTER ERROR alter nates with To continue turn off then on A temporar y pr inting error occurred. 1 T urn the pr inter po wer of f , an d then tur n th e printer power on. 2 If the message persists, contact an HP- aut horized se rvice or suppor t provider (see “ Contac ting HP ” on page 123 ).
96 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW 79.XXXX PRINTER ERROR alter na tes with To continue turn off then on The prin ter de tected a critical hardware error . 1 Press C ANCE L J OB to clear the print job from the pr inter memor y . T ur n the prin ter pow er off , and then tur n the pr inter power on.
ENWW Clearing jams 97 Clearing jams Occasionally , media can beco me jammed during a print job . The f ollo wing are some of the causes: T ra ys are loaded improperly or ov erfilled. T ra y 2 or tra y 3 is remov ed during a print job . The top co v er is opened during a print job .
98 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Print-cartridg e area Jams in th is area might re sult in loose toner on the page . If y ou get an y toner on your clothes or hands, w ash them in cold water . (Hot water will set the to ner into the fabric.) 1 Open the top co v er .
ENWW Clearing jams 99 T ray 2 or tra y 3 paper-feed area Note If paper has entered th e print car tr idge area, f ollo w the instructions in “ Print-c ar tridge ar ea ” on page 98 . It is easier to remov e pape r from the print car tridge area than from the pa per-f eed area .
100 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Output areas Ja ms in this area might result in loose toner on the page . If y ou get an y toner on y our clothes or hands , wash them in cold w a ter . (Hot water will set the toner int o the f abric.) 1 Open the top co v er and rem ov e th e print car tr idge .
ENWW Clearing jams 101 Duplex er area This proced ure applies only t o printers that include a built-in duplex er (HP LaserJet 2300d pr inter , HP LaserJet 2300dn printer , and HP LaserJet 2300dtn printer). 1 Remove tr a y 2 from the printer . 2 Pull the gree n lev er on the left front of the tr a y 2 opening to open the paper acce ss plate .
102 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW T roub leshooting print-quality pr oblems This section he lps you define print- quality problems and wh at to do to correc t them.
ENWW T roubleshoo ting print-quality prob lems 103 Image defect ex amples Use the e xamples in this image def e ct tab le to determine which print-quality prob lem you are e xperiencing, and then see the correspon ding ref ere nce pages to tr oublesh oot.
104 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Light print or fade If a v er tical white streak or f aded area appears on the page: The toner supply is out. Install a new HP print car tridge. The media might not meet HP specifications (f or e xample , the paper is too moist or t oo rough).
ENWW T roubleshoo ting print-quality prob lems 105 T oner smear If toner smears app ear on the leading edge of t he media, the paper guid es are dir ty . See “ Cleaning the paper path and print-car tridge areas ” on page 7 8 and “ Cleaning the fuser ” on page 79 .
106 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Curl or wave Chec k the media type and quality . Both high temperat ure and humidity can cause paper curl. See “ Media specifications ” on page 134 . T ur n ov er the stac k of paper in the tr a y . Also try rotating the paper 18 0 ° in the input tra y .
ENWW T roubleshoot ing network printing prob lems 107 T r oubleshooting netw ork printing pr oblems Note HP recomm ends that you use the printe r CD-ROM to install and set up the print er on a network. Print a configur ation page ( see “ Conf iguration p age ” on pag e 72 ).
108 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW T r oubleshooting common Windo ws pr oblems Symptom P ossib le cause Solution Error message: “ Error Writing to LPT x ” in Windows 9 x . P aper is not loaded. Make sure that there is paper in the tra ys. Defectiv e or loose cable.
ENWW T roubleshooting common Macintosh pr oblems 109 T r oubleshooting common Macintosh pr oblems Choose th e item that best describe s the problem: prob lems in the Chooser printing errors USB prob lems OS X problems Symptom P ossible cause Solution Prob lems in the Chooser The LaserWri ter icon does not appear in th e Chooser .
110 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW Printing erro rs A print jo b was not sent to the printer that you wanted. Another printer w ith the same or similar name might hav e received y our print job. Check the AppleT alk na me of the printer display ed on the configuration page.
ENWW T roubleshooting common Macintosh pr oblems 111 USB prob lems A USB-connected HP LaserJet printer does not appear in the Macintosh Chooser . This problem is caused by either a software or hardware component. Software troub leshooting Make sure that your Macintosh computer suppor ts USB.
112 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW OS X problems Printer features do not appear . The wrong PPD is selected f or the printer . V erify which PPD is selected. In the Print dialog bo x, click Summary . V erify that the PPD for setting is correct. When using OSX v10.
ENWW T roubleshooting common Macintosh pr oblems 113 Selecting an alternate P ostScript Printer Description (PPD) MA C OS 9. x 1 Open the Chooser fr om the Apple men u. 2 Clic k the Laser Writer icon. 3 If y ou are on a netw ork that has multiple z ones , se lect the z one in the AppleT alk Zon es bo x where the printer is located.
114 Chapter 4 Problem solving ENWW T roub leshooting common P ostScript prob lems The f ollowing situ ations are specific to the P ostScript (PS) language and might occur when se v er al printer languages are be ing used. Chec k the control panel displa y f or messages that might help reso lv e problems.
ENWW 115 5 Ser vice and suppor t This section contains inf or mation to help y o u order supplies and conta ct HP . It also provides warr anty , repac king, and so ftware license inf or mation .
116 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Or dering par ts, accessories, and supplies This section provides inf or mation regard ing order ing par ts, supplies, and documentation. Us e only par ts and accessor ies specifically designed f or this printer .
ENWW Order ing par ts, accessor ies, and supplies 117 Or dering directly thr ough the printer software (f or printer s directly connected to a computer) The printer s oftw are gives y ou the ability to order supplies and accessories directly from the computer .
118 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Pa r t n u m b e r s P aper handling Memory Item Description or u se Par t n um b e r Optional 250-sheet tray and feeder unit Optional tra y to increase paper capacity . Holds A4, A5, B5 (ISO), B 5 (JIS), Letter , Legal, Executiv e, and 8.
ENWW Order ing par ts, accessor ies, and supplies 119 Cables and interfaces Documentation Item Description or use Pa r t nu m b e r Enhanced I/O (EIO) cards HP Jetdirect print ser ver multi-protocol E.
120 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Printing supplies F or more information about media suppli es, go to http://www .hp .com//go/ljsupplies . Item Description or u se Par t n um b e r Print car tr idge HP Smart Print Car tr idge Q2610A HP Soft Gloss laser paper F or use with HP LaserJet printers.
ENWW Order ing par ts, accessor ies, and supplies 121 HP LaserJet paper F or use with HP LaserJet printers. Good for letterhead, high-value memos, legal documents, direct mail, and correspondence. Specifications: 96 bright, 24 lb (90 g/m 2 ). Letter (8.
122 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW HP Office paper F or use with all office equipment — laser and inkjet pri nters, copiers, and f ax machines. Good f or high-volume printi ng. Specifications: 84 brig ht, 20 lb (75 g/m 2 ). Letter (8.5 b y 11 inch), 500 sheets/ream, 10-ream car ton HPC8511/Nor th America and Mexico Letter (8.
ENWW Contacting HP 123 Contacting HP This section pro vides inf ormation regarding how to contact HP to obtain product support (using the Internet or telephone) or to obtain additional se r vice and e xtend ed sup por t.
124 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Obtaining extended service and support Y ou can obtain e xtend ed service agreements o r suppor t packs f or your HP product. HP service agreements T o obta in an HP ser vice agreemen t, visit http://www .hp .com/suppor t .
ENWW Guidelines f or repac king the printer 125 Guidelines f or repac king the printer Use the following guidelines when you need to repack the pr in te r : Remov e and re tain any DIMMs (d ual in line memory modules) that you ha v e purchased and installed in t he printer.
126 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Service information f orm WHO IS RETURNING THE EQUIPMENT? Date: P erson to contact: Phone: ( ) Alter nate contact: Phone: ( ) Retur n shipping address: Special shipping instr uctions: WHA T IS BEING SENT? Model name: Model number: Serial number : Please attach any rele vant printouts when retur ning equipment.
ENWW HP maintenan c e agreem en ts 127 HP maintenance agreements HP has se v e ral types of mainten ance agreement s that meet a wide rang e of suppor t needs . Maintenance ag reements are not part of the standard w arrant y . Suppor t services vary by area.
128 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW W arranty information F o r w arranty statem ents, see “ Hewlett-P ac kard limited warr anty statement ” on page 129 and “ Limited war ranty f or print car tridge lif e ” on page 130 . Y ou can also locate printer war ranties on the Inter net.
ENWW W arranty inf ormation 129 Hewlett-P ackar d limited warranty statement 1 HP warrants to y ou, the end-user customer , that HP hardware and accessor ies will be free from def ects in mate rials and workmanship after the dat e of purchase , f or the period specified abov e.
130 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW Extended warranty HP Suppor tP ack pr ovides co ver age f or the HP hard ware prod uct an d all HP-supplied internal components . The hardw are maintenance co v ers a three- y ear period from date of the HP product purchase .
ENWW 131 A Specifications This section pro vides inf ormation about the f ollowing topics: “ Printer specifications ” on page 132 “ Media specifications ” on page 134.
132 A Specifications ENWW Printer specifications Ph ysical specifications Electrical specifications WA R N I N G ! P o wer req uirements are based on the countr y/regio n where the printer is sold. Do not con v er t operat ing volt ages. This ca n damage the printer and v oid the pro duct warr anty .
ENWW Pr inter specifications 133 Acoustic emissions Operating en vironment Sound power level Decl ared P er ISO 9296 Printi ng (HP LaserJet 2300L at 20 ppm) L WA d = 6.
134 A Specifications ENWW Media specifications This pr inter accepts a v ari ety of media, su ch as cut-sheet paper (including up to 100 per cent recycled fiber content pap er), en velop es, labels , transpa ren cies, and custom-siz e paper .
ENWW Media specifications 135 Tr a y 2 (250-shee t tra y) Dimensions 1 1. The printer supports a wide range of medi a sizes. See “ Printing on custom-sized media or cardstock ” on page 41 . We i g h t Capacity 2 2. Capacity can vary depending on media weigh t and thickness, and environmental conditions.
136 A Specifications ENWW Guidelines f or using paper F or best resu lts, mak e sure the pap er is of good quality , and free of cuts , nick s, tear s, spots , loose par ticles , dust, wrinkles, v oids , and curled or bent edges.
ENWW Media specifications 137 P aper specifications F or complete paper specifications f or all HP LaserJet pr inters, see the hp LaserJet pr inter f amily print media guide (a va ilable at http: //www .hp .com/suppor t/ljpaper guide ). Category Specifications Acid content 5.
138 A Specifications ENWW Printing and paper stora ge en vir onment Ideally , the pr inting an d pap er storage en vironment should be at or near ro om temperatu re, and not too dry or too humid. Remember paper is h ygroscopic; it absorbs and loses moisture rapidly .
ENWW Media specifications 139 En velopes Env elope construction is critical. En velop e fo ld lines can vary considerab ly , not only between manuf acture rs, b ut also within a bo x from t he same manuf act urer . Successful printing on env elopes dep ends upon the quality of the en velo pes.
140 A Specifications ENWW En velope mar gins The f ollowing giv e s typical address margins f or a commercial #10 or DL en v elo pe . Note F or the best print quality , position mar gins no closer than 15 mm (0.6 inch) from the edges of the env elope .
ENWW Media specifications 141 Labels CA UTION T o a v oid damaging the printer , use only labels recommended f or laser printers T o prev ent serious jams, alwa ys use tr a y 1 to print labels and alw ays use th e rear output bin. Ne v er print on the same sheet of labe ls more than once or print on a partial sheet of labels.
142 A Specifications ENWW.
ENWW 143 B Control panel men us Y o u can perf orm most routine printing tasks from the computer by using the prog ram or printer driver . These two methods are the most conv enient w a y to control the pr inter , and they will ov erride the printer control panel set tings.
144 B Control panel menus ENWW Retrie ve Job menu This menu pr ovides a list of th e stored jobs in the printer and access t o all the job stor age f eatures . Y ou can pr int or delet e these jobs at the printer control panel. See “ Using job-sto r age f eatures ” on page 57 f or more inf ormation about using this menu .
ENWW Information me nu 145 Inf ormation menu The Inf ormation menu contains printer inf ormation pages that giv e details about th e printer and its configuration .
146 B Control panel menus ENWW P aper Handling men u If paper-handlin g settings are correctly configure d at the printer control panel, y ou can print by selecting the type and size of pape r in t he progr am or printer driver .
ENWW P aper Handling men u 147 TRAY 2 TYPE ANY T YPE PLAIN PREPRINTED *LETTERHEAD TRANSPARENCY PREPUNCHED LABELS BOND RECYCLED COLOR CARDSTOCK>164 G /M2 ROUGH Sets the value to correspond with the paper type currently loaded in tray 2. TRAY 3 SIZE *ANY SIZE LETTER A4 Sets the value to correspond with the paper size currently loaded in tray 3.
148 B Control panel menus ENWW Configure De vice menu This menu conta ins administrative functions. “ Printing submenu ” on page 148 “ PCL submenu ” on page 150 “ Print Quality submenu ” o.
ENWW Configure Device men u 149 DUPLEX BINDING * LONG EDGE SHORT EDGE Changes the binding ed ge f or duplex pr inting . The menu item appears only if the pr inter include s a built-in duplex er (HP LaserJet 2300d printer , HP LaserJet 2300dn printer , and HP LaserJet 2300dtn printer) and DUPLEX=O N .
150 B Control panel menus ENWW PCL submenu The f ollowin g t ab le lists t he se ttin gs and p ossib le v alues . I n th e V alues column, the def ault v alue f or each setting is the on e with an as te r isk (*) next to it.
ENWW Configure Device men u 151 Print Quality submenu Some items on this men u are av ailab le in the progr am or printer driver (i f the appropriate driver is installed). Prog ram an d printer-driver settings o ver ride control panel sett ings. F or more inf orm ation, see “ Using the printer drive r ” on page 47 .
ENWW Configure Device men u 153 RESOLUTION 300 600 *FASTRES 1200 PRORES 1200 Selects the resolution. All values print at the same speed. 300 : Produces draft print quality an d can be used f or compatibility with the HP Lase rJet III f a mily of printers.
154 B Control panel menus ENWW System Setup submenu Items on this men u aff e ct printer beha vior . Configure the printer accordin g to y our p rinting needs . The f ollowin g t ab le lists t he se ttin gs and p ossib le v alues . I n th e V alues column, the def ault v alue f or each setting is the on e with an as te r isk (*) next to it.
ENWW Configure Device men u 155 PERSONALITY * AUTO PCL PS Selects the default printer language (personality). P ossible v alues are deter mined by which v alid languages are installed in the pr inter . Nor m all y , you should not change the printer language.
156 B Control panel menus ENWW JAM RECOVERY * AUTO OFF ON Deter m i nes how the printer behav es if a jam occurs. AUTO : The printer automatically selects the best mo de f or printer jam recove r y (usually ON ). OFF: The pr inter does not repri nt pages fo llo wing a jam.
ENWW Configure Device men u 157 I/O submenu Items on the I/ O (input/out put) menu aff ect the communicatio n between th e printer and the computer . The submenu appears on ly when an EIO (enhanced input / output) de vice is installed in an EIO slot on the printer (such as an HP Jetdirect print ser v er).
158 B Control panel menus ENWW DHCP settings DHCP RELEASE *NO YES This menu appears if CONFIG METHOD is set to DHCP and a DHCP lease for the print ser ver e xists. NO (def ault): The current DHCP lease is sav ed. YES : The current DHCP lease along with the lea s ed IP address are released.
ENWW Configure Device men u 159 SECURE WEB *HTTPS REQUIREMT HTTPS OPTIONAL F or configuration management, specify wheth er the embedded Web server will accept communications using HTTPS (Secure HTTP) only , or both HTTP and HTTPS. HTTPS REQUIRED (default): F or secure, encrypted communications, only HTTPS access is ac cepted.
160 B Control panel menus ENWW Resets submenu Items on the Resets submen u relate to returning settings to the def aults and changing settings such as P o werSa v e. The f ollowin g t ab le lists t he se ttin gs and p ossib le v alues . I n th e V alues column, the def ault v alue f or each setting is the on e with an as te r isk (*) next to it.
ENWW Diagnostics menu 161 Diagnostics men u Administra tors can use this submen u to isolate par ts and to troub leshoot jam and print-quality issues. The f ollowing tab le lists the settings and possible v alues . In the V alues column, the default v alue f or each setting is t he one with an asterisk (*) ne xt to it.
162 B Control panel menus ENWW.
ENWW 163 C Pr inter memor y and e xpansion This section e xplains the memo r y f eatures of the printer and pro vides steps f or e xpansion . “ Printer memory ” on page 164 “ Installing memor y .
164 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW Printer memory The printer comes with one dual inline me mor y module (DIMM) already installed in the right-most slot position on the f ormatter (labeled “ Boot DIMM Only ” ).
ENWW Installing memor y 165 Installing memory CA UTION Static electricity can damage DIMMs. When handling DIMMs, either wear an antista tic wrist strap or frequent ly touch the surf ace of the DIMM antista tic package , then touch ba re metal on the printer .
166 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW 6 Remov e the DIMM from the an tista tic package. CA UTION T o reduce the possibility of damage caused by static electricity , always wear an elect rostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap or touch the sur f ace of the antistat ic pac kage bef ore hand ling DIMMs.
ENWW Checking me mor y installation 167 Chec king memory installation T o verify that DIMMs are in stalled correctly: 1 T ur n the printer on. Chec k that the printer contr ol pa nel displa ys the R EADY light after the printer has gone thr ough the startup sequence.
168 Appendix C Printer memory and ex pansion ENWW Installing an HP Jetdirect EIO card 1 T ur n the pr inter off, and disconnect the power cord. 2 Open the interf a ce cable door by pressin g on the release tabs and s winging the do or outwar d. Disconnect all i nterf ace cab les .
ENWW 169 D Pr inter commands Most softwa re progr ams do not require y ou to ente r printer commands. See y our co mputer and softwa re documentation to find the method f o r entering printer commands, if needed. Note See “ Common PCL 5e printer comma nds ” on page 172 f or a list of commonly used PCL 5e commands .
170 Appendix D Printer commands ENWW Understanding PCL printer command syntax Bef ore using printer commands , compare th ese characters: Many printer commands use the lo wercase le tter l ( l ) and the number one (1), or the uppercase letter O ( O ) and the numb er zer o ( 0 ).
ENWW Entering escape characters 171 Entering escape character s Printer commands alwa ys begin with the e scape charact er (?). The f ollo wing tab le shows how the esca pe character can be entered f rom v arious MS-DOS software programs. Selecting PCL 5e f onts The pr inter font list provides PCL 5 e printer commands for selecting fonts.
172 Appendix D Printer commands ENWW Common PCL 5e printer commands Function Command Options (#) Job contr ol co mmands Reset ? En / a Number of Copies ? & l #X 1 to 999 P age contr ol commands Pa.
ENWW Common PCL 5e printer command s 173 Horizontal P osition (Columns) ? &a#C # = column number Horizontal P osition (Dots) ? *p#X # = dot nu mb er (3 00 dots = 1 inch) Horizontal P osition (Deci.
174 Appendix D Printer commands ENWW.
ENWW FCC regulations 175 E Regulator y inf or mation FCC regulations This equipment has been tested an d f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de vice , pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are d esigned to prov ide reasonab le protection again st harmful interfe rence in a residential installati on.
176 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW En vironmental pr oduct stewar dship pr ogram Protecting the en vironment Hewle tt-P ac kard Compan y is committed to pro viding quality prod ucts in an environment ally sound manner . This product has been designed with se v eral attrib utes to minimiz e impacts on our environment.
ENWW Environm ental product ste w ardship progr am 177 inspection, sele cted par ts are reclaimed f or use in ne w car tridges. Re maining materials are separat ed and conv erted into raw mat erials for use b y other ind ustries to make a v ariety of useful products .
178 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW Dec larations of conf ormity Dec laration of Conformity according to ISO/ IEC Guide 22 and EN 45 014 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-P ackard Compan y Man.
ENWW Declarations of conf or mity 179 Canadian DOC regulations Complies with Canadian EMC Class B requirements . « Conforme à la c lasse B des nor mes canadiennes de compatibilit é é lectromagn é tiques « CEM » .
180 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW Regulatory and safety statements Laser safety statement The Center f or De vices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the U .S . Food and Drug Administrati on has implemented regulations f or laser p roducts manuf a ctured since A ugust 1, 1976.
ENWW Regulatory and saf ety statements 181 Laser statement f or Finland LASER TUR V ALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APP ARA T HP LaserJet 2300 -laserkirjoitin on k ä ytt ä j ä n kannalta turvallinen luokan 1 laserlaite.
182 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW.
ENWW Index 183 Index Symbols ? button on control panel 23, 88 Numerics 10Base-T and 10/100Base-TX, ordering cards 119 1200 dpi resolution 153 250-sheet tray. See tray 2 (250-sheet) 26 2-sided printing. See duplexing 3 by 5 cards, printing 41 300 dpi resolution 153 3-hole punched paper fuser modes 152 printing on 42 500-sheet tray.
184 Index ENWW configuration page from the printer 87 printing from the printer 72 viewing with embedded Web server 63 configuration utility for printer drivers 66 Configure Device menu 148 configuring printer drivers 66 conserving energy 176 environment 176 paper 176 toner 176 consumables.
ENWW Index 185 duplexer jams 101 paper access plate 101 settings 148 supported sizes and weight for media 135 duplexing automatic and manual 43 description 43 E EconoMode description 51 setting 153 Ed.
186 Index ENWW HP Web Jetadmin availability by operating system 13 checking toner level 70 configuring e-mail alerts 71 plug-in for managing and configuring printer drivers 66 HP-GL/2 commands 169 HP-.
ENWW Index 187 M Macintosh Appletalk setting 158 availability of software by operating system 13 changing printer driver defaults 48 changing settings for a print job 47 HP LaserJet Utility 15 install.
188 Index ENWW P page count 73 page orientation default 150 pages adding blank to beginning of print jobs 55 adding blank to end of print job 55 blank 102 curled or wavy 106 gray background 104 light .
ENWW Index 189 print jobs adding blank page to beginning 55 adding blank page to end 55 canceling 23, 46 deleting held 58 deleting private 59 printing private 58 proofing and holding 57 retention 154 .
190 Index ENWW Service control panel menu 161 settings changing defaults in printer driver for Macintosh 48 changing defaults in printer driver for Windows 48 changing for a print job in Macintosh 47 .
ENWW Index 191 transparencies fuser modes 152 ordering 122 printing on 40 specifications 141 supported sizes and types 134 tray 1 capacities 134 custom-size settings 148 loading 31 media sizes and typ.
192 Index ENWW Windows availability of software by operating system 13 changing printer driver defaults 48 changing settings for a print jo b 47 installing printing system software 16 sharing 17 suppo.
*Q2431 * *Q2431 * -90902 -90902 QXXXX-90 9XX prin ted on r ecy cled pa per copy r igh t 200 2 Hew lett -P ack ar d Compan y © http://www pport/lj2 3 00 prin ted in German y prin ted in German y http://www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2300dn insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.