Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto QUANTUM 400 PLUS del fabbricante GoClever
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2 User manual Version 1.0 for Android 4.2.2.
3 A bout this use r manual This user manual is specially designed to help our us ers enhance their product experience Please read this ma nual thoroughly to e nsure sa fe and proper use of Gocleve.
6 Home screens – Your home screen is the starting point f or accessing all of phone’s features. The home screen has multiple panels to view them swipe right or left. Status bar – Man y useful information and notifications w ill be displayed h ere e.
7 Main menu screen – Your m ain menu screen contains all the apps you have installed on the d evice. You can also browse through available widgets. To browse between multiple panels, swipe left or right with your fingertip. Touch to return to a pr evious screen or touch the home button to return to the home screen at any time.
8 Caution – only use your fingertips while using the device. Tap - to open an application, press an on screen button, to enter a character using the on screen keyboard or to select a menu item gently tap it with your fingertip. Tap and hold – tap and hold for a short while to access extra options available for a given item.
9 Long press and drag – to move your application icons, long press the application icon and drag. Zoom in – spread your finger on map screen, web page or an imag e to zoom in Zoom out – pinch f .
10 Motion gesture – You can rotate your p hone in order to ha ve a better view. For many screens you can au tomatically change your screen orienta tion by tilting th e device sideways. W hile writing you can tilt the device in order to use a bigger keyboard.
11 A utomatic lock screen – W hen your phone is not in use, lock your phone to prevent unwanted operation and save battery life. To lock the screen, press the power button To unlock the screen, press th e p ower button and slide th e lock icon to the side W hen your ph one is locked, noth ing ha ppens if you touch the screen.
12 Press and hold to easily access recen tly used apps, slide your finger up and down to review the complete list. Notifications – To make s ure you don ’t m iss any information many applications provide alerts and notifications.
13 Quick settings – quick settings allow you to conveniently and swiftly ch ange major device functions like: W IF I, GPS, Data connection and ot hers A ccessing quick settings – to access quick se ttings slide down the notification panel with your fingertip and press the quick me nu icon.
14 7. Bluetooth – Activates or deactivates the Bluetooth feature 8. GPS – Activates or deactivates the GPS feature 9. Flashlight- Activates or deactivates the torch 10. A udio profiles – switch between : general, outdoor, silent and meeting audio profiles 11.
15 Typing – as you type, each letter appears abov e y our finger. The letter isn’t entered until you choose the desired word or press space. Uppercase letters – T ap the shift key for one upp ercase let ter. Tap and press to to ggle on and off uppercase letters.
16 Copy and paste text – T ap and hold on the text you have typed to bring up the copy and paste menu. Select the whole text – Tap to select the whole text Cut text – Tap to cut the .
17 GPRS network connected EDGE network connected HSPA + network connected Roaming, outside of the normal service area . Bluetooth is activated Flight mode activated - Silen.
18 You can make calls from the Phone app, the People app, or other widgets that display contact information. W he rever you see a phone number, you can usually touch it to dial. To open the Ph one app, to uch the Phone icon on a Home or All App s screen .
19 W hen you receive a phone call, the Incoming Call screen opens and displays the phone number. If the ca ller is a n existing contact in your Peoples app, additional information may be displayed. W hen a call arriv es, touch the white phone icon and slide over to one of the following icons: Answer call Start talking to the cal ler.
20 The call log is a list of a ll the calls you’ve placed, received, or missed. It provides a convenient way to redial a number, return a call, or add a number to y our Contacts. W it hin the Phone app, th e call log is in th e lower lef t corner of the screen.
21 During a call, you can touch the following icons near the bottom of the screen. Shows the ke y pad Turns the speak erphone on or of f. If a Bluetooth headset is connected, t his functions as a three- way s witch among the built -in earpiece, the speakerphone, and the headset.
22 Touch sounds - check for touch sounds. Open messages From a Home or All apps screen, touch the Messaging icon The Messaging screen opens, where you can create a new message o r open an ongoing conversation. To read the messages in an existing con versation, touch the conversation.
23 You can send text (SMS) messages of up to 160 characters to anot her mobile phone. If you keep typing after the limit, your message will be delivered as a series of messages (if your network provid.
24 4. Touch the Send icon The Message screen opens. Reponses appear in the screen. As you view and send additional messages, a message conversation is created. Create and send a multimedia message 1. In the main Mess aging screen, t ouch the New Message icon 2.
25 6. Touch the Send icon . Respond to messages you received - Messages you receive are displayed in the messaging screen. Otherwise, you rece ive a new message notification and a new message icon appears on your screen.
26 A lw ay s auto-retrie v e – Always auto-retrieve MMS even data is off. WAP PUSH Setting Enable WAP PUSH- Enable to retrieve W AP PUSH Other settings Edit quick text- click to edit quick text Personal Signature- Attach a personal signature to your message Signature content - Set content of your personal signature.
27 contacts, the contacts will only be added to the phonebook y ou have selected. Vie w contacts – On the home screen, or in the main menu tap T ip – by de fault the phone contacts and si m contac.
28 Import export contacts - View co ntact list by tapping the phone book button . T ap > Im port/export, select the contacts storage, choose the desired contacts and tap OK. Delete contacts - W it h “All” icons checked, and the delete button clicked, all the contact people data, including ce ll phone and SIM card of co ntact wil l be erased.
29 Emergency call s – In som e regions, you can make emergency calls even if you don’t have a SIM card insta lled. If you are not in the vicinity of a base sta tion you will not be able to make an emergency call. Tip – in most European countries the em ergency number is 112.
30 3) In the notification panel, choose the "Media equipment (MTP)" connection mod e. It can be used with a PC to act as an USB storage device. The phone connection c amera (PTP) – let’s you transfer photos using came ra software and transfer any files on computers that don’t support MTP.
31 If you enable the notification option in the W i-Fi settings, The status box will display this icon when an open available wireless network has been found. Touch one of the W i-F i choices to connect to the network. W he n you choose the open ne twork option, the phone will co nnect to it automatically.
32 The above symbolize dat a transfer speeds. They ha ve been listed from the faste st to the slowest. The speed of the data transfer depends on a couple of factors. Including your operator . GPS receiver basics Like a cell phone, a GPS receiver relies on radio waves.
33 Turn on Bluetooth or set the phone as available for detection 1) Press Home > Menu , then tap Settings . 2) Tap W ireless and internet, then select the Bluetooth box to open the Bluetooth functionality. Once started, the status box will sh ow this icon .
34 Create an email account 1. Select Email > Settings . You ca n a ctivate or edit existing e-ma il accounts as well as set up a new e - mail account.
35 W hen the icon depicting signal strength is visible, it is possible to make and receive calls. The signal bar in the top right corner shows the strength of the network signal (the maximum is 4 signal bars) . Start dialing Open the Main menu > Dial .
36 Two-way call/multiparty call (conference call) Notice: this f unction needs a SIM card supporting the multiparty call feature. 1) A call is already active 2) Click “Ad d callers”, make anothe r call, after both p arties are connected one can view the status of the call.
37 3) Peer v ideo replacement: Se t a picture to be displayed when peer video is unavailable. 4) Enable back camera: Enables switching cameras if the option is turned on. 5) Bigger Peer video: Turn on to make the peer v ideo bigger than the local video.
38 Send MMS to certain phone number W hen creating message, it is created as an SMS b y default, it will be turned to MMS when following operations a re done.
39 A dd a new access point - Access Point Names (APNs) connect your p hone to data networks for services such as mobile web browsing. On the home screen or quick menu tap , tap More > Mobile networks > Access P oint Names . On the AP Ns scree n, tap > New A PN.
40 W ebsite images - T ab an hold on an image on a website to: save it, view it, set it as your wallpaper or share the link with your friends. Links - Ta b an hold on an link on a website to: open it, open it in a new tab, save the li nk, co py the links URL address, save the link as a bookmark or to select a the text.
41 Tip – you can clear your browsing history by accessing the web browser sett ings , tapping Privacy & Securi ty>Clear his tory>OK Open the camera app – in the Main Menu, select Camera. Take pictures 1 ) Aim your screen at the object. 2 ) T ap the “shutter ” button on the screen.
42 During a recording – the recording timer will be displayed here. Tip – in both picture and video m odes, yo u can z oom in, by double tapping the scree n or performing the z oo m in gesture Camera settings - Y ou can tap or the camera settings in the camera panel.
43 Photo gall ery – In th e photo gallery, you can browse y our available images in various folders. . View ima ges - From the picture screen, tap a photo album to view images. . T ap the thumbnail to view the picture in full scree n mode. Y ou can choose to display small or large thumbnails.
44 Notice: Special occasions such as birthd ay s set the all - day op tion to Y es. If the activity takes place at a certain time period, select the start time and end time. 3)Enter the event location, description, guests, repeat, reminder ti me. 4) Click Finish to return to calendar .
45 selected artist will appear . Select one album, then the songs in it will be played. Interface Buttons Menu: Refresh music – refreshing music list Party shuffle - shuffle songs Shuffle all - shuf fle all songs Y o u may listen to FM radio using your phone.
46 Some d efault device settings may be provided, so you may not be able to change these settings. Wi - Fi T ap W i - Fi , to enable. T he display cha nges to .
47 Audio profiles Here you can change the phones existing audio profiles, or a dd n ew aud io profiles. Y ou can change: V olumes, V oice call ringtones, Video call ringtones, Default notification sounds, toggle vibrations and change other sound options.
48 Location access A ccess to my location - Let ’s apps that have asked for your permi ssion use your location information Wifi & mobile network location –Lets ap ps use Googles location service to estimate your location f aster .
49 o Language - set default language for voice search o Speech output - set type of speech output o Block offensive words - hide recognized o ffensiv e voice results o Bluetooth handse t - records aud.
50 A utorebot - check to be able set autoreboot time setting Large text - check to display large text on screen Power button ends call A uto - rotate screen T e xt - to - speech ou.
51 The touch screen responds slowly or improperl y Remove any protective covers from the touch screen Please make sure that your hands are clean and dry when handling a device with a touch scr.
52 Others cannot hear you speaking during a call Make sure that you are not covering the built in microphone Make sure that the microphone is close to your mouth Cannot find other bluetooth de.
53 gets into your eyes. If this occurs rinse eyes immediately with clea r water (under no circumstances rub your eyes) and immediately go to a hospital for treatment. Do no t disassemble or modify your m obile phone in an y way. You forfeit your warranty and you risk damaging your device.
54 If the liquid f rom inside the batterie goes in to your eyes, there is a risk of blindness. If this occurs do not rub your e yes, but immediate ly rinse them with clear water and go to the hospital for treatment. Please do n ot disassemble or modify the battery, as this will cause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
55 Please do not use the charger i f the power cord is damaged, as th is will cause fire or electrical shock. Please immediately clean any dust gathered on the electrical outlet.
56 WARRA NTY CARD DATE OF SALE: ...................... .................... ........................ .................... .................. ..................... ................ ...................... MANUFACTURE D ATE: ...................... ......
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo GoClever QUANTUM 400 PLUS insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.